
Download Hacktivity





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61.4 GB

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/Hacktivity 2010/

Best of Hacktivity 2010.mp4

5.4 MB

BettyLove - Hacktivity Wargame.mp4

34.3 MB

Britney - Hacktivity Wargame.mp4

16.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Alexander Kornbrust Security Comparison of the Leading Databases HUN.mp4

42.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Andras Kabai Buffer Overflow step II. ASLR and DEP eveasion techniques.mp4

113.2 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Andras Tevesz Rootkits vs. Anti-Virus Developers.mp4

87.2 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Andras Veres-Szentkiralyi We Have Linux Servers So Are We Secured!.mp4

30.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Biro Laszlo - Digitalis amnezia.mp4

55.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Bruce Schneier keynote speech.mp4

53.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Buherator Metasploit workshop.mp4

93.2 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Csaba Krasznay Web 2.0.mp4

50.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Domonkos Tomcsanyi Hacking in Suit - Smartphone, the Swiss Army Knife of Hacker.mp4

48.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Anita Az SE jogi kovetkezmenyei.mp4

37.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Anita Eros Legal Issues with Social Engineering.mp4

37.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Dudas Agnes I agree....mp4

23.0 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Erős Anita Az SE jogi kovetkezmenyei.mp4

37.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Istvan Szabo The History of the Hungarian Cryptography.mp4

52.6 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Lajos Muha Chapters from the History of IT Security.mp4

51.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Muha Lajos Fejezetek az informatikai biztonsag tortenetebol.mp4

51.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Ormos Zoltan Nagy port felvert nemzetkozi jogesetek az internetes biztonsag teruleten.mp4

32.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Szabo Istvan A nyilvanos magyar kriptografia tortenete napjainkig (sikerek es kudarcok).mp4

52.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Dr. Zoltan Ormos Most Famous Information Security-related Lawsuits from the Past.mp4

32.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Farmosi Istvan Az elso virus, az elso konyv es egy elfeledett megoldas.mp4

58.0 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Felix FX Lindner Router exploitation HUN.mp4

61.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Felix FX Lindner Router exploitation.mp4

61.6 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Foti Marcell Nincs uj a nap alatt.mp4

44.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Gabor Jeney Using Commercial WiFi Hostspots Free of Charge.mp4

43.7 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Gara-Tarn u00f3czi P u00e9ter Adatment u00e9s rendhagy u00f3 m u00f3don - Hasznosak-e a hacker k u00e9pess u00e9gek egy IT Secember munk.mp4

74.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Holtzl Peter Log analizis.mp4

81.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Illesi Zsolt Tut a szenakazalban.mp4

85.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Istvan Farmosi The First Virus, the First Book and the Lost Solution.mp4

58.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Jeney Gabor A fizetos WiFi hotspotok ingyenes hasznalatarol.mp4

43.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Kabai Andras Buffer Overflow II. ASLR es DEP megkerulesi technikak.mp4

92.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Kovacs Zsombor A visszanyalo fagyi, a sotet park es a fekete ballonkabat, avagy a publikus WiFi alulne.mp4

51.7 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Krasznay Csaba Web 2.0.mp4

51.0 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Laszlo Biro Digital Amnesia.mp4

55.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Laszlo Toth Post Exploitation Techniques in Oracle Databases.mp4

45.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Major Marcell Hogyan irjunk sajat jelszotorot.mp4

78.6 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Marcell Foti There is nothing new under the sun.mp4

44.9 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Marcell Major Writing Your Own Password Cracker Tool.mp4

76.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Neumann Robert Exepacker.mp4

93.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Panczel Zoltan, Spala Ferenc Buffer Overflow Workshop.mp4

171.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Peter Holtzl Log analysis.mp4

81.4 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Robert Lipovsky Evolution of Rootkits.mp4

71.7 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Robert Neumann Exepacker.mp4

93.6 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Szemes Balazs ACTA, HADOPI, Digital Economy Act fizetni fogunk mint a katonatiszt.mp4

