
Download DigLib [Ver. 1.2] - Part 08 - Authors - Non-Fiction - P-Z

DigLib Ver Part 08 Authors Non Fiction


DigLib [Ver. 1.2] - Part 08 - Authors - Non-Fiction - P-Z


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18.7 GB

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/.../Audio On Paine/

Thomas Paine's 'Rights Of Man' [A Biography 1].mp3

71.5 MB

Thomas Paine's 'Rights Of Man' [A Biography 2].mp3

69.2 MB

Thomas Paine's 'Rights Of Man' [A Biography 3].mp3

68.0 MB

/Paine, Thomas/Audio/

Thomas Paine - Common Sense [Part 1].mp3

12.0 MB

Thomas Paine - Common Sense [Part 2].mp3

14.8 MB

/.../Texts On Paine/

America's Debt To Thomas Paine.pdf

867.4 KB

Life Of Thomas Paine.pdf

20.5 MB

Thomas Paine [The Great Philosophers Unveiled].pdf

195.7 KB

Thomas Paine And The Birth Of The Welfare State.pdf

110.9 KB

Thomas Paine And The Literature Of Revolution.pdf

1.4 MB

Thomas Paine Liberator.pdf

1.6 MB

Trial Of Thomas Paine.pdf

1.1 MB

/Paine, Thomas/

Age Of Reason.pdf

294.3 KB

American Crisis.pdf

1.1 MB

Collected Writings [Volume 1].pdf

21.0 MB

Collected Writings [Volume 2].pdf

25.7 MB

Collected Writings [Volume 3].pdf

20.9 MB

Collected Writings [Volume 4].pdf

26.4 MB

Common Sense.pdf

663.5 KB

Rights Of Man.pdf

340.1 KB

/Palat, Ravi Arvind/

Barbarians At The Gate [Restructuring Asia's Pacific Rim After Crash Of 1997-1998].pdf

410.5 KB

Beyond Orientalism [Decolonizing Asian Studies].pdf

156.7 KB

Capitalist Restructuring And The Pacific Rim.pdf

1.0 MB

Eyes Wide Shut [Reconceptualizing The Asian Crisis].pdf

321.5 KB

Flailing Eagle, Crouching Tigers [Decline Of U.S. Power And New Asian Regionalism].pdf

45.4 KB

Is India Part Of Asia.pdf

203.6 KB

Miracles Of The Day Before [The Great Asian Meltdown And The Changing World-Economy].pdf

132.7 KB

New Bandung [Economic Growth VS Distributive Justice Among Emerging Powers].pdf

370.9 KB

New Rules For Destroying Old Countries.pdf

227.3 KB

Pacific Century [Myth Or Reality].pdf

908.7 KB

Up The Down Staircase [Australasia In The 'Pacific Century'].pdf

3.2 MB

/.../Texts On Pannekoek/

Anton Pannekoek And The Socialism Of Workers' Self-Emancipation [1873-1960].pdf

7.1 MB

Anton Pannekoek On Organisation.pdf

740.6 KB

From Left Radicalism To Council Communism [Anton Pannekoek And German Revolutionary Marxism].pdf

83.5 KB

/Pannekoek, Anton/

Lenin As Philosopher.pdf

734.0 KB

Marxism And Darwinism.pdf

1.3 MB

Selected Writings [1902-1953].pdf

3.7 MB

Society And Mind In Marxian Philosophy.pdf

73.2 KB

Workers' Councils.pdf

15.1 MB

World Revolution And Communist Tactics.pdf

275.8 KB

/.../Texts On Panofsky/

Fritz Novotny And The New Vienna School Of Art History [On Panofsky And Others].pdf

237.5 KB

/Panofsky, Erwin/

Erasmus And The Visual Arts.pdf

2.9 MB

Life And Art Of Albrecht Dürer.pdf

2.7 MB

Meaning In The Visual Arts [Papers In And On Art History].pdf

1.3 MB

Perspective As Symbolic Form.pdf

34.2 MB

Relationship Of Art History And Art Theory [Towards The Possibility Of A Fundamental System Of Concepts For A Science Of Art].pdf

139.6 KB

/.../Texts On Pareto/

Don't Misuse The Pareto Principle.pdf

213.4 KB

Pareto And Political Theory.pdf

936.7 KB

Social Justice [Hume, Mill, Pareto, Walzer].pdf

1.6 MB

Vilfredo Pareto [1848-1923 I].pdf

7.2 MB

Vilfredo Pareto [1848-1923 II].pdf

35.0 KB

Vilfredo Pareto And The Integrability Problem Of Demand Functions.pdf

447.1 KB

/Pareto, Vilfredo/

Mind And Society [Volume 1].pdf

3.2 MB

Mind And Society [Volume 3].pdf

3.9 MB

Mind And Society [Volume 4].pdf

4.9 MB

Parliamentary Régime In Italy.pdf

22.9 MB

/.../Audio On Parmenides/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Parmenides].mp3

3.5 MB


9.2 MB

Plato, Socrates, And The Dialogues - Parmenides [Most True].mp3

17.1 MB

Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno.mp3

23.7 MB

/.../Texts On Parmenides/

'Parmenides' Of Plato [Introduction, Analysis, And Notes].pdf

7.8 MB

Legacy Of Parmenides [Eleatic Monism And Later Presocratic Thought].pdf

16.1 MB

Parmenides [Benjamin Jowett Translation].pdf

110.6 KB

Parmenides [Samuel Scolnicov Translation, With Commentary].pdf

1.1 MB

Parmenides And Being.pdf

1.0 MB

Parmenides And Myth.pdf

436.9 KB

Parmenides Of Elea.pdf

6.4 MB


8.8 MB

Plato's 'Parmenides' [II.].pdf

592.4 KB

Plato's 'Parmenides'.pdf

1.1 MB

Plato's Arguments Against Conceptualism ['Parmenides' Reconsidered].pdf

518.7 KB

Pre-Parmenidean Pythagoreanism.pdf

7.8 MB

Presocratics After Heidegger [Anaximander, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Parmenides].pdf

5.6 MB

Why Mathematical Solutions Of Zeno's Paradoxes Miss The Point [On Zeno And Parmenides].pdf

230.4 KB


Nature [Greek And English].pdf

243.7 KB

/.../Texts On Parsons/

Functionalism And Its Critics [Talcott Parsons And Gabriel Almond].pdf

585.3 KB

Neglected Element Of Human Emotion In Talcott Parson's 'The Structure Of Social Action'.pdf

212.1 KB

Talcott Parsons [Problems Of Theory Construction].pdf

1.7 MB

Talcott Parsons On Law And The Legal System.pdf

352.3 KB

Talcott Parsons' Sociology And The English School [Investigations Into A Mutual Non-Perception].pdf

173.3 KB

Three Static Explanation-Logics For Describing Education [Parsons, Skinner, And Smith].pdf

391.3 KB

/Parsons, Talcott/

Essays In Sociological Theory.pdf

2.9 MB

Evaluation Of The Work Of Bronislaw Malinowski [Essay].pdf

2.1 MB

Role Of Ideas In Social Action.pdf

411.9 KB

Social System.pdf

3.5 MB

Structure Of Social Action [A Study In Social Theory].pdf

5.2 MB

Theories Of Society [Foundations Of Modern Sociological Theory - Volume 1].pdf

9.1 MB

Theories Of Society [Foundations Of Modern Sociological Theory - Volume 2].pdf

10.6 MB

Toward A General Theory Of Action.pdf

3.5 MB

Writings On Sociology, Aesthetic Form, And The Specificity Of Art.pdf

98.0 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Pascal/

Pascal 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Pascal 10.mp3

1.4 MB

/.../Audio On Pascal/

Birth Of The Modern Mind - Skepticism And Jansenism Of Blaise Pascal.mp3

27.2 MB

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Pascal's 'Pensees'.mp3

10.6 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Pascal [Skepticism And Jansenism].mp3

7.3 MB

Richard Dawkins - 'The God Delusion' [Pascal's Wager].mp3

2.4 MB

/.../Texts On Pascal/

Blaise Pascal [1623-1662].pdf

203.1 KB

Blaise Pascal [Mathematician, Mystic, Disciple].pdf

62.3 KB

Companion To Blaise Pascal.pdf

3.2 MB

Good Life In The Scientific Revolution [Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, And The Cultivation Of Virtue].pdf

4.2 MB

Pascal's Wager [Pragmatic Arguments And Belief In God].pdf

1.4 MB

/Pascal, Blaise/


607.2 KB

Provincial Letters.pdf

513.1 KB

/.../Audio On Pavlov/

Great Ideas Of Psychology - Pavlov And The Conditioned Reflex.mp3

7.3 MB

/Pavlov, Ivan/

Lectures On The Work Of The Cerebral Hemisphere [Lecture One].pdf

98.8 KB

Work Of Digestive Glands.pdf

17.6 MB

/.../Texts On Peirce/

'You Know My Method' [A Juxtaposition Of Charles S. Peirce And Sherlock Holmes].pdf

4.4 MB

Companion To Charles Sanders Peirce.pdf

1.3 MB

Critical Pragmatism [Marcuse, Adorno, And Peirce].pdf

230.1 KB

Lotman's Semiosphere, Peirce's Categories, And Cultural Forms Of Life.pdf

267.3 KB

Peirce And The Autonomy Of Abductive Reasoning.pdf

131.0 KB

Peirce In 21st Century Science And Philosophy [New Prospects].pdf

81.2 KB

Peirce's Contributions To The 21st Century.pdf

242.5 KB

Peirce's Religious Writings And The Development Of His Philosophy.pdf

177.7 KB

Peirce's Semiotics, Subdoxastic Aboutness, And The Paradox Of Inquiry.pdf

94.8 KB

Peirce's Theory Of Signs.pdf

2.4 MB

Peirce, Signs, And Meaning [Introduction].pdf

671.9 KB

/Peirce, Charles Sanders/

Collected Papers.pdf

12.7 MB

How To Make Our Ideas Clear [Excerpt].pdf

105.6 KB

How To Make Our Ideas Clear [Popular Science Monthly].pdf

180.6 KB

Logic As Semiotic [The Theory Of Signs].pdf

1.1 MB

Philosophical Writings.pdf

15.8 MB

/.../Texts On Philodemus/

Chrysippus, Philodemus, And The God Men [Excerpt].pdf

45.1 KB

Philodemus And Greek Papyri.pdf

1.7 MB

Philodemus Project And The Papyri.pdf

1.5 MB

Philodemus' 'On Poems' [Book One].pdf

80.7 KB


Epigrams [Introduction, Text, And Commentary].pdf

15.3 MB

/.../Audio On Piaget/

Great Ideas Of Psychology - Piaget's Stage Theory Of Cognitive Development.mp3

7.4 MB

Theories Of Human Development - Piaget 1.mp3

5.5 MB

Theories Of Human Development - Piaget 2.mp3

5.6 MB

Theories Of Human Development - Piaget 3.mp3

5.6 MB

/.../Texts On Piaget/

Applying Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development To Mathematics Instruction.pdf

229.4 KB

Beyond The Individual-Social Antimony In Discussions Of Piaget And Vygotsky.pdf

158.1 KB

Celebrating Divergence [Piaget And Vygotsky].pdf

2.5 MB

Context And Background On Developmental Theory [Piaget And The Neo-Piagetians].pdf

125.3 KB

Development And Learning [Jean Piaget].pdf

867.3 KB

Ever Since Language And Learning [Afterthoughts On The Piaget-Chomsky Debate].pdf

1.1 MB

Jean Piaget [1896-1980].pdf

69.1 KB

Lost And Found Experience [Piaget Rediscovered].pdf

49.6 KB

Models Of Cognitive Development [Piaget And Perry].pdf

87.0 KB

Piaget [Implications For Teaching].pdf

1.8 MB

Piaget And Vygotsky [Agent-Based Modeling For Psychology Research].pdf

1.2 MB

Piaget's Constructivism, Papert's Constructionism [What's The Difference].pdf

117.1 KB

Piaget's Social Theory.pdf

281.9 KB

Piaget, Pedagogy, And Evolutionary Psychology.pdf

178.5 KB

Trains Of Thought [Piaget, Formalism, And The Fifth Dimension].pdf

2.5 MB

Vygotsky, Piaget, And Education [A Reciprocal Assimilation Of Theories And Educational Practices].pdf

84.1 KB

/Piaget, Jean/

Child's Conception Of Physical Causality.pdf

1.7 MB

Child's Conception Of The World.pdf

2.2 MB

Comments On Vygotsky's Critical Remarks On Language, Thought, Judgement, And Reasoning Of Children.pdf

92.4 KB

Genetic Epistemology [Lecture One].pdf

93.5 KB

Growth Of Logical Thinking From Childhood To Adolescence.pdf

2.1 MB

Language And Thought Of The Child.pdf

1.4 MB

Moral Judgement Of The Child.pdf

2.4 MB

Origins Of Intelligence In Children.pdf

2.6 MB

Psychology Of Intelligence.pdf

11.8 MB

/.../Texts On Plantinga/

Alvin Plantinga [Contemporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

999.7 KB

Alvin Plantinga's Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism.pdf

194.8 KB

Alvin Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology [Analysis And Critique].pdf

143.8 KB

Knowledge And Reality [Essays In Honor Of Alvin Plantinga].pdf

5.3 MB

Plantinga's Probability Arguments Against Evolutionary Naturalism.pdf

176.2 KB

Plantinga's Restatement Of Augustine's Freewill Theodicy.pdf

649.0 KB

Review Of 'The Nature of Necessity' By Alvin Plantinga.pdf

1.5 MB

Review Of Alvin Plantinga [Warranted Christian Belief].pdf

12.7 KB

/Plantinga, Alvin/

Against Materialism.pdf

178.8 KB

Essays In The Metaphysics Of Modality.pdf

1.8 MB

Evolution, Neutrality, And Antecedent Probability [A Reply To Van Till And McMullen].pdf

330.8 KB

How To Be An Anti-Realist.pdf

597.9 KB

Interview [Theism As A Properly Basic Belief].pdf

77.3 KB

Justification In The 20th Century.pdf

2.8 MB

Naturalism Defeated.pdf

358.4 KB

Ontological Argument.pdf

90.9 KB

Spiritual Autobiography.pdf

97.4 KB

Theism, Atheism, And Rationality.pdf

88.4 KB

When Faith And Reason Clash [Evolution And The Bible].pdf

265.0 KB

/.../Plato, Socrates And The Dialogues/

PSATD (0).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (1).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (10).mp3

17.1 MB

PSATD (11).mp3

17.2 MB

PSATD (12).mp3

17.0 MB

PSATD (13).mp3

17.5 MB

PSATD (14).mp3

17.1 MB

PSATD (15).mp3

16.1 MB

PSATD (2).mp3

17.3 MB

PSATD (3).mp3

16.5 MB

PSATD (4).mp3

17.6 MB

PSATD (5).mp3

16.8 MB

PSATD (6).mp3

17.1 MB

PSATD (7).mp3

16.9 MB

PSATD (8).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (9).mp3

17.3 MB

/.../Audio On Plato/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 1 [The Sources of Plato's Opinions].mp3

2.5 MB

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 2 [Plato's Utopia].mp3

8.6 MB

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 3 [Plato's Theory Of Ideas].mp3

9.1 MB

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 4 [Plato's Theory Of Immortality].mp3

7.5 MB

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 5 [Plato's Cosmogony].mp3

4.1 MB

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' 6 [Knowledge And Perception In Plato].mp3

7.3 MB

Books That Have Made History - Plato 1 ['Phaedo'].mp3

7.4 MB

Books That Have Made History - Plato 2 ['Republic'].mp3

7.5 MB

Course On Human Emotion - Love And Plato's 'Symposium'.mp3

31.6 MB

Famous Greeks - Xenophon, Plato, And Philip Of Macedonia.mp3

11.1 MB

From Plato To Postmodernism - Role Of The Author [Plato - Kicking Out The Poets].mp3

7.1 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 1.mp3

3.2 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 2.mp3

3.5 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 3.mp3

2.8 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 4.mp3

3.1 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 5.mp3

3.6 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 6.mp3

3.4 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 7.mp3

2.8 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Plato 8.mp3

2.7 MB

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Plato And Poetry.mp3

10.8 MB

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Plato 1 [Plato's Search For Truth].mp3

9.5 MB

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Plato 2 [Plato's 'Republic'].mp3

9.9 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Plato 1 [Metaphysics].mp3

7.3 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Plato 2 [Politics].mp3

7.3 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Plato 3 [Psychology].mp3

7.3 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Plato's 'Republic' I.mp3

21.6 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Plato's 'Republic' II-V.mp3

20.6 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Plato's 'Republic' VI-X.mp3

21.7 MB

History Of Science From Antiquity To 1700 - Plato 1 [Plato And The Pythagoreans].mp3

14.1 MB

History Of Science From Antiquity To 1700 - Plato 2 [Plato's Cosmos].mp3

14.5 MB

Life Lessons From The Great Books - Plato's 'Epistle VII'.mp3

21.9 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Plato [Part 1].mp3

22.1 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Plato [Part 2].mp3

23.0 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Plato [Part 3].mp3

22.5 MB

Passions And Philosophy And The Intelligence Of Emotions - Plato's 'Symposium'.mp3

8.2 MB

Plato And Totalitarianism.mp3

9.0 MB

Plato On Erotic Love.mp3

7.5 MB

Plato On War.mp3

5.0 MB

Plato's Cave.mp3

13.2 MB

World's 100 Greatest People - Plato.mp3

30.2 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'The Republic' By Plato.mp3

17.7 MB

/.../Trial & The Death Of Socrates/


2.0 MB


4.2 MB


4.7 MB


4.2 MB


4.2 MB


4.9 MB


4.0 MB


4.8 MB


239.7 KB


3.8 MB


262.3 KB


3.3 MB


2.7 MB


1.5 MB


2.5 MB


3.6 MB


3.7 MB


4.0 MB


3.7 MB


3.0 MB


2.2 MB


1.3 MB


3.2 MB


3.2 MB


3.3 MB


3.6 MB


3.7 MB


3.8 MB


3.7 MB


3.3 MB


3.0 MB


2.1 MB


1.7 MB


3.8 MB


3.5 MB


3.0 MB


3.3 MB


3.1 MB


3.8 MB


3.8 MB


3.2 MB


3.7 MB

Audiobook Guide.pdf

1.0 MB


Republic [Part 1].mp3

36.7 MB

Republic [Part 2].mp3

36.9 MB

Republic [Part 3].mp3

33.1 MB

Republic [Part 4].mp3

32.2 MB

/.../Texts On Plato/

'Parmenides' Of Plato [Introduction, Analysis, And Notes].pdf

7.8 MB

'Simonides Agon' As A Pivotal Discourse In Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

116.9 KB

Bogus Hedonism Of Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

227.8 KB

Brute Within [Appetitive Desire In Plato And Aristotle].pdf

1.8 MB

Companion To Plato's 'Republic'.pdf

2.1 MB

Companion To Plato.pdf

34.0 MB

Deconstructing Voice In Plato And Augustine [Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysis].pdf

2.1 MB

Form And Good In Plato's Eleatic Dialogues.pdf

1.7 MB

Formation Of Augustine's Mind [Cicero, Mani, Plato, Christ].pdf

351.5 KB

From Plato To Lumière [Narration And Monstration In Literature And Cinema].pdf

6.3 MB

Guide To Plato's 'Republic'.pdf

1.1 MB

Guidebook To Plato And The 'Republic'.pdf

1.6 MB

Guidebook To Plato And The Trial Of Socrates.pdf

2.1 MB

Heidegger And Plato [Towards Dialogue].pdf

1.1 MB

Heidegger On Plato, Truth, And Unconcealment [A Lecture On 'The Essence Of Truth'].pdf

119.4 KB

Intra-Socratic Polemics [The 'Symposia' Of Plato And Xenophon].pdf

353.5 KB

Introduction To Plato.pdf

2.4 MB

Introduction To The Philosophy And Writings Of Plato.pdf

139.4 KB

Knowing Persons [A Study In Plato].pdf

2.6 MB

Leo Strauss And The Esoteric Writings Of Plato.pdf

20.0 KB

Leo Strauss' Platonism.pdf

134.9 KB

Letters And Syllables In Plato.pdf

538.5 KB

Love In Plutarch [The Necessary Platonic Correction Of Plato].pdf

104.9 KB

Mathematics Of Plato's Academy.pdf

49.1 MB

Neoplatonism After Derrida [Plato, Plotinus, Derrida].pdf

1.0 MB

Nomos And Phusis In Democritus And Plato.pdf

112.4 KB

One True Platonic Heaven.pdf

2.3 MB

Origins Of The Christian Mystical Thought [Plato, Plotinus, Augustine].pdf

1.4 MB

Philosophy Of Existence [Plato's 'Gorgias'].pdf

2.3 MB

Plato [A Companion].pdf

2.7 MB

Plato [Political Thinkers].pdf

803.0 KB

Plato And Aristotle In Agreement [Platonists On Aristotle From Antiochus To Porphyry].pdf

6.7 MB

Plato And Augustine.pdf

895.8 KB

Plato And Castoriadis [The Concealment And The Unravelling Of Democracy].pdf

192.0 KB

Plato And Demiurge.pdf

1.0 MB

Plato And Hesiod.pdf

1.9 MB

Plato And Myth [Three Essays].pdf

2.7 MB

Plato And Platonism.pdf

533.6 KB

Plato And Question Of Beauty.pdf

1.0 MB

Plato And Simulacrum.pdf

264.2 KB

Plato Or Protagoras [Critical Examination Of The Protagoras Speech In The 'Theaetetus'].pdf

28.7 MB

Plato Within Your Grasp [The First Step To Understanding Plato].pdf

1.6 MB

Plato's 'Lysis'.pdf

4.4 MB

Plato's 'Meno'.PDF

1.8 MB

Plato's 'Parmenides' [II.].pdf

592.4 KB

Plato's 'Parmenides'.pdf

1.1 MB

Plato's 'Republic' [A Study].pdf

3.3 MB

Plato's Arguments Against Conceptualism ['Parmenides' Reconsidered].pdf

518.7 KB

Plato's Dream.pdf

43.0 KB

Plato's Introduction Of Forms.pdf

1.9 MB

Plato's Laws [The Discovery Of Being].pdf

6.5 MB

Plato's Philosophers [The Coherence Of The Dialogues].pdf

3.6 MB

Plato's Trilogy ['Theaetetus', The 'Sophist', And The 'Statesman'].pdf

10.6 MB

Plato's Utopia.pdf

237.6 KB

Plato, Our Dear Plato.pdf

60.2 KB


112.7 KB

Protagoras [Platonic Myth In The Making].pdf

450.8 KB

Protagoras, Plato, And Relativism.pdf

286.2 KB

Questioning Platonism [Continental Interpretations Of Plato].pdf

848.6 KB

Quine's Platonism And Antiplatonism.pdf

88.4 KB

Socrates, Xenophon, Plato.pdf

130.8 KB

Some Versions Of Platonism [Mathematics And Ontology According To Badiou].pdf

287.5 KB

Sorcerer Love [A Reading Of Diotima's Speech In Plato's 'Symposium'].pdf

661.4 KB

Story In Plato's 'Protagoras' [Sketching A Naturalistic Ethics].pdf

269.8 KB

Studies In Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

472.5 KB

Utilitarian Basis Of Plato's 'Republic' [A Discussion].pdf

419.7 KB

Virtue And The Good In Plato And Aristotle.pdf

231.2 KB



39.9 KB

Charmides [Or Temperance].pdf

338.8 KB


442.3 KB


69.5 KB

Crito [Or The Duty Of A Citizen].pdf

102.4 KB


337.7 KB


296.7 KB

Excerpts On Justice, War, And Peace.pdf

97.8 KB

Excerpts On Social And Economic Justice.pdf

99.1 KB


184.8 KB


288.5 KB

Laches [Or Courage].pdf

306.5 KB


918.5 KB

Lysis [Or Friendship].pdf

308.4 KB


299.8 KB


340.9 KB

Parmenides [Benjamin Jowett Translation].pdf

134.7 KB

Parmenides [Samuel Scolnicov Translation, With Commentary].pdf

1.1 MB


403.2 KB


755.1 KB


425.1 KB


128.4 KB

Republic [Coradella Collegiate Bookshelf Edition].pdf

1.6 MB


1.6 MB

Seventh Letter.pdf

88.0 KB


178.6 KB


404.9 KB


611.8 KB


244.0 KB


249.2 KB

Writings On Liberty, Tolerance, And Codes Of Justice.pdf

163.0 KB

/.../Audio On Plotinus/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Plotinus].mp3

10.0 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Plotinus And Neo-Platonism.mp3

7.1 MB

Plotinus On Evil.mp3

8.9 MB

/.../Texts On Plotinus/

Augustine VS Plotinus [The Uniqueness Of The Vision At Ostia].pdf

200.7 KB

Companion To Plotinus.pdf

24.0 MB

Demonology Of Plotinus.pdf

147.1 KB

Neoplatonism After Derrida [Plato, Plotinus, Derrida].pdf

1.0 MB

One And Infinity [Approaching 'The Enneads' Of Plotinus].pdf

130.9 KB

Origins Of The Christian Mystical Thought [Plato, Plotinus, Augustine].pdf

1.4 MB

Philosophy Of Plotinus.pdf

1.8 MB

Plotinus And Gnostic Thaumaturgy.pdf

913.9 KB

Plotinus And Magic.pdf

365.4 KB

Plotinus And Minimal Music.pdf

629.2 KB

Plotinus' Defense Of The Platonic Cosmos And Its Demiurge.pdf

174.8 KB

Porphyry And Plotinus' Metaphysics.pdf

496.9 KB

Toward A Plotinian Solution To The Problem Of Evil [On Plotinus].pdf

198.8 KB

Was Plotinus Influenced By Opium.pdf

897.9 KB


Six Enneads.pdf

4.2 MB

/.../Audio On Plutarch/

Famous Romans - Plutarch, Suetonius, And Tacitus.mp3

9.4 MB

/.../Texts On Plutarch/

'Birth Of The Reader' [Plutarch As Literary Critic].pdf

4.7 MB

Is Plutarch's 'Life Of Lykourgos' Of Any Conceivable Value To The Historian.pdf

62.9 KB

Love In Plutarch [The Necessary Platonic Correction Of Plato].pdf

104.9 KB

Thomas Mann's 'Death In Venice' Or Plutarch's Way Towards Eros.pdf

260.3 KB


Aemilius Paulus.pdf

138.0 KB


151.5 KB


76.4 KB


156.4 KB


280.2 KB


249.4 KB


161.1 KB


115.8 KB


111.5 KB


214.2 KB

Caius Gracchus.pdf

76.7 KB

Caius Marius.pdf

170.9 KB


151.0 KB

Cato The Younger.pdf

223.5 KB


161.2 KB


82.4 KB


112.8 KB

Comparison Of Alcibiades With Coriolanus.pdf

21.3 KB

Comparison Of Aristides With Marcus Cato.pdf

25.0 KB

Comparison Of Crassus With Nicias.pdf

22.4 KB

Comparison Of Demetrius And Antony.pdf

17.3 KB

Comparison Of Demosthenes And Cicero.pdf

19.8 KB

Comparison Of Dion And Brutus.pdf

18.3 KB

Comparison Of Fabius With Pericles.pdf

14.9 KB

Comparison Of Lucullus With Cimon.pdf

18.0 KB

Comparison Of Lysander With Sylla.pdf

22.1 KB

Comparison Of Numa With Lycurgus.pdf

27.7 KB

Comparison Of Pelopidas With Marcellus.pdf

17.9 KB

Comparison Of Philopoemen With Flamininus.pdf

19.7 KB

Comparison Of Pompey With Agesilaus.pdf

23.9 KB

Comparison Of Poplicola With Solon.pdf

17.9 KB

Comparison Of Romulus With Theseus.pdf

20.2 KB

Comparison Of Sertorius With Eumenes.pdf

12.5 KB

Comparison Of Tiberius And Gaius Gracchus With Agis And Cleomenes.pdf

20.9 KB

Comparison Of Timoleon With Aemilius Paulus.pdf

13.9 KB


140.7 KB


127.0 KB


166.4 KB


97.7 KB


160.0 KB


72.9 KB


99.8 KB


86.5 KB


85.0 KB

Lives [Volume I].pdf

785.7 KB

Lives [Volume II].pdf

823.3 KB

Lives [Volume III].pdf

938.7 KB


161.7 KB


127.5 KB


105.3 KB


110.5 KB

Marcus Brutus.pdf

167.3 KB

Marcus Cato.pdf

106.5 KB


119.0 KB

Numa Pompilius.pdf

96.6 KB


59.1 KB


109.0 KB


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100.8 KB


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109.6 KB


107.0 KB

Tiberius Gracchus.pdf

75.5 KB


140.7 KB

/.../Texts On Poincaré/

Completeness Theorems For Poincaré Series In One Variable.pdf

1.4 MB

Convention [Poincaré And Some Of His Critics].pdf

264.1 KB

Dirichlet-To-Neumann Map For Poincaré-Einstein Metrics.pdf

77.3 KB

Einstein, 1905-2005 [Poincaré Seminar 2005].pdf

7.0 MB

Henri Poincaré And Relativity Theory.pdf

1.1 MB

Poincaré [A Biographical Portrait].pdf

871.6 KB

Poincaré Conjecture 99 Years Later [A Progress Report].pdf

158.1 KB

Poincaré's 'Memoir On The Three-Body Problems'.pdf

264.7 KB

Review Of 'Poincaré And The Three Body Problem' By Barrow-Green.pdf

80.2 KB

Towards The Poincaré Conjecture And The Classification Of 3-Manifolds.pdf

152.7 KB

/Poincaré, Henri/

Mathematics And Science [Last Essays].pdf

3.6 MB

Relativity Of Space.pdf

112.4 KB

Science And Method.pdf

6.6 MB

/.../Texts On Polanyi/

Contribution Of Karl Polanyi [Marketing As Part Of The Economic Evolution In Social Change].pdf

715.3 KB

Debt, Violence, And Impersonal Markets [Polanyian Meditations].pdf

288.0 KB

Foundations Of A Sociological Marxism [The Complementary Convergence Of Antonio Gramsci And Karl Polanyi].pdf

287.5 KB

Karl Polanyi About Instituted Process Of Economic Democratization And Social Learning.pdf

56.4 KB

Karl Polanyi And Oszkar Jászi [Liberal Socialism, The Aster Revolution, And The Tanácsköztársaság].pdf

377.5 KB

Karl Polanyi And The Antinomies Of Embeddedness.pdf

178.9 KB

Karl Polanyi And The Writing Of 'The Great Transformation'.pdf

202.4 KB

Markets And Other Allocation Systems In History [The Challenge Of Karl Polanyi].pdf

666.6 KB

Polanyi And 'The Double Movement'.pdf

196.9 KB

Polanyi Symposium [A Conversation On Embeddedness].pdf

177.0 KB

Problem Of Karl Polanyi.pdf

54.8 KB

Re-Inventing Karl Polanyi [On The Contradictory Interpretations Of Social Protectionism].pdf

94.1 KB

Using Karl Polanyi As A Stepping Stone For A Critique Of The New Institutionalist Orthodoxy.pdf

288.6 KB

/Polanyi, Karl/

Great Transformation [The Political And Economic Origins Of Our Time].pdf

21.6 MB

/.../Audio On Popper/

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Popper [The Open Society And The Philosophy Of Science].mp3

7.2 MB

Philosophy Of Science - Popper And The Problem Of Demarcation.mp3

22.5 MB

/.../Texts On Popper/

After Popper, Kuhn, And Feyerabend [Recent Issues in Theories Of Scientific Method].pdf

46.9 KB

Carnap, Menger, Popper [Explication, Theories Of Dimension, And The Growth Of Scientific And Mathematical Theories].pdf

53.4 KB

Gödel, Kuhn, Popper, And Feyerabend.pdf

142.8 KB

History Of Twentieth-Century Philosophy Of Science [Carnap, Quine, Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, And Others].pdf

3.1 MB

Karl Popper And The Social Sciences.pdf

1.5 MB

Karl Popper's Philosophy Of Science [Rationality Without Foundations].pdf

1.1 MB

Karl Raimund Popper [1902-1994].pdf

204.6 KB

Popper And After [Four Irrationalists].pdf

441.5 KB

Popper On Irreversibility And The Arrow Of Time.pdf

178.6 KB

Popper Versus Wittgenstein On Truth, Necessity, And Scientific Hypotheses.pdf

96.1 KB

Popper's Philosophy And Learning.pdf

85.6 KB

Popper's Philosophy Of Science.pdf

259.0 KB

Popper, Hayek, And The Open Society.pdf

1.2 MB

Popper-Neurath Debate And Neurath's Attack On Scientific Method.pdf

1.8 MB

Popperian Themes In the Philosophy Of Feyerabend.pdf

118.2 KB

Putnam's Resolution Of The Popper-Kuhn Controversy.pdf

451.3 KB

Use And Abuse Of Sir Karl Popper.pdf

93.2 KB

/Popper, Karl Raimund/

Indeterminism In Quantum Physics And In Classical Physics [Part II].pdf

1.5 MB

Language And The Body-Mind Problem [A Restatement Of Interactionism].pdf

58.7 KB

Logic Of Scientific Discovery.pdf

4.2 MB

Nature Of Philosophical Problems And Their Roots In Science.pdf

821.2 KB

New Foundations For Logic.pdf

1.0 MB

Normal Science And Its Dangers [From 'Criticism And The Growth Of Knowledge'].pdf

5.3 MB

Note On Natural Laws And So-Called 'Contrary-To-Fact Conditionals'.pdf

450.3 KB

Note On The Body-Mind Problem.pdf

39.1 KB

Objective Knowledge [A Realist View Of Logic, Physics, And History].pdf

201.4 KB

Open Society And Its Enemies [Volumes 1 And 2].pdf

3.6 MB

Reply To Professor Carnap.pdf

280.6 KB

Science As Falsification [Excerpt From 'Conjectures And Refutations'].pdf

134.0 KB

Self-Reference And Meaning In Ordinary Language.pdf

733.2 KB

Three Worlds [The Tanner Lecture On Human Values].pdf

176.7 KB

Unended Quest [An Intellectual Autobiography].pdf

1.2 MB

/.../Audio On Protagoras/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Protagoras].mp3

5.6 MB

/.../Texts On Protagoras/

'Simonides Agon' As A Pivotal Discourse In Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

116.9 KB

Bogus Hedonism Of Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

227.8 KB

Is Protagoras' Moral Relativism Unavoidable Today.pdf

647.2 KB

Plato Or Protagoras [Critical Examination Of The Protagoras Speech In The 'Theaetetus'].pdf

28.7 MB

Protagoras [Platonic Myth In The Making].pdf

450.8 KB

Protagoras As Critic.pdf

40.1 KB

Protagoras, Plato, And Relativism.pdf

286.2 KB

Socrates' Refutation Of Protagoras [A Pragmatic Inconsistency].pdf

255.9 KB

Story In Plato's 'Protagoras' [Sketching A Naturalistic Ethics].pdf

269.8 KB

Studies In Plato's 'Protagoras'.pdf

472.5 KB

/.../Texts On Proudhon/

Natural Right In The Political Philosophy Of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.pdf

