
Download DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

DP 900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals


DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals


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2024-12-20 23:26



/.../03 Creating SELECT statements/

010 22. Query relational data in PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Azure SQL Database - SELECT.mp4

92.4 MB

010 22. Query relational data in PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Azure SQL Database -

17.4 KB


0.1 KB

[TGx]Downloaded from .txt

0.6 KB

/01 Introduction/


4.3 KB

001 Introduction.mp4

55.8 MB

002 Welcome to Udemy.html

1.8 KB

003 The Udemy

3.8 KB

003 The Udemy Interface.mp4

20.8 MB


16.5 KB

004 Curriculum.mp4

77.8 MB

005 Let's have a Udemy Mashup!

8.0 KB

005 Let's have a Udemy Mashup!.mp4

48.5 MB

006 DP-900PresentationE113.pdf

975.4 KB

006 DP900ExamRequirements.pdf

122.4 KB

006 Resources.html

1.2 KB

/.../02 Let's start using Microsoft Azure/

007 What is

6.6 KB

007 What is Azure.mp4

40.7 MB

008 Creating an Azure

10.6 KB

008 Creating an Azure account.mp4

39.3 MB

009 13. Install Azure SQL Database with sample

15.5 KB

009 13. Install Azure SQL Database with sample data.mp4

70.2 MB

/.../04 Describe query techniques for data using SQL language/

011 20. Programs used for querying relational data_

8.9 KB

011 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ sqlcmd.mp4

42.4 MB

012 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ SQL Server Management

7.6 KB

012 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ SQL Server Management Studio.mp4

29.2 MB

013 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ Azure Data

5.6 KB

013 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ Azure Data Studio.mp4

25.2 MB

014 20. Differences between SSMS and Azure Data

9.0 KB

014 20. Differences between SSMS and Azure Data Studio.mp4

58.6 MB

015 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ Excel and Visual

7.2 KB

015 20. Programs used for querying relational data_ Excel and Visual Studio.mp4

38.7 MB

/.../05 Describe relational data workloads/

016 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data -

4.1 KB

016 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data - Tables.mp4

25.3 MB

017 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data -

6.0 KB

017 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data - Normalization.mp4

17.7 MB

018 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data - Primary and Foreign

5.7 KB

018 4. Describe the characteristics of relational data - Primary and Foreign Keys.mp4

18.2 MB

019 11. Describe relational data structures_

11.7 KB

019 11. Describe relational data structures_ Indexes.mp4

67.3 MB

020 11. Describe relational data structures_

4.0 KB

020 11. Describe relational data structures_ Views.mp4

21.2 MB

021 11. Other relational data

9.9 KB

021 11. Other relational data structures.mp4

51.0 MB

022 21. Compare Data Definition Language DDL versus Data Manipulation Language

9.6 KB

022 21. Compare Data Definition Language DDL versus Data Manipulation Language DML.mp4

51.5 MB

/.../06 Describe relational Azure data services - SQL Server/

023 On Prem versus the

12.3 KB

023 On Prem versus the Cloud.mp4

48.9 MB

024 12. Describe and compare PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS delivery

13.9 KB

024 12. Describe and compare PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS delivery models.mp4

53.5 MB

025 13. Creating Azure SQL Database (in detail) - Part 1 (including Regions)

6.9 KB

025 13. Creating Azure SQL Database (in detail) - Part 1 (including Regions).mp4

38.0 MB

026 13. Creating Azure SQL Database - Elastic Pools, compute and

9.1 KB

026 13. Creating Azure SQL Database - Elastic Pools, compute and storage.mp4

26.9 MB

027 13. Creating Azure SQL Database - other

13.8 KB

027 13. Creating Azure SQL Database - other settings.mp4

62.6 MB

028 13. Describe Azure SQL Managed

13.9 KB

028 13. Describe Azure SQL Managed Instance.mp4

67.3 MB

029 13. Describe SQL Server on Azure Virtual

14.8 KB

029 13. Describe SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine.mp4

63.5 MB

/.../07 Describe relational Azure data services - Other Azure relational Databases/

030 15. Describe Azure Database for

10.6 KB

030 15. Describe Azure Database for PostgreSQL.mp4

48.6 MB

031 15. Describe Azure Database for

3.6 KB

031 15. Describe Azure Database for MySQL.mp4

16.1 MB

032 15. Describe Azure Database for

5.9 KB

032 15. Describe Azure Database for MariaDB.mp4

25.1 MB

033 10. Identify the right data offering for a relational

5.5 KB

033 10. Identify the right data offering for a relational workload.mp4

34.5 MB

/.../08 Identify basic management tasks for relational data/

034 16 and 17. Describe provisioning and deployment of relational data

10.5 KB

034 16 and 17. Describe provisioning and deployment of relational data services.mp4

64.9 MB

035 18+19. Identify data security components and connectivity

8.8 KB

035 18+19. Identify data security components and connectivity issues.mp4

37.7 MB

036 18+19. Authentication and

11.8 KB

036 18+19. Authentication and Authorization.mp4

56.6 MB

/.../09 Non-relational Data - Semi-structured Data/

037 23, 24, 26. Non-relational data - an

15.3 KB

037 23, 24, 26. Non-relational data - an introduction.mp4

41.7 MB

038 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Creating a Core (SQL) Cosmos

14.5 KB

038 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Creating a Core (SQL) Cosmos DB.mp4

41.1 MB

039 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Querying a Core (SQL) Cosmos

