
Download [] Udemy - Beginner Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, React & Node

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[] Udemy - Beginner Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, React & Node

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7.8 GB

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/1. Intro to Web Development/

1. Intro to Web Development.mp4

34.2 MB

1. Intro to Web Development.vtt

12.3 KB

2. What is web development.mp4

32.7 MB

2. What is web development.vtt

4.3 KB

3. Where should I start as a beginner.mp4

25.9 MB

3. Where should I start as a beginner.vtt

3.1 KB

4. HTML Building Your First Website.mp4

30.1 MB

4. HTML Building Your First Website.vtt

17.7 KB

5. What you can do as a web developer.mp4

20.5 MB

5. What you can do as a web developer.vtt

2.3 KB

6. Frontend vs Backend development.mp4

108.6 MB

6. Frontend vs Backend development.vtt

7.6 KB

7. Installing an IDE.mp4

25.8 MB

7. Installing an IDE.vtt

7.8 KB

/10. Bootstrap 4 Creating a Login Portal/

1. Bootstrap 4 Cards Creating the Sign-in Portal Box.mp4

57.3 MB

1. Bootstrap 4 Cards Creating the Sign-in Portal Box.vtt

23.1 KB


53.7 KB

2. Bootstrap 4 Forms Adding the input fields.mp4

52.5 MB

2. Bootstrap 4 Forms Adding the input fields.vtt

19.2 KB

3. Bootstrap 4 Buttons Adding the Sign In button and Labels.mp4

64.6 MB

3. Bootstrap 4 Buttons Adding the Sign In button and Labels.vtt

22.4 KB

4. Bootstrap 4 Grids - Finishing Mobile Compatibility.mp4

29.1 MB

4. Bootstrap 4 Grids - Finishing Mobile Compatibility.vtt

10.4 KB


185.9 KB

/11. Bootstrap 4 Skate or Die Website/

1. Bootstrap 4 Skate or Die Intro.mp4

7.7 MB

1. Bootstrap 4 Skate or Die Intro.vtt

1.1 KB

2. Bootstrap 4 Working with Navbars.mp4

40.5 MB

2. Bootstrap 4 Working with Navbars.vtt

12.1 KB


639.8 KB

3. Bootstrap 4 Using Carousels.mp4

84.9 MB

3. Bootstrap 4 Using Carousels.vtt

25.7 KB

4. Bootstrap 4 Nesting rows and columns.mp4

68.4 MB

4. Bootstrap 4 Nesting rows and columns.vtt

24.0 KB

5. Bootstrap 4 Modals.mp4

60.8 MB

5. Bootstrap 4 Modals.vtt

18.5 KB

6. Bootstrap 4 Adding images and buttons.mp4

56.8 MB

6. Bootstrap 4 Adding images and buttons.vtt

22.1 KB

7. Bootstrap 4 Sizing Modals.mp4

89.3 MB

7. Bootstrap 4 Sizing Modals.vtt

20.2 KB

8. Bootstrap 4 Building the Footer.mp4

25.1 MB

8. Bootstrap 4 Building the Footer.vtt

9.1 KB


783.9 KB

9. Bootstrap 4 Working with Font Awesome Favicons.mp4

69.1 MB

9. Bootstrap 4 Working with Font Awesome Favicons.vtt

16.3 KB

/12. Intro to Flexbox/

1. What is flexbox.mp4

24.1 MB

1. What is flexbox.vtt

4.0 KB

10. Building the Services section.mp4

19.1 MB

10. Building the Services section.vtt

2.2 KB

11. Creating the first Media Object.mp4

129.2 MB

11. Creating the first Media Object.vtt

16.0 KB

12. Flexbox ordering.mp4

103.1 MB

12. Flexbox ordering.vtt

11.3 KB

13. Adding the Quote button.mp4

77.0 MB