764.2 KB

Political Theories Of P.-J. Proudhon.pdf

7.5 MB

Poverty Of Philosophy [Answer To 'The Philosophy Of Poverty' By Pierre Joseph Proudhon].pdf

417.9 KB

Proudhon [Excerpt].pdf

318.4 KB

Proudhon [The First Liberal Socialist].pdf

128.9 KB

Proudhon And The French Revolution Of 1848.pdf

3.2 MB

/Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph/

Correspondence With Marx And Engels.pdf

51.7 KB

Interest And Principal.pdf

172.3 KB


31.3 KB

Letter To M. Blanqui.pdf

715.2 KB

Letter To Workers.pdf

40.8 KB

Philosophy Of Poverty [Or Philosophy Of Misery].pdf

1.5 MB

Philosophy Of Progress.pdf

1.6 MB

Solution Of The Social Problem [Excerpt].pdf

179.0 KB

What Is Property [An Inquiry Into The Principle Of Right And Of Government].pdf

1.6 MB

Works Of P.J. Proudhon [Volume IV - System Of Economical Contradictions].pdf

1.5 MB

/.../Texts On Putnam/

Hilary Putnam [Contemporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

3.1 MB

Hilary Putnam And Kant [Two Internal Realists].pdf

156.9 KB

Hilary Putnam's Farewell Lecture.pdf

5.1 MB

Memo On Method [Hilary Putnam].pdf

469.1 KB

Pragmatism And Realism [Essays On The Work Of Hilary Putnam With Comments By Putnam].pdf

919.9 KB

Putnam And Cavell On The Ethics Of Democracy.pdf

612.2 KB

Putnam On Incommensurability.pdf

218.3 KB

Putnam On Realism, Reference, And Truth [The Problem With Quantum Mechanics].pdf

285.1 KB

Putnam's Argument Against Realism.pdf

222.4 KB

Putnam's Paradox.pdf

844.0 KB

Putnam's Progress [Quantum Theory And The Flight From Realism].pdf

137.0 KB

Putnam, Peano, And The Malin Genie [Could We Possibly Be Wrong About Elementary Number-Theory].pdf

170.3 KB

Putnam, Pragmatism, And Dewey.pdf

1.9 MB

Two Concepts Of Social Capital [Bourdieu VS Putnam].pdf

152.7 KB

/Putnam, Hilary/

After Metaphysics, What.pdf

254.9 KB

Are Values Made Or Discovered.pdf

1.8 MB

Brains In A Vat.pdf

798.8 KB

Collapse Of The Fact-Value Dichotomy [And Other Essays].pdf

6.3 MB

Craving For Objectivity.pdf

1.8 MB

Ethics Without Ontology.pdf

5.1 MB

Face Of Cognition.pdf

4.4 MB

Greatest Logical Positivist [On Quine].pdf

517.1 KB

Hierarchy In Natural And Social Sciences.pdf

3.8 MB

How Old Are These Bones [Putnam Wittgenstein, And Verification].pdf

250.2 KB

Impact Of Science On Modern Conceptions Of Rationality.pdf

2.5 MB

Innateness Hypothesis' And Explanatory Models In Linguistics.pdf

656.3 KB

Introduction To 'Understanding The Sick And The Healthy [A View Of World, Man, And God]'.pdf

2.5 MB

Levinas And Judaism.pdf

241.7 KB

Logical Positivism And Intentionality.pdf

619.0 KB

Mathematics Without Foundations.pdf

761.8 KB

Meaning And Reference.pdf

275.1 KB

Mind, Language, And Reality.pdf

19.6 MB

Nature Of Mental States.pdf

638.3 KB

Nonstandard Models And Kripke's Proof Of The Gödel Theorem.pdf

97.1 KB

Philosopher Looks At Quantum Mechanics [Again].pdf

121.3 KB

Philosophers And Human Understanding.pdf

1.2 MB

Philosophy And Our Mental Life.pdf

2.0 MB

Philosophy Of Language And Philosophy Of Science.pdf

149.0 KB

Philosophy Of Logic.pdf

5.2 MB

Philosophy Of Mathematics [Why Nothing Works].pdf

589.5 KB

Pragmatism [An Open Question].pdf

5.1 MB

Pragmatism And Realism [Comments To A Collection Of Essays].pdf

714.0 KB

Pragmatism And Realism [Essays On The Work Of Hilary Putnam With Comments By Putnam].pdf

919.9 KB

Pragmatism Resurgent [A Readig Of 'The American Evasion Of Philosophy'].pdf

177.7 KB

Putnam's Resolution Of The Popper-Kuhn Controversy.pdf

451.3 KB

Putnam, Pragmatism, And Dewey.pdf

1.9 MB

Quine's Reasons For Rejecting Carnap's Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.pdf

2.3 MB

Readings In Philosophy And Cognitive Science [Essay].pdf

61.2 MB

Realism And Reason.pdf

16.8 MB

Realism With A Human Face.pdf

3.5 MB

Reason, Truth, And History.pdf

10.0 MB

Representation And Reality.pdf

22.8 MB

Sense, Nonsense, And The Senses [An Inquiry Into The Powers Of The Human Mind].pdf

3.3 MB

Strawson And Skepticism.pdf

2.3 MB

Three Kinds Of Scientific Realism.pdf

202.8 KB

Threefold Cord [Mind, Body, And World].pdf

8.2 MB

To Think With Integrity [Farewell Lecture].pdf

79.1 KB

Values, Facts, And Cognition.pdf

678.5 KB

What Is Innate And Why [Comments On The Debate].pdf

2.6 MB

What Is Mathematical Truth.pdf

1.1 MB

Wittgenstein, Realism, And Mathematics.pdf

164.6 KB

Words And Life.pdf

32.4 MB

/.../Audio On Pythagoras/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Pythagoras].mp3

6.4 MB

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Pythagoras And The Divinity Of Number.mp3

9.6 MB

History Of Science From Antiquity To 1700 - Plato And The Pythagoreans.mp3

14.1 MB

Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno.mp3

23.7 MB

/.../Texts On Pythagoras/

Introduction To Presocratic Philosophy [Zeno, Heraclitus, Pythagoras].pdf

3.4 MB

Looking For Pythagoras [An Investigation Of The Pythagorean Theorem].pdf

5.8 MB

Modular Tree Of Pythagoras.pdf

140.5 KB

Pre-Parmenidean Pythagoreanism.pdf

7.8 MB

Pythagoras [Numbers And Symbol].pdf

930.6 KB

Pythagoras And The Pythagoreans.pdf

540.6 KB

Pythagoras Of Samos.pdf

4.1 MB

Pythagoreanism And The 'Harmonia'.pdf

1.0 MB

Was Pythagoras Chinese.pdf

221.1 KB


Genius Of Pythagoras.avi

366.5 MB


Complete Fragments [With Extensive Commentary].pdf

942.5 KB

/.../Audio On Péguy/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Bergson, Péguy, Einstein.mp3

14.2 MB

/.../Texts On Péguy/

Ageing, Perpetual Perishing, Event As Pure Novelty [Péguy, Whitehead, And Deleuze On Time And History].pdf

114.1 KB

Charles Péguy.pdf

82.7 KB

Fascism As The Wrong Idea [On Péguy And Others].pdf

73.4 KB

Preface To 'Logos' [On Péguy And Others].pdf

109.5 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Quine/

Quine 01.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 02.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 03.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 04.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 05.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 06.mp3

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Quine 07.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 08.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 09.mp3

1.4 MB

Quine 10.mp3

1.3 MB

/.../Audio On Quine/

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Quine [Ontological Relativism].mp3

7.2 MB

/.../Texts On Quine/

'Problem Of Interpreeting Modal Logic' [A Review Of Quine].pdf

458.3 KB

Analyticity And Apriority [Beyond Wittgenstein And Quine].pdf

1.2 MB

Carnap Versus Quine [Or Aprioristic Versus Naturalized Epistemology].pdf

109.7 KB

Cognitive Scientism [On Quine And Wittgenstein].pdf

260.9 KB

Companion To Willard Van Orman Quine.pdf

1.2 MB

Duhem-Quine Thesis And Experimental Economics [A Reinterpretation].pdf

349.6 KB

From Quine To Hegel [Naturalism, Anti-Realism, And Maimon's Question Quid Facti].pdf

121.6 KB

Gonseth And Quine.pdf

94.3 KB

Greatest Logical Positivist [On Quine].pdf

517.1 KB

History Of Twentieth-Century Philosophy Of Science [Carnap, Quine, Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, And Others].pdf

3.1 MB

Implicit Thoughts [Quine, Frege, And Kant On Analytic Propositions].pdf

187.6 KB

Introduction To 'Translation And Meaning' [On Chapter Two In Quine's 'Word And Object'].pdf

634.8 KB

Passing By The Naturalistic Turn [On Quine's Cul-De-Sac].pdf

305.9 KB

Philosophy Of Mathematics And Ontological Commitment [Quine And Vuillemin].pdf

117.8 KB

Quine [Arguments Of The Philosophers].pdf

2.7 MB

Quine And Davidson [On Language, Thought, And Reality].pdf

3.6 MB

Quine And Kripke's Wittgenstein.pdf

132.1 KB

Quine And Logical Positivism.pdf

228.1 KB

Quine As A Verificationist.pdf

117.4 KB

Quine On Alternative Logics [A Reply].pdf

84.3 KB

Quine On Alternative Logics And Verdict Tables.pdf

1.1 MB

Quine On Indeterminacy.pdf

230.2 KB

Quine's Empirical Assumptions.pdf

2.0 MB

Quine's Holism And Quantum Holism.pdf

62.1 KB

Quine's Platonism And Antiplatonism.pdf

88.4 KB

Quine's Reasons For Rejecting Carnap's Analytic-Synthetic Distinction.pdf

2.3 MB

Quine, Willard Van Orman [An Encyclopedia Article].pdf

205.6 KB

Quine, Wittgenstein, And 'Our Knowledge Of The World'.pdf

9.4 MB

Refutation Of Quine's Holism.pdf

68.8 KB

Review Of 'Quine And Davidson On Language, Thought, And Reality' By H.-J. Glock.pdf

356.0 KB

Review Of Quine's 'The Ways Of Paradox And Other Essays'.pdf

252.3 KB

Rudolf Carnap On Semantical Systems And Quine's Pragmatist Critique.pdf

353.1 KB

Saying That [On Quine].pdf

2.1 MB

Some Remarks On Quine On Analyticity.pdf

1.8 MB

Understanding Quine's Famous Statement.pdf

77.2 KB

Words And Objections [Essays On The Work Of W.V.O. Quine].pdf

14.8 MB

/Quine, Willard van Orman/

Analyticity And Transcendence.pdf

53.0 KB

Axiom Of Reducibility.pdf

81.1 KB

Cantor's Theorem.pdf

521.8 KB

Dear Carnap, Dear Van [The Quine-Carnap Correspondence And Related Work].pdf

1.2 MB

Designation And Existence.pdf

969.7 KB

Elementary Proof That Some Angles Cannot Be Trisected By Ruler And Compass.pdf

809.8 KB

Frege's Way Out.pdf

1.4 MB

From A Logical Point Of View.pdf

10.3 MB

Homage To Rudolf Carnap.pdf

2.4 MB

Identity, Ostension, And Hypostasis.pdf

1.4 MB

In Praise Of Observation Sentences.pdf

1.0 MB

Indeterminacy Of Translation Again.pdf

579.0 KB

Logic Based On Inclusion And Abstraction.pdf

649.7 KB

Logic Of Quantification.pdf

1.3 MB

Main Trends In Recent Philosophy [Two Dogmas Of Empiricism].pdf

468.7 KB

Mathematics In Philosophy [Selected Essays].pdf

1.2 MB


546.0 KB

Methods Of Logic.pdf

10.2 MB

Mr. Strawson On Logical Theory.pdf

540.7 KB

Natural Deduction.pdf

895.5 KB

Natural Kinds.pdf

5.3 MB

New Foundations For Mathematical Logic.pdf

1.3 MB

Notes On Existence And Necessity.pdf

1.5 MB

Omega-Inconsistency And A So-Called Axiom Of Infinity.pdf

195.4 KB

Ontological Reduction And The World Of Numbers.pdf

839.4 KB

Ontological Relativity.pdf

693.3 KB

Ontological Remarks On The Propositional Calculus.pdf

167.5 KB

Ontology And Ideology Revisited.pdf

259.5 KB

Philosophy Of Logic.pdf

6.5 MB

Posits And Reality.pdf

30.8 KB

Predicate Functors Revisited.pdf

138.6 KB

Problem Of Interpreting Modal Logic.pdf

193.8 KB

Pursuit Of Truth.pdf

1.6 MB

Quantifiers And Propositional Attitudes.pdf

322.1 KB

Reasons For Indeterminacy Of Translation.pdf

184.6 KB

Reference And Generality.pdf

107.8 KB

Replies To 'Words And Objections [Essays On The Work Of W.V.Q]'.pdf

6.8 MB

Reply To Hintikka's 'Behavioral Criteria Of Radical Translation' [With The Original Text].pdf

667.5 KB

Russell's Ontological Development.pdf

768.3 KB

Set-Theoretic Foundations For Logic.pdf

1.2 MB

States Of Mind.pdf

384.2 KB

Steps Toward A Constructive Nominalism.pdf

591.7 KB

Structure And Nature.pdf

512.7 KB

Theory Of Classes Presupposing No Canons Of Type.pdf

764.4 KB

Theory Of Types.pdf

801.5 KB

Toward A Calculus Of Concepts.pdf

692.8 KB

Truth And Meaning [Essays In Semantics].pdf

372.9 KB


1.9 MB

Unification Of Universes In Set-Theory.pdf

371.1 KB


1.3 MB

Verification Theory And Reductionism [Excerpt].pdf

74.8 KB

Web Of Belief.pdf

5.6 MB

What Price Bivalence.pdf

560.0 KB

What There Is.pdf

1.8 MB

Worlds Away.pdf

143.1 KB

/.../Texts On Rabelais/

Confronting The Turkish Dogs [A Conversation On Rabelais And His Critics].pdf

132.6 KB

François Rabelais And John Cowter Powys.pdf

522.9 KB

Rabelais And His World [Excerpt].pdf

3.6 MB


9.3 MB

Taste For Laughter [Rabelais And Wine].pdf

830.1 KB

Through The Eyes Of The Fantastic [Lefebvre, Rabelais, And Intellectual History].pdf

177.4 KB

/Rabelais, François/

Collected Works.pdf

4.5 MB

Gargantua And Pantagruel.pdf

1.9 MB


6.9 MB

/.../Texts On Rabinow/

Microfluidic Platforms, Genetic Databases, And Biosociality [On Paul Radinow].pdf

48.7 KB

/Rabinow, Paul/

American Moderns [On Sciences And Scientists].pdf

1.4 MB

Anthropos Today [Reflections On Modern Equipment].pdf

428.5 KB

Artificiality And Enlightenment [From Sociobiology To Biosociality].pdf

2.0 MB

Beyond Ethnography [Anthropology As Nominalism].pdf

206.0 KB

Biological Modern.pdf

587.2 KB

Biopower Today.pdf

146.0 KB

Biosecurity [Towards An Anthropology Of The Contemporary].pdf

457.5 KB

Bourgeois Rationalism Revived.pdf

1.1 MB

Designs For An Anthropology Of The Contemporary.pdf

5.2 MB

Diagnostic Of Equipmental Platforms.pdf

1.1 MB

Dignity And Value [Chapter 4 From 'French DNA'].pdf

1.4 MB

Discourse And Power [On The Limits Of Ethnographic Texts].pdf

1.1 MB

Essays On The Anthropology Of Reason.pdf

22.4 MB

Foucault's Untimely Struggle [Toward A Form Of Spirituality].pdf

151.4 KB

France In Morocco [Technocosmopolitanism And Middling Modernism].pdf

603.3 KB

French Enlightenment [Truth And Life].pdf

621.1 KB

French Modern Norms Of The Social Environment.pdf

7.5 MB

From Bio-Ethics To Human Practice.pdf

578.3 KB

Humanism As Nihilism [The Bracketing Of Truth And Seriousness In American Cultural Anthropology].pdf

907.1 KB

Iceland [The Case Of A National Human Genome Project].pdf

184.9 KB

Icelandic Genome Debate.pdf

84.5 KB

Interpretive Turn [Emergence Of An Approach].pdf

677.8 KB

Life Sciences [Discontents And Consolations].pdf

128.5 KB

Lost Continent.pdf

200.6 KB

Marking Time [On The Anthropology Of The Contemporary].pdf

588.8 KB

Masked I Go Forward.pdf

745.6 KB

Michel Foucault [Beyond Structuralism And Hermeneutics].pdf

30.4 MB

Midst Anthropology's Problems.pdf

1.4 MB

Notes On Brasilia.pdf

249.2 KB

Representations Are Social Facts [Modernity And Post-Modernity In Anthropology].pdf

1.6 MB

Response To 'Synthetic Genomics [Options For Governance]'.pdf

511.9 KB

Roundtable On Synthetic Biology [Visions And Challenges In Redesigning Life].pdf

110.2 KB

Sartre As Marxist Anthropologist.pdf

125.4 KB

Security, Territory, Population.pdf

534.2 KB

St. Francis At Ground Zero.pdf

163.8 KB

Steps Toward An Anthropological Laboratory.pdf

655.0 KB

Studies In The Anthropology Of Reason.pdf

541.5 KB

Third Culture.pdf

741.4 KB

Truth And Society.pdf

128.4 KB

What Is A Laboratory In The Human Sciences.pdf

514.2 KB

Work Of Equipment [3 Modes].pdf

735.1 KB

Working In Paris.pdf

229.8 KB

/.../Texts On Radcliffe-Brown/

Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown [1881-1955].pdf

108.0 KB

Critique Of Malinowski And Radcliffe-Brown.pdf

61.1 KB

From Radcliffe-Brown To Sociobiology [Some Aspects Of The Rise Of Primatology Within Physical Anthropology].pdf

593.3 KB

Radcliffe-Brown [1881-1955].pdf

35.5 KB

/Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred/

African Political Systems [Preface].pdf

2.0 MB

African Systems Of Kinship And Marriage.pdf

3.0 MB

Method In Social Anthropology [Selected Essays].pdf

9.0 MB

Social Organization Of Australian Tribes.pdf

7.9 MB

Structure And Function In Primitive Society [Essays And Addresses].pdf

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Ranciére/

'Literary Animal' [Ranciére, Derrida, And The Literature Of Democracy].pdf

179.4 KB

Conjunctive Times, Disjointed Time [Philosophy Between Enigma And Disagreement In Ranciére].pdf

189.8 KB

Equality As A Foucaultian Value [The Relevance Of Rancière].pdf

554.6 KB

Heteroreductives [Ranciére's Disagreement With Ontology].pdf

166.2 KB

Jacques Rancière [Literature And Equality].pdf

111.7 KB

Jacques Rancière And The Ethics Of Equality.pdf

148.1 KB

Jacques Ranciére The Cinephile [Or The Philosopher Who Loved Things].pdf

148.9 KB

Political Thought Of Jacques Ranciére [Creating Equality].pdf

731.4 KB

Politics After Aesthetics [Disagreeing With Ranciére].pdf

153.2 KB

Politics As Subjectification [Rethinking The Figure Of The Worker In The Thought Of Badiou And Ranciére].pdf

674.8 KB

Politics Without Politics [On Ranciére].pdf

183.3 KB

This Disagreement Is Not One [The Populisms Of Laclau, Rancière, And Arditi].pdf

139.5 KB

When Does Politics Happen [On Ranciére].pdf

150.0 KB

Which Equality [Badiou And Ranciére In Light Of Ludwig Feuerbach].pdf

192.4 KB

/Rancière, Jacques/

Aesthetic Revolution And Its Outcomes [Emplotments Of Autonomy And Heteronomy].pdf

64.8 KB

Aesthetics And Politics [Rethinking The Link].pdf

98.0 KB

After What.pdf

466.8 KB

Are Some Things Unrepresentable [Excerpt From 'The Future Of The Image].pdf

4.2 MB

Cause Of The Other.pdf

145.9 KB

Conversation With [Dissenting Words].pdf

334.2 KB

Democracy, Dissensus, And The Aesthetics Of Class Struggle [An Exchange].pdf

131.6 KB

Democracy, Republic, Representation.pdf

134.9 KB

Disagreement [Politics And Philosophy].pdf

17.7 MB

Discussion With Homi Bhabha And Others.pdf

91.3 KB

Early French Socialism [Ways To Construct Social Identity].pdf

550.3 KB

Emancipated Spectator.pdf

4.7 MB

Few Remarks On The Method.pdf

134.7 KB

Film Fables.pdf

19.4 MB

Flesh Of Words [The Politics Of Writing].pdf

23.7 MB

From Politics To Aesthetics.pdf

766.2 KB

Homeward Path [Fragments Of Journeys Into New Worlds].pdf

131.1 KB

Ignorant Schoolmaster [Five Lessons In Intellectual Emancipation].pdf

15.8 MB

Interview [Aesthetics Against Incarnation].pdf

80.5 KB

Interview [Art Is Going Elsewhere And Politics Has To Catch It].pdf

58.1 KB

Interview [Cinematographic Image, Democracy, And The 'Splendor Of The Insignificant'].pdf

652.4 KB

Interview [Literature, Politics, Aesthetics, And Approaches To Democratic Disagreement].pdf

123.4 KB

Interview [Politics And Aestetics].pdf

205.9 KB

Introducing Disagreement.pdf

1.6 MB

Literary Misunderstanding.pdf

775.2 KB

Misadventures Of Critical Thinking.pdf

106.2 KB

Myth Of The Artisan [Critical Reflections On a Category Of Social History].pdf

956.1 KB

Nights Of Labor [The Workers' Dream In Nineteenth-Century France].pdf

32.4 MB

Order Of The City.pdf

137.5 KB


132.7 KB

Politics Of Aesthetics And The Aesthetics Of Politics.pdf

55.8 KB

Politics Of Aesthetics.pdf

5.2 MB

Politics Of Literature.pdf

468.0 KB

Politics, Identification, And Subjectivization.pdf

121.5 KB

Preface To 'Proletarian Nights'.pdf

555.3 KB

Rationality Of Disagreement.pdf

2.3 MB


307.4 KB

Saint And The Heiress [A Propos Of Godard's 'Histoires Du Cinema'].pdf

411.9 KB

Short Voyages To The Land Of The People.pdf

8.9 MB

Ten Theses On Politics.pdf

118.5 KB

Thinking Between Disciplines [An Aesthetics Of Knowledge].pdf

81.3 KB

War As The Ultimate Form Of Advanced Plutocratic Consensus.pdf

76.6 KB

What Does It Mean To Be 'Un'.pdf

89.1 KB

Who Comes After The Subject [Essay].pdf

14.2 MB

Who Is The Subject Of The Rights Of Man.pdf

153.0 KB

Why Emma Bovary Had To Be Killed.pdf

415.7 KB

You Can't Anticipate Explosions [In Conversation With Chto Delat].pdf

257.9 KB

/.../Texts On Rand/

Altruism In Auguste Comte And Ayn Rand.pdf

146.9 KB

Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics [The Virtuous Egoist].pdf

2.2 MB

Personal Relationship With The Aesthetic [A Double Date With Martin Buber And Howard Roark Of Ayn Rand].pdf

44.6 KB

Rand, Rush, And De-Totalizing The Utopianism Of Progressive Rock.pdf

496.2 KB

Review Of Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged'.pdf

43.0 KB

Two Worlds At Once [Rand, Hayek, And The Ethics Of The Micro- And Macro-Cosmos].pdf

235.8 KB

/Rand, Ayn/


138.1 KB

Atlas Shrugged.pdf

6.3 MB


1.9 MB

For The New Intellectual.pdf

411.9 KB


1.2 MB

Nature Of Government.pdf

66.5 KB

Night Of January 16th.pdf

257.2 KB

Philosophy [Who Needs It].pdf

74.7 KB

Virtue Of Selfishness.pdf

779.3 KB

/.../Audio On Rawls/

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Rawls' Theory Of Justice.mp3

7.6 MB

/.../Texts On Rawls/

Companion To John Rawls.pdf

5.3 MB

Fairness In The Thought Of John Rawls And Auguste Comte.pdf

303.4 KB

Historical Critique Of John Rawls' 'A Theory Of Justice' [Failure To Communicate The Tradition].pdf

229.4 KB

Human Rights, Global Justice, And Disaggregated States [John Rawls And Others].pdf

75.8 KB

John Rawls [Between Two Enlightenments].pdf

113.3 KB

John Rawls' 'Law Of Peoples'.pdf

169.1 KB

John Rawls' Duty Of Assistance [An Evaluation Of Its Robustness And Sufficiency].pdf

180.5 KB

Limits Of John Rawls' Pluralism.pdf

77.4 KB

Making Public Choices [Kant's 'Justice From Autonomy' As An Alternative To Rawl's 'Justice As Fairness'].pdf

12.7 MB

Original Omission [Property In Rawl's Political Thought].pdf

67.7 KB

Rawls [Philosophers].pdf

2.2 MB

Rawls [Political Philosophy Without Politics].pdf

1.2 MB

Reconciliation Through The Public Use Of Reason [Remarks On John Rawls' Political Liberalism].pdf

593.9 KB

Reconciling Liberty And Equality [Justice As Fairness In John Rawls].pdf

172.0 KB

Talking Liberties [John Rawls' Theory Of Justice And Psychiatric Practice].pdf

148.7 KB

Theory Of Stability [John Rawls, Fetal Homicide, And Substantive Due Process].pdf

225.8 KB

/Rawls, John/

Basic Liberties And Their Priority [The Tanner Lecture On Human Values].pdf

271.4 KB

Justice As Fairness.pdf

264.6 KB

Lectures On The History Of Moral Philosophy.pdf

3.8 MB

/.../Texts On Reich/

50 Years After The Death Of Wilhelm Reich.pdf

146.1 KB

About Reich And Radix [A Memoir].pdf

206.8 KB

Life And Death Of Wilhelm Reich.pdf

235.3 KB

Sexual Politics Of Wilhelm Reich.pdf

75.5 KB

Sexual Theories Of Wilhelm Reich.pdf

96.9 KB

Strange Case Of Wilhelm Reich.pdf

96.9 KB

Wilhelm Reich [Genius Or Madman].pdf

60.2 KB

Wilhelm Reich's Claim Of The Heterogenesis Of Eukaryotic Amoebae.pdf

2.4 MB

Wilhelm Reich.pdf

133.0 KB

/Reich, Wilhelm/

Mass Psychology Of Fascism.pdf

843.4 KB

/.../Audio On Reid/

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Common Sense, Divine Providence [Thomas Reid And The Scottish School].mp3

10.0 MB

/.../Texts On Reid/

Companion To Thomas Reid.pdf

1.4 MB

Elements Of Speech Act Theory In The Work Of Thomas Reid.pdf

83.1 KB

Fury On Earth [A Biography Of Wilhelm Reich].pdf

3.8 MB

Is Thomas Reid A Mysterian.pdf

147.2 KB

Strange Italian Voyage Of Thomas Reid [1800-1860].pdf

361.1 KB

Thomas Reid And The Story Of Epistemology.pdf

955.9 KB

Thomas Reid's Philosophy Of Mind [Consciousness And Intentionality].pdf

149.1 KB

Thomas Reid's Theory Of Perception.pdf

3.2 MB

/Reid, Thomas/

Collected Works [With Account Of Life And Writings Of T.R.].pdf

13.2 MB

Conception Of Power.pdf

472.2 KB

/.../Audio On Ricardo/

Legacies Of Great Economists - The Dismal Science [Thomas Robert Malthus And David Ricardo].mp3

13.3 MB

/.../Texts On Ricardo/

David Ricardo [A Centenary Estimate].pdf

16.7 MB

David Ricardo And The 'Natural' Level Of The Quantity Of Money.pdf

407.3 KB

David Ricardo's Discovery Of Comparative Advantage.pdf

72.8 KB

Evaluation Of David Ricardo's Theory Of Comparative Costs [Direct And Indirect Critiques].pdf

366.2 KB

Letter To David Ricardo [On The Depreciation Of Bank Notes].pdf

3.5 MB

True Meaning Of David Ricardo's Four Magic Numbers.pdf

121.6 KB

/Ricardo, David/

Collected Works [With A Notice Of The Life And Writings Of The Author].pdf

4.2 MB

Economic Essays.pdf

15.2 MB

Letters To Hutches Trower And Others [1811-1823].pdf

1.4 MB

Letters To Thomas Robert Malthus [1810-1823].pdf

7.6 MB

Principles Of Political Economy And Taxation.pdf

1.4 MB

Speech On The Subject Of Commercial Treaties.pdf

3.4 MB

Three Letters On The Price Of Gold [Contributed To The Morning Chronicle].pdf

1.8 MB

/.../Texts On Ricoeur/

Charles Taylor And Paul Ricoeur On Self-Interpretations And Narrative Identity.pdf

161.3 KB

Deleuze And Ricoeur [Disavowed Affinities And The Narrative Self].pdf

7.0 MB

Hermeneutics Of Hope [A Dialogical Study Of Ricoeur And Moltmann].pdf

103.2 KB

Introduction To Reading Ricoeur.pdf

271.0 KB

Memory, History, Oblivion [Ricoeur On The Human Condition].pdf

108.3 KB

Metaphor And Metaphysics [Heidegger, Ricoeur, And Derrida].pdf

155.2 KB

Paul Ricoeur [Critical Thinkers].pdf

553.7 KB

Paul Ricoeur [Philosophical Theologian].pdf

131.2 KB

Paul Ricoeur [The Intersection Between Solitude And Connection].pdf

99.7 KB

Paul Ricoeur And Philosophy In The Twentieth Century.pdf

81.6 KB

Paul Ricoeur's Aesthetics [Tradition And Innovation].pdf

255.7 KB

Philosophy Of Paul Ricoeur [Method And Application, Metaphor And Symbol].pdf

486.1 KB

Reading Ricoeur [Authors, Readers, And Texts].pdf

156.9 KB

Returning To God After God [Levinas, Derrida, Ricoeur].pdf

63.9 KB

Ricoeur And Lacan.pdf

12.5 MB

Ricoeur And The Hermeneutics Of Suspicion.pdf

8.7 MB

Ricoeur On History, Fiction, And Biblical Hermeneutics.pdf

287.4 KB

Ricoeur's Critical Theory.pdf

693.7 KB

Ricoeur's Narrative Theory Applied To Science.pdf

119.0 KB

Subject Supposed To Be A Christian [On Paul Ricoeur's Memory, History, Forgetting].pdf

184.5 KB

Uses Of The Past [Heidegger, MacIntyre, Rorty, Ricoeur].pdf

1.1 MB

/Ricoeur, Paul/

Aesthetic Experience.pdf

953.2 KB

Approaching The Human Person.pdf

161.4 KB

Christianity And The Meaning Of History, Progress, Ambiguity, Hope.pdf

406.1 KB

Creativity In Language [Word, Polysemy, Metaphor].pdf

868.6 KB

Creativity Of Language.pdf

744.3 KB

Crisis Of The Cogito.pdf

684.3 KB

Critique And Conviction [Conversations With François Azouvi And Marc De Launay].pdf

14.4 MB

Critique Of B. F. Skinner's 'Beyond Freedom And Dignity'.pdf

559.6 KB

Dialogue [Memory, History, Forgiveness].pdf

208.1 KB

Ethics And Culture.pdf

742.6 KB

Evil, A Challenge To Philosophy And Theology.pdf

249.3 KB

Excerpt On Self And Subjectivity [With Commentary].pdf

143.4 KB

Fragility Of Political Language.pdf

497.3 KB

Freud And Philosophy [An Essay On Interpretation].pdf

21.4 MB

From Metaphysics To Moral Philosophy.pdf

1.2 MB

From Proclamation To Narrative.pdf

250.7 KB

Function Of Fiction In Shaping Reality.pdf

1.1 MB

Greimas' Narrative Grammar.pdf

497.9 KB

Hermeneutical Function Of Distanciation.pdf

723.6 KB

History And Hermeneutics.pdf

377.6 KB

History As Narrative And Practice.pdf

538.1 KB

Human Being As The Subject Matter Of Philosophy.pdf

809.8 KB

In Memoriam Emmanuel Levinas.pdf

157.9 KB

Kant And Husserl.pdf

1.1 MB

Key To Husserls 'Ideas I'.pdf

8.0 MB

Life In Quest Of Narrative.pdf

77.2 KB

Living Up To Death.pdf

4.1 MB

Memory, History, Forgetting [Excerpt 1].pdf

5.3 MB

Memory, History, Forgetting [Excerpt 2].pdf

7.1 MB

Memory, History, Forgetting [Excerpt 3].pdf

5.2 MB

Metaphor And The Main Problem Of Hermeneutics.pdf

391.5 KB

Metaphorical Process As Cognition, Imagination, And Feeling.pdf

336.4 KB

Model Of The Text [Meaningful Action Considered As A Text].pdf

874.6 KB

Narrated Time.pdf

735.2 KB

Narrative Identity.pdf

1.4 MB

Narrative Time.pdf

436.7 KB


212.2 KB

New Developments In Phenomenology In France [The Phenomenology Of Language].pdf

2.0 MB

Otherwise [A Reading Of Emmanuel Levinas' 'Otherwise Than Being Or Beyond Essence'].pdf

566.4 KB

Phenomenology And Hermeneutics.pdf

332.0 KB

Philosophical Journey From Existentialism To The Philosophy Of Language.pdf

452.0 KB

Philosophy And Religious Language.pdf

260.9 KB

Power Of Speech [Science And Poetry].pdf

596.2 KB

Problem Of The Foundation Of Moral Philosophy.pdf

970.3 KB

Rule Of Metaphor.pdf

2.3 MB

Sartre's 'Lucifer And The Lord'.pdf

281.0 KB

Sorrows And The Making Of Life-Stories.pdf

178.4 KB

Structure, Word, Event.pdf

732.1 KB

Symbol [Food For Thought].pdf

616.6 KB

Task Of Hermeneutics.pdf

961.8 KB

Tasks Of The Political Educator.pdf

621.7 KB

Time And Narrative.pdf

5.5 MB

Toward A Hermeneutic Of The Idea Of Revelation.pdf

648.8 KB


263.5 KB

/.../Texts On Rochefoucauld/

Aphorisms From French To English [Translations Of La Rochefoucauld's 'Maxims'].pdf