10.0 KB

039 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Querying a Core (SQL) Cosmos DB.mp4

41.8 MB

040 28+32. Replicating Data

8.3 KB

040 28+32. Replicating Data Globally.mp4

34.7 MB

041 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Gremlin API (Graph)

10.0 KB

041 28. Azure Cosmos DB APIs - Gremlin API (Graph).mp4

44.2 MB

042 28. Other Azure Cosmos DB

9.2 KB

042 28. Other Azure Cosmos DB APIs.mp4

38.8 MB

043 25. Recommend the correct data

12.5 KB

043 25. Recommend the correct data store.mp4

69.3 MB

044 36. Identify management tools for non-relational

6.0 KB

044 36. Identify management tools for non-relational data.mp4

31.9 MB

/.../10 Describe non-relational data offerings on Azure/

045 Storage

11.6 KB

045 Storage Accounts.mp4

41.1 MB

046 Replication

10.0 KB

046 Replication Options.mp4

56.1 MB

047 29. Describe Azure Table

12.8 KB

047 29. Describe Azure Table storage.mp4

59.8 MB

048 30. Creating and uploading to Azure Blob

10.2 KB

048 30. Creating and uploading to Azure Blob storage.mp4

55.5 MB

049 30. Accessing and assigning access tiers to BLOB

10.4 KB

049 30. Accessing and assigning access tiers to BLOB Storage.mp4

47.0 MB

050 31. Describe Azure File

9.7 KB

050 31. Describe Azure File storage.mp4

43.3 MB

/.../11 Identify basic management tasks for non-relational data/

051 32. Describe provisioning and deployment of non-relational data

11.5 KB

051 32. Describe provisioning and deployment of non-relational data services.mp4

51.5 MB

052 33. Describe method for

8.7 KB

052 33. Describe method for deployment.mp4

55.9 MB

053 34+35. Identify data security components and basic connectivity

11.3 KB

053 34+35. Identify data security components and basic connectivity issues.mp4

46.6 MB

/.../12 Describe analytics workloads/

054 37. What is a

7.0 KB

054 37. What is a transaction_.mp4

45.3 MB

055 37. Describe transactional workloads_ ACID, Locks and Distributed

7.3 KB

055 37. Describe transactional workloads_ ACID, Locks and Distributed Databases.mp4

48.2 MB

056 40, 44. Describe data warehousing workloads_ Ingestion and common

4.1 KB

056 40, 44. Describe data warehousing workloads_ Ingestion and common practices.mp4

14.1 MB

057 1, 2, 3 and 39. Describe the difference between batch and real time (streaming)

8.2 KB

057 1, 2, 3 and 39. Describe the difference between batch and real time (streaming).mp4

30.2 MB

058 8. Describe ELT and ETL

11.2 KB

058 8. Describe ELT and ETL processing.mp4

39.2 MB

059 38. Describe the difference between a transactional and an analytics

6.5 KB

059 38. Describe the difference between a transactional and an analytics workload.mp4

31.4 MB

060 41. Determine when a data warehouse solution is

4.7 KB

060 41. Determine when a data warehouse solution is needed.mp4

22.9 MB

061 43. Describe modern data warehousing architecture and

6.5 KB

061 43. Describe modern data warehousing architecture and workload.mp4

29.1 MB

/.../13 Describe the components of a modern data warehouse/

062 9, 42. Azure Data Factory and concepts of data

9.1 KB

062 9, 42. Azure Data Factory and concepts of data processing.mp4

34.5 MB

063 42. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

5.4 KB

063 42. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).mp4

27.8 MB

064 42. Azure Data

9.7 KB

064 42. Azure Data Lake.mp4

37.9 MB

065 42. Azure

9.7 KB

065 42. Azure Databricks.mp4

32.2 MB

066 42. Azure Synapse

11.5 KB

066 42. Azure Synapse Analytics.mp4

45.7 MB

067 42. SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)

7.5 KB

067 42. SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).mp4

26.4 MB

068 42. Azure

3.5 KB

068 42. Azure HDInsight.mp4

14.3 MB

/.../14 Describe data visualization in Microsoft Power BI/

069 5. What is Power BI+Describe data visualization (e.g., visualization, reporting)

4.7 KB

069 5. What is Power BI+Describe data visualization (e.g., visualization, reporting).mp4

23.5 MB

070 50. Describe the workflow in Power

12.1 KB

070 50. Describe the workflow in Power BI.mp4

59.8 MB

071 48. Describe the role of interactive

9.5 KB

071 48. Describe the role of interactive reports.mp4

44.6 MB

072 7. Describe analytics

6.1 KB

072 7. Describe analytics techniques.mp4

32.8 MB

073 6. Describe basic chart types such as bar charts and pie

9.3 KB

073 6. Describe basic chart types such as bar charts and pie charts.mp4

44.9 MB

074 Advanced Chart

7.2 KB

074 Advanced Chart Types.mp4

36.9 MB

075 47. Describe the role of paginated

10.2 KB

075 47. Describe the role of paginated reporting.mp4

27.9 MB

076 49. Describe the role of

11.7 KB

076 49. Describe the role of dashboards.mp4

62.4 MB

/15 Congratulations/

077 You've finished this course - what should you do to prepare for the

7.6 KB

077 You've finished this course - what should you do to prepare for the exam_.mp4

36.7 MB

078 Bonus

8.7 KB

078 Bonus Lecture.mp4

46.9 MB

079 Well

2.1 KB

079 Well done.mp4

29.6 MB


Total files 160

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