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[] Udemy - Become a Calculus 3 Master

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/1. Getting started/

1. Hi! START HERE Course overview.mp4

13.2 MB

1. Hi! START HERE Course overview.vtt

1.8 KB

2. Download the Calc 3 formula sheet.html

0.7 KB

2.1 Calculus 3.formulas.pdf.pdf

1.7 MB

2.2 DifferentialEquations.formulas.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

/10. Partial Derivatives - Implicit differentiation/

1. Introduction to implicit differentiation.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

2.6 MB

2. Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

900.0 KB

3. Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.mp4

11.9 MB

3. Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.vtt

9.7 KB

4. Implicit differentiation for multivariable functions.html

0.1 KB

5. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

5.1 Workbook.implicit

1.2 MB

5.2 Workbook.implicit differentiation.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

/11. Partial Derivatives - Directional derivatives/

1. Introduction to directional derivatives.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Directional derivatives in the direction of the vector.pdf.pdf

404.3 KB

1.2 Directional derivatives in the direction of the angle.pdf.pdf

407.9 KB

2. Directional derivatives in the direction of the vector.html

0.6 KB

2.1 Directional derivatives.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

3. Directional derivatives in the direction of the vector.mp4

6.6 MB

3. Directional derivatives in the direction of the vector.vtt

7.3 KB

4. Directional derivatives in the direction of the vector.html

0.1 KB

5. Directional derivatives in the direction of the angle.mp4

13.7 MB

5. Directional derivatives in the direction of the angle.vtt

9.0 KB

6. Directional derivatives in the direction of the angle.html

0.1 KB

7. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

7.1 Workbook.directional derivatives.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

7.2 Workbook.directional

1.2 MB

/12. Partial Derivatives - Linear approximation and linearization/

1. Introduction to linear approximation and linearization.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Linearization of a multivariable function.pdf.pdf

2.3 MB

1.2 Linear approximation in two variables.pdf.pdf

387.5 KB

2. Linear approximation in two variables.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Linear approximation in two variables.pdf.pdf

889.3 KB

3. Linear approximation in two variables.mp4

7.0 MB

3. Linear approximation in two variables.vtt

8.5 KB

4. Linear approximation in two variables.html

0.1 KB

5. Linearization of a multivariable function.mp4

9.5 MB

5. Linearization of a multivariable function.vtt

7.9 KB

6. Linearization of a multivariable function.html

0.1 KB

7. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

7.1 Workbook.linear approximation and linearization.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

7.2 Workbook.linear approximation and

1.2 MB

/13. Partial Derivatives - Gradient vectors/

1. Introduction to gradient vectors.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.pdf.pdf

387.0 KB

1.2 Maximum rate of change and its direction.pdf.pdf

390.6 KB

1.3 Gradient vectors.pdf.pdf

394.6 KB

10. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

10.1 Workbook.gradient

1.2 MB

10.2 Workbook.gradient vectors.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

2. Gradient vectors.html

0.7 KB

2.1 Gradient vectors.pdf.pdf

445.5 KB

3. Gradient vectors.mp4

4.0 MB

3. Gradient vectors.vtt

5.0 KB

4. Gradient vectors.html

0.1 KB

5. Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.html

0.6 KB

5.1 Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

6. Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.mp4

4.9 MB

6. Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.vtt

5.5 KB

7. Gradient vectors and the tangent plane.html

0.1 KB

8. Maximum rate of change and its direction.mp4

8.0 MB

8. Maximum rate of change and its direction.vtt

7.7 KB

9. Maximum rate of change and its direction.html

0.1 KB

/14. Partial Derivatives - Tangent planes and normal lines/

1. Introduction to tangent planes and normal lines.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Equation of the tangent plane.pdf.pdf

384.1 KB

1.2 Normal line to the surface.pdf.pdf

395.6 KB

2. Equation of the tangent plane.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Equation of the tangent plane.pdf.pdf

894.2 KB

3. Equation of the tangent plane.mp4

4.9 MB

3. Equation of the tangent plane.vtt

6.6 KB

4. Equation of the tangent plane.html

0.1 KB

5. Normal line to the surface.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Normal line to the surface.pdf.pdf

896.5 KB

6. Normal line to the surface.mp4

16.8 MB

6. Normal line to the surface.vtt

15.0 KB

7. Normal line to the surface.html

0.1 KB

8. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

8.1 Workbook.tangent planes and normal lines.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

8.2 Workbook.tangent planes and normal

1.2 MB

/15. Partial Derivatives - Optimization/

1. Introduction to optimization.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Second derivative test.pdf.pdf

404.7 KB

1.2 Extreme value theorem.pdf.pdf

694.1 KB

1.3 Global extrema.pdf.pdf

6.9 MB

1.4 Critical points.pdf.pdf

380.4 KB

1.5 Local extrema and saddle points.pdf.pdf

380.9 KB

10. Global extrema.html

0.1 KB

11. Extreme value theorem.mp4

27.1 MB

11. Extreme value theorem.vtt

24.3 KB

12. Extreme value theorem, example 2.mp4

28.4 MB

12. Extreme value theorem, example 2.vtt

17.5 KB

13. Extreme value theorem.html

0.1 KB

14. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

14.1 Workbook.optimization.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB


5.3 MB

2. Critical points.mp4

8.0 MB

2. Critical points.vtt

7.4 KB

3. Critical points.html

0.1 KB

4. Second derivative test.html

1.3 KB

4.1 Second derivative test.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

5. Second derivative test.mp4

9.6 MB

5. Second derivative test.vtt

12.1 KB

6. Second derivative test.html

0.1 KB

7. Local extrema and saddle points.mp4

16.0 MB

7. Local extrema and saddle points.vtt

14.2 KB

8. Local extrema and saddle points.html

0.1 KB

9. Global extrema.mp4

7.0 MB

9. Global extrema.vtt

9.4 KB

/16. Partial Derivatives - Applied optimization/

1. Introduction to applied optimization.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Applied optimization.pdf.pdf

436.5 KB

2. Maximum product of three real numbers.mp4

19.1 MB

2. Maximum product of three real numbers.vtt

16.2 KB

3. Maximum volume of a rectangular box inscribed in a sphere.mp4

23.5 MB

3. Maximum volume of a rectangular box inscribed in a sphere.vtt

19.3 KB

4. Minimum distance from the point to the plane.mp4

7.1 MB

4. Minimum distance from the point to the plane.vtt

6.0 KB

5. Points on the cone closest to the given point.mp4

11.9 MB

5. Points on the cone closest to the given point.vtt

11.4 KB

6. Applied optimization.html

0.1 KB

7. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

7.1 Workbook.applied optimization.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

7.2 Workbook.applied

1.2 MB

/17. Partial Derivatives - Lagrange multipliers/

1. Introduction to lagrange multipliers.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Two dimensions, one constraint.pdf.pdf

414.6 KB

1.2 Three dimensions, two constraints.pdf.pdf

427.8 KB

1.3 Three dimensions, one constraint.pdf.pdf

3.6 MB

10. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

10.1 Workbook.lagrange multipliers.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

10.2 Workbook.lagrange

5.8 MB

2. Lagrange multipliers.html

1.8 KB

2.1 Lagrange multipliers.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

3. Two dimensions, one constraint.mp4

9.5 MB

3. Two dimensions, one constraint.vtt

12.0 KB

4. Two dimensions, one constraint, example 2.mp4

18.6 MB

4. Two dimensions, one constraint, example 2.vtt

19.4 KB

5. Two dimensions, one constraint.html

0.1 KB

6. Three dimensions, one constraint.mp4

10.9 MB

6. Three dimensions, one constraint.vtt

10.8 KB

7. Three dimensions, one constraint.html

0.1 KB

8. Three dimensions, two constraints.mp4

28.1 MB

8. Three dimensions, two constraints.vtt

14.9 KB

9. Three dimensions, two constraints.html

0.1 KB

/18. Multiple Integrals - Approximating double integrals/

1. Introduction to approximating double integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Riemann sums for double integrals.pdf.pdf

