
Download [] Udemy - Google Kubernetes Engine GKE with DevOps 75 Real-World Demos

FreeCourseSite com Udemy Google Kubernetes Engine GKE with DevOps 75 Real World Demos


[] Udemy - Google Kubernetes Engine GKE with DevOps 75 Real-World Demos

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/0. Websites you may like/


0.1 KB


0.1 KB


0.0 KB

/1 - Introduction/

1 - Introduction.mp4

167.1 MB

2 - Course GitHub Repository Links.html

1.4 KB

3 - Create GCP Account and Budget alerts.mp4

24.8 MB

/10 - Section11 Kubernetes Deployments Pause and Resume/

31 - Step01 Pause and Resume Kubernetes Deployments.mp4

92.3 MB

/11 - Section12 Kubernetes ClusterIP and Load Balancer Service/

32 - Step01 Kubernetes Services Introduction.mp4

41.9 MB

33 - Step02 Kubernetes ClusterIP and Load Balancer Service Demo.mp4

111.3 MB

/12 - Section13 YAML Basics/

34 - Step01 Kubernetes YAML Basics.mp4

57.2 MB

/13 - Section14 Kubernetes Pod Service using YAML/

35 - Step01 Create YAML Kubernetes Pod Manifest.mp4

122.2 MB

36 - Step02 Create Load Balancer Service YAML Manifest and Test.mp4

81.5 MB

/14 - Section15 Kubernetes ReplicaSets using YAML/

37 - Step01 Create ReplicaSet YAML Manifest.mp4

68.6 MB

38 - Step02 Create Load Balancer Service for ReplicaSet and Test.mp4

27.9 MB

/15 - Section16 Kubernetes Deployment using YAML/

39 - Step01 Create Deployment YAML Manifest and Test.mp4

51.9 MB

/16 - Section17 Kubernetes Services using YAML/

40 - Step01 Create Backend Deployment and Service.mp4

51.9 MB

41 - Step02 Create Frontend Deployment and Service and Test.mp4

60.4 MB

/17 - Section18 GKE Kubernetes NodePort Service/

42 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes NodePort Service.mp4

42.3 MB

43 - Step02 Implement NodePort Service and Test.mp4

93.0 MB

/18 - Section19 GKE Kubernetes Headless Service/

44 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Headless Service.mp4

26.7 MB

45 - Step02 Implement Headless Service Demo.mp4

92.9 MB

/19 - Section20 GKE Private Cluster/

46 - Step01 IntroductiontoGKEPrivateClusters.mp4

89.5 MB

47 - Step02 Create GKE Standard Cluster of Type Private.mp4

120.2 MB

48 - Step03 Review Deploy k8s manifests and Test without CloudNAT.mp4

66.2 MB

49 - Step04 Create CloudNAT Deploy k8s manifests Test and CleanUp.mp4

50.0 MB

50 - Step05 Understand GKE Authorized Network Feature.mp4

44.7 MB

/2 - Section02 Create GKE Standard Public Cluster/

4 - GKE0201CLUSTERIntroductiontoGKEClusterModesTypes.mp4

32.6 MB

5 - Step02 Create GKE Cluster.mp4

85.8 MB

6 - Step03 Verify GKE Cluster and other GKE Features.mp4

108.1 MB

7 - Step04 Connect to GKE using Google Cloud Shell.mp4

44.1 MB

8 - Step05 Deploy Sample Application Test and CleanUp.mp4

127.8 MB

/20 - Section21 How to use GCP Persistent Disks in GKE/

51 - Step01 Introduction to GKE Storage Persistent Disks.mp4

150.8 MB

52 - Step02 Introduction to Demo 21 Use standardrwo.mp4

100.7 MB

53 - Step03 Create PVC ConfigMap YAML Manifests.mp4

124.5 MB

54 - Step04 Create MySQL Deployment Service YAML Manifests.mp4

169.9 MB

55 - Step05 Create UMS WebApp Deployment Service YAML Manifests.mp4

76.6 MB

56 - Step06 Deploy UMS WebApp and Verify.mp4

134.9 MB

57 - Step07 Review GCE PD Logs and CleanUp.mp4

22.1 MB

/21 - Section22 How to use Balanced Persistent Disk in GKE/

58 - Step01 Demo 22 Use premiumrwo Storage Class.mp4

56.4 MB

