
Download [GeeksForGeeks] C++ STL - Basic to Advanced (2020) [En]

GeeksForGeeks STL Basic to Advanced 2020 En


[GeeksForGeeks] C++ STL - Basic to Advanced (2020) [En]


Total Size

17.0 GB

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2024-07-23 23:40




00. Course - C++ STL.html

1.4 MB

00. Tracks.html

1.0 MB

/.../01. Introduction, Variables and Operators/

00. Classroom.html

13.5 MB

00. Theory.html

13.8 MB

01. C++ Introduction-.mp4

47.8 MB

02. C++ Standards and Implementations-.mp4

50.9 MB

03. Basic Programming Terminology-.mp4

116.4 MB

04. How do C++ Programs Run-.mp4

70.3 MB

05. First C++ Program-.mp4

104.3 MB

06. Comments in C++-.mp4

54.8 MB

07. Variables in C++-.mp4

43.1 MB

08. Variable Naming Rules-.mp4

46.0 MB

09. Data Type in C++-.mp4

160.2 MB

10. Operator sizeof in C++-.mp4

40.8 MB

11. Global Variables and Scope-.mp4

84.4 MB

12. Ranges of Data Types in C++-.mp4

112.3 MB

13. Static Variables in C++-.mp4

32.4 MB

14. Const in C++-.mp4

50.5 MB

15. Auto Keyword in C++-.mp4

59.8 MB

16. Literals in C++-.mp4

116.6 MB

17. Type Conversion C++-.mp4

114.4 MB

18. Input Output Introduction in C++-.mp4

61.6 MB

19. Output in C++-.mp4

59.5 MB

20. Input in C++-.mp4

65.0 MB

21. A Buffering Example in C++-.mp4

21.6 MB

22. Escape Sequences in C++-.mp4

50.2 MB

23. IO Manipulation-.mp4

99.6 MB

24. Floating Point Default Print Format-.mp4

48.8 MB

25. Floating point Manipulating Default Format-.mp4

67.5 MB

26. Floating Point Fixed and Scientific-.mp4

69.6 MB

27. Arithmetic Operators-.mp4

67.1 MB

28. Assingnment Operators-.mp4

23.7 MB

29. Comparison Operators-.mp4

42.5 MB

30. Logical Operators-.mp4

73.7 MB

31. Operator Precedence and Associativity-.mp4

58.2 MB

32. Bitwise Operators in CPP (Part 1)-.mp4

58.8 MB

33. Bitwise Operators in CPP (Part 2)-.mp4

196.3 MB

34. Problems on Operators-.mp4

65.9 MB

35. Last Digit of a Number-.mp4

4.4 MB

36. Sum of Natural Numbers-.mp4

7.7 MB

/.../01. Introduction, Variables and Operators/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

890.8 KB

00. Problems - 2.html

878.9 KB

01. Start Coding.html

2.2 MB

02. The New Line.html

1.6 MB

03. Learn to Comment.html

1.6 MB

04. Data Types.html

1.7 MB

05. Learning to be precise.html

1.6 MB

06. Learning Macros.html

1.6 MB

07. Swap The Numbers.html

1.6 MB

08. Type Conversion.html

1.6 MB

09. Return Size.html

1.6 MB

10. Compute a_b.html

1.6 MB

11. Kth call.html

1.6 MB

12. Global variable.html

1.6 MB

13. Add - Auto Keyword.html

1.9 MB

14. Type Inference.html

1.6 MB

15. Input Integer.html

1.6 MB

16. Print With Space.html

1.6 MB

17. Print GeeksForGeeks with quotes.html

1.6 MB

18. Print Boolean value.html

1.6 MB

19. Convert to Hexadecimal.html

1.6 MB

20. Scientific Format.html

1.6 MB

21. Arithmetic Operators.html

1.6 MB

22. Sum of N Numbers.html

1.6 MB

23. Bitwise Right Shift.html

1.6 MB

24. Last Digit of a number.html

1.6 MB

25. AP Term.html

1.6 MB


0.5 KB

/.../02. Flow Control, Function & Loops/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

