
Download Don Quixote A New Translation by Edith Grossman

Don Quixote New Translation by Edith Grossman


Don Quixote A New Translation by Edith Grossman


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1.7 GB

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/.../Part 4 of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha/

Chapter XXXIV In which the novel of The Man Who Was Recklessly Curious continues-2.mp3

33.7 MB

Chapter L Regarding other matters.mp3

10.7 MB

Chapter LI Which recounts what the goatherd told to all those who were taking Don Quixote home.mp3

8.7 MB

Chapter LII Regarding the quarrel...sweat of his brow.mp3

18.0 MB

Chapter XL In which the history of the captive continues.mp3

19.7 MB

Chapter XLI In which the captive continues his tale.mp3

31.2 MB

Chapter XLII Which recounts further events at the inn as well as many other things worth knowing-2.mp3

11.1 MB

Chapter XLIII Which recounts...occurred at the inn.mp3

16.8 MB

Chapter XLIV In which the remarkable events at the inn continue.mp3

13.3 MB

Chapter XLIX Which recounts...with his master, Don Quixote.mp3

11.8 MB

Chapter XLV In which questions...entirely true adventures.mp3

11.8 MB

Chapter XLVI Regarding the notable...good knight Don Quixote.mp3

14.2 MB

Chapter XLVII Regarding the strange...other notable events.mp3

16.7 MB

Chapter XLVIII In which the canon...of his ingenuity.mp3

12.4 MB

Chapter XXIX Which recounts the...imposed on himself.mp3

20.8 MB

Chapter XXVIII Which recounts the the Sierra Morena.mp3

25.3 MB

Chapter XXX Which recounts the...and amusing matters.mp3

16.9 MB

Chapter XXXI Regarding the well as other events.mp3

14.0 MB

Chapter XXXII Which recounts what occurred in the inn to the companions of Don Quixote.mp3

10.2 MB

Chapter XXXIII Which recounts the novel of The Man Who Was Recklessly Curious.mp3

33.4 MB

Chapter XXXIX In which the captive recounts his life and adventures.mp3

13.2 MB

Chapter XXXV In which the novel of The Man Who Was Recklessly Curious is concluded.mp3

14.2 MB

Chapter XXXVI Which recounts the fierce...occurred in the inn.mp3

15.4 MB

Chapter XXXVII In which the history...diverting adventures.mp3

17.4 MB

Chapter XXXVIII Which tells of the curious discourse on arms and letters given by Don Quixote.mp3

6.9 MB

/First Part of the Ingenious Gentleman/


11.4 MB


8.7 MB

/.../Part 1 of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha/

Chapter 1 Which describes the condition and profession of the famous gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha.mp3

9.3 MB

Chapter II Which tells of the first sally that the ingenious Don Quixote made from his native land.mp3

10.5 MB

Chapter III Which recounts the amusing manner in which Don Quixote was dubbed a knight.mp3

11.1 MB

Chapter IV Concerning what happened to our knight when he left the inn.mp3

11.4 MB

Chapter V In which the account of our knight’s misfortune continues.mp3

7.1 MB

Chapter VI Regarding the beguiling and careful examination carried out by the priest and the barber of the library of our ingenious gentleman.mp3

11.4 MB

Chapter VII Regarding the second sally of our good knight Don Quixote of La Mancha.mp3

8.6 MB

Chapter VIII Regarding the good fortune...joyful remembrance.mp3

13.3 MB

/.../Part 2 of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha/

Chapter IX In which the stupendous battle between the gallant Basque and the valiant Manchegan is concluded and comes to an end-2.mp3

8.7 MB

Chapter X Concerning what further befell Don Quixote with the Basque and the danger in which he found himself with a band of Galicians from Yanguas.mp3

8.8 MB

Chapter XI Regarding what befell Don Quixote with some goatherds.mp3

10.2 MB

Chapter XII Regarding what a goatherd recounted to those who were with Don Quixote.mp3

9.2 MB

Chapter XIII In which the tale of the shepherdess Marcela is concluded, and other events are related.mp3

