
Download Fanny Burney - Camilla

Fanny Burney Camilla


Fanny Burney - Camilla


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1.2 GB

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001 Camilla, or, A Picture of Youth.mp3

1.3 MB

002 Chapter 1 A Family Scene.mp3

4.6 MB

003 Though too good in his nature for envy....mp3

4.8 MB

004 Chapter 2 Comic Gambols.mp3

5.0 MB

005 He grew weary, however, first....mp3

5.2 MB

006 Edgar offered to ride on alone, and persuade....mp3

4.7 MB

007 Chapter 3 Consequences.mp3

5.0 MB

008 Returning then to the house, lightened....mp3

4.2 MB

009 Chapter 4 Studies of a Grown Gentleman.mp3

4.6 MB

010 Mr Tyrold, whose own benign countenance....mp3

4.8 MB

011 Chapter 5 Schooling of a Young Gentleman.mp3

4.6 MB

012 Chapter 6 Tuition of a Young Lady.mp3

6.2 MB

013 Chapter 7 Lost Labour.mp3

4.1 MB

014 Book 2 Chapter 1 New Projects.mp3

4.9 MB

015 Edgar assured him these introductions....mp3

4.4 MB

016 Chapter 2 New Characters.mp3

5.0 MB

017 The dance, which had been delayed by....mp3

4.7 MB

018 Major Cerwood was now advancing towards....mp3

5.4 MB

019 Camilla also began to remonstrate....mp3

6.4 MB

020 Chapter 3 A Family Breakfast.mp3

4.8 MB

021 Chapter 4 A Public Breakfast.mp3

5.8 MB

022 When she came to the head of the room....mp3

6.0 MB

023 When Indiana past them, he expressed his....mp3

5.4 MB

024 Chapter 5 A Raffle.mp3

5.7 MB

025 He then began the truly elegant and feeling....mp3

5.2 MB

026 Edgar, touched by a comparison to the person....mp3

5.3 MB

027 Chapter 6 A Barn.mp3

3.7 MB

028 Chapter 7 A Declaration.mp3

6.7 MB

029 Chapter 8 An Answer.mp3

6.2 MB

030 Chapter 9 An Explication.mp3

3.2 MB

031 Chapter 10 A Panic.mp3

4.6 MB

032 Dr Orkborne assented_ and Sir Hugh, advancing....mp3

5.1 MB

033 Chapter 11 Two Lovers.mp3

7.4 MB

034 Chapter 12 Two Doctors.mp3

5.5 MB

035 Eugenia thus disposed of, they were proceeding....mp3

4.4 MB

036 Chapter 13 Two Ways of Looking at the Same....mp3

6.5 MB

037 Chapter 14 Two Retreats.mp3

5.5 MB

038 Chapter 15 Two Sides of a Question.mp3

6.5 MB

039 Volume 2 Book 3 Chapter 1 A Few Kind Offices.mp3

6.1 MB

040 Indiana disclaimed all interest in her behaviour....mp3

6.6 MB

041 Chapter 2 A Pro and a Con.mp3

4.9 MB

042 'My uncle,' answered Eugenia, 'is incapable...'.mp3

4.5 MB

043 Chapter 3 An Author's Notion of Travelling.mp3

5.1 MB

044 He then left the room, intending to send a man....mp3

5.7 MB

045 Chapter 4 An internal Detection.mp3

4.7 MB

046 They were shewn into a parlour, while a servant....mp3

4.9 MB

047 Chapter 5 An Author's Opinion of Visiting.mp3

5.4 MB

048 Every body assured him no offence should....mp3

6.1 MB

049 Chapter 6 An Author's Idea of Order.mp3

5.6 MB

050 'If you won't believe me, it can't be helped,'....mp3

6.2 MB

051 Chapter 7 A Maternal Eye.mp3

4.1 MB

052 Camilla now, somewhat recovering....mp3

4.6 MB

053 Chapter 8 Modern Ideas of Duty.mp3

4.3 MB

