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Gadamer, Hans-Georg - Reason in the Age of Science (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought).pdf

1.8 MB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 00.pdf

87.0 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 01.pdf

220.0 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 02.pdf

142.8 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 03.pdf

189.2 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 04.pdf

178.7 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 05.pdf

115.6 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 06.pdf

196.1 KB

Gahde, Ulrich - Coherence, Truth, and Testimony - 07.pdf

101.0 KB

Gahringer, Robert - Can Games Explain Language.pdf

760.5 KB

Gaita, Raimond - Good and Evil - An Absolute Conception.pdf

1.8 MB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 00.pdf

175.0 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 01.pdf

186.7 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 02.pdf

149.0 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 03.pdf

106.5 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 04.pdf

180.1 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 05.pdf

251.0 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 06.pdf

210.2 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 07.pdf

329.2 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 08.pdf

248.0 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 09.pdf

185.1 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 10.pdf

138.6 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 11.pdf

133.9 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 12.pdf

135.3 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 13.pdf

220.3 KB

Galavotti, Marcia - Ramsey and the Vienna Circle - 14.pdf

138.8 KB

Gale, Richard - William James and the Willfulness of Belief.pdf

2.4 MB

Gallagher and Zahavi - The Phenomenological Mind - An Introduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science.pdf

1.7 MB

Gallie, Ian - Is the Self a Substance.pdf

1.9 MB

Gallois, Andre - Berkeley's Master Argument.pdf

261.5 KB

Galston, William - Liberal Pluralism - The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice.pdf

1.3 MB

Gamwell, Franklin - Religion and the Justification of Moral Claims - Journal of Religious Ethics 11.01 Pp. 35-61.pdf

2.0 MB

Garcia-Carpintero and Kolbel - Relative Truth.pdf

3.4 MB

Gardner, Howard - Project Zero - Nelson Goodman's Legacy in Arts Education.pdf

132.7 KB

Gardner, Michael - Is Quantum Logic Really Logic.pdf

1.5 MB

Gardner, Sebastian - RPGB to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.pdf

1.8 MB

Garfield, Jay - Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural-Language Understanding.pdf

39.9 MB

Garner, Richard - A Non-Paradoxical Paradox.pdf

219.7 KB

Garrett, Brian - Identity and Extrinsicness.pdf

518.0 KB

Garrett, Brian - Personal Identity and Reductionism.pdf

1.3 MB

Garrett, Brian - Personal Identity and Self Consciousness.pdf

510.8 KB

Garrett, Brian - Persons and Values.pdf

768.3 KB

Garrett, Brian - What Is This Thing Called Metaphysics.pdf

1.0 MB

Gattei, Stefano - Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science - Rationality Without Foundations.pdf

1.1 MB

Gauker, Christopher - Words Without Meaning.pdf

1.6 MB

Gaukroger, Stephen - Descartes Natural Philosophy.pdf

6.9 MB

Gaukroger, Stephen - Descartes on Clear and Distinct Ideas.pdf

2.1 MB

Gaukroger, Stephen - The Emergence of a Scientific Culture - Science and the Shaping of Modernity 1210-1685.pdf

8.1 MB

Gaus, Gerald - Contemporary Theories of Liberalism.pdf

1.0 MB

Gavaso, Pieranna - On Frege's Alleged Indispensability Argument.pdf

93.2 KB

Geach and Black - Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege.pdf

3.4 MB

Geach, Peter - Ascriptivism.pdf

440.7 KB

Geach, Peter - Assertion.pdf

1.6 MB

Geirsson, H - Conceivability and Defeasible Modal Justification.pdf

163.5 KB

Geis and Bunn - A Trial of Witches - A Seventeenth-Century Witchcraft Prosecution.pdf

2.4 MB

Geisler, Norman - Encyclopedia Of Christian Apologetics.pdf

8.5 MB

Gellner, Ernest - Analysis And Ontology.pdf

1.1 MB

Gellner, Ernest - The Devil in Modern Philosophy - Selected Philosophical Themes.pdf