14.2 MB

01. If Else Syntax in C++-.mp4

53.2 MB

02. If Else Example in C++-.mp4

29.8 MB

03. Else If with Example-.mp4

48.3 MB

04. Nested If Else with Example-.mp4

65.6 MB

05. Switch in C++-.mp4

69.3 MB

06. Even Odd Game-.mp4

8.7 MB

07. Largest of Three Numbers-.mp4

7.1 MB

08. Simple Calculator-.mp4

4.7 MB

09. Leap Year-.mp4

8.0 MB

10. Functions in C++-.mp4

100.8 MB

11. How Functions Work in C++-.mp4

72.3 MB

12. Function declaration & definition-.mp4

52.0 MB

13. Default Arguments in C++ Functions-.mp4

46.2 MB

14. Inline Function-.mp4

56.8 MB

15. Function Overloading-.mp4

88.3 MB

16. Practice Problems on C++ Functions-.mp4

114.5 MB

17. Prime Factorization-.mp4

15.5 MB

18. First Digit of a Number-.mp4

7.7 MB

19. Loops in C++-.mp4

58.9 MB

20. For Loop in C++-.mp4

104.3 MB

21. Do While Looop in C++-.mp4

41.1 MB

22. While in C++-.mp4

106.9 MB

23. Nested Loops in C++-.mp4

83.2 MB

24. Break in C++-.mp4

55.7 MB

25. Continue in C++-.mp4

53.7 MB

26. Patterns-.mp4

7.3 MB

27. Inverted Triangle-.mp4

10.7 MB

28. Count Digits of a Number-.mp4

4.0 MB

29. All Divisor of a Number-.mp4

5.2 MB

30. Factorial of A Number-.mp4

7.5 MB

31. GCD of Two Numbers-.mp4

8.2 MB

32. LCM of Two Numbers-.mp4

8.8 MB

33. Fibonacci Numbers-.mp4

17.3 MB

34. Check for Prime-.mp4

8.8 MB

35. Table of a Number-.mp4

3.7 MB

36. Binary to Decimal-.mp4

12.1 MB

37. Decimal to Binary-.mp4

11.1 MB

38. Next Prime Number-.mp4

12.6 MB

/.../02. Flow Control, Function & Loops/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

892.1 KB

00. Problems - 2.html

882.6 KB

01. C++ if-else (Decision Making).html

1.6 MB

02. Leap Year.html

1.6 MB

03. Switch Statement.html

1.6 MB

04. Even Odd Game.html

1.6 MB

05. Greatest of three numbers.html

1.6 MB

06. Calculator.html

1.6 MB

07. Digital Root.html

1.6 MB

08. Fibonacci Using Recursion.html

1.6 MB

09. Find Volume.html

1.6 MB

10. Sum - Default Arguments.html

1.6 MB

11. First Digit of a Number.html

1.6 MB

12. Prime Factorization.html

1.6 MB

13. Factorial.html

1.6 MB

14. For Loop - 1.html

1.6 MB

15. For Loop - 2.html

1.6 MB

16. For Loop- primeCheck.html

1.9 MB

17. While loop- printTable.html

1.9 MB

18. Table Difference.html

1.6 MB

19. Count Digits.html

1.6 MB

20. Print Square.html

1.9 MB

21. 20. Print Square wall.html

1.9 MB

22. 20. Print Square Wall 2.html

1.9 MB

23. Right Angle Triangle.html

1.7 MB

24. 23. Right Angle Triangle 2.html

1.7 MB

25. Inverted Right AngleTriangle.html

1.7 MB

26. Divisor.html

1.6 MB

27. Check Prime.html

1.6 MB

28. Next Prime Number.html

1.6 MB

29. GCD.html

1.6 MB

30. LCM.html

1.6 MB


0.7 KB

/.../03. Arrays, String, Pointers & Reference/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