200.9 KB

/Rochefoucauld, François de La/

Collected Maxims And Other Reflections.pdf

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Rocker/

'Anarchist Rabbi' [The Life And Teachings Of Rudolf Rocker].PDF

13.2 MB

/Rocker, Rudolf/


7.7 MB

Marx And Anarchism.pdf

225.2 KB

Reproduction Of Daily Life.pdf

212.3 KB

Soviet System Or The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat.pdf

152.6 KB

/.../Texts On Rogers/

Carl R. Rogers And Non-Directive Teaching.pdf

1.9 MB

Carl Rogers [1902-1987].pdf

39.8 KB

Carl Rogers [Core Conditions And Education].pdf

53.7 KB

Carl Rogers [The Man And His Ideas].pdf

186.8 KB

Carl Rogers And Humanistic Education.pdf

142.2 KB

Whatever Happened To Carl Rogers [An Examination Of The Politics Of Clinical Psychology].pdf

209.1 KB

/Rogers, Carl/

Counseling And Psychotherapy [Newer Concepts In Practice].pdf

25.1 MB

Dialogue [With Michael Polanyi].pdf

35.0 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Rorty/

Rorty 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Rorty 10.mp3

1.5 MB

/.../Audio On Rorty/

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Rorty's Neo-Pragmatism.mp3

7.5 MB

/.../Texts On Rorty/

Community And Its Paradoxes [Richard Rorty's 'Liberal Utopia'].pdf

2.9 MB

Guidebook To Rorty And 'The Mirror Of Nature'.pdf

1.1 MB

Metaphysics In The Dark [A Response To Richard Rorty And Ernesto Laclau].pdf

344.7 KB

Pragmatism, Neopragmatism, And Phenomenology [The Richard Rorty Phenomenon].pdf

72.8 KB

Review Of Rorty's Pragmatist Politics.pdf

130.2 KB

Richard Rorty [Contemporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

1.4 MB

Richard Rorty [The Making Of An American Philosopher].pdf

1.2 MB

Solidarity, Objectivity, And The Human Form Of Life [Wittgenstein VS Rorty].pdf

1.3 MB

Uses Of The Past [Heidegger, MacIntyre, Rorty, Ricoeur].pdf

1.1 MB

/Rorty, Richard/

Consequences Of Pragmatism [Excerpt].pdf

147.8 KB

Contingency, Irony, And Solidarity.pdf

15.3 MB

Conversation [Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies].pdf

180.3 KB

Deconstruction And Circumvention.pdf

6.6 MB

Education As Socialization And As Individualization.pdf

1.5 MB

Essays On Heidegger And Others.pdf

726.3 KB

Ethics Without Principles.pdf

2.1 MB

Feminism, Ideology, And Deconstruction [A Pragmatist View].pdf

129.5 KB

Fraternity Reigns.pdf

67.1 KB

Future Of Religion.pdf

1.1 MB

Habermas And Lyotard On Post-Modernity.pdf

925.6 KB

Heidegger And The Atomic Bomb.pdf

2.4 MB

Objectivity, Relativism, And Truth.pdf

13.8 MB

Philosophy And Social Hope.pdf

13.4 MB

Philosophy And The Mirror Of Nature.pdf

16.6 MB

Philosophy As Cultural Politics.pdf

1.3 MB


389.8 KB

Remarks At MoMa.pdf

39.5 KB

Response To Ernesto Laclau.pdf

1.4 MB

Solidarity Or Objectivity.pdf

2.2 MB

Truth Without Correspondence To Reality.pdf

2.6 MB

/.../Ethics Of Liberty/

00 Preface.mp3

2.0 MB

01 Natural Law And Reason.mp3

3.0 MB

02 Natural Law As Science.mp3

4.1 MB

03 Natural Law VS Positive Law.mp3

1.8 MB

04 Natural Law And Natural Rights.mp3

2.6 MB

05 The Task Of Political Philosophy.mp3

1.0 MB

06 A Crusoe Social Philosophy.mp3

4.9 MB

07 Interpersonal Relations [Voluntary Exchange].mp3

7.3 MB

08 Interpersonal Relations [Ownership And Aggression].mp3

4.8 MB

09 Property And Criminality.mp3

8.5 MB

10 The Problem Of Land Theft.mp3

3.5 MB

11 Land Monopoly Past And Present.mp3

4.7 MB

12 Self-Defense.mp3

5.6 MB

13 Punishment And Proportionality.mp3

8.1 MB

14 Children And Rights.mp3

10.3 MB

15 Human Rights As Property Rights.mp3

5.5 MB

16 Knowledge [True And False].mp3

5.6 MB

17 Bribery.mp3

1.4 MB

18 The Boycott.mp3

1.4 MB

19 Property Rights And The Theory Of Contracts.mp3

11.7 MB

20 Lifeboat Situations.mp3

4.0 MB

21 The Rights Of Animals.mp3

1.5 MB

22 The Nature Of The State.mp3

10.0 MB

23 The Inner Contradictions Of The State.mp3

5.8 MB

24 The Moral Status Of Relations To The State.mp3

4.1 MB

25 Relations Between States.mp3

7.1 MB

26 Utilitarian Free-Market Economics.mp3

10.3 MB

27 Isaiah Berlin On Negative Freedom.mp3

2.2 MB

28 F.A. Hayek And The Concept Of Coercion.mp3

7.3 MB

29 Robert Nozick And The Immaculate Conception.mp3

16.5 MB

30 Toward A Theory Of Strategy For Liberty.mp3

13.8 MB

/.../For A New Liberty [The Libertarian Manifesto]/

01 The Libertarian Heritage.mp3

14.3 MB

02 The Libertarian Creed.mp3

16.9 MB

03 The State.mp3

18.0 MB

04 Libertarian Applications To Current Problems.mp3

4.1 MB

05 Involuntary Servitude.mp3

10.3 MB

06 Personal Liberty.mp3

17.5 MB

07 Education.mp3

16.1 MB

08 Welfare And The Welfare State.mp3

20.3 MB

09 Inflation And The Business Cycle.mp3

17.6 MB

10 The Public Sector [Part 1].mp3

4.5 MB

11 The Public Sector [Part 2].mp3

8.9 MB

12 The Public Sector [Part 3].mp3

19.4 MB

13 Conservation Ecology And Growth.mp3

14.2 MB

14 War And Foreign Policy.mp3

22.8 MB

15 A Strategy For Liberty.mp3

18.2 MB

/Rothbard, Murray/Audio/

Austrian Economics - Rothbard 1 [Mises In One Lesson].mp3

13.6 MB

Austrian Economics - Rothbard 2 [Banking And The Business Cycle].mp3

17.7 MB

Austrian Economics - Rothbard 3 [Conservation And Property Rights].mp3

9.8 MB

Austrian Economics - Rothbard 4 [The Pre-Austrians].mp3

17.3 MB

Austrian Economics - Rothbard 5 [The Future Of Austrian Economics].mp3

11.5 MB

Murray Rothbard - Chicago VS Austrian Economics [1971].mp3

12.8 MB

Murray Rothbard - Economic Depressions [Their Cause And Cure].mp3

10.5 MB

Murray Rothbard - Gold Standard Before The Civil War.mp3

15.5 MB

Murray Rothbard - The Current State Of World Affairs [1989].mp3

19.7 MB

Murray Rothbard - The Founding Of The Federal Reserve.mp3

13.2 MB

Murray Rothbard - Two Just Wars [1776 And 1861].mp3

9.0 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 1 [Ideology And History].mp3

16.0 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 2 [Communism].mp3

17.3 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 3 [The Pre-Austrians].mp3

17.3 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 4 [Menger And Böhm-Bawerk].mp3

17.2 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 5 [Mises And Austrian Economics].mp3

13.6 MB

Rothbard - History Of Economic Thought 6 [F.A. Hayek].mp3

16.3 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 1.mp3

2.6 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 2.mp3

879.7 KB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 3.mp3

18.8 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 4.mp3

15.9 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 5.mp3

10.6 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 6.mp3

12.7 MB

Rothbard - What Has Government Done To Our Money 7.mp3

12.9 MB

Rothbard On Capital, Interest, And Profit.mp3

9.8 MB

Rothbard On Demand And Supply.mp3

9.5 MB

Rothbard On Labor And Unions.mp3

9.3 MB

Rothbard On Money And Prices.mp3

10.0 MB

/.../Texts On Rothbard/

Austrian Misreads Adam Smith [A Critique Of Rothbard As Intellectual Historian].pdf

79.1 KB

Economists And Liberty [Murray N. Rothbard].pdf

705.4 KB

Essential Rothbard.pdf

475.0 KB

Feser On Rothbard As A Philosopher.pdf

163.8 KB

Forgotten Contribution [Murray Rothbard On Socialism In Theory And In Practice].pdf

92.6 KB

Mere Libertarianism [Blending Hayek And Rothbard].pdf

571.8 KB

Methodology Of The Austrian School Economists [Menger, Böhm-Bawerk, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard].pdf

404.5 KB

Murray N. Rothbard [Economics, Science, And Liberty].pdf

6.1 MB

Murray N. Rothbard [In Memoriam].pdf

8.0 MB

Rothbard's Intellectual Ancestry.pdf

3.4 MB

Rothbard's Time On The Left.pdf

221.4 KB

Rothbard's Welfare Theory [A Critique].pdf

84.8 KB

Study Guide To Rothbard's 'Man, Economy, And The State'.pdf

734.8 KB

/Rothbard, Murray/

America's Great Depression.pdf

1.1 MB

Anatomy Of The State [Essay].pdf

124.0 KB

Anatomy Of The State.pdf

145.9 KB

Austrian Perspective On The History Of Economic Thought [Volume 1].pdf

39.7 MB

Austrian Perspective On The History Of Economic Thought [Volume 2].pdf

38.8 MB

Breaking Out Of The Walrasian Box [The Cases Of Schumpeter And Hansen].pdf

1.1 MB

Case Against The Federal Reserve.pdf

10.1 MB

Economics Of Liberty [Essays].pdf

14.8 MB

Ethics Of Liberty.pdf

7.6 MB

For A New Liberty.pdf

6.8 MB

History Of Money And Banking In The United States.pdf

1.3 MB

Lange, Mises, And Praxeology [The Retreat From Marxism].pdf

2.0 MB

Law, Property Rights, And Air Pollution.pdf

163.8 KB

Ludwig Von Mises [Scholar, Creator, Hero].pdf

176.0 KB

Making Economic Sense.pdf

7.1 MB

Man, Economy, And State [With Power And Market].PDF

5.1 MB

Milton Friedman Unraveled.pdf

187.0 KB

Mystery Of Banking.pdf

2.5 MB

Myth Of Efficiency.pdf

28.1 KB

Panic Of 1819.pdf

1.4 MB

Patents And Copyrights.pdf

26.3 KB

Power And Market Government And The Economy.pdf

1.2 MB

Praxeology [The Methodology Of Austrian Economics].pdf

71.5 KB

Preface To Mises' 'Theory And History [An Interpretation Of Social And Economic Evolution]'.pdf

1.3 MB

Present State Of Austrian Economics.pdf

357.9 KB

Robert Nozick And The Immaculate Conception Of The State.pdf

1.0 MB

What Has Government Done To Our Money.pdf

797.6 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Rousseau/

Rousseau 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Rousseau 10.mp3

1.4 MB

/.../Audio On Rousseau/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Rousseau].mp3

12.3 MB

Birth Of The Modern Mind - Rousseau's Dissent.mp3

27.1 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Rousseau 1 [Inequality And Social Contract].mp3

7.4 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Rousseau 2 ['The Confessions' I].mp3

7.2 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Rousseau 3 ['The Confessions' II].mp3

7.2 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Rousseau 4 [Reveries Of The Solitary Walker].mp3

7.5 MB

European History And European Lives - Jean-Jacques Rousseau.mp3

7.3 MB

Freedom [The Philosophy of Liberation] - Locke And Rousseau.mp3

11.5 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 1.mp3

6.7 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 2.mp3

5.9 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 3.mp3

7.4 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 4.mp3

5.7 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 5.mp3

5.8 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 6.mp3

6.6 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 7.mp3

6.8 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 8.mp3

2.4 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Rousseau And 'The Social Contract' 9.mp3

9.8 MB

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Rousseau's 'Confessions'.mp3

10.6 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Rousseau's Dissent.mp3

7.1 MB

Rousseau On Civilization.mp3

10.0 MB

Theories Of Human Development - Two World Views [Locke VS Rousseau].mp3

5.6 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Voltaire VS Rousseau.mp3

22.6 MB

World's 100 Greatest People - Jean Jacques Rousseau.mp3

29.2 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'The Social Contract' By Jean-Jacques Rousseau.mp3

20.3 MB

/.../Texts On Rousseau/

Catechism Of The Citizen [Politics, Law, And Religion In, After, With, And Against Rousseau].pdf

246.3 KB

Companion To Jean-Jacques Rousseau.pdf

25.2 MB

General Will [Rousseau, Marx, Communism].pdf

5.3 MB

Guidebook To Rousseau And The 'Social Contract'.pdf

2.1 MB

Jean-Jacques Rousseau [Inequality Or Freedom].pdf

244.9 KB

Politics And History [Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel, And Marx].pdf

783.5 KB

Rousseau And Contradiction.pdf

150.7 KB

Rousseau's Theory Of The State.pdf

126.0 KB

Rousseau, Kant, Goethe [Two Essays].pdf

7.6 MB

Rousseau, Montesquieu, And The Origins Of Inequality.pdf

162.6 KB

Why Badiou Is A Rousseauist And Why We Should Be Too.pdf

34.9 KB

/Rousseau, Jean-Jacques/


1.7 MB

Constiutional Project For Corsica.pdf

134.1 KB

Discourse On Political Economy.pdf

123.5 KB

Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind.pdf

186.1 KB

General Will And Commercial Inequity [Excerpts].pdf

86.8 KB

Social Contract.pdf

265.0 KB

Émile [Or On Education].pdf

1.0 MB

/.../Texts On Roy/

Arundhati Roy [Anglophilia, Omelettes, Caste Borders, And Other Small Things].pdf

252.9 KB

But On A Quiet Day [A Tribute To Arundhati Roy].pdf

57.4 KB

Gender And Case In The Anglophone-Indian Novels Of A. Roy And G. Hariharan.pdf

104.8 KB

Open Letter To Arundhati Roy [Two Questions And A Challenge From Raymond Lotta].pdf

91.6 KB

Untouchability And Social Exclusion In Arundhati Roy's 'The God Of Small Things' [1997].pdf

41.0 KB

/Roy, Arundhati/

Arundhati Roy And Howard Zinn In Coversation [New Mexico, 2002].pdf

137.1 KB

Come September.pdf

77.3 KB

Confronting Empire.pdf

37.7 KB

God Of Small Things.pdf

2.8 MB

Shall We Leave It To Experts [Enron's Power Projects In India Demonstrates Who Benefits From Globalization].pdf

25.1 KB

Walking With The Comrades.pdf

342.8 KB

War Is Peace.pdf

276.9 KB

/.../Texts On Ruskin/

Digitising John Ruskin's Teaching Collection At The Ashmolean Museum.pdf

304.8 KB

John Ruskin's Daguerreotypes Of Venice.pdf

228.5 KB

John Ruskin, Preacher, And Other Essays.pdf

9.7 MB

John Ruskin.pdf

15.6 MB

Performing The Victorian [John Ruskin And Identity In Theater, Science, And Education].pdf

1.2 MB

/Ruskin, John/

Aratra Pentelici [Seven Lectures On The Elements Of Sculpture].pdf

778.4 KB

Ariadne Florentina [Six Lectures On Wood And Metal Engraving].pdf

798.4 KB

Ariadne Florentina.pdf

311.3 KB

Collection Of Essays And Articles On Art And Literature [Volume 1].pdf

1.7 MB

Collection Of Essays And Articles On Art And Literature [Volume 2].pdf

2.0 MB

Crown Of Wild Olive.pdf

1.4 MB

Elements Of Drawing In Three Letters To Beginners.pdf

900.7 KB

Ethics Of The Dust.pdf

315.5 KB

Frondes Agrestes [Readings In 'Modern Painters'].pdf

490.0 KB

Giotto And His Works In Padua [An Explanatory Notice].pdf

359.7 KB

Harbours Of England.pdf

290.4 KB

Hortus Inclusus [Messages From The Wood To The Garden].pdf

449.6 KB

Joy Forever [And Its Price In The Market].pdf

744.0 KB

King Of The Golden River [A Short Fairy Tale].pdf

158.4 KB

King Of The Golden River.pdf

121.3 KB

Lectures On Architecture And Painting.pdf

611.4 KB

Lectures On Art.pdf

638.3 KB

Lectures On Landscape.pdf

261.0 KB

Letters To Benvenuta.pdf

3.4 MB

Letters To Lord And Lady Mount-Temple.pdf

16.8 MB

Letters To William Ward [Volume I].pdf

3.2 MB

Letters To William Ward [Volume II].pdf

2.6 MB

Love's Meinie [Three Lectures On Greek And English Birds].pdf

580.8 KB

Mornings In Florence.pdf

297.4 KB

Our Fathers Have Told Us [The Bible Of Amiens].pdf

880.9 KB

Pleasures Of England [Lectures Given At Oxford].pdf

418.4 KB

Queen Of The Air.pdf

653.9 KB

Saint Ursula [Story Of Ursula And Dream Of Ursula].pdf

76.9 KB

Sesame And Lilies.pdf

289.4 KB

Time And Tide By Weare And Tyne [Twenty-Five Letters].pdf

615.0 KB

Two Paths.pdf

338.9 KB

Unto This Last.pdf

247.8 KB

Val D'Arno.pdf

715.0 KB

/.../History Of Western Philosophy/


1.1 MB


7.5 MB


14.6 MB


3.4 MB


6.4 MB


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/.../Religion And Science/


402.6 KB


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4.1 MB


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3.9 MB


5.5 MB


3.4 MB


2.8 MB


2.7 MB

/Russell, Bertrand/Audio/

Russell VS Copleston [A Debate On The Argument From Contingency].mp3

9.0 MB

/.../Texts On Russell/

Bertrand Russel And The Origins Of Analytical Philosophy.pdf

15.4 MB

Catastrophe And Eucatastrophe [Russell And Tolkien On The True Form Of Fiction].pdf

68.9 KB

Companion To Bertrand Russell.pdf

4.9 MB

Descriptions [Frege And Russell Combined].pdf

84.8 KB

God And The Reach Of Reason [Lewis, Hume, And Russell].pdf

1.7 MB

Place Of Saying And Showing In Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus' And Some Later Works.pdf

289.0 KB

Russell's Objections To Frege's Theory Of Sense And Reference.pdf

253.4 KB

Russell's Ontological Development.pdf

1.2 MB

Russell-Bradley Dispute And Its Significance For Twentieth-Century Philosophy.pdf

760.3 KB

Whitehead And Russel's 'Principia Mathematica'.pdf

307.8 KB

Why Bertrand Russell Was Not A Christian.pdf

396.8 KB

/Russell, Bertrand/


10.1 KB

ABC Of Relativity.pdf

1.7 MB

Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic.pdf

46.4 KB

Analysis Of Mind.pdf

1.9 MB

Basic Writings Of Bertrand Russell.pdf

2.9 MB

Bomb And Civilization.pdf

236.2 KB

Collection Of Essays.pdf

159.1 KB

Columns For The Hearst Newspapers.pdf

26.0 KB

Critical Exposition Of The Philosophy Of Leibniz.pdf

1.2 MB

Cult Of 'Common Usage'.pdf

126.4 KB

Debate On The Argument From Contingency.pdf

61.9 KB


64.8 KB

Divorce Between Science And 'Culture'.pdf

36.6 KB

Doctrine Of Extermination.pdf

36.0 KB

Education And Discipline.pdf

41.1 KB

Free Man's Worship.pdf

159.1 KB

History Of Western Philosophy.pdf

5.1 MB

How I Write.pdf

35.5 KB

Icarus [The Future Of Science].pdf

67.7 KB

Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind.pdf

71.6 KB

Ideas That Have Helped Mankind.pdf

74.5 KB

In Praise Of Idleness.pdf

62.2 KB

Introduction To Mathematical Philosophy.pdf

12.7 MB

Is There A God.pdf

43.2 KB

Knowledge And Wisdom.pdf

14.5 KB

Liberal Decalogue.pdf

41.1 KB

Ludwig Wittgenstein [Obituary].pdf

179.3 KB

Metaphysician's Nightmare.pdf

38.7 KB

Modern Uncertainty.pdf

42.5 KB


51.0 KB

Philosophical Consequences Of Relativity.pdf

16.8 KB

Philosophical Importance Of Mathematical Logic.pdf

49.0 KB

Philosophy For Laymen.pdf

25.2 KB

Philosophy Of Logical Atomism.pdf

835.8 KB

Political Ideals.pdf

2.3 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 1].pdf

26.7 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 2].pdf

26.8 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 3].pdf

15.5 MB

Principles Of Mathematics.pdf

23.1 MB

Problems Of Philosophy.pdf

261.1 KB

Prologue [What I Have Lived For].pdf

463.0 KB

Proposed Roads To Freedom.pdf

5.4 MB

Russell On Metaphysics [Selections From The Writings Of Bertrand Russell].pdf

855.5 KB

Russell-Einstein Manifesto.pdf

11.1 KB

Science And Ethics.pdf

52.2 KB

Theory Of Knowledge [An Encyclopedia Article].pdf

52.2 KB

Trotsky On Our Sins.pdf

50.0 KB


51.5 KB

Value Of Scepticism.pdf

54.4 KB

Why I Am A Rationalist.pdf

48.7 KB

Why I Am Not A Christian [And Other Essays On Religion And Related Subjects].pdf

701.1 KB

Youthful Cynicism.pdf

45.8 KB

/.../Texts On Ryle/

Gilbert Ryle And The Chinese Skeptic [Do Epistemologists Need To Know How To].pdf

170.7 KB

Peter Frederich Strawson On Gilbert Ryle.pdf

83.6 KB

Verbal Understanding [Integrating The Conceptual Analyses Of Skinner, Ryle, And Wittgenstein].pdf

1.2 MB

/Ryle, Gilbert/

'Theory Of Special Status Pictures' And 'Imagining'.pdf

1.5 MB

Concept Of Mind [60th Anniversary Edition].pdf

1.6 MB

Concept Of Mind.pdf

35.7 MB

Letters And Syllables In Plato.pdf

538.5 KB

Mr. Collingwood And The Ontological Argument.pdf

1.6 MB

Ordinary Language.pdf

442.6 KB

Plato's 'Parmenides' [II.].pdf

592.4 KB

Symposium [Use, Usage, And Meaning].pdf

516.3 KB

/.../Texts On Sade/

Black Sun [Bataille On Sade].pdf

134.2 KB

Dostoevsky VS Marquis De Sade.pdf

453.1 KB

Francine Du Plessix Gray's Sade [Up Close And Personal With The Marquis].pdf

80.5 KB

Introduction To The Marquis De Sade.pdf

4.3 MB

Kant With Sade.pdf

2.3 MB

Life Of Sade.pdf

47.9 KB

Marquis De Sade [First Zimbabwean Novelist].pdf

345.8 KB

Marquis De Sade [His Life And Work].pdf

667.4 KB

Marquis De Sade's 'The 120 Days Of Sodom' [Revelling In The Natural Law Of Libertinage].pdf

72.8 KB

Phantasms Of Perversion [Sade And Fourier].pdf

71.1 KB

Use Value Of D.A.F. De Sade.pdf

68.5 KB

/Sade, Marquis de/

120 Days Of Sodom.pdf

1.7 MB

Philosophy In The Bedroom.pdf

667.3 KB


31.5 KB

/.../Demon-Haunted World [Science As A Candle In The Dark]/


7.4 MB


32.8 MB


24.3 MB


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18.0 MB


3.4 MB


3.3 MB

/.../Texts On Sagan/

Astronomy's Great Promoter [The Universe Lost One Of Its Best Friends With Carl Sagan].pdf

27.3 KB

Letter To Carl Sagan [From Edward Anders].pdf

249.2 KB

Memories Of My Dad [By Nick Sagan].pdf

92.4 KB

/Sagan, Carl/

Backbone Of The Night [Excerpt From 'Cosmos'].pdf

35.1 KB

Billions And Billions [Thoughts On Life And Death At The Brink Of The Millennium].pdf

1.2 MB

Burden Of Skepticism.pdf

54.6 KB

Can SETI Succeed [Carl Sagan And Ernst Mayr Debate].pdf

96.0 KB

Can We Know The Universe [Reflections On A Grain Of Salt].pdf

36.6 KB


1.1 MB

Cosmic Connection [An Extraterrestrial Perspective].pdf

2.0 MB


3.1 MB

Definitions Of Life.pdf

36.0 KB

Demon-Haunted World [Science As A Candle In The Dark].pdf

4.6 MB

Does Truth Matter [Science, Pseudoscience, And Civilization].pdf

210.9 KB

Dragons Of Eden [Speculations On The Evolution Of Human Intelligence].pdf

531.7 KB

Dreams Are Maps [Exploration And Human Purpose].pdf

33.4 KB

Nuclear Winter [The World After Nuclear War].pdf

46.4 KB

Pale Blue Dot [A Vision Of The Human Future In Space].pdf

846.2 KB

Quest For Extraterrestrial Intelligence.pdf

55.1 KB

Quotations On Freethought And Religion.pdf

43.0 KB

Rules Of The Game.pdf

39.3 KB

Varieties Of Scientific Experience [A Personal View Of The Search For God].pdf

7.9 MB

Wonder And Skepticism.pdf

55.3 KB

/.../Texts On Said/

About Politics, Palestine, And Friendship [A Letter To Edward Said From Egypt].pdf

59.1 KB

Edward Said [Critical Thinkers].pdf

1.9 MB

Edward Said And The Politics Of Worldliness [Toward A 'Rendezvous Of Victory'].pdf

123.3 KB

Edward Said's 'Orientalism' And Middle East Feminist Studies.pdf

304.7 KB

Interview [Edward Said, Cultural Politics, And Critical Theory].pdf

435.7 KB

Margins Of A Memoir [A Personal Reading Of Said's 'Out Of Place'].pdf

257.5 KB

Symposium On Said's 'Culture And Imperialism'.pdf

480.1 KB

Thinking About Edward Said [Pages From A Memoir].pdf

51.3 KB

/Said, Edward/

'Orientalism' Once More.pdf

106.3 KB

'Orientalism' Reconsidered.pdf

87.5 KB

America's Last Taboo.pdf

49.7 KB

Arabs And Jews.pdf

317.6 KB

Book, Critical Performance, And The Future Of Education.pdf

142.5 KB

Burdens Of Interpretation And The Question Of Palestine.pdf

155.2 KB

Chomsky And The Question Of Palestine.pdf

414.5 KB

Conrad [The Presentation Of Narrative].pdf

413.0 KB

Conversation [On Palestinian Identity].pdf

87.9 KB

Conversation [The Panic Of The Visual].pdf

333.0 KB

Conversation [With Neeladri Bhattacharya, Suvir Kaul, And Ania Loomba].pdf

999.3 KB

Culture And Imperialism.pdf

22.7 MB

Erich Auerbach, Critic Of The Earthly World.pdf

154.7 KB

Ethics Of Language [A Review Of Foucault's 'The Archaeology Of Knowledge And The Discourse On Language'].pdf

434.9 KB

Exchange On Deconstruction And History.pdf

235.5 KB

Figures, Configurations, Transfigurations.pdf

932.1 KB

From Intifadah To Independence.pdf

652.8 KB

Future Of Criticism.pdf

124.2 KB

Glenn Gould, The Virtuoso As Intellectual.pdf

890.8 KB

Globalizing Literary Study.pdf

142.8 KB

Idea Of Palestine In The West.pdf

877.5 KB

Identity, Authority, And Freedom [The Potentate And The Traveler].pdf

268.5 KB

Identity, Negation And Violence.pdf

83.6 KB

Ideology Of Difference.pdf

414.6 KB

Impossible Histories [Why The Many Islams Cannot Be Simplified].pdf

1.5 MB

Intellectuals And The War.pdf

329.8 KB

Interview ['Boundary'].pdf

373.2 KB

Interview ['Critical Quarterly'].pdf

155.7 KB

Interview ['Diacritics'].pdf

820.4 KB

Interview ['Environment And Planning D'].pdf

145.8 KB

Interview ['Interventions'].pdf

76.9 KB

Interview ['Postcolonial Text'].pdf

103.8 KB

Interview [American Intellectuals And Middle East Politics].pdf

388.0 KB

Interview [Criticism, Culture, And Performance].pdf

370.0 KB

Interview [Nationalism, Secularism, Postcoloniality].pdf

58.2 KB

Interview [Orientalism Revisited].pdf

446.2 KB

Intifada And Independence.pdf

407.0 KB

Introduction To Erich Auerbach's 'Mimesis' [The Representation Of Reality In Western Literature].pdf

118.1 KB

Invention, Memory, And Place.pdf

363.7 KB

Irangate [A Many-Sided Crisis].pdf

380.1 KB

Living In Arabic.pdf

1.9 MB

Michel Foucault As An Intellectual Imagination.pdf

606.0 KB

My Encounter With Sartre.pdf

31.8 KB

Narrative, Geography, And Interpretation.pdf

104.4 KB

Nationalism, Colonialism, And Literature.pdf

5.3 MB

Not All The Way To The Tigers [Britain's Death In Venice].pdf

64.9 KB

Notes On The Characterization Of A Literary Text.pdf

545.8 KB

Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, And Community.pdf

486.9 KB


10.7 MB

Palestinian Right Of Return.pdf

1.2 MB

Palestinians In The Aftermath Of Beirut.pdf

144.7 KB

Peace And The Middle East.pdf

1.0 MB

People In Need Of Leadership.pdf

43.9 KB

Peoples' Rights And Literature.pdf

1.3 MB

Permission To Narrate.pdf

369.4 KB

Politics Of Knowledge.pdf

944.5 KB

President And The Baseball Player.pdf

101.6 KB

Presidential Address 1999 [Humanism And Heroism].pdf

192.0 KB

Problem Of Textuality [Two Exemplary Positions].pdf

914.5 KB

Projecting Jerusalem.pdf

214.8 KB

Punishment By Detail.pdf

2.0 MB

Real Meaning Of The Hebron Agreement.pdf

153.4 KB

Reflections On Recent American 'Left' Literary Criticism.pdf

446.0 KB

Reflections On Twenty Years Of Palestinian History.pdf

488.3 KB

Representations Of The Intellectual [The 1993 Reith Lectures].pdf

5.6 MB

Representing The Colonized [Anthropology's Interlocutors].pdf

474.9 KB

Response [Toward A Dialogue].pdf

286.8 KB

Roads Taken And Not Taken In Contemporary Criticism.pdf

432.4 KB

Shultz Meeting With Edward Said And Ibrahim Abu-Lughod.pdf

160.2 KB

Spurious Scholarship And The Palestinian Question.pdf

1.0 MB

Stop Sharon's State Terrorism.pdf

53.2 KB

Stop the War [Stop the Killing].pdf

483.6 KB

Swift's Tory Anarchy.pdf

503.2 KB

Symbols Versus Substance [A Year After The Declaration Of Principles].pdf

300.4 KB

Text As Practice And As Idea.pdf

775.4 KB

Text, The World, The Critic.pdf

544.1 KB

Totalitarianism Of Mind [Review Of 'The Savage Mind' By Claude Lévi-Strauss].pdf

798.2 KB

Tribute To Tony Tanner.pdf

32.3 KB

U.S. Policy And The Conflict Of Powers In The Middle East.pdf

620.2 KB

Vico On The Discipline Of Bodies And Texts.pdf

209.3 KB

What Is Beyond Formalism.pdf

291.4 KB

Zionism From The Standpoint Of Its Victims.pdf

2.4 MB

/.../Texts On Saint-Simon/

Bentham, Saint-Simon, And Mill.pdf

77.9 KB

Saint-Simon And Saint-Simonism [A Chapter In The History Of Socialism In France].pdf

15.6 MB

Saint-Simon And The Liberal Origins Of The Socialist Critique Of Political Economy.pdf

131.8 KB

Twilight Of Vanguardism [On Saint-Simon].pdf

75.4 KB

Utopists [Owen, Saint-Simon, And Fourier].pdf

59.5 KB

/Saint-Simon, Henri de/

Letters From An Inhabitant Of Geneva To His Contemporaries.pdf

84.7 KB

/.../Texts On Santayana/

Essays In Literary Criticism Of George Santayana.pdf

2.5 MB

George Santayana On Liberalism And The Spiritual Life.pdf

97.9 KB

Intellectual Jealousy [Berenson And Santayana].pdf

276.0 KB

/Santayana, George/

Character And Opinion In The United States [With Reminiscences Of William James And Josiah Royce].pdf

9.3 MB

Dialogues In Limbo.pdf

20.7 MB

Interpretations Of Poetry And Religion.pdf

10.5 MB

Life Of Reason.pdf

1.3 MB

Realm Of Truth.pdf

17.9 MB

Sense Of Beauty [Being The Outlines Of Aesthetic Theory].pdf

398.4 KB

Some Turns Of Thought In Modern Philosophy.pdf

104.1 KB

Winds Of Doctrine [Studies In Contemporary Opinion].pdf

243.4 KB

/.../Texts On Sapir/

Edward Sapir And The 'Sino-Dene' Hypothesis.pdf

1.7 MB

Edward Sapir's View About International Auxiliary Language.pdf

90.1 KB

Edward Sapir, Linguistic Relativity, And International Language.pdf

152.7 KB

/Sapir, Edward/

Dreams And Gibes.pdf

5.9 MB

Language [An Introduction To The Study Of Speech].pdf

13.3 MB

Religious Life.pdf

3.9 MB

Selected Writings In Language, Culture, And Personality.pdf

4.0 MB

Sketch On The Social Organization Of The Nass River Indians.pdf

2.1 MB

Status Of Linguistics As A Science.pdf

1.1 MB

Takelma Language Of Southwestern Oregon.pdf

2.2 MB

Time Perspective In Aboriginal American Culture [A Study In Method].pdf

2.5 MB

Wishram Texts.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../Audio On Sartre/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Existential Philosophy [Camus And Sartre].mp3

14.4 MB

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Existential Philosophy [Sartre And Camus].mp3

14.4 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 1 [At War].mp3

14.5 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 2 [On Emotions And Responsibility].mp3

14.4 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 3 [Phenomenology].mp3

14.7 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 4 [On Bad Faith].mp3

14.6 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 5 [Being-For-Others And No Exit].mp3

14.5 MB

Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life - Sartre 6 [On Sex And Love].mp3

14.7 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Sartre.mp3

28.6 MB

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Sartre's 'Nausea'.mp3

10.7 MB

Philosophy In The 20th Century - Sartre And The Roads To Freedom.mp3

14.8 MB

Sartre In 90 Minuter [Part 1].mp3

50.4 MB

Sartre In 90 Minuter [Part 2].mp3

46.4 MB

Sartre On Bad Faith.mp3

14.5 MB

Sartre's Existentialism.mp3

5.7 MB



95.2 MB

/.../Texts On Sartre/

Class Lecture Notes On Sartre's 'Being And Nothingness'.pdf

1.1 MB

Companion To Jean-Paul Sartre.pdf

20.6 MB

Indirect Language And The Voices Of Silence [Merleau-Ponty To Jean-Paul Sartre].pdf