/22 - Section23 How to use Custom Storage Class in GKE for Persistent Disks/

59 - Step01 Introduction to Custom Storage Class.mp4

65.6 MB

60 - Step02 Implement Custom SC Test Volume Expansion.mp4

104.7 MB

61 - Step03 Test Reclaim Policy Retain.mp4

66.1 MB

/23 - Section24 How to use Preexisting Persistent Disks in GKE/

62 - Step01 Introduction to Preexisting PD Demo.mp4

29.5 MB

63 - Step02 Create Persistent Volume YAML Manifest.mp4

73.7 MB

64 - Step03 Implement Demo Test and CleanUp.mp4

48.0 MB

/24 - Section25 How to use Regional Persistent Disks in GKE/

65 - Step01 Introduction to Regional PD Demo.mp4

53.3 MB

66 - Step02 Implement Regional PD Demo Test and CleanUp.mp4

61.7 MB

/25 - Section26 How to perform Persistent Disk Volume Snapshots and Volume Restore/

67 - Step01 Introduction to PD Volume Snapshot and Volume Restore.mp4

83.4 MB

68 - Step02 Deploy Project01 and Add Users.mp4

41.1 MB

69 - Step03 Review P02 and Deploy P02 Volume Snapshots.mp4

62.9 MB

70 - Step04 Review P03 and Deploy P03 Volume Restore Test and CleanUp.mp4

76.4 MB

/26 - Section28 GKE Workloads and Cloud SQL with Public IP/

71 - Step01 Introduction to Cloud SQL MySQL with Public IP.mp4

85.3 MB

72 - Step02 Create Cloud SQL MySQL Database and Webappdb Schema.mp4

73.5 MB

73 - Step03 Review Kubernetes Manifests for CloudSQL Public IP Demo.mp4

71.0 MB

74 - Step04 Deploy Verify and CleanUp CloudSQL Public IP Demo.mp4

61.2 MB

/27 - Section29 GKE Workloads and Cloud SQL with Private IP/

75 - Step01 Introduction to Cloud SQL MySQL with Private IP.mp4

30.9 MB

76 - Step02 Create Private Connection between CustomerVPC and GoogleManagedVPC.mp4

55.1 MB

77 - Step03 Create CloudSQL MySQL Instance with PrivateIP.mp4

41.0 MB

78 - Step04 Deploy Verify and CleanUp CloudSQL Private IP Demo.mp4

76.6 MB

/28 - Section30 GKE Workloads and Cloud SQL with Private IP and No ExternalName Serv/

79 - Step01 Introduction to Cloud SQL without External Name Service.mp4

25.4 MB

80 - Step02 Review Deploy Verify without ExternalName Svc and CleanUp.mp4

55.2 MB

/29 - Section31 How to use Google Cloud File Store in GKE/

81 - Step01 Introduction to File Store CSI Driver.mp4

136.6 MB

82 - Step02 Enable FileStore CSI Driver and Verify.mp4

51.0 MB

83 - Step03 Review Demo31 k8s YAML Manifests.mp4

106.0 MB

84 - Step04 Demo31 Deploy Verify and CleanUp.mp4

114.7 MB

/3 - Section03 Install gcloud CLI on mac OS/

10 - Step02 Install and Configure kubectl.mp4

79.9 MB

9 - Step01 Install Initialize gcloud CLI and Install GKE Auth Plugin.mp4

78.5 MB

/30 - Section32 How to use Custom Storage Class for File Store in GKE/

85 - Step01 Introduction to File Store CSI Driver Custom Storage Class.mp4

80.0 MB

86 - Step02 Demo32 Deploy Verify and CleanUp.mp4

55.2 MB

/31 - Section33 How to perform File Store Instance Volume Snapshots and Volume Resto/

87 - Step01 Introduction to File Store Volume Snapshots and Restore.mp4

30.1 MB

88 - Step02 Review and Deploy Project1 and 2.mp4

78.3 MB

89 - Step03 Deploy Project3 Verify and CleanUp Project123.mp4

112.1 MB

/32 - Section34 Ingress Service Basics/

90 - Step01 Ingress Basics Introduction.mp4

100.4 MB

91 - Step02 Create Ingress Basics YAML Manifest.mp4

75.0 MB

92 - Step03 Deploy Verify and CleanUp Ingress Basics Demo.mp4

54.2 MB

/33 - Section35 Ingress Context Path based Routing/

93 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress Context Path based Routing.mp4

