/0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
0.0 KB
/01 - Quick Start!/
001 Kuberenetes-vs.Docker-bretfisher.com-.url
0.1 KB
001 OCI-Overview.url
0.1 KB
001 Read-this-Lecture-on-GitHub.url
0.1 KB
001 Section-Commands-and-Links.pdf
103.3 KB
001 What is Docker in 2023 The Three Innovations.mp4
217.0 MB
001 What is Docker in 2023 The Three Innovations_en.srt
15.3 KB
002 Apache-httpd-Image.url
0.1 KB
002 Docker-Hub.url
0.0 KB
002 Docker-Official-Images.url
0.1 KB
002 Play-With-Docker.url
0.1 KB
002 Quick Container Run.mp4
196.0 MB
002 Quick Container Run_en.srt
17.2 KB
002 Read-this-Lecture-on-GitHub.url
0.1 KB
003 A-Brief-History-of-Containers-From-the-1970s-till-now-aquasec.com-.url
0.1 KB
003 Read-this-Lecture-on-GitHub.url
0.1 KB
003 Why Docker Why Now in 2023.mp4
185.8 MB
003 Why Docker Why Now in 2023_en.srt
17.2 KB
1.0 KB
/02 - Course Introduction/
001 Course Roadmap (overview).mp4
87.2 MB
001 Course Roadmap (overview)_en.srt
7.3 KB
002 Docker-CheatSheet-08.09.2016-0.pdf
153.5 KB
002 Docker-Mastery-Commands-2.0.zip
12.3 KB
002 Docker-Mastery-Slides-3.0.zip
43.6 MB
002 Getting Course Resources (GitHub Repo).html
1.3 KB
002 GitHub-Repository-For-This-Course.url
0.1 KB
003 Course Chat with Students Learning Containers.html
1.8 KB
004 YouTube Live Q&A with Bret.html
1.1 KB
005 The Big FAQ.html
11.0 KB
0.1 KB
/03 - The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS/
001 Docker-Desktop-Alternatives.url
0.1 KB
001 Download-Docker-Desktop.url
0.1 KB
001 Installing The Right Docker for this course.mp4
218.8 MB
001 Installing The Right Docker for this course_en.srt
16.0 KB
001 OCI-Open-Container-Initiative.url
0.1 KB
002 Installing Docker The Fast Way.html
5.8 KB
003 Alternatives-to-Docker-Desktop.url
0.1 KB
003 Course-GitHub-Repo.url
0.1 KB
003 Docker for Windows Setup and Tips.mp4
182.0 MB
003 Docker for Windows Setup and Tips_en.srt
28.8 KB
003 Docker-Desktop-Install-on-Windows.url
0.1 KB
004 Alternatives-to-Docker-Desktop.url
0.1 KB
004 Course-GitHub-Repo.url
0.1 KB
004 Docker for Mac Setup and Tips.mp4
106.1 MB
004 Docker for Mac Setup and Tips_en.srt
16.3 KB
004 Docker-Desktop-Install-for-Mac.url
0.1 KB
005 Alternatives-to-Docker-Desktop.url
0.1 KB
005 Course-GitHub-Repo.url
0.1 KB
005 Docker for Linux Desktop Setup and Tips.mp4
256.8 MB
005 Docker for Linux Desktop Setup and Tips_en.srt
21.7 KB
005 Docker-Desktop-Install-for-Linux-Desktops.url
0.1 KB
006 Course-GitHub-Repo.url
0.1 KB
006 Docker for Linux Server Setup and Tips.mp4
162.9 MB
006 Docker for Linux Server Setup and Tips_en.srt
24.2 KB
006 Docker-Engine-install-for-Linux-server.url
0.1 KB
006 Install-Docker-CLI-locally.url
0.1 KB
007 Download-VS-Code.url
0.1 KB
007 Extension-Docker.url
0.1 KB
007 Extension-Kubernetes.url
0.1 KB
007 Extension-Live-Share.url
0.1 KB
007 Extension-Remote-Development.url
0.1 KB
007 VS Code for DevOps, Docker, and YAML Editing.mp4
85.4 MB
007 VS Code for DevOps, Docker, and YAML Editing_en.srt
14.6 KB
008 Docker Version and Products Changes.html
3.8 KB
2.0 KB
/04 - Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss/
001 Check Our Docker Install and Config.mp4
53.3 MB
001 Check Our Docker Install and Config_en.srt
10.0 KB
001 DM-S03-Commands.txt
4.0 KB
001 S03-Containers-Slides.pdf
1.9 MB
002 Starting a Nginx Web Server.mp4
110.0 MB
002 Starting a Nginx Web Server_en.srt
10.9 KB
003 Debrief What Happens When We Run a Container.mp4
45.3 MB
003 Debrief What Happens When We Run a Container_en.srt
3.7 KB
004 Container VS. VM It's Just a Process.mp4
32.5 MB
004 Container VS. VM It's Just a Process_en.srt
4.7 KB
004 Docker-Internals-cgroups-namespaces-and-beyond-YouTube-.url
0.1 KB
004 Docker-for-Mac-Commands-for-Getting-Into-Local-Docker-VM.url
0.1 KB
004 Docker-for-Windows-Command-for-Getting-Into-Local-Docker-VM.url
0.1 KB
004 Mike-Coleman-Docker-Employee-Docker-for-the-Virtualization-Admin-eBook.url
0.1 KB
005 Windows Containers Should You Consider Them.html
4.0 KB
006 Assignment Manage Multiple Containers.mp4
22.1 MB
006 Assignment Manage Multiple Containers_en.srt
5.6 KB
007 Assignment Answers Manage Multiple Containers.mp4
54.3 MB
007 Assignment Answers Manage Multiple Containers_en.srt
5.5 KB
008 What's Going On In Containers CLI Process Monitoring.mp4
28.7 MB
008 What's Going On In Containers CLI Process Monitoring_en.srt
6.6 KB
009 Use MariaDB rather than MySQL.html
0.7 KB
010 Getting a Shell Inside Containers No Need for SSH.mp4
131.0 MB
010 Getting a Shell Inside Containers No Need for SSH_en.srt
14.4 KB
010 Package-Management-Basics-apt-yum-dnf-pkg.url
0.1 KB
011 Docker Networks Concepts for Private and Public Comms in Containers.mp4
44.0 MB
