
Download [] Udemy - The Complete front end web developer Bootcamp - 14 projects

FreeCourseLab com Udemy The Complete front end web developer Bootcamp 14 projects


[] Udemy - The Complete front end web developer Bootcamp - 14 projects

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/1. Introduction, getting the development tools and basics of HTML/

1. A quick look at projects that we will build in this course.mp4

59.2 MB

1. A quick look at projects that we will build in this course.vtt

14.7 KB

2. Introduction to the front end development course.mp4

27.9 MB

2. Introduction to the front end development course.vtt

12.7 KB

3. A personal talk.mp4

14.4 MB

3. A personal talk.vtt

5.8 KB

4. Collecting and installing developer tools.mp4

45.0 MB

4. Collecting and installing developer tools.vtt

16.5 KB

5. Structuring the files and creating first file.mp4

24.6 MB

5. Structuring the files and creating first file.vtt

11.9 KB

6. Text tags.mp4

39.5 MB

6. Text tags.vtt

15.2 KB

7. list items.mp4

19.1 MB

7. list items.vtt

9.1 KB

8. Ending with challenge and solution.mp4

17.0 MB

8. Ending with challenge and solution.vtt

8.2 KB

9. Get Your Exercise files here.html

0.1 KB


29.6 MB

/10. Grabbing the tools to learn and write Javascript/

1. Important note before we move on to javascript.mp4

14.2 MB

1. Important note before we move on to javascript.vtt

5.3 KB

2. Getting the tools ready for javascript.mp4

21.0 MB

2. Getting the tools ready for javascript.vtt

10.2 KB

/11. Javascript - Basic concept, variables, operations and best practice/

1. Where to put Javascript.mp4

16.3 MB

1. Where to put Javascript.vtt

8.7 KB

2. Getting rid of popups.mp4

14.0 MB

2. Getting rid of popups.vtt

8.4 KB

3. Some basic concepts for JS.mp4

14.3 MB

3. Some basic concepts for JS.vtt

10.0 KB

4. Comments for unit testing.mp4

8.9 MB

4. Comments for unit testing.vtt

5.8 KB

5. Variables - Naming, syntax and problems.mp4

14.5 MB

5. Variables - Naming, syntax and problems.vtt

10.5 KB

6. Operations on variables.mp4

21.0 MB

6. Operations on variables.vtt

13.2 KB

7. A talk on datatypes.mp4

23.9 MB

7. A talk on datatypes.vtt

16.5 KB

/12. Javascript - conditionals and functions/

1. Conditionals and comparisions.mp4

22.0 MB

1. Conditionals and comparisions.vtt

14.3 KB

2. Switch and case in JS.mp4

17.9 MB

2. Switch and case in JS.vtt

10.5 KB

3. For and For In loop in JS.mp4

17.5 MB

3. For and For In loop in JS.vtt

11.5 KB

4. While and Do While loop in JS.mp4

10.0 MB

4. While and Do While loop in JS.vtt

6.6 KB

5. Break and continue in JS.mp4

7.4 MB

5. Break and continue in JS.vtt

4.5 KB

6. Functions in JS.mp4

13.9 MB

6. Functions in JS.vtt

9.1 KB

7. Global and local variables in JS.mp4

9.2 MB

7. Global and local variables in JS.vtt

5.9 KB

8. Objects - Usage and Declaration.mp4

14.8 MB

8. Objects - Usage and Declaration.vtt

9.6 KB

9. Binding functions to events.mp4

12.0 MB

9. Binding functions to events.vtt

7.9 KB

/13. Javascript - Exceptions, Hoisting and regular expressions/

1. Catching from exception using try catch.mp4

22.1 MB

1. Catching from exception using try catch.vtt

13.2 KB

2. String in built methods.mp4

15.1 MB

2. String in built methods.vtt

8.4 KB

3. Numbers InBuilt methods.mp4

13.4 MB

3. Numbers InBuilt methods.vtt

8.4 KB

4. Hoisting and strict.js overview.mp4

14.6 MB

4. Hoisting and strict.js overview.vtt

9.0 KB

5. regular expression Usage in JS.mp4

14.7 MB

5. regular expression Usage in JS.vtt

9.1 KB

/14. Javascript - functions and closures/

1. Function basics.mp4

14.8 MB

1. Function basics.vtt

10.2 KB

2. Declaring a function.mp4

11.2 MB

2. Declaring a function.vtt

7.8 KB

3. calling a function.mp4

12.7 MB

3. calling a function.vtt

8.0 KB

4. Using a function as an object.mp4

18.6 MB

4. Using a function as an object.vtt

12.6 KB

5. Object creation using a function.mp4

12.3 MB

5. Object creation using a function.vtt

8.1 KB

6. Prototyping a function.mp4

9.7 MB

6. Prototyping a function.vtt

5.9 KB

7. Multiple arguments and CALL and APPLY in JS.mp4

21.1 MB

7. Multiple arguments and CALL and APPLY in JS.vtt

14.6 KB

8. Closure in function.mp4

14.4 MB

8. Closure in function.vtt

10.2 KB

/15. Javascript - implementing codes to get content of HTML and change CSS properties/