401.2 KB

1.2 Midpoint rule for double integrals.pdf.pdf

389.3 KB

1.3 Approximating double integrals with rectangles.pdf.pdf

384.6 KB

2. Approximating double integrals with rectangles.mp4

37.8 MB

2. Approximating double integrals with rectangles.vtt

23.7 KB

3. Approximating double integrals with rectangles.html

0.1 KB

4. Midpoint rule for double integrals.html

0.9 KB

4.1 Midpoint rule for double integrals.pdf.pdf

928.4 KB

5. Midpoint rule for double integrals.mp4

13.1 MB

5. Midpoint rule for double integrals.vtt

11.3 KB

6. Midpoint rule for double integrals.html

0.1 KB

7. Riemann sums for double integrals.mp4

12.2 MB

7. Riemann sums for double integrals.vtt

10.7 KB

8. Riemann sums for double integrals.html

0.1 KB

/19. Multiple Integrals - Double integrals/

1. Introduction to double integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Double integrals.pdf.pdf

394.8 KB

1.2 Type I and II regions.pdf.pdf

590.9 KB

1.3 Finding volume for double integrals.pdf.pdf

394.8 KB

1.4 Finding surface area for double integrals.pdf.pdf

440.9 KB

1.5 Changing the order of integration.pdf.pdf

660.7 KB

1.6 Iterated integrals.pdf.pdf

403.0 KB

1.7 Average value.pdf.pdf

573.5 KB

10. Type I and II regions.html

0.9 KB

10.1 Type I and type II regions.pdf.pdf

544.7 KB

11. Type I and II regions.mp4

17.5 MB

11. Type I and II regions.vtt

14.4 KB

12. Finding surface area.html

1.6 KB

12.1 Finding surface area.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

13. Type I and II regions.html

0.1 KB

14. Finding surface area.mp4

11.3 MB

14. Finding surface area.vtt

14.0 KB

15. Finding surface area.html

0.1 KB

16. Finding volume.html

0.7 KB

16.1 Finding volume with a double integral.pdf.pdf

528.8 KB

17. Finding volume.mp4

12.2 MB

17. Finding volume.vtt

10.1 KB

18. Finding volume.html

0.1 KB

19. Changing the order of integration.mp4

31.2 MB

19. Changing the order of integration.vtt

19.8 KB

2. Average value.html

0.6 KB

2.1 Average value of a double integral.pdf.pdf

798.3 KB

20. Changing the order of integration.html

0.1 KB

3. Average value.mp4

9.8 MB

3. Average value.vtt

8.0 KB

4. Average value.html

0.1 KB

5. Iterated and double integrals.html

1.6 KB

5.1 Iterated and double integrals.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

6. Iterated integrals.mp4

22.7 MB

6. Iterated integrals.vtt

28.7 KB

7. Iterated integrals.html

0.1 KB

8. Double integrals.mp4

9.7 MB

8. Double integrals.vtt

8.6 KB

9. Double integrals.html

0.1 KB

/2. Partial Derivatives - Three-dimensional coordinate systems/

1. Introduction to three-dimensional coordinate systems.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Using inequalities to describe the region.pdf.pdf

379.3 KB

1.2 Describing a region in three dimensional space.pdf.pdf

372.7 KB

1.3 Center, radius and equation of a sphere.pdf.pdf

386.1 KB

1.4 Plotting points in three dimensions.pdf.pdf

516.6 KB

1.5 Distance between points in three dimensions.pdf.pdf

390.4 KB

10. Center, radius, and equation of the sphere.html

0.1 KB

11. Describing a region in three-dimensional space.mp4

6.4 MB

11. Describing a region in three-dimensional space.vtt

6.4 KB

12. Describing a region in three-dimensional space.html

0.1 KB

13. Using inequalities to describe the region.mp4

8.6 MB

13. Using inequalities to describe the region.vtt

6.9 KB

14. Using inequalities to describe the region.html

0.1 KB

15. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

15.1 Workbook.three-dimensional coordinate systems.pdf.pdf

3.7 MB

15.2 Workbook.three-dimensional coordinate

3.8 MB

2. Plotting points in three dimensions.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Plotting points in three dimensions.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

3. Plotting points in three dimensions.mp4

14.8 MB

3. Plotting points in three dimensions.vtt

13.0 KB

4. Plotting points in three dimensions.html

0.1 KB

5. Distance between points in three dimensions.html

0.5 KB

5.1 Distance between points in three dimensions.pdf.pdf

650.3 KB

6. Distance between points in three dimensions.mp4

15.5 MB

6. Distance between points in three dimensions.vtt

12.3 KB

7. Distance between points in three dimensions.html

0.1 KB

8. Center, radius, and equation of the sphere.html

0.7 KB

8.1 Center radius and equation of the sphere.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

9. Center, radius, and equation of the sphere.mp4

14.3 MB

9. Center, radius, and equation of the sphere.vtt

11.9 KB

/20. Multiple Integrals - Double integrals in polar coordinates/

1. Introduction to double integrals in polar coordinates.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Changing double integrals to polar coordinates.pdf.pdf

404.9 KB

1.2 Changing iterated integrals to polar coordinates.pdf.pdf

403.3 KB

1.3 Finding volume for double polar integrals.pdf.pdf

393.9 KB

1.4 Finding area for double polar integrals.pdf.pdf

395.9 KB

1.5 Sketching area for double polar integrals.pdf.pdf

382.7 KB

10. Finding area.html

0.5 KB

10.1 Finding area.pdf.pdf

659.1 KB

11. Finding area.mp4

16.9 MB

11. Finding area.vtt

14.1 KB

12. Finding area.html

0.1 KB

13. Finding volume.html

0.8 KB

13.1 Finding volume with a double polar integral.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

14. Finding volume.mp4

17.7 MB

14. Finding volume.vtt

14.8 KB

15. Finding volume.html

0.1 KB

2. Changing iterated integrals to polar coordinates.mp4

14.9 MB

2. Changing iterated integrals to polar coordinates.vtt

13.6 KB

3. Changing iterated and double integrals to polar coordinates.html

0.8 KB

3.1 Changing iterated and double integrals to polar coordinates.pdf.pdf

664.4 KB

4. Changing iterated integrals to polar coordinates.html

0.1 KB

5. Changing double integrals to polar coordinates.mp4

18.0 MB

5. Changing double integrals to polar coordinates.vtt

15.8 KB

6. Changing double integrals to polar coordinates.html

0.1 KB

7. Sketching area.html

0.3 KB

7.1 Sketching area.pdf.pdf

763.7 KB

8. Sketching area.mp4

7.2 MB

8. Sketching area.vtt

6.6 KB

9. Sketching area.html

0.1 KB

/21. Multiple Integrals - Applications of double integrals/

1. Introduction to applications of double integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Double integrals to find mass and center of mass.pdf.pdf

399.5 KB

2. Double integrals to find mass and center of mass.mp4

18.3 MB

2. Double integrals to find mass and center of mass.vtt

14.4 KB

3. Double integrals to find mass and center of mass.html

0.1 KB

/22. Multiple Integrals - Approximating triple integrals/

1. Introduction to approximating triple integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Midpoint rule for triple integrals.pdf.pdf

399.9 KB

2. Midpoint rule for triple integrals.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Midpoint rule for triple integrals.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

3. Midpoint rule for triple integrals.mp4

17.4 MB

3. Midpoint rule for triple integrals.vtt

13.6 KB

4. Midpoint rule for triple integrals.html

0.1 KB

/23. Multiple Integrals - Triple integrals/

1. Introduction to triple integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Expressing the integral six ways.pdf.pdf