011 Docker Networks Concepts for Private and Public Comms in Containers_en.srt
15.0 KB
011 Dockers-format-option-for-filtering-cli-output.url
0.1 KB
012 FIXME Change In Official Nginx Image Removes Ping.html
1.0 KB
013 Docker Networks CLI Management of Virtual Networks.mp4
24.3 MB
013 Docker Networks CLI Management of Virtual Networks_en.srt
10.2 KB
014 DNS-Basics-blog-and-video-.url
0.1 KB
014 DNS-Basics-in-a-comic-fun-.url
0.0 KB
014 Docker Networks DNS and How Containers Find Each Other.mp4
40.7 MB
014 Docker Networks DNS and How Containers Find Each Other_en.srt
7.3 KB
015 Assignment Using Containers for CLI Testing.mp4
29.0 MB
015 Assignment Using Containers for CLI Testing_en.srt
3.6 KB
016 Assignment Answers Using Containers for CLI Testing.mp4
10.7 MB
016 Assignment Answers Using Containers for CLI Testing_en.srt
2.8 KB
017 Changes To Upcoming Assignment.html
2.5 KB
018 Assignment DNS Round Robin Test.mp4
31.1 MB
018 Assignment DNS Round Robin Test_en.srt
7.2 KB
018 Round-robin-DNS-what-is-it-.url
0.1 KB
019 Assignment Answers DNS Round Robin Test.mp4
7.8 MB
019 Assignment Answers DNS Round Robin Test_en.srt
3.7 KB
1.1 KB
/05 - Container Images, Where To Find Them and How To Build Them/
001 DM-S04-Commands.txt
2.1 KB
001 Official-Docker-Image-Specification.url
0.1 KB
001 S04-Images-Slides.pdf
1.8 MB
001 What's In An Image (and What Isn't).mp4
12.6 MB
001 What's In An Image (and What Isn't)_en.srt
3.0 KB
002 List-of-Official-Docker-Images.url
0.1 KB
002 The Mighty Hub Using Docker Hub Registry Images.mp4
104.8 MB
002 The Mighty Hub Using Docker Hub Registry Images_en.srt
15.5 KB
003 Images and Their Layers Discover the Image Cache.mp4
89.9 MB
003 Images and Their Layers Discover the Image Cache_en.srt
15.2 KB
003 Images-and-Containers-From-Docker-Docs.url
0.1 KB
004 Image Tagging and Pushing to Docker Hub.mp4
126.2 MB
004 Image Tagging and Pushing to Docker Hub_en.srt
14.9 KB
005 Building Images The Dockerfile Basics.mp4
31.5 MB
005 Building Images The Dockerfile Basics_en.srt
9.8 KB
005 Dockerfile-Command-Details-BOOKMARK-AND-REVIEW-lots-of-good-details-youll-use-often-when-making-Dockerfiles-.url
0.1 KB
006 Building Images Running Docker Builds.mp4
24.4 MB
006 Building Images Running Docker Builds_en.srt
5.4 KB
007 Building Images Extending Official Images.mp4
12.7 MB
007 Building Images Extending Official Images_en.srt
7.6 KB
008 Assignment Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It.mp4
24.6 MB
008 Assignment Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It_en.srt
6.7 KB
009 Assignment Answers Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It.mp4
83.8 MB
009 Assignment Answers Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It_en.srt
9.3 KB
010 Using Prune to Keep Your Docker System Clean (YouTube).html
0.9 KB
0.5 KB
/.../0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
0.0 KB
/06 - Persistent Data Volumes, Volumes, Volumes/
001 12-Fractured-Apps-A-follow-up-to-12-Factor-a-great-article-on-how-to-do-12F-correctly-in-containers-.url
0.1 KB
001 Container Lifetime & Persistent Data.mp4
19.6 MB
001 Container Lifetime & Persistent Data_en.srt
5.9 KB
001 DM-S05-Commands.txt
1.4 KB
001 Docker-Storage-Introduction-in-Docker-Docs.url
0.1 KB
001 Intro-to-Immutable-Infrastructure-Concepts.url
0.1 KB
001 S05-Volumes-Slides.pdf
1.8 MB
001 The-12-Factor-App-Everyone-Should-Read-Key-to-Cloud-Native-App-Design-Deployment-and-Operation-.url
0.0 KB
002 Persistent Data Data Volumes.mp4
79.7 MB
002 Persistent Data Data Volumes_en.srt
12.0 KB
003 Shell Differences for Path Expansion.html
1.0 KB
004 Persistent Data Bind Mounting.mp4
33.8 MB
004 Persistent Data Bind Mounting_en.srt
9.8 KB
005 Database Passwords in Containers.html
2.5 KB
006 Updated Postgres Version for Next Video Assignment.html
0.6 KB
007 Assignment Database Upgrades with Named Volumes.mp4
16.7 MB
007 Assignment Database Upgrades with Named Volumes_en.srt
5.5 KB
008 Assignment Answers Update for Recent Postgres Changes.html
0.7 KB
009 Assignment Answers Database Upgrades with Named Volumes.mp4
8.6 MB
009 Assignment Answers Database Upgrades with Named Volumes_en.srt
3.7 KB
010 File Permissions Across Multiple Containers.html
5.5 KB
011 Assignment Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts.mp4
25.2 MB
011 Assignment Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts_en.srt
6.3 KB
011 Jekyll-a-Static-Site-Generator-just-as-background-info-no-need-to-install-.url
0.0 KB
012 Assignment Answers Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts.mp4
9.6 MB
012 Assignment Answers Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts_en.srt
3.6 KB