31.5 MB

94 - Step02 Create Ingress CPR YAML Manifest.mp4

107.5 MB

95 - Step03 Deploy Verify and Clean Up Ingress CPR Demo.mp4

48.3 MB

/34 - Section36 Ingress Custom Health Checks using Readiness Probes/

96 - Step01 Introduction to Custom Health Checks Readiness Probes.mp4

98.9 MB

97 - Step02 Review YAML Manifests for Custom Health check readiness Probes.mp4

53.6 MB

98 - Step03 Deploy Verify and CleanUp Custom Health Check Readiness Probes demo.mp4

44.3 MB

/35 - Section37 Register a Google Cloud Domain for some advanced Ingress Service Dem/

99 - Step01 Register a Cloud Domain.mp4

30.2 MB

/36 - Section38 Ingress with Static External IP and Cloud DNS/

100 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Static External IP and Cloud DNS.mp4

42.0 MB

101 - Step02 Create ExternalIP and Add Record in Cloud DNS and Verify.mp4

46.8 MB

102 - Step03 DeployVerify External IP Demo and CleanUp.mp4

83.5 MB

/37 - Section39 Google Managed SSL Certificates for Ingress/

103 - Step01 Introduction to Google Managed SSL Certificates.mp4

52.4 MB

104 - Step02 Review YAML manifests for GMSSL and Deploy.mp4

57.5 MB

105 - Step03 Verify SSL Cert and HTTP and HTTPS Urls.mp4

44.7 MB

/38 - Section40 Ingress HTTP to HTTPS Redirect/

106 - Step01 Ingress HTTP to HTTPS Redirect with FrontendConfigs.mp4

77.8 MB

/39 - Section41 GKE Workload Identity/

107 - Step01 Introduction to Workload Identity.mp4

85.5 MB

108 - Step02 Create IAM Service Account and Associate IAM Role.mp4

81.6 MB

109 - Step03 Create k8s SA Implement IAM Policy Binding.mp4

57.1 MB

110 - Step04 Deploy Workload Identity from both pods.mp4

70.9 MB

111 - Step05 Test Negative usecase with CloudDNS and CleanUp.mp4

78.0 MB

/4 - Section04 Install gcloud CLI on Windows OS/

11 - Step01 WINDOWSOS Install Initialize gcloud CLI.mp4

69.8 MB

12 - Step02 Install GKE Auth Plugin kubectl and configure and Test.mp4

64.8 MB

/40 - Section42 External DNS Controller Install/

112 - Step01 Introduction to External DNS Install.mp4

40.8 MB

113 - Step02 Implement Workload Identity Steps.mp4

71.1 MB

114 - Step03 Review External DNS Configs and Helm Options.mp4

117.5 MB

115 - Step04 Deploy ExternalDNS Controller and Verify.mp4

48.2 MB

/41 - Section43 External DNS Ingress Service/

116 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with External DNS.mp4

20.5 MB

117 - Step02 Deploy Ingress with External DNS annotation Verify and CleanUp.mp4

69.0 MB

/42 - Section44 External DNS Kubernetes Service/

118 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Service with External DNS.mp4

13.9 MB

119 - Step02 Deploy Kubernetes Service with Ext DNS Annotation Verify and Cleanup.mp4

46.0 MB

/43 - Section45 Ingress Name based Virtual Host Routing/

120 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress Name based Virtual Host Routing.mp4