16.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Tevesz Andras Rootkitek es AV gyartok.mp4

87.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Tomcsanyi Domonkos Oltonyos hackeles - okostelefon, mint hacker-svajcibicska.mp4

48.3 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Toth Laszlo Oracle adatbazis post exploitation technikak.mp4

45.8 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Veres-Szentkiralyi Andras Linux szerverunk van ezert biztonsagos.mp4

30.2 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Zoltan Panczel, Ferenc Spala Buffer Overflow Workshop.mp4

172.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Zsolt Illesi Finding the Needle in the Haystick.mp4

86.1 MB

Hacktivity 2010 - Zsombor Kovacs Hijacking Public Hostspots.mp4

51.9 MB

Hacktivty 2010 - Alexander Kornbrust Security Comparison of the Leading Databases.mp4

42.2 MB

/Hacktivity 2011/

Best of Hacktivity 2011.mp4

19.9 MB

BettyLove - Hacktivity Wargame.mp4

34.3 MB

Britney - Hacktivity Wargame.mp4

16.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Andras Veres-Szentkiralyi Hacking hardware for fun and profit.mp4

149.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Akos Subecz, Csaba Zantho Lockpicking - the finest art of opening locks.mp4

173.2 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Alexander Kornbrust Oracle Forensics.mp4

137.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Andras Kabai Malware Analysis Tips and Tricks.mp4

191.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Balazs Beregnyei From silicium layout to circuit diagram.mp4

174.6 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Balazs Zoltan - IPv6 shipworm + My little windows domain pwnie.mp4

168.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Barta Csaba Az NTDS.DIT forensics vizsgalata.mp4

174.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Beregnyei Balazs Szilicium layouttol a kapcsolasi rajzig.mp4

175.0 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Biro Laszlo Stuxnet, tenyleg ez volt az elso.mp4

139.0 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Bodor Peter Social Engineering es pszichologia.mp4

191.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Csaba Barta Forensic analysis of NTDS.DIT.mp4

174.9 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Csaba Otti, Arnold Oszi Finderprint identification systems, security or security leak.mp4

181.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Dr. Ferenc Leitold, Botond Horvath Internet in the Sandbox.mp4

150.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Dr. Leitold Ferenc, Horvath Botond Dobozba zart internet.mp4

150.4 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Dr. Muszka Dniel Kalmr korszak Szegeden.mp4

160.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Dr. Peszleg Tibor Mit tegynk, ha bekvetkezett a baj.mp4

194.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Dr. Peszleg Tibor What to do when the problem is on board.mp4

194.2 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Ertunga Arsal Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape.mp4

172.4 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Eszter Oroszi Social Engineering, when the veil lifted.mp4

191.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Felix Schuster Design and implementation of an additional layer of encryption for Skype.mp4

195.4 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Gara-Tarnczi Peater Publikus exploitok testreszabasa.mp4

198.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Gyongyosi Peter, Illes Marton Tuzfalak es tamadasok.mp4

185.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Gyozo Kovacs My Assorted Wandering in IT.mp4

217.8 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Illes Zsolt Informatikai bizonyitek, bizonyitas igazsagugyi szakertoi szemmel.mp4

192.9 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Joe McCray There is An App for That - Pentesting Mobile Applications.mp4

121.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Kabai Andras Malware Analizis, tippek es trukkok.mp4

190.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Kerenyi Kristof, Hornak Zoltan, Kispal Istvan Crypto-chipek biztonsaga, passziv-aktiv kombinalt ta.mp4

184.9 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Kovacs Gyozo Valogatott kalandozasaim Informatikaban.mp4

217.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Kristof Kerenyi, Zoltan Hornak, Istvan Kispal Crypto-chipset Security, Passive-Active Combined Attacks.mp4

185.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Laszlo Biro Stuxnet, Really the first one.mp4

138.9 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Laszlo Toth Almost invisible cloak in Oracle databases or the undocumented helps us again.mp4

162.0 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Lederer Sandor Foldes Adam Bodoky Tamas Csorgo Laszlo Wikileaks info-szabadsagharc vagy info-terr.mp4