5.1 MB

Interview [On The Legacy Of Jean-Paul Sartre].pdf

213.6 KB

Introduction [On Sartre].pdf

169.1 KB

Jean-Paul Sartre [Basic Writings].pdf

1.9 MB

Jean-Paul Sartre [Outsider Looking In].pdf

139.8 KB

Marxism And Form [Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse, Bloch, Lukács, Sartre].pdf

44.5 MB

Matter-Image Or Image-Consciousness [Bergson Contra Sartre].pdf

144.4 KB

My Encounter With Sartre.pdf

31.8 KB

Philosophy In Turbulent Times [Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida].pdf

9.5 MB

Race After Sartre [Antiracism, Africana Existentialism, Postcolonialism].pdf

7.2 MB

Reinvention Of The Couple [On Beauvoir And Sartre].pdf

81.8 KB

Sartre [The Origins Of A Style].pdf

92.0 MB

Sartre And The Social Construction Of Race.pdf

272.0 KB

Sartre As Marxist Anthropologist.pdf

125.4 KB

Sartre's 'Being And Nothingness' [A Reader's Guide].pdf

3.0 MB

Sartre's 'Lucifer And The Lord'.pdf

281.0 KB

Sartre's Conception Of Poetry, Prose-Writing, And Committed Literature.pdf

85.2 KB

Sartre, Foucault, And Historical Reason [Volume 1 - Toward An Existentialism Theory Of History].pdf

6.5 MB

Sartre, Foucault, And Historical Reason [Volume 2 - A Poststructuralist Mapping Of History].pdf

7.4 MB


960.4 KB


Human, All Too Human [Sartre].avi

413.0 MB

No Exit.mp4

325.1 MB

/Sartre, Jean-Paul/

Being And Nothingness.pdf

35.4 MB

Colonialism Is A System.pdf

141.1 KB

Communists And Peace [With A Reply To Claude Lefort].pdf

8.1 MB

Critique Of Dialectical Reason [Volume 1].pdf

12.8 MB

Emotions [Outline Of A Theory].pdf

6.4 MB

Excerpt On Self And Subjectivity [With Commentary].pdf

128.4 KB

Existentialism And Human Emotions.pdf

158.2 KB

Existentialism Is A Humanism [Lecture Given In 1946].pdf

866.1 KB

Fine Display Of Capuchins.pdf

765.1 KB


358.2 KB

Marxism And Existentialism.pdf

68.6 KB


409.0 KB

Search For A Method.pdf

5.6 MB

Time In Faulkner ['The Sound And The Fury'].pdf

390.3 KB

Transcendence Of The Ego.pdf

1.3 MB

Wall [And Other Writings].pdf

15.5 MB

What Is Writing.pdf

113.6 KB

/.../Texts On Sassen/

Review Of Sassen's 'Territory, Authority, Rights [From Medieval To Global Assemblages]'.pdf

155.6 KB

Saskia Sassen And The Sociology Of Globalization [A Critical Appraisal].pdf

324.0 KB

/Sassen, Saskia/

America's Immigration 'Problem'.pdf

1.2 MB

Beyond Sovereignty [De-Facto Transnationalism In Immigration Policy].pdf

4.7 MB

Cities And Communities In The Global Economy [Rethinking Our Concepts].pdf

1.2 MB

Cities At The Intersection Of New Histories.pdf

77.4 KB

Cities Today [A New Frontier For Major Developments].pdf

619.0 KB

City [Between Topographic Representation And Spatialized Power Projects].pdf

216.8 KB

City In A Global Digital Age [Do We Create A New Narrative Of Economic Globalization].pdf

310.0 KB

Concentration And Centrality In The Global City.pdf

713.8 KB

De-Nationalization [Some Conceptual And Empirical Elements].pdf

1.2 MB

Digging In The Penumbra Of Master Categories.pdf

41.6 KB

Digital Formations [Constructing An Object Of Study].pdf

328.3 KB

Digital Networks And The State [Some Governance Questions].pdf

81.5 KB

Ecology Of Global Economic Power [Changing Investment Practices To Promote Environmental Sustainability].pdf

1.6 MB

Economic Restructuring And The American City.pdf

582.0 KB

Electronic Space [Embedded And Segmented].pdf

801.5 KB

Europe's Migrations [The Numbers And The Passions Are Not New].pdf

187.4 KB

Excavating Power [In Search Of Fronteir Zones And New Actors].pdf

80.6 KB

Excesses Of Globalisation And The Feminisation Of Survival.pdf

154.6 KB

Finance And Business Services In New York City [International Linkages And Domestic Effects].pdf

1.3 MB

Formal And Informal Associations [Dominicans And Colombians In New York].pdf

417.2 KB

From Internationalism To De-Nationalization [Thinking About The 'Manifesto' Today].pdf

37.0 KB

Future Of Urban Sociology.pdf

381.2 KB

Global City [Introducing A Concept].pdf

5.6 MB

Global City [New York, London, Tokyo].pdf

16.4 MB

Global Financial Centers.pdf

829.4 KB

Globalization And Its Discontents.pdf

13.2 MB

Globalization Or Denationalization.pdf

299.6 KB

Globalization Or The Age Of Transition [A Long-Term View Of The Trajectory Of The World System].pdf

95.6 KB

Gobal Cities And Diasporic Networks [Microsites In Global Civil Society].pdf

1.4 MB

Going Beyond The National State In The USA [The Politics Of Minoritized Groups In Global Cities].pdf

443.5 KB

Governance Hotspots [Challenges We Must Confront In The Post-September 11th World].pdf

50.7 KB

Handbook Of Public Sociology [Essay].pdf

1.4 MB

Impacts Of Information Technologies On Urban Economies And Politics.pdf

48.4 KB

Informal Economy [Between New Developments And Old Regulations].pdf

356.0 KB

Informalization [Imported Through Immigration Or A Feature Of Advanced Economies].pdf

106.9 KB

Informalization In Advanced Market Economies.pdf

168.3 KB

International Circulation Of Resources And Development [The Case Of Migrant Labour].pdf

1.9 MB

Interview [Cities As Spaces Of Possibility].pdf

129.6 KB

Interview [Digging The Global Mine].pdf

154.6 KB

Interview [Power, Mobility, And Diaspora In The Global City].pdf

226.0 KB

Issues And Case Studies In The New Urban Economy [Chapter 5 From 'Cities In A World Economy'].pdf

224.4 KB

Limits Of Power And The Complexity Of Powerlessness [The Case Of Immigration].pdf

225.7 KB

Local Actors In Global Politics.pdf

133.2 KB

Locating Cities On Global Circuits.pdf

297.3 KB

Making It Underground [Comparative Material On The Informal Sector In Western Market Economies].pdf

551.7 KB

Making Public Interventions In Today's Massive Cities.pdf

109.0 KB

Making The Global Economy Run [The Role Of National States And Private Agents].pdf

136.6 KB

Miami [A New Global City].pdf

218.8 KB

National And Transnational Urban Systems [Chapter 3 From 'Cities In A World Economy'].pdf

522.3 KB

New Fronteirs Facing Urban Sociology At The Millennium.pdf

149.8 KB

New Illegal Immigration In Japan [1980-1992].pdf

404.2 KB

New York City [Economic Restructuring And Immigration].pdf

1.8 MB

Non-Dominant Ethnic Populations As Parts Of Total Society [Chicanos In The U.S.].pdf

1.3 MB

Notes On The Incorporation Of Third World Women Into Wage-Labor Through Immigration And Off-Shore Production.pdf

443.2 KB

Participation Of States And Citizens In Global Governance.pdf

181.7 KB

Place And Production In The Global Economy [Chapter 1 From 'Cities In A World Economy'].pdf

125.9 KB

Regulating Immigration In A Global Age [A New Policy Landscape].pdf

178.7 KB

Repositioning Of Citizenship [Emergent Subjects And Spaces For Politics].pdf

163.1 KB

Scales And Spaces.pdf

34.2 KB

Sociology Of Globalization.pdf

23.8 MB

Spatialities And Temporalities Of The Global [Elements For A Theorization].pdf

61.7 KB

State And Globalization.pdf

132.2 KB

Territory And Territoriality In The Global Economy.pdf

122.0 KB

Territory, Authority, Rights [From Medieval To Global Assemblages].pdf

3.2 MB

Topoi Of E-Space [Global Cities And Global Value Chains].pdf

143.3 KB

Toward A Multiplication Of Specialized Assemblages Of Territory, Authority, And Rights.pdf

168.6 KB

Towards A Conceptualization Of Immigrant Labor.pdf

543.6 KB

Towards A Sociology Of Information Technology.pdf

102.5 KB

Two Stops In Today's New Global Geographies [Shaping Novel Labor Supplies And Employment Regimes].pdf

409.1 KB

U.S. Immigration Policy Toward Mexico In A Global Economy.pdf

928.5 KB

When National Territory Is Home To The Global [Old Borders To Novel Borderings].pdf

134.3 KB

Whose City Is It [Globalization And The Formation Of New Claims].pdf

1.4 MB

Women's Burden [Counter-Geographies Of Globalization And The Feminization Of Survival].pdf

127.2 KB

/.../Audio On Saussure/

From Plato To Postmodernism - Role Of The Author [Structuralism - Ferdinand De Saussure To Michel Foucault].mp3

7.2 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Structuralism [Saussure And Lévi-Strauss].mp3

7.5 MB

Introduction To The Study Of Religion - Ferdinand De Saussure.mp3

21.2 MB

Readings In Philosophy - Nietzsche And De Saussure.mp3

9.0 MB

/.../Texts On Saussure/

Companion To Ferdinand De Saussure.pdf

1.4 MB

Decoding Augustine Via Saussure.pdf

1.7 MB

Ferdinand De Saussure [Origin And Development Of His Linguistic Theory In Western Studies Of Language].pdf

8.4 MB

From Hesiod To Saussure, From Hippocrates To Jevons [An Introduction To The History Of Scientific Thought].pdf

3.4 MB

From Saussure To Critical Sociolinguistics [The Turn Towards A Social View Of Language].pdf

2.7 MB

Notes On Saussure's 'Third Course Of Lectures On General Linguistics'.pdf

131.6 KB

Re-Socializing Saussure [Romm's Unpublished Review Of 'Marxism And The Philosophy Of Language'].pdf

322.0 KB

Saussure Meets The Brain.pdf

70.2 KB

Saussure's Linguistic Theory.pdf

158.7 KB

Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, And The Library [De Saussure And Foucault].pdf

130.7 KB

Why Lithuanian Accentuation Mattered To Saussure.pdf

150.9 KB

/Saussure, Ferdinand de/

Course In General Linguistics.pdf

1.7 MB

Language And Linguistics.pdf

1.6 MB

Linguistic Value.pdf

1.3 MB

Nature Of The Linguistic Sign.pdf

1.6 MB

/.../Texts On Say/

From Say's Law To Keynes, From Keynes To Walras' Law [Some Ironies In The History Of Economic Thought].pdf

267.2 KB

Jean-Baptiste Say [Foundations Of France's Free Trade Tradition].pdf

122.7 KB

Jean-Baptiste Say [Neglected Champion Of Laissez-Faire].pdf

2.3 MB

Jean-Baptiste Say, The Father Of Austrian Public Finance [Views On Taxation].pdf

63.0 KB

Keynes And Say's Law Of Markets [Analysis And Implications For Austrian Economics].pdf

132.3 KB

Letter To Jean-Baptiste Say [On The Comparative Expense Of Free And Slave Labour].pdf

3.5 MB

Retrospectives [Say's Law].pdf

148.9 KB

Say's Law Of Markets [An Austrian Appreciation].pdf

670.9 KB

True Meaning Of Say's Law.pdf

4.1 MB

/Say, Jean-Baptiste/

Catechism Of Political Economy [Or Familiar Conversations On Wealth].pdf

6.6 MB

Letters To Malthus On Political Economy And Stagnation Of Commerce.pdf

248.8 KB

Nature Of Things [Excerpts].pdf

46.9 KB

Treatise On Political Economy [Or The Production, Distribution, And Consumption Of Wealth].pdf

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Scheler/

John Paul II And Max Scheler On The Meaning Of Suffering.pdf

131.3 KB

Max Scheler And The Psychopathology Of The Terrorist.pdf

69.4 KB

Max Scheler's Understanding Of The Phenomenological Method.pdf

211.8 KB

Mises And Scheler [Two Types Of Value Theory And Their Possible Interrelation].pdf

108.3 KB

Philosophical Anthropology [Ernst Cassirer, Max Scheler, And Thomè H. Fang].pdf

257.0 KB

Ressentiment And Counter-Ressentiment [Nietzsche, Scheler, And The Reaction Against Equality].pdf

206.6 KB

/.../Texts On Schelling/

Aesthetic Paradigms Of Kant And Schelling.pdf

130.2 KB

Early Philosophy Of Fichte And Schelling.pdf

162.1 KB

Fanaticism And Production [On Schelling's Philosophy Of Indifference].pdf

357.7 KB

Fichte And Schelling [The Jena Period].pdf

371.3 KB

German Idealism [Kant's, Fichte's, And Schelling's Struggle Against Subjectivism].pdf

2.1 MB

German Idealism And The Problem Of Knowledge [Kant, Fichte, Schelling, And Hegel].pdf

1.9 MB

German Realism [The Self-Limitation Of Idealist Thinking In Fichte, Schelling, And Schopenhauer].pdf

128.4 KB

Nature Is The Poetry Of Mind [Or How Schelling Solved Goethe's Kantian Problems].pdf

154.5 KB

Schelling's Attempt At Restoration [Idealism Under Review].pdf

285.5 KB

Schelling's Doctrine Of The Soul And Heidegger's Analytic Of Dasein.pdf

2.3 MB

Schelling's Romantic Appropriation Of Kant [1795-1809].pdf

516.7 KB

Schelling's Treatise On The Essence Of Human Freedom.pdf

2.8 MB

/Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph/

First Outline Of A System Of The Philosophy Of Nature.pdf

2.8 MB

Grounding Of Positive Philosophy [The Berlin Lectures].pdf

1.5 MB

Historical-Critical Introduction To The Philosophy Of Mythology.pdf

3.4 MB

Philosophical Investigations Into The Essence Of Human Freedom.pdf

1.2 MB

Philosophy Of Art.pdf

24.8 MB

System Of Transcendental Idealism.pdf

12.2 MB

/.../Audio On Schiller/

From Plato To Postmodernism - Role Of The Author [Schiller On Aesthetics].mp3

7.2 MB

/.../Texts On Schiller/

Aesthetic Holism Of Hamann, Herder, And Schiller.pdf

137.2 KB

How Hegel Was Influenced By Schiller, Goethe, And Hermeticism.pdf

163.2 KB

J.C. Friedrich Von Schiller [Aesthetics And Politics].pdf

117.6 KB

Life Of Friedrich Schiller [And An Examination Of His Works].pdf

1.6 MB

Schiller As Philosopher [A Re-Examination].pdf

2.9 MB

/Schiller, Friedrich/

Aesthetical Essays.pdf

648.6 KB

Collected Works.pdf

3.4 MB

Death Of Wallenstein.pdf

366.7 KB


269.1 KB

Don Carlos.pdf

402.1 KB

Fiesco [Or The Genoese Conspiracy].pdf

359.4 KB

Ghost-Seer [Or The Apparitionist And Sport Of Destiny].pdf

373.2 KB

History Of The Revolt Of The Netherlands.pdf

612.9 KB

History Of The Thirty Years War In Germany.pdf

678.1 KB

Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education Of Man.pdf

443.5 KB

Maid Of Orleans.pdf

341.1 KB

Mary Stuart.pdf

357.3 KB

Philosophical Letters.pdf

296.7 KB


326.6 KB

Poems [1st Period].pdf

275.2 KB

Poems [2nd Period].pdf

252.4 KB

Poems [3rd Period].pdf

391.3 KB

Wallenstein's Camp.pdf

260.2 KB

Wilhelm Tell.pdf

390.1 KB

/.../Texts On Schlegel/

1790s [Hölderlin, Novalis, Schleiermacher, Schlegel].pdf

802.3 KB

Friedrich Schlegel And The Idea Of Fragment [A Contribution To Romantic Aesthetics].pdf

142.8 KB

Friedrich Schlegel's Relations With Reichardt And His Contributions To 'Deutschland'.pdf

3.3 MB

/Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich/

Aesthetic And Miscellaneous Works.pdf

3.3 MB

Study Of Greek Poetry.pdf

7.1 MB

/.../Texts On Schleiermacher/

1790s [Hölderlin, Novalis, Schleiermacher, Schlegel].pdf

802.3 KB

Are Human Beings Religious By Nature [Schleiermacher's Generic View Of Religion].pdf

164.7 KB

Background To Modern Theology [Friedrich Schleiermacher].pdf

71.7 KB

Companion To Friedrich Schleiermacher.pdf

1.8 MB

Friedrich Schleiermacher [Between Enlightenment And Romanticism].pdf

2.3 MB

Immediacy And The Text [Friedrich Schleiermacher's Theory Of Style And Interpretation].pdf

599.9 KB

Schleiermacher [Personal And Speculative].pdf

1.1 MB

Schleiermacher And Romans.pdf

155.0 KB

Schleiermacher And The State.pdf

185.4 KB

Schleiermacher On Christ And Religion.pdf

33.1 KB

Schleiermacher Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow.pdf

135.6 KB

Schleiermacher's Dormant Discovery.pdf

254.8 KB

Schleiermacher's Test For Truth [Dialogue In The Church].pdf

910.5 KB

Schleiermacher, Feminism, And Liberation Theologies [A Key].pdf

205.4 KB

/Schleiermacher, Friedrich/

Hermeneutics And Criticism [And Other Writings].pdf

53.7 MB

Lectures On Philosophical Ethics.pdf

1.2 MB

Religion [Speeches To Its Cultured Despisers].pdf

1.3 MB

/.../Texts On Schlick/

Husserl And Schlick On The Logical Form Of Experience.pdf

168.9 KB

Kantianism And Realism [Alois Riehl And Moritz Schlick].pdf

186.6 KB

/Schlick, Moritz/

Epistemology And Modern Physics.pdf

74.6 KB

Future Of Philosophy.pdf

848.9 KB

Positivism And Realism.pdf

2.8 MB

Problems Of Ethics.pdf

8.0 MB

Space And Time In Contemporary Physics [An Introduction To The Theory Of Relativity And Gravitation].pdf

7.7 MB

Turning Point In Philosophy [And 'The Old And The New Logic' By Rudolf Carnap].pdf

1.2 MB

/.../Audio On Schmitt/

Thinking About Capitalism - Fascists On Capitalism [Freyer And Schmitt].mp3

22.1 MB

/.../Texts On Schmitt/

Carl Schmitt And The Paradox Of Liberal Democracy.pdf

1.0 MB

Carl Schmitt's Europe [Cultural, Imperial, And Spatial Proposals For European Integration].pdf

35.9 KB

Carl Schmitt's Hobbesian State.pdf

142.1 KB

Exile Of The Nomos [For A Critical Profile Of Carl Schmitt].pdf

158.6 KB

From Walter Benjamin To Carl Schmitt Via Thomas Hobbes.pdf

980.4 KB

International Political Thought Of Carl Schmitt [Terror, Liberal War, And The Crisis Of Global Order].pdf

1.4 MB

Mine That Explodes Silently [Carl Schmitt In Weimar And After].pdf

1.3 MB

Obscure Subject [Sovereignty And Geopolitics In Carl Schmitt's 'The Nomos Of The Earth'].pdf

164.0 KB

P.A. Gottfried's 'Carl Schmitt [Politics And Theory]'.pdf

238.6 KB

Political Theology And The Theology Of Politics [Carl Schmitt And Medieval Christian Political Thought].pdf

298.1 KB

Revival Of Carl Schmitt In International Relations [The Last Refuge Of Critical Thinkers].pdf

146.3 KB

Schmitt And Poststructuralism [A Response].pdf

1.1 MB

Schmitt's Vision Of A Multipolar World Order.pdf

122.5 KB

Use And Abuse Of Leo Strauss In The Schmitt Revival On The German Right [The Case Of Heinrich Meier].pdf

62.1 KB

/Schmitt, Carl/

Hamlet Or Hecuba [The Irruption Of Time Into Play].pdf

2.2 MB

Theory Of The Partisan [A Commentary On The Concept Of The Political].pdf

308.5 KB

/.../Giants Of Philosophy - Schopenhauer/

S (0).mp3

2.3 MB

S (1).mp3

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S (12).mp3

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S (16).mp3

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S (17).mp3

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S (2).mp3

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S (6).mp3

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S (7).mp3

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S (8).mp3

6.6 MB

S (9).mp3

6.4 MB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Scopenhauer/

Schopenhauer 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Schopenhauer 10.mp3

1.4 MB

/.../Audio On Schopenhauer/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Schopenhauer].mp3

4.6 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Schopenhauer [The World As Will And Idea].mp3

7.2 MB

Schopenhauer In 90 Minutes.mp3

75.7 MB

The Philosophy Of Friedrich Nietzsche [Nietzsche And Schopenhauer On Pessimism].mp3

21.9 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'The World As Will And Idea' By Arthur Schopenhauer.mp3

18.8 MB

/.../Texts On Schopenhauer/

Arthur Schopenhauer.pdf

277.1 KB

Challenge Of Every Great Philosophy [On Schopenhauer].pdf

45.9 KB

Companion To Arthur Schopenhauer.pdf

1.9 MB

German Realism [The Self-Limitation Of Idealist Thinking In Fichte, Schelling, And Schopenhauer].pdf

128.4 KB

Impact Of 'Aenesidemus' Upon Fichte And Schopenhauer.pdf

1.3 MB

Introduction To Schopenhauer's Metaphysics.pdf

51.0 KB

Introduction To Schopenhauer.pdf

4.7 MB

Kantian Paradoxes And Modern Despair [Schopenhauer And Kierkegaard].pdf

412.9 KB

Metaphysics Of Love At Arthur Schopenhauer.pdf

89.4 KB

Metaphysics Of Music At Schopenhauer And Cioran.pdf

122.6 KB

Riddle Of The World [A Reconsideration Of Schopenhauer's Philosophy].pdf

1.7 MB

Schopenhauer [Philosophers].pdf

1.2 MB

Schopenhauer And Buddhism.pdf

303.0 KB

Schopenhauer And Husserl [Critiquing The 20th Century Phenomenological Tradition].pdf

393.5 KB

Schopenhauer And Wittgenstein On Self And Object.pdf

115.2 KB

Schopenhauer On The Epistemological Value Of Art.pdf

75.7 KB

/Schopenhauer, Arthur/

Art Of Controversy.pdf

319.1 KB

Collection Of Essays.pdf

1.0 MB

Human Nature.pdf

325.5 KB

Studies In Pessimism.pdf

321.7 KB

Wisdom Of Life.pdf

345.9 KB

World As Will And Representation [Excerpt].pdf

110.9 KB

/.../Audio On Schumpeter/

Legacies Of Great Economists - Joseph Schumpeter And Entrepeneuralism.mp3

13.4 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Schumpeter 1 [On Innovation And Resentment].mp3

22.9 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Schumpeter 2 [On Capitalism's Self-Destruction].mp3

22.8 MB

/.../Texts On Scumpeter/

American System [A Schumpeterian History Of Standardization].pdf

93.5 KB

Breaking Out Of The Walrasian Box [The Cases Of Schumpeter And Hansen].pdf

1.1 MB

Contribution Of Joseph Schumpeter To Economics [Economic Development And Institutional Change].pdf

1.1 MB

Finance And Growth [Schumpeter Might Be Right].pdf

1.3 MB

Joseph Alois Schumpeter [Entrepreneurship, Style, And Vision].pdf

2.8 MB

Macrodynamics Of Capitalism [Synthesis Of Marx, Keynes, And Schumpeter].pdf

6.3 MB

Principles Of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics.pdf

1.5 MB

Schumpeter In His Own Words.pdf

63.8 KB

Schumpeter's 'Business Cycles' As Business History.pdf

980.6 KB

Schumpeterian Labor Economics [The Labor Pains And Labor Gains From Creative Destruction].pdf

1.2 MB

Talking Capitalism [Schumpeter And Galbraith].pdf

23.1 KB

/Schumpeter, Joseph/

Business Cycles [A Theoretical, Historical, And Statistical Analysis Of The Capitalist Process].pdf

1.6 MB

Capitalism, Socialism, And Democracy.pdf

1.4 MB

Concept Of Social Value.pdf

113.8 KB

Economic Doctrine And Method [An Historical Sketch].pdf

21.3 MB

History Of Economic Analysis.pdf

9.0 MB

Imperialism And Social Classes.pdf

13.4 MB

Methodological Individualism.pdf

548.2 KB

Ten Great Economists [From Marx To Keynes].pdf

18.3 MB

/.../Audio On Schweitzer/

Life Lessons From The Great Books - Schweitzer's 'Out Of My Life And Thought'.mp3

22.0 MB

/.../Texts On Schweitzer/

Albert Schweitzer's Understanding Of Righteousness By Faith According To Paul's Letter To The Romans.pdf

269.7 KB

Blackbeard Or Albert Schweitzer [Reconciling Biopiracy].pdf

371.3 KB

Life And Thought Of Albert Schweitzer.pdf

1.8 MB

/Schweitzer, Albert/


1.7 MB

Edge Of The Primeval Forest [Experiences And Observations Of A Doctor In Equatorial Africa].pdf

9.8 MB

Memoirs Of Childhood And Youth.pdf

6.0 MB

My Ethical Vision.pdf

2.2 MB

Paul And His Interpreters [A Critical History].pdf

6.5 MB

Peace Or Atomic War.pdf

1.7 MB

Quest Of The Historical Jesus.pdf

1.7 MB

/.../Texts On Scotus/

Angels And The General Intellect [Individuation In Duns Scotus And Gilbert Simondon].pdf

239.1 KB

Duns Scotus On Metaphysics.pdf

314.6 KB

Duns Scotus' Theory Of Common Natures.pdf

515.6 KB

Franciscan Spirit And Aristotelian Rationality [On Duns Scotus].pdf

270.9 KB

From Duns Scotus To Davidson [Anomalous Monism, Supervenience, And The Formal Distinction].pdf

167.0 KB

John Duns Scotus [Ingenious And Daring].pdf

119.4 KB

John Duns Scotus And His Defence Of The Immaculate Conception.pdf

139.7 KB

John Duns Scotus.pdf

430.4 KB

Metaphysics Of The Incarnation [Thomas Aquinas To Duns Scotus].pdf

2.7 MB

Ockham's Interpretation And Criticism Of The Formalism Of Duns Scotus.pdf

2.0 MB

Philosophy Of Duns Scotus.pdf

109.8 KB

Philosophy Of John Duns Scotus.pdf

2.4 MB

Primacy Of Christ In John Duns Scotus [An Assessment].pdf

75.5 KB

Realist Ontology Of John Duns Scotus.pdf

169.2 KB

Scotus And Ockham On Free Will And Ethics.pdf

93.4 KB

Time And Contingency In Duns Scotus.pdf

114.0 KB

/Scotus, John Duns/

Possibility Of The Incarnation.pdf

260.3 KB

/.../Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind/

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 01 - Dualism And Descartes' Legacy.mp3

21.5 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 02 - Alternatives To Dualism [Materialism And Its Discontents].mp3

20.7 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 03 - Strong Artificial Intelligence.mp3

20.7 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 04 - The Chinese Room Argument And Its Critics.mp3

21.4 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 05 - Can A Machine Think.mp3

21.0 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 06 - Is The Brain A Digital Computer.mp3

19.9 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 07 - Solutions To Descartes' Problems.mp3

19.6 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 08 - The Structure Of Consciousness.mp3

21.3 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 09 - How To Study Consciousness Scientifically.mp3

21.5 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 10 - How The Mind Works [An Introduction To Intentionality].mp3

20.1 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 11 - The Structure Of Action And Perception.mp3

21.5 MB

Lectures On Philosophy Of Mind 12 - The Construction Of Social Reality.mp3

21.7 MB

/.../Texts On Searle/

Heidegger's Critique Of Husserl's And Searle's Account Of Intentionality.pdf

27.3 KB

Intentional Acts And Institutional Facts.pdf

1.3 MB

John Searle [Contemporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

1.8 MB

John Searle [From Speech Acts To Social Reality].pdf

257.3 KB

Outlines Of A Theory Of Social Objects [On Searle And Others].pdf

660.8 KB

Review Of John Searle's 'The Rediscovery Of Mind'.pdf

270.7 KB

Searle's 'Dualism Revisited'.pdf

76.6 KB

/Searle, John/

'Las Meninas' And The Paradoxes Of Pictorial Representation.pdf

239.6 KB

Analytic Philosophy And Mental Phenomena.pdf

1.2 MB

Animal Minds.pdf

940.0 KB

Austin On Locutionary And Illocutionary Acts.pdf

424.2 KB

Case For A Traditional Liberal Education.pdf

476.5 KB

Classification Of Illocutionary Acts.pdf

842.4 KB

Connection Principle And The Ontology Of The Unconscious [A Reply To Fodor And Lepore].pdf

165.6 KB

Consciousness And Language.pdf

13.5 MB

Consciousness, The Brain, And The Connection Principle.pdf

275.6 KB

Consciousness, Unconsciousness, And Intentionality.pdf

404.7 KB


87.3 KB

Construction Of Social Reality [An Exchange With Barry Smith].pdf

2.5 MB

Critique Of Cognitive Reason.pdf

2.6 MB

Culture And Fusion [A Reply To D'Andrade].pdf

76.2 KB

Desire, Deliberation, And Action.pdf

377.5 KB

Dualism Revisited.pdf

143.3 KB

Expression And Meaning [Studies In The Theory Of Speech Acts].pdf

9.2 MB

Free Will As A Problem In Neurobiology.pdf

544.0 KB

Future Of Philosophy.pdf

363.9 KB

Gap [Of Time And The Self].pdf

6.2 MB

Has Artificial Intelligence Research Illuminated Human Thinking.pdf

1.6 MB

Hilary Putnam's Farewell Lecture.pdf

5.1 MB

How Performatives Work.pdf

2.7 MB

How To Derive 'Ought' From 'Is'.pdf

1.5 MB

How To Study Consciousness Scientifically.pdf

291.0 KB

Indeterminacy, Empiricism, And The First Person.pdf

468.0 KB

Intentionality And Its Place In Nature.pdf

1.5 MB

Intentionality And Method.pdf

254.7 KB

Is The Brain A Digital Computer.pdf

569.4 KB

Is The Brain's Mind A Computer Program.pdf

1.7 MB

Is There A Crisis in American Higher Education.pdf

470.5 KB

Language And Social Ontology.pdf

205.6 KB

Literal Meaning.pdf

1.8 MB

Literary Theory And Its Discontents.pdf

3.4 MB

Logic, Thought, And Action [Essays].pdf

9.2 MB

Logical Status Of Fictional Discourse.pdf

1.6 MB

Lukes And 'Substantive Social Scientific Work'.pdf

70.4 KB

Meaning And Speech Acts.pdf

200.7 KB

Mental Causation, Conscious, And Unconscious [A Reply To Anthonie Meijers].pdf

92.6 KB

Mind Design [Essay].pdf

1.9 MB

Minds, Brains, And Programs.pdf

2.8 MB

Mission Of The University [Intellectual Discovery Or Social Transformation].pdf

357.1 KB

Neuroscience, Intentionality, And Free Will [A Reply To Habermas].pdf

71.7 KB

Philosophy In A New Century [Selected Essays].pdf

782.2 KB

Politics And The Humanities.pdf

1.0 MB

Problem Of Consciousness.pdf

558.4 KB

Proper Names.pdf

202.6 KB

Précis Of The Construction Of Social Reality.pdf

89.6 KB

Rationality And Realism [What Is At Stake].pdf

1.4 MB

Readings In Philosophy And Cognitive Science [Essay].pdf

61.2 MB

Realism Reconsidered.pdf

37.5 KB

Reality And Relativism [Shweder On A Which Hunt].pdf

102.3 KB

Reality And Social Construction [Reply To Friedman].pdf

72.5 KB

Reiterating The Differences [A Reply To Derrida].pdf

593.0 KB

Reply To Jacquette.pdf

132.6 KB

Responses To Critics Of The Construction Of Social Reality.pdf

182.6 KB

Russell's Objections To Frege's Theory Of Sense And Reference.pdf

253.4 KB

Searle Versus Durkheim And The Waves Of Thought [A Reply To Gross].pdf

129.1 KB

Social Ontology [Some Basic Principles].pdf

122.1 KB

Social Ontology And Political Power.pdf

106.1 KB

Social Ontology And The Philosophy Of Society.pdf

2.1 MB

Some Special Features Of Practical Reason [Strong Altruism As A Logical Requirement].pdf

5.7 MB

Speech Acts And Illocutionary Logic.pdf

371.4 KB

Speech Acts And Recent Linguistics.pdf

784.1 KB

Speech Acts, Mind, And Social Reality.pdf

338.1 KB

Structure And Intention In Language [A Reply To Knapp And Michaels].pdf

110.1 KB

Turing Test [55 Years Later].pdf

109.4 KB

What Is An Institution.pdf

124.3 KB

What Is An Intentional State.pdf

331.5 KB

What Is Language [Some Preliminary Remarks].pdf

259.4 KB

What Is To Be Done.pdf

137.9 KB

Why I Am Not A Property Dualist.pdf

54.0 KB

/.../Audio On Seneca/

Life Lessons From The Great Books - Seneca's 'On Providence'.mp3

24.2 MB

/.../Texts On Seneca/

Anger, Present Injustice, And Future Revenge In Seneca's 'De Ira'.pdf

127.3 KB

Comparing Seneca's Ethics In 'Epistulae Morales' To Those Of Paul In 'Romans'.pdf

199.1 KB

Reading Seneca [Stoic Philosophy At Rome].pdf

2.1 MB

Seneca [The Philosopher And His Modern Message].pdf

5.6 MB

Seneca And His Contemporaries.pdf

202.1 KB

Seneca And The Idea Of Tragedy.pdf

1.2 MB



103.7 KB


995.4 KB

Tragedies [Volume I].pdf

15.1 MB

Tragedies [Volume II].pdf

17.1 MB


2.0 MB

/.../Texts On Sennett/

'Fall Of Public Man' By Richard Sennett.pdf

217.3 KB

Richard Sennett ['The Corrosion Of Character' And 'The Personal Concequences Of Work In The New Capitalism'].pdf

