
Download [] Udemy - The complete React Native course ( 2nd edition )

FreeCourseLab com Udemy The complete React Native course 2nd edition


[] Udemy - The complete React Native course ( 2nd edition )

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29.9 GB

Total Files




/1. Intro/

1. Introduction.mp4

4.3 MB

1. Introduction.vtt

1.7 KB

2. What is React Native .mp4

15.2 MB

2. What is React Native .vtt

7.0 KB

3. Starting with RN.mp4

109.1 MB

3. Starting with RN.vtt

12.0 KB

4. Installing tools ( MAC USERS ).mp4

100.2 MB

4. Installing tools ( MAC USERS ).vtt

100.2 MB

5. Installing tools ( WINDOWS USERS ).mp4

83.3 MB

5. Installing tools ( WINDOWS USERS ).vtt

9.7 KB

6. Installing ANDROID STUDIO ( Mac and Win users ).mp4

114.2 MB

6. Installing ANDROID STUDIO ( Mac and Win users ).vtt

10.8 KB

/10. React [ optional ] - Basics/

1. Installing Node and creating an App.mp4

86.4 MB

1. Installing Node and creating an App.vtt

16.6 KB

10. Starting with props.mp4

70.8 MB

10. Starting with props.vtt

14.0 KB


1.2 KB

11. Starting with props...continued.mp4

105.9 MB

11. Starting with props...continued.vtt

18.0 KB

12. Props to a Class.mp4

43.9 MB

12. Props to a Class.vtt

8.1 KB

13. React children.mp4

25.5 MB

13. React children.vtt

4.8 KB

14. More with styles.mp4

54.6 MB

14. More with styles.vtt

9.6 KB

15. Styles plugins.mp4

58.9 MB

15. Styles plugins.vtt

8.8 KB

16. Filter the news.mp4

141.4 MB

16. Filter the news.vtt

21.0 KB


154.9 KB

2. The bundle.mp4

47.6 MB

2. The bundle.vtt

8.4 KB

3. Starting to code !!.mp4

57.1 MB

3. Starting to code !!.vtt

12.5 KB

4. JSX Behind the scenes.mp4

66.7 MB

4. JSX Behind the scenes.vtt

12.1 KB

5. Importing components.mp4

54.4 MB

5. Importing components.vtt

11.2 KB

6. Types of components.mp4

37.8 MB

6. Types of components.vtt

7.1 KB

7. Adding styles.mp4

86.8 MB

7. Adding styles.vtt

13.4 KB

8. Events.mp4

90.4 MB

8. Events.vtt

15.9 KB

9. State.mp4

108.2 MB

9. State.vtt

108.2 MB

/11. React [ optional ] - Routes/

1. Installing Router.mp4

39.6 MB

1. Installing Router.vtt

8.1 KB

2. How it works and creating components.mp4

38.9 MB

2. How it works and creating components.vtt

10.0 KB

3. Using routes.mp4

46.3 MB

3. Using routes.vtt

8.7 KB

4. Linking.mp4

84.0 MB

4. Linking.vtt

14.4 KB

5. Working with params.mp4

55.7 MB

5. Working with params.vtt

9.1 KB

6. Other features from React Router.mp4

75.1 MB

6. Other features from React Router.vtt

9.8 KB

7. Switch.mp4

36.0 MB

7. Switch.vtt

5.1 KB

8. Redirections.mp4

60.5 MB

8. Redirections.vtt

9.0 KB

9. 404 and withRouter.mp4

88.3 MB

9. 404 and withRouter.vtt

12.4 KB


153.6 KB

/12. React intermediate [ optional ] - Intermediate/

1. Component lifecycles.mp4

55.5 MB

1. Component lifecycles.vtt

9.4 KB

2. Component lifecycles 2.mp4

181.1 MB

2. Component lifecycles 2.vtt

24.9 KB


153.9 KB

3. Conditional rendering.mp4

81.5 MB

3. Conditional rendering.vtt

81.5 MB

4. Pure components.mp4

69.8 MB

4. Pure components.vtt

12.0 KB

5. Adjacent elements.mp4

46.1 MB

5. Adjacent elements.vtt

7.9 KB

6. Hoc's ( High order components ).mp4

72.4 MB

6. Hoc's ( High order components ).vtt

12.3 KB

7. Hoc's ...continued.mp4

101.4 MB

7. Hoc's ...continued.vtt

17.9 KB


156.4 KB