411.9 KB

1.2 Average value for triple integrals.pdf.pdf

387.0 KB

1.3 Iterated triple integrals.pdf.pdf

407.3 KB

1.4 Finding volume with triple integrals.pdf.pdf

393.6 KB

10. Finding volume.mp4

20.0 MB

10. Finding volume.vtt

16.7 KB

11. Finding volume.html

0.1 KB

12. Expressing the integral six ways.html

1.8 KB

12.1 Expressing the integral six ways.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

13. Expressing the integral six ways.mp4

17.5 MB

13. Expressing the integral six ways.vtt

22.9 KB

14. Expressing the integral six ways.html

0.1 KB

2. Iterated and triple integrals.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Iterated and triple integrals.pdf.pdf

569.0 KB

3. Iterated integrals.mp4

13.8 MB

3. Iterated integrals.vtt

13.1 KB

4. Iterated integrals.html

0.1 KB

5. Triple integrals.mp4

19.2 MB

5. Triple integrals.vtt

16.9 KB

6. Average value.html

0.8 KB

6.1 Average value of a triple integral.pdf.pdf

411.6 KB

7. Average value.mp4

10.1 MB

7. Average value.vtt

7.9 KB

8. Average value.html

0.1 KB

9. Finding volume.html

1.3 KB

9.1 Finding volume of a triple integral.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

/24. Multiple Integrals - Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates/

1. Introduction to triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Finding volume in cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

412.5 KB

1.2 Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

413.8 KB

1.3 Cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

407.4 KB

10. Finding volume.html

0.1 KB

2. Cylindrical coordinates.html

0.9 KB

2.1 Cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

657.0 KB

3. Cylindrical coordinates.mp4

3.8 MB

3. Cylindrical coordinates.vtt

5.1 KB

4. Cylindrical coordinates.html

0.1 KB

5. Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.html

0.8 KB

5.1 Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

6. Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.mp4

20.5 MB

6. Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.vtt

15.9 KB

7. Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.html

0.1 KB

8. Finding volume.html

0.8 KB

8.1 Finding volume in cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

9. Finding volume.mp4

19.1 MB

9. Finding volume.vtt

15.2 KB

/25. Multiple Integrals - Triple integrals in spherical coordinates/

1. Introduction to triple integrals in spherical coordinates.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Spherical coordinates.pdf.pdf

365.6 KB

1.2 Changing triple integrals to spherical coordinates.pdf.pdf

412.4 KB

1.3 Finding volume in spherical coordinates.pdf.pdf

402.8 KB

10. Finding volume.html

0.1 KB

2. Spherical coordinates.html

0.7 KB

2.1 Spherical coordinates.pdf.pdf

683.9 KB

3. Spherical coordinates.mp4

5.6 MB

3. Spherical coordinates.vtt

6.7 KB

4. Spherical coordinates.html

0.1 KB

5. Changing triple integrals to spherical coordinates.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Changing triple integrals to cylindrical coordinates.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

6. Changing triple integrals to spherical coordinates.mp4

35.3 MB

6. Changing triple integrals to spherical coordinates.vtt

20.0 KB

7. Changing triple integrals to spherical coordinates.html

0.1 KB

8. Finding volume.html

0.6 KB

8.1 Finding volume of a triple integral.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

9. Finding volume.mp4

6.7 MB

9. Finding volume.vtt

7.5 KB

/26. Multiple Integrals - Change of variables/

1. Introduction to change of variables.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Jacobian for three variables.pdf.pdf

387.0 KB

1.2 Jacobian for two variables.pdf.pdf

392.7 KB

2. Jacobian for two variables.html

0.5 KB

2.1 Jacobian for two variables.pdf.pdf

657.4 KB

3. Jacobian for two variables.mp4

8.3 MB

3. Jacobian for two variables.vtt

8.0 KB

4. Jacobian for two variables.html

0.1 KB

5. Jacobian for three variables.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Jacobian for three variables.pdf.pdf

913.9 KB

6. Jacobian for three variables.mp4

11.3 MB

6. Jacobian for three variables.vtt

13.2 KB

7. Jacobian for three variables.html

0.1 KB

/27. Multiple Integrals - Applications of triple integrals/

1. Introduction to applications of triple integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Triple integrals to find mass and center of mass.pdf.pdf

2.3 MB

1.2 Moments of inertia.pdf.pdf

3.4 MB

2. Triple integrals to find mass and center of mass.mp4

10.9 MB

2. Triple integrals to find mass and center of mass.vtt

13.3 KB

3. Triple integrals to find mass and center of mass.html

0.1 KB

4. Moments of inertia.mp4

12.4 MB

4. Moments of inertia.vtt

9.5 KB

5. Moments of inertia.html

0.1 KB

/28. Vectors - Introduction to vectors/

1. Introduction to vectors.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Copying vectors and using them to draw combinations.pdf.pdf

398.2 KB

1.2 Sum of two vectors.pdf.pdf

384.8 KB

1.3 Unit vector in the direction of the given vector.pdf.pdf

399.3 KB

1.4 Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.pdf.pdf

943.6 KB

1.5 Vector from two points.pdf.pdf

377.2 KB

1.6 Combinations of vectors.pdf.pdf

510.2 KB

1.7 Angle between a vector and the x-axis.pdf.pdf

576.3 KB

10. Copying vectors and using them to find combinations.mp4

13.6 MB

10. Copying vectors and using them to find combinations.vtt

11.3 KB

11. Copying vectors and using them to find combinations.html

0.1 KB

12. Unit vector in the direction of the given vector.mp4

8.2 MB

12. Unit vector in the direction of the given vector.vtt

6.8 KB

13. Unit vector in the direction of the given vector.html

0.1 KB

14. Angle between a vector and the x-axis.mp4

11.6 MB

14. Angle between a vector and the x-axis.vtt

9.9 KB

15. Angle between a vector and the x-axis.html

0.1 KB

16. Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.html

1.0 KB

16.1 Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

17. Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.mp4

18.7 MB

17. Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.vtt

14.6 KB

18. Magnitude and angle of the resultant force.html

0.1 KB

2. Vector from two points.mp4

3.8 MB

2. Vector from two points.vtt

6.7 KB

3. Vector from two points.html

0.1 KB

4. Combinations of vectors.html

0.8 KB

4.1 Combinations of vectors.pdf.pdf

894.9 KB

5. Combinations of vectors.mp4

10.8 MB

5. Combinations of vectors.vtt

9.6 KB

6. Combinations of vectors.html

0.1 KB

7. Sum of two vectors.html

0.5 KB

7.1 Sum of two vectors.pdf.pdf

407.5 KB

8. Sum of two vectors.mp4

5.3 MB

8. Sum of two vectors.vtt

6.2 KB

9. Sum of two vectors.html

0.1 KB

/29. Vectors - Dot products/

1. Introduction to dot products.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Orthogonal, parallel or neither.pdf.pdf