15.3 MB

01. Introduction to Arrays in C++-.mp4

23.2 MB

02. Declaring and Initializing Arrays-.mp4

65.3 MB

03. Size of an Array in C++-.mp4

27.1 MB

04. Array Traversal in C++-.mp4

47.7 MB

05. Different Types of Arrays in C++-.mp4

52.9 MB

06. Check if Array is Sorted-.mp4

9.1 MB

07. Count Distinct in an Array-.mp4

12.1 MB

08. Sum of an Array-.mp4

5.7 MB

09. Average of an Array-.mp4

5.6 MB

10. Maximum in an Array-.mp4

6.8 MB

11. References in C++-.mp4

164.6 MB

12. Function Parameters & References-.mp4

49.7 MB

13. Range Based for Loop & References-.mp4

41.3 MB

14. Const & R Value References-.mp4

33.5 MB

15. References Practice Questions-.mp4

50.1 MB

16. Address and Dereference Operators in C++-.mp4

57.5 MB

17. Introduction to Pointers in C++-.mp4

85.7 MB

18. Applications of Pointers in C++-.mp4

50.6 MB

19. Function Parameter and Pointers-.mp4

43.9 MB

20. Array Parameters and Pointers-.mp4

52.9 MB

21. Pointers versus Arrays-.mp4

89.9 MB

22. NULL in C++-.mp4

89.0 MB

23. nullptr in C++-.mp4

38.6 MB

24. Pointer Arithmetic-.mp4

93.8 MB

25. Pointer Practice Questions-.mp4

64.4 MB

26. Multidimensional array in CPP-.mp4

123.1 MB

27. Passing 2D arrays as arguments in CPP-.mp4

92.7 MB

28. Transpose of a Matrix-.mp4

12.0 MB

29. Matrix Multiplication-.mp4

11.3 MB

30. String Class in C++-.mp4

38.8 MB

31. String Operations (Length, Substring and Find)-.mp4

14.1 MB

32. String Comparison-.mp4

19.6 MB

33. Reading a String with Spaces in C++-.mp4

13.9 MB

34. String Traversal-.mp4

10.4 MB

35. C Style String in C++-.mp4

82.2 MB

36. String in C++ (Introduction)-.mp4

35.2 MB

37. Reverse a String-.mp4

6.2 MB

38. Check for Palindrome-.mp4

15.6 MB

39. String_ Binary To Decimal-.mp4

10.3 MB

40. String_ Decimal To Binary-.mp4

9.5 MB

41. Pattern Searching-.mp4

5.7 MB

/.../03. Arrays, String, Pointers & Reference/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

892.1 KB

00. Problems - 2.html

892.3 KB

01. Array Traversal Reverse.html

1.6 MB

02. Sum All Array Elements.html

1.6 MB

03. Count Odd Even.html

1.6 MB

04. Need Some Change.html

1.6 MB

05. Array insert at index.html

1.9 MB

06. Decrement Array Values.html

1.6 MB

07. Max and Second Max.html

1.7 MB

08. Delete Array.html

2.1 MB

09. Check if array is sorted.html

1.7 MB

10. Find distinct elements.html

1.7 MB

11. Count the Zeros.html

1.7 MB

12. Average.html

1.6 MB

13. Size of an Array.html

1.6 MB

14. Search an Element in an array.html

1.7 MB

15. Magic in CPP.html

1.9 MB

16. Two Dimensional World.html

1.9 MB

17. Incrementing a variable.html

1.6 MB

18. Address Operator.html

1.6 MB

19. C++ Call by reference.html

1.6 MB

20. Predict the Column.html

1.6 MB

21. Matrix Interchange.html

1.6 MB

22. Transpose of Matrix.html

1.7 MB

23. Multiply the matrices.html

1.9 MB

24. Length of String.html

1.6 MB

25. Implement strstr.html

1.7 MB

26. Sum of numbers in string.html

1.7 MB

27. Reverse a String.html

1.7 MB

28. CPP Substring.html

1.6 MB

29. GetLine 1.html

1.6 MB

30. GetLine 2.html

1.6 MB

31. Run Length Encoding.html

1.7 MB

32. Reverse words in a given string.html

1.7 MB

33. Match specific pattern.html

1.7 MB

34. Print Alphabets.html

1.7 MB

35. Count Words in String.html

1.7 MB


0.9 KB

/.../04. Structure and Union/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

4.0 MB

01. Struct in C++ (Introduction)-.mp4

60.5 MB

02. Struct vs Class in C++-.mp4

51.7 MB

03. Structure (Pointer Array and Argument)-.mp4

71.2 MB

04. Structure Alignment and Padding in C++-.mp4

88.7 MB

05. Union in C++-.mp4

56.5 MB

06. Complex Number Addition Using Structure-.mp4

3.5 MB

/.../04. Structure and Union/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