1. Clearing DOM and NODES concept.mp4

16.9 MB

1. Clearing DOM and NODES concept.vtt

8.8 KB

2. DOM accessing elements.mp4

13.5 MB

2. DOM accessing elements.vtt

8.0 KB

3. creating new nodes using DOM.mp4

15.7 MB

3. creating new nodes using DOM.vtt

10.2 KB

4. Grabbing form content in JS.mp4

9.8 MB

4. Grabbing form content in JS.vtt

5.5 KB

5. Changing CSS properties using JS.mp4

11.9 MB

5. Changing CSS properties using JS.vtt

6.4 KB

6. Binding on Mouse events.mp4

21.2 MB

6. Binding on Mouse events.vtt

12.4 KB

7. Impressive JS resource for future.mp4

18.0 MB

7. Impressive JS resource for future.vtt

8.0 KB

/16. Javascript projects to practice/

1. Project - Random Password Gen.mp4

33.1 MB

1. Project - Random Password Gen.vtt

16.7 KB

2. Project - Random Password Gen Styling.mp4

30.6 MB

2. Project - Random Password Gen Styling.vtt

14.5 KB

3. Project - Ticky Clock Styling.mp4

22.6 MB

3. Project - Ticky Clock Styling.vtt

11.5 KB

4. Project - TickyClock javascript.mp4

29.1 MB

4. Project - TickyClock javascript.vtt

14.8 KB

/17. Moving on to learn Jquery - Selectors and events/

1. Are we on the same page to start Jquery.mp4

8.9 MB

1. Are we on the same page to start Jquery.vtt

3.9 KB

2. Creating Sample exercise files.mp4

15.2 MB

2. Creating Sample exercise files.vtt

8.5 KB

3. Your first Jquery code in action.mp4

20.2 MB

3. Your first Jquery code in action.vtt

12.7 KB

4. Basics of Selectors in Jquery.mp4

11.8 MB

4. Basics of Selectors in Jquery.vtt

7.3 KB

5. Basics of events in Jquery.mp4

14.1 MB

5. Basics of events in Jquery.vtt

9.5 KB

/18. Actions in Jquery - fading, animations and callback functions/

1. hiding and showing images.mp4

17.5 MB

1. hiding and showing images.vtt

9.3 KB

2. fading out in Jquery.mp4

15.1 MB

2. fading out in Jquery.vtt

7.8 KB

3. Slides and Animations in Jquery.mp4

14.8 MB

3. Slides and Animations in Jquery.vtt

9.0 KB

4. Callbacks and chaining in Jquery.mp4

16.4 MB

4. Callbacks and chaining in Jquery.vtt

10.0 KB

/19. projects in Jquery and using JS plugins/

1. Getting the HTML, text and form values.mp4

16.2 MB

1. Getting the HTML, text and form values.vtt

8.7 KB

2. Setting the HTML, text and form values.mp4

26.4 MB

2. Setting the HTML, text and form values.vtt

17.0 KB

3. Toggle CSS Classes with Jquery.mp4

17.1 MB

3. Toggle CSS Classes with Jquery.vtt

9.2 KB

4. Project - Image Slider part 1.mp4

38.6 MB

4. Project - Image Slider part 1.vtt

15.6 KB

5. Project - Image Slider part 2.mp4

29.7 MB

5. Project - Image Slider part 2.vtt

8.7 KB

6. TypeAhead and CSS challenge.mp4

43.7 MB

6. TypeAhead and CSS challenge.vtt

18.0 KB

/2. Div, tables and Forms with Challenge to create FB page/

1. Divisions and Spans.mp4

14.1 MB

1. Divisions and Spans.vtt

6.5 KB

2. Images and links.mp4

47.1 MB

2. Images and links.vtt

13.7 KB

3. Challenge for links in images and solution.mp4

32.0 MB

3. Challenge for links in images and solution.vtt

12.4 KB

4. Tables in HTML.mp4

25.1 MB

4. Tables in HTML.vtt

10.8 KB

5. Basic forms.mp4

17.8 MB

5. Basic forms.vtt

9.7 KB

6. More about forms in HTML.mp4

17.9 MB

6. More about forms in HTML.vtt

8.8 KB

7. Challenge to create a facebook login page and solution.mp4

