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Eckhart Tolle TV AUDIO



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/ETTV 2009-07- Eckhart on the Economy/

[Kim]Shaking Practice.m4a

9.7 MB

Allowing Inner Space to Arise A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

22.5 MB


11.2 KB

How can I work with the fear I project on to my children.m4a

5.6 MB


0.3 KB

Is humanity on the right track.m4a

6.4 MB

Must a culture lose its innocence in order to evolve.m4a

4.0 MB

The Current Economy.m4a

24.3 MB

What are your insights into death and dying.m4a

5.7 MB

What is my Responsibility.m4a

3.0 MB

/ETTV 2009-08- Spiritual Awakening in Daily Life/

2The Transformation of Human Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

19.7 MB

[Kim]Working With Expectations in Relationships.m4a

7.4 MB

At the time of death, where does the life force go.m4a

3.4 MB


10.0 KB

Can we find stillness in the midst of prolonged pain.m4a

4.1 MB

Defending myself from the painbodies of those around me.m4a

3.5 MB

I feel alienated from and resistant to my environment. Help!.m4a

4.4 MB


3.3 KB

Shouldn't we live as simply as possible.m4a

4.7 MB

Spiritual Awakening in Daily Life.m4a

25.8 MB

The Transformation of Human Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.7 MB

What is the relationship between diet and spirituality.m4a

1.6 MB

winThe Transformation of Human Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

60.2 MB

/ETTV 2009-09- To Think Or Not To Think/

[Kim]A moment of Silence.m4a

1.7 MB

Comfortable with Stillness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

23.4 MB

Do we have a shadow What is yours, Eckhart.m4a

1.7 MB

Do you believe that there is a consciousness to the universe.m4a

882.5 KB

Do you experience the Earth as Gaia.m4a

1.2 MB

Do you have any advice for people experiencing a “crisis of awakening”.m4a

4.8 MB

How do we integrate spirituality into ordinary existence.m4a

2.3 MB


2.7 KB

Is the state of Presence devoid of emotional content.m4a

6.7 MB


10.7 KB

To Think Or Not To Think.m4a

18.6 MB

What is Self.m4a

2.1 MB

/ETTV 2009-10- The Tao Te Ching/

[Kim]The Pull.m4a

1.4 MB

[Kim]Who Has a Relationship Question.m4a

2.1 MB

Awakening is not about attempting to achieve a future state.m4a

6.7 MB

How do you experience God.m4a

2.1 MB


2.4 KB


12.6 KB

The Space Around What's Happening A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

23.4 MB

The Tao Te Ching.m4a

32.5 MB

Why do you often talk about the ego as a “personalized entity”.m4a

1.8 MB

/ETTV 2009-11- Portals to Now/


13.2 KB

[Kim]Practicing Presence with Our Parents.m4a

2.9 MB

Chop wood, carry water.m4a

2.3 MB


1.8 KB

Is it useful to apply effort towards awakening.m4a

2.5 MB

Is there a physiological change in the brain from awakening.m4a

2.1 MB

Parenting Grace or consequence in teaching right action.m4a

4.1 MB

Portals to Now.m4a

28.5 MB

The Arising of Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.5 MB

/ETTV 2009-12- The Gift of Nature/

[Kim]Regarding hives emerging during movement practice.m4a

1.1 MB

Can the teachings help someone with severe mental illness.m4a

4.0 MB


13.7 KB

How do we know when our actions arise from the ego as opposed to Presence.m4a

5.7 MB


2.6 KB

Is there anything we can actually do to end suffering.m4a

5.6 MB

Practices for dealing with the pain body.m4a

5.7 MB

Relax into Being A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

19.0 MB

The Gift of Nature.m4a

44.5 MB

What is the source of unhappiness.m4a

2.5 MB

/ETTV 2010-01- Meditation/

Can we get “stuck in stillness” Is it possible to “think without thinking ”.m4a

8.5 MB

How do we confirm the existence of consciousness.m4a

5.7 MB


1.7 KB


11.1 KB

Loving the pain body.m4a

1.1 MB


23.0 MB

Sexuality and instinctive impulses.m4a

5.5 MB

The Field of Aliveness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

9.5 MB

/ETTV 2010-02- Eckhart on Emerson/

[Kim]Guided Breathing Practice A Meditation with Kim Eng.m4a

5.3 MB

Can you help me reconcile my grief with the power of Now.m4a

4.7 MB

Eckhart On Emerson.m4a

43.8 MB


11.4 KB

February Live Meditation.m4a

12.5 MB


2.3 KB

Is learning in person better than with a CD or video.m4a

2.2 MB

Understanding Awareness.m4a

6.8 MB

What role does “service to others” play in the evolutionary impulse.m4a

4.0 MB

What, if anything, warrants the label of “problem” in the present moment.m4a

6.9 MB

/ETTV 2010-03- The Tao Te Ching, Part Two/

2009 Vancouver Peace Summit.m4a

31.4 MB

[Kim]Inner Body Meditation.m4a

10.8 MB

Can we make friends with the ego.m4a

12.1 MB

How do we remember that we are creative forces in a creative universe.m4a

11.5 MB


2.3 KB

Inner Body Meditation A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

14.9 MB

Is it possible for art or music to inform the ego of Presence.m4a

6.8 MB


8.6 KB

The Tao Te Ching, Part Two.m4a

43.9 MB

When is euthanizing a pet the right thing to do.m4a

3.9 MB

Who becomes enlightened.m4a

5.4 MB

/ETTV 2010-04- Living from the Depths of Presence/


9.8 KB

[Kim]Kim, do you meditate on a regular basis.m4a

1.2 MB

Beyond the Interference of Thinking A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

24.8 MB

How can I transform an intellectual understanding of nirvana into an experience.m4a

3.1 MB

How do I convey the message of your teachings without sounding “preachy”.m4a

7.1 MB

How does one be with the dying process in such a way that it can be celebrated.m4a

13.1 MB

I’m a physician, and with each 15 minute appointment I grow further and further away from a connection with spirit.m4a

3.1 MB

If the one Consciousness is awakening spontaneously, is there really an individual choice involved.m4a

2.0 MB


2.4 KB

Living from the Depths of Presence.m4a

36.4 MB

/ETTV 2010-05- The Mountain and the Valley/

[Kim]A Common Relationship Challenge.m4a

7.2 MB

Do you have any suggestions to avoid falling below the level of thinking when entering a “portal” to Presence.m4a

6.4 MB

How do we distinguish between truth and wishful thinking.m4a

8.1 MB

If we’re all one, why do we feel drawn toward certain individuals in an expression of “personal love ”.m4a

27.7 MB


2.5 KB

Is the ego the source of our thoughts or are our thoughts generated elsewhere and passed through the ego.m4a

9.1 MB


10.2 KB

Our Stories About Reality.m4a

1.5 MB

The Bottom Line.m4a

3.8 MB

The Light of Your Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

28.9 MB

The Mountain And The Valley.m4a

69.2 MB

/ETTV 2010-06- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius/

“Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius.m4a

53.7 MB

[Kim]Accepting the form of this moment.m4a

5.6 MB

Are we the mountain, or the valley.m4a

2.6 MB

Can a person take psychiatric medication and still awaken.m4a

6.8 MB

How do I maintain a sense of presence when I’m in the company of another person.m4a

12.6 MB


2.7 KB


11.4 KB

The Light of Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.2 MB

What is the role of being in service to others in one’s spiritual development and in the overall evolutionary impulse of the universe.m4a

5.8 MB

What would being present with anger actually look like.m4a

10.9 MB

/ETTV 2010-07- The Manifestation Question/

[Kim]Can the movement practices you teach help a child with Asperger’s Syndrome.m4a

7.8 MB

Entering the State of Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

24.5 MB

How do we break the habit of excessive thinking.m4a

15.0 MB

How do we find balance between our individual will and the natural flow of life.m4a

28.9 MB


2.6 KB

Is awakening spontaneous or can we do something to get there.m4a

7.8 MB

Is consciousness aware of being in the now or is such an awareness a separation from being fully present in the now.m4a

4.0 MB


8.1 KB

My husband holds extremely different political views from mine. How do I handle our differences.m4a