054 'But you give me some pleasure here,' said Camilla....mp3

4.7 MB

055 Chapter 9 A Few Embarrassments.mp3

5.8 MB

056 Mr Tyrold was sensibly touched by this scene..mp3

4.9 MB

057 Chapter 10 Modern Ideas of Life.mp3

7.5 MB

058 Chapter 11 Modern Notions of Penitence.mp3

6.3 MB

059 Chapter 12 Airs and Graces.mp3

5.2 MB

060 'Ah, madam,' said Camilla, shaking her head....mp3

4.6 MB

061 Chapter 13 Attic Adventures.mp3

5.4 MB

062 Lionel now ran up stairs, to beg the ladies....mp3

4.8 MB

063 Book 4 Chapter 1 A Few Explanations.mp3

4.6 MB

064 Sir Hugh was scarce able to understand him....mp3

5.5 MB

065 Chapter 2 Specimens of Taste.mp3

5.8 MB

066 He then led them again to the front of the....mp3

5.7 MB

067 Chapter 3 A few Compliments.mp3

5.0 MB

068 Eugenia, to whom such language was utterly....mp3

5.2 MB

069 Chapter 4 The Danger of Disguise.mp3

5.7 MB

070 Sir Hugh, most affectionately embracing her....mp3

4.8 MB

071 Chapter 5 Strictures on Deformity.mp3

4.0 MB

072 'O my child! with what a picture do you wound...'.mp3

4.3 MB

073 Chapter 6 Strictures on Beauty.mp3

4.4 MB

074 Mr Tyrold was preparing an answer....mp3

4.1 MB

075 Chapter 7 The Pleadings of Pity.mp3

7.2 MB

076 Chapter 8 The Disastrous Buskins.mp3

7.5 MB

077 Chapter 9 Three Golden Maxims.mp3

5.6 MB

078 Mr Tyrold here forced her away, and his....mp3

4.6 MB

079 Volume 3 Book 5 Chapter 1 A Pursuer.mp3

6.5 MB

080 Chapter 2 An Adviser.mp3

5.8 MB

081 Chapter 3 Various Confabulations.mp3

4.7 MB

082 Eugenia told her they had discovered the....mp3

5.6 MB

083 Chapter 4 A Dodging.mp3

4.8 MB

084 Chapter 5 A Sermon.mp3

4.8 MB

085 Struggle then against yourself as you would....mp3

5.5 MB

086 Chapter 6 A Chat.mp3

4.1 MB

087 'What in the world, my dear Clarendel,'....mp3

4.1 MB

088 Chapter 7 A Recall.mp3

3.9 MB

089 Eugenia, with fervour, protested such wickedness....mp3

4.1 MB

090 Chapter 8 A Youth of the Times.mp3

6.3 MB

091 That lady lent her chaise the next morning....mp3

5.3 MB

092 Book 6 Chapter 1 A Walk by Moonlight.mp3

6.3 MB

093 Chapter 2 The Pantiles.mp3

5.8 MB

094 In the evening, they went to the Rooms....mp3

4.8 MB

095 Chapter 3 Mount Ephraim.mp3

4.2 MB

096 Camilla now, appalled, had no longer power....mp3

4.7 MB

097 Chapter 4 Knowle.mp3

7.1 MB

098 When Mrs Arlbery arrived, laughing, at the....mp3

6.1 MB

099 Chapter 5 Mount Pleasant.mp3

4.7 MB

100 Miss Dennel accepted both the pity and....mp3

4.7 MB

101 Chapter 6 The Accomplished Monkies.mp3

6.9 MB

102 Mr Dubster stared, at first, without speech....mp3

6.3 MB

103 Chapter 7 The Rooms.mp3

4.9 MB

104 To Camilla this hearing was distressing....mp3

5.6 MB

105 Chapter 8 Ways to the Heart.mp3

4.9 MB

106 Mrs Mittin now began woefully to repine....mp3

3.6 MB

107 Chapter 9 Counsels for Conquest.mp3

4.5 MB

108 'My dear Clarendel,' cried that lady, as she....mp3

5.8 MB

109 Chapter 10 Strictures Upon the Ton.mp3

4.1 MB

110 Sir Sedley received his overtures with some....mp3

4.8 MB