15.5 MB

Chapter XIV In which are found the desperate verses of the deceased shepherd, along with other unexpected occurrences-2.mp3

14.0 MB

/.../Part 3 of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha/

Chapter XIX Regarding the discerning other famous events.mp3

11.9 MB

Chapter XV In which is recounted the unfortunate adventure that Don Quixote happened upon when he happened upon some heartless Yanguesans.mp3

12.6 MB

Chapter XVI Regarding what befell the ingenious gentleman in the inn that he imagined to be a castle.mp3

12.3 MB

Chapter XVII Which continues the account of the innumerable difficulties...thought was a castle.mp3

13.7 MB

Chapter XVIII Which relates the words...deserve to be recounted.mp3

17.4 MB

Chapter XX Regarding the most incomparable...Don Quixote of La Mancha.mp3

23.4 MB

Chapter XXI Which relates the high adventure...befell our invincible knight.mp3

20.1 MB

Chapter XXII Regarding the liberty...where they did not wish to go.mp3

17.2 MB

Chapter XXIII Regarding what this true history.mp3

17.4 MB

Chapter XXIV In which the adventure of the Sierra Morena continues.mp3

15.0 MB

Chapter XXV Which tells of the strange events...penance of Beltenebros.mp3

28.1 MB

Chapter XXVI In which the...Sierra Morena continue.mp3

12.9 MB

Chapter XXVII Concerning how the priest...recounted in this great history.mp3

30.1 MB


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Edith Grossman (Translator), Harold Bloom (Introduction) - Don Quixote (2005, Harper Perennial).epub

