/0. Websites you may like/
0.1 KB
[FCS Forum].url
0.1 KB
0.1 KB
/1. Chapter 1/
1. Course Introduction.mp4
27.2 MB
1. Course Introduction.srt
3.6 KB
/10. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities/
1. What is SQL.mp4
11.0 MB
1. What is SQL.srt
7.8 KB
2. Dangers of SQL Injections.mp4
7.0 MB
2. Dangers of SQL Injections.srt
4.1 KB
/11. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities - SQLi In Login Pages/
1. Discovering SQL Injections In POST.mp4
16.2 MB
1. Discovering SQL Injections In POST.srt
10.9 KB
1.1 Fix table metasploit.accounts doesn't exist issue.html
0.1 KB
2. Bypassing Logins Using SQL Injection Vulnerability.mp4
8.5 MB
2. Bypassing Logins Using SQL Injection Vulnerability.srt
6.9 KB
3. Bypassing More Secure Logins Using SQL Injections.mp4
11.9 MB
3. Bypassing More Secure Logins Using SQL Injections.srt
8.8 KB
4. [Security] Preventing SQL Injections In Login Pages.mp4
12.5 MB
4. [Security] Preventing SQL Injections In Login Pages.srt
10.0 KB
/12. SQL injection Vulnerabilities - Extracting Data From The Database/
1. Discovering SQL Injections in GET.mp4
16.2 MB
1. Discovering SQL Injections in GET.srt
9.1 KB
2. Reading Database Information.mp4
9.5 MB
2. Reading Database Information.srt
6.2 KB
3. Finding Database Tables.mp4
6.4 MB
3. Finding Database Tables.srt
3.5 KB
4. Extracting Sensitive Data Such As Passwords.mp4
8.0 MB
4. Extracting Sensitive Data Such As Passwords.srt
5.3 KB
/13. SQL injection Vulnerabilities - Advanced Exploitation/
1. Discovering & Exploiting Blind SQL Injections.mp4
8.3 MB
1. Discovering & Exploiting Blind SQL Injections.srt
7.8 KB
1.1 sqli-tips.txt
0.4 KB
1.2 sqli-quries.txt
0.8 KB
10. Getting a Direct SQL Shell using SQLmap.mp4
6.8 MB
10. Getting a Direct SQL Shell using SQLmap.srt
3.1 KB
11. [Security] - The Right Way To Prevent SQL Injection Vulnerabilites.mp4
8.8 MB
11. [Security] - The Right Way To Prevent SQL Injection Vulnerabilites.srt
6.4 KB
2. Discovering Complex SQL Injection Vulnerabilities.mp4
13.6 MB
2. Discovering Complex SQL Injection Vulnerabilities.srt
9.7 KB
3. Exploiting an advanced SQL Injection Vulnerability to Extract Passwords.mp4
8.1 MB
3. Exploiting an advanced SQL Injection Vulnerability to Extract Passwords.srt
5.6 KB
4. Bypassing Filters.mp4
6.8 MB
4. Bypassing Filters.srt
6.1 KB
5. Bypassing Security & Accessing All Records.mp4
72.7 MB
5. Bypassing Security & Accessing All Records.srt
10.8 KB
6. [Security] Quick Fix To Prevent SQL Injections.mp4
13.9 MB
6. [Security] Quick Fix To Prevent SQL Injections.srt
9.3 KB
7. Reading & Writing Files On The Server Using SQL Injections.mp4
13.2 MB
7. Reading & Writing Files On The Server Using SQL Injections.srt
7.2 KB
8. Getting A Shell & Controlling The Target Server Using an SQL Injection.mp4
13.2 MB
8. Getting A Shell & Controlling The Target Server Using an SQL Injection.srt
11.0 KB
9. Discovering SQL Injections & Extracting Data Using SQLmap.mp4
22.5 MB
9. Discovering SQL Injections & Extracting Data Using SQLmap.srt
8.6 KB
/14. XSS Vulnerabilities/
1. Introduction - What is XSS or Cross Site Scripting.mp4
7.1 MB
1. Introduction - What is XSS or Cross Site Scripting.srt
3.9 KB
2. Discovering Basic Reflected XSS.mp4
6.7 MB
2. Discovering Basic Reflected XSS.srt
4.3 KB
3. Discovering Advanced Reflected XSS.mp4
8.0 MB
3. Discovering Advanced Reflected XSS.srt
6.1 KB
3.1 XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet.html