13. Adding the Quote button.vtt

8.2 KB

14. Designing the portfolio object.mp4

116.4 MB

14. Designing the portfolio object.vtt

14.3 KB

15. Making the portfolio object mobile compatible.mp4

117.9 MB

15. Making the portfolio object mobile compatible.vtt

12.2 KB

16. Making Media Objects mobile compatible.mp4

81.7 MB

16. Making Media Objects mobile compatible.vtt

7.0 KB

17. Creating the contact form.mp4

209.1 MB

17. Creating the contact form.vtt

22.3 KB

18. Making the contact form mobile compatible.mp4

33.5 MB

18. Making the contact form mobile compatible.vtt

3.9 KB

18.1 Making the contact form mobile

15.9 KB

2. Flexbox fundamentals.mp4

224.2 MB

2. Flexbox fundamentals.vtt

22.9 KB

2.1 2 Flexbox

8.8 KB

3. Quiz Flexbox Basics.html

0.1 KB

4. Intro to flexbox landing page.mp4

18.1 MB

4. Intro to flexbox landing page.vtt

1.6 KB

4.1 Intro to flexbox landing

11.7 KB

5. Building the navbar Part 1.mp4

92.2 MB

5. Building the navbar Part 1.vtt

15.8 KB

6. Building the navbar Part 2.mp4

55.2 MB

6. Building the navbar Part 2.vtt

8.4 KB

7. Making the dropdown menu functional.mp4

195.4 MB

7. Making the dropdown menu functional.vtt

24.0 KB

8. Designing the navbar for mobile.mp4

88.2 MB

8. Designing the navbar for mobile.vtt

11.4 KB

9. Creating the landing page header.mp4

74.8 MB

9. Creating the landing page header.vtt

8.7 KB

/13. Beginner Sass/

1. Intro to Sass.mp4

4.7 MB

1. Intro to Sass.vtt

1.2 KB

10. Sass Mixins Save time & recycle styles.mp4

32.5 MB

10. Sass Mixins Save time & recycle styles.vtt

13.7 KB

11. Sass Extends Share style properties between other selectors.mp4

18.2 MB

11. Sass Extends Share style properties between other selectors.vtt

7.2 KB


7.8 KB

12. Final Project Intro to our Landing Page.mp4

4.0 MB

12. Final Project Intro to our Landing Page.vtt

1.0 KB


97.3 KB

13. Final Project Setting up our Variables.mp4

42.5 MB

13. Final Project Setting up our Variables.vtt

16.6 KB

14. Final Project Styling our Navbar with Sass.mp4

34.8 MB

14. Final Project Styling our Navbar with Sass.vtt

13.0 KB

15. Final Project Creating the Banner Container.mp4

10.6 MB

15. Final Project Creating the Banner Container.vtt

3.8 KB

16. Final Project Adding Content to our Banner Container.mp4

32.4 MB

16. Final Project Adding Content to our Banner Container.vtt

12.4 KB

17. Final Project Doing some quick cleanup in our Sass files.mp4

16.0 MB

17. Final Project Doing some quick cleanup in our Sass files.vtt

5.1 KB

18. Final Project Using the Extend method.mp4

17.2 MB

18. Final Project Using the Extend method.vtt

5.8 KB

19. Final Project Styling a section splitter with Sass.mp4

16.4 MB

19. Final Project Styling a section splitter with Sass.vtt

6.0 KB

2. What is Sass.mp4

28.1 MB

2. What is Sass.vtt

9.4 KB

20. Final Project Using advanced Mixins.mp4

64.4 MB

20. Final Project Using advanced Mixins.vtt

25.2 KB