384.3 KB

1.2 Dot product of two vectors.pdf.pdf

382.5 KB

1.3 Scalar and vector projections.pdf.pdf

405.9 KB

1.4 Angle between two vectors.pdf.pdf

401.6 KB

1.5 Scalar equation of a line.pdf.pdf

386.0 KB

1.6 Acute angles between the curves.pdf.pdf

450.1 KB

1.7 Scalar equation of a plane.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

1.8 Acute angle between the lines.pdf.pdf

405.8 KB

1.9 Direction cosines and direction angles.pdf.pdf

402.1 KB

10. Orthogonal, parallel or neither.html

0.1 KB

11. Acute angle between the lines.html

1.0 KB

11.1 Acute angle between the lines.pdf.pdf

911.1 KB

12. Acute angle between the lines.mp4

12.2 MB

12. Acute angle between the lines.vtt

11.4 KB

13. Acute angle between the lines.html

0.1 KB

14. Acute angles between the curves.html

2.1 KB

14.1 Acute angle between the curves.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

15. Acute angles between the curves.mp4

24.3 MB

15. Acute angles between the curves.vtt

20.9 KB

16. Acute angles between the curves.html

0.1 KB

17. Direction cosines and direction angles.html

0.8 KB

17.1 Direction cosines and direction angles.pdf.pdf

663.1 KB

18. Direction cosines and direction angles.mp4

11.5 MB

18. Direction cosines and direction angles.vtt

10.7 KB

19. Direction cosines and direction angles.html

0.1 KB

2. Dot product of two vectors.html

0.5 KB

2.1 Dot product of two vectors.pdf.pdf

403.6 KB

20. Scalar equation of a line.html

0.5 KB

20.1 Scalar equation of a line.pdf.pdf

643.7 KB

21. Scalar equation of a line.mp4

2.7 MB

21. Scalar equation of a line.vtt

3.8 KB

22. Scalar equation of a line.html

0.1 KB

23. Scalar equation of a plane.html

0.3 KB

23.1 Scalar equation of a plane.pdf.pdf

403.2 KB

24. Scalar equation of a plane.mp4

4.2 MB

24. Scalar equation of a plane.vtt

4.9 KB

25. Scalar equation of a plane.html

0.1 KB

26. Scalar and vector projections.html

1.0 KB

26.1 Scalar vector projections.pdf.pdf

907.7 KB

27. Scalar and vector projections.mp4

10.7 MB

27. Scalar and vector projections.vtt

9.3 KB

28. Scalar and vector projections.html

0.1 KB

3. Dot product of two vectors.mp4

4.3 MB

3. Dot product of two vectors.vtt

4.0 KB

4. Dot product of two vectors.html

0.1 KB

5. Angle between two vectors.html

0.8 KB

5.1 Angle between two vectors.pdf.pdf

906.4 KB

6. Angle between two vectors.mp4

7.5 MB

6. Angle between two vectors.vtt

6.4 KB

7. Angle between two vectors.html

0.1 KB

8. Orthogonal, parallel or neither.html

1.0 KB

8.1 Orthogonal parallel or neither.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

9. Orthogonal, parallel or neither.mp4

10.0 MB

9. Orthogonal, parallel or neither.vtt

8.0 KB

/3. Partial Derivatives - Sketching graphs and level curves/

1. Introduction to sketching graphs and level curves.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Sketching level curves of multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

794.3 KB

2. Sketching level curves of multivariable functions.mp4

32.8 MB

2. Sketching level curves of multivariable functions.vtt

20.7 KB

3. Sketching level curves of multivariable functions.html

0.1 KB

4. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

4.1 Workbook.sketching graphs and level

1.9 MB

4.2 Workbook.sketching graphs and level curves.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

/30. Vectors - Cross products/

1. Introduction to cross products.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Vector orthogonal to the plane.pdf.pdf

417.2 KB

1.2 Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.pdf.pdf

392.6 KB

1.3 Cross product of two vectors.pdf.pdf

393.8 KB

1.4 Volume of the parallelepiped from vectors.pdf.pdf

396.2 KB

1.5 Volume of the parallelepiped from adjacent edges.pdf.pdf

407.2 KB

10. Volume of the parallelepiped from vectors.html

0.1 KB

11. Volume of the parallelepiped from adjacent edges.html

0.8 KB

11.1 Volume of the parallelpiped from adjacent edges.pdf.pdf

913.1 KB

12. Volume of the parallelepiped from adjacent edges.mp4

11.8 MB

12. Volume of the parallelepiped from adjacent edges.vtt

9.1 KB

13. Volume of the parallelepiped from adjacent edges.html

0.1 KB

14. Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.html

0.8 KB

14.1 Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.pdf.pdf

906.9 KB

15. Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.mp4

13.4 MB

15. Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.vtt

11.1 KB

16. Scalar triple product to prove vectors are coplanar.html

0.1 KB

2. Cross product of two vectors.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Cross product of two vectors.pdf.pdf

667.1 KB

3. Cross product of two vectors.mp4

5.7 MB

3. Cross product of two vectors.vtt

7.2 KB

4. Cross product of two vectors.html

0.1 KB

5. Vector orthogonal to the plane.html

0.8 KB

5.1 Vector orthogonal to the plane.pdf.pdf

910.1 KB

6. Vector orthogonal to the plane.mp4

12.6 MB

6. Vector orthogonal to the plane.vtt

10.3 KB

7. Vector orthogonal to the plane.html

0.1 KB

8. Volume of the parallelepiped from vectors.html

0.5 KB

8.1 Volume of the parallelpiped from vectors.pdf.pdf

663.1 KB

9. Volume of the parallelepiped from vectors.mp4

9.5 MB

9. Volume of the parallelepiped from vectors.vtt

8.0 KB

/31. Vectors - Vector functions and space curves/

1. Introduction to vector functions and space curves.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Domain of the vector function.pdf.pdf

378.8 KB

1.2 Projections of the curve.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

1.3 Limit of a vector function.pdf.pdf

393.6 KB

1.4 Sketching the vector equation.pdf.pdf

1.5 MB

1.5 Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.pdf.pdf

396.4 KB

1.6 Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.pdf.pdf

377.3 KB

10. Projections of the curve.html

1.3 KB

10.1 Projections of the curve.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

11. Projections of the curve.mp4

24.1 MB

11. Projections of the curve.vtt

20.6 KB

12. Projections of the curve.html

0.1 KB

13. Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.html

0.8 KB

13.1 Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.pdf.pdf

667.9 KB

14. Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.mp4

6.9 MB

14. Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.vtt

6.3 KB

15. Vector and parametric equations of a line segment.html

0.1 KB

16. Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.html

0.8 KB

16.1 Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.pdf.pdf

907.3 KB

17. Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.mp4

7.7 MB

17. Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.vtt

7.3 KB

18. Vector function for the curve of intersection of two surfaces.html

0.1 KB

2. Domain of a vector function.html

0.5 KB

2.1 Domain of a vector function.pdf.pdf

661.7 KB

3. Domain of a vector function.mp4

6.7 MB

3. Domain of a vector function.vtt

6.9 KB

4. Domain of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

5. Limit of a vector function.html

0.5 KB

5.1 Limit of a vector function.pdf.pdf

663.3 KB

6. Limit of a vector function.mp4

8.0 MB

6. Limit of a vector function.vtt

7.4 KB

7. Limit of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

8. Sketching the vector equation.mp4

15.2 MB

8. Sketching the vector equation.vtt

14.1 KB

9. Sketching the vector equation.html

0.1 KB

/32. Vectors - Derivatives and integrals of vector functions/

1. Introduction to derivatives and integrals of vector functions.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Derivative of a vector function.pdf.pdf

