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feyerabend - Realism, rationalism and scientific method - Philosophical Papers vol 1.pdf

2.4 MB

Paul Feyerabend, The role of Reason in Science.pdf

41.6 KB


Alan Wood - Fichte's Intersubjective I.pdf

282.0 KB

Fichte's Transcendental Phenomenology of Agency.pdf

236.0 KB

Kant to Fichte.pdf

344.8 KB

/F/Foucault, Michel/

[ebook] michel foucault - pedagogy and blood.pdf

701.4 KB

Cambridge into to Michel Foucault.pdf

831.4 KB

d'Entreves, Maurizio Passerin - Foucault On Kant.pdf

209.2 KB

Foucault - A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.3 MB

foucault - author function.doc

11.8 KB

Foucault - Discourse and truth.pdf

406.9 KB

Foucault - History of Sexuality, vol. 1.pdf

12.0 MB

Foucault - History of Sexuality, vol. 2.pdf

25.0 MB

Foucault - History of Sexuality, vol. 3.pdf

19.0 MB

Foucault Dictionary Project.htm

39.7 KB

Foucault, Michel (2002) Archaeology of knowledge - London;Routledge.doc

938.5 KB

Foucault, Michel - (1926-1984).jpg

5.6 KB

Foucault, Michel - Heterotopias.doc

90.1 KB

Foucault, Michel - Historical Discourse and Revolutionary Discourse.doc

64.0 KB

Foucault, Michel - Intellectuals and Power(1972).pdf

656.0 KB

Foucault, Michel - Madness and Civilization.pdf

1.3 MB

Foucault, Michel - Nietzsche, Genealogy and History.pdf

1.3 MB

Foucault, Michel - Order of Things, the. An Archaeology of the Human Sciences.pdf

1.5 MB

Foucault, Michel - Pedagogy And Blood.pdf

701.4 KB

Foucault, Michel - Polemics, Politics and Problematizations.pdf

55.9 KB

Foucault, Michel - Truth, Power, Self.pdf

202.8 KB

Foucault, Michel - Words and things.doc

69.6 KB

foucault,michel & hurley, robert - erotics.pdf

3.2 MB

Foucault.Michel..Technologies Of The Self.pdf

1.0 MB

Madness and Civilization - A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.pdf

1.3 MB

Michel Foucault - The Danger Of Child Sexuality.txt

39.1 KB

Michel Foucault - The Order of Things.doc

2.4 MB

Michel Foucault - What Is Enlightenment.Pdf

83.3 KB

Routledge - Michel Foucault - The Birth of the Clinic (2004).pdf

1.1 MB

T.S. Brenner - Foucault's New Funtionalism.pdf

685.7 KB

taylor, charles - foucault on freedom and truth.pdf

2.9 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Foucault-Ethics as Ascetics Foucault, the history of Ethics and Ancient Thought.pdf

1.4 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Foucault-Foucaults mapping of history.pdf

1.0 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Foucault-Power Knowledge.pdf

1.2 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Foucault-The Death of man or exhaustion of the cogito.pdf

1.1 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Foucault-What is enlightenment Kant according to Foucault.pdf

2.1 MB

/F/Frege, Gottlob/

Blackwell - Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege.pdf

3.4 MB

Burge - Sinning against Frege.pdf

909.6 KB

Burge, Tyler - Frege on Knowing the Third Realm.pdf

620.1 KB

Dummett - Frege, Philosophy of Language.djvu

3.9 MB

Frege, Gottlob - Sense and Reference.pdf

618.9 KB

Frege, Gottlob - The Foundations of Arithmetic (1953) 2Ed; 7.0-2.5 LotB.pdf

5.7 MB

Mendelsohn, Richard - The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege (2005) Cambridge.pdf

2.1 MB

Perry - Frege on Demonstratives.pdf

589.0 KB

Ruffino M - Extensions As Representative Objects In Frege‘s Logic.pdf

67.2 KB

Tyler Burge - Truth, Thought, Reason~ Essays on Frege - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