21. Final Project Styling the next Container with Sass.mp4

18.4 MB

21. Final Project Styling the next Container with Sass.vtt

6.7 KB

22. Final Project Finishing our Landing Page, Congrats!.mp4

33.8 MB

22. Final Project Finishing our Landing Page, Congrats!.vtt

11.9 KB


95.7 KB

3. How to install Sass and compile it to CSS.mp4

34.7 MB

3. How to install Sass and compile it to CSS.vtt

14.5 KB


5.5 KB

4. Your FIRST Sass Website!.mp4

110.3 MB

4. Your FIRST Sass Website!.vtt

36.9 KB


8.4 KB


11.2 KB

5. Are you Sassy.html

0.1 KB

6. Different tools to compile Sass.mp4

24.2 MB

6. Different tools to compile Sass.vtt

8.4 KB

7. How to structure your Sass.mp4

50.3 MB

7. How to structure your Sass.vtt

17.2 KB


14.2 KB

8. Sass Partials Maintainable Styles Rules.mp4

20.4 MB

8. Sass Partials Maintainable Styles Rules.vtt

8.9 KB


23.4 KB

9. Sass Variables and Imports Create a clean Scalable Stylesheet.mp4

56.6 MB

9. Sass Variables and Imports Create a clean Scalable Stylesheet.vtt

25.0 KB


56.1 KB

/14. How to Set Up Hosting For Your Web Apps/

1. Web Hosting.mp4

18.9 MB

1. Web Hosting.vtt

1.6 KB

2. Creating a server.mp4

88.5 MB

2. Creating a server.vtt

7.0 KB

3. Accessing your server.mp4

31.6 MB

3. Accessing your server.vtt

2.7 KB

4. Installing Nginx.mp4

59.7 MB

4. Installing Nginx.vtt

4.6 KB

5. Creating server SSH Keys.mp4

58.7 MB

5. Creating server SSH Keys.vtt

4.4 KB

6. Uploading files to your server.mp4

36.3 MB

6. Uploading files to your server.vtt

3.1 KB

6.1 Uploading files to your

33.1 KB

7. Setting up a domain.mp4

81.7 MB

7. Setting up a domain.vtt

6.4 KB

8. Final Step Configuring Nginx.mp4

122.3 MB

8. Final Step Configuring Nginx.vtt

9.1 KB

/15. Intro to Node, Mongo, & REST APIs/

1. Understanding Web Requests.mp4

56.1 MB

1. Understanding Web Requests.vtt

22.9 KB

10. Exercise Creating a Node Calculator.html

0.1 KB

11. Installing MongoDB on macOS.mp4

20.6 MB

11. Installing MongoDB on macOS.vtt

7.0 KB

12. Working With the Mongo Shell.mp4

41.2 MB

12. Working With the Mongo Shell.vtt

16.5 KB

13. Searching for Documents.mp4

26.0 MB

13. Searching for Documents.vtt

10.5 KB

14. Deletions & Documentation.mp4

14.7 MB

14. Deletions & Documentation.vtt

5.2 KB

15. Swag Shop API Project Creation.mp4

27.7 MB

15. Swag Shop API Project Creation.vtt

12.4 KB

16. Swag Shop API Creating the Models.mp4

34.5 MB

16. Swag Shop API Creating the Models.vtt

20.5 KB

17. Swag Shop API Posting Products.mp4

39.1 MB

17. Swag Shop API Posting Products.vtt

18.3 KB

18. Swag Shop API Fetching Products.mp4

29.5 MB

18. Swag Shop API Fetching Products.vtt

12.4 KB

19. Exercise Extending the API.html

0.1 KB

2. Installing Node on macOS.mp4

18.2 MB

2. Installing Node on macOS.vtt

10.5 KB

20. Swag Shop API Populating Data.mp4

57.8 MB

20. Swag Shop API Populating Data.vtt

25.3 KB


3.1 MB

3. All About JSON.mp4

36.0 MB

3. All About JSON.vtt

14.9 KB

4. Basics of Node.mp4