393.8 KB

1.2 Unit tangent vector.pdf.pdf

413.4 KB

1.3 Integral of a vector function.pdf.pdf

421.7 KB

1.4 Parametric equations of the tangent line.pdf.pdf

396.5 KB

10. Parametric equations of the tangent line.html

0.1 KB

11. Integral of a vector function.html

0.5 KB

11.1 Integral of a vector function.pdf.pdf

681.8 KB

12. Integral of a vector function.mp4

12.8 MB

12. Integral of a vector function.vtt

10.7 KB

13. Integral of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

2. Derivative of a vector function.html

0.5 KB

2.1 Derivative of a vector function.pdf.pdf

676.8 KB

3. Derivative of a vector function.mp4

12.1 MB

3. Derivative of a vector function.vtt

9.8 KB

4. Derivative of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

5. Unit tangent vector.html

0.8 KB

5.1 Unit tangent vector.pdf.pdf

674.8 KB

6. Unit tangent vector.mp4

9.7 MB

6. Unit tangent vector.vtt

8.2 KB

7. Unit tangent vector.html

0.1 KB

8. Parametric equations of the tangent line.html

1.0 KB

8.1 Parametric equations of the tangent line.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

9. Parametric equations of the tangent line.mp4

11.6 MB

9. Parametric equations of the tangent line.vtt

11.0 KB

/33. Vectors - Arc length and curvature/

1. Introduction to arc length and curvature.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.pdf.pdf

417.3 KB

1.2 Normal and osculating planes.pdf.pdf

469.3 KB

1.3 Maximum curvature.pdf.pdf

413.6 KB

1.4 Equation of the osculating circle.pdf.pdf

383.7 KB

1.5 Arc length of a vector function.pdf.pdf

404.4 KB

1.6 Reparametrizing the curve.pdf.pdf

417.8 KB

1.7 Curvature.pdf.pdf

435.7 KB

10. Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.html

0.1 KB

11. Curvature.html

1.3 KB

11.1 Curvature.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

12. Curvature.mp4

16.7 MB

12. Curvature.vtt

14.2 KB

13. Curvature.html

0.1 KB

14. Maximum curvature.html

0.8 KB

14.1 Maximum curvature.pdf.pdf

921.6 KB

15. Maximum curvature.mp4

19.2 MB

15. Maximum curvature.vtt

17.2 KB

16. Maximum curvature.html

0.1 KB

17. Normal and osculating planes.html

3.4 KB

17.1 Normal and osculating planes.pdf.pdf

3.4 MB

18. Normal and osculating planes.mp4

153.0 MB

18. Normal and osculating planes.vtt

29.8 KB

19. Normal and osculating planes.html

0.1 KB

2. Arc length of a vector function.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Arc length of a vector function.pdf.pdf

913.2 KB

20. Equation of the osculating circle.html

0.1 KB

3. Arc length of a vector function.mp4

13.4 MB

3. Arc length of a vector function.vtt

12.9 KB

4. Arc length of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

5. Reparametrizing the curve.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Reparametrizing the curve.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

6. Reparametrizing the curve.mp4

11.4 MB

6. Reparametrizing the curve.vtt

10.0 KB

7. Reparametrizing the curve.html

0.1 KB

8. Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.html

1.6 KB

8.1 Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

9. Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.mp4

12.9 MB

9. Unit tangent and unit normal vectors.vtt

11.7 KB

/34. Vectors - Velocity and acceleration/

1. Introduction to velocity and acceleration.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Tangential and normal components of accleration.pdf.pdf

443.2 KB

1.2 Velocity and position given acceleration and initial conditions.pdf.pdf

404.1 KB

1.3 Velocity and acceleration vectors.pdf.pdf

396.3 KB

1.4 Velocity, acceleration and speed, given position.pdf.pdf

393.3 KB

10. Tangential and normal components of acceleration.html

1.3 KB

10.1 Tangential and normal components of the acceleration vector.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

11. Tangential and normal components of acceleration.mp4

20.1 MB

11. Tangential and normal components of acceleration.vtt

19.5 KB

12. Tangential and normal components of acceleration.html

0.1 KB

2. Velocity and acceleration vectors.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Velocity and acceleration vectors.pdf.pdf

432.7 KB

3. Velocity and acceleration vectors.mp4

5.6 MB

3. Velocity and acceleration vectors.vtt

7.2 KB

4. Velocity and acceleration vectors.html

0.1 KB

5. Velocity, acceleration and speed, given position.html

0.5 KB

5.1 Velocity acceleration and speed given position.pdf.pdf

667.4 KB

6. Velocity, acceleration and speed, given position.mp4

6.1 MB

6. Velocity, acceleration and speed, given position.vtt

6.5 KB

7. Velocity, acceleration and speed, given position.html

0.1 KB

8. Velocity and position given acceleration and initial conditions.mp4

10.2 MB

8. Velocity and position given acceleration and initial conditions.vtt

9.8 KB

9. Velocity and position given acceleration and initial conditions.html

0.1 KB

/35. Vectors - Line integrals/

1. Introduction to line integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Independence of path.pdf.pdf

396.0 KB

1.2 Potential function of a conservative vector field to evaluate a line integral.pdf.pdf

403.3 KB

1.3 Line integral of a curve.pdf.pdf

392.3 KB

1.4 Work done by the force field.pdf.pdf

411.0 KB

1.5 Potential function of a conservative vector field.pdf.pdf

399.8 KB

1.6 Open, connected, and simply-connected.pdf.pdf

309.0 KB

1.7 Line integral of a vector function.pdf.pdf

409.4 KB

10. Potential function of a conservative vector field to evaluate a line integral.mp4

21.2 MB

10. Potential function of a conservative vector field to evaluate a line integral.vtt

16.0 KB

11. Potential function of a conservative vector field to evaluate a line integral.html

0.1 KB

12. Independence of path.html

0.5 KB

12.1 Independence of path.pdf.pdf

657.9 KB

13. Independence of path.mp4

23.2 MB

13. Independence of path.vtt

20.6 KB

14. Independence of path.html

0.1 KB

15. Work done by the force field.mp4

19.2 MB

15. Work done by the force field.vtt

17.0 KB

16. Work done by the force field.html

0.1 KB

17. Open, connected, and simply-connected.mp4

24.4 MB

17. Open, connected, and simply-connected.vtt

9.7 KB

18. Open, connected, and simply-connected.html

0.1 KB

2. Line integrals.html

0.4 KB

2.1 LIne integral of a curve.pdf.pdf

664.4 KB

3. Line integral of a curve.mp4

24.7 MB

3. Line integral of a curve.vtt

20.4 KB

4. Line integral of a curve.html

0.1 KB

5. Line integral of a vector function.mp4

15.3 MB

5. Line integral of a vector function.vtt

12.5 KB

6. Line integral of a vector function.html

0.1 KB

7. Conservative vector fields.html

1.0 KB

7.1 Potential function of a conservative vector field.pdf.pdf

914.8 KB

8. Potential function of a conservative vector field.mp4

19.3 MB

8. Potential function of a conservative vector field.vtt

16.5 KB

9. Potential function of a conservative vector field.html

0.1 KB

/36. Vectors - Green's theorem/

1. Introduction to green's theorem.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Green's theorem for two regions.pdf.pdf

524.6 KB

1.2 Green's theorem for one region.pdf.pdf

500.2 KB

2. Green's theorem for one region.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Greens theorem for one region.pdf.pdf

896.7 KB

3. Green's theorem for one region.mp4

9.0 MB

3. Green's theorem for one region.vtt

10.6 KB

4. Green's theorem for one region.html

0.1 KB

5. Green's theorem for two regions.html

1.6 KB

5.1 Greens theorem for two regions.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB

6. Green's theorem for two regions.mp4

15.2 MB

6. Green's theorem for two regions.vtt

17.4 KB

7. Green's theorem for two regions.html

0.1 KB

/37. Vectors - Curl and divergence/

1. Introduction to curl and divergence.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Potential function of the conservative vector field, three dimensions.pdf.pdf

398.1 KB

1.2 Curl and divergence of a vector field.pdf.pdf

390.5 KB

2. Curl and divergence of a vector field.mp4

20.3 MB

2. Curl and divergence of a vector field.vtt

16.3 KB

3. Curl and divergence of a vector field.html

0.1 KB

4. Potential function of a conservative vector field, three dimensions.mp4

27.6 MB

4. Potential function of a conservative vector field, three dimensions.vtt

22.5 KB

5. Potential function of a conservative vector field, three dimensions.html

0.1 KB

/38. Vectors - Parametric surfaces and areas/

1. Introduction to parametric surfaces and areas.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Area of a surface.pdf.pdf