262.3 KB

/Sennett, Richard/

Culture Of The New Capitalism.pdf

546.0 KB

New Political Economy And Its Culture.pdf

167.8 KB

Street And Office [Two Sources Of Identity].pdf

41.0 KB

/.../Texts On Serres/

Enlightenment Without The Critique [A Word On Michel Serres' Philosophy].pdf

2.3 MB

Michel Serres [The Hard And The Soft].pdf

78.7 KB

Wherever [The Ecstasies Of Michel Serres].pdf

137.3 KB

/Serres, Michel/

'What Are The Questions That Fascinate You' And 'What Do You Want to Know' [Response].pdf

145.4 KB

Anaximander [A Founding Name In History].pdf

216.6 KB

Angels [A Modern Myth].pdf

28.8 MB

Birth Of Physics.pdf

1.7 MB


62.6 KB

Dialogue With Lapidus [Knowing And Believing].pdf

224.5 KB

Ego Credo.pdf

115.8 KB

Exact And Human.pdf

315.0 KB

Feux Et Signaux De Brume [Virginia Woolf's 'Lighthouse'].pdf

207.9 KB

Five Senses [A Philosophy Of Mingled Bodies I].pdf

2.3 MB


1.1 MB

Hermes [Literature, Science, Philosophy].pdf

2.0 MB

India [The Black And The Archipelago On Fire].pdf

426.9 KB

Interview [Science Of Relations].pdf

153.9 KB

Jules Verne's Strange Journeys.pdf

234.5 KB

Knowledge's Redemption.pdf

73.3 KB

Literature And The Exact Sciences.pdf

702.9 KB

Natural Contract [Article].pdf

349.0 KB

Natural Contract.pdf

1.1 MB


296.9 KB

Origin Of Geometry [IV].pdf

1.0 MB


12.7 MB

Peter-Stephen Isomorphisms.pdf

1.9 MB

Science And The Humanities [The Case Of Turner].pdf

396.7 KB

Stakes, Fetishes, Merchandise.pdf

454.1 KB

Troubadour Of Knowledge.pdf

1.2 MB

/.../Texts On Sidgwick/

Ethical Philosophy Of Sidgwick [Nine Essays, Critical And Expository].pdf

1.1 MB

Henry Sidgwick [A Memoir].pdf

3.6 MB

Henry Sidgwick [Eye Of The Universe].pdf

4.0 MB

Henry Sidgwick's Practical Ethics [A Defense].pdf

107.8 KB

Intimacy, Imagination, And The Inner Dialectics Of Knowledge Communities [On Sidgwick And Others].pdf

143.0 KB

Introduction To 'Essays On Henry Sidgwick'.pdf

741.1 KB

Mill, Sidgwick, And The Evolution Of The Theory Of Market Failure.pdf

173.4 KB

Sidgwick's Philosophical Intuitions.pdf

210.1 KB

Sidgwick's Social Philosophy.pdf

183.1 KB

Sidgwick's Utilitarian Analysis Of Law [A Bridge From Bentham To Becker].pdf

189.0 KB

/Sidgwick, Henry/

Methods Of Ethics [Excerpt].pdf

1.2 MB

Miscellaneous Essays And Addresses.pdf

2.1 MB

Utilitarian Basis Of Plato's 'Republic' [A Discussion].pdf

419.7 KB

/.../Audio On Simmel/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Max Weber And Georg Simmel.mp3

13.8 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Individual And Community [Tönnies VS Simmel].mp3

21.1 MB

/.../Texts On Simmel/

'Social Definition' In Dilthey, Windelband, Rickert, Weber, Simmel, And Schutz.pdf

1.2 MB

Bringing The Social Alive [Essays On Georg Simmel's Social Theory].pdf

590.3 KB

Georg Simmel At The Lectern [The Lecture As Embodiment Of Text].pdf

185.4 KB

Georg Simmel In Translation [Introduction].pdf

513.3 KB

Georg Simmel On Philosophy And Culture [Postscript To A Collection Of Essays].pdf

262.0 KB

Nature Of Trust [From Georg Simmel To A Theory Of Expectation, Interpretation, And Suspension].pdf

155.6 KB

Problematics Of Sociology [The Georg Simmel Lectures, 1995].pdf

10.8 MB

Simmel [Key Sociologists].pdf

943.2 KB

Simmel On Secrecy [A Legacy And Inheritance For The Sociology Of Information].pdf

254.8 KB

Simmel To Rokkan And Beyond [Towards A Network Theory Of New Social Movements].pdf

77.0 KB

Sociology Of Georg Simmel.pdf

2.8 MB

Theories Of Management Fashion [The Contributions Of Veblen, Simmel, Blumer, And Bourdieu].pdf

38.5 KB

/Simmel, Georg/

Berlin Trade Exhibition.pdf

458.1 KB

Chapter In The Philosophy Of Value.pdf

99.5 KB

How Is Society Possible.pdf

91.5 KB

Individuality And Social Forms [Excerpt].pdf

678.1 KB

Metropolis And Mental Life.pdf

57.3 KB

Philosophy Of Money.pdf

3.2 MB


78.8 KB

Symmetry And Social Organization.pdf

49.9 KB

Value And Money.pdf

116.9 KB

/.../Audio On Skinner/

Great Ideas Of Psychology - Skinner 1 [B.F. Skinner And Modern Behaviorism].mp3

7.3 MB

Great Ideas Of Psychology - Skinner 2 [B.F. Skinner And The Engineering Of Society].mp3

7.3 MB

/.../Texts On Skinner/

B.F. Skinner [1904-1990].pdf

42.1 KB

B.F. Skinner's 'Science And Human Behavior' [Its Antecedents And Its Consequences].pdf

95.8 KB

Benefits Of Skinner's Analysis Of Verbal Behavior For Children With Autism.pdf

101.0 KB

Review Of B.F. Skinner's 'Verbal Behavior'.pdf

875.0 KB

Two Quotes From Chomsky's Review Of B.F. Skinner's 'Verbal Behavior'.pdf

67.3 KB

Verbal Understanding [Integrating The Conceptual Analyses Of Skinner, Ryle, And Wittgenstein].pdf

1.2 MB

/Skinner, Burrhus Frederic/

'Lying' In The Pigeon.pdf

248.0 KB

Can Psychology Be A Science Of Mind.pdf

614.9 KB

Cumulative Record.pdf

2.9 MB

Evolution Of Behavior.pdf

796.8 KB

Evolution Of Verbal Behavior.pdf

1.4 MB

Non-Punitive Society.pdf

145.5 KB

Origins Of Cognitive Thought.pdf

772.3 KB

Psychology In The Year 2000.pdf

97.5 KB

Russia, 1961.pdf

195.8 KB

Science And Human Behavior.pdf

1.7 MB

Some Thoughts About The Future.pdf

1.1 MB

Thinking Aid.pdf

461.5 KB

Verbal Behavior.pdf

3.0 MB

What Is The Experimental Analysis Of Behavior.pdf

970.7 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Smith/

Smith 01.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 02.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 03.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 04.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 05.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 06.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 07.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 08.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 09.mp3

1.5 MB

Smith 10.mp3

1.1 MB

/.../Audio On Smith/

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Franklin And Adam Smith.mp3

7.5 MB

European History And European Lives - Adam Smith.mp3

7.4 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Adam Smith And The Origins Of Political Economy.mp3

7.2 MB

Legacies Of Great Economists - Adam Smith And The Birth Of Economics.mp3

12.6 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Smith 1 [Seeing The Invisible Hand].mp3

22.3 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Smith 2 [Smith On Merchants, Politicians, Workers].mp3

22.1 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Smith 3 [Smith On The Problems Of Commercial Society].mp3

22.1 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Smith 4 [Smith On Moral And Immoral Capitalism].mp3

21.8 MB

World's 100 Greatest People - Adam Smith.mp3

28.4 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'The Wealth Of Nations' By Adam Smith.mp3

19.9 MB

/.../Texts On Smith/

Adam Smith's 'Wealt Of Nations' [A Philosophical Companion].pdf

1.0 MB

Adam Smith's Discourse [Canonicty, Commerce, And Conscience].pdf

1.6 MB

Adam Smith's Inquiry Into The Wealth Of Nations.pdf

239.2 KB

Adam Smith's Political Philosophy [The Invisible Hand And Spontaneous Order].pdf

992.0 KB

After Adam Smith [A Century Of Transformation In Politics And Political Economy].pdf

1.1 MB

Austrian Misreads Adam Smith [A Critique Of Rothbard As Intellectual Historian].pdf

79.1 KB

Bentham And Smith On Liberty.pdf

138.3 KB

Companion To Adam Smith.pdf

1.8 MB

Evaluating Adam Smith [Creating The Wealth Of Nations].pdf

865.6 KB

From Smith To Menger To Hayek [Liberalism In The Spontaneous-Order Tradition].pdf

97.4 KB

Idea Of Utility In Smith's 'The Theory Of Moral Sentiments'.pdf

200.2 KB

Idea Of Utility In Smith's 'The Wealth Of Nations'.pdf

143.1 KB

Marx, Marginalism, And Modern Sociology [From Adam Smith To Max Weber].pdf

19.0 MB

Saving Adam Smith [A Tale Of Wealth, Transformation, And Virtue].pdf

3.5 MB

Who's Afraid Of Adam Smith [How The Market Got Its Soul].pdf

1.6 MB

/Smith, Adam/

Correspondence Of Adam Smith.pdf

28.4 MB

Essay on Philosophical Subjects.pdf

26.5 MB

Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth of Nations [Elecbook Edition].pdf

4.2 MB

Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth of Nations [Volume 1].pdf

41.8 MB

Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth of Nations [Volume 2].pdf

38.7 MB

Lectures on Jurisprudence.pdf

41.2 MB

Lectures on Rhetoric And Belles Lettres.pdf

17.5 MB

Theory Of Moral Sentiments.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../Plato, Socrates, And The Dialogues/

PSATD (0).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (1).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (10).mp3

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PSATD (11).mp3

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PSATD (12).mp3

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PSATD (13).mp3

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PSATD (15).mp3

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PSATD (2).mp3

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PSATD (3).mp3

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PSATD (4).mp3

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PSATD (5).mp3

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PSATD (6).mp3

17.1 MB

PSATD (7).mp3

16.9 MB

PSATD (8).mp3

17.4 MB

PSATD (9).mp3

17.3 MB

/.../Audio On Socrates/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosohpy' [Socrates].mp3

8.9 MB

Famous Greeks - Socrates 1 [Lysander And Socrates].mp3

11.0 MB

Famous Greeks - Socrates 2 [The Trial Of Socrates].mp3

10.9 MB

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Socrates On The Examined Life.mp3

9.6 MB

Modern Look At Ancient Creek Civilization - Socrates.mp3

19.1 MB

Philosophy And Human Values - Socrates And The Life Of Inquiry.mp3

19.6 MB

Socratic Method.mp3

7.8 MB

World's 100 Greatest People - Socrates.mp3

30.8 MB

/.../Texts On Socrates/

Apology [With Socrates].pdf

39.9 KB

Charmides [With Socrates].pdf

338.8 KB

Companion To Socrates.pdf

4.8 MB

Cratylus [With Socrates].pdf

442.3 KB

Critias [With Socrates].pdf

69.5 KB

Crito [With Socrates].pdf

102.4 KB

Euthydemus [With Socrates].pdf

337.7 KB

Euthyphro [With Socrates].pdf

296.7 KB

Gorgias [With Socrates].pdf

184.8 KB

Ion [With Socrates].pdf

288.5 KB

Kierkegaard And Socrates [A Study In Philosophy And Faith].pdf

2.4 MB

Laches [With Socrates].pdf

306.5 KB

Lysis [With Socrates].pdf

308.4 KB

Memorable Thoughts Of Socrates.pdf

386.7 KB

Menexenus [With Socrates].pdf

299.8 KB

Meno [With Socrates].pdf

340.9 KB

Parmenides [With Socrates].pdf

1.1 MB

Phaedo [With Socrates].pdf

403.2 KB

Phaedrus [With Socrates].pdf

755.1 KB

Philebus [With Socrates].pdf

425.1 KB

Philosophy As A Way Of Life [Socrates, Aurelius, Goethe, Foucault - Part 1].pdf

22.5 MB

Philosophy As A Way Of Life [Socrates, Aurelius, Goethe, Foucault - Part 2].pdf

23.0 MB

Postcard [From Socrates To Freud And Beyond].pdf

30.2 MB

Problem Of Socrates.pdf

755.7 KB

Protagoras [With Socrates].pdf

128.4 KB

Republic [With Socrates].pdf

1.6 MB

Should We Follow The Argument Wherever It Leads [On Socrates].pdf

48.3 KB

Socrates [A Companion].pdf

4.8 MB

Socrates [By Voltaire].pdf

44.3 KB

Socrates And Jesus [The Argument That Shaped Western Civilization].pdf

1.2 MB

Socrates And Sophists.pdf

94.5 KB

Socrates' Refutation Of Protagoras [A Pragmatic Inconsistency].pdf

255.9 KB

Socrates, Xenophon, Plato.pdf

130.8 KB


1.0 MB

Socratic Epistemology [Socrates' Explorations Of Knowledge-Seeking By Questioning].pdf

876.3 KB

Socratic Poetics [On Socrates].pdf

132.2 KB

Sophist [With Socrates].pdf

178.6 KB

Statesman [With Socrates].pdf

404.9 KB

Symposium [With Socrates].pdf

611.8 KB

Theaetetus [With Socrates].pdf

244.0 KB

Timaeus [With Socrates].pdf

249.2 KB

/.../Texts On Sontag/

Notes On Sontag.pdf

1.3 MB

/Sontag, Susan/

Against Interpretation.pdf

120.2 KB

Conversation [Against Postmodernism].pdf

39.5 KB

Decay Of Cinema.pdf

56.0 KB

Fascinating Fascism.pdf

3.0 MB

Happenings [An Art Of Radical Juxtaposition].pdf

4.7 MB

Notes On 'Camp'.pdf

713.8 KB


1.6 MB

Under The Sign Of Saturn [Excerpt].pdf

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Sorel/

Reflections On Sorel's Socialism.pdf

157.1 KB

/Sorel, Georges Eugène/

Dreyfusian Revolution.pdf

58.7 KB

Reflections On Violence.pdf

1.8 MB

/.../Texts On Spencer/

Coming Slavery [The Determinism Of Herbert Spencer].pdf

59.8 KB

Herbert Spencer [1820-1903].pdf

191.0 KB

Herbert Spencer [Libertarian Prophet].pdf

501.7 KB

Herbert Spencer And His Critics.pdf

26.0 MB

Herbert Spencer And The Disunity Of The Social Organism.pdf

421.0 KB

Herbert Spencer As An Anthropologist.pdf

3.0 MB

Herbert Spencer's Evolutionary Individualism.pdf

229.3 KB

Herbert Spencer's Theory Of Causation.pdf

2.2 MB

Herbert Spencer.pdf

6.0 MB

Life And Letters Of Herbert Spencer.pdf

4.4 MB

/Spencer, Herbert/

Aphorism From Different Writings.pdf

6.5 MB


3.0 MB

Essays [Scientific, Political, And Speculative - Volume I].pdf

2.1 MB

Essays On Education And Kindred Subjects.pdf

1.9 MB

Laws In General.pdf

86.4 KB

Philosophy Of Style.pdf

195.2 KB

Principles Of Psychology.pdf

3.5 MB

/.../Audio On Spengler/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Graves And Spengler.mp3

14.1 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'The Decline Of The West' By Oswald Spengler.mp3

19.1 MB

/.../Texts On Spengler/

Oswald Spengler And The Inspiration Of The Classical Age.pdf

623.2 KB

Prophets Of The Decline [The Worldviews Of Heinrich Schenker And Oswald Spengler].pdf

1.3 MB

/Spengler, Oswald/

Decline Of The West [Volume I].pdf

3.5 MB

Decline Of The West [Volume II].pdf

3.9 MB

Hour Of Decision [Germany And World Historical Evolution].pdf

613.6 KB

Prussianism And Socialism.pdf

195.9 KB

Selected Essays.pdf

263.0 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Spinoza/

Spinoza 01.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 02.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 03.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 04.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 05.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 06.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 07.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 08.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 09.mp3

1.4 MB

Spinoza 10.mp3

1.3 MB

/.../Audio On Spinoza/

Bertrand Russell - 'A History Of Western Philosophy' [Spinoza].mp3

8.8 MB

Essay And Enlightenment - Spinoza 1.mp3

14.6 MB

Essay And Enlightenment - Spinoza 2.mp3

14.1 MB

Essay And Enlightenment - Spinoza 3.mp3

14.1 MB

Essay And Enlightenment - Spinoza 4.mp3

14.2 MB

Essay And Enlightenment - Spinoza 5.mp3

14.2 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 1.mp3

3.6 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 2.mp3

4.1 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 3.mp3

3.7 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 4.mp3

3.2 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 5.mp3

3.8 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 6.mp3

3.1 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 7.mp3

3.4 MB

Giants Of Philosophy - Spinoza 8.mp3

4.1 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Spinoza [Rationalism And The Reverence For Being].mp3

7.2 MB

Spinoza In 90 Minutes.mp3

69.3 MB

Spinoza On The Passions.mp3

8.3 MB

/.../Texts On Spinoza/

Bodies, Masses, Power [Spinoza And His Contemporaries].pdf

6.4 MB

Companion To Baruch Spinoza.pdf

25.9 MB

Deleuze And Spinoza [Aura Of Expressionism].pdf

6.7 MB

Difference Between Science And Philosophy [The Spinoza-Boyle Controversy Revisited].pdf

125.7 KB

Differential Point Of View Of The Infinitesimal Calculus In Spinoza, Leibniz, And Deleuze.pdf

973.8 KB

Distinction Between Reason And Intuitive Knowledge In Spinoza's 'Ethics'.pdf

299.2 KB

Expressionism In Philosophy - Spinoza [Part 1].pdf

21.5 MB

Expressionism In Philosophy - Spinoza [Part 2].pdf

28.4 MB

Feminism As 'Password' [Rethinking The 'Possible' With Spinoza And Deleuze].pdf

62.2 KB

Feminism As Password [Rethinking The 'Possible' With Spinoza And Deleuze].pdf

62.2 KB

Interpreting Spinoza [Critical Essays].pdf

1.3 MB

Jewish Themes In Spinoza's Philosophy.pdf

2.7 MB

Jus-Pactum-Lex [On The Constitution Of The Subject In Spinoza's 'Theologico-Political Treatise'].pdf

699.9 KB

Learning From Six Philosophers - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume [Volume 1].pdf

1.5 MB

Learning From Six Philosophers - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume [Volume 2].pdf

1.4 MB

Meaning In Spinoza's Method.pdf

3.0 MB

Philosophical Strategies [Althusser And Spinoza].pdf

307.2 KB

Savage Anomaly [The Power Of Spinoza's Metaphysics And Politics].pdf

27.5 MB

Spinoza [A Guide For The Perplexed].pdf

1.2 MB

Spinoza [Philosophers].pdf

1.9 MB

Spinoza [Practical Philosophy].pdf

7.0 MB

Spinoza And Attitudes Toward Nature.pdf

4.1 MB

Spinoza And Deep Ecology Movement.pdf

7.5 MB

Spinoza And Politics.pdf

14.3 MB

Spinoza And Three 'Ethics'.pdf

4.3 MB

Spinoza Today [The Current State Of Spinoza Scholarship].pdf

101.2 KB

Spinoza's 'Ethics' [An Introduction].pdf

2.6 MB

Spinoza's Anti-Modernity.pdf

188.9 KB

Spinoza's Concept Of Affect.pdf

657.1 KB

Spinoza's Revelation [Religion, Democracy, And Reason].pdf

4.2 MB

Subversive Spinoza [Uncontemporary Variations].pdf

7.6 MB

Surplus [Spinoza, Lacan].pdf

1.3 MB

Thoughts On Deleuze, Spinoza, And The Cinema.pdf

32.5 KB

Voice And The Name [Spinoza In The Badioudian Critique Of Deleuze].pdf

209.7 KB

/Spinoza, Baruch/

Complete Works.pdf

9.0 MB

Ethics [Part 1].pdf

55.0 KB

Ethics [Part 2].pdf

68.2 KB

Ethics [Part 3].pdf

86.0 KB

Ethics [Part 4].pdf

86.7 KB

Ethics [Part 5].pdf

45.6 KB

Theological-Political Treatise.pdf

2.0 MB

/.../Texts On Spivak/

Postmodernist Prose And George Orwell [On Spivak And Others].pdf

115.5 KB

Soul Making [Gayatri Spivak On Upward Mobility].pdf

40.8 KB

Voicelessness Of Subaltern Malay Women [Gayatri Spivak's Insights].pdf

158.1 KB

/Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty/

'Draupadi' By Mahasveta Devi.pdf

464.0 KB

'Moving Devi.pdf

866.0 KB

'Not Virgin Enough To Say That [S]He Occupies The Place Of The Other.pdf

406.9 KB

'Principles Of The Mind' [Continuity In Yeats' Poetry].pdf

653.2 KB

Acting Bits And Identity Talk.pdf

1.2 MB

Anarchism Revisited [A New Philosophy].pdf

442.7 KB

Can The Subaltern Speak.pdf

3.6 MB

Civilization Folded Back [Poems By Stanley Diamond].pdf

1.1 MB

Constitutions And Culture Studies.pdf

1.0 MB

Culture Alive.pdf

629.0 KB


542.5 KB

Ethics And Politics In Tagore, Coetzee, And Certain Scenes Of Teaching.pdf

2.1 MB

Europe And Its Others.pdf

1.5 MB

Excelsior Hotel Coffee Shop [New York, September 13].pdf

77.8 KB

Feminism 2000 [One Step beyond].pdf

93.8 KB

Finding Feminist Readings [Dante And Yeats].pdf

741.2 KB

French Feminism In An International Frame.pdf

600.3 KB


586.9 KB

Glas-Piece [A Review Of Derrida's 'Glas'].pdf

3.6 MB

Globalicities [Terror And Its Consequences].pdf

188.3 KB


442.6 KB

In Praise Of 'Sammy And Rosie Get Laid'.pdf

598.0 KB

Interview [By Danius And Jonsson].pdf

400.0 KB

Interview [By Najmabadi].pdf

302.0 KB

Interview [Neocolonialism And The Secret Agent Of Knowledge].pdf

335.9 KB

Interview [Position Without Identity].pdf

215.2 KB

Interview [Postcolonial Scholarship-Productions And Directions].pdf

69.4 KB

Interview [Resistance That Cannot Be Recognized As Such].pdf

324.3 KB

Labour Of The Negative.pdf

96.5 KB

Learning From De Man [Looking Back].pdf

149.2 KB

Letter As Cutting Edge.pdf

570.7 KB

Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle.pdf

2.8 MB

Making Of Americans, The Teaching Of English, And The Future Of Culture Studies.pdf

354.8 KB


1.3 MB

Nine Days Into The War.pdf

972.7 KB

Note On The New International.pdf

108.4 KB

Notes Toward A Tribute To Jacques Derrida.pdf

109.9 KB

Politics Of Interpretations.pdf

437.6 KB

Post-Colonial Critic [Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues].pdf

2.2 MB

Questioned On Translation [Adrift].pdf

71.2 KB

Race Before Racism [The Disappearance Of The American].pdf

346.5 KB

Rani Of Sirmur [An Essay In Reading The Archives].pdf

544.7 KB

Reading The Satanic Verses.pdf

1.4 MB

Reading The World [Literary Studies In The '80s].pdf

272.2 KB

Redoing Marxism At The Gigi Café [A Conversation].pdf

133.2 KB

Response [Panel Of Papers On Critique Of Postcolonial Reason].pdf

107.2 KB


1.2 MB

Revolutions That As Yet Have No Model [Derrida's Limited Inc.].pdf

3.3 MB

Righting Wrongs.pdf

609.5 KB

Scattered Speculations On The Question Of Value.pdf

3.5 MB

Scattered Speculations On The Subaltern And The Popular.pdf

100.5 KB

Schmitt And Poststructuralism [A Response].pdf

1.1 MB

Some Theoretical Aspects Of Yeats' Prose.pdf

324.1 KB

Staging Of Time In Heremakhonon.pdf

1.6 MB

Teaching For The Times.pdf

397.3 KB

Terror [A Speech After 9-11].pdf

211.8 KB

Thinking About Edward Said [Pages From A Memoir].pdf

51.3 KB

Three Women's Texts And A Critique Of Imperialism.pdf

428.1 KB

Touched By Deconstruction.pdf

91.5 KB

Translation As Culture.pdf

151.5 KB

Use And Abuse Of Human Rights.pdf

536.8 KB

Who Claims Alterity.pdf

2.2 MB

Woman In Difference [Mahasweta Devi's 'Douloti The Bountiful'].pdf

458.6 KB

World Systems And The Creole.pdf

72.4 KB

/.../Texts On Stirner/

Against Max Stirner [A Defence Of Marxism's Humanist Standpoint].pdf

88.6 KB

Hegel ['Stirner's Egoism And The Ghost Of Hegel'].pdf

85.0 KB

Letter On Translating Stirner.pdf

32.8 KB

Stirner Versus Calvin.pdf

89.5 KB

Straitjacket Of Humanity [Stirner And Feuerbach].pdf

198.8 KB

/Stirner, Max/

Ego And His Own.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../Texts On Strauss/

Legacy Of Leo Strauss [A Bibliographic Introduction].pdf

463.3 KB

Leo Strauss And History [The Philosopher As Conspirator].pdf

126.6 KB

Leo Strauss And The Esoteric Writings Of Plato.pdf

20.0 KB

Leo Strauss And The Quarrel Between Poetry And Philosophy.pdf

133.8 KB

Leo Strauss And The Rhetoric Of The War On Terror.pdf

57.8 KB

Leo Strauss And The World Of Intelligence [By Which We Do Not Mean Nous].pdf

35.4 KB

Leo Strauss' Platonism.pdf

134.9 KB

Leo Strauss, George Bush, And The Philosophy Of Mass Deception.pdf

76.8 KB

Strauss And Voegelin On Machiavelli And Modernity.pdf

521.7 KB

Use And Abuse Of Leo Strauss In The Schmitt Revival On The German Right [The Case Of Heinrich Meier].pdf

62.1 KB

/Strauss, Leo/

Correspondence With Hans-Georg Gadamer.pdf

896.4 KB

Discussion [Jurisprudence Today].pdf

1.1 MB

Existentialism [On Heideggerean Existentialism].pdf

1.4 MB

Exoteric Teaching [On G.E. Lessing].pdf

596.0 KB

How To Study Medieval Philosophy.pdf

2.2 MB

Introduction To 'Defender Of The Peace' By Marsilius Of Padua.pdf

5.2 MB

Machiavelli And Classical Literature.pdf

763.7 KB

Note On The Plan Of Nietzsche's 'Beyond Good And Evil'.pdf

1.3 MB

Notes On Tocqueville.pdf

159.2 KB

Philosophy As Rigorous Science And Political Philosophy.pdf

849.9 KB

Political Philosophy And History.pdf

2.5 MB

Political Philosophy Of Hobbes [Its Basis And Its Genesis].pdf

7.2 MB

Preliminary Observations On The Gods In Thucydides' Work.pdf

960.3 KB

Problem Of Socrates.pdf

755.7 KB

Restatement On Xenophon's 'Hiero'.pdf

2.7 MB

Three Waves Of Modernity.pdf

734.7 KB

What Can We Learn From Political Theory.pdf

110.8 KB

What Is Liberal Education.pdf

796.7 KB

What Is Political Philosophy.pdf

2.5 MB

/.../Audio On Sun-Tzu/

World's 100 Greatest People - Lao-Tzu.mp3

20.5 MB

/.../Texts On Sun Tzu/

Military Strategy And Litigation [On Sun-Tzu].pdf

229.4 KB

Operationalizing Sun-Tzu [The O-O-D-A Loop].pdf

23.2 KB

Sun Tzu And The Project Battleground [Creating Project Strategy From 'The Art Of War'].pdf

732.8 KB

Sun-Tzu And Clausewitz Applied To War At Sea.pdf

422.5 KB

Sun-Tzu And The Art Of War [A New Chapter In Cyber-Security].pdf

324.3 KB

Topics Of Our Times [Clausewitz VS Sun-Tzu].pdf

490.9 KB

Understanding Sun-Tzu On The Art Of War.pdf

64.5 KB

What The Chinese Learned From Sun-Tzu.pdf

359.0 KB


Art Of War [With Texts By Yin-Ch'Üeh-Shan].pdf

3.8 MB

Art Of War.pdf

536.9 KB

/.../Audio On Tacitus/

Famous Romans - Plutarch, Suetonius, And Tacitus.mp3

9.4 MB

/.../Texts On Tacitus/

Chrestianos Issue In Tacitus Revisited.pdf

138.4 KB

Ptolemy, Tacitus, And The Tribes Of North Britain.pdf

471.9 KB

Tacitus [Born Ca. AD 55-56].pdf

118.2 KB

/Tacitus, Publius Cornelius/


1.4 MB

Dialogue Concerning Oratory [Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence].pdf

994.0 KB

Germania And Agricola.pdf

1.1 MB

Histories [Volume I].pdf

9.8 MB

Histories [Volume II].pdf

8.6 MB

Reign Of Tiberius [Out Of The First Six Annals].pdf

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Tarde/

Difference And Repetition Of Gabriel Tarde.pdf

180.5 KB

Forefathers Of Memetics [Gabriel Tarde And The Laws Of Imitation].pdf

38.0 KB

Gabriel Tarde [An Essay In Sociological Theory].pdf

9.6 MB

Gabriel Tarde And Social Psychology.pdf

285.0 KB

Gabriel Tarde And The End Of The Social.pdf

236.6 KB

Interview [Gabriel Tarde And Cosmopolitics].pdf

107.2 KB

Powers Of Pacification [State And Empire In Gabriel Tarde].pdf

113.9 KB

Tarde's Idea Of Quantification.pdf

226.9 KB

Tarde, Canetti, And Deleuze On Crowds And Packs.pdf

607.6 KB

/Tarde, Gabriel/

Economic Psychology.pdf

175.9 KB

Laws Of Imitation.pdf

2.5 MB

Penal Philosophy.pdf

4.1 MB

Social Laws [An Outline Of Sociology].pdf

250.2 KB

Underground Man.pdf

8.1 MB

/.../Texts On Tarski/

Alfred Tarski [Friend And Daemon].pdf

956.5 KB

Alfred Tarski And A Watershed Meeting In Logic [Cornell, 1957].pdf

53.4 KB

Alfred Tarski's Semantic Theory.pdf

4.7 MB

Carnap, Tarski, And The Search For Truth.pdf

718.3 KB

Logic, Methodology And Philosophy Of Science [Tarski As An Editor].pdf

37.4 MB

Philosophical Letter Of Alfred Tarski.pdf

510.5 KB

Review Of Tarski's 'A Formalization Of Set Theory Without Variables'.pdf

450.9 KB

Tarski And Carnap On Logical Truth [What Is Genuine Logic].pdf

86.4 KB

Tarski On Models.pdf

250.1 KB

Tarski's Assumptions.pdf

119.6 KB

Tarskian And Kripkean Truth.pdf

163.0 KB

/Tarski, Alfred/

Calculus Of Relations.pdf

416.9 KB

Concept Of Following Logically.pdf

442.4 KB

Concept Of Truth In Formalized Language.pdf

89.2 KB

Introduction To Logic And To The Methodology Of Deductive Sciences.pdf

12.3 MB

Philosophy Of Mathematics [Essay].pdf

2.1 MB

Semantic Conception Of Truth [And The Foundations Of Semantics].pdf

1.0 MB

Undecidable Theories.pdf

4.0 MB

/.../Texts On Taussig/

Engaging Local And Global Discourses [On Taussig And Others].pdf

148.3 KB

It's The Discourse, Stupid [Review Of Taussig].pdf

434.4 KB

Writing Of Ethnography [Magical Realism And Michael Taussig].pdf

274.2 KB

/Taussig, Michael/

Horror, The Horror.pdf

121.1 KB

Magic Of The State.pdf

10.0 MB

Mimesis And Alterity [A Particular History Of The Senses].pdf

48.4 MB

My Cocaine Museum [Excerpt].pdf

1.4 MB

Nervous System.pdf

1.3 MB

/.../Texts On Taylor/

Charles Taylor [Conteporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

903.6 KB

Charles Taylor And Paul Ricoeur On Self-Interpretations And Narrative Identity.pdf

161.3 KB

Hegel, Hermeneutics, Politics [A Reply To Charles Taylor].pdf

372.7 KB

Isaiah Berlin And Charles Taylor On Johann Gottfried Herder [A Comparative Study].pdf

266.1 KB

Review Of Charles Taylor's 'A Secular Age'.pdf

69.2 KB

/Taylor, Charles/

Conditions Of An Unforced Consensus On Human Rights.pdf

22.8 KB

Interview [On Secularization].pdf

68.2 KB

Modernity And The Rise Of The Public Sphere [The Tanner Lecture On Human Values].pdf

336.3 KB

Sources Of The Self [The Making Of The Modern Identity].pdf

6.6 MB

/.../Texts On Tesla/

Brilliant [The Blinding Enlightenment Of Nikola Tesla].pdf

1.6 MB

Free Energy Secrets Of Cold Electricity [With Tesla Patents].pdf

8.9 MB

Inventions, Researches, And Writings Of Nikola Tesla.pdf

27.7 MB

Lost Inventions Of Nikola Tesla.pdf

173.9 KB

Mark Twain And Nikola Tesla [Thunder And Lightning].pdf

21.9 KB

Nikola Tesla [Great Scientist, Forgotten Genius].pdf

1.8 MB

Nikola Tesla [Master Of Imagination].pdf

13.8 KB

Nikola Tesla [Mechanical Oscillator].pdf

469.9 KB

Nikola Tesla [The European Years Of 1856-1884].pdf

2.7 MB

Nikola Tesla [The Forgotten Father Of Today & Tomorrow].pdf

671.1 KB

Nikola Tesla's Radiations And The Cosmic Rays.pdf

161.9 KB

Prodigal Genius [Biography Of Nikola Tesla].pdf

643.0 KB

Solid state Tesla Coil.pdf

848.3 KB

Tesla's Death Ray [A Reconstructive Postulate].pdf

153.5 KB

Tesla's FBI File.pdf

10.4 MB

Transmission Of Power [Tesla Patents].pdf

16.9 MB

Underwater Communication System Of Nikola Tesla.pdf

306.1 KB

Who Was The Real Dr. Nikola Tesla [A Look At His Professional Credentials].pdf

139.6 KB

/Tesla, Nikola/Video/

Lost Archives [The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla].avi

397.5 MB

Mysterious Mr. Tesla.mpg

319.0 MB

Nikola Tesla [Mad Electricity].avi

696.2 MB

Nikola Tesla [The Genius Who Lit The World].avi

360.4 MB

/Tesla, Nikola/

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency.pdf

503.8 KB

My Inventions [Autobiography].pdf

397.0 KB

/.../Audio On Thales/

Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno.mp3

23.7 MB

/.../Texts On Thales/

Greek Geometry From Thales To Euclid.pdf

18.4 MB

Thales Of Miletus 1.pdf

235.7 KB

Thales Of Miletus 2.pdf

7.1 MB

/.../Audio On Thoreau/

Books That Have Made History - Henry David Thoreau's 'Walden'.mp3

7.3 MB

Classics Of American Literature - Henry David Thoreau 1 [Countercultural Hero].mp3

