DevCourseWeb com Udemy Google Flutter Dart build app for Android and iOS |
Name |
[ ] Udemy - Google Flutter Dart - build app for Android and iOS |
DOWNLOAD Copy Link |
Total Size |
1.6 GB |
Total Files |
625 |
Last Seen |
2025-02-19 23:37 |
Hash |
36C03245D1DB2CC42C9322ABA2C8E385A99EAEF1 |
/ |
0.2 KB |
/1. Introduction/ |
14.4 MB |
15.3 MB |
3. Environment and SDK set up + Android and iOS simulator setup.mp4 |
86.2 MB |
38.4 MB |
/.../2. Basic flutter (create a card and a list)/ |
138.1 MB |
101.0 MB |
/.../2. Basic flutter (create a card and a list)/images/ |
275.3 KB |
168.0 KB |
81.1 KB |
221.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/ |
1. Use GoRouter to navigate to a second screen with a parameter.mp4 |
149.5 MB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ |
0.6 KB |
1.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
1.7 KB |
7.3 KB |
4.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/ |
2.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/debug/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/ |
1.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/roverexplorer/roverexplorer/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ |
0.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ |
1.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/app/src/profile/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/ |
0.6 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.1 KB |
5.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.6 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/checksums/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/dependencies-accessors/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/executionHistory/ |
2.4 MB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileChanges/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileHashes/ |
137.7 KB |
0.0 KB |
18.9 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
22.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/vcs-1/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/android/gradle/wrapper/ |
53.6 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/build/237660f313b2d5812d2b9d18ff3447c8/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/build/app/intermediates/flutter/debug/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/build/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/dart_tool/dartpad/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_build/0bbd4af6e926aaa98c1c970aba53d966/ |
36.3 MB |
0.2 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
76.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n/ |
5.1 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/dart_tool/ |
5.6 KB |
6.2 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/images/ |
275.3 KB |
168.0 KB |
81.1 KB |
221.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Flutter/ |
0.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
24.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/ |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
2.6 KB |
10.9 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.7 KB |
0.8 KB |
1.2 KB |
1.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ |
0.4 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
2.4 KB |
1.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/ios/ |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/data/ |
1.1 KB |
1.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/domain/model/ |
0.6 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/l10n/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/ |
2.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/screens/ |
0.5 KB |
0.8 KB |
3.7 KB |
1.7 KB |
2.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/service/ |
0.6 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/lib/service/model/ |
0.5 KB |
0.6 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/linux/ |
5.3 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.2 KB |
3.8 KB |
0.4 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/linux/flutter/ |
2.9 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ephemeral/ |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
26.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.8 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/ |
0.2 KB |
0.4 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
1.4 KB |
103.0 KB |
5.7 KB |
0.5 KB |
14.1 KB |
1.1 KB |
36.4 KB |
2.2 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
24.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Configs/ |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/macos/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/test/ |
1.1 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/web/ |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/web/icons/ |
5.3 KB |
8.3 KB |
5.6 KB |
21.0 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/windows/ |
4.0 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/windows/flutter/ |
3.7 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/windows/runner/ |
1.8 KB |
3.2 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
1.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
0.7 KB |
8.8 KB |
3.6 KB |
/.../3. Navigation (create a second screen with a parameter)/roverexplorer/windows/runner/resources/ |
33.8 KB |
/.../4. App localization (extract string in a json file)/ |
1. Create a file for the strings display in the flutter app.mp4 |
39.0 MB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/ |
156.8 MB |
2. Display the result of the network request on the screen using Provider.mp4 |
275.7 MB |
75.0 MB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ |
0.6 KB |
1.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
1.7 KB |
7.3 KB |
4.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/ |
2.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/debug/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/ |
1.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/roverexplorer/roverexplorer/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ |
0.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ |
1.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/app/src/profile/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/ |
0.6 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.1 KB |
5.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.6 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/checksums/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/dependencies-accessors/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/executionHistory/ |
2.4 MB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileChanges/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileHashes/ |
137.7 KB |
0.0 KB |
18.9 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
22.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/vcs-1/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/android/gradle/wrapper/ |
53.6 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/build/237660f313b2d5812d2b9d18ff3447c8/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/build/app/intermediates/flutter/debug/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/build/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/dart_tool/dartpad/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_build/0bbd4af6e926aaa98c1c970aba53d966/ |
36.3 MB |
0.2 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
76.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n/ |
5.1 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/dart_tool/ |
5.6 KB |
6.2 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/images/ |
275.3 KB |
168.0 KB |
81.1 KB |
221.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Flutter/ |
0.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
24.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/ |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