111 Chapter 11 Traits of Character.mp3

5.2 MB

112 Lord Newford, pulling him by the arm....mp3

5.6 MB

113 Her throw was the highest the dice had yet....mp3

5.1 MB

114 Chapter 12 Traits of Eccentricity.mp3

5.6 MB

115 This rock, indeed, exhibited nothing....mp3

5.8 MB

116 Chapter 13 Traits of Instruction.mp3

6.4 MB

117 Chapter 14 A Demander.mp3

4.7 MB

118 The whole face of Lionel now flashed with shame....mp3

3.9 MB

119 Chapter 15 An Accorder.mp3

5.5 MB

120 She now wished nothing so much as a prompt....mp3

5.0 MB

121 Chapter 16 A Helper.mp3

4.6 MB

122 Mrs Arlbery instantly followed, and kindly....mp3

4.6 MB

123 Volume 4 Book 7 Chapter 1 The Right Style of....mp3

5.2 MB

124 Chapter 2 A Council.mp3

7.1 MB

125 Chapter 3 A Proposal of Marriage.mp3

5.5 MB

126 Chapter 4 A Bull-Dog.mp3

7.1 MB

127 Chapter 5 An Oak Tree.mp3

4.5 MB

128 Such a speech, and so accompanied....mp3

3.9 MB

129 Chapter 6 A Call of the House.mp3

5.1 MB

130 Camilla, frightened, said 'Hush! hush!'....mp3

4.9 MB

131 Chapter 7 The Triumph of Pride.mp3

6.5 MB

132 Chapter 8 A Summons to Happiness.mp3

6.0 MB

133 When Sir Hugh, at length, observed that....mp3

5.6 MB

134 Chapter 9 Offs and Ons.mp3

4.2 MB

135 Struck with words which, from so faithful....mp3

4.6 MB

136 Chapter 10 Resolutions.mp3

4.5 MB

137 During this time, Edgar, almost agonised....mp3

3.6 MB

138 Chapter 11 Ease and Freedom.mp3

4.6 MB

139 She would then have retired_ but Mr Dubster....mp3

3.8 MB

140 Chapter 12 Dilemmas.mp3

4.3 MB

141 Eugenia, at this intimation, felt nearly as much....mp3

4.0 MB

142 Chapter 13 Live and Learn.mp3

4.9 MB

143 A short silence now ensued, which was broken....mp3

4.4 MB

144 Book 8 Chapter 1 A Way to Make Friends.mp3

5.5 MB

145 Two men of the two last persuasions communicated....mp3

5.7 MB

146 Chapter 2 A Rage of Obliging.mp3

5.8 MB

147 Nothing gives so much strength to an adversary....mp3

6.0 MB

148 Chapter 3 A Pleasant Adventure.mp3

4.7 MB

149 Sorry now to have pronounced it in this....mp3

3.8 MB

150 Chapter 4 An Author's Time-keeper.mp3

6.3 MB

151 Chapter 5 An Agreeable Hearing.mp3

5.6 MB

152 Mr Westwyn, in evident consternation....mp3

5.1 MB

153 Chapter 6 Ideas upon Marriage.mp3

5.8 MB

154 Chapter 7 How to Treat a Defamer.mp3

6.6 MB

155 Mr Girt, in the midst of his exhibition of....mp3

5.0 MB

156 Chapter 8 The Power of Prepossession.mp3

4.4 MB

157 The eager old gentleman stood with the door....mp3

3.9 MB

158 Chapter 9 A Scuffle.mp3

5.5 MB

159 Miss Margland said the same_ but he whistled....mp3

4.6 MB

160 Chapter 10 A Youthful Effusion.mp3

6.7 MB

161 Mrs Berlinton, to whom sentiment was....mp3

6.6 MB

162 Chapter 11 The Computations of Self-Love.mp3

4.1 MB

163 Melmond returned to Southampton the....mp3

4.4 MB

164 Chapter 12 Juvenile Calculations.mp3

5.0 MB

165 Camilla resisted all incitements to new dress....mp3

5.7 MB

166 Volume 5 Book 9 Chapter 1 A Water Party.mp3

5.5 MB