419.8 KB

1.2 Points on the surface.pdf.pdf

379.6 KB

1.3 Parametric representation of the surface.pdf.pdf

402.9 KB

1.4 Tangent plane to the parametric surface.pdf.pdf

403.9 KB

1.5 Surface of the vector equation.pdf.pdf

379.0 KB

10. Area of a surface.mp4

15.8 MB

10. Area of a surface.vtt

14.0 KB

11. Area of a surface.html

0.1 KB

2. Points on the surface.mp4

10.5 MB

2. Points on the surface.vtt

8.9 KB

3. Points on the surface.html

0.1 KB

4. Surface of the vector equation.mp4

14.6 MB

4. Surface of the vector equation.vtt

12.2 KB

5. Surface of the vector equation.html

0.1 KB

6. Parametric representation of the surface.mp4

12.3 MB

6. Parametric representation of the surface.vtt

10.7 KB

7. Parametric representation of the surface.html

0.1 KB

8. Tangent plane to the parametric surface.mp4

15.2 MB

8. Tangent plane to the parametric surface.vtt

12.6 KB

9. Tangent plane to the parametric surface.html

0.1 KB

/39. Vectors - Surface integrals/

1. Introduction to surface integrals.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Surface integrals.pdf.pdf

398.0 KB

2. Surface integrals.mp4

12.3 MB

2. Surface integrals.vtt

12.3 MB

3. Surface integrals, example 2.mp4

22.7 MB

3. Surface integrals, example 2.vtt

18.3 KB

4. Surface integrals.html

0.1 KB

/4. Partial Derivatives - Lines and planes/

1. Introduction to lines and planes.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Vector and parametric equations of a line.pdf.pdf

388.8 KB

1.10 Parallel, perpendicular, and angle between planes.pdf.pdf

392.7 KB

1.11 Distance between parallel planes.pdf.pdf

395.1 KB

1.12 Intersection of a line and a plane.pdf.pdf

382.1 KB

1.2 Parallel, intersecting, skew and perpendicular lines.pdf.pdf

388.4 KB

1.3 Symmetric equations of a line.pdf.pdf

388.6 KB

1.4 Parametric and symmetric equations of the line.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

1.5 Equation of a plane.pdf.pdf

410.1 KB

1.6 Distance between a point and a line.pdf.pdf

415.6 KB

1.7 Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.pdf.pdf

418.6 KB

1.8 Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.pdf.pdf

417.3 KB

1.9 Distance between a point and a plane.pdf.pdf

386.7 KB

10. Parallel, intersecting, skew and perpendicular lines.mp4

15.8 MB

10. Parallel, intersecting, skew and perpendicular lines.vtt

14.6 KB

11. Parallel, intersecting, skew and perpendicular lines.html

0.1 KB

12. Equation of a plane.html

0.8 KB

12.1 Equation of a plane.pdf.pdf

677.7 KB

13. Equation of a plane.mp4

11.3 MB

13. Equation of a plane.vtt

10.0 KB

14. Equation of a plane.html

0.1 KB

15. Intersection of a line and a plane.html

0.8 KB

15.1 Intersection of a line and a plane.pdf.pdf

648.2 KB

16. Intersection of a line and a plane.mp4

5.5 MB

16. Intersection of a line and a plane.vtt

5.5 KB

17. Intersection of a line and a plane.html

0.1 KB

18. Parallel, perpendicular and angle between planes.html

1.0 KB

18.1 Paralle perpendicular and angle between planes.pdf.pdf

929.1 KB

19. Parallel, perpendicular and angle between planes.mp4

13.6 MB

19. Parallel, perpendicular and angle between planes.vtt

12.9 KB

2. Vector, parametric and symmetric equations of a line.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Vector parametric and symmetric equations of the line.pdf.pdf

917.1 KB

20. Parallel, perpendicular and angle between planes.html

0.1 KB

21. Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.html

1.0 KB

21.1 Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

22. Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.mp4

18.3 MB

22. Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.vtt

16.4 KB

23. Parametric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.html

0.1 KB

24. Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.html

1.0 KB

24.1 Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.pdf.pdf

677.3 KB

25. Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.mp4

15.5 MB

25. Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.vtt

14.2 KB

26. Symmetric equations for the line of intersection of two planes.html

0.1 KB

27. Distance between a point and a line.mp4

13.0 MB

27. Distance between a point and a line.vtt

11.3 KB

28. Distance between a point and a line.html

0.1 KB

29. Distance between a point and a plane.mp4

10.0 MB

29. Distance between a point and a plane.vtt

9.3 KB

3. Vector and parametric equations of a line.mp4

9.1 MB

3. Vector and parametric equations of a line.vtt

8.2 KB

30. Distance between a point and a plane.html

0.1 KB

31. Distance between parallel planes.mp4

12.0 MB

31. Distance between parallel planes.vtt

10.9 KB

32. Distance between parallel planes.html

0.1 KB

33. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

33.1 Workbook.lines and

1.3 MB

33.2 Workbook.lines and planes.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

4. Vector and parametric equations of a line.html

0.1 KB

5. Parametric and symmetric equations of a line.mp4

12.4 MB

5. Parametric and symmetric equations of a line.vtt

10.8 KB

6. Parametric and symmetric equations of a line.html

0.1 KB

7. Symmetric equations of a line.mp4

2.8 MB

7. Symmetric equations of a line.vtt

3.7 KB

8. Symmetric equations of a line.html

0.1 KB

9. Parallel, intersecting, skew and perpendicular lines.html

1.3 KB

9.1 Parallel intersecting skew and perpendicular lines.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

/40. Vectors - Stokes' and divergence theorem/

1. Introduction to stokes' and divergence theorem.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Divergence theorem for surface integrals.pdf.pdf

400.4 KB

1.2 Divergence theorem and flux.pdf.pdf

423.1 KB

1.3 Stokes' theorem.pdf.pdf

2.4 MB

2. Stokes' theorem.mp4

38.6 MB

2. Stokes' theorem.vtt

23.5 KB

3. Stokes' theorem.html

0.1 KB

4. Divergence theorem.mp4

64.4 MB

4. Divergence theorem.vtt

40.0 KB

5. Divergence theorem for surface integrals.html

0.1 KB

6. Divergence theorem and flux.html

0.1 KB

/41. Differential Equations - Introduction/

1. Introduction to differential equations.html

0.7 KB

1.1 Sketching direction fields.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB

2. Overview of differential equations.html

0.3 KB

2.1 Overview of differential equations.pdf.pdf

401.2 KB

3. Sketching direction fields.html

0.7 KB

3.1 Sketching direction fields.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

4. Sketching direction fields.mp4

11.5 MB

4. Sketching direction fields.vtt

10.9 KB

5. Sketching direction fields.html

0.1 KB

/42. Differential Equations - Euler's method/

1. Introduction to euler's method.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Euler's method.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

2. Euler's method.html

1.0 KB

2.1 Euler's method.pdf.pdf

417.1 KB

3. Euler's method.mp4

20.3 MB

3. Euler's method.vtt

20.3 MB

4. Euler's method.html

0.1 KB

/43. Differential Equations - Separable differential equations/

1. Introduction to separable differential equations.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Mixing problems.pdf.pdf

2.8 MB

1.2 Change of variable for separable differential equations.pdf.pdf

2.9 MB

1.3 Orthogonal trajectories.pdf.pdf

386.4 KB

1.4 Separable differential equations.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

1.5 Separable differential equations initial value problems.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

10. Separable differential equations initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

11. Mixing problems.html

1.3 KB

11.1 Mixing problems.pdf.pdf

418.1 KB

12. Mixing problems.mp4

17.1 MB

12. Mixing problems.vtt

13.3 KB

13. Mixing problems.html

0.1 KB

14. Orthogonal trajectories.html

1.6 KB

14.1 Orthogonal trajectories.pdf.pdf

754.8 KB

15. Orthogonal trajectories.mp4

31.6 MB

15. Orthogonal trajectories.vtt

17.2 KB

16. Orthogonal trajectories.html

0.1 KB

2. Separable differential equations.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Separable differential equations.pdf.pdf

413.6 KB

3. Separable differential equations.mp4

7.4 MB

3. Separable differential equations.vtt

10.3 KB

4. Separable differential equations.html

0.1 KB

5. Change of variable for separable differential equations.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Change of variable for separable differential equations.pdf.pdf