2.6 KB |
10.9 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.7 KB |
0.8 KB |
1.2 KB |
1.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ |
0.4 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
2.4 KB |
1.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/ios/ |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/data/ |
1.1 KB |
1.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/domain/model/ |
0.6 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/l10n/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/ |
2.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/screens/ |
0.5 KB |
0.8 KB |
3.7 KB |
1.7 KB |
2.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/service/ |
0.6 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/lib/service/model/ |
0.5 KB |
0.6 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/linux/ |
5.3 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.2 KB |
3.8 KB |
0.4 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/linux/flutter/ |
2.9 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ephemeral/ |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
26.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.8 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/ |
0.2 KB |
0.4 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
1.4 KB |
103.0 KB |
5.7 KB |
0.5 KB |
14.1 KB |
1.1 KB |
36.4 KB |
2.2 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
24.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Configs/ |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/macos/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/test/ |
1.1 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/web/ |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/web/icons/ |
5.3 KB |
8.3 KB |
5.6 KB |
21.0 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/windows/ |
4.0 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/windows/flutter/ |
3.7 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/windows/runner/ |
1.8 KB |
3.2 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
1.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
0.7 KB |
8.8 KB |
3.6 KB |
/.../5. Create the first network request/roverexplorer/windows/runner/resources/ |
33.8 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/ |
124.0 MB |
274.4 MB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ |
0.6 KB |
1.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
1.7 KB |
7.3 KB |
4.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/ |
2.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/debug/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/ |
1.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/roverexplorer/roverexplorer/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ |
0.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ |
1.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/main/res/values/ |
1.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/app/src/profile/ |
0.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/ |
0.6 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.1 KB |
5.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.6 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/checksums/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/dependencies-accessors/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/executionHistory/ |
2.4 MB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileChanges/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/fileHashes/ |
137.7 KB |
0.0 KB |
18.9 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/7.5/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/buildOutputCleanup/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
22.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/vcs-1/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/android/gradle/wrapper/ |
53.6 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/build/237660f313b2d5812d2b9d18ff3447c8/ |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/build/app/intermediates/flutter/debug/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/build/ |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/dart_tool/dartpad/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_build/0bbd4af6e926aaa98c1c970aba53d966/ |
36.3 MB |
0.2 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.0 KB |
76.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n/ |
5.1 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/dart_tool/flutter_gen/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/dart_tool/ |
5.6 KB |
6.2 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/images/ |
275.3 KB |
168.0 KB |
81.1 KB |
221.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Flutter/ |
0.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
24.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/ |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
1.8 KB |
0.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
2.6 KB |
10.9 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.7 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.7 KB |
0.8 KB |
1.2 KB |
1.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ |
0.4 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
2.4 KB |
1.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/ios/ |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/data/ |
1.1 KB |
1.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/domain/model/ |
0.6 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/l10n/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/ |
2.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/screens/ |
0.5 KB |
0.8 KB |
3.7 KB |
1.7 KB |
2.0 KB |
2.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/service/ |
0.6 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/lib/service/model/ |
0.5 KB |
0.6 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.9 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/linux/ |
5.3 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.2 KB |
3.8 KB |
0.4 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/linux/flutter/ |
2.9 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ |
0.0 KB |
0.0 KB |
0.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Flutter/ephemeral/ |
0.4 KB |
0.5 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/ |
26.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/ |
3.8 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/ |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/ |
0.2 KB |
0.4 KB |
1.1 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ |
1.4 KB |
103.0 KB |
5.7 KB |
0.5 KB |
14.1 KB |
1.1 KB |
36.4 KB |
2.2 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Base.lproj/ |
24.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/Runner/Configs/ |
0.7 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.1 KB |
0.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/RunnerTests/ |
0.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/macos/ |
0.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/test/ |
1.1 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/web/ |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/web/icons/ |
5.3 KB |
8.3 KB |
5.6 KB |
21.0 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/windows/ |
4.0 KB |
0.3 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/windows/flutter/ |
3.7 KB |
0.2 KB |
0.3 KB |
0.7 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/windows/runner/ |
1.8 KB |
3.2 KB |
1.9 KB |
1.0 KB |
1.3 KB |
0.4 KB |
0.9 KB |
1.9 KB |
0.7 KB |
8.8 KB |
3.6 KB |
/.../6. Display photos from Mars of each rover from the network/roverexplorer/windows/runner/resources/ |
33.8 KB |
/~Get Your Files Here !/ |
0.4 KB |
Total files 625 |
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