0.6 KB
/07 - Making It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool/
001 Compose-File-Version-Differences-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
001 DM-S06-Commands.txt
1.1 KB
001 Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File.mp4
102.5 MB
001 Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File_en.srt
16.3 KB
001 Docker-Compose-Release-Downloads-good-for-Linux-users-that-need-to-download-manually-.url
0.1 KB
001 S06-Compose-Slides.pdf
1.8 MB
001 The-YAML-Format-Quick-Reference.url
0.1 KB
001 YAML-Official-Site.url
0.0 KB
001 YAML-vs.JSON.url
0.1 KB
002 Compose V2.html
0.9 KB
003 Production-Servers-Compose-vs.Swarm.url
0.1 KB
003 Trying Out Basic Compose Commands.mp4
67.5 MB
003 Trying Out Basic Compose Commands_en.srt
13.1 KB
003 docker-compose-download-for-Linux-via-GitHub-Win-Mac-already-have-it..url
0.1 KB
004 Version Dependencies in Multi-Tier Apps.html
2.1 KB
005 Compose Assignments.html
0.6 KB
006 Compose-Assignment-1 Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project.mp4
18.0 MB
006 Compose-Assignment-1 Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project_en.srt
4.8 KB
006 Compose-File-Settings-BOOKMARK-AND-REVIEW.Youll-use-it-often-when-making-compose-files..url
0.1 KB
006 Dont-use-Links-Its-a-legacy-feature-of-compose-and-isnt-needed.url
0.1 KB
007 Compose-Assignment-1 Answers Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project.mp4
98.9 MB
007 Compose-Assignment-1 Answers Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project_en.srt
9.7 KB
008 -Docker-Docs-Compose-file-build-options.url
0.1 KB
008 Adding Image Building to Compose Files.mp4
99.5 MB
008 Adding Image Building to Compose Files_en.srt
13.7 KB
009 Using MariaDB rather than PostgreSQL.html
1.2 KB
010 Compose-Assignment-2 Compose For Image Building.mp4
34.1 MB
010 Compose-Assignment-2 Compose For Image Building_en.srt
5.1 KB
011 Compose-Assignment-2 Answers Compose For Image Building.mp4
130.1 MB
011 Compose-Assignment-2 Answers Compose For Image Building_en.srt
12.7 KB
1.0 KB
/08 - Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster/
001 DM-S07-Commands.txt
1.8 KB
001 Docker-1.12-Swarm-Mode-Deep-Dive-Part-1-Topology-YouTube-.url
0.1 KB
001 Docker-1.12-Swarm-Mode-Deep-Dive-Part-2-Orchestration-YouTube-.url
0.1 KB
001 Heart-of-the-SwarmKit-Store-Topology-Object-Model-YouTube-.url
0.1 KB
001 Heart-of-the-SwarmKit-Topology-Management-slides-.url
0.1 KB
001 Raft-Consensus-Visualization-Our-Swarm-DB-and-how-it-stays-in-sync-across-nodes-.url
0.1 KB
001 S07-Swarm-Intro-Slides.pdf
2.6 MB
001 Swarm Mode Built-In Orchestration.mp4
43.1 MB
001 Swarm Mode Built-In Orchestration_en.srt
12.9 KB
002 Create Your First Service and Scale It Locally.mp4
130.6 MB
002 Create Your First Service and Scale It Locally_en.srt
17.3 KB
002 Deploy-services-to-a-swarm-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 UI Change For Service CreateUpdate.html
1.9 KB
004 Use Multipass to create Docker, Swarm, and K8s VMs.html
1.8 KB
005 Configure-SSH-for-Saving-Options-for-Specific-Connections.url
0.1 KB
005 Create-and-Upload-a-SSH-Key-to-Digital-Ocean.url
0.1 KB
005 Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster.mp4
178.2 MB
005 Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster_en.srt
20.7 KB
005 DigitalOcean-100-credit-on-new-signups.url
0.1 KB
005 Docker-Swarm-Firewall-Ports.url
0.1 KB
005 Windows-Hyper-V-driver-for-docker-machine.url
0.1 KB
1.3 KB
/09 - Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow/
001 Drupal and Postgres versions.html
0.4 KB
002 DM-S08-Commands.txt
2.8 KB
002 S08-Swarm-Basic-Features-Slides.pdf
2.2 MB
002 Scaling Out with Overlay Networking.mp4
22.5 MB
002 Scaling Out with Overlay Networking_en.srt
8.7 KB
003 Scaling Out with Routing Mesh.mp4
32.9 MB
003 Scaling Out with Routing Mesh_en.srt
12.5 KB
003 Use-swarm-mode-routing-mesh-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Assignment Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App.mp4
29.4 MB
004 Assignment Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App_en.srt
10.2 KB
005 Assignment Answers Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App.mp4
102.3 MB
005 Assignment Answers Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App_en.srt
12.4 KB
006 Features-Not-Supported-In-Stack-Deploy.url
0.1 KB
006 Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose.mp4
60.1 MB
006 Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose_en.srt
22.5 KB
006 Swarm-vs.Compose.url
0.1 KB
007 Secrets Storage for Swarm Protecting Your Environment Variables.mp4
31.2 MB
007 Secrets Storage for Swarm Protecting Your Environment Variables_en.srt