417.6 KB

6. Change of variable for separable differential equations.mp4

6.3 MB

6. Change of variable for separable differential equations.vtt

5.9 KB

7. Change of variable for separable differential equations.html

0.1 KB

8. Separable differential equations initial value problems.html

0.8 KB

8.1 Separable differential equations initial value problems.pdf.pdf

416.0 KB

9. Separable differential equations initial value problems.mp4

8.0 MB

9. Separable differential equations initial value problems.vtt

7.8 KB

/44. Differential Equations - Logistic models/

1. Introduction to logistic models.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Logistic growth model for a population.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

1.2 Predator-prey systems.pdf.pdf

2.5 MB

1.3 Population growth.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

1.4 Equilibrium solutions and stability.pdf.pdf

386.3 KB

10. Equilibrium solutions and stability.mp4

18.0 MB

10. Equilibrium solutions and stability.vtt

21.7 KB

11. Equilibrium solutions and stability.html

0.1 KB

2. Population growth.html

1.6 KB

2.1 Logistic growth model for a population.pdf.pdf

420.5 KB

3. Population growth.mp4

6.1 MB

3. Population growth.vtt

7.6 KB

4. Population growth.html

0.1 KB

5. Logistic growth model for a population.mp4

8.9 MB

5. Logistic growth model for a population.vtt

7.8 KB

6. Logistic growth model for a population.html

0.1 KB

7. Predator-prey systems.html

2.4 KB

7.1 Predator-prey systems.pdf.pdf

427.0 KB

8. Predator-prey systems.mp4

19.9 MB

8. Predator-prey systems.vtt

16.4 KB

9. Predator-prey systems.html

0.1 KB

/45. Differential Equations - Exact differential equations/

1. Introduction to exact differential equations.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Exact differential equations.pdf.pdf

1.5 MB

2. Exact differential equation.html

2.4 KB

2.1 Exact differential equations.pdf.pdf

445.1 KB

3. Exact differential equations.mp4

17.6 MB

3. Exact differential equations.vtt

23.0 KB

4. Exact differential equations.html

0.1 KB

5. Exact differential equations initial value problems.mp4

18.7 MB

5. Exact differential equations initial value problems.vtt

12.0 KB

/46. Differential Equations - Linear differential equations/

1. Introduction to linear differential equations.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Linear differential equations.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

1.2 Linear differential equations initial value problems.pdf.pdf

3.6 MB

1.3 Linear differential equations for circuits.pdf.pdf

2.9 MB

2. Linear differential equations.html

1.8 KB

2.1 Linear differential equations.pdf.pdf

452.0 KB

3. Linear differential equations.mp4

21.4 MB

3. Linear differential equations.vtt

11.6 KB

4. Linear differential equations.html

0.1 KB

5. Linear differential equations for circuits.mp4

10.8 MB

5. Linear differential equations for circuits.vtt

9.1 KB

6. Linear differential equations for circuits.html

0.1 KB

7. Linear differential equations initial value problems.html

1.3 KB

7.1 Linear differential equations initial value problems.pdf.pdf

437.2 KB

8. Linear differential equations initial value problems.mp4

13.8 MB

8. Linear differential equations initial value problems.vtt

12.2 KB

9. Linear differential equations initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

/47. Differential Equations - Second-order homogeneous/

1. Introduction to second-order homogeneous.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Boundary value problems with distinct real roots.pdf.pdf

2.9 MB

1.2 Initial value problems.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

1.3 Distinct real roots.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

1.4 Boundary value problems with complex conjugate roots.pdf.pdf

3.3 MB

1.5 Equal real roots.pdf.pdf

1.5 MB

1.6 Complex conjugate roots.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

1.7 Linear dependence and independence.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

1.8 Working backwards.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

10. Homogeneous complex conjugate roots.mp4

11.4 MB

10. Homogeneous complex conjugate roots.vtt

10.2 KB

11. Homogeneous complex conjugate roots.html

0.1 KB

12. Homogeneous initial value problems.html

1.3 KB

12.1 Homogeneous initial value problems.pdf.pdf

419.5 KB

13. Homogeneous initial value problems.mp4

10.2 MB

13. Homogeneous initial value problems.vtt

11.6 KB

14. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 2.mp4

8.1 MB

14. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 2.vtt

9.4 KB

15. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 3.mp4

10.5 MB

15. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 3.vtt

12.5 KB

16. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 4.mp4

16.3 MB

16. Homogeneous initial value problems, example 4.vtt

17.2 KB

17. Homogeneous initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

18. Boundary value problems.html

1.3 KB

18.1 Boundary value problems with distinct real roots.pdf.pdf

422.8 KB

19. Boundary value problems with distinct real roots.mp4

12.4 MB

19. Boundary value problems with distinct real roots.vtt

11.7 KB

2. Homogeneous distinct real roots.html

0.8 KB

2.1 Homogeneous distinct real roots.pdf.pdf

431.8 KB

20. Boundary value problems with distinct real roots.html

0.1 KB

21. Boundary value problems with complex conjugate roots.mp4

10.5 MB

21. Boundary value problems with complex conjugate roots.vtt

10.1 KB

22. Boundary value problems with complex conjugate roots.html

0.1 KB

23. Homogeneous working backwards.mp4

5.1 MB

23. Homogeneous working backwards.vtt

6.2 KB

24. Homogeneous working backwards.html

0.1 KB

25. Linear dependence and independence.html

1.8 KB

25.1 Linear dependence and independence.pdf.pdf

450.8 KB

26. Linear dependence and independence.html

0.1 KB

3. Homogeneous distinct real roots.mp4

4.3 MB

3. Homogeneous distinct real roots.vtt

7.0 KB

4. Homogeneous distinct real roots, example 2.mp4

3.3 MB

4. Homogeneous distinct real roots, example 2.vtt

4.8 KB

5. Homogeneous distinct real roots.html

0.1 KB

6. Homogeneous equal real roots.html

0.8 KB

6.1 Homogeneous equal real roots.pdf.pdf

431.7 KB

7. Homogeneous equal real roots.mp4

5.8 MB

7. Homogeneous equal real roots.vtt

6.4 KB

8. Homogeneous equal real roots.html

0.1 KB

9. Homogeneous complex conjugate roots.html

1.0 KB

9.1 Homogeneous complex conjugate roots.pdf.pdf

435.8 KB

/48. Differential Equations - Second-order nonhomogeneous/

1. Introduction to second-order nonhomogeneous.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Undetermined coefficients.pdf.pdf

3.6 MB

1.2 Variation of parameters, system of equations.pdf.pdf

403.3 KB

1.3 Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.pdf.pdf

414.3 KB

1.4 Variation of parameters, Cramer's rule.pdf.pdf

411.8 KB

10. Variation of parameters, system of equations.html

0.1 KB

11. Variation of parameters, Cramer's rule.mp4

35.9 MB

11. Variation of parameters, Cramer's rule.vtt

33.9 KB

12. Variation of parameters, Cramer's rule.html

0.1 KB

13. Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.html

1.6 KB

13.1 Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.pdf.pdf

424.3 KB

14. Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.mp4

15.3 MB

14. Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.vtt

18.1 KB

15. Nonhomogeneous initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

2. Undetermined coefficients.html

1.6 KB

2.1 Undetermined coefficients.pdf.pdf

449.8 KB

3. Undetermined coefficients.mp4

17.8 MB

3. Undetermined coefficients.vtt

20.7 KB

4. Undetermined coefficients, example 2.mp4

17.1 MB

4. Undetermined coefficients, example 2.vtt

18.0 KB

5. Undetermined coefficients, example 3.mp4

17.5 MB

5. Undetermined coefficients, example 3.vtt

18.5 KB

6. Undetermined coefficients, example 4.mp4

16.3 MB

6. Undetermined coefficients, example 4.vtt

20.4 KB

7. Undetermined coefficients.html

0.1 KB

8. Variation of parameters, system of equations.html

4.2 KB

8.1 Variation of parameters, system of equations.pdf.pdf

506.0 KB

9. Variation of parameters, system of equations.mp4

22.0 MB

9. Variation of parameters, system of equations.vtt

24.2 KB

/49. Differential Equations - Laplace transforms/

1. Introduction to laplace transforms.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Laplace transforms using the definition.pdf.pdf