9.6 MB

The Manifestation Question.m4a

91.6 MB

/ETTV 2010-08- Presence Power/

[Kim]Kim, where does kundalini fit in along our spiritual journey.m4a

3.6 MB

Already Still A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.8 MB


9.8 KB

Do people start becoming nicer as they become more aware or is it just that you no longer get consumed by the anger that arises when in the company of not so nice people.m4a

4.6 MB

How does karma fit in with your teaching.m4a

20.6 MB

I understand that “the dream” or “movie” of my life is not real. Now what.m4a

9.4 MB

If Humpty Dumpty breaks 90% of his egoic shell, would he then be 90% conscious.m4a

9.8 MB


2.3 KB

Presence Power.m4a

49.5 MB

What do you make of people who walk out on relationships, their families, or jobs to sit on the proverbial park bench so that they can wait to awaken.m4a

1.7 MB

/ETTV 2010-09- 2012 and the end of the world/

2012 & the end of the world.m4a

33.6 MB

[Kim]Kim's Meditation.m4a

12.0 MB

Can we actually block the process or the speed of the process of consciousness working in our lives.m4a

10.6 MB

Have you ever looked back and thought, “I wished I wouldn’t have said that ”.m4a

4.2 MB

How do you stay connected to your own sense of divinity while dealing with drama.m4a

7.0 MB

How does the shift in consciousness on our planet relate to our continued suffering.m4a

9.1 MB


2.3 KB

Sensing the Depths Within A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

24.4 MB


13.0 KB

/ETTV 2010-10- Creativity/

[Kim]Judgments and Justifications.m4a

3.9 MB


28.4 MB

Eckhart, have you considered offering commentary or new translations of the New Testament.m4a

3.7 MB

How do we practice presence around difficult parents.m4a

5.4 MB

How do we stay present with a loved one who is suffering greatly.m4a

7.7 MB


2.1 KB


12.6 KB

The State of Alert Stillness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.0 MB

What is the difference between intuition and fear.m4a

11.6 MB

/ETTV 2010-11- Transcendence/

[Kim]Presence in Conflict.m4a

4.4 MB

Could you elaborate on ego versus healthy self esteem.m4a

5.6 MB

Fear arises when I talk in front of people. What should I do.m4a

6.1 MB

How can we say that the field of consciousness is what is ultimately existing everywhere.m4a

2.6 MB

I have a deep intention to transcend and to dissolve the illusion of separation. Any guidance.m4a

6.8 MB

If everything is perfect in totality then can one blame humanity for being unconscious.m4a

7.4 MB


2.4 KB


12.2 KB

Sitting Together in Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

14.5 MB


39.8 MB

What is your recommendation when we sense negative energy around us.m4a

4.7 MB

/ETTV 2010-12- The Stillness Within/

[Kim]Whole Body Breathing.m4a

5.5 MB

Although I practice being in the now I still have not known the experience of the Beloved. What more can I do.m4a

8.6 MB


13.7 KB

How can I become less fearful and reactive and stay present when I’m facing a serious surgery.m4a

8.3 MB

I can’t reconcile with taking my ailing dog’s life. Any advice.m4a

9.3 MB

If you’re completely surrendered to what is, do you still have that kind of selfless love for a specific person romantically.m4a

5.4 MB


2.4 KB

My suffering has decreased by far but I still feel frustrated with the return of the pain body whenever it comes.m4a

3.7 MB

The Stillness Within.m4a

23.7 MB

Waking into the Now A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

36.3 MB

/ETTV 2011-01- A Course in Miracles/

A Course In Miracles.m4a

43.5 MB

Does the ego strengthen itself with more consciousness.m4a

6.4 MB

Eckhart & Cesar Millan The gifts our dogs offer us.m4a

10.3 MB

Eckhart & Cesar Millan The goal of balance.m4a

7.9 MB

Eckhart & Cesar Millan Trust, respect, and loyalty.m4a

7.4 MB

In the face of false accusation, how might a conscious person respond in comparison to an egoic response.m4a

5.2 MB


3.1 KB

Is awakening a gradual process or is there also the possibility of a sudden, spontaneous shift.m4a

7.6 MB


11.1 KB

Qigong Meditation.m4a

8.4 MB

The Practice of “People Watching”.m4a

4.4 MB

The Truth Will Make You Free.m4a

10.4 MB

What is the appropriate response when someone says something rude or meant to hurt.m4a

5.5 MB

/ETTV 2011-02- The Wisdom of Epictetus/

[Kim]“Gathering the Qi”.m4a

5.5 MB

Becoming Aware of Inner Space A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

16.9 MB


11.3 KB

How do I pursue an artistic career without being driven by the ego.m4a

5.4 MB

How do we balance being the space and playing creatively with forms.m4a

8.2 MB


2.3 KB

Is forgiveness just a requirement of ego As we awaken, do we lose the need to forgive.m4a

6.2 MB

My mother has suffered a lot and is often lost in thought. How can I help.m4a

6.6 MB

My subconscious need for superiority sabotages me pretty often. Any suggestions.m4a

3.9 MB

The Wisdom of Epictetus.m4a

45.4 MB

What’s the difference between opinion and judgment.m4a

5.1 MB

/ETTV 2011-03- Freedom from Externals/

[Kim]Guided Meditation Finding Answers Within.m4a

10.1 MB

Can we help our children through periods of unconsciousness or is it necessary for them to go through it on their own.m4a

6.6 MB

Do you cry Is it normal to cry.m4a

2.7 MB

Freedom from Externals.m4a

29.8 MB

I’m discovering egoic compulsions that I didn’t know I had before. Is noticing these a good thing.m4a

4.4 MB

I have felt that psychically I was being interfered with. And sometimes it is very threatening, and I wondered what should I do about it.m4a

4.9 MB


3.0 KB

It may make sense to stay in my field and help to raise the energy frequency of the people around me but part of me wants to leave.m4a

4.2 MB


10.7 KB

Reconnecting with the body.m4a

1.9 MB

True Safety A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

16.4 MB

What do you think of the potential for Internet games to promote healthy states of mind and to change behavior for the better.m4a

3.8 MB

What is right action in a case where you suspect a person may be of danger to children.m4a

2.6 MB

/ETTV 2011-04- Manifesting Abundance/

[Kim]How does spiritual practice affect the mother daughter relationship.m4a

4.0 MB


9.4 KB

How do we relate to an experience of growing polarization in the world around us.m4a

5.1 MB

In terms of experiencing spiritual awakening, how much do we owe to effort as opposed to grace.m4a

4.2 MB


2.3 KB

Is it wrong to feel peace and calm when one has recently lost a loved one.m4a

3.7 MB

Manifesting Abundance.m4a

32.2 MB

Meditating on Flowers.m4a

3.4 MB

Transcending the Personal A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

19.1 MB

What's the relationship between ego, consciousness and stillness while we are sleeping and dreaming.m4a

4.5 MB

/ETTV 2011-05- American Cinema and the Awakening of Consciousness/

[Kim]Working with the busy mind.m4a

9.3 MB

American Cinema and the Awakening of Consciousness.m4a

54.8 MB

Are you waiting for life to get better.m4a

1.5 MB

Comfortable with 'Nothing Happening' A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.2 MB

Do you believe in prayer What would be appropriate to pray for.m4a

7.2 MB

If the purpose of the universe is that form awakens and consciousness becomes aware of itself, why is it such a rare phenomenon.m4a

9.0 MB


2.7 KB

Is there a chance that there could be a school or a retreat center so that these teachings can spread in a more formal way.m4a

1.9 MB


10.1 KB

What actually happens to someone after they die.m4a

9.3 MB

What happens to the mind when one has Alzheimer’s Disease.m4a

5.4 MB

/ETTV 2011-06- A Special Edition of Eckhart Answers Vol 1/

Are we able to control to our minds while sleeping.m4a

3.1 MB

Beyond the Ego A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

20.6 MB

Do you have any practical tips for “letting out” that which we want to see come into our lives.m4a

9.5 MB

Have you ever experienced the dark night of the soul.m4a

6.9 MB

How can one teach children the rules that we follow in society while also allowing them to be, create, and express themselves.m4a

2.7 MB


2.8 KB

Is it reasonable to expect honesty and openness in a marriage or intimate relationship.m4a

