
Download [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Code With Mosh - The Ultimate Java Mastery Series

FreeCoursesOnline Me Code With Mosh The Ultimate Java Mastery Series


[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Code With Mosh - The Ultimate Java Mastery Series


Total Size

13.8 GB

Total Files


Last Seen

2024-07-08 23:49



/Part 1 - Fundamentals/1. Getting Started/

1- Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4

116.9 MB

2- Anatomy of a Java Program.mp4

98.5 MB

3- Your First Java Program.mp4

146.0 MB

4- How Java Code Gets Executed.mp4

92.6 MB

5- 5 Interesting Facts about Java.mp4

80.8 MB

6- Course Structure.mp4

46.5 MB

Ultimate Java - Part

26.6 KB

/Part 1 - Fundamentals/2. Types/

1- Introduction.mp4

5.9 MB

10- Constants.mp4

91.2 MB

11- Arithmetic Expressions.mp4

67.7 MB

12- Order of Operations.mp4

18.2 MB

13- Casting.mp4

119.2 MB

14- The Math Class.mp4

98.5 MB

15- Formatting Numbers.mp4

137.5 MB

16- Reading Input.mp4

141.5 MB

17- Project- Mortgage Calculator.mp4

69.7 MB

18- Solution.mp4

162.8 MB

19- Summary.mp4

7.2 MB

2- Variables.mp4

56.7 MB

3- Primitive Types.mp4

91.0 MB

4- Reference Types.mp4

104.4 MB

5- Primitive vs Reference Types.mp4

72.7 MB

6- Strings.mp4

135.1 MB

7- Escape Sequences.mp4

44.4 MB

8- Arrays.mp4

113.9 MB

9- Multi-dimensional Arrays.mp4

51.0 MB

/Part 1 - Fundamentals/3. Control Flow/

1- Introduction.mp4

10.1 MB

10- While Loops.mp4

97.4 MB

11- Do..While Loops.mp4

34.7 MB

12- Break and Continue Statements.mp4

86.0 MB

13- For-Each Loop.mp4

64.4 MB

14- Project- Mortgage Calculator.mp4

34.3 MB

15- Solution.mp4

237.3 MB

16- Summary.mp4

7.6 MB

2- Comparison Operators.mp4

35.1 MB

3- Logical Operators.mp4

114.9 MB

4- If Statements.mp4

104.5 MB

5- Simplifying If Statements.mp4

76.7 MB

6- The Ternary Operator.mp4

50.3 MB

7- Switch Statements.mp4

100.9 MB

8- Exercise- FizzBuzz.mp4

153.6 MB

9- For Loops.mp4

68.3 MB

/Part 1 - Fundamentals/4. Clean Coding/

1- Introduction.mp4

19.2 MB

10- Summary.mp4

6.0 MB

2- Clean Coding.mp4

74.1 MB

3- Creating Methods.mp4

96.6 MB

4- Refactoring.mp4

97.4 MB

5- Extracting Methods.mp4

293.5 MB

6- Refactoring Repetitive Patterns.mp4

280.3 MB

7- Project- Payment Schedule.mp4

50.0 MB

8- Solution.mp4

394.8 MB

9- Refactoring the Code.mp4

161.7 MB

/.../5. Debugging and Deploying Applications/

1- Introduction.mp4

5.0 MB

2- Types of Errors.mp4

30.4 MB

3- Common Syntax Errors.mp4

49.5 MB

4- Debugging Java Applications.mp4

225.7 MB

5- Packaging Java Applications.mp4

90.6 MB

6- Course Wrap Up.mp4

23.3 MB

/1. Getting Started/

1- Introduction.mp4

36.7 MB

2- Programming Paradigms.mp4

210.1 MB

3- Benefits of Object-oriented Programming.mp4

135.6 MB

4- Course Structure.mp4

40.5 MB

5- Ultimate Java - Part

109.1 KB

/2. Classes/

1- Introduction.mp4

4.5 MB

10- Coupling.mp4

263.2 MB

11- Reducing Coupling.mp4

288.8 MB

12- Constructors.mp4

204.7 MB

13- Method Overloading.mp4

98.3 MB

14- Constructor Overloading.mp4

105.3 MB

15- Static Members.mp4

158.4 MB

16- Classes Quiz.pdf

2.5 MB

17- Summary.mp4

5.5 MB

2- Classes and Objects.mp4

40.8 MB

3- Creating Classes.mp4

97.2 MB

4- Creating Objects.mp4

111.0 MB

5- Memory Allocation.mp4

91.6 MB

6- Procedural Programming.mp4

220.3 MB

7- Encapsulation.mp4

153.8 MB