33.9 MB

7. Challenge to create a facebook login page and solution.vtt

14.8 KB

/20. Farewell and a gift/

1. Farewell and a gift.mp4

30.1 MB

1. Farewell and a gift.vtt

8.7 KB

/21. Bonus TODO project in JS and web hosting details/

1. Bonus - Todo project and hosting basics.mp4

31.3 MB

1. Bonus - Todo project and hosting basics.vtt

13.3 KB

2. Adding styles to TODO project.mp4

29.3 MB

2. Adding styles to TODO project.vtt

10.9 KB

3. Javascript for working of todo.mp4

37.3 MB

3. Javascript for working of todo.vtt

20.5 KB

4. Web hosting as quick as possible.mp4

29.2 MB

4. Web hosting as quick as possible.vtt

9.5 KB

/22. BONUS updates - FUN projects and tips/

1. Happy Independence day project in particlesjs.mp4

127.7 MB

1. Happy Independence day project in particlesjs.vtt

27.9 KB

2. How to upload your website on live server.mp4

59.8 MB

2. How to upload your website on live server.vtt

18.4 KB

/3. HTML 5 semantics and adding audio, video and YouTube to web page/

1. Introducing HTML 5.mp4

37.0 MB

1. Introducing HTML 5.vtt

7.8 KB

2. Comparing HTML 4 semantics with HTML 5.mp4

25.1 MB

2. Comparing HTML 4 semantics with HTML 5.vtt

10.6 KB

3. Adding Videos, audios and YouTube Videos.mp4

30.7 MB

3. Adding Videos, audios and YouTube Videos.vtt

12.8 KB

/4. CSS - Box model, color selection, Google Fonts and Font Awesome integration/

1. Introduction to CSS and where to write it.mp4

49.7 MB

1. Introduction to CSS and where to write it.vtt

15.1 KB

2. Solving the color selection problem.mp4

29.6 MB

2. Solving the color selection problem.vtt

11.0 KB

3. Coming soon Template and box model.mp4

54.0 MB

3. Coming soon Template and box model.vtt

14.6 KB

4. Box model and centering text.mp4

47.4 MB

4. Box model and centering text.vtt

11.1 KB

5. Google fonts and Font awesome integration.mp4

82.6 MB

5. Google fonts and Font awesome integration.vtt

16.6 KB

/5. Web development projects - GYM and Sushi Restro Templates/

1. Project - GYM coming soon Part -1.mp4

53.8 MB

1. Project - GYM coming soon Part -1.vtt

11.0 KB

2. Project GYM coming soon Part - 2.mp4

92.3 MB

2. Project GYM coming soon Part - 2.vtt

13.4 KB

3. Project - Sushi Restro coming soon with Video Part - 1.mp4

62.6 MB

3. Project - Sushi Restro coming soon with Video Part - 1.vtt

13.5 KB

4. Project - Sushi Restro coming soon with Video Part - 2.mp4

108.5 MB

4. Project - Sushi Restro coming soon with Video Part - 2.vtt

13.7 KB

/6. CSS - classes, ID's, parallax and project to edit template/

1. Styling the links.mp4

39.2 MB

1. Styling the links.vtt

15.7 KB

2. Classes and ID in CSS.mp4

25.3 MB

2. Classes and ID in CSS.vtt

11.2 KB

3. Designing a navigation bar from scratch.mp4

45.2 MB

3. Designing a navigation bar from scratch.vtt

17.7 KB

4. Color palettes and canva for design.mp4

35.5 MB

4. Color palettes and canva for design.vtt

10.9 KB

5. Adding parallax part 1.mp4

30.4 MB

5. Adding parallax part 1.vtt

9.7 KB

6. Adding parallax part 2.mp4

42.8 MB

6. Adding parallax part 2.vtt

8.5 KB

7. Project - Learn to edit templates part 1.mp4

69.9 MB

7. Project - Learn to edit templates part 1.vtt

16.8 KB

8. Project - learnt to edit templates part 2.mp4

77.3 MB