192.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Major Marcell, Zagon Mihaly A legajabb webes tamadasi lehetosegek.mp4

196.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Marcell Major, Mihaly Zagon Modern Browser Attack Vectors.mp4

196.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Michele Orru Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the BeEF.mp4

163.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Michele Orru - Dr. Strangelove avagy Hogyan tanultam meg nem aggodni es szeretni a BeEF-ek.mp4

145.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Oroszi Eszter Social Engineering, amikor fellebben a fagyol.mp4

191.4 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Otti Csaba, Oszi Arnold Ujjlenyomat azonosito rendszerek, biztonsag vagy biztonsagi res.mp4

181.2 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Peter Bodor Social Engineering and psychology.mp4

191.4 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Peter Gyongyosi, Marton Illes Firewalls and Exploits.mp4

186.0 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Peter Szor - Fighting Computer Malware.mp4

221.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Raul Chiesa Kiberbunozes, informacios hadviseles es kiberhaboru mi ez az egesz.mp4

220.1 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Raul Chiesa - Cybercrime, Information, Warfare and Cyberwar what s this all about.mp4

220.3 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Sandor Lederer Adam Foldes Tamas Bodoky Laszlo Csorgo - Wikileaks info-freedom fight or info-terror.mp4

192.2 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Subecz Akos, Zantho Csaba Lockpicking - a zarnyitas muveszete.mp4

172.8 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Szor Peter Kuzdelem a kartekony kodok ellen.mp4

220.7 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Toth Laszlo Majdnem lathatatlan alca az Oracle adatbazisban, avagy a nem dokumentalt ismet segit min.mp4

161.6 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Veres-Szentkiralyi Andracus Hacking hardware for fun and profit.mp4

149.2 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Vivek Ramachandran Enterprise Wi-Fo Worms, Backdoors and Botnets for Fun and Profit.mp4

191.6 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Vivek Ramachandran Enterprise Wi-Fo Worms.mp4

160.8 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Vivek Ramachandran Nagyvallalati Wi-Fi fergek es botnetek.mp4

171.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Yaniv Miron SCADA Dismal or bang-bang SCADA.mp4

179.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Yaniv Miron SCADA Hacking Biztonsag Workshop.mp4

126.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Yaniv Miron SCADA szomorusag avagy bumm-bumm SCADA.mp4

179.5 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Yaniv Miron Scada Hacking Security Workshop.mp4

126.6 MB

Hacktivity 2011 - Zoltan Balazs IPv6 shipworm + My little windows domain pwnie.mp4

168.9 MB

/Hacktivity 2012/

Hacktivity 2012 - Adrian Furtuna - Digipass Instrumentation for Fun and Profit.mp4

299.1 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Akos Subecz - Security Problems at Hungarian everydays.mp4

377.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Alexander Kornbrust - Self Defending Database.mp4

281.1 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Alexander Polyakov - Top 10 most interesting SAP vulnerabilities and attacks.mp4

627.1 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Andras Kabai - Hunting and exploiting bugs in kernel drivers.mp4

234.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Andras Tevesz - Neutralizing an AntiVirus program.mp4

233.8 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Andras Veres-Szentkiralyi - USB = Universal Security Bug.mp4

251.5 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Antonio Barresi, Peter Somogyvari - Android Security - An Introduction.mp4

263.0 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Aron Szabo - Chip-tweet alternative usage of PKI devices.mp4

229.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Balazs Bucsay - Paypass vulnerabilities.mp4

283.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Bucsay Balazs - Paypass serulekenysegek.mp4

526.1 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Csaba Otti - The security and vulnerability of the biometry.mp4

277.6 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Domonkos Tomcsanyi - Give me a phone that can t be traced.mp4

330.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Dr. Boldizsar Bencsath - What Makes the Analysis of Malware. Like Duqu or Flame.mp4

346.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Gabor Szappanos - Journey to the bottom of a black hole.mp4

368.5 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Joe McCray - Big Bang Theory - Pentesting high security environments.mp4