49.5 MB

121 - Step02 Review Ingress NVHR YAML Manifests.mp4

69.9 MB

122 - Step03 Deploy and Verify NVHR Demo.mp4

98.6 MB

/44 - Section46 Ingress SSL Policy/

123 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress SSL Policy.mp4

46.0 MB

124 - Step02 Create SSL Policy Associate to Ingress and Verify.mp4

68.1 MB

/45 - Section47 Ingress with IdentityAware Proxy/

125 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with IAP.mp4

62.9 MB

126 - Step02 Create OAuth Consent Screen and OAuth Credentials.mp4

72.3 MB

127 - Step03 Review IAP changes to k8s YAML manifests.mp4

66.2 MB

128 - Step04 Deploy Verify IAP Access and CleanUp.mp4

98.7 MB

/46 - Section48 Ingress with Self Signed SSL Certificates/

129 - Step01 Introduction to using Self Signed SSL for Ingress.mp4

21.0 MB

130 - Step02 Create SSL Certs and k8s secrets for App1 2 and 3.mp4

45.1 MB

131 - Step03 Deploy Verify Self Signed SSL Certs with Ingress and CleanUp.mp4

79.1 MB

/47 - Section49 Ingress with Preshared SSL Certificates/

132 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Preshared SSL.mp4

26.0 MB

133 - Step02 Review Deploy Verify Preshared SSL Certs and CleanUp.mp4

92.3 MB

/48 - Section50 Ingress with Cloud CDN HTTP Access Logging and Timeouts/

134 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Cloud CDN.mp4

40.4 MB

135 - Step02 Review BackendConfig YAML Manifest.mp4

64.8 MB

136 - Step03 Deploy and Verify Cloud CDN.mp4

58.6 MB

137 - Step04 Verify Cloud Logging and CleanUp.mp4

29.0 MB

/49 - Section51 Ingress with Client IP Affinity/

138 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Client IP Affinity.mp4

32.4 MB

139 - Step02 Review Project01 and 02 k8s YAML Manifests.mp4

77.0 MB

140 - Step03 Deploy and Verify Ingress CIP.mp4

48.5 MB

141 - Step04 Learn how to disable settings in BackendConfig.mp4

34.5 MB

/5 - Section06 Kubernetes Pods/

13 - Step01 Kubernetes Architecture Introduction.mp4

73.4 MB

14 - Step02 Kubernetes Fundamentals Introduction.mp4

19.6 MB

15 - Step03 Kubernetes Pods Introduction.mp4

31.2 MB

16 - Step04 Implement Kubernetes Pods Imperative Way.mp4

101.3 MB

17 - Step05 Kubernetes Services Introduction.mp4

30.0 MB

18 - Step06 Expose Pod with Kubernetes Service.mp4

51.7 MB

19 - Step07 Connect to Pods Test and CleanUp.mp4

72.3 MB

/50 - Section52 Ingress with Cookie Affinity/

142 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Generated Cookie Affinity.mp4

17.4 MB

143 - Step02 Deploy Verify and CleanUp Cookie Affinity Demo.mp4

57.9 MB

/51 - Section53 Ingress with Custom Health Checks using BackendConfig CRD/

144 - Step01 Introduction to Custom Health Checks with BackendConfig CRD.mp4

43.3 MB

145 - Step02 Review Deploy Verify and Cleanup BackendConfig Healthchecks.mp4

60.6 MB

/52 - Section54 Ingress Internal Load Balancer/

146 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress Internal Load Balancer.mp4

