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Dynamical Systems and Chaos


Dynamical Systems and Chaos


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Addison, Paul S. - Fractals and chaos_an illustrated course (IOP, 1997)(306s).djvu

5.1 MB

Afraimovich & Hsu - Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems (AMS, 2003)(182s).djvu

7.8 MB

Alligood K.T., Yorke J.A, T.D.Sauer - Chaos_An Introduction to Dynamical Systems(Springer,2000).pdf

7.4 MB

Antoniou I., Misra B., Suchanecki Z. - Time Operator, Innovation and Complexity.pdf

926.3 KB

Argyris J., Faust G., Haase M. - An Exploration of Chaos (North-Holland, 1994)(756s).djvu

8.1 MB

Arrowsmith D.K., Place C.M. - Dynamical systems (Chapman & Hall, 1992)(170s).djvu

6.4 MB

Baladi V. - Positive transfer operators and decay of correlations (WS, 2000)(164s).djvu

2.4 MB

Balazs & Voros - Chaos on the pseudosphere (PR143, 1986)(132s).djvu

1.6 MB

Bar-Yam,Yaneer - Dynamics of a Complex System (1997).pdf

8.4 MB

Barrow, John D. - Chaotic behavior in general relativity (1982)(49s).djvu

1.9 MB

Beardon A.F. - Iteration of rational functions (Springer, 2000)(296s).djvu

2.0 MB

Benettin, Henrard, Kuksin - Hamiltonian dynamics_theory and applications (Springer, 2005)(188s).pdf

2.3 MB

Bhatia, N.P. & Szego G.P. - Dynamical Systems_Stability Theory and Applications (1967).pdf

13.8 MB

Birkhoff, George D. - Dynamical systems (AMS, 1927)(316s).djvu

7.1 MB

Blaszak M. - Multi-Hamiltonian theory of dynamical systems (Springer, 1998)(352s).djvu

1.7 MB

Boccara N. - Modeling complex systems (Springer, 2004)(410s).pdf

8.4 MB

Bolsinov, Fomenko - Integrable Hamiltonian systems (CRC, 2004)(724s).pdf

5.9 MB

Bonatti C., Diaz L.J., Viana M. - Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity (Springer, 2005)(390s).djvu

3.3 MB

Brin M., Stuck G. - Introduction to dynamical systems (CUP, 2003)(250s).djvu

1.8 MB

Calogero F. - Classical many-body problems amenable to exact treatments (Springer, 2001)(760s).djvu

6.5 MB

Carleson L., Gamelin T.W. - Complex dynamics (Springer, 1992)(178s).djvu

1.7 MB

Chirikov B.V. - A universal instability of many-dimensional oscillator systems (PR 52, 1979)(117s).djv

1.5 MB

Chow S.-N., et al. - Dynamical systems (Cetraro lectures, Springer, 2003)(361s).djvu

2.3 MB

Christiansen P., Sorensen M., Scott A. (eds.) - Nonlinear science at the dawn of the 21st century.pdf

6.4 MB

Chueshov I.D. - Introduction to infinite-dimensional dynamical and dissipative systems 2002 (419s).pdf

2.7 MB

Cicogna & Garta -.Symmetry and perturbation theory in nonlinear dynamics (1999)(219s).djvu

3.4 MB

Conte R., Magri F., Musette M., Satsuma J, and Winternitz P. Direct and Inverse Methods in Nonlinear Evolution Equations.pdf

1.3 MB

Cortes Monforte J. - Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of Nonholonomic Systems.djv

1.2 MB

Crauel H., M.Gundlach - Stochastic Dynamics (Springer,1999)(457s).pdf

9.2 MB

Crawford, John David - Introduction to bifurcation theory (RMP63, 1991)(47s).djvu

1.0 MB

Devaney R.L. - Introduction to chaotic dynamical systems (2ed.1989).djv

3.9 MB

Dolotin, Morozov - The Uinversal Mandelbrot set, begining of the story (2006)(175s).pdf

8.1 MB

Efstathiou K. - Metamorphoses of Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetries (Springer,2005)(152s).pdf

2.2 MB

Elskens Y., F.Elscande. - Microscopic Dynamics of Plasmas and Chaos (2002)(327s).pdf