1.3 MB

/Second Part of the Ingenious Gentleman/

Chapter I Regarding what transpired...with Don Quixote.mp3

17.4 MB

Chapter II Which deals with...other amusing topics.mp3

7.3 MB

Chapter III Regarding the comical...Bachelor Sansón Carrasco.mp3

11.8 MB

Chapter IV In which Sancho Panza...recounted.mp3

7.7 MB

Chapter IX Which recounts what will soon be seen.mp3

6.3 MB

Chapter L Which declares the...wife of Sancho Panza.mp3

14.6 MB

Chapter LI Regarding the progress...of comparable interest.mp3

14.3 MB

Chapter LII Which recounts the...also called Doña Rodríguez.mp3

12.2 MB

Chapter LIII Regarding the troubled...governorship of Sancho Panza.mp3

10.0 MB

Chapter LIV Which deals with matters related to this history and to no other.mp3

12.6 MB

Chapter LIX Which recounts...considered an adventure.mp3

13.2 MB

Chapter LV Regarding certain things...quite remarkable.mp3

12.6 MB

Chapter LVI Regarding the extraordinary...duenna Doña Rodríguez.mp3

8.2 MB

Chapter LVII Which recounts how...the duchess’s maiden.mp3

6.7 MB

Chapter LVIII Which recounts...for all of them.mp3

20.1 MB

Chapter LX Concerning what befell Don Quixote on his way to Barcelona.mp3

21.3 MB

Chapter LXI Regarding what befell...truth in them than wit.mp3

4.8 MB

Chapter LXII Which relates...foolishness that must be recounted.mp3

20.5 MB

Chapter LXIII Regarding the evil...beautiful Morisca.mp3

16.9 MB

Chapter LXIV Which deals with...befallen him so far.mp3

8.0 MB

Chapter LXIX Concerning the strangest...course of this great history.mp3

9.0 MB

Chapter LXV Which reveals...other matters.mp3

9.3 MB

Chapter LXVI Which recounts...whoever listens to it being read.mp3

8.7 MB

Chapter LXVII Regarding the decision...pleasurable and entertaining.mp3

8.6 MB

Chapter LXVIII Regarding the porcine adventure that befell Don Quixote.mp3

9.0 MB

Chapter LXX Which follows chapter LXIX...of this history.mp3

12.7 MB

Chapter LXXI What befell Don Quixote...traveling to their village.mp3

9.8 MB

Chapter LXXII Concerning how Don Quixote and Sancho arrived in their village.mp3

8.0 MB

Chapter LXXIII Regarding the this great history.mp3

7.8 MB

Chapter LXXIV Which deals with...his death.mp3

12.6 MB

Chapter V Concerning the worthy of happy memory.mp3

9.7 MB

Chapter VI Regarding what the entire history.mp3

9.0 MB

Chapter VII Regarding the conversation...exceptionally famous events.mp3

11.5 MB

Chapter VIII Which recounts what...lady Dulcinea of Toboso.mp3

12.1 MB

Chapter X Which recounts Sancho’s...they are true.mp3

14.5 MB

Chapter XI Regarding the strange...The Assembly of Death.mp3

10.5 MB

Chapter XII Regarding the strange...Knight of the Mirrors.mp3

10.8 MB

Chapter XIII In which the adventure...between the two squires.mp3

9.3 MB

Chapter XIV In which the adventure of the Knight of the Wood continues.mp3

17.3 MB

Chapter XIX Which recounts the adventure...pleasing matters.mp3

11.5 MB

Chapter XL Regarding matters that...memorable history.mp3

9.4 MB

Chapter XLI Regarding the arrival...of this lengthy adventure.mp3

16.9 MB

Chapter XLII Regarding the advice...other matters of consequence.mp3

9.6 MB

Chapter XLIII Regarding the second...Sancho Panza.mp3

10.3 MB

Chapter XLIV How Sancho Panza...befell Don Quixote in the castle.mp3

16.1 MB

Chapter XLIX Regarding what befell Sancho Panza as he patrolled his ínsula.mp3

17.7 MB

Chapter XLV Regarding how the great...began to govern.mp3

11.2 MB

Chapter XLVI Regarding the the enamored Altisidora.mp3

6.9 MB

Chapter XLVII In which the...governorship continues.mp3

13.4 MB

Chapter XLVIII Regarding what transpired...being recorded and remembered forever-2.mp3

14.3 MB

Chapter XV Which recounts...his squire.mp3

3.3 MB

Chapter XVI Regarding what befell Don Quixote with a prudent knight of La Mancha.mp3

15.1 MB

Chapter XVII In which the heights...concluded adventure of the lions.mp3

15.9 MB

Chapter XVIII Regarding what befell...other bizarre matters.mp3

14.0 MB

Chapter XX Which recounts...poor Basilio.mp3

14.0 MB

Chapter XXI Which continues...other agreeable events.mp3

10.8 MB

Chapter XXII Which recounts the...Don Quixote of La Mancha.mp3

12.6 MB

Chapter XXIII Regarding the remarkable...considered apocryphal.mp3

17.1 MB

Chapter XXIV In which a thousand...great history.mp3

9.6 MB

Chapter XXIX Regarding the famous adventure of the enchanted boat.mp3

10.0 MB

Chapter XXV In which note...the soothsaying monkey.mp3

14.5 MB

Chapter XXVI In which the diverting...really very worthwhile.mp3

12.8 MB

Chapter XXVII In which the identities...wished and intended.mp3

10.4 MB

Chapter XXVIII Regarding matters...if he reads with attention.mp3

8.7 MB

Chapter XXX Regarding what befell Don Quixote with a beautiful huntress.mp3

7.9 MB

Chapter XXXI Which deals with many great things.mp3

13.2 MB

Chapter XXXII Regarding the response...grave and comical.mp3

23.6 MB

Chapter XXXIII Regarding the and remembered.mp3

11.8 MB

Chapter XXXIV Which recounts the this book.mp3

12.0 MB

Chapter XXXIX In which the...memorable history.mp3

4.9 MB

Chapter XXXV In which the...remarkable events.mp3

12.8 MB

Chapter XXXVI Which recounts...his wife, Teresa Panza.mp3

9.6 MB

Chapter XXXVII In which the famous adventure of the Dolorous Duenna continues.mp3

3.5 MB

Chapter XXXVIII Which recounts the tale of misfortune told by the Dolorous Duenna.mp3

11.5 MB


2.1 MB

End Credits.mp3

1.1 MB

Prologue to the Reader.mp3

5.7 MB


Total files 132

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