0.1 KB
4. Discovering An Even More Advanced Reflected XSS.mp4
12.3 MB
4. Discovering An Even More Advanced Reflected XSS.srt
9.7 KB
5. Discovering Stored XSS.mp4
5.7 MB
5. Discovering Stored XSS.srt
4.0 KB
6. Discovering Advanced Stored XSS.mp4
6.0 MB
6. Discovering Advanced Stored XSS.srt
4.8 KB
/15. XSS Vulnerabilities - Exploitation/
1. Hooking Victims To BeEF Using Reflected XSS.mp4
11.0 MB
1. Hooking Victims To BeEF Using Reflected XSS.srt
7.5 KB
10. Bonus - Using A Basic Delivery Method To Test The Backdoor & Hack Windows 10.mp4
18.8 MB
10. Bonus - Using A Basic Delivery Method To Test The Backdoor & Hack Windows 10.srt
9.2 KB
11. Gaining Full Control Over Windows Target.mp4
6.7 MB
11. Gaining Full Control Over Windows Target.srt
4.7 KB
12. [Security] Fixing XSS Vulnerabilities.mp4
18.1 MB
12. [Security] Fixing XSS Vulnerabilities.srt
9.7 KB
2. Hooking Victims To BeEF Using Stored XSS.mp4
7.3 MB
2. Hooking Victims To BeEF Using Stored XSS.srt
5.5 KB
3. Interacting With Hooked Targets.mp4
6.8 MB
3. Interacting With Hooked Targets.srt
5.6 KB
4. Running Basic Commands On Victims.mp4
8.4 MB
4. Running Basic Commands On Victims.srt
5.9 KB
5. Stealing CredentialsPasswords Using A Fake Login Prompt.mp4
4.5 MB
5. Stealing CredentialsPasswords Using A Fake Login Prompt.srt
3.1 KB
6. Bonus - Installing Veil Framework.mp4
43.6 MB
6. Bonus - Installing Veil Framework.srt
8.0 KB
6.1 Veil Git Repo.html
0.1 KB
7. Bonus - Veil Overview & Payloads Basics.mp4
14.2 MB
7. Bonus - Veil Overview & Payloads Basics.srt
10.2 KB
8. Bonus - Generating An Undetectable Backdoor Using Veil 3.mp4
22.1 MB
8. Bonus - Generating An Undetectable Backdoor Using Veil 3.srt
12.7 KB
8.1 Another way of generating an undetectable backdoor.html
0.1 KB
8.2 Nodistribute - Online Virus Scanner.html
0.1 KB
8.3 Alternative to Nodistribute.html
0.1 KB
9. Bonus - Listening For Incoming Connections.mp4
13.2 MB
9. Bonus - Listening For Incoming Connections.srt
9.3 KB
/16. Insecure Session Management/
1. Logging In As Admin Without a Password By Manipulating Cookies.mp4
13.3 MB
1. Logging In As Admin Without a Password By Manipulating Cookies.srt
7.5 KB
2. Discovering Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities (CSRF).mp4
20.0 MB
2. Discovering Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities (CSRF).srt
9.5 KB
3. Exploiting CSRF To Change Admin Password Using a HTML File.mp4
18.6 MB
3. Exploiting CSRF To Change Admin Password Using a HTML File.srt
9.6 KB
4. Exploiting CSRF Vulnerabilities To Change Admin Password Using Link.mp4
15.3 MB
4. Exploiting CSRF Vulnerabilities To Change Admin Password Using Link.srt
7.8 KB
5. [Security] The Right Way To Prevent CSRF Vulnerabilities.mp4
25.5 MB
5. [Security] The Right Way To Prevent CSRF Vulnerabilities.srt
12.6 KB
/17. Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks/
1. Introduction to Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks.mp4
7.8 MB
1. Introduction to Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks.srt
5.5 KB
2. Creating a Wordlist.mp4
12.8 MB
2. Creating a Wordlist.srt
8.8 KB
2.1 Some-Links-To-Wordlists-1.txt
0.4 KB
3. Guessing Login Password Using a Wordlist Attack With Hydra.mp4
35.6 MB
3. Guessing Login Password Using a Wordlist Attack With Hydra.srt
16.8 KB
/18. Discovering Vulnerabilities Automatically Using Owasp ZAP/
1. Scanning Target Website For Vulnerabilities.mp4
8.8 MB