3.0 MB

Fordy & Wood. (eds.) - Harmonic maps and integrable systems (1994)(316s).djvu

2.4 MB

Garnett P. Williams - Chaos Theory Tamed.pdf

17.4 MB

Giannoni et al (eds) - Chaos and Quantum Physics (Les Houches).djvu

13.6 MB

Gilmore R. - Topological analysis of dynamical systems (RMP 70, 1998)(75s).pdf

1.3 MB

Grammaticos B., Kosmann-Schwarzbach Y., Tamizhmani T. (eds.) - Discrete integrable systems (2004).pdf

2.9 MB

Gross, Claudius - Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems (2008).pdf

7.5 MB

Gutzwiller M. - Chaos in classical and quantum mechanics (Springer 1990)(448s).djvu

5.1 MB

Haake Fritz - Quantum Signatures of Chaos (2001).djvu

3.9 MB

Haken H. - Information and Self-Organization (2ed., Springer, 2000).djv

2.1 MB

Haken H. - Synergetics_an introduction (Springer, 1977)(340s).djvu

3.3 MB

Hale J.K., Kocak H.- Dynamics and bifurcations (Springer, 1991)(291s).djvu

11.0 MB

Haller G. - Chaos Near Resonance (Springer, 1999)(446s).djvu

4.3 MB

Helmke, Uwe & Moore, John - Optimization and dynamical systems (1996).pdf

2.9 MB

Hilborn R.C. - Chaos and nonlinear dynamics (2ed., Oxford)(654s).djvu

6.0 MB

Hirsch M W , Smale S , Devaney R L - Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, And An Introduction To Chaos (2004, 432S).pdf

3.3 MB

Hirsch, Smale - Differential Equations, Dynamical systems and Linear algebra.djvu

3.2 MB

Hirsch, Smale, Devaney - Differential Equations Dynamical Systems Introduction to Chaos (2e) 2004.pdf

3.3 MB

Hogan J., et al. (eds.) - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos_Where Do We Go From Here (IOP, 2003)(365p).djv

4.2 MB

Holmes P., Lumley J., Berkooz G. - Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry (CUP 1998).djv

4.5 MB

Hoppensteadt F.C. - Analysis and simulations of chaotic systems (2ed., Springer, 2000)(331s).pdf

3.8 MB

Horton W., Ichikawa Y.-H. - Chaos and structures in nonlinear plasmas (349s).djvu

4.4 MB

Infeld E., Rowlands G. - Nonlinear waves, solitons and chaos (CUP, 1990).djv

4.8 MB

Jensen H.J. - Self-Organized Criticality_Emergent Complex Behavior in Physical and Biological Systems (1998).djv

1.2 MB

Jurgen Jost - Dynamical Systems_Examples of Complex Behaviour (2005).pdf

2.4 MB

Kapitaniak T., S.Bishop - Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics (Wiley,1999)(277s).djv

2.1 MB

Kastrup H.A. - Canonical theories of Lagrangian dynamical systems in physics (1983)(167s).djvu

1.4 MB

Kitchens, Bruce K. - Symbolic dynamics, one-sided two-sided and countable state markov shifts 1997.djvu

2.8 MB

Kosmann-Schwarzbach Y., Grammaticos B., Tamizhmani K.M. (eds.) - Integrability of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

1.6 MB

Kupershmidt, Boris A. - The variational principles of dynamics (1992).djvu

2.0 MB

Kuznetsov Yu.A. - Elements of applied bifurcation theory (2ed, Springer, 1998)(614s).pdf

4.6 MB

Lasota A., Mackey M.C. - Probabilistic properties of deterministic systems (CUP, 1985)(368s).djvu

3.0 MB

Lee T.D. & Pang Y. - Nontopological solitons (PR221, 1992)(100s).djvu

1.0 MB

Liberman P., Marle C.-M. - Symplectic geometry and analytical mechanics (D. Reidel, 1987)(541s).djvu

4.9 MB

Luenberger D.G. - Introduction to dynamic systems (Wiley, 1979)(460s).djvu

3.6 MB

Manneville, Paul - Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence (Imperial, 2004).pdf

17.9 MB

Matveev V.B., Salle M.A. - Darboux transformations and solitons (Springer, 1991)(128s).djvu

1.3 MB

Medio A., M.Lines. - Non-linear Dynamics.. A Primer (CUP,2001)(309s).pdf

1.5 MB

Michel A.N., Wang K., Hu B. - Qualitative theory of dynamical systems.. stability-preserving mappings.djv