7.7 KB
008 Manage-sensitive-data-with-Docker-secrets-Docker-Docs-Lots-of-good-reading-and-examples-.url
0.1 KB
008 Using Secrets in Swarm Services.mp4
20.9 MB
008 Using Secrets in Swarm Services_en.srt
10.3 KB
009 Secrets-In-Compose-Files-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
009 Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks.mp4
7.6 MB
009 Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks_en.srt
5.8 KB
010 Assignment Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy.mp4
13.1 MB
010 Assignment Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy_en.srt
3.4 KB
011 Assignment Answers Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy.mp4
10.4 MB
011 Assignment Answers Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy_en.srt
5.6 KB
0.6 KB
/.../0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
0.0 KB
/10 - Swarm App Lifecycle/
001 DM-S09-Commands.txt
1.4 KB
001 S09-Swarm-App-Lifecycle-Slides.pdf
1.8 MB
001 Using Secrets With Local Docker Compose.mp4
4.1 MB
001 Using Secrets With Local Docker Compose_en.srt
4.4 KB
002 Full App Lifecycle Dev, Build and Deploy With a Single Compose Design.mp4
87.3 MB
002 Full App Lifecycle Dev, Build and Deploy With a Single Compose Design_en.srt
15.8 KB
002 Using-Compose-Files-In-Production-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
002 Using-Multiple-Compose-Files-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Service Updates Changing Things In Flight.mp4
41.4 MB
003 Service Updates Changing Things In Flight_en.srt
13.3 KB
003 Service-Update-command-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 HEALTHCHECK-in-Dockerfile-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Healthcheck-in-Compose-files-Docker-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Healthchecks in Dockerfiles.mp4
213.6 MB
004 Healthchecks in Dockerfiles_en.srt
20.4 KB
004 PHP-Laravel-Good-Defaults-with-Docker.url
0.1 KB
005 Info on Swarm Mastery.mp4
8.2 MB
005 Info on Swarm Mastery_en.srt
1.0 KB
0.6 KB
/11 - Container Registries Image Storage and Distribution/
001 DM-S10-Commands.txt
1.7 KB
001 Docker Hub Digging Deeper.mp4
53.4 MB
001 Docker Hub Digging Deeper_en.srt
12.0 KB
001 Docker-Hub.url
0.0 KB
001 S10-Container-Registries-Slides.pdf
1.8 MB
002 Registry-Configuration-Docs.url
0.1 KB
002 Registry-Garbage-Collection.url
0.1 KB
002 Understanding Docker Registry.mp4
22.8 MB
002 Understanding Docker Registry_en.srt
5.2 KB
002 Use-Registry-As-A-Mirror-of-Docker-Hub.url
0.1 KB
003 Run a Private Docker Registry.mp4
94.0 MB
003 Run a Private Docker Registry_en.srt
10.3 KB
004 Assignment Secure Docker Registry With TLS and Authentication.html
1.5 KB
005 Using Docker Registry With Swarm.mp4
69.0 MB
005 Using Docker Registry With Swarm_en.srt
12.6 KB
006 Third Party Image Registries.html
1.6 KB
0.3 KB
/12 - Docker in Production/
001 My DockerCon Talk on Docker and Swarm in Production.mp4
144.1 MB
001 My DockerCon Talk on Docker and Swarm in Production_en.srt
74.0 KB
001 Road-to-Production.pdf
10.0 MB
002 The Future of Swarm.html
0.7 KB
003 Swarm Raft Quorum and Recovery (Laura Frank from DockerCon 2017).html
0.8 KB
/.../0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
0.0 KB
/13 - The What and Why of Kubernetes/
001 Kubernetes Intro.mp4
14.9 MB
001 Kubernetes Intro_en.srt
1.1 KB
001 Slides-The-What-and-Why-of-Kubernetes.pdf
2.6 MB
002 History-of-Kubernetes.url
0.1 KB
002 Kubernetes-Home-Page.url
0.0 KB
002 What Is Kubernetes.mp4
74.3 MB
002 What Is Kubernetes_en.srt
6.0 KB
003 List-of-Certified-Kubernetes-Distributions.url
0.1 KB
003 Why Kubernetes.mp4
88.1 MB
003 Why Kubernetes_en.srt
13.3 KB
004 Kubernetes vs Swarm.mp4
127.4 MB
004 Kubernetes vs Swarm_en.srt
19.0 KB
0.2 KB
/14 - Kubernetes Architecture and Install/
001 Section Intro.mp4
7.1 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
1.0 KB
001 Section-Commands-and-Links.pdf
74.1 KB
001 Slides-Kubernetes-Architecture-and-Install.pdf
2.2 MB
002 Kubernetes Architecture Terminology.mp4
151.1 MB
002 Kubernetes Architecture Terminology_en.srt
15.2 KB
002 Kubernetes-Components.url
0.1 KB
003 Install-kubectl-on-Windows-when-you-dont-have-Docker-Desktop.url
0.1 KB
003 Killercoda-K8s-labs-in-your-browser.url
0.0 KB
003 Kubernetes Local Install.mp4
94.2 MB
003 Kubernetes Local Install_en.srt
15.3 KB
003 MikroK8s-for-Linux-Hosts.url
0.1 KB
003 Minikube-Download.url
0.1 KB
003 Play-with-K8s-in-a-Browser.url
0.1 KB
004 Kubernetes Container Abstractions.mp4
44.0 MB
004 Kubernetes Container Abstractions_en.srt
6.5 KB
004 Namespace-docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Pod-Overview-docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Service-docs-.url