877.1 KB

01. Learning Structs.html

1.6 MB

02. Maximum in Struct Array.html

1.6 MB

03. Struct area.html

1.8 MB

04. Add two complex numbers.html

1.6 MB

05. Implement Union.html

1.6 MB


0.1 KB

/05. Quiz/


5.5 MB

/06. C++ OOPs/

00. Classroom.html

5.5 MB

00. Overview.html

873.3 KB

00. Theory.html

5.7 MB

01. Object Oriented Programming-.mp4

186.0 MB

02. Constructors and Destructors-.mp4

199.9 MB

03. This Pointer-.mp4

71.9 MB

04. Static Members in C++-.mp4

59.4 MB

05. Inheritance-.mp4

80.7 MB

06. Virtual Functions-.mp4

139.2 MB

07. Inheritance Example-.mp4

73.0 MB

08. Multiple Inheritance-.mp4

57.0 MB

09. Operator Overloading-.mp4

109.1 MB

10. Friend Function in C++-.mp4

33.2 MB

/06. C++ OOPs/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

879.5 KB

01. C++ Classes Introduction.html

1.6 MB

02. Design a class.html

1.6 MB

03. Constructor.html

1.6 MB

04. Swap the objects.html

1.9 MB

05. C++ Inheritance introduction.html

2.1 MB

06. C++ Multi-level inheritance.html

2.1 MB


0.2 KB

/06. C++ OOPs/00. Quiz/


2.4 MB

/07. Advanced/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

01. Exception Handling in C++-.mp4

40.3 MB

02. Try Throw and Catch in C++ Exception Handling-.mp4

124.7 MB

03. Stack Unwinding in C++ Exception Handling-.mp4

39.3 MB

04. User Defined Exceptions in C++-.mp4

67.5 MB

05. Function Pointers-.mp4

90.4 MB

06. Passing Functions as Parameters-.mp4

62.2 MB

07. Lamda Expressions in C++-.mp4

65.1 MB

08. More Examples of Lamda Expressions-.mp4

43.4 MB

09. Capture List in Lamda Expressions-.mp4

47.9 MB

10. Smart Pointer Introduction-.mp4

168.3 MB

11. unique_ptr, shared_ptr and weak_ptr in C++-.mp4

237.3 MB

12. Errors in C++-.mp4

132.7 MB

13. Dynamic Memory Allocation-.mp4

223.1 MB

/07. Advanced/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

876.5 KB

01. C++ Exception Handling.html

1.6 MB

02. Marks Allotment.html

1.6 MB

03. Lambda Expression in C++.html

1.6 MB

04. Add two numbers.html

1.6 MB

05. Sort in Descending.html

1.6 MB


0.1 KB

/.../01. STL Overview/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.5 MB

01. Introduction to STL and its Application-.mp4

88.5 MB

02. Iterators in C++ STL-.mp4

127.7 MB

03. Templates in C++ STL-.mp4

68.1 MB

04. Function Templates in C++ STL-.mp4

77.1 MB

05. Class Templates in C++ STL-.mp4

57.8 MB

/.../01. STL Overview/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

874.2 KB

01. C++ Template.html

1.6 MB

02. C++ Generic sort.html

1.6 MB


0.0 KB

/01. Pairs/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

2.2 MB

01. Pairs in C++ STL-.mp4

99.0 MB

02. Sort an array according to another array-.mp4

67.0 MB

/01. Pairs/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

876.6 KB

01. Make pair.html

1.6 MB

02. Pairing elements.html

1.6 MB

03. Corresponding pair.html

1.6 MB

04. Sort one array according to another array.html

1.6 MB


0.1 KB

/01. Vector/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

4.2 MB

01. Vector in C++-.mp4

95.6 MB

02. Vector Declaration-.mp4

169.2 MB

03. Some more functions of Vectors-.mp4

110.5 MB

04. Time Complexities of different operations and passing Vectors to function-.mp4

135.2 MB

05. How Vectors work internally-.mp4

124.2 MB

06. Sample Problem - Vector-.mp4

22.0 MB

07. Sample Problem - Vector of Pairs-.mp4

75.8 MB

08. Sample Problem - Keeping track of previous indexes after sorting a Vector-.mp4

43.3 MB

/01. Vector/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

885.0 KB

01. Vector insertion.html

1.6 MB

02. Front to Back.html

1.6 MB

03. Back to Front.html

1.6 MB

04. Vector Sum.html

1.6 MB

05. Sort and Reverse Vector.html

1.6 MB

06. Vector Erase and Clear.html

1.6 MB

07. Find the Frequency.html

1.7 MB

08. Elements Less Than K.html

1.6 MB

09. Maximum Among Left.html

1.6 MB

10. Vector Shrink To Fit.html

1.6 MB

11. Sort Vector of Pairs.html

1.6 MB

12. Increasing Roll And Marks.html

1.6 MB

13. Minimum Vertical Sum.html

1.6 MB

14. Prime At Prime Index.html

1.6 MB


0.3 KB

/.../02. forward_list and List/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