1.1 MB

Gendler and Hawthorne - Oxford Studies in Epistemology Vol 1.pdf

1.6 MB

Gendler and Hawthorne - Oxford Studies in Epistemology Vol 2.pdf

1.4 MB

Gendler and Hawthorne - Perceptual Experience.pdf

4.4 MB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Believing in Things.pdf

190.3 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Critical Study of Carol Rovane's The Bounds of Agency.pdf

154.0 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Exceptional Persons - On the Limits of Imaginary Cases.pdf

112.6 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Galileo and the Indispensability of Scientific Thought Experiement.pdf

582.7 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Imaginary Exceptions - On the Powers and Limits of Thought Experiment.pdf

783.1 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Imaginative Contagion.pdf

151.5 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Personal Identity and Thought-Experiments.pdf

186.0 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Philosophical Thought Experiments, Intuitions and Cognitive Equilibrium.pdf

131.0 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Philosophical Thought Experiments, Intuitions, and Cognitive Equilibrium.pdf

129.0 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Review of Bonjour.pdf

209.9 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Review of Olson.pdf

82.1 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Though Experiments, Intuitions, and Cognitive Equilibrium.pdf

131.0 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Thought Experiments in Science, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf

72.9 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Thought Experiments Rethought -- and Reperceived.pdf

79.5 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Thought Experiments, in Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.pdf

83.4 KB

Gendler, Tamar Szabo - Tools of the Trade - Thought Experiments Examined.pdf

267.6 KB

Genova, Judith - The Significance of Style.pdf

480.9 KB

Gensler, Harry - Ethics - Contemporary Readings (Routledge Contemporary Readings in Philosophy).pdf

1.6 MB

Georges Dicker - Hume`s Epistemology and Metaphysics, An Introduction.pdf

983.1 KB

Georgiou, Andreas - Thought Experiments in Physics Problem-Solving - On Intuition and Imagistic Simulation.pdf

2.0 MB

Gera, Deborah Levine - Two Thought Experiments in the Dissoi Logoi.pdf

2.9 MB

Gerson, Lloyd - Knowing Persons - A Study in Plato.pdf

2.6 MB

Gert, Bernard - Common Morality - Deciding What to Do.pdf

1.2 MB

Gert, Joshua - Brute Rationality - Normativity and Human Action.pdf

1.1 MB

Gertler, Brie - Explanatory Reduction, Conceptual Analysis, and Conceivability Arguments about the Mind.pdf

121.5 KB

Gertler, Brie - Self-Knowledge (SEP).pdf

151.7 KB

Gewirth, Alan - Aristotle's Doctrine of Being.pdf

1.3 MB

Giaquinto, Marcus - The Linguistic View of A Priori Knowledge.pdf

135.7 KB

Gibbard, Allan - Horwich on Meaning.pdf

199.2 KB

Gibson, Marion - Witchcraft - Myths in American Culture.pdf

3.3 MB

Giere, Ronald - Intensional Logic in Extensional Language.pdf

1.2 MB

Giere, Ronald - Philosophy of Science Naturalized.pdf

1.2 MB

Gilbert and Reiner - Thought Experiments in Science Education - Potential and Current Realization.pdf

344.8 KB

Giles, James - Bodily Theory and Theory of the Body.pdf

181.4 KB

Gill, Christopher - Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity - Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics.pdf

2.0 MB

Gillies, Donald - Philosophical Theories of Probability.pdf

1.3 MB

Ginet, Carl - Knowledge, Perception and Memory (Philosophical Studies Series).pdf

2.6 MB

Glanzberg, Michael - Circularity, Definition and Truth.pdf

617.8 KB

Glanzberg, Michael - Presupposition and Policing in Complex Demonstratives.pdf

262.0 KB

Glendinning, Simon - The Idea of Continental Philosophy.pdf

1.8 MB

Glennan, Stuart - Rethinking Mechanistic Explanation.pdf

61.0 KB

Glock, Hans-Johann - The Rise Of Analytic Philosophy.pdf

4.9 MB

Glock, Hans-Johann - What Is Analytic Philosophy.pdf

2.0 MB

Goddard, L - Predicates, Relations and Categories.pdf

2.0 MB

Goddu, G C - What Exactly Is Logical Pluralism.pdf

73.4 KB

Godel, Kurt - On Formally Undecidable Propositions Of Principia Mathematica.pdf

335.1 KB

Godel, Kurt - The Modern Development of the Foundations of Mathematics in the Light of Philosophy.htm