3.1 MB


Cambridge Companion to Freud.pdf

19.2 MB

Freud - Lear.pdf

956.2 KB

/F/Fuller, R. Buckminster/

Fuller, R. Buckminster - Education Automation.pdf

97.8 KB

Fuller, R. Buckminster - Grunch Of Giants.pdf

201.0 KB


Farber - Madness, Heresy and The Rumor of Angels.pdf

11.2 MB

Fekete, John - Life After Postmodernism.pdf

16.5 MB

Fodor, Jerry A - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong.pdf

616.5 KB

Fukuyama, Francis - The End Of History.pdf

152.4 KB

/G/Che Guevara/

Che Guevara - Afro-asian Conference.pdf

37.3 KB

Che Guevara - At The UN.pdf

19.9 KB

Che Guevara - Colonialism Is Doomed.pdf

58.1 KB

Che Guevara - Exceptional Case.pdf

29.4 KB

Che Guevara - Growth And Imperialism.pdf

116.7 KB

Che Guevara - Guerilla Warfare.pdf

68.8 KB

Che Guevara - Man And Socialism.pdf

65.4 KB

Che Guevara - Notes For Study.pdf

23.2 KB

Che Guevara - On Development.pdf

74.1 KB

Che Guevara - Revolutionary Medicine.pdf

36.9 KB

Che Guevara - The Cadres.pdf

24.4 KB

/G/Garner, Richard/

Garner, Richard - Are convenient fictions harmful to your health.htm

56.5 KB

Garner, Richard - Are convenient fictions harmful to your health.txt

57.4 KB

/G/Glavasic, Dragan/

(eBook-english-philosophy) GLAVASIC - Ascertaining the Intellectual Horizon.pdf

991.9 KB

[eBook-english] Glavasic - Keepers of the Flame.pdf

1.8 MB


4.0 MB

/G/Goode, Richard/


34.3 KB


66.8 KB


86.1 KB


52.8 KB


79.8 KB


56.8 KB


52.2 KB


68.7 KB


56.9 KB


49.6 KB


59.8 KB

Chapter 1.htm

77.2 KB

/.../Habermas 1984 The Theory of Communicative Action/

1. Reason and the Rationalization of Society.pdf

26.0 MB

2. Lifeworld and System, A Critique of Functionalist Realism.pdf

24.5 MB

/H/Habermas, Jurgen/

0415303788 - Andrew Edgar - HABERMAS~ THE KEY CONCEPTS - Routledge.pdf

1.0 MB

America and the World (A Conversation with Jurgen Habermas).PDF

343.2 KB

Freundlich 2004 Critical Theory after Habermas.pdf

1.5 MB

Habermas - A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.0 MB

Habermas 2003 Truth and Justification.pdf

1.6 MB

Habermas, Jurgen - GenEthics.pdf

522.0 KB

Honneth 1991 Communicative Action.pdf

17.8 MB

McCarthy 1978 The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas.pdf

23.5 MB

Stephen K. White (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.pdf

16.6 MB

/.../Hegel, G W F (1770-1831)/

0521818141 - - Hegel on Ethics and Politics (The German Philosophical Tradition).pdf

1.6 MB

0521874548 - - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit~ A Critical Guide - CUP.pdf

1.4 MB

Baillie, J B - The Origin and Significance of Hegel's Logic.pdf

543.5 KB

Beatrice Longuenesse - Hegel`s Critique of Metaphysics.pdf

945.1 KB


3.8 MB

Bernstein - Love and Law.pdf

1.9 MB

Georg W.F. Hegel - Philosophy Of History.pdf

1.7 MB

Hegel - Inwood.pdf

2.6 MB

Hegel Idealism Analytic philosophy.pdf

1.3 MB

Hegel's Phenomenology Introduction.pdf

877.7 KB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - 1821 Philosophy of Right.pdf

797.5 KB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Getting to know Hegel.htm

106.2 KB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Phenomenology of mind.doc

2.6 MB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Philosophy of Right.pdf

797.5 KB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Summary of Philosophy of Mind.doc

44.1 KB

Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm - Who Thinks Abstractly.htm