0.1 KB
0.8 KB
/.../0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
0.0 KB
/15 - Your First Pods/
001 Kubectl run, create, and apply.mp4
19.0 MB
001 Kubectl run, create, and apply_en.srt
4.7 KB
001 Kubectl-Reference-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
001 Section-Commands-and-Links.pdf
79.6 KB
001 Slides-Your-First-Pods.pdf
3.0 MB
002 Your First Pod With kubectl run.mp4
186.2 MB
002 Your First Pod With kubectl run_en.srt
13.4 KB
002 kubectl-Cheat-Sheet.url
0.1 KB
002 kubectl-for-Docker-Users.url
0.1 KB
003 Cheat Sheets for Kubectl.html
1.4 KB
004 Deployments-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Your First Deployment With kubectl create.mp4
221.4 MB
004 Your First Deployment With kubectl create_en.srt
17.0 KB
004 kubectl-create-deployment-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 ReplicaSets-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 Scaling ReplicaSets.mp4
150.3 MB
005 Scaling ReplicaSets_en.srt
10.1 KB
006 1.18 Changes to Kubectl Run.html
2.3 KB
0.6 KB
/16 - Inspecting Kubernetes Resources/
001 Commands-and-Links-Inspecting-Kubernetes-Resources.pdf
89.0 KB
001 Section Intro.mp4
8.7 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
1.2 KB
001 Slides-Inspecting-Kubernetes-Resources.pdf
2.5 MB
002 Inspecting Resources with Get.mp4
140.1 MB
002 Inspecting Resources with Get_en.srt
12.9 KB
003 Inspecting Resources with Describe.mp4
161.7 MB
003 Inspecting Resources with Describe_en.srt
13.2 KB
004 Watching Resources.mp4
69.7 MB
004 Watching Resources_en.srt
10.7 KB
005 Container Logs in Kubernetes.mp4
166.1 MB
005 Container Logs in Kubernetes_en.srt
13.3 KB
005 Debug-Running-Pods-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 ELK-Stack.url
0.1 KB
005 Logging-Architecture-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 Loki-Like-Prometheus-but-for-logs.url
0.1 KB
005 System-Logs-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
0.4 KB
/17 - Exposing Kubernetes Ports/
001 DM-S14-Exposing-Kubernetes-Ports.txt
1.0 KB
001 S14-Slides-Exposing-Kubernetes-Ports-with-Services.pdf
2.3 MB
001 Section Intro.mp4
7.0 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
1.1 KB
002 Service Types_en.srt
12.8 KB
002 Service-Types-docs-tutorial-.url
0.1 KB
002 Service-docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 MicroK8s and DNS for Services.html
1.5 KB
004 Running Netshoot in Kubernetes.html
0.8 KB
005 Creating a ClusterIP Service.mp4
124.5 MB
005 Creating a ClusterIP Service_en.srt
13.2 KB
005 Using-Services-docs-tutorial-.url
0.1 KB
006 Creating a NodePort and LoadBalancer Service.mp4
92.5 MB
006 Creating a NodePort and LoadBalancer Service_en.srt
15.3 KB
006 NodePort-docs-.url
0.1 KB
007 CoreDNS-for-Kubernetes.url
0.1 KB
007 Kubernetes Services DNS.mp4
55.0 MB
007 Kubernetes Services DNS_en.srt
8.8 KB
007 Kubernetes-DNS-Specification.url
0.1 KB
0.6 KB
/18 - Kubernetes Management Techniques/
001 DM-S15-Kubernetes-Management-Techniques.txt
1.0 KB
001 S15-Slides-Kubernetes-Management-Techniques.pdf
2.2 MB
001 Section Intro.mp4
9.7 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
1.5 KB
002 Run, Expose, and Create Generators.mp4
94.4 MB
002 Run, Expose, and Create Generators_en.srt
15.7 KB
002 kubectl-Usage-Conventions-docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Kubectl-Usage-Best-Practices-docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 The Future of Kubectl Run.mp4
108.5 MB
003 The Future of Kubectl Run_en.srt
12.4 KB
004 Imperative vs. Declarative.mp4
155.5 MB
004 Imperative vs. Declarative_en.srt
14.2 KB
005 Declarative-Config-Files.url
0.1 KB
005 Imperative-Command-Examples-docs-tutorial-.url
0.1 KB
005 Imperative-Config-Files-doc-tutorials-.url
0.1 KB
005 Kubernetes-Management-Techniques-docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 Three Management Approaches.mp4
73.3 MB
005 Three Management Approaches_en.srt
11.2 KB
0.7 KB
/19 - Moving to Declarative Kubernetes YAML/
001 DM-S16-Moving-to-Declarative-Kubernetes-YAML.txt
0.7 KB
001 S16-Slides-Moving-to-Declarative-YAML.pdf
2.2 MB
001 Section Intro.mp4
11.4 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
1.8 KB
002 Declarative-Management-of-Kubernetes-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
002 Kubectl apply.mp4
27.1 MB
002 Kubectl apply_en.srt
7.7 KB
003 Kubernetes Configuration YAML.mp4
27.2 MB
003 Kubernetes Configuration YAML_en.srt
11.8 KB
003 Understanding-Kubernetes-Objects-and-Specs-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 Building Your YAML Files.mp4
118.2 MB
004 Building Your YAML Files_en.srt
