
Download [] Udemy - Salesforce Lightning Framework

FreeCourseSite com Udemy Salesforce Lightning Framework


[] Udemy - Salesforce Lightning Framework

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548.6 MB

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/1. Lightning Framework/

1. Introduction to the course.mp4

10.4 MB

1. Introduction to the course.vtt

2.8 KB

10. Component Composition with example.mp4

24.9 MB

10. Component Composition with example.vtt

12.4 KB

10.1 helloAttributes3.html

0.1 KB

10.2 helloCSS.html

0.1 KB

10.3 nestedComponents.html

0.1 KB

10.4 helloHTML.html

0.1 KB

11. What is Salesforce Expression and auraif component.mp4

14.2 MB

11. What is Salesforce Expression and auraif component.vtt

7.9 KB

12. What are Global value provider.mp4

27.3 MB

12. What are Global value provider.vtt

15.5 KB

12.1 ValueProvider1.html

0.1 KB

12.2 ValueProvider2.html

0.1 KB

13. Standard and components.mp4

25.0 MB

13. Standard and components.vtt

13.7 KB

13.1 nestedComponents2.html

0.1 KB

13.2 myListComponent.html

0.1 KB

14. Salesforce ui componentsInput Text, Output TeXT and button.mp4

33.0 MB

14. Salesforce ui componentsInput Text, Output TeXT and button.vtt

19.6 KB

14.1 Example10a.html

0.1 KB

14.2 Example10b.html

0.1 KB

14.3 Example10c.html

0.1 KB

15. Handling Events Using Client Side Controller.mp4

30.7 MB

15. Handling Events Using Client Side Controller.vtt

18.4 KB

15.1 Example11a.html

0.1 KB

15.2 Example11b.html

0.1 KB

16. Apex Server-Side Controller Overview.mp4

36.3 MB

16. Apex Server-Side Controller Overview.vtt

20.9 KB

16.1 Example13a.html

0.1 KB

16.2 Example13c.html

0.1 KB

16.3 Example13b.html

0.1 KB

17. How to Retrieve records from standard object in Lightning.mp4

18.6 MB

17. How to Retrieve records from standard object in Lightning.vtt

10.1 KB

17.1 Example14b.html

0.1 KB

17.2 Example14a.html

0.1 KB

17.3 Example14c.html

0.1 KB

18. Debugging Lightning Components.mp4

12.5 MB

18. Debugging Lightning Components.vtt

7.2 KB

2. How to setup your custom Domain for salesforce Org.mp4

14.9 MB

2. How to setup your custom Domain for salesforce Org.vtt

6.9 KB

3. What is Salesforce Lightning component framework .mp4

21.7 MB

3. What is Salesforce Lightning component framework .vtt

11.4 KB

4. Udemy review update.mp4

28.3 MB

4. Udemy review update.vtt

1.6 KB

5. To add Styling to your Lightning Application using external static resource.mp4

27.8 MB

5. To add Styling to your Lightning Application using external static resource.vtt

27.8 MB

5.1 The component file.html

0.1 KB

5.2 The css file.html

0.1 KB

6. What are Attributes.mp4

22.3 MB

6. What are Attributes.vtt

13.2 KB

6.1 componentExample.html

0.1 KB

6.2 Attribute Example.html

0.1 KB

7. Top 5 Favorite Lightning UI Features.html

0.3 KB

8. What are component Attributes.mp4

7.8 MB

8. What are component Attributes.vtt

4.7 KB

8.1 AttributeExample2.html

0.1 KB

9. Component Composition with example.mp4

24.9 MB

9. Component Composition with example.vtt

12.4 KB

/2. Building our First Lightning App from scratch/

1. Overview of our Lightning App.mp4

3.1 MB

1. Overview of our Lightning App.vtt

2.1 KB

2. Creating the ContactController Class.mp4

21.8 MB

2. Creating the ContactController Class.vtt

12.4 KB

2.1 ContactController.html

0.1 KB

3. Creating the Lightning Application.mp4

16.0 MB

3. Creating the Lightning Application.vtt

7.4 KB

3.1 Lightning.html

0.2 KB

4. Creating the ContactList Component.mp4

21.3 MB

4. Creating the ContactList Component.vtt

11.8 KB

4.1 ContactList.html

0.1 KB

5. SearchBar component.mp4

41.3 MB

5. SearchBar component.vtt

22.2 KB

6. Creating the ContactDetails Component.mp4

36.4 MB

6. Creating the ContactDetails Component.vtt

20.7 KB

6.1 ContactDetails.html

0.1 KB


1. Bonus Lecture ​Discount Coupon codes to other courses​.html

0.1 KB

1.1 BonusLectureNewest.pdf.pdf

107.7 KB



0.1 KB

[FCS Forum].url

0.1 KB


0.1 KB


Total files 80

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