/13. React [ optional ] - Transitions/

1. Using transitions.mp4

126.9 MB

1. Using transitions.vtt

24.4 KB


153.1 KB

2. Using transitions....continued.mp4

76.3 MB

2. Using transitions....continued.vtt

12.9 KB

3. CSS Transitions.mp4

105.0 MB

3. CSS Transitions.vtt

16.6 KB

4. Transition group.mp4

138.2 MB

4. Transition group.vtt

21.3 KB


153.5 KB

/14. React [ optional ] - More on react/

1. Proptypes.mp4

74.4 MB

1. Proptypes.vtt

15.0 KB

2. Proptypes...continued.mp4

69.1 MB

2. Proptypes...continued.vtt

11.3 KB

3. Controlled components.mp4

62.1 MB

3. Controlled components.vtt

12.0 KB


152.3 KB

/15. React [ optional ] - Redux/

1. Redux introduction.mp4

51.4 MB

1. Redux introduction.vtt

12.4 KB

10. Using middleware.mp4

66.9 MB

10. Using middleware.vtt

10.9 KB


152.5 KB

11. Redux practice - Creating the project.mp4

62.1 MB

11. Redux practice - Creating the project.vtt

9.8 KB


4.8 MB

12. Redux practice - routes and redux.mp4

112.9 MB

12. Redux practice - routes and redux.vtt

23.3 KB

13. Redux practice - Home.mp4

135.6 MB

13. Redux practice - Home.vtt

22.9 KB

14. Redux practice - Filter the home list.mp4

55.3 MB

14. Redux practice - Filter the home list.vtt

8.8 KB

15. Redux practice - Artist section.mp4

159.7 MB

15. Redux practice - Artist section.vtt

22.0 KB

16. Redux practice - Clearing artist data.mp4

42.6 MB

16. Redux practice - Clearing artist data.vtt

5.6 KB


4.9 MB

2. Creating the store.mp4

44.4 MB

2. Creating the store.vtt

10.9 KB

3. The Redux flow.mp4

29.7 MB

3. The Redux flow.vtt

7.9 KB

4. Combining reducers.mp4

44.6 MB

4. Combining reducers.vtt

9.5 KB

5. Creating a valid reducer.mp4

50.1 MB

5. Creating a valid reducer.vtt

10.9 KB

6. Creating actions.mp4

27.9 MB

6. Creating actions.vtt

7.2 KB

7. map-state-to-props and connect.mp4

94.1 MB

7. map-state-to-props and connect.vtt

17.1 KB

8. Map-dispatch-to-props.mp4

46.2 MB

8. Map-dispatch-to-props.vtt

7.6 KB

9. Types.mp4

51.8 MB

9. Types.vtt

10.5 KB

/16. React [ optional ] - Hooks/

1. Introduction to Hooks.mp4

12.7 MB

1. Introduction to Hooks.vtt

2.8 KB

2. The useState Hook.mp4

86.0 MB

2. The useState Hook.vtt

20.4 KB

3. The useState Hook ....continued.mp4

104.0 MB

3. The useState Hook ....continued.vtt

19.2 KB

4. The useEffect Hook.mp4

119.9 MB

4. The useEffect Hook.vtt

22.9 KB

5. The useReducer Hook.mp4

93.0 MB

5. The useReducer Hook.vtt

17.3 KB

6. Preparing the app with Context.mp4

65.1 MB

6. Preparing the app with Context.vtt

13.9 KB

7. Context and useContext.mp4

115.0 MB

7. Context and useContext.vtt

20.9 KB


153.8 KB

/17. Introduction ( LEGACY )/

1. Project overview.mp4

42.7 MB

1. Project overview.vtt

3.6 KB

1.1 rn-github.js.js

0.1 KB

10. IOS simulator - MAC users only.mp4

119.2 MB

10. IOS simulator - MAC users only.vtt

10.4 KB

11. Get the code from GitHub.html

0.1 KB

2. Installing Node JS.mp4

33.0 MB

2. Installing Node JS.vtt

2.8 KB

3. IDE.mp4

29.6 MB

3. IDE.vtt

3.1 KB

4. Installing the CLI - MAC users.mp4

68.4 MB

4. Installing the CLI - MAC users.vtt

7.1 KB

5. installing the CLI - WINDOWS users.mp4

42.2 MB

5. installing the CLI - WINDOWS users.vtt

6.2 KB

6. Using EXPO.mp4

151.5 MB

6. Using EXPO.vtt

151.5 MB

7. Ejecting the App.mp4

42.0 MB