8. Project - learnt to edit templates part 2.vtt

19.8 KB

9. Project - Challenge to edit a template.mp4

30.6 MB

9. Project - Challenge to edit a template.vtt

8.4 KB

/7. CSS - box sizing, gradients and TODO list project/

1. Gradients in CSS.mp4

26.9 MB

1. Gradients in CSS.vtt

12.8 KB

2. Check through CSS.mp4

16.4 MB

2. Check through CSS.vtt

16.4 MB

3. Box sizing in CSS.mp4

15.5 MB

3. Box sizing in CSS.vtt

7.4 KB

4. Project - TODO list APP part 1.mp4

21.2 MB

4. Project - TODO list APP part 1.vtt

10.9 KB

5. Project - Todo List APP part 2.mp4

32.2 MB

5. Project - Todo List APP part 2.vtt

14.0 KB

6. Project - Todo List App part 3.mp4

38.4 MB

6. Project - Todo List App part 3.vtt

13.2 KB

/8. Getting started with Bootstrap - Tour and creating landing page project/

1. Introduction to Bootstrap.mp4

37.1 MB

1. Introduction to Bootstrap.vtt

8.1 KB

10. Project - adding facebook and twitter logins.mp4

40.1 MB

10. Project - adding facebook and twitter logins.vtt

15.3 KB

2. Creating first bootstrap file structure.mp4

35.6 MB

2. Creating first bootstrap file structure.vtt

10.8 KB

3. Overview of bootstrap working.mp4

30.2 MB

3. Overview of bootstrap working.vtt

9.3 KB

4. Understanding the grid system.mp4

53.7 MB

4. Understanding the grid system.vtt

16.6 KB

5. Tour to CSS part of the bootstrap.mp4

23.8 MB

5. Tour to CSS part of the bootstrap.vtt

6.9 KB

6. Tour to Components part of bootstrap.mp4

31.4 MB

6. Tour to Components part of bootstrap.vtt

7.9 KB

7. Javascript components and layoutIt website builder.mp4

32.5 MB

7. Javascript components and layoutIt website builder.vtt

7.5 KB

8. Project - responsive landing page part - 1.mp4

47.1 MB

8. Project - responsive landing page part - 1.vtt

17.3 KB

9. Project - responsive landing page part - 2.mp4

55.4 MB

9. Project - responsive landing page part - 2.vtt

16.8 KB

/9. Project - Pokemon Corporate site, yahoo selling page and Admin Dashboard/

1. Project pokemon Company adding navigations.mp4

44.8 MB

1. Project pokemon Company adding navigations.vtt

19.2 KB

10. Project AdminDashboard - adding main content.mp4

28.4 MB

10. Project AdminDashboard - adding main content.vtt

13.2 KB

11. Project AdminDashboard - complete.mp4

29.5 MB

11. Project AdminDashboard - complete.vtt

9.7 KB

2. Project pokemon - adding slider.mp4

51.9 MB

2. Project pokemon - adding slider.vtt

19.1 KB

3. Project pokemon - adding team section.mp4

35.0 MB

3. Project pokemon - adding team section.vtt

13.0 KB

4. Project Pokemon - adding content section.mp4

61.0 MB

4. Project Pokemon - adding content section.vtt

17.2 KB

5. Project Pokemon - footer and animations.mp4

41.7 MB

5. Project Pokemon - footer and animations.vtt

12.0 KB

6. Yahoo Selling page - navbars.mp4

30.0 MB

6. Yahoo Selling page - navbars.vtt

15.8 KB

7. Yahoo Selling page - complete.mp4

29.1 MB

7. Yahoo Selling page - complete.vtt

11.9 KB

8. Project AdminDashboard - adding navbars.mp4

50.6 MB

8. Project AdminDashboard - adding navbars.vtt

16.1 KB

9. Project AdminDashboard - adding left dashboard.mp4

28.5 MB

9. Project AdminDashboard - adding left dashboard.vtt

13.8 KB



0.1 KB


Total files 257

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