21.6 MB

4. Basics of Node.vtt

12.7 KB

5. Node Modules.mp4

12.3 MB

5. Node Modules.vtt

8.0 KB

6. Exercise Mastering Node Modules.html

0.1 KB

7. Building Your First API.mp4

41.8 MB

7. Building Your First API.vtt

22.7 KB


880.2 KB

8. Postman, GET & POST Requests.mp4

51.9 MB

8. Postman, GET & POST Requests.vtt

26.5 KB

9. URL Parameters & Delete Requests.mp4

51.1 MB

9. URL Parameters & Delete Requests.vtt

23.6 KB

/16. Intro to React/

1. Swag Shop Setting Up React Tooling.mp4

48.0 MB

1. Swag Shop Setting Up React Tooling.vtt

26.7 KB

10. Exercise React Components.html

0.1 KB

11. Swag Shop Building a Singleton Data Service.mp4

35.4 MB

11. Swag Shop Building a Singleton Data Service.vtt

14.7 KB

12. Swag Shop Creating a Notification Service.mp4

39.2 MB

12. Swag Shop Creating a Notification Service.vtt

17.7 KB

13. Swag Shop Posting Notifications to React Components.mp4

25.2 MB

13. Swag Shop Posting Notifications to React Components.vtt

10.0 KB

14. Swag Shop Observing Notifications in React.mp4

44.4 MB

14. Swag Shop Observing Notifications in React.vtt

17.9 KB

15. Swag Shop Finishing Our Full Stack React App.mp4

57.0 MB

15. Swag Shop Finishing Our Full Stack React App.vtt

18.0 KB

16. Exercise Extending Swag Shop.html

0.1 KB

2. Swag Shop Installing Bootstrap.mp4

36.9 MB

2. Swag Shop Installing Bootstrap.vtt

13.9 KB

3. Swag Shop Setting Up the API.mp4

19.5 MB

3. Swag Shop Setting Up the API.vtt

7.9 KB


3.1 MB

4. Swag Shop Creating a HTTP Service.mp4

46.1 MB

4. Swag Shop Creating a HTTP Service.vtt

24.6 KB

5. Swag Shop Promises With ES6 & React.mp4

28.4 MB

5. Swag Shop Promises With ES6 & React.vtt

16.2 KB

6. Swag Shop Components in React - Website Product.mp4

32.9 MB

6. Swag Shop Components in React - Website Product.vtt

18.2 KB

7. Swag Shop Props in React.mp4

30.1 MB

7. Swag Shop Props in React.vtt

14.0 KB

8. Swag Shop Working With State in React.mp4

35.5 MB

8. Swag Shop Working With State in React.vtt

18.9 KB

9. Swag Shop Creating a WishList Component.mp4

78.9 MB

9. Swag Shop Creating a WishList Component.vtt

30.8 KB

/2. Getting Started With HTML/

1. Intro to HTML, HEAD, BODY, and HEADER.mp4

25.1 MB

1. Intro to HTML, HEAD, BODY, and HEADER.vtt

15.2 KB

2. HTML Lists, Paragraphs, and Text Styling.mp4

20.3 MB

2. HTML Lists, Paragraphs, and Text Styling.vtt

10.9 KB

3. HTML Displaying Data With Tables.mp4

22.1 MB

3. HTML Displaying Data With Tables.vtt

10.6 KB

4. HTML Images & Forms.mp4

38.6 MB

4. HTML Images & Forms.vtt

16.6 KB


1.9 KB

5. Exercise Fan Site.html

0.1 KB

/3. Introduction to CSS/

1. What is CSS.mp4

11.2 MB

1. What is CSS.vtt

3.5 KB

10. CSS Grouping.mp4

14.8 MB

10. CSS Grouping.vtt

6.1 KB

11. CSS Specificity.mp4

46.4 MB

11. CSS Specificity.vtt

17.0 KB

12. Specificity Domination.html

0.1 KB

13. Exercise Extending your CSS skills.html

0.1 KB


0.9 KB

2. How to use Inline, Internal and External CSS.mp4