7. Ejecting the App.vtt

4.9 KB

8. Running the ANDROID simulator - WINDOWS and MAC users.mp4

303.8 MB

8. Running the ANDROID simulator - WINDOWS and MAC users.vtt

25.6 KB

8.1 locations.js.js

0.3 KB

9. Environment variables - WINDOWS users only.mp4

85.3 MB

9. Environment variables - WINDOWS users only.vtt

6.0 KB

/18. The basics ( LEGACY )/

1. Starting with react native.mp4

225.2 MB

1. Starting with react native.vtt

20.4 KB

10. Activity indicator.mp4

6.9 MB

10. Activity indicator.vtt

4.0 KB

11. Adding images.mp4

29.5 MB

11. Adding images.vtt

8.8 KB

12. Modals.mp4

20.2 MB

12. Modals.vtt

11.5 KB

13. Get the code from GitHub.html

0.1 KB

2. Styles and views.mp4

22.5 MB

2. Styles and views.vtt

9.5 KB

3. Custom components and state.mp4

21.7 MB

3. Custom components and state.vtt

13.2 KB

4. Touch events.mp4

32.6 MB

4. Touch events.vtt

21.5 KB

5. Touch events continued....mp4

12.6 MB

5. Touch events continued....vtt

8.1 KB

6. Text Inputs.mp4

53.8 MB

6. Text Inputs.vtt

19.4 KB

7. Using buttons.mp4

29.6 MB

7. Using buttons.vtt

10.2 KB

8. Scrollview.mp4

31.2 MB

8. Scrollview.vtt

10.8 KB

9. Picker and slider.mp4

50.4 MB

9. Picker and slider.vtt

18.4 KB

/19. Routing ( LEGACY )/

1. Introduction.mp4

13.0 MB

1. Introduction.vtt

6.5 KB

2. Default React Navigation.mp4

38.8 MB

2. Default React Navigation.vtt

20.2 KB

3. RNN - (3rd lib) - install.mp4

39.6 MB

3. RNN - (3rd lib) - install.vtt

23.5 KB

4. RNN - Single screen app.mp4

33.9 MB

4. RNN - Single screen app.vtt

21.9 KB

5. RNN- Tab base app.mp4

29.8 MB

5. RNN- Tab base app.vtt

18.7 KB

6. RNN - Sidedrawer.mp4

40.8 MB

6. RNN - Sidedrawer.vtt

26.9 KB

7. RNN - Navigator style.mp4

10.0 MB

7. RNN - Navigator style.vtt

5.7 KB

/2. Running apps on simulators/

1. Running on Expo.mp4

95.5 MB

1. Running on Expo.vtt

14.8 KB

2. Ejecting expo apps.mp4

44.0 MB

2. Ejecting expo apps.vtt

7.0 KB

3. Running Android simulator ( WIN and MAC users ).mp4

184.3 MB

3. Running Android simulator ( WIN and MAC users ).vtt

24.4 KB

4. Windows environment variables ( WIN users ).mp4

29.3 MB

4. Windows environment variables ( WIN users ).vtt

3.6 KB

5. Running IOS simulator ( MAC users ).mp4

44.2 MB

5. Running IOS simulator ( MAC users ).vtt

4.8 KB

/20. Deep dive into React Native ( LEGACY )/

1. Working with the camera and library.mp4

30.1 MB

1. Working with the camera and library.vtt

17.3 KB

10. More on styles and reusable components.mp4

39.8 MB

10. More on styles and reusable components.vtt

15.3 KB

11. The patform.mp4

30.8 MB

11. The patform.vtt

19.1 KB

12. Dimensions.mp4

27.0 MB

12. Dimensions.vtt

16.2 KB

2. Using Image picker.mp4

41.1 MB

2. Using Image picker.vtt

24.2 KB

3. React native contacts.mp4

31.9 MB

3. React native contacts.vtt

17.2 KB

4. Using contacts.mp4

89.0 MB

4. Using contacts.vtt

25.4 KB

5. RN vector icons.mp4

65.3 MB

5. RN vector icons.vtt

15.9 KB

6. Using RN vector icons.mp4

54.7 MB

6. Using RN vector icons.vtt

16.1 KB

7. Icons imagesources.mp4

29.6 MB

7. Icons imagesources.vtt

16.3 KB

8. Debugging.mp4

30.2 MB

8. Debugging.vtt

8.3 KB

9. Get the code from GitHub.html

0.1 KB

/21. Animations ( LEGACY )/

1. Creating animations with RN.mp4

27.4 MB

1. Creating animations with RN.vtt

17.7 KB