13.0 KB
005 Building Your YAML Spec.mp4
137.6 MB
005 Building Your YAML Spec_en.srt
15.6 KB
005 Kubernetes-API-Reference-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
006 APIServer-dry-run-and-kubectl-diff.url
0.1 KB
006 Dry Runs and Diff's.mp4
56.5 MB
006 Dry Runs and Diff's_en.srt
9.5 KB
007 Assigning-Pods-to-Nodes-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
007 Difference-Between-Labels-and-Annotations.url
0.1 KB
007 Label-Selectors-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
007 Labels and Label Selectors.mp4
91.2 MB
007 Labels and Label Selectors_en.srt
14.8 KB
007 Recommended-Labels-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
007 Taints-and-Tolerations-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
1.0 KB
/20 - Your Next Steps and The Future of Kubernetes/
001 DM-S17-Your-Next-Steps-and-the-Future-of-Kubernetes.txt
0.3 KB
001 S17-Slides-Your-Next-Steps-and-The-Future-of-Kubernetes.pdf
2.2 MB
001 Section Intro.mp4
13.7 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
2.2 KB
002 PersistentVolume-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
002 StatefulSets-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
002 Storage in Kubernetes.mp4
39.4 MB
002 Storage in Kubernetes_en.srt
11.0 KB
002 Volumes-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Ingress-Controllers-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Ingress-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Ingress.mp4
27.7 MB
003 Ingress_en.srt
7.8 KB
003 Set-up-Ingress-on-Minikube-with-the-NGINX-Ingress-Controller-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
003 Traefik-Ingress.url
0.1 KB
004 Awesome-Operators-List.url
0.1 KB
004 CRD's and The Operator Pattern.mp4
22.3 MB
004 CRD's and The Operator Pattern_en.srt
6.1 KB
004 Custom-Resources-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
004 OperatorHub.url
0.0 KB
004 The-Operator-Pattern-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
005 CNAB-spec.url
0.0 KB
005 Deploying-Compose-on-Kubernetes.url
0.1 KB
005 Docker-App-GitHub-.url
0.1 KB
005 Higher Deployment Abstractions.mp4
121.6 MB
005 Higher Deployment Abstractions_en.srt
18.6 KB
005 Introducing-Kustomize.url
0.1 KB
005 Kustomize-GitHub-.url
0.1 KB
005 Spreadsheet-of-Kubernetes-Deployment-Tools.url
0.1 KB
006 Kubernetes Dashboard.mp4
22.3 MB
006 Kubernetes Dashboard_en.srt
6.5 KB
006 The-Kubernetes-Dashboard.url
0.1 KB
007 Configure-Access-to-Multiple-Clusters-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
007 Namespaces and Context.mp4
61.7 MB
007 Namespaces and Context_en.srt
10.0 KB
007 Namespaces-Docs-.url
0.1 KB
008 Future of Kubernetes.mp4
59.7 MB
008 Future of Kubernetes_en.srt
16.8 KB
008 Kubernetes-Release-Notes.url
0.1 KB
2.1 KB
/21 - Automated CI Workflows/
001 Section Intro Automation.mp4
42.9 MB
001 Section Intro Automation_en.srt
5.9 KB
002 GitHub-Flow-in-Docs.url
0.1 KB
002 GitHub-Flow.url
0.1 KB
002 The Pull Request.mp4
86.6 MB
002 The Pull Request_en.srt
11.6 KB
002 The-DevOps-Handbook.url
0.1 KB
003 Automation is the Glue of DevOps.mp4
24.2 MB
003 Automation is the Glue of DevOps_en.srt
6.4 KB
004 Basic PR Workflow.mp4
47.6 MB
004 Basic PR Workflow_en.srt
3.9 KB
005 Intermediate PR Workflow.mp4
27.9 MB
005 Intermediate PR Workflow_en.srt
3.8 KB
006 Advanced PR Workflow.mp4
30.1 MB
006 Advanced PR Workflow_en.srt
4.0 KB
0.2 KB
/22 - GitHub Actions Workflow Examples/
001 Section Intro.mp4
5.1 MB
001 Section Intro_en.srt
0.5 KB
002 Assignments for this Section.html
2.4 KB
003 Add Basic Docker Build.mp4
17.8 MB
003 Add Basic Docker Build_en.srt
4.6 KB
003 YAML-file-01-basic-docker-build.yaml.url
0.1 KB
004 Add BuildKit Cache.mp4
12.8 MB
004 Add BuildKit Cache_en.srt
3.3 KB
004 YAML-file-02-add-buildkit-cache.yaml.url
0.1 KB
005 Add Multi-Platform Builds.mp4
7.7 MB
005 Add Multi-Platform Builds_en.srt
1.7 KB
005 YAML-file-03-add-multi-platform.yaml.url
0.1 KB
006 Add Metadata and Dynamic Tags.mp4
11.7 MB
006 Add Metadata and Dynamic Tags_en.srt
3.0 KB
006 YAML-file-04-add-metadata.yaml.url
0.1 KB
007 Add GitHub Comments.mp4
12.2 MB
007 Add GitHub Comments_en.srt
1.5 KB
007 YAML-file-05-add-comment.yaml.url
0.1 KB
008 Add CVE Scanning of Images.mp4
16.9 MB
008 Add CVE Scanning of Images_en.srt
4.4 KB
008 YAML-file-06-add-cve-scanning.yaml.url
0.1 KB
009 Add CVE Scan Blocking.mp4
14.4 MB
009 Add CVE Scan Blocking_en.srt
3.3 KB
009 YAML-file-07-add-cve-scanning-adv.yaml.url
0.1 KB
010 Add Unit & Integration Testing.mp4
40.3 MB
010 Add Unit & Integration Testing_en.srt
5.3 KB
010 YAML-file-08-add-unit-test.yaml.url
0.1 KB
010 YAML-file-09-add-integration-test.yaml.url