1. Scanning Target Website For Vulnerabilities.srt
5.5 KB
2. Analysing Scan Results.mp4
9.9 MB
2. Analysing Scan Results.srt
4.9 KB
/19. Post Exploitation/
1. Post Exploitation Introduction.mp4
8.5 MB
1. Post Exploitation Introduction.srt
5.2 KB
1.1 Post-Exploitation.pdf
171.9 KB
2. Executing System Commands On Hacked Web Servers.mp4
14.1 MB
2. Executing System Commands On Hacked Web Servers.srt
9.4 KB
3. Escalating Reverse Shell Access To Weevely Shell.mp4
11.9 MB
3. Escalating Reverse Shell Access To Weevely Shell.srt
9.4 KB
4. Weevely Basics - Accessing Other Websites, Running Shell Commands ...etc.mp4
14.6 MB
4. Weevely Basics - Accessing Other Websites, Running Shell Commands ...etc.srt
8.6 KB
5. Bypassing Limited Privileges & Executing Shell Commands.mp4
10.9 MB
5. Bypassing Limited Privileges & Executing Shell Commands.srt
7.0 KB
6. Downloading Files From Target Webserver.mp4
11.2 MB
6. Downloading Files From Target Webserver.srt
6.2 KB
7. Uploading Files To Target Webserver.mp4
19.0 MB
7. Uploading Files To Target Webserver.srt
10.0 KB
8. Getting a Reverse Connection From Weevely.mp4
16.5 MB
8. Getting a Reverse Connection From Weevely.srt
10.1 KB
9. Accessing The Database.mp4
22.2 MB
9. Accessing The Database.srt
22.2 MB
/2. Preparation - Creating a Penetration Testing Lab/
1. Lab Overview & Needed Software.mp4
111.7 MB
1. Lab Overview & Needed Software.srt
9.9 KB
1.1 The Lab.pdf
355.3 KB
1.2 Virtual Box Download Page.html
0.1 KB
2. Installing Kali 2020 As a Virtual Machine Using a Ready Image.mp4
149.2 MB
2. Installing Kali 2020 As a Virtual Machine Using a Ready Image.srt
14.2 KB
2.1 How To Fix No Nat Network Issue.html
0.1 KB
2.2 Kali 2020 Download Page.html
0.1 KB
2.3 How To Fix Blank Screen When Starting Kali.html
0.2 KB
2.4 Installing Kali Using ISO (use this method to install it as a Main machine)..html
0.1 KB
3. Installing Metasploitable As a Virtual Machine.mp4
11.6 MB
3. Installing Metasploitable As a Virtual Machine.srt
5.5 KB
3.1 Metasploitable Download Page.html
0.1 KB
4. Installing Windows As a Virtual Machine.mp4
9.8 MB
4. Installing Windows As a Virtual Machine.srt
4.5 KB
4.1 Windows Image Download Page.html
0.1 KB
/20. Bonus Section/
1. Bonus Lecture - What's Next.html
6.9 KB
/3. Preparation - Linux Basics/
1. Basic Overview Of Kali Linux.mp4
112.6 MB
1. Basic Overview Of Kali Linux.srt
6.7 KB
2. The Linux Terminal & Basic Linux Commands.mp4
234.3 MB
2. The Linux Terminal & Basic Linux Commands.srt
14.2 KB
2.1 List Of Linux Commands.html
0.1 KB
3. Configuring Metasploitable & Lab Network Settings.mp4
16.1 MB
3. Configuring Metasploitable & Lab Network Settings.srt
7.7 KB
3.1 How To Fix No Nat Network Issue.html
0.1 KB
/4. Website Basics/
1. What is a Website.mp4
12.3 MB
1. What is a Website.srt
5.6 KB
1.1 Intro-what-is-a-website.pdf
368.7 KB
2. How To Hack a Website .mp4
17.6 MB
2. How To Hack a Website .srt
8.1 KB
/5. Information Gathering/
1. Gathering Information Using Whois Lookup.mp4
11.9 MB
1. Gathering Information Using Whois Lookup.srt
6.0 KB
1.1 Domaintools Whois Lookup Palge.html
0.1 KB
1.2 Information Gathering.pdf
114.4 KB
2. Discovering Technologies Used On The Website.mp4
17.7 MB
2. Discovering Technologies Used On The Website.srt
7.5 KB
2.1 Netcraft.html
0.1 KB
3. Gathering Comprehensive DNS Information.mp4
111.7 MB
3. Gathering Comprehensive DNS Information.srt
12.9 KB
3.1 robtex.com.html
0.1 KB
4. Discovering Websites On The Same Server.mp4