7.1 MB

Is there such a thing as free will.m4a

11.2 MB


9.2 KB

Should you engage in intimacy even though you’re awakening and understand that you don’t need a human being to complete you.m4a

2.2 MB

Since having a spiritual experience my life is missing its old passion.m4a

7.2 MB

What is the relationship between body, mind, soul, and presence.m4a

2.7 MB

/ETTV 2011-07- Midwifing the New Consciousness - A conversation with Eckhart Tolle & Marianne Williamson/

[Kim]Can you comment on moving energy through the body.m4a

5.5 MB

How can a movement that is inwardly focused demonstrate political power in the same way that some corporate and other interests have done.m4a

2.3 MB

How do we discuss our spiritual beliefs with our children.m4a

4.5 MB

How do we explain the process of death to a child.m4a

4.1 MB

If things around me are an illusion, should I still remain active and participate.m4a

8.6 MB


2.5 KB

Is “good or bad” an illusion created by the mind.m4a

5.8 MB

Is there part of us—a soul—or an energy that transcends death.m4a

5.5 MB


10.4 KB

Midwifing the New Consciousness A conversation with Eckhart Tolle & Marianne Williamson.m4a

38.8 MB

Resting in Pure Awareness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

19.7 MB

What is forgiveness Is it different from compassion Is it different from the Buddhist concept of bodhicitta.m4a

17.0 MB

/ETTV 2011-08- The Evolution of Awareness/

[Kim]Can you comment about how “the journey is ours alone but we are all on.m4a

3.5 MB


11.3 KB

Can the ego surrender itself to the light of consciousness.m4a

2.9 MB

Could you explain faith in the way Jesus spoke about it.m4a

5.8 MB

Discovering the Stillness Within A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.4 MB

Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch in Conversation.m4a

20.5 MB

I feel like a boulder is covering up my thoughts and emotions. Help!.m4a

10.2 MB


2.5 KB

On what basis can you tell people to accept whatever life situation they are put in.m4a

10.5 MB

Toward Self Realization.m4a

18.8 MB

What’s the difference between the exercises in A Course in Miracles and your teaching of stillness.m4a

7.8 MB

/ETTV 2011-09- The Wisdom of Sufism/

[Kim]Sensing Into the Stillness.m4a

10.1 MB

Accessing the Spiritual Dimension Within You A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

16.9 MB

Does there need to be some balance between consciousness and the world of form.m4a

4.6 MB

How do you balance “just being” on a moment to moment basis with making a living and paying bills.m4a

6.4 MB

I can’t find an effective way to disengage when a conversation turns to gossip or judgments.m4a

13.3 MB


2.4 KB

Please speak about the monsters hiding in one’s closet that may never dissolve no matter what one does.m4a

6.2 MB


11.7 KB

The Wisdom of Sufism.m4a

44.7 MB

There’s a strong pattern in me that doesn’t want to live anymore and that is really hard to deal with.m4a

2.4 MB

What is sex If despite appearances all is really one, than what am I making love to.m4a

2.1 MB

/ETTV 2011-10- Facing Adversity/

[Kim]Kim's Meditation.m4a

6.0 MB

Facing Adversity.m4a

40.3 MB

Have you run across people like me who have experienced spirit essence beings.m4a

5.0 MB

If consciousness is perfect why does it have to lose itself in form.m4a

3.0 MB


2.7 KB


8.4 MB

Is being patient with my 17 year old daughter being in alignment with presence.m4a

6.1 MB

Is there such a thing as lying guilt free.m4a

5.0 MB

Live Meditation.m4a

15.8 MB


13.8 KB

Sometimes I struggle with my son’s pain from my unconsciousness while raising him.m4a

7.7 MB

Staying Present When Something Goes Wrong A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

13.6 MB

What does it mean to realize the Oneness or the Source in another.m4a

5.2 MB

Where do our thoughts come from.m4a

4.4 MB

/ETTV 2011-11- The Imitation of Christ/

[Kim]Kim Eng One Conscious Sip.m4a

3.6 MB

Am I the return of the Maitreya.m4a

6.7 MB

Deepening Your Sense of 'I' A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

15.4 MB

Did God create evil.m4a

6.0 MB

Do you think your teaching falls into what the Dalai Lama categorized as “secular spirituality”.m4a

1.7 MB

How can we refrain from responding to others without coming across as distant and uncaring.m4a

3.0 MB

If all is one and when I listen to you I listen to myself, who is asking the question.m4a

1.2 MB


2.6 KB

Is it possible to speak and still be present.m4a

6.7 MB

The Imitation of Christ.m4a

47.1 MB

What are your thoughts on the teachings of Jane Roberts and her ability to summon the spirit guide, Seth.m4a

1.5 MB

/ETTV 2011-12- A Special Edition of Eckhart Answers Vol 2/

Among my friends is a person that I really don’t like, and we tease each other badly. What to do.m4a

2.7 MB

Beyond the 'Little Me' A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

15.8 MB


13.5 KB

Does having music or song lyrics replaying over and over in your mind constitute compulsive thinking.m4a

1.7 MB

How can one be non attached to those we love.m4a

5.0 MB

How does alcohol impact a person’s ability to live consciously and be present.m4a

3.2 MB

I need help in being with my dad dying. I want to be with him in this process but I’m afraid that I will be overwhelmed.m4a

2.8 MB


3.6 KB

Is there a living situation that maximizes the opportunity to become more conscious.m4a

1.4 MB

Isn’t to know oneself as presence instead of a little me just another identity.m4a

3.3 MB

Must one be completely enlightened to happily engage in the marriage contract.m4a

3.2 MB

Must one be enlightened oneself in order to understand spiritual teachings.m4a

3.5 MB

Once you become aware, do you have to have a plan of where you are going or do you leave that up to the universe.m4a

6.8 MB

Pain body and ego are smart; can presence put me at a disadvantage.m4a

3.0 MB

Should I avoid seeing my friend who gossips, or use her as a practice for presence.m4a

4.1 MB

What is boredom.m4a

5.7 MB

What is the role of faith in awakening.m4a

11.3 MB

/ETTV 2012-01- Evolving Toward Freedom/

[Kim]When I become very agitated, complaining to another no longer supports who I am.m4a

4.2 MB

Being, Not Doing A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

15.8 MB


12.1 KB

Evolving Toward Freedom.m4a

27.2 MB

How can I nurture the tender fragile sprouts of consciousness in me when my busy life situation constantly overwhelms me.m4a

6.5 MB

How do I become comfortable with presence instead of feeling like I’m trying to conquer it.m4a

2.5 MB


3.0 KB


2.5 MB

Is it possible to have a friendship between the false I and the real I.m4a

5.2 MB

Is presence better caught than taught.m4a

4.0 MB

What is music and why is it so important to us.m4a

3.7 MB

What is the fundamental difference between your teaching of presence and the current popular teaching of the Law of Attraction.m4a

16.9 MB

What is the relation between stillness, consciousness, and the human eye.m4a

2.9 MB

/ETTV 2012-02- A Conversation with Sir Ken Robinson/

[Kim]I can’t find any spiritual justification for being a vegetarian.m4a

7.0 MB


11.7 KB

Finding Your Element A Conversation with Sir Ken Robinson.m4a

40.7 MB

Freedom from the Personality.m4a

20.6 MB

How can we avoid being taken advantage of in business exchanges.m4a

8.1 MB

How does the function of our relationships shift with the arising of presence.m4a

4.1 MB

If I consciously want to connect with someone and if it’s not happening am I solely responsible or is there more to it.m4a

2.6 MB


2.6 KB

Questions & Answers Preface.m4a

3.2 MB

There is No Such Thing as a Future Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

15.5 MB

What is fear.m4a

5.1 MB

/ETTV 2012-03- The Teachings of Meister Eckhart/

[Kim]Do you have any comments on what it means to live an authentic life.m4a

4.3 MB

Any advice on how to deal with living with a terminal illness.m4a

7.0 MB

Caring for my elderly, sick parents has left me with no job, no life, or free time. How do I deal with the anger I feel.m4a

5.8 MB

I just want to be a log in the fire. Is there any way I can just be a log.m4a

1.9 MB

If consciousness is what we truly are, why do we manifest unconsciousness in the first place.m4a