0.1 KB
011 Add Kubernetes Smoke Test.mp4
34.6 MB
011 Add Kubernetes Smoke Test_en.srt
4.5 KB
011 YAML-file-10-add-k8s-test.yaml.url
0.1 KB
012 Bonus Add Job Parallelization to GHA.mp4
6.7 MB
012 Bonus Add Job Parallelization to GHA_en.srt
1.7 KB
012 YAML-file-99-parallelize-jobs.yaml.url
0.1 KB
013 Implement These Automations.html
0.4 KB
1.6 KB
/23 - Docker Security Good Defaults and Tools/
001 My-list-of-security-objectives-for-Docker-projects.url
0.1 KB
001 Section Intro Top 10 Security Steps for Docker.mp4
27.9 MB
001 Section Intro Top 10 Security Steps for Docker_en.srt
2.0 KB
002 Big-List-of-Docker-Security-Tools.url
0.1 KB
002 Docker Cgroups and Namespaces.mp4
42.9 MB
002 Docker Cgroups and Namespaces_en.srt
7.7 KB
002 Docker-Engine-Security.url
0.1 KB
003 Docker Engine's Out-Of-The-Box Security Features.mp4
42.7 MB
003 Docker Engine's Out-Of-The-Box Security Features_en.srt
8.5 KB
003 Docs-AppArmor-security-profiles.url
0.1 KB
003 Docs-Seccomp-security-profiles.url
0.1 KB
004 CIS-Benchmark-for-Securing-Docker.url
0.1 KB
004 Docker Bench, The Host Configuration Scanner.mp4
31.3 MB
004 Docker Bench, The Host Configuration Scanner_en.srt
4.3 KB
004 Docker-Bench.url
0.1 KB
005 Docs-USER-Stanza-in-Dockerfiles.url
0.1 KB
005 Sample-Dockerfile-of-using-USER-in-a-Node.js-App.url
0.1 KB
005 Using USER in Dockerfiles to Avoid Running as Root.mp4
74.6 MB
005 Using USER in Dockerfiles to Avoid Running as Root_en.srt
13.5 KB
006 Docker User Namespaces for Extra Host Security.mp4
70.7 MB
006 Docker User Namespaces for Extra Host Security_en.srt
7.8 KB
006 Docs-How-to-Use-User-Namespaces.url
0.1 KB
006 More-Info-on-User-Namespaces.url
0.1 KB
007 Aqua-MicroScanner-to-scan-your-images-during-docker-build.url
0.1 KB
007 Aqua-Trivy-to-scan-your-images-after-their-built.url
0.1 KB
007 CVE-Database.url
0.0 KB
007 Code Repo and Image Scanning for CVE's.mp4
167.0 MB
007 Code Repo and Image Scanning for CVE's_en.srt
16.0 KB
007 Snyk-one-of-the-ways-to-scan-your-Git-repos-and-Images.url
0.0 KB
007 What-Is-Shift-Left-Security-.url
0.1 KB
008 Docker-Content-Trust.url
0.1 KB
008 Docs-AppArmor-profiles.url
0.1 KB
008 Docs-Seccomp-security-profiles.url
0.1 KB
008 Sysdig Falco, Content Trust, and Custom Seccomp and AppArmor Profiles.mp4
45.0 MB
008 Sysdig Falco, Content Trust, and Custom Seccomp and AppArmor Profiles_en.srt
8.8 KB
008 Sysdig-Falco.url
0.1 KB
009 Docker Rootless Mode.mp4
22.1 MB
009 Docker Rootless Mode_en.srt
4.1 KB
009 Docker-Blog-Experimenting-with-Rootless-Docker.url
0.1 KB
009 Docs-Rootless-mode.url
0.1 KB
009 Rootless-Mode-Install-Script.url
0.1 KB
009 YouTube-Video-on-Rootless-Mode-from-DockerCon-2019.url
0.1 KB
010 The Security Top 10 Differences for Windows Containers.mp4
39.9 MB
010 The Security Top 10 Differences for Windows Containers_en.srt
4.1 KB
011 GitHub-Googles-Distroless-Repo.url
0.1 KB
011 What are Distroless Images.mp4
50.5 MB
011 What are Distroless Images_en.srt
9.6 KB
012 Are Swarm and Kubernetes Secrets Really Secure.mp4
34.0 MB
012 Are Swarm and Kubernetes Secrets Really Secure_en.srt
6.6 KB
2.3 KB
/24 - Docker 19.03 Release New Features/
001 Section Intro.html
0.4 KB
002 BuildKit and the new Docker buildx CLI.mp4
488.4 MB
002 BuildKit and the new Docker buildx CLI_en.srt
27.9 KB
003 Docker Context and SSH Connections.mp4
499.1 MB
003 Docker Context and SSH Connections_en.srt
43.7 KB
004 Docker App and Image Packaging of Compose YAML.mp4
631.7 MB
004 Docker App and Image Packaging of Compose YAML_en.srt
52.9 KB
005 Rootless Mode in Docker Engine.mp4
246.6 MB
005 Rootless Mode in Docker Engine_en.srt
36.0 KB
006 Docker Desktop Enterprise.mp4
226.2 MB
006 Docker Desktop Enterprise_en.srt
28.4 KB
007 Docker Desktop Enterprise Clusters.mp4
191.7 MB
007 Docker Desktop Enterprise Clusters_en.srt
23.9 KB
/25 - DevOps and Docker Clips/
001 DevOps and Docker Talk Intro.mp4
14.9 MB
001 DevOps and Docker Talk Intro_en.srt
1.7 KB
001 Podcast.url
0.1 KB
001 YouTube-Live-Channel.url
0.1 KB
002 Alpine Base Images. Are They Really More Secure.mp4
377.2 MB
002 Alpine Base Images. Are They Really More Secure_en.srt
27.8 KB
002 Alpine-Linux.url
0.0 KB
002 CVE-Database.url
0.0 KB
003 Dealing With Non-root Users In Containers and File Permissions.mp4
32.9 MB
003 Dealing With Non-root Users In Containers and File Permissions_en.srt
10.3 KB
004 Apache Web Server Design. Many Sites In One Container, or Many Containers.mp4
11.5 MB
004 Apache Web Server Design. Many Sites In One Container, or Many Containers_en.srt
5.4 KB
005 Docker Network IP Subnet Conflicts with Outside Networks.mp4
24.5 MB
005 Docker Network IP Subnet Conflicts with Outside Networks_en.srt