7.4 MB

Classics Of American Literature - Henry David Thoreau 2 [Stylist And Humorist].mp3

7.5 MB

Classics Of American Literature - Henry David Thoreau 3 [Walden].mp3

7.4 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'Walden' By Henry David Thoreau.mp3

17.4 MB


Walden 1 - Chapter 1.mp3

108.2 MB

Walden 2 - Chapters 2 To 4.mp3

65.7 MB

Walden 3 - Chapters 5 To 8.mp3

59.2 MB

Walden 4 - Chapters 9 To 11.mp3

66.5 MB

Walden 5 - Chapters 12 To 14.mp3

62.1 MB

Walden 6 - Chapters 15 To 18.mp3

83.9 MB

/.../Texts On Thoreau/

Emerson, Thoreau, And The Transcendentalist Movement.pdf

1.3 MB

Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, And Transcendentalism.pdf

131.9 KB

Henry David Thoreau And The Yankee Elm.pdf

383.3 KB

Henry David Thoreau's 'Walden'.pdf

73.4 KB

Proteus Within [Thoreau's Practice Of Goethe's Phenomenology].pdf

226.8 KB

Thoreau's 'Walden' In The Twenty-First Century.pdf

60.7 KB

Thoreau's Ecstatic Witness.pdf

298.6 KB

Using Thoreau's 'Walden' To Teach Writing And Rhetoric.pdf

235.3 KB

/Thoreau, Henry David/


449.4 KB

Life Without Principle.pdf

87.4 KB

Maine Woods.pdf

1.2 MB

On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience.pdf

119.9 KB

Plea For Captain John Brown.pdf

95.0 KB


412.0 KB

Slavery In Massachusetts.pdf

64.2 KB

Walden [And On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience].pdf

2.2 MB

Walden [And Other Writings].pdf

674.2 KB

Walk To Wachusett.pdf

56.6 KB


128.3 KB

Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers.pdf

1.4 MB

Wild Apples.pdf

301.7 KB

/.../Audio On Thucydides/

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Thucydides And The Dawn Of History.mp3

11.4 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Thucydides [Part 1].mp3

22.7 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Thucydides [Part 2].mp3

22.0 MB

Masterpieces Of Ancient Greek Literature - Thucydides [Part 3].mp3

23.0 MB

/.../Texts On Thucydides/

Life Of Thucydides.pdf

89.9 KB

Preliminary Observations On The Gods In Thucydides' Work.pdf

960.3 KB

Reading Thucydides.pdf

286.2 KB

Teaching Thucydides [Athens, Sparta, And The Politics Of History].pdf

345.8 KB

Thucydides And Contemporary Strategy.pdf

234.6 KB

Thucydides And The Philosophical Origins Of History.pdf

1.3 MB

Thucydides And Xenophon [Political Historians Of Ancient Greece].pdf

255.3 KB

Thucydides' Political Judgement.pdf

121.2 KB

What Was Wrong With Minos [Thucydides And Historical Time].pdf

364.3 KB

Why International Relations Theorists Should Stop Reading Thucydides.pdf

114.5 KB


Excerpts On Justice, War, And Peace.pdf

97.8 KB

History Of The Peloponnesian War.pdf

1.7 MB


8.4 MB

/.../Texts On Tilly/

Charles Tilly [1929-2008].pdf

374.1 KB

Charles Tilly, Pragmatism, And The Public Sphere.pdf

96.4 KB

Metatheoretical Foundations Of Charles Tilly's 'Durable Inequality'.pdf

191.1 KB

Process Comparisons [Building On Charles Tilly's Paradigm].pdf

131.2 KB

/Tilly, Charles/

Agenda For European Economic History In The 1970s.pdf

388.8 KB

Analysis Of A Counter-Revolution.pdf

1.0 MB

Analysis Of Popular Collective Action.pdf

790.2 KB

Anthropology Confronts Inequality.pdf

47.2 KB

Anthropology On The Town.pdf

1.1 MB

Anthropology, History, And The 'Annales'.pdf

696.1 KB

Avoiding The Ethnicity Trap.pdf

78.2 KB

Big Pictures.pdf

236.9 KB

Blanding In.pdf

238.5 KB

Boston's Experiment With Rent Subsidies.pdf

774.9 KB

British View Of American Strikes.pdf

1.4 MB

Changing Forms Of Inequality.pdf

72.7 KB

Cities And States In Europe [1000-1800].pdf

594.4 KB

Civil Constitution And Counter-Revolution In Southern Anjou.pdf

1.1 MB

Coercion, Capital, And European States [AD 990-1990].pdf

8.9 MB

Comment On Young [Buried Gold].pdf

584.4 KB

Commentary On Scheff [The Relevance Of Analysis Of Emotions To Macro-Economic Change].pdf

326.4 KB

Computers In Historical Analysis.pdf

1.1 MB

Contention And Democracy In Europe [1650-2000].pdf

2.9 MB

Contentious Choices.pdf

52.2 KB

Contentious Conversation.pdf

998.8 KB

Contentious Repertoires In Great Britain [1758-1834].pdf

503.3 KB

Debating And Falsifying Theories Of Collective Violence.pdf

647.0 KB


1.4 MB

Describing, Measuring, And Explaining Struggle.pdf

216.3 KB

Disturbing Implications.pdf

34.9 KB

Do Communities Act.pdf

2.0 MB

Does Modernization Breed Revolution.pdf

3.0 MB

Domination, Resistance, Compliance [Discourse].pdf

237.4 KB

Donald, Levine, Henry Petroski, And Boutros Boutros-Ghali.pdf

162.0 KB

Errors [Durable And Otherwise].pdf

29.1 KB

Ethnic Conflict In The Soviet Union.pdf

526.3 KB

Europe Of Columbus And Bayazid.pdf

775.2 KB

Event Catalogs As Theories.pdf

208.1 KB

Family History, Social History, And Social Change.pdf

1.0 MB

Flows Of Capital And Forms Of Industry In Europe [1500-1900].pdf

381.8 KB

Formalization And Quantification In Historical Analysis.pdf

630.5 KB

From Mobilization To Revolution.pdf

15.9 MB

Future History.pdf

253.5 KB

Futures Of European States.pdf

667.8 KB

GBS + GCL = Question Mark.pdf

1.1 MB

George Caspar Homans And The Rest Of Us.pdf

225.4 KB

Getting It Together In Burgundy [1675-1975].pdf

496.0 KB

Grand Tour Of Exotic Landes.pdf

199.3 KB

Hardship And Collective Violence In France [1830-1960].pdf

1.8 MB

Historical Analysis Of Political Processes.pdf

4.3 MB

Historical Sociology.pdf

277.6 KB

History And Sociological Imagining.pdf

1.2 MB

History Of And In Sociology.pdf

66.0 KB

History, Sociology, And Dutch Collective Action.pdf

1.8 MB

How And What Are Historians Doing.pdf

1.1 MB

How Do Relations Store Histories.pdf

119.0 KB

How To Get From Here To There.pdf

642.1 KB

In Defense Of Jargon.pdf

705.1 KB

In Search Of Revolution.pdf

142.2 KB

Individualism Askew.pdf

656.4 KB

Inequality, Democratization, And De-Democratization.pdf

83.5 KB

Interaction Of Social And Physical Space.pdf

1.4 MB

Interview [Interventions And The Dynamics Of Contention].pdf

121.3 KB

Invention, Diffusion, And Transformation Of The Social Movement Repertoire.pdf

118.2 KB

Invisible Elbow.pdf

331.4 KB

Iron City Blues.pdf

172.1 KB

It Depends.pdf

1.6 MB

James S. Coleman As A Guide To Social Research.pdf

396.1 KB

Justice And Categorical Inequality.pdf

25.8 KB

Local Conflicts In The Vendee Before The Rebellion Of 1793.pdf

1.2 MB

Macrosociology [Past And Future].pdf

933.3 KB

Major Forms Of Collective Action In Western Europe [1500-1975].pdf

245.3 KB

Means And Ends Of Comparison In Macrosociology.pdf

736.8 KB

Mechanisms In Political Processes.pdf

199.1 KB

Methods For The Study Of Collective Violence.pdf

1.7 MB

Micro, Macro, Or Megrim.pdf

100.3 KB

Misreading, Then Rereading [Nineteenth-Century Social Change].pdf

1.8 MB

National Self-Determination As A Problem For All Of Us.pdf

321.5 KB

Neat Analyses Of Untidy Processes.pdf

1.8 MB

Observations Of Social Processes And Their Formal Representations.pdf

218.9 KB

Occupational Rank And Grade Of Residence In A Metropolis.pdf

1.4 MB

Old New Social History And The New Old Social History.pdf

4.8 MB

Parliamentarization Of Popular Contention In Great Britain [1758-1834].pdf

660.9 KB

Political Ethnography As Art And Science.pdf

127.0 KB

Political Identities In Changing Polities.pdf

1.3 MB

Population And Pedagogy In France.pdf

380.9 KB

Power [Top Down And Bottom Up].pdf

101.9 KB

Primer On Citizenship.pdf

49.7 KB

Processes And Mechanisms Of Democratization.pdf

225.4 KB

Quantification In History [As Seen From France].pdf

3.6 MB

Reasons Why.pdf

102.0 KB

Reflections On The Revolutions Of Paris [An Essay On Recent Historical Writing].pdf

655.3 KB

Regimes And Repertoires.pdf

1.2 MB

Relational Origins Of Inequality.pdf

91.8 KB

Relational Studies Of Inequality.pdf

137.0 KB

Repression, Mobilization, And Explanation.pdf

1.2 MB

Retrieving European Lives.pdf

5.9 MB

Rhetoric, Social History, And Contentious Politics [Reply To Critics].pdf

69.8 KB

Rise, Decline, Fall.pdf

172.9 KB

Shape Of Strikes In France [1830-1960].pdf

751.5 KB

Sludge In The Growth Machine.pdf

648.1 KB

Social Boundary Mechanisms.pdf

144.3 KB

Social Movements And All Sorts Of Other Political Interactions [Local, National, And International].pdf

526.9 KB

Softcore Solipsism.pdf

603.1 KB

Solidary Logics [Conclusions].pdf

366.3 KB

Some Problems In The History Of The Vendee.pdf

2.3 MB

Space For Capital, Space For States.pdf

203.6 KB

Speaking Your Mind Without Elections, Surveys, Or Social Movements.pdf

332.3 KB

Stalking The Bourgeois Family.pdf

197.2 KB

State Of Urbanization.pdf

529.5 KB

States And Nationalism In Europe [1492-1992].pdf

550.4 KB

Terror As Strategy And Relational Process.pdf

182.8 KB

Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists.pdf

102.2 KB

Three Visions Of History And Theory.pdf

146.1 KB

Time Of States.pdf

1.3 MB

To Explain Political Processes.pdf

1.8 MB

Trouble With Stories.pdf

1.5 MB

Trust And Rule.pdf

188.6 KB

Two Callings Of Social History.pdf

162.6 KB

Tyranny Of Here And Now.pdf

242.1 KB

Unequal Access To Scientific Knowledge.pdf

212.6 KB

Unequal Knowledge.pdf

102.8 KB

Urbanization, Crime, And Collective Violence In 19th Century France.pdf

2.1 MB

Violent And Nonviolent Trajectories In Contentious Politics.pdf

153.2 KB

War And State Power.pdf

323.5 KB

War In History.pdf

236.7 KB

War Making And State Making As Organized Crime.pdf

1.5 MB

What Good Is Urban History.pdf

1.9 MB

What's Left Of The City.pdf

496.4 KB

Why Birth Rates Fell [A Review Essay On Simon Szreter's 'Fertility, Class, And Gender In Britain, 1860-1940'].pdf

147.4 KB

Why Give Reasons [Chapter 1 Of 'Why'].pdf

196.0 KB

Wise Quacks.pdf

167.4 KB

Writing Wrongs In Sociology.pdf

252.6 KB

/.../Tocqueville And The American Experiment/

Lecture 01.mp3

16.4 MB

Lecture 02.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 03.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 04.mp3

15.2 MB

Lecture 05.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 06.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 07.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 08.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 09.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 10.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 11.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 12.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 13.mp3

15.5 MB

Lecture 14.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 15.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 16.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 17.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 18.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 19.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 20.mp3

15.1 MB

Lecture 21.mp3

15.4 MB

Lecture 22.mp3

15.3 MB

Lecture 23.mp3

15.1 MB

Lecture 24.mp3

15.5 MB

/.../Audio On Tocqueville/

European Thought And Culture In The 19th Century - Tocqueville And Mill Rethinking Liberal Theory.mp3

14.5 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Tocqueville On Capitalism In America.mp3

23.4 MB

/.../Texts On Tocqueville/

Alexis De Tocqueville [The Psychologist Of Equality].pdf

58.6 KB

Alexis De Tocqueville And The Making Of The Modern World.pdf

717.0 KB

Analytical Sociology In Tocqueville's 'Democracy In America'.pdf

195.3 KB

Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, And Hartz [The Multiple Traditions In America].pdf

788.5 KB

Companion To Tocqueville.pdf

1.7 MB

French Political Thought From Montesquieu To Tocqueville [Liberty In A Levelled Society].pdf

1.0 MB

Notes On Tocqueville.pdf

159.2 KB

Tocqueville In Cyberspace [Using The Internet For Citizen Associations].pdf

131.8 KB

Tocqueville Problem [Civic Engagement In American Democracy].pdf

3.1 MB

Tocqueville's Idea Of Revolution And D.H. Lawrence's 'The Rainbow' [A Study Of Social Change And The Liberation Of Women].pdf

89.5 KB

Toqueville's Moral And Political Thought [New Liberalism].pdf

706.3 KB

Why Tocqueville On China [An Introductory Essay].pdf

180.8 KB

/Tocqueville, Alexis de/

American Institutions And Their Influence.pdf

2.9 MB

Ancient Regime And The Revolution.pdf

896.5 KB

Correspondence And Conversations With Nassau William Senior [From 1834 To 1859].pdf

1.5 MB

Democracy In America [Part 1].pdf

869.5 KB

Democracy In America [Part 2].pdf

660.7 KB

Memoir On Pauperism.pdf

161.7 KB


18.2 MB

/.../Texts On Toscano/

Review Of Alberto Toscano.pdf

205.5 KB

/Toscano, Alberto/

Against Speculation [A Remark On Quentin Meillassoux's 'After Finitude'].pdf

129.6 KB

Agape And The Anonymous Religion Of Atheism.pdf

149.1 KB

Art Against Empire [On Alliez And Negri's 'Peace And War'].pdf

61.4 KB

Bourgeois And The Islamist [Or The Other Subjects Of Politics].pdf

159.3 KB

Can Violence Be Thought [Notes On Badiou And The Possibility Of Marxist Politics].pdf

390.7 KB

Carl Schmitt In Beijing [Partisanship, Geopolitics, And The Demolition Of The Eurocentric World].pdf

152.8 KB

Chronicles Of Insurrection [Tronti, Negri, And The Subject Of Antagonism].pdf

507.0 KB

Contemporary [A Roundtable Discussion].pdf

248.1 KB

Culture Of Abstraction.pdf

384.5 KB

Disparate [Ontology And Politics In Simondon].pdf

37.1 KB

Factory, Territory, Metropolis, Empire.pdf

154.6 KB

Fanaticism And Production [On Schelling's Philosophy Of Indifference].pdf

357.7 KB

Fanaticism And Social Theory.pdf

206.1 KB

From Pin Factories To Gold Farmers [Editorial Introduction To A Research Stream].pdf

212.7 KB

From The State To The World [Badiou And Anti-Capitalism].pdf

309.2 KB

Interview [By Alberto Toscano].pdf

79.2 KB


457.1 KB

Italian Difference [Between Nihilism And Biopolitics].pdf

1.3 MB

Liberation Technology.pdf

114.4 KB

Mao's New Nomos [Partisanship, Warfare, Geopolitics].pdf

48.6 KB

Marxism Expatriated.pdf

3.0 MB

Method Of Nature, The Crisis Of Critique [The Problem Of Individuation In Nietzsche's 1867-1869 Notebooks].pdf

1.2 MB

Open Secret Of Real Abstraction.pdf

143.8 KB

Philosophy Of Restoration [Alain Badiou And The Enemies Of May].pdf

117.5 KB

Postface [Aleatory Rationalism].pdf

134.9 KB

Powers Of Pacification [State And Empire In Gabriel Tarde].pdf

113.9 KB

Raving With Reason [Fanaticism, Iconoclasm, And Critique].pdf

137.0 KB

Review [Sovereign Impunity].pdf

79.5 KB

Sensuous Religion Of The Multitude [Art And Abstraction In Negri].pdf

131.8 KB

Theatre Of Production [Philosophy And Individuation Between Kant And Deleuze].pdf

987.4 KB

To Have Done With The End Of Philosophy.pdf

263.9 KB

Vital Strategies [Maurizio Lazzarato And The Metaphysics Of Contemporary Capitalism].pdf

185.7 KB

War Against Preterrorism [The 'Tarnac Nine' And 'The Coming Insurrection'].pdf

310.5 KB

/.../Texts On Touraine/

Social Sciences, Globalization, And Regionalism [Reflections On Touraine's Speech].pdf

20.2 KB

Study Of Solidarity And The Social Theory Of Alain Touraine.pdf

128.2 KB

/Touraine, Alain/

Beyond Social Movements.pdf

2.4 MB

Can One Still Be On The Left.pdf

354.1 KB

Can We Live Together, Equal And Different.pdf

1.8 MB

Cultural Politics Of Proximity.pdf

151.7 KB

Culture Without Society.pdf

91.5 KB

Decline Of The Social.pdf

101.5 KB


1.1 MB


1.0 MB

Equality And-Or Difference [Real Problems, False Dilemmas].pdf

42.3 KB

From Understanding Society To Discovering The Subject.pdf

64.7 KB

Frontier Of Social Movements.pdf

69.5 KB

Idea Of Revolution.pdf

2.1 MB

Importance Of Social Movements.pdf

104.7 KB

Is Sociology Still The Study Of Society.pdf

2.3 MB

Management And The Working Class In Western Europe.pdf

3.9 MB

Meaningless Politics.pdf

71.7 KB

Method For Studying Social Actors.pdf

284.2 KB

Mobility Of The Firm And Urban Studies.pdf

894.7 KB

Mutations Of Latin America.pdf

867.5 KB

Neo-Modern Ecology.pdf

75.5 KB

Social Mobility, Class Relations, And Nationalism In Latin America.pdf

629.5 KB

Social Movements [Special Area Of Central Problem In Sociological Analysis].pdf

859.5 KB

Social Transformations Of The Twentieth Century.pdf

61.3 KB

Sociology After Sociology.pdf

113.8 KB

Sociology Without Societies.pdf

50.7 KB

Subject Is Coming Back.pdf

136.5 KB

Toward A Civilization Of Work.pdf

1.0 MB

Towards Actionalist Sociology.pdf

1.2 MB

Two Systems In Action.pdf

2.7 MB

Voice And The Eye [On The Relationship Between Actors And Analysts].pdf

350.9 KB

What Does Democracy Mean Today.pdf

1.2 MB

Working-Class Consciousness And Economic Development In Latin America.pdf

1.3 MB

/.../Audio On Toynbee/

Search For A Meaningful Past - Arnold Toynbee And World Historical Speculation.mp3

17.3 MB

/.../Texts On Toynbee/

Apostle Arnold [The Life And Death Of Arnold Toynbee].pdf

53.9 KB

Arnold Toynbee [A Reminiscence].pdf

13.0 MB

Arnold Toynbee.pdf

7.0 MB

Religion And Politics [Arnold Toynbee And Martin Wright].pdf

1.2 MB

Trevor-Roper VS Toynbee [A Post-Christian Religion And A New Messiah In An Age Of Reconciliation].pdf

128.7 KB

/Toynbee, Arnold/

Balkans [A History Of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Turkey].pdf

1.7 MB

German Terror In Belgium [An Historical Record].pdf

14.4 MB

Historians Approach To Religion.pdf

2.0 MB

Lectures On The Industrial Revolution In England.pdf

161.8 KB

Nationality And The War.pdf

2.6 MB

Study Of History [Volume 2].pdf

7.8 MB

Study Of History [Volume 4].pdf

5.2 MB

Study Of History [Volume 6].pdf

5.5 MB

Study Of History [Volume 7].pdf

6.9 MB

Study Of History [Volume 9].pdf

6.4 MB

Turkey [A Past And A Future].pdf

348.7 KB

World After The Peace Conference.pdf

11.4 MB

/.../Texts On Trocchi/

Alexander Trocchi [Introduction].pdf

100.1 KB

Beat Generation [Kerouac, Burroughs, Trocchi].pdf

497.0 KB

Burroughs' Preface To Trocchi's 'Man At Leisure'.pdf

160.7 KB

Hands Off Alexander Trocchi.pdf

40.0 KB

In Place Of Dialectics [On Trocchi And Others].pdf

169.4 KB

Review Of Gardiner's 'From Trocchi To Trainspotting'.pdf

56.2 KB

Walk On Gilded Splinters [Alex Trocchi's State Of Revolt At The Arts Lab In London].pdf

85.2 KB

/Trocchi, Alexander/

Little Geography Lesson For My Sons And Daughters.pdf

31.0 KB

Revolutionary Proposal.pdf

142.5 KB

Sigma [A Tactical Blueprint].pdf

85.7 KB

/.../Texts On Trotsky/

Death Of Trotsky.pdf

84.7 KB

Dialectics And Revolution [Trotsky, Lenin, Lukács].pdf

161.9 KB

DSP's Attemt To Dress Trotsky In Lenin's Clothes [A Reply].pdf

64.8 KB

Foreshadowing 'In Defense Of Marxism' [Trotsky's Philosophical Notebooks].pdf

146.1 KB

Gramsci And Trotsky In The Shadow Of Stalinism [The Political Theory And Practice Of Opposition].pdf

1.5 MB

How Trotsky Murdered Maxim Gorky And Many Others.pdf

66.8 KB

Lenin, Trotsky, And Makhno.pdf

44.2 KB

Leon Trotsky [His Life And Ideas].pdf

164.9 KB

Review Of Trotsky's 'Terrorism And Communism [A Reply To Karl Kautsky]'.pdf

65.3 KB

Trotsky And The Problem Of Soviet Bureaucracy.pdf

2.4 MB

Trotsky On Our Sins.pdf

50.0 KB

Trotsky Protests Too Much.pdf

116.2 KB

Trotsky's Diary In Exile [1935].pdf

44.2 KB

Two Methods In Search Of Science [Skocpol Versus Trotsky].pdf

1.5 MB

Where Is The PSOP Going [A Letter To Trotsky].pdf

38.3 KB

/Trotsky, Leon/

ABC Of Materialist Dialectics.pdf

77.7 KB

Collected Works [1901-1920].pdf

14.7 MB

Collected Works [1921-1930].pdf

30.6 MB

Collected Works [1931-1940].pdf

26.1 MB

Death Agony Of Capitalism And The Tasks Of The Fourth International ['The Transitional Program'].pdf

210.4 KB

Engels' Letters To Kautsky.pdf

125.8 KB

From October To Brest-Litovsk.pdf

499.4 KB

Habit And Custom.pdf

643.0 KB

Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg.pdf

89.9 KB

History Of The Russian Revolution [Volume I - The Overthrow Of Tzarism].pdf

1.7 MB

History Of The Russian Revolution [Volume II - The Attempted Counter-Revolution].pdf

1.3 MB

History Of The Russian Revolution [Volume III - The Triumph Of The Soviets].pdf

1.6 MB

Ibsen [Excerpt].pdf

34.0 KB

In Defense Of Marxism.pdf

616.0 KB

Karl Kautsky.pdf

38.7 KB

Kirov Assassination.pdf

7.3 MB

Lessons Of October.pdf

243.7 KB

Luxemburg And The Fourth International.pdf

51.2 KB

Marxism In The United States.pdf

6.0 MB

My Life.pdf

1.4 MB

Platform Of The Joint Opposition.pdf

522.8 KB

Stalin School Of Falsification.pdf

915.9 KB

Terrorism And Communism [A Reply To Karl Kautsky].pdf

7.9 MB

Third International After Lenin [The Draft Program Of The Communist International].pdf

712.2 KB

Thirst For Power.pdf

83.9 KB

War And The International [The Bolsheviks And World Peace].pdf

568.8 KB

Who Are The Traitors.pdf

65.5 KB

Year 1905.pdf

1.1 MB

/.../Texts On Tucker/

'Liberty' Debate On Participation In Politics [On Benjamin Tucker].pdf

73.4 KB

Benjamin R. Tucker [Champion Of Free Money].pdf

197.6 KB

Benjamin Tucker, 'Liberty', And Individualist Anarchism.pdf

88.3 KB

Individualist Anarchist Critique Of 'Intellectual Property' [On Benjamin Tucker].pdf

84.5 KB

Interview With Oriole Tucker [On Benjamin Tucker].pdf

166.8 KB

/Tucker, Benjamin/

Individual Liberty [Principles, Propositions, And Discussions For Land And Freedom].pdf

1.1 MB

Instead Of A Book [A Fragmentary Exposition Of Philosophical Anarchism].pdf

3.5 MB

Letter On Translating Stirner.pdf

32.8 KB

Letter To The American Journal Of Sociology.pdf

46.8 KB

Letter To Two Worlds Publishing.pdf

33.1 KB

Liberty [Not The Daughter But The Mother Of Order].pdf

5.2 MB

Manuscripts, Books, And Pamphlets.pdf

1.7 MB

My Reasons For Favoring The Allies.pdf

31.6 KB

Nietzsche's Responsibility For The War.pdf

46.0 KB

Proceedings Of The Indignation Meeting Held In Faneuil Hall.pdf

6.8 MB

Tolstoyism Gone To Seed.pdf

32.6 KB

Why Should A Nation Be More Altruistic Than I.pdf

37.3 KB

William Morris.pdf

33.2 KB

/.../Audio On Turing/

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Breaking The Code [Alan Turing In The Forest Of Wisdom].mp3

9.6 MB

/.../Texts On Turing/

Alan Turing [The Logical And Physical Basis Of Computing].pdf

177.8 KB

Alan Turing And The Central Limit Theorem.pdf

320.9 KB

Alan Turing And The Matrix [Intelligent Systems For Law Enforcement In Virtual Worlds].pdf

195.5 KB

Alan Turing And The Origins Of Digital Computers.pdf

202.4 KB

Alan Turing's Forgotten Ideas In Computer Science.pdf

479.3 KB

Annotated Turing [A Guided Tour Through Turing's Historic Paper And The Turing Machine].pdf

12.6 MB

Computing Machinery And Intelligence.pdf

164.2 KB

Did Alan Turing Have Asperger's Syndrome.pdf

45.2 KB

Man Who Knew Too Much [Alan Turing And The Invention Of The Computer].pdf

145.8 KB

Military Use Of Alan Turing.pdf

126.4 KB

Ockham, Turing, Von Neumann, Jaynes [How Much Can You Get For How Little].pdf

443.5 KB

PM's Apology To Codebreaker Alan Turing [We Were Inhumane].pdf

173.0 KB

Turing Test [55 Years Later].pdf

109.4 KB

Turing, Computing, And Communication.pdf

75.0 KB

What Does The Turing Test Really Mean [And How Many Human Beings Could Pass].pdf

136.4 KB

Who Was Alan Turing.pdf

101.8 KB

/Turing, Alan/

Mind Design [Essay].pdf

1.9 MB

/.../Texts On Turner/

Exploration Of Art And Ritual [On Turner And Others].pdf

1.4 MB

Play To Love [Reading Victor Turner's 'Liminal To Liminoid'].pdf

147.5 KB

Ritual, Anti-Structure, And Religion [A Discussion Of Turner's Processual Symbolic Analysis].pdf

952.4 KB

Victor Turner And Contemporary Cultural Performance [An Introduction].pdf

215.4 KB

Victor Turner.pdf

83.8 KB

/Turner, Victor/

Frame, Flow, And Reflection [Ritual And Drama As Public Liminality].pdf

439.5 KB

Symbolic Studies.pdf

348.4 KB

/.../Texts On Tzara/

Dada In Context [On Tzara And Others].pdf

648.8 KB

/Tzara, Tristan/

Collection Of Excerpts.pdf

254.7 KB

Dada Manifesto [1918].pdf

47.8 KB

Poems 1.pdf

56.5 KB

Poems 2.pdf

88.2 KB

Selected Poems.pdf

106.8 KB

Some Memoirs Of Dadaism.pdf

4.7 MB

/.../Audio On Tönnies/

Thinking About Capitalism - Individual And Community [Tönnies VS Simmel].mp3

21.1 MB

/.../Texts On Tönnies/

Ferdinand Tönnies On Crime And Society [An Unexplored Contribution To Criminological Sociology].pdf

274.6 KB

/Tönnies, Ferdinand/

Community And Civil Society.pdf

8.3 MB

Warlike Englang [As Seen By Herself].pdf

7.1 MB

/.../Texts On Vaneigem/

All The Things You Could Be Right Now If Raoul Vaneigem Were Your Father.pdf

59.8 KB

Breath Of The Possible [On Vaneigem And Others].pdf

141.8 KB

/Vaneigem, Raoul/

Book Of Pleasures.pdf

593.8 KB

Cavalier History Of Surrealism.pdf

528.1 KB

Conversation [By Hans Ulrich Obrist].pdf

1.2 MB

From Wildcat Strike To Total Self Management.pdf

391.7 KB

Interview [Refusals And Passions].pdf

66.7 KB

Isidore Ducasse And Comte De Lautréamont In The Poems.pdf

76.8 KB

Post-Situationist International Writings [1972-2005].pdf

519.3 KB

Resistance To Christianity [The Heresies At The Origins Of The 18th Century].pdf

3.0 MB

Revolution Of Everyday Life.pdf

12.4 MB

Situationist International [Texts From The Situationists With Critical Responses].pdf

6.4 MB

Situationist International Writings [1961-1969].pdf

441.5 KB

/.../Texts On Veblen/

Evolution Of Thorstein Veblen's Evolutionary Economics.pdf

1.2 MB

Lecture On Thorstein Veblen.pdf

21.5 KB

Psychology, Life, And Relevance Of Thorstein Veblen.pdf

81.9 KB

Teleological Impulse [Thostein Veblen, The Philosophy Of Science, And Existentialism].pdf

31.3 KB

Theories Of Management Fashion [The Contributions Of Veblen, Simmel, Blumer, And Bourdieu].pdf

38.5 KB

Thorstein Veblen [Reminiscences Of His Brother Orson].pdf

54.7 KB

Thorstein Veblen And American Social Criticism.pdf

167.4 KB

Thorstein Veblen And Darwinism.pdf

219.0 KB

Thorstein Veblen On Washington Island [Traces Of A Life].pdf

1.4 MB

Will To Behold [Thorstein Veblen's Pragmatic Aesthetics].pdf

187.5 KB

/Veblen, Thorstein/

Blond Race And The Aryan Culture.pdf

7.0 MB

Engineers And The Price System.pdf

9.5 MB

Higher Learning In America [A Memorandum On The Conduct Of Universities].pdf

1.5 MB

Imperial Germany And The Industrial Revolution.pdf

448.6 KB

Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation.pdf

1.5 MB

Instinct Of Workmanship [And The State Of Industrial Arts].pdf

1.7 MB

Socialist Economics Of Karl Marx And His Followers.pdf

219.3 KB

Theory Of Business Enterprise.pdf

365.5 KB

Theory Of The Leisure Class.pdf

1.1 MB

Use Of Loan Credit In Modern Business.pdf

1.9 MB

Vested Interests And The Common Man [The Modern Point Of View And The New Order].pdf

12.7 MB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Vico/

Vico 01.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 02.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 03.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 04.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 05.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 06.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 07.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 08.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 09.mp3

1.7 MB

Vico 10.mp3

1.4 MB

/.../Texts On Vico/

Descartes VS Vico [Some Observations About The Importance Of The Method Of Inquiry].pdf

121.3 KB

Eric Voegelin And Giambattista Vico [A Rhetorical Reading].pdf

457.9 KB

Giambattista Vico [1668-1744].pdf

35.0 KB

Vichianism [After Vico].pdf

755.1 KB

Vico And The Grounds Of Pragmatics.pdf

93.7 KB

Vico's Principle Of Sensus Communis And Forensic Eloquence.pdf

270.3 KB

Wisdom And Eloquence In The Tacit Dimension [Vico And Michael Polanyi On Knowing And Making].pdf

44.5 KB

/Vico, Giambattista/

First New Science.pdf

1.8 MB

/.../Texts On Vidal/

Forum [Regarding Gore Vidal].pdf

193.4 KB

In Epic Times [Gore Vidal's 'Creation' Reconsidered].pdf

162.6 KB

/Vidal, Gore/


776.3 KB


892.0 KB


1.1 MB


992.8 KB

Enemy Within.pdf

65.9 KB

Foreword To Shahak's 'Jewish History, Jewish Religion [The Weight Of Three Thousand Years]'.pdf

557.4 KB


1.0 MB

Interview [The Art Of Fiction].pdf

529.2 KB


1.4 MB

Myra Breckinridge.pdf

814.3 KB

Perpetual War.pdf

224.4 KB

Shredding The Bill Of Rights.pdf

49.8 KB

Washington D.C. [A Novel].pdf

694.9 KB

/.../Texts On Virilio/

Interview With Enrique Limon [Paul Virilio And The Oblique].pdf

1.1 MB

Living Or Leaving The Techno-Apocalypse [Paul Virilio's Critique Of Technology And ITs Contribution To Architecture].pdf

130.8 KB

Paul Virilio [Critical Thinkers].pdf

1.1 MB

Paul Virilio And The Mediation Of Perception And Technology.pdf

173.7 KB

Paul Virilio's Bunker Theorizing.pdf

135.8 KB

Review Play On Paul Virilio And Sylvere Lotringer [Pure War].pdf

239.0 KB

Virilio's 'Art And Fear' [An Introduction].pdf

74.6 KB

Virtual Virilio [Review Of 'The Paul Viriolio Reader'].pdf

77.8 KB

/Virilio, Paul/

Aesthetics Of Disappearance.pdf

22.8 MB

Art And Fear.pdf

1.6 MB

Big Optics.pdf

306.4 KB

Bunker Archaeology.pdf

30.7 MB

Conversation With Derrick De Kerckhove [Conflicts].pdf

91.4 KB

Crepuscular Dawn.pdf

1.3 MB

Critical Space.pdf

638.4 KB

Desert Screen [War At The Speed Of Light].pdf

45.9 KB

Information Bomb.pdf

6.3 MB

Interview [Speeds Of Ambiguity].pdf

70.9 KB

Lost Dimension.pdf

22.6 MB

Speed And Politics.pdf

8.2 MB

Vision Machine.pdf

663.9 KB

/.../Texts On Voegelin/

Eric Voegelin [1901-1985].pdf

135.1 KB

Eric Voegelin And Christianity.pdf

1.4 MB

Eric Voegelin And Giambattista Vico [A Rhetorical Reading].pdf

457.9 KB

Eric Voegelin And Literary Theory.pdf

73.1 KB

Eric Voegelin's Immanentism [A Man At Odds With The Transcendent].pdf

251.1 KB

Ethos And Ethnos [An Introduction To Eric Voegelin's Critique Of European Racism].pdf