399.1 KB

1.2 Laplace transforms using the table.pdf.pdf

397.5 KB

2. Laplace transforms using the table.html

0.5 KB

2.1 Laplace transforms using the table.pdf.pdf

407.6 KB

3. Laplace transforms using the table.mp4

3.9 MB

3. Laplace transforms using the table.vtt

5.2 KB

4. Laplace transforms using the table.html

0.1 KB

5. Laplace transforms using the definition.html

0.8 KB

5.1 Laplace transforms using the definition.pdf.pdf

411.2 KB

6. Laplace transforms using the definition.mp4

15.4 MB

6. Laplace transforms using the definition.vtt

17.3 KB

7. Laplace transforms using the definition.html

0.1 KB

/5. Partial Derivatives - Cylinders and quadric surfaces/

1. Introduction to cylinders and quadric surfaces.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Reducing equations to standard form.pdf.pdf

376.4 KB

1.2 Sketching the surface.pdf.pdf

945.6 KB

2. Reference chart for cylinders and quadric surfaces.html

0.1 KB

2.1 Cylinders and quadric surfaces.pdf.pdf

565.2 KB

3. Reducing equations to standard form.mp4

16.6 MB

3. Reducing equations to standard form.vtt

19.7 KB

4. Reducing equations to standard form.html

0.1 KB

5. Sketching the surface.mp4

10.9 MB

5. Sketching the surface.vtt

10.4 KB

6. Sketching the surface.html

0.1 KB

7. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

7.1 Workbook.cylinders and quadric surfaces.pdf.pdf

2.3 MB

7.2 Workbook.cylinders and quadric

2.4 MB

/50. Differential Equations - Methods of Laplace transforms/

1. Introduction to methods of laplace transforms.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Inverse Laplace transforms.pdf.pdf

385.3 KB

1.2 Laplace transforms and initial value problems.pdf.pdf

411.8 KB

1.3 Laplace transforms and integration by parts.pdf.pdf

440.3 KB

2. Laplace transforms and initial value problems.html

1.8 KB

2.1 Laplace transforms initial value problems.pdf.pdf

438.7 KB

3. Laplace transforms and initial value problems.mp4

19.3 MB

3. Laplace transforms and initial value problems.vtt

20.3 KB

4. Laplace transforms and initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

5. Laplace transforms and integration by parts.mp4

28.7 MB

5. Laplace transforms and integration by parts.vtt

29.9 KB

6. Laplace transforms and integration by parts.html

0.1 KB

7. Inverse Laplace transforms.html

0.8 KB

7.1 Inverse Laplace transforms.pdf.pdf

413.8 KB

8. Inverse Laplace transforms.mp4

10.9 MB

8. Inverse Laplace transforms.vtt

14.4 KB

9. Inverse Laplace transforms.html

0.1 KB

/51. Differential Equations - Advanced Laplace transforms/

1. Introduction to advanced laplace transforms.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Convolution integrals and initial value problems.pdf.pdf

4.0 MB

2. Convolution integrals and initial value problems.html

1.6 KB

2.1 Convolution integrals and initial value problems.pdf.pdf

456.0 KB

3. Convolution integrals and initial value problems.mp4

29.1 MB

3. Convolution integrals and initial value problems.vtt

18.3 KB

4. Convolution integrals and initial value problems.html

0.1 KB

/52. Final exam and wrap-up/

1. Calculus 3 final exam.html

0.9 KB

1.1 Calculus 3.Final Exam.pdf.pdf

705.8 KB

1.2 Calculus 3.Final Exam.Solutions.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

2. Wrap-up.mp4

5.6 MB

2. Wrap-up.vtt

0.3 KB

/6. Partial Derivatives - Limits and continuity/

1. Introduction to limits and continuity.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Limit of a multivariable function.pdf.pdf

366.7 KB

1.2 Domain of a multivariable function.pdf.pdf

372.1 KB

1.3 Discontinuities of multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

368.8 KB

1.4 Compositions of multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

379.6 KB

1.5 Precise definition of the limit for multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

10. Discontinuities of multivariable functions.html

0.1 KB

11. Compositions of multivariable functions.mp4

16.8 MB

11. Compositions of multivariable functions.vtt

10.0 KB

12. Compositions of multivariable functions.html

0.1 KB

13. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

13.1 Workbook.limits and continuity.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

13.2 Workbook.limits and

1.4 MB

2. Domain of a multivariable function.mp4

7.6 MB

2. Domain of a multivariable function.vtt

7.3 KB

3. Domain of a multivariable function, example 2.mp4

5.3 MB

3. Domain of a multivariable function, example 2.vtt

6.8 KB

4. Domain of a multivariable function.html

0.1 KB

5. Limit of a multivariable function.mp4

9.1 MB

5. Limit of a multivariable function.vtt

9.3 KB

6. Limit of a multivariable function.html

0.1 KB

7. Precise definition of the limit for multivariable functions.mp4

57.3 MB

7. Precise definition of the limit for multivariable functions.vtt

45.3 KB

8. Precise definition of the limit for multivariable functions.html

0.1 KB

9. Discontinuities of multivariable functions.mp4

5.5 MB

9. Discontinuities of multivariable functions.vtt

5.6 KB

/7. Partial Derivatives - Partial derivatives/

1. Introduction to partial derivatives.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Higher order partial derivatives.pdf.pdf

385.4 KB

1.2 Partial derivatives in two variables.pdf.pdf

379.3 KB

1.3 Partial derivatives in three or more variables.pdf.pdf

386.1 KB

10. Higher order partial derivatives.html

0.1 KB

11. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

11.1 Workbook.partial derivatives.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

11.2 Workbook.partial

1.6 MB

2. Partial derivatives in two variables.html

1.3 KB

2.1 Partial derivatives in two variables.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

3. Partial derivatives in two variables.mp4

6.3 MB

3. Partial derivatives in two variables.vtt

10.7 KB

4. Partial derivatives in two variables.html

0.1 KB

5. Partial derivatives in three or more variables.html

1.0 KB

5.1 Partial derivatives in three or more variables.pdf.pdf

651.0 KB

6. Partial derivatives in three or more variables.mp4

5.1 MB

6. Partial derivatives in three or more variables.vtt

8.7 KB

7. Partial derivatives in three or more variables.html

0.1 KB

8. Higher order partial derivatives.html

1.0 KB

8.1 Higher order partial derivatives.pdf.pdf

901.4 KB

9. Higher order partial derivatives.mp4

5.3 MB

9. Higher order partial derivatives.vtt

8.4 KB

/8. Partial Derivatives - Differentials/

1. Introduction to differentials.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Differential of a multivariable function.pdf.pdf

381.7 KB

2. Differential of a multivariable function.html

0.3 KB

2.1 Differential of the function.pdf.pdf

646.2 KB

3. Differential of a multivariable function.mp4

5.9 MB

3. Differential of a multivariable function.vtt

4.9 KB

4. Differential of a multivariable function.html

0.1 KB

5. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB


1.4 MB

5.2 Workbook.differentials.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

/9. Partial Derivatives - Chain rule/

1. Introduction to chain rule.html

0.8 KB

1.1 Chain rule for multivariable functions.pdf.pdf

383.8 KB

2. Chain rule for multivariable functions.html

1.4 KB

2.1 Chain rule.pdf.pdf

2.6 MB

3. Chain rule for multivariable functions.mp4

19.2 MB

3. Chain rule for multivariable functions.vtt

23.3 KB

4. Chain rule for multivariable functions, tree diagram.mp4

9.6 MB

4. Chain rule for multivariable functions, tree diagram.vtt

12.9 KB

5. Chain rule for multivariable functions and tree diagrams.html

0.1 KB

6. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

6.1 Workbook.chain

1.2 MB

6.2 Workbook.chain rule.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB



0.1 KB


Total files 1067

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