7.4 KB
005 Three-places-to-control-different-docker-IP-subnet-settings.url
0.1 KB
006 Alex-Ellis-Raspberry-Pi-blog-posts.url
0.1 KB
006 QEMU-Emulator-in-Docker-Desktop-for-Mac-Windows.url
0.1 KB
006 Raspberry Pi Development in Docker.mp4
15.4 MB
006 Raspberry Pi Development in Docker_en.srt
4.9 KB
007 Moby-Moby-PR-for-Process-Isolation-on-Win10.url
0.1 KB
007 Setting-up-Windows-10-Docker-Process-Isolation.url
0.1 KB
007 Windows 10 Containers Get Process Isolation.mp4
124.0 MB
007 Windows 10 Containers Get Process Isolation_en.srt
10.4 KB
008 HPE-and-Docker-Whitepaper-on-MySQL-performance.url
0.1 KB
008 Should You Move Postgres to Containers.mp4
28.1 MB
008 Should You Move Postgres to Containers_en.srt
10.1 KB
008 Sysbench-and-Docker-Setups-to-Benchmark-Physical-Virtual-and-Container-based-MySQL.url
0.1 KB
009 Brets-Example-of-PHP-FPM-plus-Nginx-Supervisor-Config.url
0.1 KB
009 Docker-Docs-on-Supervisor-and-Multiple-Services-In-Containers.url
0.1 KB
009 Using Supervisor To Run Multiple Apps In A Container.mp4
18.4 MB
009 Using Supervisor To Run Multiple Apps In A Container_en.srt
6.4 KB
010 Should You Use Docker Compose or Swarm For A Single Server.mp4
12.3 MB
010 Should You Use Docker Compose or Swarm For A Single Server_en.srt
1.8 KB
010 single-host-use-compose-or-swarm.url
0.1 KB
011 3-Docker-Compose-Features-for-Improving-Team-Development-Workflow.url
0.1 KB
011 Docker Environment Configs, Variables, and Entrypoints.mp4
215.5 MB
011 Docker Environment Configs, Variables, and Entrypoints_en.srt
33.4 KB
011 Docker-MySQL-Official-Image-Entrypoint-Script-that-creates-ENVs-from-files-for-secrets-.url
0.1 KB
011 Sample-PHP-Dockerfile-with-lots-of-ENV.url
0.1 KB
011 Simple-example-of-using-Docker-ENVs-to-create-custom-app-config.url
0.1 KB
011 Those-Same-ENVs-overwritten-with-docker-compose.yml.url
0.1 KB
011 Twelve-Factor-Apps-The-Config.url
0.1 KB
012 Java and JBoss in Containers. One .war File Per Container.mp4
65.2 MB
012 Java and JBoss in Containers. One .war File Per Container_en.srt
8.0 KB
013 My-Examples-of-using-Traefik-with-Swarm.url
0.1 KB
013 TLS in Dev and Prod with Docker.mp4
13.8 MB
013 TLS in Dev and Prod with Docker_en.srt
4.4 KB
013 Traefik-Proxy.url
0.0 KB
013 Using-TLS-for-Localhost.url
0.1 KB
014 Docker-Build-Documentation.url
0.1 KB
014 Multiple Docker Images From One Git Repo.mp4
11.5 MB
014 Multiple Docker Images From One Git Repo_en.srt
3.9 KB
015 AWS-ARM-A1-instances.url
0.1 KB
015 Docker + ARM, Using Raspberry Pi or AWS A1 Instances with Docker.mp4
376.5 MB
015 Docker + ARM, Using Raspberry Pi or AWS A1 Instances with Docker_en.srt
33.4 KB
015 Docker-Mastery-for-Node.js.url
0.1 KB
015 Docker-and-ARM-announcement.url
0.1 KB
015 QEMU.url
0.0 KB
016 Docker and Swarm RBAC Options.mp4
29.9 MB
016 Docker and Swarm RBAC Options_en.srt
2.3 KB
017 ENTRYPOINT vs. CMD, what's the difference in Dockerfiles.mp4
99.5 MB
017 ENTRYPOINT vs. CMD, what's the difference in Dockerfiles_en.srt
14.1 KB
017 ENTRYPOINT-Best-Practices.url
0.1 KB
017 ENTRYPOINT-in-Dockerfiles.url
0.1 KB
018 How to Use External Storage in Docker.mp4
49.7 MB
018 How to Use External Storage in Docker_en.srt
6.1 KB
019 Can I Turn a VM into a Container.mp4
24.0 MB
019 Can I Turn a VM into a Container_en.srt
8.1 KB
019 image2docker-demo.url
0.1 KB
019 image2docker-for-windows-container.url
0.1 KB
019 image2docker-linux-container.url
0.1 KB
020 Startup Order With Multi-Container Apps.mp4
40.6 MB
020 Startup Order With Multi-Container Apps_en.srt
6.1 KB
020 The-12-Factor-App.url
0.0 KB
3.4 KB
/26 - Dockerfiles and Docker Images in 2022/
001 DockerCon 2022 Talk.html
1.0 KB
002 Node.js Rocks in Docker.mp4
650.7 MB
002 Node.js Rocks in Docker_en.srt
48.7 KB
/27 - Dockerfile and Compose File Reviews/
001 Section Intro - My Reviews Of Your Dockerfiles.mp4
10.1 MB
001 Section Intro - My Reviews Of Your Dockerfiles_en.srt
1.3 KB
002 Real World PHP Dockerfile Review.mp4
174.1 MB
002 Real World PHP Dockerfile Review_en.srt
26.1 KB
003 Real World PHP, Apache, and Alpine Dockerfile Review.mp4
16.8 MB
003 Real World PHP, Apache, and Alpine Dockerfile Review_en.srt
4.5 KB
004 Real World PHP and FPM Dockerfile Review.mp4
48.8 MB
004 Real World PHP and FPM Dockerfile Review_en.srt
12.4 KB
005 Real World Elasticsearch Compose Stack File.mp4
102.4 MB
005 Real World Elasticsearch Compose Stack File_en.srt
15.1 KB
/28 - Extra's, Common Questions, and Resources/
001 Node.js Good Defaults For Docker.html
0.9 KB
002 PHP and Docker Good Defaults Project Template.html
0.9 KB
003 About the DCA (Docker Certificated Associate) and Kubernetes Certifications.html
4.4 KB
004 Bonus.html
3.7 KB
Total files 683