
Download Gleiser, Marcelo (8 books, 130 papers)

Gleiser Marcelo books 130 papers


Gleiser, Marcelo (8 books, 130 papers)


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_Curriculum Vitae of Marcelo Gleiser (2018).pdf

154.8 KB

_MARCELO GLEISER_ Dawn of a Mindful Universe & other works (8 books, 130 papers).txt

2.4 KB


0.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - A Tear at the Edge of Creation (Free Press, 2010).epub

2.9 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Dancing Universe_ From Creation Myths to the Big Bang (Dartmouth College, 2005).epub

3.3 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Dawn of a Mindful Universe (HarperOne, 2023).epub

1.1 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Island of Knowledge_ The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning (Basic Books, 2014).epub

826.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Prophet and the Astronomer (Norton, 2002).pdf

14.1 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected (ForeEdge, 2016).epub

601.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected, 2e (Brandeis, 2022).pdf

1.3 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo [ed.] - Great Minds Don't Think Alike (Columbia, 2022).epub

684.9 KB


Gleiser, Marcelo - A Cyclic Universe Approach to Fine Tuning (2016).pdf

272.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - A First Course in String Theory [review] (2005).pdf

71.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - A First Principles Warm Inflation Model... (1999).pdf

212.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - A Fortunate Universe [review] (2017).pdf

226.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - An Extended Model for the Evolution of Prebiotic Homochirality (2008).pdf

715.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Analytical Characterization of Oscillon Energy and Life (2008).pdf

218.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Anisotropic Stars (2004).pdf

170.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Anisotropic Stars II_ Stability (2003).pdf

123.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Anisotropic Stars_ Exact Solutions (2002).pdf

151.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Are “theories of everything” religion in disguise (2010).pdf

643.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Asymmetric Spatiotemporal Evolution of Prebiotic Homochirality (2006).pdf

430.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Bubbling the False Vacuum Away (2008).pdf

4.2 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Chiral Polymerization in Open Systems... (2012).pdf

399.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Classical Cosmologies from Ten Dimensional Supergravity (1986).pdf

299.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Configurational complexity of nonautonomous discrete... (2020).pdf

422.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Configurational entropic study of the enhanced longevity in resonant oscillons (2020).pdf

1.2 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Configurational entropy as a lifetime predictor and pattern... (2018).pdf

1.2 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Configurational entropy of optical bright similariton... (2020).pdf

496.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Configurational information approach to instantons and false vacuum... (2018).pdf

1.7 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Cosmic evolution of nontopological solitons (1989).pdf

359.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Cosmic Metaphysics (2017).pdf

2.8 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Cosmologies in Ten Dimensions (1984).pdf

324.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Cosmology of Biased Discrete Symmetry Breaking (1989).pdf

280.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Creation and Origins of the Universe (2007).pdf

138.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Critical behavior in the electroweak phase transition (1993).pdf

392.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - d-Dimensional oscillating scalar field lumps... (2004).pdf

161.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Drake Equation for the Multiverse (2010).pdf

163.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Dynamics of cosmological phase transitions (1993).pdf

244.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Dynamics of Weak First Order Phase Transitions (1994).pdf

296.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Cosmology (1986).pdf

204.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Einstein's Tie (2006).epub

442.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Emergence of Complex Spatio-Temporal Behavior in Nonlinear Field Theories (2006).pdf

607.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Emergent Spatiotemporal Complexity in Field Theory (2013).pdf

608.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Empirical incompleteness and the search for a theory of everything (2010).pdf

97.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Energy landscape of d-dimensional Q-balls (2006).pdf

438.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Entropic measure for localized energy configurations (2012).pdf

182.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Equilibration time scales in homogeneous Bose–Einstein... (2003).pdf

154.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Evaluation of thermal corrections to false vacuum decay (1993).pdf

387.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - First Order Formalism for Quantum Gravity (1987).pdf

736.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - First order phase transitions in cosmology (1999).pdf

272.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Fluctuation-Driven Electroweak Phase Transition (1992).pdf

784.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - From cosmos to intelligent life (2012).pdf

126.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gauged fermionic Q-balls (2002).pdf

57.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - General theory of oscillon dynamics (2009).pdf

954.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Generation of coherent structures after cosmic inflation (2011).pdf

1.3 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gleiser Replies (1995).pdf

56.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational atoms (1989).pdf

258.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational Radiation Background from Boson Star Binaries (2018).pdf

481.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational radiation from primordial solitons and soliton-star binaries (1989).pdf

842.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational Stability of Scalar Matter (1989).pdf

671.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational Waves from Collapsing Vacuum Domains (1998).pdf

237.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Gravitational waves from discrete symmetry breaking (1999).pdf

206.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Higgs Fields as Bargmann-Wigner fields and Classical Symmetry Breaking (1983).pdf

442.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Higher Dimensional Cosmologies (1984).pdf

1.3 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - How Much Can We Know (2018).pdf

276.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - How to count kinks (1998).pdf

125.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - How We Make Sense of the World (2017).pdf

373.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Information content of spontaneous symmetry breaking (2012).pdf

2.0 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Information Dynamics at a Phase Transition (2017).pdf