2.9 MB

01. Forward List in C++ STL-.mp4

154.7 MB

02. List in C++ STL-.mp4

101.9 MB

03. Sample Problem_ Josephus Problem using List in STL-.mp4

46.4 MB

04. Sample Problem_ Design a Data Structure with Insert-Replace-Print operations-.mp4

84.4 MB

/.../02. forward_list and List/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

879.3 KB

01. Forward List Insert.html

1.6 MB

02. Forward list deletion in C++.html

1.6 MB

03. Forward List Erase After.html

1.6 MB

04. C++ STL List.html

1.6 MB

05. Josephus problem.html

1.6 MB

06. Josephus Circle using List.html

1.6 MB

07. Design a Data Structure with insert_replace_print Operation.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/03. Dequeue/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

2.8 MB

01. Deque in C++ STL-.mp4

130.7 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Design a Data Structure with Min-Max operations in O(1) time-.mp4

35.8 MB

03. Sample Problem _ Sliding Window Maximum-.mp4

150.2 MB

/03. Dequeue/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

877.6 KB

01. Deque Implementations.html

1.9 MB

02. Dequeue Traversal.html

1.6 MB

03. Insertion in deque.html

1.6 MB

04. Deque deletion.html

1.6 MB

05. Rotate Deque By K.html

1.6 MB

06. Maximum Of All Subarrays Of Size K Using Dequeue.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/01. Stack/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.8 MB

01. Stack in C++ STL-.mp4

77.2 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Reverse Items using Stack-.mp4

42.5 MB

03. Sample Problem_ Balanced Parenthesis-.mp4

68.4 MB

04. Sample Problem - Stock Span Problem-.mp4

114.3 MB

05. Sample Problem - Previous Greater Element-.mp4

64.6 MB

06. Sample Problem - Next Greater Element-.mp4

101.3 MB

07. Sample Problem_ Design a Stack that supports getMin() operation-.mp4

86.3 MB

/01. Stack/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

890.1 KB

01. Stack designer.html

1.6 MB

02. Operations on Stack.html

1.6 MB

03. Delete middle element of a stack.html

1.6 MB

04. Reverse Array Using Stack.html

1.6 MB

05. Removing consecutive duplicates.html

1.6 MB

06. Removing Consecutive Elements.html

1.6 MB

07. Get min at pop.html

1.9 MB

08. Parenthesis Checker.html

1.6 MB

09. Shopkeeper Profit.html

1.6 MB

10. Stock span problem.html

1.7 MB

11. Next Greater Element.html

1.6 MB

12. Get minimum element from stack.html

1.6 MB

13. Immediate Smaller Element.html

1.6 MB

14. Maximum of minimum for every window size.html

1.6 MB


0.4 KB

/02. Queue/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

2.6 MB

01. Queue in C++ STL-.mp4

87.4 MB

02. Sample Problem _ Generate numbers using given digits-.mp4

42.3 MB

03. Reverse first K items in a Queue-.mp4

38.5 MB

/02. Queue/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

881.8 KB

01. Queue Push & Pop.html

1.6 MB

02. Operations on Queue.html

1.6 MB

03. Queue Traversal.html

1.6 MB

04. Generate Binary Numbers.html

1.6 MB

05. Reverse First K elements of Queue.html

1.6 MB

06. Minimum Step Destination.html

1.6 MB

07. Queue using two Stacks.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/.../03. Priority Queue/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.5 MB

01. Priority Queue in C++-.mp4

207.4 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Sort an array using priority_queue-.mp4