363.3 KB

Hobbes And Gnosis [A Critique Of Eric Voegelin's Political Philosophy].pdf

7.2 MB

Regaining The Balance [An Augustinian Response To Eric Voegelin].pdf

134.4 KB

Sources Of Order In History [Voegelin And His Critics].pdf

69.3 KB

Strauss And Voegelin On Machiavelli And Modernity.pdf

521.7 KB

Voegelin's 'Gnosticism' Reconsidered.pdf

121.5 KB

Voegelin's 'History Of Political Ideas' And The Problem Of Christian Order [A Critical Appraisal].pdf

1.7 MB

/Voegelin, Eric/

From Enlightenment To Revolution.pdf

19.4 MB

History Of Political Ideas [Volume 7 - The New Order And Last Orientation].pdf

2.8 MB

Hitler And The Germans.pdf

2.5 MB

Order And History [Volume 1 - Israel And Revelation].pdf

5.3 MB

Order And History [Volume 2 - The World Of The Polis].pdf

31.1 MB

Order And History [Volume 3 - Plato And Aristotle].pdf

1.5 MB

Order And History [Volume 4 - The Ecumenic Age].pdf

11.9 MB

Order And History [Volume 5 - In Search Of Order].pdf

1.5 MB

Published Essays [1934-1939].pdf

1.6 MB

Published Essays [1940-1952].pdf

2.4 MB

Published Essays [1953-1965].pdf

2.4 MB

Recollected [Conversations On A Life].pdf

1.5 MB

Theory Of Governance And Other Miscellaneous Papers [1921-1938].pdf

1.6 MB

/.../Voltaire And The Triumph Of Enlightenment/

VATTOE (0).mp3

15.6 MB

VATTOE (1).mp3

15.0 MB

VATTOE (10).mp3

14.5 MB

VATTOE (11).mp3

14.4 MB

VATTOE (2).mp3

14.8 MB

VATTOE (3).mp3

14.9 MB

VATTOE (4).mp3

14.7 MB

VATTOE (5).mp3

14.5 MB

VATTOE (6).mp3

14.5 MB

VATTOE (7).mp3

14.4 MB

VATTOE (8).mp3

14.4 MB

VATTOE (9).mp3

14.1 MB

/.../Audio On Voltaire/

Birth Of The Modern Mind - Voltaire 1.mp3

26.3 MB

Birth Of The Modern Mind - Voltaire 2.mp3

26.8 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Voltaire 1 [Candide].mp3

7.1 MB

Enlightenment's Invention Of The Modern Self - Voltaire 2 [Voltaire, Johnson, Gibbon].mp3

7.1 MB

Great Authors Of The Western Literary Tradition - Voltaire's 'Candide'.mp3

10.7 MB

History Of World Literature - Voltaire's 'Candide'.mp3

22.1 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Voltaire 1 [Capitalism And Toleration].mp3

22.9 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Voltaire 2 [Voltaire VS Rousseau].mp3

22.6 MB

World's 100 Greatest People - Voltaire.mp3

34.6 MB

World's Greatest Books - 'Candide' By Voltaire.mp3

14.0 MB

/.../Texts On Voltaire/

Voltaire And The Necessity Of Modern History.pdf

184.9 KB

Voltaire As Anthropologist.pdf

63.4 KB



654.7 KB

Fourth Book Of Virgi'ls 'Aeneid' And Ninth Book Of Voltaire's 'Henriad'.pdf

266.9 KB

Free Will.pdf

9.3 KB

Letters On England.pdf

621.4 KB


113.4 KB

Philosophical Dictionary [Part 1].pdf

1.5 MB

Philosophical Dictionary [Part 2].pdf

1.3 MB

Philosophical Dictionary [Part 3].pdf

1.2 MB

Philosophical Dictionary [Part 4].pdf

1.1 MB

Philosophical Dictionary [Part 5].pdf

1.2 MB

Philosophical Dictionary.pdf

510.7 KB

Plato's Dream.pdf

43.0 KB


90.1 KB


44.3 KB

Zadig [Or The Book Of Fate].pdf

326.1 KB

/.../Audio On Vygotsky/

Theories Of Human Development - Vygotsky 1 [Vygotsky's Cognitive-Mediation Theory].mp3

5.6 MB

Theories Of Human Development - Vygotsky 2 [Vygotsky's Zone Of Proximal Development].mp3

5.6 MB

/.../Texts On Vygotsky/

Beyond The Individual-Social Antimony In Discussions Of Piaget And Vygotsky.pdf

158.1 KB

Celebrating Divergence [Piaget And Vygotsky].pdf

2.5 MB

Comments On Vygotsky's Critical Remarks On Language, Thought, Judgement, And Reasoning Of Children.pdf

92.4 KB

Companion To Vygotsky.pdf

2.6 MB

Dewey And Vygotsky [Society, Experience, And Inquiry In Educational Practice].pdf

115.3 KB

From Vygotsky To Vygotskian Psychology [Introduction To The History Of The Kharkov School].pdf

203.2 KB

Introduction To The Vygotsky Reader.pdf

3.7 MB

Learning And Teaching 'Scientific Concepts' [Vygotsky's Ideas Revisited].pdf

93.8 KB

Lev S. Vygotsky [1896-1934].pdf

110.3 KB

Lev Vygotsky [Revolutionary Scientist].pdf

82.0 KB

Obituary For Lev Vygotsky.pdf

46.1 KB

Piaget And Vygotsky [Agent-Based Modeling For Psychology Research].pdf

1.2 MB

Social Situatedness [Vygotsky And Beyond].pdf

161.4 KB

Understanding Vygotsky's Non-Classical Metapsychology.pdf

40.5 KB

Vygotskian Collaborative Project Of Social Transformation [History, Politics, Practice Of Knowledge Construction].pdf

84.2 KB

Vygotsky And Cognitive Science [Language And The Unification Of The Social And Computational Mind].pdf

364.6 KB

Vygotsky And Indigenous Cultures [Centuries Of Language Centered Learning].pdf

330.5 KB

Vygotsky And Lenin On Learning [The Parallel Structures Of Individual And Social Development].pdf

105.3 KB

Vygotsky And The Dialectical Method.pdf

85.8 KB

Vygotsky's Educational Theory In Cultural Context [Introduction].pdf

173.0 KB

Vygotsky's Plural Discourse On The Human Mind.pdf

118.3 KB

Vygotsky, Piaget, And Education [A Reciprocal Assimilation Of Theories And Educational Practices].pdf

84.1 KB

/Vygotsky, Lev/

Development Of Academic Concepts In School Aged Children.pdf

7.2 MB

Development Of Thinking And Concept Formation In Adolescence.pdf

38.1 MB

Development Of Voluntary Attention In The Child.pdf

10.4 MB

Educational Psychology [Excerpts].pdf

381.7 KB

Fascism In Psychoneurology.pdf

4.9 MB

Historical Meaning Of The Crisis In Psychology [A Methodological Investigation].pdf

953.3 KB

Imagination And Creativity Of The Adolescent.pdf

10.4 MB

Introduction To The Russian Translation Of Freud's 'Beyod The Pleasure Principle'.pdf

3.8 MB

Primitive Man And His Behavior.pdf

334.0 KB

Principles Of Social Education For Deaf And Dumb Children In Russia.pdf

3.8 MB

Problem Of The Environment.pdf

7.7 MB

Psychology Of Art [Excerpts].pdf

761.0 KB

Selected Writings [1924-1934].pdf

2.4 MB

Thinking And Speaking [Partial].pdf

407.3 KB

Thought And Word.pdf

709.5 KB

Thought In Schizophrenia.pdf

6.3 MB

/.../Texts On Wacquant/

Ghetto Blasting [On Loic Wacquant's 'Urban Outcasts'].pdf

192.1 KB

Scholar's Body [Mixing It Up With Loic Wacquant].pdf

66.7 KB

Specificity Of The Chicago Ghetto [Comment on Wacquant's 'Three Pernicious Premises'].pdf

337.8 KB

/Wacquant, Loic/

'Scholarly Myths' Of The New Law And Order Doxa.pdf

142.3 KB

Advent Of The Penal State Is Not A Destiny.pdf

620.6 KB

Bodily Capital And Bodily Labour Among Professional Boxers.pdf

5.3 MB

Body And Soul.pdf

17.2 MB

Body, The Ghetto, And The Penal State.pdf

710.8 KB

Cost Of Racial And Class Exclusion In The Inner City.pdf

2.1 MB

Critical Thought As Solvent Of Doxa.pdf

46.5 KB

Curious Eclipse Of Prison Ethnography In The Age Of Mass Incarceration.pdf

118.8 KB

Decivilizing And Demonizing [The Social And Symbolic Remaking Of The Black Ghetto And Elias In The Dark Ghetto].pdf

131.3 KB

Double-Edged Sword Of Reason.pdf

169.4 KB

Embodiment, Apprenticeship, And Membership.pdf

208.3 KB

Enemies Of The Wholesome Part Of The Nation.pdf

120.7 KB

Exiting Roles Or Exiting Role Theory.pdf

440.5 KB

Following Pierre Bourdieu Into The Field.pdf

243.4 KB

For An Analytic Of Racial Domination.pdf

1.2 MB

Foreigners And Immigrants In The Prisons Of Europe.pdf

125.4 KB

French Working-Class Banlieue And Black American Ghetto.pdf

2.2 MB

From Slavery To Mass Incarceration.pdf

84.4 KB

Ghetto, Banlieue, Favela, Et Caetera [Tools For Rethinking Urban Marginality].pdf

85.7 KB


93.9 KB

Ghettos And Anti-Ghettos.pdf

77.7 KB


114.4 KB

Heuristic Models In Marxian Theory.pdf

1.4 MB

In Memoriam Pierre Bourdieu.pdf

18.2 KB

Incarceration In America From Nixon To Clinton.pdf

772.9 KB

Lessons From The Brazilian Metropolis.pdf

144.9 KB

Managing Mass Imprisonment In The United States.pdf

80.5 KB

Penal Management Of Postcolonial Migrants In The European Union.pdf

130.9 KB

Penalisation Of Poverty And The Rise Of Neo-Liberalism.pdf

100.2 KB

Penalization, Depoliticization, Racialization.pdf

104.0 KB

Pierre Bourdieu.pdf

104.1 KB

Place Of The Prison In The New Government Of Poverty.pdf

945.3 KB

Pointers On Pierre Bourdieu And Democratic Politics.pdf

84.2 KB

Porn Exposed.pdf

677.0 KB

Power, Pain, And Profit In The Prizefighting Economy.pdf

248.5 KB

Prefatory Notes To Bourdieu's 'State Nobility'.pdf

1.8 MB

Prison As Surrogate Ghetto.pdf

258.8 KB

Progress Report On The Practice And Promise Of Ethnography.pdf

95.2 KB

Punishing The Poor [The New Government Of Social Insecurity].pdf

374.5 KB

Puzzle Of Race And Class In American Society And Social Science.pdf

627.2 KB

Race As Civic Felony.pdf

155.8 KB

Relocating Gentrification.pdf

75.2 KB

Rise Of Advanced Marginality.pdf

1.3 MB

Scrutinizing The Street [Poverty, Morality, And The Pitfalls Of Urban Ethnography].pdf

297.3 KB

Social Art Of The Hustler In The Black American Ghetto.pdf

4.2 MB

Social Polarization And The Punitive Upsurge.pdf

141.6 KB

Social Science With Conscience [Remembering Pierre Bourdieu].pdf

77.4 KB

Sociological Life Of Pierre Bourdieu.pdf

47.5 KB

Symbolic Power And Democratic Practice.pdf

61.0 KB

Symbolic Power And Group-Making [Pierre Bourdieu's Reframing Of Class].pdf

52.7 KB

Symbolic Violence And The Making Of The French Agriculturalist.pdf

1.5 MB

Tales Of Homo Academicus.pdf

689.8 KB

Territorial Stigmatization In The Age Of Advanced Marginality.pdf

116.7 KB

Three Pernicious Premises In The Study Of The American Ghetto.pdf

2.8 MB

Toward A Dictatorship Over The Poor [Notes On The Penalization Of Poverty In Brazil].pdf

47.8 KB

Towards An Archaeology Of Academe.pdf

471.0 KB

Urban Marginality In The Coming Millennium.pdf

115.3 KB

When Ghetto And Prison Meet And Mesh.pdf

216.0 KB

Whores, Slaves And Stallions.pdf

61.6 KB

Why Men Desire Muscles.pdf

2.3 MB

/.../Texts On Wallerstein/

'Modern World-System III' [Review Of Wallerstein].pdf

125.7 KB

Festschrift For Immanuel Wallerstein [Part II].pdf

3.7 MB

Review Of Wallerstein's 'Utopistics'.pdf

9.5 KB

Wallerstein's Contribution To Monadology And The Critical Theory Of The Global World System Transition.pdf

243.1 KB

Wallerstein's Vision Of Past And Future.pdf

496.4 KB

Wallerstein's World-System Perspective In The Construction Of Economic History.pdf

405.9 KB

/Wallerstein, Immanuel/

'Crisis Of The Seventeenth Century'.pdf

59.4 KB

1968, Revolution In The World-System [Theses And Queries].pdf

481.8 KB

Academic Freedom And Collective Expressions Of Opinion.pdf

139.2 KB

Actor And World-Systems Analysis [Comments On Blau And Wieviorka].pdf

409.4 KB

Actor In The Social Sciences [A Reply To Hans Joas].pdf

51.5 KB

Africa In A Capitalist World.pdf

452.4 KB

Africa In The Shuffle.pdf

136.0 KB

After Developmentalism And Globalization, What.pdf

128.1 KB

After Progress In The South [Khomeini, Saddam, Or Migration].pdf

63.0 KB

Agonies Of Liberalism.pdf

85.0 KB

America And The World [Today, Yesterday, And Tomorrow].pdf

474.5 KB

American Slavery And The Capitalist World-Economy.pdf

300.1 KB

Americanity As A Concept [Or The Americas In The Modern World-System].pdf

3.1 MB

ANC And South Africa [Past And Future Of Liberation Movements In World-System].pdf

392.8 KB

Anthropology, Sociology, And Other Dubious Disciplines.pdf

127.3 KB

Bourgeoisie As Concept And Reality.pdf

91.0 KB

Braudel On Capitalism [Or Everything Upside Down].pdf

213.5 KB

Capitalist Markets [Theory And Reality].pdf

862.4 KB

Citizens All, Citizens Some [The Making Of The Citizen].pdf

120.3 KB

Civilizations And Modes Of Production [Conflicts And Convergences].pdf

210.6 KB

Class And Class-Conflict In Contemporary Africa.pdf

202.5 KB

Class-Formation In The Capitalist World-Economy.pdf

484.7 KB

Cold War And Third World [The Good Old Days].pdf

401.5 KB

Collapse Of Liberalism.pdf

130.4 KB

Comment On Epistemology [What Is Africa].pdf

63.2 KB

Comments On Paul Kennedy's 'The Rise And Fall Of The Great Powers'.pdf

244.3 KB

Comparative Study Of National Societies.pdf

2.0 MB

Concept Of National Development, 1917-1989 [Elegy And Requiem].pdf

1.3 MB

Construction Of Peoplehood [Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity].pdf

337.9 KB

Contemporary Capitalist Dilemmas, The Social Sciences, And The Geopolitics Of The Twenty-First Century.pdf

424.3 KB

Culture As The Ideological Battleground Of The Modern World-System.pdf

2.5 MB

Culture Is The World-System [A Reply To Boyne].pdf

278.4 KB

Curve Of American Power.pdf

97.5 KB

Dependence In An Interdependent World [The Limited Possibilities Of Transformation Within The Capitalist World Economy].pdf

741.3 KB

Development [Lodestar Or Illusion].pdf

496.1 KB

Development Of The Concept Of Development.pdf

255.3 KB

Dilemmas Of Open Space [The Future Of The WSF].pdf

517.1 KB

Eagle Has Crash Landed.pdf

2.9 MB

Early Years Of The OAU [The Search For Organizational Preeminence].pdf

463.1 KB

Economic Cycles And Socialist Policies.pdf

580.5 KB

Elites In French-Speaking West Africa [The Social Basis Of Ideas].pdf

838.3 KB

End Of What Modernity.pdf

304.7 KB

Entering Global Anarchy.pdf

47.3 KB

Eurocentrism And Its Avatars [The Dilemmas Of Social Science].pdf

90.8 KB

European Economic Development [A Comment On O'Brien].pdf

136.6 KB

European Universalism [The Rhetoric Of Power].pdf

306.1 KB

Evolving Role Of The Africa Scholar In African Studies.pdf

902.6 KB

Factors Affecting The 'Logic Of Socialism'.pdf

86.2 KB

Feudalism, Capitalism, And The World-System In The Perspective Of Latin America And The Caribbean [Comments On Stern's Critical Tests].pdf

362.6 KB

Foes As Friends.pdf

319.8 KB

French Revolution And Capitalism [An Explanatory Schema].pdf

160.4 KB

Friends As Foes.pdf

374.6 KB

From Feudalism To Capitalism [Transition Or Transitions].pdf

250.6 KB

From Sociology To Historical Social Science [Prospects And Obstacles].pdf

102.2 KB

Globalization Or The Age Of Transition [A Long-Term View Of The Trajectory Of The World System].pdf

95.6 KB

Great Expansion [The Incorporation Of Vast New Zones Into The Capitalist World Economy, C. 1750-1850].pdf

4.9 MB

Heritage Of Sociology, Promise Of Social Science [Presidential Address At The XIVth World Congress Of Sociology].pdf

403.8 KB

Historian As Spokesman For Historical Forces [A Review Of Walter Rodney].pdf

250.7 KB

Imperialism And Capitalism [Are The Workers The Most Oppressed Class].pdf

663.5 KB

Implicit Ideology In Africa [A Review Of Books By Kwame Nkrumah].pdf

246.5 KB

Incorporation Of Indian Subcontinent Into Capitalist World-Economy.pdf

2.4 MB

Industrial Revolution [Cui Bono].pdf

815.7 KB

Integration To What, Marginalization From What.pdf

819.7 KB

Interview [Culture In The World-System].pdf

118.3 KB

Is Sociology A World Discipline.pdf

141.2 KB

Islam, The West, And The World.pdf

926.2 KB

Left And Right In Africa.pdf

304.0 KB

Left Politics For An Age Of Transition.pdf

370.0 KB

Left Politics For The 21st Century [Or Theory And Praxis Once Again].pdf

194.0 KB

Marx And History [Fruitful And Unfruitful Emphases].pdf

838.6 KB

Marx, Marxism-Leninism, And Socialist Experiences In The Modern World-System.pdf

1.4 MB

Marxisms As Utopias [Evolving Ideologies].pdf

234.0 KB

Millennium Symposium [Conversation].pdf

2.0 MB

Modern World-System As A Civilization.pdf

1.5 MB

Modern World-System I [Capitalist Agriculture And The Origins Of The European World-Economy In The 16th Century].pdf

28.8 MB

Modern World-System II [Mercantilism And The Consolidation Of The European World-Economy, 1600-1750].pdf

25.2 MB

Modern World-System III [The Second Era Of The Great Expansion Of Capitalist World-Economy, 1730-1840s].pdf

24.4 MB

Myrdal Legacy [Racism And Underdevelopment As Dilemmas].pdf

1.4 MB

National And The Universal [Can There Be Such A Thing As World Culture].pdf

1.8 MB

Nationalism And The World Transition To Socialism [Is There A Crisis].pdf

180.6 KB

New Revolts Against The System.pdf

54.2 KB

Northeast Asia And The World-System.pdf

144.8 KB

Politics Of The World-Economy [The States, The Movements, And The Civilizations].pdf

12.1 MB

Possible Rationality [A Reply To Archer].pdf

246.4 KB

Precapitalist Social Structures.pdf

477.5 KB

Proposal For A Data Bank Of African Materials.pdf

783.8 KB

Questioning Eurocentrism [A Reply To Gregor McLennan].pdf

27.2 KB

Reading Fanon In The 21st Century.pdf

60.2 KB

Remembering Andre Gunder Frank While Thinking About The Future.pdf

126.8 KB

Render Unto Caeser [The Dilemmas Of A Multicultural World].pdf

902.5 KB

Renewed Concern With Civilizations.pdf

483.3 KB

Rise And Future Demise Of The World Capitalist System [Concepts For Comparative Analysis].pdf

726.1 KB

Rural Economy In Modern World-Society.pdf

718.4 KB

Semi-Peripheral Countries And The Contemporary World Crisis.pdf

450.1 KB

Should We Unthink Nineteenth-Century Social Science.pdf

457.4 KB

Social Rank And Nationalism [Some African Data].pdf

318.2 KB

Social Science And Contemporary Society [The Vanishing Guarantees Of Rationality].pdf

2.2 MB

Social Science And The Quest For A Just Society.pdf

257.2 KB

Societal Development [Or Development Of The World-System].pdf

917.3 KB

Soft Multilateralism.pdf

86.5 KB

State And Social Transformation [Will And Possibility].pdf

322.5 KB

States In The Institutional Vortex Of The Capitalist World-Economy.pdf

428.0 KB

Theory Of Economic History In Place Of Economic Theory.pdf

264.0 KB

Three Paths Of National Development In Sixteenth-Century Europe.pdf

471.0 KB

Time And Duration [The Unexcluded Middle, Or Reflections On Braudel And Prigogine].pdf

988.8 KB

Time Of Space And The Space Of Time [The Future Of Social Science].pdf

1.2 MB

Transition To An Uncertain Future.pdf

146.6 KB

U.S. And Europe [Quasi-Allies].pdf

29.9 KB

U.S. Weakness And The Struggle For Hegemony.pdf

371.9 KB

Uncertainty And Creativity.pdf

301.1 KB

What Is An Attainable Global Perspective For Undergraduates In History.pdf

808.0 KB

What Is Historical Social Science.pdf

74.9 KB

Where Should Sociologists Be Heading.pdf

94.1 KB

World System Versus World-Systems [A Critique].pdf

316.6 KB

World-System After The Cold War.pdf

149.0 KB

World-System Perspective On The Social Sciences.pdf

222.2 KB

/.../Texts On Walras/

Between Search And Walras.pdf

184.1 KB

Equilibrium Economics Of Léon Walras.pdf

2.1 MB

Existence Of Equilibrium Based On The Walras' Law.pdf

1.6 MB

From Say's Law To Keynes, From Keynes To Walras' Law [Some Ironies In The History Of Economic Thought].pdf

267.2 KB

Leontief And Walras [Input-Output And Reality].pdf

66.9 KB

Marie Esprit Léon Walras [1834-1910].pdf

1.2 MB

Nash And Walras Equilibrium Via Brouwer.pdf

620.0 KB

Reception Of Walras' Theory Of Exchange And Theory Of Production In Russia.pdf

711.4 KB

Robinson Crusoe Meets Walras And Keynes.pdf

390.5 KB

Walras [Applied General Equilibrium Model For Quantifying The Economy-Wide Effects Of Agricultural Policies].pdf

408.1 KB

Walras And Dividends Equilibrium With Possibly Satiated Consumers.pdf

189.4 KB

Walras' Law And Keynesian Macroeconomics.pdf

67.2 KB

Walras' Law.pdf

898.6 KB

Walrasian Economics.pdf

3.1 MB

/.../Texts On Watson/

Genetic Code II [On James Watson].pdf

2.3 MB

James D. Watson [Introduction].pdf

323.9 KB

James Watson's Most Inconvenient Truth [Race Realism And The Moralistic Fallacy].pdf

241.1 KB

Revelation Of Repeated Disappointments With James Watson.pdf

128.4 KB

/Watson, James/

Converation With [The Science Studio].pdf

192.4 KB

Double Helix.pdf

653.9 KB

Involvement Of RNA In The Synthesis Of Proteins [Nobel Lecture].pdf

187.0 KB

/.../Audio On Watson/

Great Ideas Of Psychology - Watson And American Behaviorism.mp3

7.5 MB

/.../Texts On Watson/

Critical Analysis Of John B. Watson's Original Writing ['Behaviorism As A Behaviorist Views It'].pdf

46.9 KB

Early Research Of John B. Watson [Before The Behavioral Revolution].pdf

4.5 MB

Finding Little Albert [A Journey To John B. Watson's Infant Laboratory].pdf

292.7 KB

John B. Watson [Profile Of A Comparative Psychologist And Proto-Ethologist].pdf

20.8 KB

Response To Harzem's Review Of 'Modern Perspectives On John B. Watson And Classical Behaviorism'.pdf

165.8 KB

Review Of 'Modern Perspectives On John B. Watson And Classical Behaviorism'.pdf

1.2 MB

What Psychology Has To Say About John B. Watson [Classical Behaviorism In Textbooks].pdf

51.9 KB

/Watson, John Broadus/

Animal Education [An Experimental Study On Psychical Development Of The White Rat].pdf

12.6 MB

Behavior [An Introduction To Comparative Psychology].pdf

2.6 MB


14.4 MB

Homing And Related Activities Of Birds.pdf

8.6 MB

Psychology From The Standpoint Of A Behaviorist.pdf

2.5 MB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Weber/

Weber 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Weber 10.mp3

1.5 MB

/.../Audio On Weber/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Max Weber And Georg Simmel.mp3

13.8 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Max Weber And Legitimate Authority.mp3

7.5 MB

Introduction To The Study Of Religion - Max Weber.mp3

22.1 MB

Search For A Meaningful Past - Weber's Historical Sociology.mp3

17.2 MB

Thinking About Capitalism - Cultural Sources Of Capitalism [Max Weber].mp3

21.3 MB

/.../Texts On Weber/

'Social Definition' In Dilthey, Windelband, Rickert, Weber, Simmel, And Schutz.pdf

1.2 MB

Authority And Rationality [Max Weber].pdf

638.9 KB

Being Max Weber.pdf

86.7 KB

Critique Of Max Weber's Philosophy Of Social Science [Excerpt].pdf

697.1 KB

Is The Magic Gone [Weber's 'Disenchantment Of The World' And Its Implications For Art In Today's World].pdf

38.6 KB

Legacy Of Max Weber [Three Essays].pdf

10.8 MB

Marx, Marginalism, And Modern Sociology [From Adam Smith To Max Weber].pdf

19.0 MB

Max Weber And Karl Marx.pdf

514.7 KB

Max Weber And Postmodern Theory [Rationalization Versus Re-Enchantment.pdf

558.1 KB

Max Weber Is Alive And Well, And Living In Guatemala [The Protestant Ethic Today].pdf

58.0 KB

Max Weber On Property [An Effort In Interprative Understanding].pdf

985.5 KB

Max Weber's 'Economy And Society' [Excerpt].pdf

3.2 MB

Max Weber's Analysis Of The Unique American Civil Sphere [Its Origins, Expansion, And Oscillations].pdf

1.1 MB

Max Weber's Methodology In Its Place.pdf

1.6 MB

Max Weber's Politics Of Civil Society.pdf

165.1 KB

Max Weber's Types Of Rationality [Cornerstones For Analysis].pdf

1.0 MB

Popularity Of Weber's 'The Protestant Ethic' [An Analysis Of Historical Trends In Scholarship].pdf

118.7 KB

Positivism And The Science Of Society [Émile Durkheim And Max Weber].pdf

246.8 KB

Post Classical Political Economy [Polity, Society, And Economy In Weber, Mises, And Hayek].pdf

73.3 KB

Rationalization Of Action In Max Weber's Sociology Of Religion.pdf

2.1 MB

Shadow Of Exploitation In Weber's Class Analysis.pdf

3.6 MB

Social Teaching Of Max Weber.pdf

237.8 KB

Sucess And Vocation [How Max Weber's Account Of The Work Ethic Subverts The Reformed World-View].pdf

216.2 KB

Vanishing Mediator [Narrative Structure In Max Weber].pdf

810.8 KB

Weber And Durkheim [A Comparative Analysis On The Theory Of Social Order And Methodology].pdf

230.4 KB

/Weber, Max/

Definition Of Sociology.pdf

198.5 KB

Essays In Sociology.pdf

3.2 MB

Methodology Of The Social Sciences.pdf

11.9 MB

Politics As A Vocation.pdf

184.5 KB

Protestant Ethic And The Spirit Of Capitalism.pdf

11.1 MB

Writings In The Sociology Of Art.pdf

81.9 KB

/.../Texts On Whitehead/

Abstract Experience [On Whitehead].pdf

334.4 KB

Ageing, Perpetual Perishing, Event As Pure Novelty [Péguy, Whitehead, And Deleuze On Time And History].pdf

114.1 KB

Being A Sociologist And Becoming A Whiteheadian [Toward A Concrescent Methodology].pdf

441.8 KB

Constructivist Flight From A Constructivist Reading Of Whitehead's 'Process And Reality'.pdf

247.7 KB

Constructivist Reading Of Whitehead's 'Process And Reality'.pdf

408.0 KB

Culture Of Abstraction [On Whitehead].pdf

384.5 KB

Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson [Rhizomatic Connections].pdf

1.7 MB

Do Scientific Objects Have A History [Pasteur And Whitehead In A Bath Of Lactic Acid].pdf

2.1 MB

Enterprise Education [Revisiting Whitehead To Satisfy Gibbs].pdf

91.2 KB

Introduction To A Special Section On A.N. Whitehead [In 'Theory, Culture, And Society'].pdf

286.8 KB

Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, And Aesthetics.pdf

763.9 KB

Leibniz, Whitehead, And The Metaphysics Of Causation.pdf

1.3 MB

Need For Metaphysics [On The Categories Of Explanation In Whitehead's 'Process And Reality'].pdf

322.2 KB

Process-Relational Philosophy [An Introduction To Alfred North Whitehead].pdf

1.8 MB

Rethinking Hic Et Nunc [Contemplating Whitehead's Freedom And Discipline].pdf

71.5 KB

Whitehead And Deleuze [The Process Of Materiality].pdf

130.5 KB

Whitehead And Russel's 'Principia Mathematica'.pdf

307.8 KB

Whitehead's Account Of The Sixth Day.pdf

143.7 KB

Whitehead's Adventurous Religion As His Theological Legacy.pdf

153.2 KB

Whitehead's Radically Different Postmodern Philosophy [An Argument For Its Contemporary Relevance].pdf

1.3 MB

Whitehead, James, And Quantum Theory.pdf

189.0 KB

/Whitehead, Alfred North/

Aims Of Education.pdf

47.1 KB

Concept Of Nature.pdf

463.3 KB

Enquiry Concerning The Principles Of Natural Knowledge.pdf

24.6 MB

Introduction To Mathematics.pdf

14.4 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 1].pdf

26.7 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 2].pdf

26.8 MB

Principia Mathematica [Volume 3].pdf

15.5 MB

Process And Reality [An Essay In Cosmology].pdf

23.3 MB

/.../Texts On Williams/

'What Lurks Beneath The Integrity Objection' [On Bernard Williams].pdf

199.0 KB

Bernard Williams [Contemporary Philosophy In Focus].pdf

1.5 MB

Perspectivism And Intersubjective Criteria For Personal Identity [A Defense Of Bernard Williams].pdf

212.6 KB

Psychoanalysis And The Idea Of A Moral Psychology [Memorial To Bernard Williams' Philosophy].pdf

46.1 KB

/Williams, Bernard/

Aristotle On The Good [A Formal Sketch].pdf

204.5 KB

Ethics And The Limits Of Philosophy.pdf

8.3 MB

Excerpt On Self And Subjectivity [With Commentary].pdf

96.7 KB

Justice As A Virtue.pdf

2.1 MB

Moral Luck.pdf

1.4 MB

Morality [An Introduction To Ethics].pdf

3.4 MB


112.7 KB

Riddle Of Umberto Eco.pdf

58.1 KB

Self And The Future.pdf

335.1 KB

Virtues And Vices [An Encyclopedia Article].pdf

173.4 KB

What Was Wrong With Minos [Thucydides And Historical Time].pdf

364.3 KB

/.../Texts On Williams/

Aesthetics And Politics [Williams' 'Marxism And Literature' And Marcuse's 'The Aesthetic Dimension'].pdf

153.2 KB

Criticism And Politics [The Work Of Raymond Williams].pdf

102.5 KB

Culture And Materialism [Raymond Williams And The Marxist Debate].pdf

2.5 MB

Legacy Of Raymond Williams.pdf

122.5 KB

Metaphor And Hegemony In Williams' Theories Of Base And Superstructure.pdf

39.2 KB

Militant Particularism And Global Ambition [On The Work Of Raymond Williams].pdf

3.4 MB

Utopia And Science Fiction In Raymond Williams.pdf

189.0 KB

/Williams, Raymond/

Achievement Of Brecht.pdf

609.2 KB

Alternative Politics.pdf

79.4 KB

Arts Council.pdf

963.9 KB

Base And Superstructure In Marxist Cultural Theory.pdf

145.6 KB

Beyond Actually Existing Socialism.pdf

84.8 KB

Culture Is Ordinary.pdf

1.2 MB

Democracy And Parliament.pdf

163.2 KB

Developments In The Sociology Of Culture.pdf

1.3 MB

Dialogue On Tragedy.pdf

67.8 KB

Dylan Thomas' Play For Voices.pdf

472.2 KB

From Hero To Victim [Notes On The Development Of Liberal Tragedy].pdf

74.9 KB

Introduction To 'Keywords'.pdf

1.2 MB

Keywords [A Vocabulary Of Culture And Society].pdf

1.2 MB

Lawrence And Tolstoy.pdf

418.0 KB

Marxism And Literature [Part II].pdf

345.2 KB

Marxism And Literature.pdf

12.3 MB

Marxism, Structuralism, And Literary Analysis.pdf

82.9 KB

New Left Catholics.pdf

285.8 KB

Nineteen Eighty Four In Orwell's '1984'.pdf

84.0 KB

Notes On British Marxism Since 1945.pdf

134.1 KB

Our Debt To Dr. Leavis.pdf

776.2 KB

Pastoral And Counter-Pastoral.pdf

745.0 KB

Politics Of Nuclear Disarmament.pdf

94.8 KB

Press The People Want.pdf

63.9 KB

Problems Of Materialism.pdf

149.5 KB

Problems Of The Coming Period.pdf

64.7 KB

Realism And The Contemporary Novel.pdf

47.9 KB

Realism Of Arthur Miller.pdf

575.3 KB

Resources Of Hope [Culture, Democracy, Socialism].pdf

25.4 MB

Social Criticism In Dickens [Some Problems Of Method And Approach].pdf

942.4 KB

Social Thinking Of D.H. Lawrence.pdf

104.5 KB

Structures Of Feeling.pdf

1.5 MB

Technological Society And British Politics.pdf

1.6 MB

Technology And Society.pdf

122.7 KB

Television [Technology And Cultural Form].pdf

1.4 MB

Thomas Hardy.pdf

724.0 KB

Tragic Resignation And Sacrifice.pdf

823.7 KB

Tragic, Despair, And Revolt.pdf

753.2 KB

Uses Of Cultural Theory.pdf

71.7 KB

When Was Modernity.pdf

48.3 KB

Working Class Culture.pdf

49.1 KB

Writer [Commitment And Alignment].pdf

55.3 KB

Writings On The Social Production Of Art.pdf

73.3 KB

/.../Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition [2nd Edition] - Wittgenstein/