1.7 MB


2.4 KB

Is it true that the role of the ego is to protect the body.m4a

1.3 MB


13.2 KB

Stepping Out of Thinking A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.4 MB

The ego says I should commit suicide. I’m now institutionalized for this. What to do.m4a

1.7 MB

The Teachings of Meister Eckhart.m4a

35.2 MB

/ETTV 2012-04- A Conversation with Geneen Roth/

A Conversation with Geneen Roth.m4a

89.9 MB


9.0 KB

Can presence be used to manipulate or use others.m4a

6.4 MB

Does the present moment have an emotion to it that comes without a thought.m4a

3.2 MB

How do I stay present with my family members.m4a

5.7 MB

I feel very often that something is wrong and that I need to take action to correct something that is probably just imaginary.m4a

4.5 MB

I often find myself comparing myself to other people. Do you have any practical advice.m4a

8.8 MB


2.3 KB

It seems at times that I should pursue a life of hedonism for 10 years and then worry about the power of now.m4a

5.6 MB

Nothing to Attain A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

13.0 MB

Should we seek professional help to recover lost childhood memories.m4a

3.7 MB

/ETTV 2012-05- The Bhagavad Gita/

[Kim]Is there a region of the body that is rooted in the eternal.m4a

4.1 MB

An Invitation into Stillness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle2.m4a

13.0 MB

Are the paths to spirituality and wealth mutually exclusive.m4a

3.5 MB

Eckhart, how do you experience yourself.m4a

2.7 MB

How do you know when higher consciousness guides you.m4a

2.1 MB


1.9 KB

Introduction to Eckhart Answers.m4a

443.3 KB


12.6 KB

The Bhagavad Gita.m4a

42.9 MB

What’s the key to stopping self talk in the head.m4a

3.7 MB

What if one is secretly angry at God.m4a

4.2 MB

Where is the line between discernment and judgment.m4a

10.1 MB

Which is more effective meditating on ‘who am I ’ or that ‘I am’.m4a

1.7 MB

/ETTV 2012-06- Eckhart’s Experience of Awakening/

[Kim]Any suggestions for fewer thoughts during meditation.m4a

2.2 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice 1 Sighing.m4a

2.0 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice 2 Pranayama.m4a

2.0 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice 3 Abdominal Breathing.m4a

3.3 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice 4 Equalized Breathing.m4a

6.1 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice 5 Restorative Breathing.m4a

3.4 MB

[Kim]Breathwork Practice Introduction.m4a

1.9 MB

Acceptance is there but enthusiasm feels far off. Any suggestions.m4a

3.9 MB

Complete Attention to This Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

12.1 MB

Could you speak about the role of conscience in the awakening experience.m4a

4.6 MB

Do we resign ourselves to loss of form or take action.m4a

7.6 MB

Eckhart’s Experience of Awakening.m4a

41.8 MB

How do I get rid of my heavy background.m4a

3.0 MB

How do I return to the present when the ego takes over.m4a

9.6 MB


2.8 KB

Is it possible to feel true love for more than one partner.m4a

1.6 MB


16.6 KB

Life without love is no life at all. Please comment.m4a

3.7 MB

/ETTV 2012-07- A Special Edition of Eckhart Answers Vol 3/

[Kim]Do I really meditate or is it just ego.m4a

2.1 MB

Can form only evolve if I’m rooted in the formless.m4a

1.6 MB

Can one become addicted to your “pointers”.m4a

1.9 MB

Can we reach full awareness without a partner.m4a

1.0 MB

Can you read in a state of thoughtless awareness Eckhart explains what happens in the mind when reading.m4a

1.0 MB

Do dogs think.m4a

2.8 MB

How can we prepare children for their lives.m4a

3.2 MB

How certain are you that what you know is the truth.m4a

3.3 MB

I’m too burned out and depressed to be present.m4a

2.3 MB

I can’t find inner peace amidst global insanity.m4a

4.1 MB

I can’t stop drinking. Do you have any advice.m4a

2.5 MB

I have feelings of resentment and non acceptance.m4a

3.1 MB


2.4 KB

Is being present the same as doing God’s will.m4a

1.5 MB


8.5 KB

On my walks mind noise stops; is this presence.m4a

1.3 MB

Quieting the Voice in the Head A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

16.1 MB

What is the role of the mind in our health.m4a

4.5 MB

When is the practice of non escape self torture.m4a

2.0 MB

When thankfulness arises, who am I thanking The goodness inherent in life.m4a

1.3 MB

Why is there so much suffering in the world.m4a

8.3 MB

/ETTV 2012-08- Socrates’ Greatest Lesson/

[Kim]Practicing Resisting Nothing.m4a

27.4 MB

Do I have to give up makeup to reach enlightenment.m4a

2.8 MB


11.3 KB

Experiencing Yourself as Awareness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

21.2 MB

How can I help a sibling struggling with paranoia.m4a

6.1 MB

How much of our life is in our control.m4a

8.6 MB


1.9 KB

Please compare The Secret with The Power of Now.m4a

8.6 MB

Socrates’ Greatest Lesson.m4a

49.7 MB

What’s your view on actors revisiting pain.m4a

3.6 MB

What do you think of the Occupy Movement.m4a

4.3 MB

/ETTV 2012-09- You Are the Sky/

[Kim]How do I know my inner voice is from Being, not ego.m4a

6.7 MB

Beyond the Thinker A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

29.3 MB


13.7 KB

How can I grow amidst an unsatisfactory marriage.m4a

7.1 MB

How did Barry Long influence you.m4a

1.8 MB

How do I lessen the pain body’s grip.m4a

7.8 MB

How do I share teachings on consciousness.m4a

3.9 MB


1.7 KB


1.4 MB

Is sexual life an obstacle in spiritual unfoldment.m4a

2.1 MB

Please comment on a statement by Stephen Hawking.m4a

7.8 MB

What is the role of sex in consciousness.m4a

5.1 MB

Why is it inadvisable to discuss your teachings.m4a

3.8 MB

You Are the Sky.m4a

44.0 MB

/ETTV 2012-10- On Consciousness - A Dialogue with Peter Russell/

[Kim]Can you comment about energy.m4a

10.9 MB

Are gains in consciousness permanent.m4a

1.4 MB

Did the universe make a mistake with the ego.m4a

3.1 MB


12.8 KB

I can’t reconcile a relationship to a higher power.m4a

1.1 MB


1.8 KB

Is being glad of one’s accomplishments pride.m4a

4.5 MB

Is letting go of thoughts avoidance or acceptance.m4a

4.0 MB

On Consciousness A Dialogue With Peter Russell.m4a

40.5 MB

Please elaborate on the Fall of Man.m4a

5.8 MB

Retreat from the Stream of Thought A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

31.9 MB

Should I home school my son.m4a

2.9 MB

Why can’t we communicate with the dead.m4a

2.3 MB

/ETTV 2012-11- The Bhagavad Gita Part 2/

[Kim]Returning Inward.m4a

2.1 MB

Can you comment on the writings of Joel Goldsmith.m4a

5.3 MB


11.2 KB

How can I be an effective therapist.m4a

5.9 MB

How can I decide who is to be my partner.m4a

7.8 MB

How do I point out wrongdoing in presence.m4a

3.7 MB

How do I work with powerful emotions.m4a

4.6 MB

How do we remain present fighting serious illness.m4a

4.6 MB


1.8 KB

Just This Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

15.1 MB

Please elaborate why “you’re only half the whole”.m4a

7.0 MB

The Bhagavad Gita Part 2.m4a

76.7 MB

What is the spiritual lesson in Alzheimer’s Our challenge is to surrender in the face of death.m4a

6.1 MB

/ETTV 2012-12- A Special Edition of Eckhart Answers Vol 4/

Am I in denial about feelings towards my parents.m4a

6.3 MB

Do we absorb negativity by practicing acceptance.m4a

7.5 MB

Does having an emotion imply lack of acceptance.m4a

2.5 MB


13.9 KB

How can I love myself.m4a

6.5 MB

How can we be present with complete attention.m4a

9.6 MB

How do I avoid anxiety in public speaking.m4a

2.2 MB

How do I deal with impatience with myself.m4a

4.4 MB

How do I remain present but also keep track of time.m4a

5.7 MB

How does presence see mankind’s evils.m4a

6.3 MB

I’m disgusted with my mother; what do I do.m4a

5.4 MB

I can observe the mind but I do not feel presence.m4a

2.0 MB

I have been trying and trying and nothing. Why.m4a

18.0 MB


2.3 KB

Is changing one’s name important for awakening.m4a

4.2 MB

Outside the Thought Stream A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