2. Creating animations with RN.mp4

21.2 MB

2. Creating animations with RN.vtt

13.2 KB

3. interpolation.mp4

20.9 MB

3. interpolation.vtt

10.1 KB

4. Text animations.mp4

12.1 MB

4. Text animations.vtt

5.7 KB

5. Parallel and sequence animations.mp4

34.1 MB

5. Parallel and sequence animations.vtt

14.5 KB

/22. Redux & Firebase ( LEGACY )/

1. Redux intro.mp4

4.8 MB

1. Redux intro.vtt

3.5 KB

10. Login Users.mp4

38.9 MB

10. Login Users.vtt

20.9 KB

11. Refreshing tokens.mp4

25.0 MB

11. Refreshing tokens.vtt

12.6 KB

12. Get the code from GitHub.html

0.1 KB

2. Setting up redux.mp4

22.0 MB

2. Setting up redux.vtt

14.1 KB

3. Dispatching actions.mp4

25.0 MB

3. Dispatching actions.vtt

14.1 KB

4. Firebase.mp4

10.7 MB

4. Firebase.vtt

7.7 KB

5. Storing data.mp4

34.9 MB

5. Storing data.vtt

20.9 KB

6. Storing in redux.mp4

17.6 MB

6. Storing in redux.vtt

9.5 KB

7. Fetching data.mp4

33.5 MB

7. Fetching data.vtt

18.4 KB

8. Update and delete.mp4

20.2 MB

8. Update and delete.vtt

9.9 KB

9. Registering users.mp4

38.2 MB

9. Registering users.vtt

19.8 KB

/23. Sell it App - Practice Project ( LEGACY )/

1. Intro.mp4

14.4 MB

1. Intro.vtt

7.3 KB

10. Creating the Login form.mp4

27.8 MB

10. Creating the Login form.vtt

16.8 KB

11. Creating the Login form...continued.mp4

32.4 MB

11. Creating the Login form...continued.vtt

18.0 KB

12. Adding buttons to the Login.mp4

38.6 MB

12. Adding buttons to the Login.vtt

23.3 KB

13. Adding validation.mp4

38.7 MB

13. Adding validation.vtt

23.1 KB

14. Adding validation 2.mp4

26.0 MB

14. Adding validation 2.vtt

14.8 KB

14.1 regex.js.js

0.2 KB

15. Getting the formData.mp4

40.6 MB

15. Getting the formData.vtt

20.8 KB

16. Using Firebase Authentication.mp4

36.6 MB

16. Using Firebase Authentication.vtt

20.9 KB

16.1 URLS.js.js

0.4 KB

17. Registering and Sign In.mp4

36.9 MB

17. Registering and Sign In.vtt

21.1 KB

17.1 URLS.js.js

0.4 KB

18. Storing the tokens.mp4

44.3 MB

18. Storing the tokens.vtt

24.8 KB

19. Creating an auto Sign In.mp4

35.9 MB

19. Creating an auto Sign In.vtt

18.0 KB

2. Creating the project.mp4

8.1 MB

2. Creating the project.vtt

5.2 KB

20. Creating an auto Sign In..continued.mp4

19.4 MB

20. Creating an auto Sign In..continued.vtt

10.7 KB

21. Installing RN- icons.mp4

29.2 MB

21. Installing RN- icons.vtt

14.4 KB

22. Tabs and Side Drawer.mp4

36.9 MB

22. Tabs and Side Drawer.vtt

21.1 KB

23. Tabs and Side Drawer..continued.mp4

43.2 MB

23. Tabs and Side Drawer..continued.vtt

25.9 KB

24. Side Drawer options.mp4

46.3 MB

24. Side Drawer options.vtt

28.4 KB

25. Finishing Side Drawer.mp4

239.9 MB

25. Finishing Side Drawer.vtt

21.3 KB

26. Home horizontal scroll.mp4

272.6 MB

26. Home horizontal scroll.vtt

26.2 KB

27. Finishing horizontal scroll.mp4

179.6 MB

27. Finishing horizontal scroll.vtt

18.2 KB

27.1 x-project-82c38-export.json.json

2.0 KB

28. Fetching articles from HOME.mp4

233.2 MB

28. Fetching articles from HOME.vtt

26.7 KB

29. Fetching articles from HOME 2.mp4

166.9 MB

29. Fetching articles from HOME 2.vtt

17.7 KB

3. React native navigation, setting up.mp4

23.1 MB

3. React native navigation, setting up.vtt

12.5 KB

30. Fetching articles from HOME 3.mp4

251.0 MB

30. Fetching articles from HOME 3.vtt