299.0 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Judit Varga - Amy Farrah Fowler, or the geek girl s case with the tiara.mp4

208.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Krisztian Schaffer - Security Code Review.mp4

409.0 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Laszlo Biro - Alternative internet.mp4

352.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Miroslav Stampar - Spot the Web Vulnerability.mp4

400.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Otti Csaba - A biometria biztonsaga.mp4

494.0 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Sandor Nagy - NAT Attack.mp4

328.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Schaffer Krisztian - Forraskod ellenorzes biztonsagi szempontok alapjan.mp4

289.2 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Shakeel Tufail - Software Threat Modeling.mp4

470.2 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Shay Chen - The Diviner - Digital Clairvoyance Breakthrough.mp4

182.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Sir David Pepper - Cyberspace and Beyond - Evolution in Action.mp4

243.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Sir David Pepper - Kiberter es azon tul - folyamatban az evolucio.mp4

344.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Steve Mulhearn - The Rise and Fall of DDoS Attacks in 2012.mp4

209.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Subecz Akos - Biztonsagtechnikai hianyossagok Magyarorszagon a mindennapokban.mp4

211.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Szabo Aron - Chip-csirip, avagy PKI eszkozok alternativ felhasznalasai.mp4

229.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Szekely Tamas - Hello HSRP, viszlat HSRP.mp4

295.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Tamas Szekely - Attacking The First Hop Redundancy.mp4

295.7 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Tamas Varadi - Impressioning.mp4

185.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Tevesz Andras - Antivirus program hatastalanitas.mp4

346.9 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Varadi Tamas - Impressziotechnika.mp4

185.6 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Vivek Ramachandran - Cracking WPA WPA2 Personal and Enterprise for Fun and Profit.mp4

370.5 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Zoltan Balazs - Zombie Browsers, spiced with rootkit extensions.mp4

267.3 MB

Hacktivity 2012 - Zsombor Kovacs - To secure data is to prepare for jailbreak.mp4

454.0 MB

/Hacktivity 2013/

Akos Bardoczi, Lilian Zsakai - Data mining in the age of social web.mp4

343.4 MB

Akos Maroy, Tamas Bodoky - Anonim whistleblowing using the GlobaLeaks platform.mp4

275.5 MB

Andras Feher, Csaba Otti - Face Recognition Systems.mp4

308.0 MB

Axelle Apvrille - Playing Hide and Seek with Dalvik Executables.mp4

291.7 MB

Balint Varga-Perke, Buherator - Heureka - The Suspicious Thing Is That It s Not Suspicious.mp4

297.2 MB

Bardoczi Akos, Zsakai Lilian - Adatbanyaszat a kozossegi web koraban.mp4

343.4 MB

Benjamin Tamasi - Hacking CCTV systems.mp4

271.5 MB

Best of Hacktivity 2013 official.mp4

43.5 MB

Charlie Miller - Car Hacking.mp4

345.7 MB

Charlie Miller - Mobile Threats - Hype vs. Reality (Magyar).mp4

318.6 MB

Charlie Miller - Mobile Threats - Hype vs. Reality.mp4

251.7 MB

Csaba Krasznay - Cyber soldiers in the world - how to become a military hacker.mp4

400.6 MB

Dmitriy Chastuchin - Injecting evil code in your SAP J2EE systems.mp4

232.4 MB

Domonkos Tomcsanyi - GSM - have we overslept the last wake-up call.mp4

328.6 MB

Dr. Bartok Sandor Peter - Informatikai igazsagugyi laboratoriumok szakmai szolgaltatasai.mp4

329.2 MB

Dr. Boldizsar Bencsath - What happened to targeted malware attacks last year.mp4

283.9 MB

Dr. Daniel Eszteri - Legal Background of Cybercrime.mp4

244.4 MB

Dr. Leitold Ferenc Horvath Botond - Vedekezes kartevok C&C forgalma ellen.mp4

274.2 MB

Evgeny Neyolov - Inside the illegal traffic sales.mp4

320.6 MB

Feher Andras, Otti Csaba - Arcfelismero rendszerek.mp4

308.0 MB

Ferenc Leitold, Ph.D Botond Horvath - Protection against the C&C traffic of malware.mp4