23.1 MB

147 - Step02 Review Deploy Verify Internal LB and CleanUp.mp4

48.1 MB

/53 - Section55 Ingress with Google Cloud Armor/

148 - Step01 Introduction to Ingress with Google Cloud Armor.mp4

46.1 MB

149 - Step02 Create Cloud Armor Policy.mp4

40.1 MB

150 - Step03 Review Deploy and Verify Cloud Armor with Ingress.mp4

66.5 MB

/54 - Section56 Google Artifact Registry/

151 - Step01 Introduction to Google Artifact Registry.mp4

33.1 MB

152 - Step02 Create Docker Image on local desktop and Verify.mp4

51.3 MB

153 - Step03 Create Artifact Registry Tag and Push the Docker Image.mp4

53.4 MB

154 - Step04 Update Image in k8s deployment deploy and test.mp4

43.0 MB

/55 - Section57 GKE Continuous Integration/

155 - Step01 Introduction to GKE Continuous Integration.mp4

59.0 MB

156 - Step02 Create SSH Keys Configure local and Cloudsource with SSH Keys.mp4

91.3 MB

157 - Step03 Run CI with gcloud builds command.mp4

120.4 MB

158 - Step04 Review cloudbuildyaml and Create CI Pipeline.mp4

60.0 MB

159 - Step05 Test CI Pipeline.mp4

71.2 MB

160 - Step06 Verify both Docker Images with k8s Deployment.mp4

39.7 MB

161 - Step07 Enable Approval Process for CI Builds.mp4

36.6 MB

/56 - Section58 GKE Continuous Delivery/

162 - Step01 Introduction to GKE Continuous Delivery.mp4

34.0 MB

163 - Step02 Complete Steps1 to 5 Create k8s repo.mp4

118.2 MB

164 - Step03 Complete Steps6 to 11 Test CI CD First time.mp4

180.7 MB

165 - Step04 Test CI CD Second Time and Rebuild Option.mp4

78.0 MB

/57 - Section59 Kubernetes Liveness Probes/

166 - Step01 Introduction to Liveness Probe.mp4

46.1 MB

167 - Step02 Liveness Probe with Command.mp4

78.2 MB

168 - Step03 Liveness Probe with HTTP Request Reproduce probe failure case.mp4

70.0 MB

/58 - Section60 Kubernetes Startup Probes/

169 - Step01 Introduction to Startup Probe.mp4

24.7 MB

170 - Step02 Implement StartUp Probe and Test.mp4

40.0 MB

/59 - Section61 Kubernetes Readiness Probe/

171 - Step01 Introduction to Readiness Probes.mp4

24.3 MB

172 - Step02 Implement Readiness Probe and Test it.mp4

53.4 MB

/6 - Section07 Kubernetes ReplicaSets/

20 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes ReplicaSets.mp4

41.6 MB

21 - Step02 Deploy ReplicaSet and Verify.mp4

58.4 MB

22 - Step03 Expose ReplicaSet as a Service.mp4

36.5 MB

23 - Step04 Test ReplicaSet Scalability Reliability and CleanUp.mp4

42.6 MB

/60 - Section62 Kubernetes Requests and Limits/

173 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Requests and Limits.mp4

31.1 MB

174 - Step02 Implement Requests and Limits.mp4

73.4 MB

/61 - Section63 GKE Cluster Autoscaling/

175 - Step01 Introduction to GKE Cluster Autoscaling.mp4

78.1 MB

176 - Step02 Implement Cluster Autoscaling.mp4

64.5 MB

/62 - Section64 Kubernetes Namespaces/

177 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Namespaces.mp4

47.9 MB

178 - Step02 Kubernetes Namespaces Imperative Demo.mp4

41.8 MB

179 - Step03 Kubernetes Namespaces Declarative Demo.mp4

38.6 MB

/63 - Section65 Kubernetes Namespaces Resource Quota/

180 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Resource Quota.mp4

47.6 MB

181 - Step02 Implement Kubernetes Resource Quota Demo.mp4

89.1 MB

/64 - Section66 Kubernetes Namespaces Limit Range/

182 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Limit Range.mp4

58.9 MB

183 - Step02 Implement Kubernetes Limit Range Demo01.mp4

74.3 MB

184 - Step03 Implement Kubernetes Limit Range Demo02.mp4

82.3 MB

/65 - Section67 Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/

185 - Step01 Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.mp4

61.2 MB

186 - Step02 Implement HPA Demo.mp4

88.5 MB

/66 - Section68 GKE Autopilot Cluster/

187 - Step01 Introduction to GKE Autopilot Cluster.mp4

57.0 MB

188 - Step02 Create GKE Autopilot Cluster.mp4

47.9 MB

189 - Step03 Deploy Application Test and CleanUp.mp4

105.0 MB

/67 - Section69 How to manage Multiple Cluster access in kubeconfig/

190 - Step01 Access to Multiple Clusters with kubectl config commands.mp4

106.3 MB

/68 - Section05 Docker Fundamentals/

191 - Step01 Introduction to Docker Fundamentals.mp4

14.9 MB

192 - Step02 What is Docker.mp4

51.7 MB

193 - Step03 Docker Architecture.mp4

36.4 MB

194 - Step04 Docker Installation.mp4

62.0 MB

195 - Step05 Pull from Docker Hub and Run it as Container.mp4

60.8 MB

196 - Step06 Push to Docker Hub.mp4

72.4 MB

197 - Step07 Docker Commands.mp4

21.3 MB

/7 - Section08 Kubernetes Deployment CREATE/

24 - Step01 Introduction to Kubernetes Deployments.mp4

14.7 MB

25 - Step02 Create Kubernetes Deployment and Verify.mp4

76.1 MB

26 - Step03 Scale Deployment and Expose Deployment as Service.mp4

51.4 MB

/8 - Section09 Kubernetes Deployment UPDATE/

27 - Step01 Update Kubernetes Deployment with Set Image Option.mp4

97.2 MB

28 - Step02 Update Kubernetes Deployment with Edit Option.mp4

53.0 MB

/9 - Section10 Kubernetes Deployment ROLLBACK/

29 - Step01 Deployment Rollback to Previous Version.mp4

57.2 MB

30 - Step02 Deployment Rollback to Specific Version and Rolling Restarts.mp4

25.5 MB


Total files 200

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