25.3 KB

31. Finishing HOME.mp4

132.9 MB

31. Finishing HOME.vtt

13.6 KB

32. Creating the article views.mp4

165.4 MB

32. Creating the article views.vtt

14.7 KB

33. Finishing article views.mp4

288.4 MB

33. Finishing article views.vtt

24.8 KB

34. Not allowed view.mp4

238.8 MB

34. Not allowed view.vtt

238.8 MB

35. Add POST view, adding form elements.mp4

254.5 MB

35. Add POST view, adding form elements.vtt

21.6 KB

36. Add POST view, adding form elements 2.mp4

196.0 MB

36. Add POST view, adding form elements 2.vtt

15.7 KB

37. Add POST view, adding form elements 3.mp4

262.3 MB

37. Add POST view, adding form elements 3.vtt

19.0 KB

38. Add POST view, using modals.mp4

312.3 MB

38. Add POST view, using modals.vtt

26.8 KB

39. Add POST view, posting article.mp4

271.5 MB

39. Add POST view, posting article.vtt

22.2 KB

4. Using navigation.mp4

24.0 MB

4. Using navigation.vtt

15.3 KB

40. Add POST view, posting article ..continued.mp4

168.3 MB

40. Add POST view, posting article ..continued.vtt

14.0 KB

41. User POSTS, getting user posts.mp4

279.4 MB

41. User POSTS, getting user posts.vtt

22.5 KB

42. User POSTS, getting user posts..continued.mp4

236.6 MB

42. User POSTS, getting user posts..continued.vtt

19.0 KB

43. User POSTS, deleting posts.mp4

137.4 MB

43. User POSTS, deleting posts.vtt

11.5 KB

44. User POSTS, deleting posts 2.mp4

213.2 MB

44. User POSTS, deleting posts 2.vtt

22.2 KB

45. User POSTS, deleting posts 3.mp4

130.7 MB

45. User POSTS, deleting posts 3.vtt

12.2 KB

46. Launcher icons - ANDROID.mp4

65.5 MB

46. Launcher icons - ANDROID.vtt

6.6 KB


336.0 KB

47. Launcher icons - IOS.mp4

77.4 MB

47. Launcher icons - IOS.vtt

5.7 KB

48. Splash screen - ANDROID.mp4

111.5 MB

48. Splash screen - ANDROID.vtt

11.1 KB

49. Splash screen - IOS.mp4

166.2 MB

49. Splash screen - IOS.vtt

14.4 KB


0.5 KB

5. Adding Tabs.mp4

17.7 MB

5. Adding Tabs.vtt

11.4 KB


12.7 KB

50. Get the code from GitHub.html

0.1 KB

6. Adding Redux.mp4

30.1 MB

6. Adding Redux.vtt

18.1 KB

7. Animating the Logo.mp4

44.3 MB

7. Animating the Logo.vtt

27.6 KB

8. Animating the Logo continued ....mp4

37.1 MB

8. Animating the Logo continued ....vtt

16.1 KB

9. Animating the form.mp4

31.3 MB

9. Animating the form.vtt

17.7 KB

/24. BONUS React for WEB mini course ( LEGACY )/

1. Boilerplate.mp4

36.7 MB

1. Boilerplate.vtt

7.3 KB

10. A little bit more of classes.mp4

53.8 MB

10. A little bit more of classes.vtt

8.8 KB

11. React state.mp4

101.7 MB

11. React state.vtt

13.4 KB

12. Using props.mp4

89.2 MB

12. Using props.vtt

12.6 KB

12.1 db.json.json

1.4 KB

13. Using props 2.mp4

44.0 MB

13. Using props 2.vtt

5.6 KB

14. Using props 3.mp4

75.6 MB

14. Using props 3.vtt

8.3 KB

15. Children props.mp4

49.8 MB

15. Children props.vtt

5.5 KB

16. More on styles.mp4

177.5 MB

16. More on styles.vtt

19.7 KB

17. Using CSS modules.mp4

175.5 MB

17. Using CSS modules.vtt

17.6 KB

18. Filtering state.mp4

190.5 MB

18. Filtering state.vtt

23.3 KB


137.6 KB

19. Routes installing it.mp4

46.7 MB

19. Routes installing it.vtt

8.6 KB

2. Bundle and structure.mp4

65.4 MB

2. Bundle and structure.vtt

9.0 KB

20. Routes Adding routes.mp4

115.0 MB

20. Routes Adding routes.vtt

17.5 KB

21. Routes Linking.mp4