0.6 KB


15.4 KB


411.3 KB


86.3 KB


224.5 KB


86.7 KB


797.5 KB


104.0 KB


427.7 KB


878.9 KB

Hegels Dialectic Five Hermeneutical Studies - Hans-Georg Gadamer.pdf

3.1 MB

Hibben, John Grier - Hegel's Logic an Essay in Interpretation.pdf

325.9 KB

Phenomenology of Spirit - G.W.F. Hegel.pdf

34.0 MB

Schelling's Criticism of Hegel, 1841.htm

7.5 KB

/H/Heidegger, Martin/

0415032881 - Joanna Hodge - Heidegger and Ethics - Routledge.pdf

2.2 MB

A Companion to Heidegger.pdf

2.4 MB

Alweiss, Lilian - Heidegger On Time.pdf

288.9 KB

Appropriating Heidegger.pdf

1.3 MB

Ben Vedder - Heidegger's Philosophy of Religion.pdf

1.5 MB

Dwan, David - Heidegger On Ontology And Mass Communication.pdf

155.9 KB

Friedman, Michael - Carnap Cassirer and Heidegger The Davos Disputation.pdf

114.5 KB

Heidegger - Aristotle's Metaphysics Tetha.pdf

31.3 MB

Heidegger - Aristotle's Metaphysics Theta(1,3).pdf

31.3 MB

Heidegger - Being and Time M&R.pdf

4.7 MB

Heidegger - Contributions To Philosophy _from Enowing.pdf

68.6 MB

Heidegger - Early Greek Thinking.pdf

20.9 MB

Heidegger - Hegel's Phenomenology Of Spirit.pdf

29.3 MB

Heidegger - Holderlin's Hymn The Ister.pdf

28.8 MB

Heidegger - Introduction to Metaphysics.pdf

1.7 MB

Heidegger - Supplements.pdf

1.7 MB

heidegger - The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking.htm

48.2 KB

Heidegger - The Essence of Truth.pdf

35.3 MB

Heidegger - Time and Being.pdf

1.2 MB

Heidegger And Aristotle - The Twofoldness of Being (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy).pdf

2.1 MB

Heidegger's Being And Time A Reader's Guide (Reader's Guides).pdf

28.1 MB

Heidegger's Being and Time.pdf

649.1 KB

Heidegger, Martin - Contributions to Philosophy.pdf

68.7 MB

Heidegger, Martin - The fundamental concepts of metaphysics.pdf

23.9 MB

Heidegger.Martin..What Is Metaphysics.htm

44.5 KB

Husserl, Heidegger, and the Space of Meaning - Paths Toward Trancendental Phenomenology (SPEP).pdf

2.7 MB

Inwood M, A Heidegger Dictionary (1999).pdf

2.5 MB

JSTOR Heidegger - An Introduction to Heideggers Existential Philosophy.pdf

889.4 KB

Lacoue-Labarthe - Heidegger, Art and Politics.pdf

19.6 MB

Mansbach, Abraham - Heidegger On Art.pdf

96.5 KB

Martin Heidegger - An Introduction to Heidegger's Existential Philosophy.pdf

889.4 KB


1.5 MB

The Basic Problems of Phenomenology.htm

64.9 KB

Thomson, Iain - Heidegger On Ontological Education.pdf

203.1 KB

Vallega-Neu, Daniela - Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy (An Introduction).pdf

656.8 KB

Wrathall, Mark - Heidegger On Plato.pdf

119.4 KB


Heisenberg W. Physics and Philosophy- The Revolution in Modern Science (Penguin,1958)(S)(164s).djvu

4.5 MB

Heisenberg, Werner - Physics and philosophy.pdf

298.5 KB

/H/Hobbes, Thomas/

Hobbes Locke & Confusions Masterpiece.pdf

1.1 MB

Hobbes, Thomas - Elements of Law Natural and Politics.txt

351.7 KB

Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan Part 1.pdf

444.2 KB

Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan Part 2.pdf

533.3 KB

Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan.pdf

1.4 MB

/H/Hume, David/

0199232563 - Russell Hardin - David Hume~ Moral and Political Theorist.pdf

1.8 MB

0203169050 - - Hume [2003].pdf

858.8 KB

0415191246 - Howard Mounce - Hume's Naturalism.pdf

588.6 KB

0521842603 - - Hume~ Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion~ And Other Writings.pdf

1.3 MB

Companion Hume 3 - Hume And The Philosophy Of Science.pdf

1.4 MB

Dictionary Hume's philosophy.pdf

1.3 MB

Hume (one world).pdf

2.0 MB

Hume on causation.pdf

1.1 MB

Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.pdf

509.6 KB

Hume, David - A Letter From A Gentleman to His Friend in Edinburgh.txt

49.5 KB

Hume, David - A treatise on the Human Nature.pdf

1.1 MB

Hume, David - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.pdf

509.6 KB

Hume, David - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.pdf

379.7 KB

Hume, David - Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul.txt

126.0 KB

Hume, David - My Own Life.txt

23.7 KB

Hume, David - Of Civil Liberty.htm

22.0 KB

Hume, David - Of Essay Writing.Txt

11.7 KB

Hume, David - Of Parties In General.htm

22.7 KB

Hume, David - Of Superstition and Enthusiasm.txt

15.5 KB

Hume, David - Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion.txt

10.6 KB

Hume, David - Of the Liberty of the Press.txt

9.1 KB

Hume, David - Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences.txt

61.5 KB

Hume, David - Of the Standard of Taste.txt

56.5 KB

Hume, David - Of Tragedy.txt

23.0 KB

Hume, David - The Natural History of Religion.pdf

93.3 KB

Hume, David - The Problem of Induction.pdf

22.7 KB

Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.pdf

379.7 KB


2.5 MB


1.5 MB


537.2 KB

Humes' Enlightenment Tract.pdf

4.0 MB


148.2 KB

Hume~ An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding~ And Other Writings.pdf

1.8 MB

The Riddle of Hume's Treatise Skepticism, Naturalism, and Irreligion.pdf

4.1 MB


_Husserl - Ideas Pertaining To A Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy I.pdf