8- Getters and Setters - Title.mp4

254.8 MB

9- Abstraction.mp4

135.7 MB

/.../3. Refactoring Towards an Object-oriented Design/

1- Introduction.mp4

56.2 MB

10- Extracting Duplicate Logic.mp4

260.6 MB

11- Extracting getRemainingBalances - Title.mp4

305.5 MB

12- One Last Touch.mp4

116.2 MB

2- The Problem.mp4

117.9 MB

3- What Classes Do We Need_.mp4

231.9 MB

4- Extracting the Console Class.mp4

142.6 MB

5- Overloading Methods.mp4

118.8 MB

6- Extracting the MortgageReport Class.mp4

74.2 MB

7- Extracting the MortgageCalculator Class.mp4

319.8 MB

8- Moving Away from Static Members.mp4

300.7 MB

9- Moving Static Fields.mp4

103.5 MB

/4. Inheritance/

1- Introduction.mp4

3.1 MB

10- Abstract Classes and Methods.mp4

56.7 MB

11- Final Classes and Methods.mp4

69.8 MB

12- Deep Inheritance Hierarchies.mp4

34.5 MB

13- Multiple Inheritance.mp4

15.4 MB

14- Inheritance Quiz.pdf

2.6 MB

15- Summary.mp4

8.8 MB

2- Inheritance.mp4

89.2 MB

3- The Object Class.mp4

104.1 MB

4- Constructors and Inheritance.mp4

67.5 MB

5- Access Modifiers.mp4

97.6 MB

6- Overriding Methods.mp4

54.1 MB

7- Upcasting and Downcasting.mp4

160.9 MB

8- Comparing Objects.mp4

242.7 MB

9- Polymorphism.mp4

116.4 MB

/5. Interfaces/

1- Introduction.mp4

4.3 MB

10- Project- MyTube Video Platform.mp4

119.2 MB

11- Solution.mp4

197.2 MB

12- Fields.mp4

60.1 MB

13- Static Methods.mp4

80.3 MB

14- Private Methods.mp4

127.1 MB

15- Interfaces and Abstract Classes.mp4

117.0 MB

16- When to Use Interfaces.mp4

121.9 MB

17- Interfaces Quiz.pdf

2.6 MB

18- Course Wrap Up.mp4

21.2 MB

2- What are Interfaces.mp4

233.6 MB

3- Tightly-coupled Code.mp4

97.8 MB

4- Creating an Interface.mp4

171.0 MB

5- Dependency Injection.mp4

55.8 MB

6- Constructor Injection.mp4

90.9 MB

7- Setter Injection.mp4

83.0 MB

8- Method Injection.mp4

64.8 MB

9- Interface Segregation Principle.mp4

137.6 MB

/1. Getting Started/

1- Introduction.mp4

2.0 MB

Ultimate Java- Part

109.3 KB

/2. Exceptions (43m)/

1- Introduction.mp4

956.5 KB

10- Re-throwing Exceptions.mp4

4.8 MB

11- Custom Exceptions.mp4

7.3 MB

12- Chaining Exceptions.mp4

9.5 MB

13- Summary.mp4

1.1 MB

2- What are Exceptions.mp4

7.3 MB

3- Types of Exceptions.mp4

5.0 MB

4- Exceptions Hierarchy.mp4

4.3 MB

5- Catching Exceptions.mp4

7.0 MB

6- Catching Multiple Types of Exceptions.mp4

8.2 MB

7- The finally Block.mp4

6.9 MB

8- The try-with-resources Statement.mp4

5.4 MB

9- Throwing Exceptions.mp4

7.1 MB

/3. Generics (43m)/

1- Introduction.mp4

579.1 KB

10- Multiple Type Parameters.mp4

4.3 MB

11- Generic Classes and Inheritance.mp4

7.6 MB

12- Wildcards.mp4

9.2 MB

13- Summary.mp4

1.1 MB

2- The Need for Generics.mp4

5.8 MB

3- A Poor Solution.mp4

5.8 MB

4- Generic Classes.mp4

7.4 MB

5- Generics and Primitive Types.mp4

4.0 MB

6- Constraints.mp4

6.5 MB

7- Type Erasure.mp4

8.1 MB

8- Comparable Interface.mp4

10.6 MB

9- Generic Methods.mp4

8.2 MB

/4. Collections (1h)/

1- Introduction.mp4

756.6 KB

10- The Queue Interface.mp4

8.2 MB

11- The Set Interface.mp4

9.8 MB

12- Hash Tables.mp4

5.8 MB

13- The Map Interface.mp4

11.0 MB

14- Summary.mp4

854.6 KB

2- Overview of Collections Framework.mp4

6.4 MB

3- The Need for Iterables.mp4

9.4 MB

4- The Iterable Interface.mp4

10.2 MB

5- The Iterator Interface.mp4

11.0 MB

6- The Collection Interface.mp4