39.4 MB

03. Sample Problem _ K largest elements in an array-.mp4

113.2 MB

04. Sample Problem_ Buy maximum items with given money-.mp4

74.3 MB

05. Sample Problem _ Find K most frequent elements-.mp4

110.3 MB

06. K Most Frequent Elements in Linear Time-.mp4

169.1 MB

/.../03. Priority Queue/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

883.0 KB

01. Min Heap implementation.html

1.6 MB

02. Maximize Number of Toys.html

1.6 MB

03. K largest elements.html

1.6 MB

04. Kth largest element.html

1.6 MB

05. Kth smallest element.html

1.6 MB

06. Minimum Cost of ropes.html

1.6 MB

07. K Most occurring elements.html

1.6 MB

08. Merge k Sorted Arrays.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/.../01. Set & Multiset/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

2.9 MB

01. Set in C++ STL-.mp4

282.9 MB

02. Sample Problem on Set_ Design a Data Structure that supports following operations-.mp4

151.4 MB

03. Sample Problem - Ceiling on right-.mp4

168.9 MB

04. Multiset in C++ STL-.mp4

72.8 MB

/.../01. Set & Multiset/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

877.5 KB

01. Set Operations.html

1.6 MB

02. Distinct Sorted.html

1.6 MB

03. Print Different Characters In Sorted Manner.html

1.6 MB

04. Pair Sum Existence.html

1.6 MB

05. First Greater Height.html

1.6 MB

06. Multiset Operations.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/.../02. Map & Multimap/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.3 MB

01. Map in C++ STL-.mp4

268.6 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Design a Data Structure for Item Prices-.mp4

68.3 MB

03. Sample Problem _ Count Greater Elements for every Array Element-.mp4

94.2 MB

04. Multimap in C++ STL-.mp4

85.7 MB

05. Sample Problem_ Design a DS for Prices with Duplicates allowed-.mp4

51.8 MB

/.../02. Map & Multimap/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

878.2 KB

01. Map Operations.html

1.6 MB

02. Sorted Frequency.html

1.6 MB

03. Common Elements.html

1.6 MB

04. Count Smaller elements.html

1.6 MB

05. Parties and seats.html

1.6 MB

06. Multimap Operations.html

1.6 MB


0.1 KB

/.../03. Unordered Set/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

4.2 MB

01. Unordered Set in Cpp STL-.mp4

137.1 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Print Distinct Elements of Array-.mp4

77.8 MB

03. Sample Problem_ Print Repeating elements of array-.mp4

48.8 MB

04. Sample Problem_ Check for a Pair with given Sum-.mp4

57.6 MB

05. Sample Problem _ Intersection of two unsorted Arrays-.mp4

47.3 MB

06. Sample Problem_ Maximize Distinct Items in a Set-.mp4

84.0 MB

07. Sample Problem_ Longest Consecutive Subsequence-.mp4

119.5 MB

08. Sample Problem_ Subarray with Zero Sum-.mp4

73.3 MB

/.../03. Unordered Set/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

885.5 KB

01. Unordered Set Hash Function.html

1.6 MB

02. Unordered Set Size Function.html

1.6 MB

03. Unordered Set Swap Function.html

1.6 MB

04. Unordered Set Find Duplicate.html

1.6 MB

05. Union of Two Sorted Arrays.html

1.6 MB

06. Intersection of two arrays.html

1.6 MB

07. Hashing for pair - 1.html

1.6 MB

08. Hashing for pair - 2.html

1.6 MB

09. Longest consecutive subsequence.html

1.6 MB

10. Subarray with 0 sum.html

1.6 MB

11. Unique Substrings.html

1.6 MB


0.3 KB

/.../04. Unordered Map/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.2 MB

01. Unordered Map in Cpp STL-.mp4

102.4 MB

02. Sample Problem_ Design a DS for storing user balance-.mp4

57.0 MB

03. Sample Problem_ Find frequencies in array-.mp4

63.6 MB

04. Sample Problem _ Find Winner of Election-.mp4

81.2 MB

05. Sample Problem_ Count Distinct element in Every Window-.mp4

106.2 MB

/.../04. Unordered Map/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

881.9 KB

01. Sum Unique Elements.html

1.6 MB

02. Tie Breaker.html

1.6 MB

03. Winner of an election.html

1.6 MB

04. Subarray sum.html

1.6 MB

05. New Registration System.html

1.6 MB

06. Maximium Sum.html

1.6 MB

07. Sorting Elements of an Array by Frequency.html

1.6 MB

08. Count distinct elements in every window.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB

/.../01. Non-Mutating STL Algorithms/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