33.4 MB

Why do you imply again and again that you “know”.m4a

9.4 MB

Why the division of frequency holders and creators.m4a

6.8 MB

/ETTV 2013-01- A Conversation with Susan Sarandon/

[Kim]Meditation on Stillness.m4a

11.7 MB

A Conversation with Susan Sarandon.m4a

41.3 MB

Can we ever entirely dissolve the pain body.m4a

2.8 MB

Can you please offer pointers on self forgiveness.m4a

3.3 MB


13.0 KB

How can a good life situation evolve consciousness.m4a

2.7 MB

How can I cope with feelings of family betrayal.m4a

4.1 MB

How do I balance acceptance and achievement.m4a

3.3 MB

I fear my life will fall apart without thinking.m4a

3.0 MB


1.9 KB

Please talk about “spiritual bypassing”.m4a

2.1 MB

Realizing the Formless A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

33.2 MB

/ETTV 2013-02- Back to Sanity A Dialog with Steve Taylor/

[Kim]Movement Meditation for Removing Blockages.m4a

8.1 MB

Back to Sanity A Dialog with Steve Taylor.m4a

39.9 MB

Becoming Aware of Awareness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle2.m4a

35.3 MB


14.0 KB

How do you interpret three persons in one God.m4a

6.1 MB

I want to apologize to my daughter who has died.m4a

5.5 MB


1.9 KB

Should we maintain a formal meditation practice.m4a

8.6 MB

What is it that endures across lifetimes.m4a

9.4 MB

What is the experience of conscious immortality.m4a

12.0 MB

What is the purpose of mental illness.m4a

9.0 MB

/ETTV 2013-03- Vigilance/

[Kim]Open the Chi Channels.m4a

7.5 MB

Can you talk about real versus perceived limits.m4a

6.8 MB

Could you talk about the force that some call fate.m4a

9.6 MB

Direct Awareness of the Now A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

28.9 MB


9.0 KB

How do you distinguish imagination from thought.m4a

11.6 MB

I don’t understand sudden fear that comes and goes.m4a

9.1 MB


1.7 KB


13.3 MB

Is the mind an object, namely, my brain.m4a

4.1 MB


40.2 MB

/ETTV 2013-04- On Contentment An Essay by Plutarch/

[Kim]Do telepathy and consciousness go hand in hand.m4a

4.8 MB

[Kim]How can I not think and live in this world.m4a

3.3 MB

Allowing This Moment to Be As It Is A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

36.1 MB

Can you be aware and think Obama is without ego.m4a

2.5 MB


12.7 KB

Help me stay sane during a period of joblessness.m4a

6.4 MB

How can a passive person become conscious.m4a

9.3 MB

I’m an angry woman. Is there any help for me.m4a

4.4 MB


1.9 KB

Is presence possible without questioning thoughts.m4a

6.3 MB

Is there a question I should be asking.m4a

692.8 KB

On Contentment An Essay by Plutarch.m4a

47.8 MB

/ETTV 2013-05- Deepening the Realization of Being/

[Kim]Do you feel sadness for humanity.m4a

2.6 MB

[Kim]Does a choice to be single hamper spiritual growth.m4a

1.9 MB

Can the acquiring of knowledge hinder awakening.m4a

8.0 MB

Discovering the Transcendent Dimension A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

36.8 MB


10.3 KB

How do I know if a thought is intuition or ego.m4a

5.9 MB

How do I respond to another’s pain body.m4a

2.8 MB

How do you handle fear in the moment.m4a

10.6 MB


2.1 KB

Is awakening both a cognitive and biological shift.m4a

1.9 MB

Is it time to move to another job.m4a

5.8 MB

My intuition is telling me not to think, just to be.m4a

11.5 MB

What do you believe about the effects of drink.m4a

5.0 MB

What do you believe in.m4a

9.7 MB

What is pleasure’s role in the awakening process.m4a

8.4 MB

/ETTV 2013-06- On Conscious Business A Dialog with Eileen Fisher/

[Kim]Please comment on allowing and negativity.m4a

6.3 MB

[Kim]What is your opinion about dreams.m4a

6.4 MB

[Kim]Why does the mind go to sleep when thought subsides.m4a

3.2 MB

Can a large business maintain integrity.m4a

10.3 MB

Can I succeed without effort.m4a

8.8 MB

Can you suggest resources for business owners.m4a

4.3 MB


11.3 KB

I worry about enlightenment and relating to others.m4a

8.9 MB


1.8 KB

Is vipassana useful in increasing presence.m4a

2.4 MB

On Conscious Business A Dialog with Eileen Fisher.m4a

60.2 MB

The Spaces Between the Words A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

32.4 MB

Why do people have kids.m4a

11.4 MB

/ETTV 2013-07- The Enjoyment of Being/

[Kim]How do you reconcile non judging and judging.m4a

3.9 MB

[Kim]How do you remain spiritually centered.m4a

1.8 MB

[Kim]Stillness Reveals the Solution.m4a

1.5 MB

Becoming Aware of Yourself as Conscious Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

33.5 MB

Can you help me finish my book.m4a

3.4 MB


13.8 KB

How can I help a friend transcend illness.m4a

2.9 MB

How can I help my complaining daughter.m4a

3.6 MB

How can one be abandoned by life.m4a

7.0 MB


1.9 KB


9.7 MB

Please talk about the inner body and the pain body.m4a

3.9 MB

The Enjoyment of Being.m4a

31.0 MB

/ETTV 2013-08- Freedom from Thought/

[Kim]A meditation on loss and grief.m4a

6.0 MB

[Kim]Do we have a choice in suffering.m4a

4.6 MB

An Invitation into Presence A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

37.1 MB

Any suggestions on staying present while thinking.m4a

4.7 MB

Could you speak about the illusion of space.m4a

6.2 MB

Eckhart shares a poem by Steve Taylor.m4a

1.3 MB


12.2 KB

Freedom from Thought.m4a

48.6 MB

Have you done any reading from The Book of Mormon.m4a

137.8 KB


2.1 KB

Is heightened sense awareness the same as presence.m4a

13.4 MB

Is higher intelligence like a guide.m4a

1.7 MB

Please comment on these verses from The Koran.m4a

2.8 MB

/ETTV 2013-09- Embodying Stillness A Guided Meditation with Eckhart/

2Welcome to the Present Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.6 MB

[Kim]How do I maintain steady presence.m4a

6.8 MB

[Kim]Relaxed Awareness.m4a

1.8 MB

Any advice about racing thoughts at night.m4a

5.8 MB

Embodying Stillness A Guided Meditation with Eckhart.m4a

56.6 MB


11.2 KB

How can I dive into the stillness of children.m4a

4.6 MB

I find awareness challenging around others.m4a

2.8 MB

I sometimes feel panic out of the blue.m4a

3.0 MB


1.6 KB

Relinquish Thought.m4a

11.8 MB

Thank you for helping me to recognize awareness.m4a

11.1 MB

Welcome to the Present Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

26.9 MB

/ETTV 2013-10- Facing Challenges/

[Kim]Could you comment on the nature of practice.m4a

7.9 MB

[Kim]How do I manage subtle thoughts.m4a

4.0 MB

[Kim]What is the difference between happiness and pride.m4a

2.8 MB

Can you comment on asking for help.m4a

6.4 MB

Can you offer pointers on perseverance.m4a

6.6 MB


13.6 KB

Facing Challenges.m4a

36.7 MB


1.7 KB

Remember Spaciousness.m4a

6.0 MB

Should I immigrate to a new culture.m4a

5.3 MB

Take Questions into Stillness.m4a

3.4 MB

The Transmission of Stillness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