17.6 MB

7- The List Interface.mp4

6.4 MB

8- The Comparable Interface.mp4

7.9 MB

9- The Comparator Interface.mp4

7.3 MB

/.../5. Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces (44m)/

1- Introduction.mp4

1.1 MB

10- The Supplier Interface.mp4

4.7 MB

11- The Function Interface.mp4

6.8 MB

12- Composing Functions.mp4

7.5 MB

13- The Predicate Interface.mp4

4.4 MB

14- Combining Predicates.mp4

3.9 MB

15- The BinaryOperator Interface.mp4

6.9 MB

16- The UnaryOperator Interface.mp4

2.3 MB

17- Summary.mp4

786.3 KB

2- Functional Interfaces.mp4

8.5 MB

3- Anonymous Inner Classes.mp4

2.3 MB

4- Lambda Expressions.mp4

6.5 MB

5- Variable Capture.mp4

3.4 MB

6- Method References.mp4

6.8 MB

7- Built-in Functional Interfaces.mp4

4.4 MB

8- The Consumer Interface.mp4

7.8 MB

9- Chaining Consumer.mp4

7.8 MB

/6. Streams (1h)/

1- Introduction.mp4

904.4 KB

10- Simple Reducers.mp4

5.7 MB

11- Reducing a Stream.mp4

6.8 MB

12- Collectors.mp4

9.8 MB

13- Grouping Elements.mp4

8.9 MB

14- Partitioning Elements.mp4

3.8 MB

15- Primitive Type Streams.mp4

2.5 MB

16- Summary.mp4

754.8 KB

2- Imperative vs Functional Programming.mp4

10.9 MB

3- Creating a Stream.mp4

9.5 MB

4- Mapping Elements.mp4

9.2 MB

5- Filtering Elements.mp4

4.9 MB

6- Slicing Streams.mp4

6.8 MB

7- Sorting Streams.mp4

8.6 MB

8- Getting Unique Elements.mp4

3.4 MB

9- Peeking Elements.mp4

5.6 MB

/.../7. Concurrency and Multi-threading (1h)/

1- Introduction.mp4

1.2 MB

10- Confinement.mp4

7.7 MB

11- Locks.mp4

5.5 MB

12- The synchronized Keyword.mp4

9.1 MB

13- The volatile Keyword.mp4

10.9 MB

14- Thread Signalling with wait() and notify().mp4

6.4 MB

15- Atomic Objects.mp4

6.5 MB

16- Adders.mp4

4.0 MB

17- Synchronized Collections.mp4

6.9 MB

18- Concurrent Collections.mp4

4.3 MB

19- Summary.mp4

1.6 MB

2- Processes and Threads.mp4

8.6 MB

3- Starting a Thread.mp4

6.2 MB

4- Pausing a Thread.mp4

4.0 MB

5- Joining a Thread.mp4

3.7 MB

6- Interrupting a Thread.mp4

5.2 MB

7- Concurrency Issues.mp4

2.5 MB

8- Race Conditions.mp4

10.0 MB

9- Strategies for Thread Safety.mp4

3.6 MB

/.../8. The Executive Framework (70m)/

1- Introduction.mp4

897.6 KB

10- Handling Exceptions.mp4

7.8 MB

11- Transforming a Completable Future.mp4

8.5 MB

12- Composing Completable Futures.mp4

12.2 MB

13- Combining Completable Futures.mp4

8.2 MB

14- Waiting for Many Tasks to Complete.mp4

5.3 MB

15- Waiting for the First Task.mp4

3.9 MB

16- Handling timeouts.mp4

4.7 MB

17- Project- Best Price Finder.mp4

1.9 MB

18- Solution- Getting a Quote.mp4

7.6 MB

19- Solution- Getting Many Quotes.mp4

9.9 MB

2- Thread Pools.mp4

2.2 MB

20- Solution- Random Delays.mp4

8.8 MB

3- Executors.mp4

11.9 MB

4- Callables and Futures.mp4

8.8 MB

5- Asynchronous Programming.mp4

4.5 MB

6- Completable Futures.mp4

3.0 MB

7- Creating a Completable Future.mp4

6.5 MB

8- Implementing an Asynchronous API.mp4

7.1 MB

9- Running Code on Completion.mp4

8.0 MB

/0. Websites you may like/

1. Premium Cracked Accounts-Tutorials-Guides-Articles Community Based Forum.url

0.4 KB

2. Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url

0.2 KB

/ Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, etc Free.url

0.3 KB

Support Us.txt

0.2 KB


Total files 243

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