19.9 MB

_Husserl - Ideas Pertaining To A Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy II.pdf

20.8 MB

Husserl E - General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology (1982).pdf

19.9 MB

Husserl's Constitutive Phenomenology.pdf

2.2 MB


2.0 MB

/J/James, William/

James - Consciousness.pdf

117.3 KB

James - Pragmatism.pdf

750.1 KB

James - Varieties-Mysticism.pdf

214.9 KB

James - Will to Believe.pdf

149.6 KB

James, William - Humanism and Truth.txt

55.5 KB

James, William - Pragmatism.txt

310.5 KB

James, William - The Meaning of Truth.txt

342.4 KB

James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience.txt

1.1 MB

/K/Kane, Robert/

Robert Kane [1].pdf

204.7 KB

Robert Kane [2].pdf

337.7 KB

Robert Kane luck.pdf

2.5 MB

/K/Kant, Immanuel/

0199275815 - Jay F. Rosenberg - Accessing Kant~ A Relaxed Introduction to the Critique of Pure.pdf

2.5 MB

0199285721 - Richard Dean - The Value of Humanity in Kant's Moral Theory - Oxford.pdf

1.4 MB

0521828244 - Immanuel Kant - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics~ That Will Be Able to Come Forward.pdf

1.2 MB

Deleuze, Gilles - Kant Critical Philosophy (1963).pdf

14.0 MB

Hanna 2001 Kant and the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy.pdf

1.8 MB

Immanuel Kant - Introduction To The Metaphysics Of Morals.pdf

42.6 KB

Immanuel Kant - The Critique Of Judgement.pdf

327.6 KB

Immanuel Kant - The Critique Of Practical Reason.pdf

219.9 KB

Immanuel Kant - The Critique Of Pure Reason.pdf

789.2 KB

Immanuel Kant - Theoretical Philosophy After 1781.pdf

2.2 MB

Immanuel Kant - What Is Enlightenment.pdf

15.4 KB

Immanuel Kant “Analytic of the Beautiful”.pdf

1.2 MB

Kant - Foundations of Meta.pdf

338.5 KB

Kant - Guyer.pdf

2.1 MB

Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality (Cambridge).pdf

3.5 MB

kant on human standpoint.pdf

2.1 MB

Kant on Representation and Objectivity.pdf

972.4 KB

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason - An Introduction.pdf

1.4 MB

Kant's Critique.pdf

895.9 KB

Kant's Groundwork.pdf

1.0 MB

Kant's theory of the self.pdf

1.6 MB

Kant, Immanuel - Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals.pdf

112.5 KB

Kant, Immanuel - Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals .txt

176.8 KB

Kant, Immanuel - Metaphysical Elements of Ethics, The.pdf

68.3 KB

Kant, Immanuel - Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysic.pdf

515.2 KB

Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Judgement.pdf

555.3 KB

Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Practical Reason.pdf

450.2 KB

Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Pure Reason.pdf

1.1 MB

Kant, Immanuel - The Science of Right.rtf

306.6 KB

Kant, Immanuel - Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven.txt

323.6 KB

Kant’s Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality EEn.pdf

1.8 MB

M.Friedman - Kant, Kuhn, and the Rationality of Science.pdf

85.4 KB

Salle, R.D. - Reconsidering Kant, Friedman, Logical Positivism & the Exact Sciences.pdf

88.9 KB

/.../Keynes, John Maynard/


347.0 KB


846.8 KB

/.../Kierkegaard Soren - Purity Of Heart Is To Will One Thing/


31.6 KB


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37.6 KB

/K/Kierkegaard, Soren/

[philosophy] Soren Kierkegaard - Preparation for a Christian Life.pdf

143.5 KB

Kierkegaard - Fear And Trembling.rtf

288.6 KB

Kierkegaard - The Seducers Diary.pdf

11.2 MB

Kierkegaard Soren - Spiritual Writings Compiled and Edited by Charles Moore 1999.pdf

1.5 MB

Kierkegaard Sören - The Sickness Unto Death.philosophy.pdf

273.8 KB

Kierkegaard's Instant - On Beginnings.pdf

957.5 KB

Kierkegaard, Selected Writings.pdf

1.4 MB

Kierkegaard.To my Father.doc

107.0 KB

Provocations - Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard.pdf

1.4 MB

Sickness unto Death - A Christian Psychological Exposition of Edification & Awakening.pdf

273.8 KB

Soren Kierkegaard - In Vino Veritas (The Banquet).pdf

187.5 KB

Søren Kierkegaard - The Present Moment.pdf

63.0 KB


Thomas Kuhn - 0521792061.pdf

2.1 MB


Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB


Total files 286

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