77.1 MB

21. Routes Linking.vtt

10.1 KB

22. Routes Params and URL's.mp4

113.9 MB

22. Routes Params and URL's.vtt

15.6 KB

23. Routes Switch.mp4

55.5 MB

23. Routes Switch.vtt

6.4 KB

24. Routes Redirections.mp4

81.2 MB

24. Routes Redirections.vtt

10.2 KB

25. React Lifecycles.mp4

65.8 MB

25. React Lifecycles.vtt

8.4 KB

26. React Lifecycles ..continued.mp4

137.7 MB

26. React Lifecycles ..continued.vtt

16.5 KB

27. Conditional rendering.mp4

67.0 MB

27. Conditional rendering.vtt

10.1 KB

28. Pure components.mp4

61.6 MB

28. Pure components.vtt

7.0 KB

29. Returning arrays.mp4

70.6 MB

29. Returning arrays.vtt

8.0 KB

3. Rendering.mp4

59.7 MB

3. Rendering.vtt

12.3 KB

30. HOC's.mp4

117.2 MB

30. HOC's.vtt

13.4 KB

31. HOC's ...continued.mp4

90.5 MB

31. HOC's ...continued.vtt

12.6 KB


117.3 KB

32. important...Read this !! i.html

0.2 KB

33. React transitions.mp4

117.4 MB

33. React transitions.vtt

21.9 KB


120.7 KB

34. React transitions 2.mp4

76.9 MB

34. React transitions 2.vtt

11.9 KB

35. CSS transitions.mp4

73.5 MB

35. CSS transitions.vtt

9.9 KB

36. Transition group.mp4

100.6 MB

36. Transition group.vtt

12.3 KB

37. Proptypes.mp4

189.4 MB

37. Proptypes.vtt

22.4 KB

38. Proptypes 2.mp4

49.2 MB

38. Proptypes 2.vtt

5.0 KB

39. Refs.mp4

56.2 MB

39. Refs.vtt

6.4 KB


121.7 KB

4. JSX.mp4

56.0 MB

4. JSX.vtt

8.4 KB

40. Controlled and uncontrolled.mp4

174.1 MB

40. Controlled and uncontrolled.vtt

24.3 KB


118.3 KB

41. Form template.mp4

163.6 MB

41. Form template.vtt

23.5 KB

42. Form template 2.mp4

156.1 MB

42. Form template 2.vtt

18.4 KB

43. Form template 3.mp4

174.0 MB

43. Form template 3.vtt

19.5 KB

44. Adding textarea and select.mp4

121.0 MB

44. Adding textarea and select.vtt

15.4 KB

45. Validation.mp4

178.1 MB

45. Validation.vtt

20.9 KB

46. Validation 2.mp4

163.4 MB

46. Validation 2.vtt

17.6 KB

47. REDUX Installing and connecting.mp4

100.1 MB

47. REDUX Installing and connecting.vtt

15.8 KB

48. REDUX Reducers.mp4

137.2 MB

48. REDUX Reducers.vtt

22.7 KB

49. REDUX Action creators.mp4

139.5 MB

49. REDUX Action creators.vtt

20.9 KB

5. Structure and exporting.mp4

58.0 MB

5. Structure and exporting.vtt

12.2 KB

50. REDUX Dispatch.mp4

95.6 MB

50. REDUX Dispatch.vtt

12.7 KB

51. REDUX Containers.mp4

44.0 MB

51. REDUX Containers.vtt

6.7 KB


120.4 KB

52. REDUX PRACTICE Intro and setup.mp4

140.3 MB

52. REDUX PRACTICE Intro and setup.vtt

14.7 KB


4.8 MB

53. REDUX PRACTICE Adding redux to home.mp4

215.1 MB

53. REDUX PRACTICE Adding redux to home.vtt

21.3 KB

54. REDUX PRACTICE Finishing home and adding the artist view.mp4

332.7 MB

54. REDUX PRACTICE Finishing home and adding the artist view.vtt

24.6 KB

55. REDUX PRACTICE Fixing issues.mp4

88.6 MB

55. REDUX PRACTICE Fixing issues.vtt

6.5 KB


4.9 MB

6. Dynamic Data.mp4

32.8 MB

6. Dynamic Data.vtt

6.1 KB

7. Functional and class based components.mp4

51.6 MB

7. Functional and class based components.vtt

9.6 KB

8. Adding some style.mp4

85.1 MB

8. Adding some style.vtt

13.1 KB

9. Events.mp4

108.0 MB

9. Events.vtt

17.8 KB

/3. Starting with react native/

1. First look at the structure.mp4

50.2 MB

1. First look at the structure.vtt

7.0 KB

10. The Slider component ( 0.58.6 ).mp4