30.6 MB

Why does it hurt to be lied to.m4a

6.3 MB

/ETTV 2013-11- Inviting Presence/

[Kim]Parenting With Presence A Dialogue With Susan Stiffelman.m4a

58.0 MB

A conversation with Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.m4a

87.8 MB

Am I compromising my connection to the formless.m4a

3.4 MB

Entering a Shared State of Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

43.1 MB


11.7 KB

How can I go beyond likes and dislikes.m4a

6.1 MB


1.6 KB

Inviting Presence.m4a

49.1 MB

Please help with parental criticism.m4a

16.5 MB

Why do you say things should be as they are.m4a

7.2 MB

Why does ego put up such a fight.m4a

11.3 MB

/ETTV 2013-12- Loving Awareness A Conversation with Jack Kornfield/

[Kim]I’m frustrated with the concept of surrender.m4a

5.4 MB

[Kim]What are your suggestions for effective thinking.m4a

6.5 MB

A Lesson in Conscious Breathing.m4a

8.8 MB


12.4 KB

From Seed to Tree.m4a

22.1 MB

How do I tap into presence.m4a

11.3 MB

I’m in the grip of intense fear and anxiety.m4a

8.3 MB


2.0 KB

Loving Awareness A Conversation with Jack Kornfield.m4a

26.8 MB

Many factors influence us. Presence decreases our susceptibility.m4a

5.3 MB

Please explain the divine purpose of the universe.m4a

5.9 MB

The Arising of Self Awareness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

41.1 MB

/ETTV 2014-01- The Depths of Who You Are/

[Kim]Do you have any advice on energy clearing practice.m4a

2.3 MB

[Kim]I found Eckhart Tolle in 2001. Now I’m even worse.m4a

5.4 MB

[Kim]Why does society hand a heavier load to women.m4a

6.9 MB

Can you comment on the realm of desire.m4a

4.7 MB


10.0 KB

I’m challenged by inner resistance.m4a

3.7 MB


1.8 KB

The Depths of Who You Are.m4a

37.7 MB

The Opening of Inner Space A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle2.m4a

38.3 MB

What’s a day like in the life of Eckhart.m4a

3.3 MB

What is the heart’s role in awakening.m4a

3.0 MB

Why did I survive a near death experience.m4a

3.7 MB

Why did this “awareness” happen to you.m4a

6.7 MB

/ETTV 2014-02- Through the Eyes of Krishnamurti/

[Kim]Can you be 100% present using the thinking mind.m4a

2.0 MB

[Kim]How do I deal with dense, negative energy.m4a

2.2 MB

[Kim]How do I know when I’m sensing someone’s pain body.m4a

3.1 MB

Do you regard talking therapies as useful.m4a

4.8 MB


10.8 KB

How can I find work that will give me joy.m4a

5.3 MB

I get deeply depressed about my loneliness.m4a

6.5 MB


1.5 KB

Letting Go of Thinking A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle2.m4a

43.4 MB

Please discuss presence when judgment is required.m4a

5.9 MB

Should I try to extend presence as it arises.m4a

5.7 MB

/ETTV 2014-03- The Source of All Trust/

[Kim]During meditation I experience wavelike movements.m4a

2.7 MB

[Kim]How do I overcome my people pleasing attitude.m4a

5.3 MB

[Kim]How do I recognize intuition.m4a

4.3 MB

Do observation and thought occur simultaneously.m4a

7.5 MB


13.3 KB

How do I manage self expectations.m4a

5.4 MB

I have fear in relation to arising presence.m4a

5.6 MB


1.5 KB

Is it enough to become still.m4a

8.9 MB

Is it possible I’m meant to be with the old flame.m4a

4.3 MB

The Arising of Your Natural State A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

37.9 MB

The Source of All Trust.m4a

31.0 MB

/ETTV 2014-04- The Deeper Dimensions of Stillness/

[Kim]Balancing Being and Doing.m4a

44.5 MB

Are you vegetarian and if not, why not.m4a

5.3 MB


12.1 KB

How can we resolve overpopulation.m4a

4.1 MB

How do we introduce kids to spirituality.m4a

4.8 MB

In my daily life I’m half present Suggestions.m4a

6.6 MB


1.3 KB

The Best Place is Where You Are Now A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

35.4 MB

The Deeper Dimensions of Stillness.m4a

39.0 MB

/ETTV 2014-05- Balancing Form and Essence Identity/

[Kim]Can you help with feelings of stuck energy.m4a

4.3 MB

[Kim]I don’t know why I feel like crying.m4a

1.5 MB

Balancing Form and Essence Identity.m4a

42.5 MB

Being with Yourself A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

34.2 MB

Doesn’t practicing presence invite upheaval.m4a

4.6 MB


11.9 KB

How do I know that I’m present.m4a

5.7 MB


1.6 KB

Please comment on Western medicine.m4a

3.4 MB

Self Talk How we distract ourselves from Presence.m4a

14.0 MB

/ETTV 2014-06- Transcendence Through Stillness/

[Kim]Any guidance for what seems unbearable discomfort.m4a

16.8 MB

[Kim]Why is the treatment of animals seldom addressed.m4a

4.1 MB

At what point is ego distinct from individuality.m4a

26.8 MB

Can we transmit stillness through technology.m4a

11.5 MB


11.6 KB

How can one make decisions with presence.m4a

8.6 MB


1.6 KB

Realizing Who You Are A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

29.5 MB

Transcendence Through Stillness.m4a

51.5 MB

/ETTV 2014-07- The Spirituality of St. Francis/

[Kim]Does it require constant effort to remain present.m4a

5.0 MB

[Kim]My emotional reality seems stuck.m4a

9.9 MB


12.7 KB

How can we measure our spiritual progress.m4a

4.8 MB

How does an enlightened one find motive to change.m4a

2.3 MB

I’m becoming conscious but feel I’ll be excluded.m4a

7.2 MB


2.1 KB

Is it possible for machines to become self aware.m4a

4.0 MB

The Experience of Lucid Living A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.4 MB

The Spirituality of Saint Francis.m4a

30.1 MB

/ETTV 2014-08- Guided to Presence/

[Kim]Are dreams real.m4a

3.9 MB

[Kim]I feel great pressure to become a mother.m4a

2.8 MB

[Kim]Is the joy of being present separate from emotions.m4a

2.5 MB

Comfortable with Being A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

31.1 MB

Does consciousness expand and contract.m4a

7.0 MB


13.3 KB

Guided to Presence.m4a

28.7 MB


1.4 KB

What’s the best course of action when disrespected.m4a

5.0 MB

What can we learn through betrayal.m4a

4.8 MB

What do you recommend for healing trauma.m4a

15.3 MB

What is the force behind charisma.m4a

7.3 MB

/ETTV 2014-09- Our Human Destiny/

[Kim]On Being Yourself.m4a

20.3 MB


15.7 KB

How can I conquer fear arising in meditation.m4a

7.1 MB

I fear a lack of behavioral guidelines.m4a

7.4 MB

I feel like I’m leaving an old life behind.m4a

6.1 MB

In Touch with the Deeper Dimension A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.3 MB


1.4 KB

Our Human Destiny.m4a

47.1 MB

Spaciousness and Stuff.m4a

18.0 MB

/ETTV 2014-10- Science and Consciousness A Conversation with Lothar Schafer/

[Kim]Have you any suggestions about my body’s energy.m4a

4.1 MB

[Kim]What is your opinion on apology.m4a

4.3 MB

Being Alert Without Thinking A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

46.3 MB

Does the body warn you not to do certain things.m4a

13.0 MB


12.3 KB

How do I stay present with constant tinnitus.m4a

6.1 MB

How do we differentiate acceptance and suppression.m4a

9.7 MB


0.2 KB

Science and Consciousness A Conversation with Lothar Schäfer.m4a

36.9 MB

Settling into Presence.m4a

7.2 MB

/ETTV 2014-11- The Ripple and the Ocean/

[Kim]Can you say a little bit more about this “space”.m4a

5.6 MB

[Kim]Spontaneous Movement Exercise.m4a

4.7 MB

[Kim]Why does healing come and go.m4a

6.7 MB

Can you offer words of comfort after losing my dog.m4a

5.9 MB


14.0 KB

How can I help someone see reality.m4a

2.8 MB

How can I know I’m the sole owner of an idea.m4a

5.1 MB

I’m having difficulty coping with cancer.m4a

5.8 MB

I have no idea what I want from my life.m4a

6.4 MB


0.2 KB

The Ripple and the Ocean.m4a

29.0 MB

The Stillness Beneath the Chaos A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