23.0 MB

2. How to use Inline, Internal and External CSS.vtt

10.2 KB

3. CSS Element, ID & Class Selectors.mp4

30.0 MB

3. CSS Element, ID & Class Selectors.vtt

13.4 KB


0.6 KB

4. CSS Colors.mp4

43.1 MB

4. CSS Colors.vtt

16.5 KB

5. CSS Backgrounds & Borders.mp4

27.9 MB

5. CSS Backgrounds & Borders.vtt

12.8 KB

6. Quiz - CSS Basics.html

0.1 KB

7. Exercise CSS Colors & Backgrounds.html

0.1 KB


0.7 KB

8. Using browser inspector tools.mp4

42.8 MB

8. Using browser inspector tools.vtt

16.3 KB

9. CSS Combinators.mp4

14.3 MB

9. CSS Combinators.vtt

5.7 KB

/4. Intermediate CSS/

1. CSS Text Styling & Formatting.mp4

49.6 MB

1. CSS Text Styling & Formatting.vtt

24.0 KB

2. CSS Google Fonts.mp4

30.9 MB

2. CSS Google Fonts.vtt

9.6 KB

3. CSS Images.mp4

30.8 MB

3. CSS Images.vtt

12.3 KB

4. CSS Padding & Margin.mp4

28.3 MB

4. CSS Padding & Margin.vtt

11.6 KB

5. CSS Rows & Columns.mp4

40.4 MB

5. CSS Rows & Columns.vtt

15.8 KB


44.8 KB

6. Quiz Intermediate CSS.html

0.1 KB

7. Exercise Your first website using CSS!.html

0.1 KB

/5. Advanced CSS Building and styling website/

1. CSS Intro to building your first Website!.mp4

5.2 MB

1. CSS Intro to building your first Website!.vtt

1.4 KB


0.5 KB

2. CSS Building the Navbar.mp4

48.9 MB

2. CSS Building the Navbar.vtt

26.1 KB

3. CSS Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive - Part 1.mp4

31.6 MB

3. CSS Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive - Part 1.vtt

12.8 KB

4. CSS Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive - Part 2.mp4

67.5 MB

4. CSS Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive - Part 2.vtt

27.8 KB

5. CSS Creating the Form Group.mp4

85.4 MB

5. CSS Creating the Form Group.vtt

35.9 KB

6. CSS Working with iframes.mp4

66.0 MB

6. CSS Working with iframes.vtt

26.2 KB

7. CSS Working with images and box shadows.mp4

127.1 MB

7. CSS Working with images and box shadows.vtt

47.9 KB

7.1 devIcon.png.png

12.9 KB

8. CSS Working with text and image spacing.mp4

82.5 MB

8. CSS Working with text and image spacing.vtt

33.4 KB

8.1 iOS_Slope.png.png

54.3 KB

9. CSS Building the footer.mp4

52.3 MB

9. CSS Building the footer.vtt

20.8 KB


93.5 KB

/6. Computers & Code/

1. How Computers Work.mp4

179.0 MB

1. How Computers Work.vtt

15.9 KB

1.1 How Computers

31.2 KB

2. Understanding Binary.mp4

136.9 MB

2. Understanding Binary.vtt

11.2 KB

3. How code works.mp4

135.4 MB

3. How code works.vtt

12.8 KB

4. Heap vs Stack.mp4

105.3 MB

4. Heap vs Stack.vtt

11.9 KB

5. Understanding hexadecimal.mp4

62.7 MB

5. Understanding hexadecimal.vtt

7.1 KB

6. Variables & storage capacity.mp4

81.9 MB

6. Variables & storage capacity.vtt

7.7 KB

7. Quiz Computers & Code.html

0.1 KB

/7. Learning to Code With Javascript/

1. Time to Javascript.mp4

21.3 MB

1. Time to Javascript.vtt

11.7 KB

10. Exercise Loops & Arrays.html

0.1 KB

11. Javascript Functions.mp4