3.8 MB

Miwa T., Jimbo M., Date E. - Solitons_Differential equations, symmetries, and infinite-dimensional algebras.djv

989.6 KB

Mohsen Razavy - Classical and Quantum Dissipative Systems (2005).djvu

963.9 KB

Mortveit, Reidys - introduction to sequential dynamical systems (universitext) 2008.pdf

4.9 MB

Mullin T. (ed.) - The nature of chaos (Oxford, 1993)(170s).djvu

6.1 MB

Nagashima H., Baba Y. - Introduction to chaos.. physics and mathematics of chaotic phenomena (IOP, 1999).djv

1.5 MB

Nakamura, Katsuhiro - Quantum Chaos_A New Paradigm of Nonlinear Dynamics (CUP 1993).djvu

2.1 MB

Nakamura, Katsuhiro - Quantum Versus Chaos_Questions from mesoscopy.pdf

6.4 MB

Nicolis G. - Introduction to nonlinear science (Cambridge University Press, 1995).djv

3.3 MB

Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics (vol.1, Proc. workshop, Kiev, 1987)(355s).djv

18.4 MB

Olshanetsky M.A., Perelomov A.M. - Classical integrable finite-dimensional systems related to Lie algebras.djv

816.8 KB

Olshanetsky M.A., Perelomov A.M. - Quantum integrable systems related to Lie algebras (PR94, 1983).djv

771.7 KB

Ott E. - Chaos in dynamical systems (CUP, 1994)(395s).djvu

5.2 MB

Pilgrim, Kevin M. - Combinations of complex dynamical systems (Springer, 2003)(121s).djvu

799.6 KB

Planat M. (ed.) - Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness (Proc. Chapelle des Bois).pdf

2.9 MB

Pollicott M., Yuri M. - Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (web version, CUP, 1998)(194s).pdf

1.7 MB

Prigogine I., Nicolis G. - Self-Organization In Non-Equilibrium Systems (Wiley, 1977)(504s).djv

3.4 MB

Rugh W.J. - Nonlinear system theory_the Volterra-Wiener approach (1981)(338s).djvu

1.8 MB

Sachdev P.L. - Self-similarity and beyond._exact solutions of nonlinear problems (CRC, 2000).pdf

2.0 MB

Sanders, Verhulst - Averaging methods in nonlinear dynamical systems (Springer, 1985)(128s).djvu

2.6 MB

Scheinerman E.R. - Invitation to Dynamical Systems (PH 1995)(388s).djvu

3.0 MB

Schimansky-Geier L., Poeschel T. (eds.) - Stochastic dynamics (Springer, 1996).djv

4.7 MB

Schuster H.G. - Deterministic Chaos_An Introduction (Wiley-VCH,2004)(299s).pdf

6.9 MB

Scott Alwyn - The Nonlinear Universe_ Chaos, Emergence, Life (2007).pdf

9.9 MB

Sengupta A. - Chaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity (2006).pdf

9.4 MB

Siburg K.F. - The principle of least action in geometry and dynamics (Springe, 2004)(134s).pdf

909.4 KB

Sitenko, Zaharov, Chernousenko. (eds.) - Nonlinear world. Proc. IV Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics.djv

12.0 MB

Smith P.- Explaining chaos (CUP, 1998)(201s).djvu

1.7 MB

Sokolovskiy M.A., Verron J. - Four-vortex motion in the two layer approximation - integrable case.djv

292.2 KB

Sparrow C. - The Lorenz Equations. Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors (Appl.Math.Sci. 41, 1982).djv

1.9 MB

Strogatz S.H. - Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos (Perseus, 1994)(505s).djvu

3.9 MB

Sulem C., Sulem P-L. - The nonlinear Schroedinger equation.. self-focusing and wave collapse (1999).djv

2.2 MB

Temam R. - Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems (Springer 1993)(650s).djvu

6.1 MB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB

Ward Thomas - Valuations and Hyperbolicity in Dynamics (2001).pdf

572.5 KB

Wiggins S. - Chaotic Transport in Dynamical Systems (Springer, 1992)(305s).djvu

2.8 MB

Wiggins S. - Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (Springer, 1996).djv

5.0 MB

Zakharov V.E. (ed.) - What is integrability (Springer, 1992)(167s).djvu

3.5 MB

Zhidkov P.E. - Korteweg-de Vries and nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Springer, 2001)(152s).djvu

1.7 MB


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