20.2 KB

Godzieba, Anthony - Ontotheology to Excess - Imagining God Without Being.pdf

219.8 KB

Goertzel, Ben - Chaotic Logic.pdf

729.6 KB

Goertzel, Ben - The Structure of Intelligence - A New Mathematical Model of Mind.pdf

475.4 KB

Goetz, Steward - Frankfurt-Style Counterexamples and Begging the Question.pdf

112.5 KB

Goldberg, Sanford - Internalism and Externalism in Semantics and Epistemology.pdf

3.8 MB

Goldfarb, Warren - Kripke on Wittgenstein on Rules.pdf

1.8 MB

Goldfarb, Warren - Logicism and Logical Truth.pdf

392.9 KB

Golding - Rationality and Religious Theism.pdf

85.5 KB

Goldman, Alan - Practical Rules - When We Need Them and When We Don't.pdf

1.2 MB

Goldman, Alan - The Aesthetic Value of Representation in Painting.pdf

382.5 KB

Goldman, Alvin - A Causal Theory of Knowing.pdf

410.1 KB

Goldman, Alvin - A Priori Warrant and Naturalistic Epistemology.pdf

497.3 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Action, Causation, and Unity.pdf

264.7 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Argumentation and Social Epistemology.pdf

2.4 MB

Goldman, Alvin - Discrimination and Perceptual Knowledge.pdf

689.8 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Epistemic Folkways and Scientific Epistemology.pdf

278.1 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Epistemic Paternalism - Communication Control in Law and Society.pdf

396.5 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Epistemics - The Regulative Theory of Cognition.pdf

449.9 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Ethics and Cognitive Science.pdf

480.1 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Experts - Which Ones Should You Trust.pdf

604.6 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Internalism Exposed.pdf

586.9 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Knowledge in a Social World.pdf

2.1 MB

Goldman, Alvin - On the Measurement of Power.pdf

651.5 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Psychological, Social, and Epistemic Factors in the Theory of Science.pdf

279.8 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science.pdf

61.2 MB

Goldman, Alvin - Science, Publicity, and Consciousness.pdf

395.1 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Simulation and Interpersonal Utility.pdf

383.5 KB

Goldman, Alvin - Strong and Weak Justification.pdf

1.6 MB

Goldman, Alvin - The Cognitive and Social Sides of Epistemology.pdf

398.9 KB

Goldman, Alvin - The Compatibility of Mechanism and Purpose.pdf

349.3 KB

Goldman, Alvin - The Individuation of Action.pdf

377.5 KB

Goldman, Alvin - The Relation between Epistemology and Psychology.pdf

2.3 MB

Goldman, Alvin - Varieties of Cognitive Appraisal.pdf

276.8 KB

Golightly, Cornelius - Mind-Body Causation and Correlation.pdf

131.7 KB

Gombay, Andre - Descartes.pdf

918.6 KB

Gontier, van Bendegem, and Aerts - Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture - A Non-Adaptationist, Systems Theoretical Approach.pdf

2.9 MB

Gooch, Paul - Authority and Justification in Theological Ethics - A Study in 1 Corinthians 7.pdf

875.6 KB

Goode, Luke - Jurgan Habermas - Democracy and the Public Sphere.pdf

606.8 KB

Goodenough and Woodruff - Mindful Virtue.pdf

61.4 KB

Goodenough, Jerry - On the Methodology of Thought Experiments.doc

87.6 KB

Goodfield, June - How Was the Tunnel of Eupalinus Aligned.pdf

1.7 MB

Goodfield, June - The Qattara.pdf

496.5 KB

Goodin and Pettit - Contemporary Political Philosophy - An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies).pdf

51.6 MB

Gooding, David - Imaginary Science.pdf

1.9 MB

Gooding, David - What is Experimental about Thought Experiments.pdf

355.9 KB

Goodman, Nelson - 'About' Mistaken.pdf

36.0 KB

Goodman, Nelson - A Note on Copies.pdf

98.6 KB

Goodman, Nelson - A Query on Confirmation.pdf

102.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - A Revision in the Structure of Appearance.pdf