274.3 MB

Gabor Pek - eNeMI Evading the state-of-the-art hardware protection of IO virtualization.mp4

281.4 MB

Gabor Szappanos - Advanced() Persistent Shellcode.mp4

348.2 MB

Gergely Revay - Security implications of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.mp4

316.2 MB

Geza Tenyi - Management of Confidential Information and Data Protection In Cloud Computing.mp4

274.9 MB

Lajos Muha, Dr. - Interpretation of the Act on Information Security.mp4

335.7 MB

Laszlo Miklos Biro - Tempest, the hidden source of data leakage.mp4

280.3 MB

Laszlo Toth, Ferenc Spala - What s common in Oracle and Samsung.mp4

341.7 MB

Maroy Akos, Bodoky Tamas - Anonim adatszivarogtatas a GlobaLeaks platform segítsegevel.mp4

275.4 MB

Maroy Akos, Bodoky Tamas - Anonim adatszivarogtatas a GlobaLeaks platform.mp4

275.4 MB

Mihaly Zagon - The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change.mp4

273.3 MB

Mikko Hypponen - The Cyber Arms Race (Magyar).mp4

335.3 MB

Mikko Hypponen - The Cyber Arms Race.mp4

266.3 MB

Muha Lajos, Dr. - Informaciobiztonsagi torveny ertelmezese.mp4

336.1 MB

Paul M. Wright - Oracle 12c Security - Defense and Attack.mp4

216.9 MB

Robert Lipovsky - The Facebook PokerAgent.mp4

204.8 MB

Szakaly Tamas - Lopott bajtok a videokartyan - a GPU, mint anti-rce eszkoz.mp4

218.3 MB

Szekely Tamas - DDoS-t vettem a vasarban bitpenzzel.mp4

294.0 MB

Tamas Jos, Attila Bogar - is BitTorrent really providing anonymity.mp4

351.8 MB

Tamas K. Lengyel - Virtual Machine Introspection to Detect and Protect.mp4

202.1 MB

Tamas Szakaly - Stolen bytes on the video card - the GPU as an anti-rce device.mp4

218.0 MB

Tamas Szekely - One a Penny, Two a Penny Hot DDoS run.mp4

293.9 MB

Tenyi Geza, Dr. - Bizalmas informaciok kezelese es adatvedelem a felhoszolgaltatasban.mp4

274.9 MB

Vaagn Toukharian - HTTP Time Bandit.mp4

223.4 MB

Varga-Perke Balint, Buherator - Heureka - Az a gyanus ami nem gyanus.mp4

297.4 MB

Yury Chemerkin - (In-) Efficiency of security features on mobile security and compliance.mp4

268.8 MB

Zane Lackey - Attack-driven defense.mp4

213.1 MB

Zoltan Balazs - Alice in eXploitland, attack and defense evolution.mp4

348.0 MB

/Hacktivity 2014/

Balazs Zoltan - Bypass firewalls, application white lists, secure remote desktops in 20 seconds.mp4

297.0 MB

Jason Chan - Building a Glass House.mp4

204.8 MB

Komaromy Daniel - Enter The Snapdragon!.mp4

368.2 MB

Micha Borrmann - CVSS is a big botch Scoring systems do not help to improve the IT security.mp4

306.9 MB

Nicolas Gregoire - Hunting for Top Bounties.mp4

319.2 MB

Philip Young - Smashing the Mainframe for Fun and Prison Time.mp4

330.9 MB

/Hacktivity 2015/

Aron Szabo - Post-kvantumkriptografia prim kerdesek = prima kerdesek.mp4

308.7 MB

Axelle Apvrille - Fitness Tracker Hack in Progress.mp4

344.5 MB

Balazs Bucsay - Chw00t Breaking Unices chroot solutions.mp4

313.6 MB

Biro Laszlo Miklos - Titkositas es visszafejtes a fizikai reteg szintjen.mp4

304.9 MB

Boldizsar Bencsath - BAB0 A custom sample that bypassed cutting-edge APT attack detection tools.mp4