Wittgenstein 01.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 02.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 03.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 04.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 05.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 06.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 07.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 08.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 09.mp3

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein 10.mp3

1.3 MB

/.../Audio On Wittgenstein/

European Thought And Culture In The 20th Century - Wittgenstein, Ayer, Husserl.mp3

14.3 MB

Great Ideas Of Philosophy - Helping Fly Out Of Bottle [Wittgenstein And The Discursive Turn].mp3

9.9 MB

Great Minds Of The Western Intellectual Tradition - Wittgenstein And Language Analysis.mp3

7.9 MB

Wittgenstein's Conception Of Philosophy.mp3

11.0 MB

/.../Texts On Wittgenstein/

'Philosophy States Only What Everyone Admits' [On Wittgenstein].pdf

251.4 KB

Analyticity And Apriority [Beyond Wittgenstein And Quine].pdf

1.2 MB

Being With Others [Heidegger, Derrida, Wittgenstein].pdf

2.3 MB

Companion To Ludwig Wittgenstein.pdf

19.3 MB

Critique Of Pure Meaning [Wittgenstein And Derrida].pdf

94.8 KB

Elucidating The 'Tractatus' By Wittgenstein.pdf

2.1 MB

Enchantment Of Words [Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus'].pdf

1.8 MB

False Prison [A Study Of The Development Of Wittgenstein's Philosophy - Volume 1].pdf

626.1 KB

False Prison [A Study Of The Development Of Wittgenstein's Philosophy - Volume 2].pdf

1.0 MB

Frege, The 'Tractatus', And The Logocentric Predicament [On Frege And Wittgenstein].pdf

229.4 KB

Frege, Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus', And The Logocentric Predicament.pdf

229.4 KB

Guidebook To Wittgenstein And The 'Philosophical Investigations'.pdf

677.9 KB

Guidebook To Wittgenstein And The 'Tractatus'.pdf

1.3 MB

How Old Are These Bones [Putnam Wittgenstein, And Verification].pdf

250.2 KB

Introduction To Wittgenstein.pdf

3.6 MB

Jeff Wall, Wittgenstein, And The Everyday.pdf

1.3 MB

Kripke On Wittgenstein On Rules.pdf

361.4 KB

Language And Form Of Life [The Views Of Kripke's Wittgenstein And Chomsky Contrasted].pdf

165.6 KB

Limits Of Whose Language [Wittgenstein On Philosophy Of Science, Mathematics, And Logic].pdf

222.2 KB

Ludwig Wittgenstein [A Cultural Point Of View].pdf

714.5 KB

Marx And Wittgenstein [Knowledge, Morality, Politics].pdf

1.1 MB

Misinterpreting Kripke's Wittgenstein.pdf

512.2 KB

Newman And Wittgenstein After Foundationalism.pdf

94.7 KB

Normal And The Normative [Wittgenstein's Legacy, Kripke, And Cavell].pdf

2.2 MB

Philosophy After Wittgenstein And Heidegger.pdf

2.5 MB

Point Outside The World [Kierkegaard And Wittgeinstein On Nonsense, Paradox, And Religion].pdf

106.4 KB

Popper Versus Wittgenstein On Truth, Necessity, And Scientific Hypotheses.pdf

96.1 KB

Puzzle Of Goethe's Influence On Wittgenstein.pdf

103.2 KB

Quine And Kripke's Wittgenstein.pdf

132.1 KB

Quine, Wittgenstein, And 'Our Knowledge Of The World'.pdf

9.4 MB

Review Of Wittgenstein's The 'Philosophical Investigations'.pdf

1.5 MB

Schopenhauer And Wittgenstein On Self And Object.pdf

115.2 KB

Solidarity, Objectivity, And The Human Form Of Life [Wittgenstein VS Rorty].pdf

1.3 MB

Solitary Souls And Infinite Help [Kierkegaard And Wittgenstein].pdf

981.0 KB

Subjectivity And Form Of Life [Themes In Heidegger, Cassirer, And Wittgenstein].pdf

48.1 KB

To Know Or Not To Know [Wittgenstein And J.L. Austin On Certainty].pdf

598.8 KB

Understanding Wittgenstein's 'On Certainty'.pdf

1.0 MB

Verbal Understanding [Integrating The Conceptual Analyses Of Skinner, Ryle, And Wittgenstein].pdf

1.2 MB

What Theory Of Film Do Wittgenstein And Cavell Have.pdf

63.7 KB

Wittgenstein 'After' [Excerpt From 'Political Writings'].pdf

878.7 KB

Wittgenstein [A Religious Point Of View].pdf

494.5 KB

Wittgenstein [Rethinking The Inner].pdf

11.1 MB

Wittgenstein And Derrida.pdf

638.1 KB

Wittgenstein And The Idea Of A Critical Social Theory [A Critique Of Giddens, Habermas, And Bhaskar].pdf

2.9 MB

Wittgenstein And The Metaphysics Of Grace.pdf

1.1 MB

Wittgenstein And William James.pdf

743.5 KB

Wittgenstein At His Word.pdf

769.4 KB

Wittgenstein Editions.pdf

316.1 KB

Wittgenstein On Being And Time.pdf

856.9 KB

Wittgenstein On Private Language [Some Sources Of Misunderstanding].pdf

333.3 KB

Wittgenstein On The Arbitrariness Of Grammar.pdf

721.8 KB

Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations' [An Introduction].pdf

909.7 KB

Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus' [A Dialectical Interpretation].pdf

1.9 MB

Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus' [An Introduction].pdf

1.8 MB

Wittgenstein's Beetle [And Other Classic Thought Experiments].pdf

1.6 MB

Wittgenstein's Philosophy Of Mathematics.pdf

1.2 MB

Wittgenstein's Theory And Practice Of Philosophy.pdf

1.5 MB

Wittgenstein, Moorean Absurdity, And Its Disappearance From Speech.pdf

264.4 KB

Wittgenstein, Realism, And Mathematics.pdf

164.6 KB

Wittgenstein, Rules, And Institutions.pdf

35.5 MB


1.0 MB

/Wittgenstein, Ludwig/

Collected Works.pdf

11.1 MB

Lecture On Ethics.pdf

49.2 KB

Lectures On Philosophy [Excerpt].pdf

231.6 KB

Lectures On The Foundations Of Mathematics [Cambridge, 1939].pdf

15.1 MB

Notes On Logic.pdf

1.8 MB

Philosophical Investigations.pdf

2.6 MB

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.pdf

888.0 KB

/.../Texts On Wright/

Erik Olin Wright [Analytical Marxism].pdf

80.5 KB

/Wright, Erik Olin/

Alternative Foundations Of Class Analysis.pdf

1.1 MB

Alternative Perspectives In Marxist Theory Of Accumulation And Crisis.pdf

210.3 KB

American Class Structure.pdf

2.8 MB

Basic Income As A Socialist Project.pdf

216.5 KB

Basic Income, Stakeholder Grants, And Class Analysis.pdf

65.8 KB

Beneficial Constraints [Beneficial For Whom].pdf

80.7 KB

Class Analysis, History, And Emancipation.pdf

1.4 MB

Class And Occupation.pdf

629.0 KB

Class Boundaries In Advanced Capitalist Societies.pdf

147.5 KB

Class Counts [Comparative Studies In Class Analysis].pdf

20.5 MB

Class Structure And Income Determination.pdf

29.5 MB

Class, Crisis, And The State.pdf

28.3 MB

Class, Exploitation, And Economic Rents [Reflections On Sorensen's 'Sounder Basis'].pdf

1.4 MB

Classes In The United States And Sweden [A Comparison].pdf

1.4 MB


16.3 MB

Coercion And Consent In Contested Exchange.pdf

974.0 KB

Comparative Project On Class Structure And Class Consciousness [An Overview].pdf

1.1 MB

Compass Points [Towards A Socialist Alternative].pdf

148.3 KB

Continuing Relevance Of Class Analysis [Comments].pdf

1.2 MB

Countervailing Power In Empowered Participatory Governance.pdf

132.9 KB

Country And City.pdf

20.4 MB

Debate On Classes.pdf

13.2 MB

Deepening Democracy [Essays].pdf

1.1 MB

Deepening Democracy [Innovations In Empowered Participatory Governance].pdf

141.9 KB

Equality, Community, And 'Efficient Redistribution'.pdf

1.8 MB

Explanation And Emancipation In Marxism And Feminism.pdf

394.0 KB

Exploitation, Identity, And Class Structure [A Reply To My Critics].pdf

3.0 MB

Fall And Rise Of The Petty Bourgeoisie [Changing Patterns Of Self-Employment In The Postwar United States].pdf

4.0 MB

Gender Gap In Workplace Authority [A Cross-National Study].pdf

4.1 MB

General Framework For The Analysis Of Class Structure.pdf

2.1 MB

Giddens’s Critique Of Marxism.pdf

123.1 KB

Glass Ceiling Hypothesis [A Reply To Critics].pdf

223.5 KB

Intellectuals And The Working Class.pdf

4.0 MB

Interrogating Inequality.pdf

17.5 MB

Interrogating The Treadmill Of Production [Some Questions I Still Want To Know About And Am Not Afraid To Ask].pdf

62.4 KB

Interview ['When I Began My Work, My Fantasy Was That Marxism Would Once And For All Defeat Sociology'].pdf

457.4 KB

Interview [By Mark Kirby].pdf

791.4 KB

Introductory Comments To 'Alternative Perspectives In Marxist Theory Of Accumulation And Crisis'.pdf

48.2 KB

Making Capital Socially Accountable [An Introduction To Robin Blackburn And Ewald Engelen].pdf

35.7 KB

Marxism And Methodological Individualism.pdf

107.2 KB

Marxist Class Categories And Income Inequality.pdf

3.3 MB

Metatheoretical Foundations Of Charles Tilly's 'Durable Inequality'.pdf

191.1 KB

Non-Effects Of Class On The Gender Division Of Labor In The Home [A Comparative Study Of Sweden And The United States].pdf

712.7 KB

Pattern Of Job Expansions In The USA [A Comparison Of The 1960s And 1990s].pdf

303.4 KB

Permeability Of Class Boundaries To Intergenerational Mobility Among Men In The United States, Canada, Norway, And Sweden.pdf

3.4 MB

Political Power, Democracy, And Coupon Socialism.pdf

1.6 MB

Politics Of Punishment [A Critical Analysis Of Prisons In America].pdf

1.7 MB

Positional Power, Strikes, And Wages.pdf

2.3 MB

Proletarianization In The Changing American Class Structure.pdf

3.5 MB

Race, Class, And Income Inequality.pdf

2.5 MB

Rationality And Class Struggle.pdf

109.7 KB

Recent Developments In Marxist Theories Of The Capitalist State.pdf

1.2 MB

Reducing Income And Wealth Inequality [Real Utopian Proposals].pdf

324.1 KB

Relative Permeability Of Class Boundaries To Cross-Class Friendships [A Comparative Study Of The U.S., Canada, Sweden, And Norway].pdf

3.0 MB

Reply To Linder And Houghton.pdf

557.9 KB

Rethinking Marxism.pdf

10.5 MB

Review [Complex Egalitarianism].pdf

249.6 KB

Review [Is Marxism Really Functionalist, Class Reductionist, And Teleological].pdf

903.5 KB

Review [Towards A Post-Marxist Radical Social Theory].pdf

228.6 KB

Review Essay ['Equality' By Alex Callinicos].pdf

258.7 KB

Shadow Of Exploitation In Weber's Class Analysis.pdf

3.6 MB

Social Class.pdf

263.3 KB

Sociological Marxism.pdf

109.6 KB

State Employment, Class Location, And Ideological Orientation [A Comparative Analysis Of The U.S. And Sweden].pdf

3.0 MB

Status Of The Political In The Concept Of Class Structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Strong Gender Egalitarianism.pdf

159.3 KB

Temporality And Class Analysis [A Comparative Study Of The U.S. And Sweden].pdf

750.1 KB

Thinking About Empowered Participatory Governance.pdf

143.4 KB

Transformation Of The American Class Structure [1960-1980].pdf

2.7 MB

Two Redistributive Proposals [Universal Basic Income And Stakeholder Grants].pdf

48.9 KB

Typologies, Scales, And Class Analysis [A Comment On Halaby And Weakliem's 'Ownership And Authority In The Earnings Function'].pdf

811.4 KB

Understanding Class [Towards An Integrated Analytical Approach].pdf

106.2 KB

Value Controversy.pdf

14.1 MB

Value Controvesy And Social Research.pdf

377.6 KB

Varieties Of Marxist Conceptions Of Class Structure.pdf

2.5 MB

Why Something Like Socialism Is Necessary For The Transition To Something Like Marx's Communism.pdf

294.8 KB

Women In The Class Structure.pdf

1.8 MB

Working-Class Power, Capitalist-Class Interests, And Class Compromise.pdf

892.3 KB

/.../Audio On Xenophanes/

Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno.mp3

23.7 MB

/.../Texts On Xenophanes/

Battle For Xenophanes.pdf

68.9 KB

Presocratics [Xenophanes, Heraklitus, Empedocles].pdf

317.0 KB

Xenophanes And One God.pdf

1.0 MB

Xenophanes Of Colophon.pdf

5.1 MB

Xenophanes On Inquiry And Discovery [An Alternative To The 'Hymn To Progress' Reading Of Fr. 18].pdf

514.4 KB

Xenophanes' Skepticism.pdf

1.2 MB

/.../Audio On Xenophon/

Famous Greeks - Xenophon, Plato, And Philip Of Macedonia.mp3

11.1 MB

/.../Texts On Xenophon/

Alpha [A Greek Primer Introductory To Xenophon].pdf

12.8 MB

Economics Of Division Of Labor From Xenophon To Hayek [A Review Of Selected Literature].pdf

1.2 MB

Intra-Socratic Polemics [The 'Symposia' Of Plato And Xenophon].pdf

353.5 KB

Restatement On Xenophon's 'Hiero'.pdf

2.7 MB

Socrates, Xenophon, Plato.pdf

130.8 KB

Thucydides And Xenophon [Political Historians Of Ancient Greece].pdf

255.3 KB



317.2 KB


573.5 KB


284.3 KB

Cavalry General.pdf

316.8 KB


404.0 KB


702.9 KB


324.2 KB


314.8 KB


522.2 KB

Memorable Thoughts Of Socrates.pdf

386.7 KB

Polity [Athenians And Lacedaemonians].pdf

339.1 KB


300.9 KB


351.8 KB


356.2 KB

/.../Texts On Zedong/

For Mao [Essays In Historical Materialism].pdf

10.5 MB

Introduction To Mao Zedong's 'On Practice And Contradiction'.pdf

1.3 MB

Mao Zedong [1893-1976].pdf

50.7 KB

Mao Zedong's Strategy Towards The United States On The Eve Of The PRC's Foundation.pdf

78.2 KB

Mao's Little Red Book.pdf

354.9 KB

Mao's New Nomos [Partisanship, Warfare, Geopolitics].pdf

48.6 KB

Myth Of Mao Zedong.pdf

70.0 KB

Politics At The 'Core' [The Political Circumstances Of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping And Jiang Zemin].pdf

247.6 KB

Reconsideration Of Mao Zedong's Theories Of Socialism.pdf

845.0 KB

Significance Of Zedong's Talks At The Yennan Forum On Literature And Art For People's Literature And Art.pdf

53.4 KB

/Zedong, Mao/

Collected Works [Volume I].pdf

7.3 MB

Collected Works [Volume II - Part 1].pdf

4.1 MB

Collected Works [Volume II - Part 2].pdf

3.6 MB

Collected Works [Volume II - Part 3].pdf

4.1 MB

Collected Works [Volume III - Part 1].pdf

3.0 MB

Collected Works [Volume III - Part 2].pdf

3.2 MB

Collected Works [Volume III - Part 3].pdf

2.6 MB

Collected Works [Volume III - Part 4].pdf

3.6 MB

Collected Works [Volume III - Part 5].pdf

4.2 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 1].pdf

2.8 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 2].pdf

2.8 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 3].pdf

3.2 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 4].pdf

3.8 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 5].pdf

2.5 MB

Collected Works [Volume IV - Part 6].pdf

3.4 MB

Collected Works [Volume IX - Part 1].pdf

3.6 MB

Collected Works [Volume IX - Part 2].pdf

3.2 MB

Collected Works [Volume IX - Part 3].pdf

3.1 MB

Collected Works [Volume V - Part 1].pdf

3.5 MB

Collected Works [Volume V - Part 2].pdf

3.8 MB

Collected Works [Volume VI - Part 1].pdf

4.5 MB

Collected Works [Volume VI - Part 2].pdf

3.8 MB

Collected Works [Volume VII].pdf

4.6 MB

Collected Works [Volume VIII].pdf

3.2 MB

Opinion On The Free Supply System.pdf

30.2 KB

Practice And Contradiction.pdf

11.5 MB

Quotations [Little Red Book].pdf

1.2 MB

Selected Poems.pdf

105.8 KB

Selected Works [Volume I].pdf

1.5 MB

Selected Works [Volume II].pdf

2.0 MB

Selected Works [Volume III].pdf

1.5 MB

Selected Works [Volume IV].pdf

1.9 MB

Selected Works [Volume V].pdf

2.0 MB

/.../Audio On Zeno/

Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno.mp3

23.7 MB

/.../Texts On Zeno/

Had Zeno Only Known This.pdf

302.8 KB

Introduction To Presocratic Philosophy [Zeno, Heraclitus, Pythagoras].pdf

3.4 MB

Why Mathematical Solutions Of Zeno's Paradoxes Miss The Point [On Zeno And Parmenides].pdf

230.4 KB

Zeno Meets Modern Science.pdf

476.4 KB

Zeno Of Elea 1.pdf

266.5 KB

Zeno Of Elea 2.pdf

3.4 MB

Zeno's Paradoxes [A Cardinal Problem].pdf

102.6 KB

Zeno's Paradoxes [A Timely Solution].pdf

170.1 KB

Zeno's Paradoxes Undeniably Solved For The First Time Ever.pdf

71.3 KB

/Zeno, Elea/


8.1 MB

/Zerzan, John/Audio/

Anarchy Hour 1 [By John Zerzan].mp3

26.9 MB

Anarchy Hour 2 [By John Zerzan].mp3

28.6 MB

Anarchy Hour 3 [By John Zerzan].mp3

24.8 MB

Anarchy Hour 4 [By John Zerzan].mp3

27.6 MB

Anarchy Hour 5 [By John Zerzan].mp3

25.1 MB

Interview With John Zerzan.mp3

10.1 MB

/.../Texts On Zerzan/

Is Primitivism Realistic [An Anarchist Reply To John Zerzan And Others].pdf

776.4 KB

/Zerzan, John/

Against Civilization [Readings And Reflections].pdf

952.4 KB

Against Technology [And Other Texts And Essays].pdf

2.1 MB

Age Of Grief.pdf

14.6 KB

Anarchy After September 11.pdf

16.8 KB

Breaking The Spell.pdf

490.2 KB


11.8 KB


11.9 KB

Division Of Labor.pdf

14.2 KB


12.5 KB

Future Primitive.pdf

68.0 KB

Hakim Bej [Postmodern Anarchist].pdf

12.0 KB

Interview [By Arthur Versluis].pdf

149.0 KB

Interview [Enemy Of The State].pdf

41.4 KB

Language [Origin And Meaning].pdf

31.8 KB

Mass Psychology Of Misery.pdf

115.6 KB

One Wouldn't Buy In.pdf

9.4 KB

Patriarchy, Civilization, And The Origins Of Gender.pdf

1.2 MB


12.0 KB

Rank And File Radicalism.pdf

46.0 KB

Running On Emptiness [The Pathology Of Civilization].pdf

865.0 KB


13.7 KB

Star Trek.pdf

14.8 KB

Time And Its Discontents.pdf

68.5 KB

Whose Unabomber.pdf

18.7 KB

Worse And Worse.pdf

11.7 KB

You May Be An Anarchist [And Not Even Know It].pdf

28.8 KB

Youth Regression In An Infantile Society.pdf

19.6 KB

Zerzan And The Media [An Ignominious Tale].pdf

16.2 KB

/.../Artists In A Time Of War/


2.9 MB


3.9 MB


3.4 MB


4.4 MB


2.5 MB


5.0 MB


3.3 MB


1.9 MB


2.9 MB


6.4 MB


3.9 MB


6.5 MB


2.7 MB

/.../Emma Goldman - A Dangerous Woman/


5.7 MB


5.1 MB


4.0 MB


7.1 MB


4.0 MB


2.9 MB


3.7 MB


4.9 MB


3.7 MB


4.9 MB


7.8 MB


5.1 MB


5.8 MB


8.8 MB

/.../Peoples History Of United States/

PHOUS (0).mp3

2.5 MB

PHOUS (1).mp3

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PHOUS (10).mp3

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PHOUS (11).mp3

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PHOUS (12).mp3

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PHOUS (13).mp3

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PHOUS (14).mp3

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PHOUS (15).mp3

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PHOUS (16).mp3

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PHOUS (17).mp3

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PHOUS (18).mp3

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PHOUS (19).mp3

2.1 MB

PHOUS (2).mp3

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PHOUS (20).mp3

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PHOUS (21).mp3

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PHOUS (22).mp3

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PHOUS (23).mp3

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PHOUS (24).mp3

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PHOUS (25).mp3

4.0 MB

PHOUS (26).mp3

8.3 MB

PHOUS (27).mp3

2.4 MB

PHOUS (28).mp3

3.6 MB

PHOUS (29).mp3

2.3 MB

PHOUS (3).mp3

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PHOUS (4).mp3

2.7 MB

PHOUS (5).mp3

3.4 MB

PHOUS (6).mp3

1.2 MB

PHOUS (7).mp3

1.8 MB

PHOUS (8).mp3

2.1 MB

PHOUS (9).mp3

2.6 MB

/Zinn, Howard/Audio/Stripping Deceit/

SD (0).mp3

11.9 MB

SD (1).mp3

7.6 MB

SD (10).mp3

5.4 MB

SD (2).mp3

8.9 MB

SD (3).mp3

3.8 MB

SD (4).mp3

5.2 MB

SD (5).mp3

6.3 MB

SD (6).mp3

4.4 MB

SD (7).mp3

4.8 MB

SD (8).mp3

5.6 MB

SD (9).mp3

6.3 MB

/Zinn, Howard/Audio/

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 1.mp3

2.6 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 2.mp3

7.5 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 3.mp3

5.3 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 4.mp3

4.0 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 5.mp3

5.5 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 6.mp3

5.3 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 7.mp3

5.4 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 8.mp3

4.7 MB

Case Of Sacco And Vanzetti 9.mp3

4.7 MB

/.../Texts On Zinn/

History's Lessons [Howard Zinn, Will And Ariel Durant, And Us].pdf

90.8 KB

Howard Zinn [The People's Historian].pdf

169.5 KB

Howard Zinn's Disappointing History Of The United States.pdf

36.6 KB

Remembering Howard Zinn, Honoring His Life, And Honored By His Friendship.pdf

20.2 KB

/Zinn, Howard/Video/

Theory And Practice [Conversations With Noam Chomsky And Howard Zinn].avi

734.9 MB

/Zinn, Howard/

Arundhati Roy And Howard Zinn In Coversation [New Mexico, 2002].pdf

137.1 KB

Christopher Columbus And The Indians.pdf

199.6 KB

History [The Haymarket Affair].pdf

23.7 KB

Interview [Why Students Should Study History].pdf

1.3 MB

People's History Of The United States [1492-Present].pdf

3.2 MB

/.../Texts On Žižek/

Another Step, Another Direction [A Response To Žižek's 'Why Heidegger Made The Right Step In 1933'].pdf

204.6 KB

Beyond Resistance [A Response To Žižek's Critique Of Foucault's Subject Of Freedom].pdf

332.6 KB

Charmed Circle Of Ideology [A Critique Of Laclau And Mouffe, Butler And Žižek].pdf

1.9 MB

Cynic's Fetish [Slavoj Žižek And The Dynamics Of Belief].pdf

174.4 KB

From The Spectacular Act To The Vanishing Act [Badiou, Žižek, And The Politics Of Lacanian Theory].pdf

359.1 KB

Interrogating Post-Marxism [Laclau And Mouffe, Foucault, And Žižek].pdf

397.7 KB

Lightening Ontology [Slavoj Žižek And The Unbereable Lightness Of Being Free].pdf

183.2 KB

Nomadology Or Ideology [Žižek's Critique Of Deleuze].pdf

195.9 KB

Play Fuckin' Loud [Žižek Versus The Left].pdf

95.1 KB

Resistance Is Utile [On Žižek].pdf

1.0 MB

Revulsion Is Not Without Its Subject [Kant, Lacan, Žižek, And The Symptom Of Subjectivity].pdf

289.7 KB

Slavoj Žižek [A Critical Introduction].pdf

1.1 MB

Slavoj Žižek [A Little Piece Of The Real].pdf

4.2 MB

Slavoj Žižek [Critical Thinkers].pdf

3.0 MB

Suspended Aesthetic [Slavoj Žižek On Eastern European Film].pdf

3.0 MB

There Is Truth, And Then There Are Truths [Or Slavoj Žižek As A Reader Of Alain Badiou].pdf

392.3 KB

Traversing The Fantasy [Critical Responses To Slavoj Žižek].pdf

20.8 MB

Žižek [Beyond Foucault].pdf

1.2 MB

Žižek's Politics.pdf

3.5 MB

/Žižek, Slavoj/

'There Is No Sexual Relationship' [Wagner As A Lacanian].pdf

560.5 KB

Against Human Rights.pdf

90.4 KB

Against The Double Blackmail.pdf

1.0 MB

Against The Populist Temptation.pdf

133.2 KB

Architectural Parallax [Spandrels And Other Phenomena Of Class Struggle].pdf

274.7 KB

Art Of The Ridiculous Sublime [On David Lynch's Lost Highway].pdf

3.1 MB

Badiou [Notes From An Ongoing Debate].pdf

215.3 KB

Beck's Risk Society And Its Discontents.pdf

1.5 MB


1.6 MB

Brunnhilde's Act.pdf

176.6 KB

Censorship Today [Ecology As A new Opium For The Masses].pdf

134.6 KB

Chance And Repetition In Kieslowski's Films.pdf

86.2 KB

Che Vuoi.pdf

21.6 MB

Christ, Hegel, Wagner.pdf

140.5 KB

Cogito And The Sexual Difference.pdf

13.6 MB

Confession Of An Unrepentant Leninist.pdf

73.2 KB

Contingency, Hegemony, Universality [Contemporary Dialogues On The Left].pdf

32.8 MB

Conversation On Himself [A Critcal Introduction].pdf

251.2 KB

Conversations With Glyn Daly.pdf

2.6 MB

Courtly Love [Or Woman As Thing].pdf

1.8 MB

Cultural Studies Versus The Third Culture.pdf

88.4 KB

Cyberspace [Or How To Traverse The Fantasy In The Age Of The Retreat Of The Big Other].pdf

2.4 MB

Cyberspace [Or The Unbearable Closure Of Being].pdf

242.3 KB

Deeper Than The Day Could Read.pdf

139.1 KB

Descartes And The Post-Traumatic Subject.pdf

166.3 KB

Eastern European Liberalism And Its Discontents.pdf

814.9 KB

Eastern Europes Republics Of Gilead.pdf

81.2 KB

Enjoy Your Nation As Yourself.pdf

300.0 KB

Enjoy Your Symptom [Jacques Lacan In Hollywood And Out].pdf

22.0 MB

Ethical Socialism [No, Thanks].pdf

1.1 MB

Everything Provokes Fascism [Plecnik Avec Laibach].pdf

2.6 MB

Feminine Excess [Can Women Who Hear Divine Voices Find A New Social Link].pdf

201.3 KB

For A Leftist Approapriation Of The European Legacy.pdf

983.0 KB

Fragile Absolute [Or Why Is The Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For].pdf

7.4 MB

Fright Of Real Tears [Krzysztof Kieslowski Between Theory And Post-Theory].pdf

4.5 MB

From 'History And Class Consciousness' To 'The Dialectic Of Enlightenment' And Back [On Lukács, Adorno, And Horkheimer].pdf

380.1 KB

From Politics To Biopolitics [And Back].pdf

241.8 KB

From Proto-Reality To The Act [A Reply To Peter Dews].pdf

192.9 KB

From Urvater To Holocaust [And Back].pdf

132.6 KB

From Virtual Reality To The Virtualization Of Reality.pdf

6.5 MB

Grimaces Of The Real [Or When The Phallus Appears].pdf

1.6 MB

Happiness And Torture In The Atonal World [Part 1].pdf

133.8 KB

Have Michael Hardt And Antonio Negri Rewritten The 'Communist Manifesto' For The Twenty-First Century.pdf

92.9 KB

History Against Historicism.pdf

53.2 KB


263.3 KB

How Did Marx Invent The Symptom.pdf

406.9 KB

How To Begin From The Beginning.pdf

80.4 KB

How To Read Lacan.pdf

5.2 MB

Human Rights And Its Discontents.pdf

150.9 KB

I A Symptom [Of What].pdf

98.5 KB

Ideology Between Fiction And Fantasy.pdf

1.7 MB

Inherent Transgression.pdf

90.3 KB

Intellectuals, Not Gadflies.pdf

412.4 KB

Interpassive Subject.pdf

305.8 KB

Interview ['A True Message Is Contained Within A Form'].pdf

147.0 KB

Interview ['If God Doesn't Exist, Everything Is Prohibited'].pdf

150.0 KB

Interview ['On Divine Self-Limitation And Revolutionary Love'].pdf

210.8 KB

Interview [Becoming Unbearable].pdf

951.2 KB

Interview [Psychoanalysis And The Post-Politica].pdf

97.4 KB

Introduction To Mao Zedong's 'On Practice And Contradiction'.pdf

1.3 MB

Iraq's False Promises.pdf

3.0 MB

Iraqi MacGuffin.pdf

143.2 KB

Jameson As A Theorist Of Revolutionary Philately.pdf

170.2 KB

Lacanian Real 'Television'.pdf

341.2 KB

Language, Violence, And Non-Violence.pdf

138.7 KB

Leftist Plea For 'Eurocentrism'.pdf

424.2 KB

Legal Luck.pdf

275.6 KB

Looking Awry [An Introduction To Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture].pdf

539.4 KB

Looking Awry.pdf

2.1 MB

Love Without Mercy.pdf

1.2 MB

Matrix [Or Malebranche In Hollywood].pdf

1.3 MB

Mel Gibson At The Serbsky Institute.pdf

43.9 KB

Melancholy And The Act.pdf

486.7 KB

Monstrosity Of Christ [Paradox Or Dialectic].pdf

1.2 MB

Multiculturalism Or The Cultural Logic Of Multinational Capitalism.pdf

136.9 KB

Multitude, Surplus, And Envy.pdf

127.0 KB

My Own Private Austria.pdf

151.2 KB

Nobody Has To Be Vile.pdf

66.8 KB

Notes On A Debate 'From Within The People'.pdf

161.3 KB

Notes Towards A Politics Of Bartleby [The Ignorance Of Chicken].pdf

137.7 KB

Ongoing 'Soft Revolution'.pdf

159.3 KB

Only Good Neighbor Is A Dead Neighbor.pdf

455.4 KB

Organs Without Bodies [Deleuze And Consequences].pdf

12.5 MB

Parallax View.pdf

3.3 MB

Philosophy In The Present.pdf

340.9 KB

Philosophy, The 'Unknown Knowns', And The Public Use Of Reason.pdf

117.8 KB

Plea For A Return To Différance [With A Minor Pro Domo Sua].pdf

130.3 KB

Plea For Ethical Violence.pdf

222.7 KB

Plea For Leninist Intolerance.pdf

502.8 KB

Prospects Of Radical Politics Today.pdf

136.2 KB

Psychoanalysis In Post-Marxism [The Case Of Alain Badiou].pdf

1.3 MB

Puppet And The Dwarf [The Perverse Core Of Christianity].pdf

1.4 MB

Repeating Lenin [Lenin's Choice].pdf

332.7 KB

Response [The Rhetorics Of Power].pdf

824.6 KB

Return Of The Natives.pdf

231.4 KB

Rossellini [Woman As Symptom Of Man].pdf

1.9 MB

Schlagend, Aber Nicht Treffend [A Rejoinder To Laclau].pdf

135.9 KB

Secret Clauses Of The Liberal Utopia.pdf

165.8 KB

Seven Veils Of Paranoia [Or Why Does The Paranoic Need Two Fathers].pdf

1.3 MB

Spectres Of Ideology.pdf

418.7 KB

Structure Of Domination Today [A Lacanian View].pdf

107.9 KB

Structures On The Street.pdf

249.4 KB

Sublime Object Of Ideology.pdf

22.6 MB

Superego By Default.pdf

1.4 MB

Supposed Subjects Of Ideology.pdf

192.2 KB

Tarrying With The Negative [Kant, Hegel, And The Critique Of Ideology].pdf

1.3 MB

Thing From Inner Space [On Tarkovsky].pdf

928.2 KB

Ticklish Subject [The Absent Center Of Political Ontology].pdf

5.5 MB

Tolerance As An Ideological Category.pdf

97.7 KB

Towards A Materialist Theology.pdf

109.4 KB

Undergrowth Of Enjoyment [How Popular Culture Can Serve As An Introduction To Lacan].pdf

855.6 KB

Universal Exception.pdf

14.3 MB

Violence [Six Sideways Reflections].pdf

8.2 MB

Violence Of Liberal Democracy.pdf

77.2 KB

Violence Of The Fantasy.pdf

90.1 KB


8.2 MB

Welcome To The Desert Of The Real.pdf

55.5 KB

What Can Psychoanalysis Tell Us About Cyberspace.pdf

106.5 KB

What Is To Be Done With Lenin.pdf

57.7 KB

When The Party Commits Suicide.pdf

114.5 KB

Why Heidegger Made The Right Step In 1933.pdf

358.3 KB

Why Is Wagner Worth Saving.pdf

201.3 KB


DigLib Catalogue [Ver. 1.2].pdf

2.3 MB


Total files 4092

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