12.9 MB

/ETTV 2014-12- Omega Part 1 A Retreat from the Mind/

[Kim]Can you give examples of healthy adult bonding.m4a

5.9 MB

[Kim]How necessary are spiritual rituals in awakening.m4a

6.8 MB

[Kim]Return to Zero.m4a

15.4 MB

A Retreat from the Mind Omega Retreat Part One.m4a

32.5 MB

Can one give attention while witnessing.m4a

7.0 MB


11.2 KB

I have a desire to share my realization.m4a

4.8 MB


0.2 KB

Should I ignore nice thoughts.m4a

11.2 MB

Should I see a doctor or accept what is.m4a

3.2 MB

The Dimension Beyond Thinking A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

38.7 MB

Toward the Sacred.m4a

12.4 MB

/ETTV 2015-01- Being in Nature with Eckhart Tolle/

[Kim]How can I release the pain of divorce.m4a

5.8 MB

[Kim]How can we grow without a sangha or master.m4a

4.5 MB

[Kim]Why is awareness so painful.m4a

3.5 MB

Being in Nature with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

17.2 MB

Could you comment on Kalki Bhagavan.m4a

1.2 MB

Could you comment on manipulating reality.m4a

4.2 MB


15.8 KB

How do I balance presence and planning.m4a

6.0 MB

I have a hard time getting into my body.m4a

5.0 MB


0.4 KB

Into the Silent Spaces A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

37.4 MB

Parenting As Spiritual Practice.m4a

11.2 MB

What’s your perspective on human evolution.m4a

4.9 MB

/ETTV 2015-02- Omega Part 2 The Balance of Being and Doing/

[Kim]Get in Your Body!.m4a

21.1 MB

Can you help me overcome a meditation challenge.m4a

3.0 MB

Can you speak about reactivity.m4a

7.7 MB


12.0 KB

How do I tame negative thinking.m4a

10.9 MB


0.5 KB

Meeting in the Present Moment A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

38.1 MB

The Balance of Being and Doing.m4a

49.2 MB

Where do the wonderful things in my life come from.m4a

4.5 MB

Why do you never seem to mention Judaism.m4a

3.0 MB

/ETTV 2015-03- Omega Part 3 Toward a New Earth A Conversation with Elizabeth Lesser/

[Kim]How do I balance power and sensitivity.m4a

2.9 MB

[Kim]Is physical or emotional bodywork helpful.m4a

6.7 MB

[Kim]Is there such a thing as a soulmate.m4a

2.7 MB

Can you compare noticing and concentrating.m4a

5.3 MB

Can you offer advice on an experiment.m4a

4.7 MB


13.7 KB

How do I know the voice of intuition.m4a

9.6 MB


0.5 KB

The Essential is Invisible A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

32.8 MB

Toward a New Earth A Conversation with Elizabeth Lesser.m4a

38.7 MB

What part does willpower play in awakening.m4a

4.6 MB

/ETTV 2015-04- Omega Part 4 The Meditation Realization/

[Kim]At what point do I let go of mind made options.m4a

4.4 MB

[Kim]Five Minute Meditation.m4a

3.0 MB

[Kim]My mind is often preoccupied by music.m4a

5.1 MB

Discovering Your Natural State A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

33.5 MB


12.8 KB

How do you initiate change without opposition.m4a

4.7 MB

I tend to become self righteous and pompous.m4a

3.2 MB


0.5 KB

The Meditation Realization.m4a

37.5 MB

What is the deeper meaning of surrender.m4a

5.6 MB

With a lot of karma, is liberation possible.m4a

3.7 MB

/ETTV 2015-05- Omega Part 5 Dealing with Unconsciousness/

[Kim]I need help with emotional trauma.m4a

7.2 MB

[Kim]Stretching Practice for Sitting in a Chair.m4a

11.9 MB

Allowing What Is A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

33.4 MB

Be Aware Now A Guided Meditation.m4a

6.4 MB

Dealing with Unconsciousness.m4a

47.4 MB

Do you still experience moments of “losing it”.m4a

5.6 MB


12.1 KB

How can we address our ecological situation.m4a

4.3 MB

I’m unsure about medication for mental illness.m4a

4.2 MB


0.2 KB

/ETTV 2015-06- Omega Part 6 The Source of True Power/

[Kim]Can you help me with stuck energy in my jaw.m4a

2.6 MB

[Kim]How can presence help with my eating disorder.m4a

6.3 MB

[Kim]I don’t know how to get through a breakup.m4a

6.6 MB

Can you sue in court consciously.m4a

2.0 MB


13.0 KB

I have always felt like most people hate me.m4a

6.5 MB


0.6 KB

The Source of True Power.m4a

31.6 MB

The Still Point Between Two Breaths A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

34.2 MB

What do you think about Facebook.m4a

3.8 MB

What is the force behind self defeating behaviors.m4a

4.6 MB

/ETTV 2015-07- Australia Part 1 Awakening from Self-Talk/

[Kim]Letting Go.m4a

16.3 MB

Accessing the Sky Like Nature of Consciousness A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

31.5 MB

Awakening from Self Talk.m4a

38.9 MB

Can you offer pointers on letting my dog go.m4a

6.3 MB


11.9 KB

I feel like I’m always thinking, never really here.m4a

3.0 MB


0.2 KB

What is it in me that chooses ego or presence.m4a

6.1 MB

Why is my connection with nature absent with people.m4a

4.3 MB

/ETTV 2015-08- Australia Part 2 A mastery of Life/


11.5 KB

Growth Through Challenge.m4a

18.4 MB

How do I avoid feeling low about repetitive cycles.m4a

2.1 MB


0.2 KB

Is it possible for you to speak with Clive Palmer.m4a

1.0 MB

Is the manifestation of being into form necessary.m4a

5.6 MB

Mastery of Life.m4a

48.5 MB

Suggestions for my classes with Wounded Warriors.m4a

4.2 MB

What is the unmanifested yin and yang.m4a

7.8 MB

/ETTV 2015-09- Australia Part 3 Living a life of balance/

[Kim]Gentle Stretching.m4a

5.8 MB


14.4 KB

How do we avoid the “pull of roles” in relationship.m4a

4.2 MB


0.5 KB

Living a Life of Balance. Australia Retreat Part Three.m4a

38.5 MB

Presence and Performance.m4a

1.7 MB

Transcending Suffering A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle2.m4a

42.9 MB

Waiting with Presence.m4a

6.9 MB

What is your view on angelic forces.m4a

9.6 MB

What would you do in my family situation.m4a

6.9 MB

/ETTV 2015-10- Australia Part 4 The source of Satisfaction/

[Kim]An Antidote to Reactivity.m4a

1.5 MB

[Kim]How can I help my son out of the ego’s grip.m4a

2.6 MB

Can you comment on strange phenomena.m4a

3.5 MB

Do I just go with the flow, or choose consciously.m4a

3.4 MB

Eckhart directs us to the source of true satisfaction in life, ours to discover when we access aware presence and give up the compulsion to think.m4a

43.9 MB

Eckhart Tolle Now Watch The Source of Satisfac.m4a

24.4 MB


10.9 KB

How can we support others.m4a

4.5 MB


0.2 KB

What is your awareness about the transgender issue.m4a

5.5 MB

/ETTV 2015-11- Australia Part 5 Welcoming life/

Can you use your mind and be present.m4a

2.7 MB

Discovering the Unconditioned A Meditation with Eckhart Tolle.m4a

18.5 MB

Do you experience a consistent feeling to presence.m4a

11.3 MB

Eckhart Tolle on the refugee crisis in Europe.m4a

4.2 MB

Ending suffering what are we responsible for.m4a

15.3 MB


11.6 KB

Everybody Seems Awake.m4a

1.0 MB

How do you deal with unconscious people.m4a

10.3 MB

I don’t want to continue feeling my pain body.m4a

11.4 MB


0.2 KB

Welcoming Life.m4a

35.8 MB

/ETTV 2015-12- Transcending Our Stories/

[Kim]Inner Body and Awareness Meditation.m4a

16.2 MB

December 2015 Live Meditation.m4a

36.0 MB

How can I help provide access to the spiritual.m4a

3.6 MB

How can we be joyful with such sadness in the world.m4a

5.6 MB

I feel like I’m a hypocrite.m4a

6.9 MB


1.2 KB

Transcending Our Stories.m4a

41.7 MB

When you felt despair would one like you have helped.m4a

2.8 MB

/ETTV 2016-01- The Journey of Awakening/

[Kim]Freedom from Cultural Conditioning Kim’s guidance on breaking free from conditioning.m4a