167 Edgar had never yet felt such serious displeasure....mp3

4.6 MB

168 Camilla, to whom the beauties of nature had....mp3

5.7 MB

169 These thoughts were too agitating for observation....mp3

4.3 MB

170 Chapter 2 Touches of Wit and Humour.mp3

4.2 MB

171 Mrs Berlinton, though she felt no resentment....mp3

5.3 MB

172 'As to his behaviour,' said Miss Margland....mp3

4.9 MB

173 Chapter 3 An Adieu.mp3

4.7 MB

174 At the kind wish upon her own opening....mp3

3.9 MB

175 Chapter 4 A Modest Request.mp3

6.2 MB

176 Camilla, shaking and pale, now entreated him....mp3

6.0 MB

177 Chapter 5 A Self-Dissection.mp3

4.5 MB

178 Chapter 6 A Reckoning.mp3

6.8 MB

179 Camilla astonished, and Mrs Berlinton silenced....mp3

6.2 MB

180 Chapter 7 Brides and No Brides.mp3

4.9 MB

181 Shocked, yet nearly incredulous, he insisted....mp3

4.2 MB

182 Chapter 8 A Hint for Debtors.mp3

6.3 MB

183 The letter was from a very respectable tradesman....mp3

6.1 MB

184 Chapter 9 A Lover's Eye.mp3

4.2 MB

185 The sight of such eager enjoyment, and the....mp3

5.2 MB

186 This affair, however, with all its reproach for....mp3

4.6 MB

187 Chapter 10 A Bride's Resolves.mp3

5.3 MB

188 This raillery was painful nearly to disgust to....mp3

4.6 MB

189 Chapter 11 The Workings of Sorrow.mp3

5.8 MB

190 The conference here broke up_ something....mp3

5.5 MB

191 Book 10 Chapter 1 A Surprise.mp3

7.5 MB

192 Chapter 2 A Narrative.mp3

6.2 MB

193 Melmond then again spoke to him by his name..mp3

6.8 MB

194 Chapter 3 The Progress of Dissipation.mp3

5.6 MB

195 The tribulation of Melmond at this ill success....mp3

5.6 MB

196 Chapter 4 Hints Upon National Prejudice.mp3

6.6 MB

197 Camilla thanked him for remembering her....mp3

6.3 MB

198 Chapter 5 The Operation of Terror.mp3

6.3 MB

199 Camilla returned the most grateful thanks....mp3

6.0 MB

200 Mrs Berlinton was now subdued. Touched, terrified....mp3

5.5 MB

201 Chapter 6 The Reverse of a Mask.mp3

6.6 MB

202 Eugenia, sending away Molly, said, 'Why should...'.mp3

5.6 MB

203 Chapter 7 A New View of an Old Mansion.mp3

4.6 MB

204 Insensibly, yet irresistibly, she now moved on....mp3

4.5 MB

205 Chapter 8 A Last Resource.mp3

6.5 MB

206 Almost to herself incredible seemed now....mp3

6.2 MB

207 Chapter 9 A Spectacle.mp3

5.3 MB

208 The little girl was most willing_ but she was....mp3

6.1 MB

209 Chapter 10 A Vision.mp3

6.0 MB

210 Chapter 11 Means to Still Agitation.mp3

5.9 MB

211 Struck with extreme dread of committing....mp3

4.6 MB

212 Chapter 12 Means to obtain a Boon.mp3

4.4 MB

213 Quietly, and without turning towards her again....mp3

4.8 MB

214 Chapter 13 Questions and Answers.mp3

7.3 MB

215 'There was another letter, too!' interrupted....mp3

7.3 MB

216 Chapter 14 The Last Touches of the Picture.mp3

6.8 MB

217 What further remains to finish this small....mp3

6.7 MB

Fanny Burney - Camilla.jpg

290.2 KB

Fanny Burney - Camilla.pdf

5.0 MB


Total files 219

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