2.9 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Information-Entropic Measure of Energy-Degenerate Kinks... (2014).pdf

388.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Information-entropic signature of the critical point (2015).pdf

1.6 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Information-entropic stability bound for compact objects (2013).pdf

421.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Informational approach to cosmological parameter estimation (2020).pdf

1.0 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Inhomogeneous nucleation in a quark-hadron phase transition (2000).pdf

130.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - It’s OK Not to Know Everything (2007).pdf

123.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Kinetics of sub-critical bubbles and the electroweak transition (1994).pdf

1.1 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Lattice-independent approach to thermal phase mixing (2000).pdf

105.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Life's chirality from prebiotic environments (2012).pdf

1.1 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Long-lived Localized Configurations in Small Lattices (2000).pdf

98.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Long-lived oscillons from asymmetric bubbles (2002).pdf

140.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Long-lived time-dependent remnants during cosmological symmetry breaking (2010).pdf

2.9 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Mastering Death (2010).epub

617.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Matching numerical simulations to continuum field theories (1997).pdf

654.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Metastability in the early Universe (1990).pdf

485.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Metastability in two dimensions and the effective potential (1993).pdf

210.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Microphysical approach to nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum fields (1994).pdf

979.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Modeling thermal fluctuations- phase mixing and percolation (1997).pdf

521.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Nonequilibrium precursor model for the onset of percolation in a two-phase system (2002).pdf

65.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Nonperturbative effects in a rapidly expanding quark gluon plasma (2002).pdf

104.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Nonperturbative Effects on Nucleation (1996).pdf

152.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - On Kaluza-Klein Cosmologies (1986).pdf

49.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Once Before Time [review] (2011).pdf

446.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Oscillions in Scalar Field Theories (2007).pdf

263.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Oscillons in a hot heat bath (1996).pdf

112.4 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Oscillons_ Resonant Configurations During Bubble Collapse (1995).pdf

544.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Phase transitions in the Universe (1998).pdf

967.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Phase transitions with sub-critical bubbles (1991).pdf

2.4 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Prebiotic Homochirality as a Critical Phenomenon (2006).pdf

238.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Predicting Atomic Decay Rates Using an Informational-Entropic Approach (2018).pdf

1.2 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Primordial Origin of Nontopological Solitons (1988).pdf

732.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Pseudostable bubbles (1994).pdf

210.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Punctuated Chirality (2008).pdf

435.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Quantifying nonequilibrium behavior with varying quenching rates (2003).pdf

133.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Resonant emergence of global and local spatiotemporal order... (2003).pdf

157.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Resonant Nucleation (2005).pdf

280.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Science and Religion Face the Beyond (2009).epub

1.5 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Search for Higher Dimensional Cosmologies (1984).pdf

133.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Slow dynamics in a two-dimensional Ising model... (2003).pdf

663.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Solitonic dark matter and the solar neutrino problem (1990).pdf

600.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Solitons, Low-Scale Gravity, and the Dimensionality of Space (2006).pdf

645.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Stability bounds on compact astrophysical objects from information-entropic measure (2015).pdf

913.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Stability of Boson Stars (1988).pdf

322.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Stability of Boson Stars [Erratum] (1989).pdf

18.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Stars of Bosons with Non-Minimal Energy-Momentum Tensor (1987).pdf

352.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Strong dissipative behavior in quantum field theory (1998).pdf

368.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Sub-Critical Fluctuations and Kinetics of the Electroweak Transition (1993).pdf

397.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Crisis in Cosmology (NYT, 3 Sept. 2023).pdf

1.3 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Dancing Universe [review] (1998).pdf

823.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Electroweak Phase Transition (1992).pdf

402.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The enigma of life (2020).pdf

266.3 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The one and the many_ the search for unity in nature (2015).pdf

81.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The origin of matter in the universe (1997).pdf

455.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The Three Origins_ Cosmos, Life, and Mind (2004).pdf

250.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - The unification of physics (2015).pdf

170.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Thermal activation of metastable decay (1993).pdf

125.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Thermal fluctuations and validity of the 1-loop effective potential (1993).pdf

456.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Thermal nucleation of kink-antikink pairs (1992).pdf

646.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Thermal phase mixing during first-order phase transitions (1995).pdf

414.6 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Thermodynamics of Higher Dimensional Black Holes (1987).pdf

1.4 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Time Variation of Coupling Constants in Kaluza-Klein Cosmologies (1985).pdf

251.5 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Time Variation of Coupling Constants in Kaluza-Klein Cosmologies Rexamined (1986).pdf

88.7 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - To Unify or Not to Unify (2016).epub

753.8 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Toward Homochiral Protocells in Noncatalytic Peptide Systems (2009).pdf

456.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Toward Stable Compactifications (1986).pdf

729.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Transition to order after hilltop inflation (2014).pdf

1.5 MB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Two Lectures on Phase Mixing (1997).pdf

982.1 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Vacuum energy of M4 x Sm x Sn in even dimensions (1987).pdf

310.0 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Very Hot Superstrings (1985).pdf

514.2 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - Weakly first order cosmological phase transitions... (2001).pdf

95.9 KB

Gleiser, Marcelo - What We Know and Don't Know About the Universe (2004).pdf

142.1 KB


Total files 141

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