5.7 MB

01. Find in Cpp STL-.mp4

74.7 MB

02. Lower Bound in C++STL-.mp4

83.7 MB

03. Upper Bound in C++ STL-.mp4

89.8 MB

04. is_permutation() in C++ STL-.mp4

40.4 MB

05. max_element() and min_element() in C++ STL-.mp4

81.5 MB

06. count() in C++ STL-.mp4

38.7 MB

07. binary_search() in C++ STL-.mp4

77.2 MB

08. fill() in C++ STL-.mp4

48.0 MB

09. rotate() in C++ STL-.mp4

34.6 MB

10. accumulate() in C++ STL-.mp4

24.6 MB

11. rand() in C++-.mp4

52.9 MB

12. Median of a Row Wise Sorted Matrix Java-.mp4

184.7 MB

/.../01. Non-Mutating STL Algorithms/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

883.8 KB

01. Find element in vector using find.html

1.6 MB

02. Vector max_element.html

1.6 MB

03. Vector min_element.html

1.6 MB

04. Vector Accumulate.html

1.6 MB

05. upper and lower bounds of an element.html

1.6 MB

06. Rotate vector by K places.html

1.6 MB

07. Vector fill.html

1.6 MB

08. Check if Arrays are Permutations.html

1.6 MB

09. Find element in Set using find.html

1.6 MB

10. Find element in Set using Count.html

1.6 MB

11. Search in Vector.html

1.6 MB

12. Median in a row-wise sorted Matrix.html

1.6 MB


0.4 KB

/.../02. Mutating STL Algorithms/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

6.0 MB

01. Sort in C++ STL-.mp4

101.8 MB

02. Sample Problem - sort()_ The thief problem-.mp4

32.6 MB

03. Sample Problem - sort()_ Fractional knapsack problem-.mp4

96.6 MB

04. Sample Problem - sort()_ Chocolate Distribution Problem-.mp4

78.6 MB

05. Sample Problem - sort()_ Sort array elements by frequency-.mp4

78.1 MB

06. Sample Problem - Sort elements by frequency in linear time-.mp4

139.9 MB

07. Sample Problem - sort() Meeting Maximum Guests-.mp4

111.3 MB

08. make_heap() in C++ STL-.mp4

104.4 MB

09. merge() in C++ STL-.mp4

34.6 MB

10. next_permutation() in C++ STL-.mp4

47.0 MB

11. reverse() in C++ STL-.mp4

34.5 MB

12. prev_permutation() in C++ STL-.mp4

79.4 MB

/.../02. Mutating STL Algorithms/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

882.5 KB

01. Sort and reverse.html

1.6 MB

02. The Thief Problem.html

1.6 MB

03. Fractional Knapsack.html

2.1 MB

04. Chocolate Distribution Problem.html

1.6 MB

05. Sorting Elements of an Array by Frequency.html

1.6 MB

06. Remove from vector.html

1.6 MB

07. Permutations of string.html

1.6 MB

08. Heapify the vector.html

1.6 MB

09. Merge Sorted Arrays Using Minheap.html

1.6 MB

10. Lexicographical Rank Of String.html

1.6 MB


0.3 KB

/08. Miscellaneous/01. Miscellaneous/

00. Classroom.html

1.1 MB

00. Theory.html

3.9 MB

01. String in C++-.mp4

103.2 MB

02. Sample Problem - string_ Pattern Searching and Returning floating point of number-.mp4

99.9 MB

03. Sample Problem - string_ FInd one extra character in string-.mp4

81.6 MB

04. Sample Problem - string_ Pangram checking-.mp4

63.7 MB

05. Sample Problem - string_ Check whether two strings are anagram of each other-.mp4

74.1 MB

06. builtin_popcount() in C++-.mp4

28.6 MB

07. Tuple in C++ STL-.mp4

66.0 MB

/08. Miscellaneous/01. Miscellaneous/00. Problems/

00. Problems - 1.html

880.7 KB

01. Pattern searching.html

1.6 MB

02. Find one extra character.html

1.6 MB

03. Implement strstr.html

1.6 MB

04. Pangram check.html

1.6 MB

05. Anagram.html

1.6 MB

06. Set bits in N.html

1.6 MB

07. Lexicographically Smallest String.html

1.6 MB

08. Maximum Sum Subarray.html

1.6 MB


0.2 KB


Total files 555

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