269.2 MB

Fabian Yamaguchi - Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries.mp4

280.4 MB

Feher Andras, Kapitany Sandor, Martinkovics Daniel, Otti Csaba - Kezben a biztonsag ().mp4

342.8 MB

Felix FX Lindner - keynote speaker.mp4

366.3 MB

Gabor Szappanos - Comparing the incomparables.mp4

383.2 MB

Glenn Ten Cate - OWASP Security knowledge Framework - Survival is not mandatory.mp4

302.4 MB

Jason Zhang - Make Invisible Visible Case Studies in PDF Malware.mp4

335.8 MB

Jochanan Sommerfeld - DDoS protection technology is far from being install & forget.mp4

350.8 MB

Jos Weyers - Post-its, post-its, post-its everywhere (and how they relate to physical keys).mp4

348.8 MB

Levente Buttyan, Andras Szijj, Zsolt Szalay - Hacking cars in the style of Stuxnet.mp4

312.9 MB

Marina Krotofil - Rocking the pocket book hacking chemical plant for competition and extortion.mp4

401.8 MB

Mark Vinkovits - I play Jack of Information Disclosure - How to do threat modeling via playing cards.mp4

299.2 MB

Marosi Attila - A Hacking Team rosszindulatu programjai.mp4

301.4 MB

Martin Knobloch - Secure software, start appreciating your developers!.mp4

267.2 MB

Micha Borrmann - Attacking all your IPv4 devices at home from the Internet via Dual-Stack Lite.mp4

306.9 MB

Norbert Tihanyi - Modification of the prime generation method of the OpenSSL library.mp4

217.9 MB

Omer Coskun - Why nation-state malwares target Telco Networks Regin and its counterparts.mp4

301.7 MB

Pornsook Kornkitichai - Defend PowerShell Attacks When All Else Fails.mp4

286.9 MB

Sebastian Garcia - The Network Behavior of Targeted Attacks.mp4

362.2 MB

Tamas Szakaly - Shall we play a game.mp4

304.6 MB

Varadi Tamas - Tarcsas zarak nyitasanak eszkozei es modszerei.mp4

249.2 MB

Zoltan Balazs - Sandbox detection for the masses leak, abuse, test.mp4

284.1 MB

Zoltan L. Nemeth - Memory corruption vulnerabilities, runtime mitigations and their bypasses.mp4

272.2 MB

Zsombor Kovacs - Semi-automated mapping of iOS binaries.mp4

199.9 MB

joernchen of Phenoelit - Your Web app, those hackers & you.mp4

330.6 MB

/Hacktivity 2016/Presentations/


4.2 MB


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130.7 MB


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2.9 MB

/Hacktivity 2016/Videos/

Aleksandar Nikolic - Guided Fuzzing And Binary Blobs.mp4

184.9 MB

Csaba Fitzl, Miklos Desbordes-Korcsev - Exploit generation, JavaScript analysis automation.mp4

320.8 MB

Daniel Bohannon - Invoke-Obfuscation PowerShell obFUsk8tion.mp4

351.1 MB

Daniel Gruss - Microarchitectural Incontinence - You would leak too if you were so fast.mp4

334.8 MB

Daniel Komáromy - Offense wins games, Defense wins nothing.mp4

434.6 MB

Dmitry Chastuhin, Dmitry Yudin -Getting access to the SAP server via SAP Management Console.mp4

240.7 MB

Gabor Molnar - War Stories from Google Vulnerability Reward Program.mp4

147.1 MB

Gabor Pek, Tamás Koczka - SpamAndHex hacks around the world.mp4

272.4 MB

George Webster, Julian Kirsch - A Study of the Rich Header and Respective Malware Triage.mp4