55.5 MB

10. The Slider component ( 0.58.6 ).vtt

7.1 KB

11. Activity indicator.mp4

38.1 MB

11. Activity indicator.vtt

5.7 KB

12. Working with images.mp4

124.5 MB

12. Working with images.vtt

15.6 KB

13. Using Modals.mp4

97.3 MB

13. Using Modals.vtt

15.5 KB


194.1 MB

2. Styles, Views and Text.mp4

127.4 MB

2. Styles, Views and Text.vtt

21.3 KB

3. Components and State.mp4

67.0 MB

3. Components and State.vtt

10.8 KB

4. Buttons and touch events.mp4

145.3 MB

4. Buttons and touch events.vtt

21.4 KB

5. More on touchables.mp4

88.1 MB

5. More on touchables.vtt

12.8 KB

6. Handling inputs.mp4

129.4 MB

6. Handling inputs.vtt

20.3 KB

7. Adding users to the list.mp4

57.0 MB

7. Adding users to the list.vtt

8.2 KB

8. Using the Scrollview.mp4

91.0 MB

8. Using the Scrollview.vtt

11.6 KB

9. The picker component.mp4

110.1 MB

9. The picker component.vtt

15.9 KB

/4. React Navigation/

1. Intro to react navigation.mp4

89.4 MB

1. Intro to react navigation.vtt

13.5 KB

10. Creating a bottom Navigation.mp4

113.2 MB

10. Creating a bottom Navigation.vtt

13.9 KB

11. Tab Navigation-Options.mp4

178.2 MB

11. Tab Navigation-Options.vtt

23.5 KB

12. Combining navigation types..mp4

114.2 MB

12. Combining navigation types..vtt

14.7 KB


203.9 MB

2. Installing R.Navigation and running Sim.mp4

78.2 MB

2. Installing R.Navigation and running Sim.vtt

11.2 KB

3. Stack navigator and linking screens.mp4

114.7 MB

3. Stack navigator and linking screens.vtt

23.3 KB

4. Navigation params.mp4

80.2 MB

4. Navigation params.vtt

13.1 KB

5. Customizing the Header Bar.mp4

141.9 MB

5. Customizing the Header Bar.vtt

20.2 KB

6. Adding logos to headers.mp4

122.1 MB

6. Adding logos to headers.vtt

17.9 KB

7. Creating a Side-drawer.mp4

124.2 MB

7. Creating a Side-drawer.vtt

15.1 KB

8. More on Side-drawer.mp4

47.9 MB

8. More on Side-drawer.vtt

6.6 KB

9. Custom component for Side-drawer.mp4

184.1 MB

9. Custom component for Side-drawer.vtt

24.3 KB

/5. Using phone resources/

1. Installing Image picker ( link ).mp4

137.3 MB

1. Installing Image picker ( link ).vtt

17.5 KB

2. If image picker fails, manual install.mp4

113.7 MB

3. Using camera and photo library.mp4

168.0 MB

4. Installing RNative contacts.mp4

104.3 MB

4. Installing RNative contacts.vtt

12.6 KB

5. Getting contacts.mp4

151.0 MB

5. Getting contacts.vtt

24.1 KB

6. Adding contact and opening form.mp4

116.7 MB

6. Adding contact and opening form.vtt

16.7 KB

7. installing RNative vector icons.mp4

132.7 MB

7. installing RNative vector icons.vtt

16.0 KB

8. Using RNative vector icons.mp4

96.0 MB

8. Using RNative vector icons.vtt

14.0 KB

/6. Other RN aspects/

1. React native debugger.mp4

58.9 MB

1. React native debugger.vtt

8.0 KB

2. Reusing components and styles.mp4

74.8 MB

2. Reusing components and styles.vtt

13.3 KB

3. More on the platform.mp4

82.3 MB

3. More on the platform.vtt

14.1 KB

4. Dimensions.mp4

26.2 MB

4. Dimensions.vtt

3.8 KB

5. Device info 3rd party library.mp4

81.1 MB

5. Device info 3rd party library.vtt

10.2 KB


226.7 MB

/7. Aminations/

1. Creating XY animations.mp4

120.0 MB

1. Creating XY animations.vtt

20.5 KB

2. Easing and triggers.mp4

53.0 MB

2. Easing and triggers.vtt

7.9 KB

3. Not XY animations.mp4

36.6 MB