89.2 KB

Goodman, Nelson - A World of Individuals.doc

88.6 KB

Goodman, Nelson - About.pdf

596.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - An Improvement in the Theory of Simplicity.pdf

72.9 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Axiomatic Measurement of Simplicity.pdf

369.4 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Comments.pdf

106.7 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Credence, Credibility, Comprehension.pdf

58.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Faulty Formalization.pdf

69.8 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Fifth Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.pdf

114.5 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Foreword.pdf

44.0 KB

Goodman, Nelson - How Buildings Mean.pdf

1.3 MB

Goodman, Nelson - Implementation of the Arts.pdf

93.8 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Interpretation and Identity.pdf

1.5 MB

Goodman, Nelson - Metaphor as Moonlighting.pdf

531.9 KB

Goodman, Nelson - New Notes on Simplicity.pdf

103.6 KB

Goodman, Nelson - On Infirmities of Confirmation-Theory.pdf

160.5 KB

Goodman, Nelson - On Kahane's Confusions.pdf

66.3 KB

Goodman, Nelson - On Starmaking.html

18.6 KB

Goodman, Nelson - On the Simplicity of Ideas.pdf

484.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - On What Should Not Be Said about Representation.pdf

48.4 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Parry on Counterfactuals.pdf

120.0 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Positionality and Pictures.pdf

65.8 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Recent Developments in the Theory of Simplicity.pdf

502.4 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Replies.pdf

256.0 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Reply to an Adverse Ally.pdf

145.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Routes of Reference.pdf

1.2 MB

Goodman, Nelson - Safety, Strength, Simplicity.pdf

77.3 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Sense and Certainty.pdf

143.4 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Some Notes on Languages of Art.pdf

235.2 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Some Reflections on the Theory of Systems.pdf

139.7 KB

Goodman, Nelson - Steps Toward a Constructive Nominalism.pdf

663.1 KB

Goodman, Nelson - That is.pdf

42.3 KB

Goodman, Nelson - The Logical Simplicity of Predicates.pdf

351.8 KB

Goodman, Nelson - The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals.pdf

394.4 KB

Goodman, Nelson - The Short of It.pdf

104.9 KB

Goodman, Nelson - The Status of Style.pdf

1.4 MB

Goodman, Nelson - Two Replies.pdf

63.0 KB

Gordon, David - Contemporary Currents in Libertarian Political Philosophy.pdf

16.1 MB

Gordon, Graham - Philosophy of the Arts - An Introduction to Aesthetics-2.pdf

20.4 MB

Gordon, Scott - The History and Philosophy of Social Science.pdf

2.1 MB

Gorham, Geoffrey - Mind-Body Dualism and the Harvey-Descartes Controversy.pdf

2.9 MB

Gorton, William - Karl Popper and the Social Sciences.pdf

1.6 MB

Gosling, Justin - Weakness of the Will.pdf

675.1 KB

Gough, Noel - Narrative experiments and imaginative inquiry.pdf

319.4 KB

Gower, Barry - Scientific Method - A Historical and Philosophical Introduction.pdf

1.1 MB

Graber, Glenn - In Defense of a Divine Command Theory of Ethics - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 43.01 Pp. 62-69.pdf

582.0 KB

Graham, Gordon - Philosophy of the Arts - An Introduction to Aesthetics.pdf

40.9 MB

Graham, Peter - Brandom on Singular Terms.pdf

69.3 KB

Gram, M S - Causation and Direct Realism.pdf

1.4 MB

Grattan-Guinness, I - Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics 1640-1940.pdf