217.8 MB

Gerhard Klostermeier, Matthias Deeg - Of Mice and Keyboards.mp4

397.8 MB

Ivan Yushkevich Wordlists from statistics to genetic.mp4

226.5 MB

Jos Weyers - Lock Impressioning.mp4

348.8 MB

Kelly Shortridge - The Art of Explanation Behavioral Models of InfoSec.mp4

210.9 MB

Laszlo Miklos Biro - Lets hijack an airplane!.mp4

200.0 MB

Mateusz Olejarka - Approaching the unknown Windows Phone application security assessment guide.mp4

325.3 MB

Renata Hodovan - Fuzzinator, a browser fuzzing framework.mp4

85.0 MB

Rene Freingruber - Bypassing application whitelisting in critical infrastructures.mp4

228.7 MB

Sergej Proskurin, Tamás K. Lengyel - Stealthy, Hypervisor-based Malware Analysis.mp4

131.4 MB

Stefan Marsiske - Post-quantum is the new cyber!!5!.mp4

167.7 MB

Tamas Szakaly - Help, Ive got ANTs!!!.mp4

373.4 MB

Travis Goodspeed - A Keynote in Praise of Junk Hacking.mp4

339.3 MB

Vladimir Katalov - iOS Acquisition Methods Compared.mp4

457.6 MB

Zoltan Balazs - The real risks of the IoT security-nightmare Hacking IP cameras through the cloud.mp4

396.0 MB

Zoz - Data Demolition Gone in 60 Seconds.mp4

423.6 MB

/Hacktivity 2017/

Adrian Vollmer - Attacking RDP with Seth.mp4

68.3 MB

Anto Joseph - Bug hunting using symbolic virtual machines.mp4

156.9 MB

Attila Szasz & Gergo Hosszu - Dive into Magenta - fuzzing Google's new kernel.mp4

169.2 MB

Balint Varga-Perke (Buherator) - Corrupting Ancient Spirits - Penetration Testing Oracle Forms.mp4

141.2 MB

Ben Seri & Gregory Vishnepolsky - BlueBorne Explained.mp4

196.0 MB

Costin Raiu keynote - APT Paleontology in the age of cyber.mp4

148.3 MB

Csaba Fitzl - Exploit generation with WinDGB.mp4

53.4 MB

Csaba Fitzl - How to convince a malware to avoid us.mp4

131.3 MB

Ethical hacking in Hungary Roundtable discussion (in Hungarian).mp4

172.0 MB

Harman Singh - Active Directory Threats & Detection.mp4

162.6 MB

Haroon Meer keynote - Time to play D.mp4

192.0 MB

Ignat Korchagin - Exploiting USB IP in Linux.mp4

110.1 MB

Julien Thomas - Limitations of Android permission system.mp4

161.8 MB

Kirils Solovjovs - Tools for effortless reverse engineering of MikroTik routers.mp4

105.3 MB

Leigh-Anne Galloway - Money makes money How to buy an ATM and what you can do with it.mp4

127.8 MB

Mateusz Olejarka - REST API, pentester's perspective.mp4

111.8 MB

Mehmet Ince - A heaven for Hackers Breaking Log SIEM Products.mp4

105.2 MB

Omar Eissa - Network Automation is not your Safe Haven.mp4

121.2 MB

Roland Kamaras - Locky anti-analysis techniques used by the ransomware.mp4

104.1 MB

Summary of the 14th Hacktivity - October 20-21, 2017.mp4

13.0 MB

Travis Goodspeed - Some Thoughts on Literate Disassembly and Symbol Porting.mp4

138.3 MB

Zoltan Balazs - How to hide your browser 0-days.mp4

168.3 MB

Zoltan Balazs - How to pwn a Windows domain.mp4

149.3 MB

/Hacktivity 2018/

Alex Plaskett & James Loureiro - The Mate Escape - Android

104.9 KB

Alex Plaskett & James Loureiro - The Mate Escape - Android Pwn2Owning.mp4

62.8 MB

Balazs Bucsay - XFLTReaT Building a

86.8 KB

Balazs Bucsay - XFLTReaT Building a Tunnel.mp4

78.4 MB

Brian Gorenc - From Bounties to Bureaucracy Keynote

131.5 KB

Brian Gorenc - From Bounties to Bureaucracy Keynote Speech.mp4

78.9 MB

Csongor Tamas - Examples of Locality Sensitive Hashing & their Usage for Malware

38.6 KB

Csongor Tamas - Examples of Locality Sensitive Hashing & their Usage for Malware Classification.mp4