7.8 MB

Finding Balance.m4a

36.7 MB

How do I forgive myself for not being present.m4a

5.2 MB

How do you remind children about presence.m4a

2.1 MB

I’m aware of fear that is almost continually in me.m4a

5.2 MB


0.9 KB

The Journey of Awakening Speaking in Belfast, Ireland.m4a

38.1 MB

/ETTV 2016-02- The Deepening of Consciousness/

[Kim]Do you have suggestions for health professionals to use movement in our work.m4a

3.8 MB

[Meditation]The Experience of Stillness.m4a

17.6 MB

Can you talk about awareness of awareness Eckhart illuminates a pointer to stillness beyond the minds grasp.m4a

4.8 MB

If we say, the world is crazy, are we judging Observations free of identification are not judgments explains Eckhart.m4a

5.6 MB


1.3 KB

Is religion necessary Eckhart explores some of the benefits and pitfalls of organized religion.m4a

8.8 MB

The Deepening of Consciousness.m4a

41.5 MB

/ETTV 2016-03- The Arising of True Intelligence/

How can one be a mother without the pain that goes with it Eckhart illuminates the essence of anxious thought and worry.m4a

5.5 MB


1.0 KB

March 2016 Live Meditation.m4a

16.3 MB

The Arising of True Intelligence.m4a

37.7 MB

The Power of Surrender Eckhart discusses the transformative power of acceptance and surrender.m4a

7.2 MB

Why doesn’t God save itself all that time The focus of our spiritual practice is simply just this moment.m4a

2.4 MB

Will you write another book that vibrates A look into the nature of spoken and written spiritual teachings.m4a

4.0 MB

/ETTV 2016-04- Discovering Your True Self/

[Kim]How do you avoid getting stuck mentally amidst spiritual experiences Guidance on maintaining a balanced approach to practice.m4a

5.2 MB

April 2016 Live Meditation.m4a

33.2 MB

Discovering Your True Self Eckhart discusses the process of awakening to who we are beyond form and the essential and ongoing practice of rising above thinking.m4a

32.8 MB

How can I help both the company I work for and our clients Do not compromise when it comes to honoring a calling.m4a

12.4 MB

How can I honor my purpose in a challenging work environment Advice on handling dissatisfaction and embracing the unknown.m4a

3.2 MB

How can we collectively deal with traumatic situations Helpful words on the growing pains of human evolution.m4a

7.7 MB

I dont know if I can continue being a psychotherapist Counsel for the counselor in navigating the challenges of therapy.m4a

10.2 MB


0.0 KB

/ETTV 2016-05- The Great Potential in Loss/

[Kim]Awareness Meditation.m4a

3.7 MB

[Meditation]Stepping Out of the Thought Stream.m4a

46.0 MB

As presence grows stronger my pain body becomes more dramatic.m4a

5.1 MB

Do I need self esteem to love myself and others.m4a

9.3 MB

I struggle surrendering to things like injustice.m4a

9.0 MB


1.9 KB

The Great Potential in Loss.m4a

39.9 MB

What will dissolve the central core of self so that it doesn’t create endless waves of resistance.m4a

2.2 MB

/ETTV 2016-06- You Are the Universe/

[Kim]Awakening Through the Body.m4a

33.3 MB

[Meditation]Living Skillfully.m4a

34.9 MB

Are any research psychologists bringing your teachings to the mainstream.m4a

4.4 MB

How can I balance altruism and personal needs.m4a

4.7 MB


1.3 KB

Is there a difference between daytime and nighttime awareness.m4a

5.1 MB

When I feel like I get closer to the Source, I twitch.m4a

7.8 MB

You Are the Universe.m4a

36.5 MB

/ETTV 2016-07- The Teacher Called Suffering/

[Kim]Prayer and Meditation.m4a

7.6 MB

[Meditation]The Space of Awareness.m4a

38.6 MB

Could a tattoo help remind oneself to accept what is.m4a

1.9 MB

Do you meditate How How often.m4a

5.5 MB

How can we accept, surrender, and be present without having to suffer a lot.m4a

5.2 MB

I have fear and questions around not knowing.m4a

3.0 MB


1.8 KB

Perceiving Without Labels.m4a

6.9 MB

Teaching in Silence.m4a

9.7 MB

The Teacher Called Suffering.m4a

12.1 MB

/ETTV 2016-08- Enlightened Relationships - Session One/

[Kim]The Teacher Within.m4a

2.1 MB

[Meditation]Changing the World Through Presence.m4a

37.2 MB

Can you help me with my fear of failure.m4a

6.1 MB

Enlightened Relationships Session One.m4a

21.0 MB

How do I offer full attention without staring.m4a

6.0 MB


1.6 KB

Parenting in the Digital Age.m4a

9.7 MB

We have a deep longing to live in a community of presence.m4a

4.1 MB

What can be learned from our animals.m4a

6.5 MB

What do we have to give up for spiritual growth.m4a

4.4 MB

/ETTV 2016-09- Meditation Discovering Your Essential Nature/

[Kim]Yin Yoga Shoelace.m4a

4.2 MB

Do you have suggestions to help cerebral people stop thinking.m4a

5.4 MB

How can I best communicate love and loving kindness to others.m4a

936.0 KB

How do I help my fellow physicians who are suffering burnout.m4a

5.1 MB

Im confused about inner resistance.m4a

3.9 MB


1.2 KB

Meditation Discovering Your Essential Nature.m4a

45.9 MB

Should I just accept my non acceptance.m4a

4.9 MB

/ETTV 2016-10- Enlightened Relationships-Session Two/

[Kim]Awakening through the Body Kim explores the body as a vehicle for awakening.m4a

30.0 MB

Can I give you a hug.m4a

4.0 MB

Enlightened Relationships Session Two.m4a

20.2 MB


1.2 KB

Is Christianity an ego based belief system.m4a

8.9 MB

Is it possible to cultivate virtues.m4a

6.9 MB

What insights do you have for dealing with bipolar disorder.m4a

9.0 MB

/ETTV 2016-11- Evolving Toward Success/

[Kim]Rediscovering the Body.m4a

23.9 MB

Evolving Toward Success.m4a

40.4 MB


1.4 KB

Is it possible to have a conscious conversation.m4a

7.6 MB

Is pain necessary for growth.m4a

1.8 MB

Joyful Creation.m4a

29.0 MB

October 2016 Live Meditation.m4a

33.4 MB

What prevents one from being permanently awakened.m4a

3.6 MB

/ETTV 2016-12- The Movie Show of Your Life/

[Kim]As Ive gotten older Ive pulled back from interactions.m4a

6.5 MB

A Bell for Stillness.m4a

13.9 MB

December 2016 Live Meditation.m4a

36.7 MB

How can we distinguish the excitement of the ego with enthusiasm born from Presence.m4a

8.0 MB


1.5 KB

The Movie Show of Your Life.m4a

63.5 MB

What can professionals do to avoid having their energy sapped by clients.m4a

4.8 MB

What is the greatest service a healing professional can provide.m4a

2.5 MB

/ETTV 2017-01- Happiness Beyond Thought/

[Kim]Speaking with Authenticity.m4a

11.1 MB

Do antidepressants interfere with the ability to be present.m4a

3.9 MB

Happiness Beyond Thought.m4a

67.9 MB


1.8 KB

Is there a limit to what abiding in stillness can do for the healing process.m4a

7.3 MB

Is there a way to be truly social without engaging in gossip.m4a

7.4 MB

January 2017 Live Meditation.m4a

50.7 MB

Life Is a Series of Challenges.m4a

30.1 MB



12.4 KB


81.1 KB


Total files 1002

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