7.9 MB

Graves, Christina - Tacit Knowledge.pdf

349.4 KB

Graves, Katz, Nishiyama, Saomes, Stecker, and Tovey - Tacit Knowledge.pdf

1.4 MB

Gray, John - Enlightenment's Wake.pdf

1.4 MB

Gray, John - Hayek on Liberty.pdf

2.2 MB

Gray, John - J S Mill On Liberty (Routledge In Focus Series).pdf

1.6 MB

Gray, John - Mill on Liberty - A Defence.pdf

732.8 KB

Grayling, A C - Wittgenstein.pdf

7.1 MB

Greco, John - Ernest Sosa and His Critics.pdf

1.4 MB

Gregory of Nyssa - Dogmatic Treatises.pdf

4.4 MB

Gregory, Dominic - Imagining Possibilities.pdf

1.2 MB

Gregory, Frederick - The History of Science 1700-1900 Guidebook-1.pdf

17.9 MB

Gregory, Frederick - The History of Science 1700-1900 Guidebook-2.pdf

18.3 MB

Gregory, Frederick - The History of Science 1700-1900 Guidebook-3.pdf

12.2 MB

Grice, Paul - Aspects of Reason.pdf

971.5 KB

Grice, Paul - Causal Theory of Perception.pdf

2.1 MB

Grice, Paul - In Defence of a Dogma.pdf

1.7 MB

Grice, Paul - Meaning.pdf

1.0 MB

Grice, Paul - Studies in the Way of Words.pdf

19.9 MB

Grice, Paul - Utterer's Meaning and Intention.pdf

2.7 MB

Griffin, James - First Steps in an Account of Human Rights.pdf

176.7 KB

Griffith, Gareth - Socialism and Superior Brains.pdf

1.0 MB

Griffiths and O'Callaghan - International Relations - The Key Concepts.pdf

1.4 MB

Grim, Mar, and St Denis - The Philosophical Computer - Exploratory Essays in Philosophical Computer Modeling.pdf

4.3 MB

Grim, Patrick - Logic And Limits of Knowledge And Truth.pdf

1.1 MB

Grim, Patrick - The Philosophical Computer - Exploratory Essays in Philosophical Computer Modeling.pdf

4.3 MB

Griswold, Charles - Forgiveness - A Philosophical Exploration.pdf

1.7 MB

Groff, Peter - Islamic Philosophy A-Z.pdf

1.2 MB

Groff, Ruth - Revitalizing Causality - Realism about Causality in Philosophy and Social Science.pdf

1.3 MB

Gross, Michael - Bioethics and Armed Conflict - Moral Dilemmas of Medicine and War.pdf

1.2 MB

Gross, Steven - Can One Sincerely Say What One Doesn't Believe.pdf

94.6 KB

Grossman, Reinhardt - Frege's Ontology.pdf

431.4 KB

Grover, Dorothy - Inheritors and Paradox.pdf

432.7 KB

Grover, Dorothy - Posthumous Harm.pdf

382.2 KB

Grover, Dorothy - Truth and Language-World Connections.pdf

356.2 KB

Gruber and Bodeker - Creativity, Psychology and the History of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science).pdf

2.7 MB

Gruen, Lori - The Moral Status of Animals (SEP).pdf

76.0 KB

Gruender, David - Wittgenstein on Explanation and Description.pdf

879.2 KB

Gudwin, Ricardo - Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development.pdf

4.9 MB

Guignon and Hiley - Richard Rorty.pdf

1.4 MB

Guignon, Charles - Philosophy After Wittgenstein and Heidegger.pdf

2.5 MB

Guizzardi, Herre, and Wagner - On the General Ontological Foundations of Conceptual Modeling.pdf

189.1 KB

Gunderson, Keith - Review of Johnson's The Body in the Mind -The Bodily Basis of Meaning Imagination and Reason.pdf

97.9 KB

Gunnarsson, Logi - Making Moral Sense - Beyond Habermas and Gauthier.pdf

1.4 MB

Gupta, Anil - A Note on Extension, Intension, and Truth.pdf

176.2 KB

Gupta, Anil - Definition and Revision.pdf

493.3 KB

Gupta, Anil - Minimalism.pdf

1.1 MB

Gupta, Anil - The Revision Theory of Truth.pdf

60.0 MB

Guroian, Vigen - Love In Orthodox Ethics - Trinitarian and Christological Reflections.pdf

1.6 MB

Guttenplan, Samuel - Objects of Metaphor.doc

1.9 MB

Gutting, Gary - Continental Philosophy of Science (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy).pdf

2.7 MB

Guyer, Paul - Kant (Routledge Philosophers).pdf

2.1 MB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB


Total files 258

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