26.0 MB

Gabor Szappanos - The Nigerians are in the Spajz.mp4

108.1 MB

Gabriel Cirlig & Stefan Tanase - Smart Car Forensics & Vehicle

68.8 KB

Gabriel Cirlig & Stefan Tanase - Smart Car Forensics & Vehicle Weaponization.mp4

54.6 MB

Gergely Biczok - Interdependent Privacy & the Psychology of

98.1 KB

Gergely Biczok - Interdependent Privacy & the Psychology of Likes.mp4

118.8 MB

Hacktivity2018 - Summary of the 15. Jubilee Edition 12-13 October

6.3 KB

Hacktivity2018 - Summary of the 15. Jubilee Edition 12-13 October 2018.mp4

6.3 MB

Inbar Raz - Under the Hood - The Automotive

95.7 KB

Inbar Raz - Under the Hood - The Automotive Challenge.mp4

59.8 MB

Jack S (linkcabin) - Becoming the Quiz Master Thanks

98.2 KB

Jack S (linkcabin) - Becoming the Quiz Master Thanks RE.mp4

74.3 MB

Joxean Koret - Pigaios A Tool for Diffing Source Codes against

91.1 KB

Joxean Koret - Pigaios A Tool for Diffing Source Codes against Binaries.mp4

70.9 MB

Kocsis Tamas & Kovacs Balint - Az Informacioszivargas Monitorozasa Open Source Eszközökkel.mp4

88.6 MB

Matthias Deeg - Bypassing an Enterprise-Grade Biometric Face Authentication System.mp4

58.6 MB

Mike Ossmann - Keynote Speech at

109.6 KB

Mike Ossmann - Keynote Speech at Hacktivity2018.mp4

121.8 MB

Mikhail Egorov - Hunting for bugs in Adobe Experience Manager

75.8 KB

Mikhail Egorov - Hunting for bugs in Adobe Experience Manager webapps.mp4

64.0 MB

Paolo Stagno - A Drone Tale All Your Drones Belong To

91.2 KB

Paolo Stagno - A Drone Tale All Your Drones Belong To Us.mp4

70.0 MB

Robert Neumann - What's 4k in real

86.5 KB

Robert Neumann - What's 4k in real Money.mp4

46.2 MB

Rodrigo Branco - How Offensive Security is Defining the Way We Compute Keynote

131.4 KB

Rodrigo Branco - How Offensive Security is Defining the Way We Compute Keynote Speech.mp4

100.3 MB

Stephan Gerling - Hacking Yachts Remotely via Satcom or Maritime Internet Router.mp4

68.9 MB

Thaís Moreira Hamasaki - The (not so profitable) Path towards Automated Heap

88.9 KB

Thaís Moreira Hamasaki - The (not so profitable) Path towards Automated Heap Exploitation.mp4

96.1 MB

Vincent Ruijter - ~Securing~ Attacking

74.3 KB

Vincent Ruijter - ~Securing~ Attacking Kubernetes.mp4

39.3 MB

Zoltan Balazs - Ethereum Smart Contract Hacking Explained like I'm

103.8 KB

Zoltan Balazs - Ethereum Smart Contract Hacking Explained like I'm Five.mp4

93.3 MB

Zsombor Kovacs - Cheaters for Everything from Minesweeper to Mobile Banking

83.5 KB

Zsombor Kovacs - Cheaters for Everything from Minesweeper to Mobile Banking Applications.mp4

64.3 MB


Hacktivity logo.png

118.2 KB

Hacktivity thank you.txt

0.8 KB


Total files 346

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