3. Not XY animations.vtt

5.6 KB

4. Interpolation.mp4

83.2 MB

4. Interpolation.vtt

13.7 KB

5. Sequence and timing animations.mp4

104.9 MB

5. Sequence and timing animations.vtt

17.5 KB


193.3 MB

/8. A little bit of Redux/

1. Connecting Redux.mp4

127.7 MB

1. Connecting Redux.vtt

20.5 KB

2. Dispatching an action.mp4

58.3 MB

2. Dispatching an action.vtt

9.5 KB

3. Connecting the devtools.mp4

39.7 MB

3. Connecting the devtools.vtt

6.2 KB


192.8 MB

/9. Practice project NBA app/

1. Project overview.mp4

51.3 MB

1. Project overview.vtt

6.7 KB

10. Adding validation.mp4

134.1 MB

10. Adding validation.vtt

20.0 KB


0.3 KB

11. Finishing validation.mp4

84.9 MB

11. Finishing validation.vtt

11.6 KB

12. Submitting the form.mp4

79.3 MB

12. Submitting the form.vtt

11.1 KB

13. Using redux before server.mp4

130.0 MB

13. Using redux before server.vtt

20.0 KB

14. Sign up the user.mp4

148.6 MB

14. Sign up the user.vtt

20.8 KB

15. Sign in user.mp4

56.0 MB

15. Sign in user.vtt

7.4 KB

16. Saving the token on the storage.mp4

174.2 MB

16. Saving the token on the storage.vtt

22.8 KB

17. Adding the Auto sign in.mp4

172.9 MB

17. Adding the Auto sign in.vtt

23.2 KB

18. Styling the header tab.mp4

113.8 MB

18. Styling the header tab.vtt

15.9 KB

19. Icons and style on the bottom bar.mp4

125.5 MB

19. Icons and style on the bottom bar.vtt

14.2 KB

2. Installing react and dependencies.mp4

91.4 MB

2. Installing react and dependencies.vtt

12.5 KB

20. Icons and style on the bottom bar - part two.mp4

72.7 MB

20. Icons and style on the bottom bar - part two.vtt

9.2 KB

21. Preparing the news.mp4

100.2 MB

21. Preparing the news.vtt

16.9 KB


4.2 KB

22. Showing News cards.mp4

127.0 MB

22. Showing News cards.vtt

18.2 KB

23. Finishing the News cards.mp4

126.9 MB

23. Finishing the News cards.vtt

14.4 KB

24. Installing and using fonts.mp4

92.1 MB

24. Installing and using fonts.vtt

12.0 KB

25. Creating the News article.mp4

174.8 MB

25. Creating the News article.vtt

21.0 KB

26. Getting the games from F.Base.mp4

139.3 MB

26. Getting the games from F.Base.vtt

18.8 KB

27. Getting the games from F.Base - part 2.mp4

80.5 MB

27. Getting the games from F.Base - part 2.vtt

11.4 KB

28. Finishing the games main screen.mp4

161.7 MB

28. Finishing the games main screen.vtt

20.1 KB

29. Creating the Games Video screen.mp4

178.9 MB

29. Creating the Games Video screen.vtt

23.0 KB

3. Setting up Redux.mp4

87.8 MB

3. Setting up Redux.vtt

14.2 KB

30. Finishing the Games video screen.mp4

132.1 MB

30. Finishing the Games video screen.vtt

17.0 KB

31. Final project code.html

0.2 KB


104.0 MB


233.9 MB

4. Adding React navigation.mp4

90.0 MB

4. Adding React navigation.vtt

15.0 KB

5. Adding React navigation ..continued.mp4

109.1 MB

5. Adding React navigation ..continued.vtt

15.4 KB

6. Login logo and background.mp4

134.5 MB

6. Login logo and background.vtt

19.2 KB


55.3 KB

7. Form reusable inputs.mp4

150.1 MB

7. Form reusable inputs.vtt

150.1 MB

8. Finishing inputs and error state.mp4

124.0 MB

8. Finishing inputs and error state.vtt

17.4 KB

9. Adding the buttons.mp4

115.2 MB

9. Adding the buttons.vtt

115.2 MB



0.1 KB


Total files 662

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