69.0 MB

11. Javascript Functions.vtt

29.2 KB

12. Exercise Javascript Ops.html

0.1 KB

13. Javascript Objects.mp4

106.2 MB

13. Javascript Objects.vtt

35.0 KB


1.1 KB

14. Javascript Bind.mp4

31.5 MB

14. Javascript Bind.vtt

11.4 KB


8.0 KB

15. Percentage Calculator - Setting Up the Form.mp4

19.1 MB

15. Percentage Calculator - Setting Up the Form.vtt

10.6 KB

16. Percentage Calculator - Grabbing Elements With Javascript.mp4

24.9 MB

16. Percentage Calculator - Grabbing Elements With Javascript.vtt

14.1 KB

17. Percentage Calculator - Using Event Listeners.mp4

31.0 MB

17. Percentage Calculator - Using Event Listeners.vtt

17.1 KB

18. Percentage Calculator - Algorithm & Prevent Default.mp4

21.6 MB

18. Percentage Calculator - Algorithm & Prevent Default.vtt

11.7 KB


1.5 KB

19. Exercise Percentage Calculators.html

0.1 KB

2. Javascript Reference.mp4

17.7 MB

2. Javascript Reference.vtt

5.6 KB

3. Javascript Comments & How to Link Scripts.mp4

19.8 MB

3. Javascript Comments & How to Link Scripts.vtt

10.9 KB

4. Javascript Variables & Strings.mp4

34.0 MB

4. Javascript Variables & Strings.vtt

19.4 KB


0.9 KB

5. Javascript Numbers.mp4

25.3 MB

5. Javascript Numbers.vtt

10.1 KB


0.7 KB

6. Javascript Comparison Operators.mp4

51.3 MB

6. Javascript Comparison Operators.vtt

20.0 KB

7. Javascript Logical Operators.mp4

47.9 MB

7. Javascript Logical Operators.vtt

19.4 KB


1.1 KB

8. Javascript Arrays.mp4

49.6 MB

8. Javascript Arrays.vtt

22.7 KB


1.2 KB

9. Javascript Loops.mp4

58.6 MB

9. Javascript Loops.vtt

18.8 KB

/8. Version Control With Git/

1. How Version Control Works.mp4

31.5 MB

1. How Version Control Works.vtt

16.5 KB

2. macOS Terminal Basics.mp4

52.6 MB

2. macOS Terminal Basics.vtt

18.1 KB

3. Git Basics.mp4

48.2 MB

3. Git Basics.vtt

23.7 KB

4. Setting up Github on macOS.mp4

24.3 MB

4. Setting up Github on macOS.vtt

8.1 KB

5. Github vs Bitbucket.mp4

9.7 MB

5. Github vs Bitbucket.vtt

4.3 KB

6. Local & Remote Repositories.mp4

54.3 MB

6. Local & Remote Repositories.vtt

22.5 KB

7. Working Through Git Merge Conflicts.mp4

48.1 MB

7. Working Through Git Merge Conflicts.vtt

16.3 KB

8. Exercise Pushing to Github.html

0.1 KB

/9. Introduction to Bootstrap 4/

1. What is Bootstrap 4.mp4

8.7 MB

1. What is Bootstrap 4.vtt

3.4 KB

2. Downloading Bootstrap 4.mp4

9.5 MB

2. Downloading Bootstrap 4.vtt

3.4 KB

3. Bootstrap 4 Project Setup.mp4

20.5 MB

3. Bootstrap 4 Project Setup.vtt

8.2 KB

4. Bootstrap 4 Overview of Bootstraps Components.mp4

24.9 MB

4. Bootstrap 4 Overview of Bootstraps Components.vtt

7.1 KB

5. Bootstrap 4 Understanding Bootstraps Classes.mp4

16.5 MB

5. Bootstrap 4 Understanding Bootstraps Classes.vtt

3.6 KB

6. Bootstrap 4 Using the Grid System.mp4

50.1 MB

6. Bootstrap 4 Using the Grid System.vtt

21.9 KB



0.1 KB

[FCS Forum].url

0.1 KB


0.1 KB


Total files 377

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