9.8 MB
4. Discovering Websites On The Same Server.srt
4.7 KB
5. Discovering Subdomains.mp4
10.5 MB
5. Discovering Subdomains.srt
6.8 KB
5.1 Knock Git Repo.html
0.1 KB
6. Discovering Sensitive Files.mp4
16.1 MB
6. Discovering Sensitive Files.srt
9.2 KB
7. Analysing Discovered Files.mp4
9.1 MB
7. Analysing Discovered Files.srt
5.5 KB
8. Maltego - Discovering Servers, Domains & Files.mp4
17.6 MB
8. Maltego - Discovering Servers, Domains & Files.srt
10.5 KB
9. Maltego - Discovering Websites, Hosting Provider & Emails.mp4
10.5 MB
9. Maltego - Discovering Websites, Hosting Provider & Emails.srt
6.3 KB
/6. File Upload Vulnerabilities/
1. How To Discover & Exploit Basic File Upload Vulnerabilities to Hack Websites.mp4
12.6 MB
1. How To Discover & Exploit Basic File Upload Vulnerabilities to Hack Websites.srt
9.1 KB
1.1 File upload, Code execution, LFI, RFI, SQLi, XSS.pdf
554.8 KB
2. HTTP Requests - GET & POST.mp4
10.5 MB
2. HTTP Requests - GET & POST.srt
5.6 KB
3. Intercepting HTTP Requests.mp4
16.8 MB
3. Intercepting HTTP Requests.srt
9.6 KB
3.1 Configuring Burp to Handle HTTPS.html
0.1 KB
4. Exploiting Advanced File Upload Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.mp4
11.5 MB
4. Exploiting Advanced File Upload Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.srt
6.0 KB
5. Exploiting More Advanced File Upload Vulnerabilities.mp4
9.5 MB
5. Exploiting More Advanced File Upload Vulnerabilities.srt
5.5 KB
6. [Security] Fixing File Upload Vulnerabilities.mp4
14.0 MB
6. [Security] Fixing File Upload Vulnerabilities.srt
8.4 KB
6.1 Link To Secure File Upload Code.html
0.2 KB
/7. Code Execution Vulnerabilities/
1. How To Discover & Exploit Basic Code Execution Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.mp4
13.0 MB
1. How To Discover & Exploit Basic Code Execution Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.srt
9.3 KB
1.1 code-execution-reverse-shell-commands.txt
0.9 KB
2. Exploiting Advanced Code Execution Vulnerabilities.mp4
13.7 MB
2. Exploiting Advanced Code Execution Vulnerabilities.srt
7.8 KB
3. [Security] - Fixing Code Execution Vulnerabilities.mp4
10.9 MB
3. [Security] - Fixing Code Execution Vulnerabilities.srt
7.6 KB
/8. Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (LFI)/
1. What are they And How To Discover & Exploit Them.mp4
9.7 MB
1. What are they And How To Discover & Exploit Them.srt
6.8 KB
2. Gaining Shell Access From LFI Vulnerabilities - Method 1.mp4
16.2 MB
2. Gaining Shell Access From LFI Vulnerabilities - Method 1.srt
9.3 KB
3. Gaining Shell Access From LFI Vulnerabilities - Method 2.mp4
23.5 MB
3. Gaining Shell Access From LFI Vulnerabilities - Method 2.srt
10.7 MB
/9. Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (RFI)/
1. Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Configuring PHP Settings.mp4
7.7 MB
1. Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Configuring PHP Settings.srt
4.4 KB
2. Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Discovery & Exploitation.mp4
8.9 MB
2. Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Discovery & Exploitation.srt
7.6 KB
3. Exploiting Advanced Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.mp4
6.0 MB
3. Exploiting Advanced Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities To Hack Websites.srt
3.5 KB
4. [Security] Fixing File Inclusion Vulnerabilities.mp4
10.9 MB
4. [Security] Fixing File Inclusion Vulnerabilities.srt
7.5 KB
Total files 220