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LUHMANN, Niklas; SCHORR, Karl Eberhard - Presupuestos estructurales de una pedagogía reformista.pdf

6.7 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - A obra de arte e a auto reprodução da arte.pdf

5.6 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Autopoiesis and Steering.pdf

5.0 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - A posição dos tribunais no sistema jurídico.pdf

4.2 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - El futuro de la democracia.pdf

3.7 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Direito como generelização congruente.pdf

2.5 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Economics of gift; positivity or justice.pdf

2.4 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther; PATTERSON, John - Changing Maps. Empirical legal autopoiesis.pdf

2.2 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Limites of steering.pdf

2.2 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The modernity of science.pdf

2.0 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Tiempo del mundo e historia sistemica.pdf

1.9 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - El derecho como sistema social.pdf

1.8 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Operational clousure and structural coupling.pdf

1.7 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Límites de la comunicación como condición de evolución.pdf

1.6 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The future cannot begin; temporal stuctures in modern society.pdf

1.5 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Quod Omnes Tangit, remarks on Jürgen Habermas legal theory.pdf

1.3 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The theory of social systems and its epistemology.pdf

1.3 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther - The many-heades Hydra; networks as higher-order collective actors.pdf

1.2 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Legal argumentation.pdf

1.2 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Politicians, honesty and the higher amorality of politics.pdf

1.2 MB

Carlos Gómez-Jara Diez - Teoría de Sistemas y Derecho Penal (Parte III).pdf

1.1 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The code of the moral.pdf

1.1 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The self-description of society. Crisis fashion and sociological theory.pdf

1.1 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Reply to Andreas L. Paulus consensus as a fiction of globaw law.pdf

1.1 MB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Substantive and reflexive elements in modern law.pdf

1.0 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Law as a social system.pdf

1.0 MB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The third question, the creative uses of paradoxes in law and legal history.pdf

969.5 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas; HAYLES, Katherine - Theory of a different order; a conversation with Katherine Hayels and Niklas Luhmann.pdf

903.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Insistence on systems theory.pdf

847.8 KB

Gunther Teubner - El Derecho como Sistema Autopoiético de La Sociedad Global.pdf

829.4 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Cómo se pueden observar estructuras latentes.pdf

778.9 KB

Carlos Gómez-Jara Diez - Teoría de Sistemas y Derecho Penal (Parte II).pdf

744.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Entrevista concedida à Ajuris em Março de 2005.pdf

741.6 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Deconstruction as second-order observing.pdf

737.6 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Industrial democracy through law.pdf

731.5 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Speaking and Silence.pdf

704.3 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - El concepto de riesgo.pdf

677.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Enterprise corporatism; New industrial policy and the 'eEssence' of the legal person.pdf

663.1 KB

Carlos Gómez-Jara Diez - Teoría de Sistemas y Derecho Penal (Parte I).pdf

617.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - La moral social y su reflexión ética.pdf

611.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Beyond contract and organization.pdf

578.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - What is communication.pdf

557.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - La contingencia como atributo de la sociedad moderna.pdf

538.0 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Observing re-entries.pdf

529.6 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther; NOBLES, Richard; SCHIFF, David - The automony of law.pdf

477.3 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Society, meaning, religion. Based on self-reference.pdf

462.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - A redescription of romantic art.pdf

450.2 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Coporate fiduciary.pdf

442.2 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - El futuro como riesgo.pdf

408.9 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - The transformation of law in the welfare state.pdf

404.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Cannibalizing Epistemes.pdf

398.2 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - 'And god laughted...', indeterminacy, self-referente and paradox in law.pdf

394.6 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - How the law thinks.pdf

353.0 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Legal irritants.pdf

325.7 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Politics and economy.pdf

302.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Expertise as social institution.pdf

288.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Alienating Justice, On the surplus value of the twelfth camel.pdf

268.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Hybrid laws; constitutionalizing private governance networks.pdf

258.0 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - The anonymous matrix.pdf

251.8 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Societal constitutionalism. Alternatives to state-centred conscitutional theory.pdf

229.1 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Autopoiesis in law and society.pdf

223.3 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The autopoiesis of social systems.pdf

222.0 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - La théorie de l’ordre et les droits.pdf

213.4 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - De la fonction des 'droits subjectifes'.pdf

202.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Global Bukowina; Legal Pluralism in the World Society.pdf

202.2 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Coincidentia oppositorum; Hybrid Networks Beyond Contract and Organization.pdf

197.7 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Dealing with Paradoxes of Law; Derrida, Luhmann, Wiethölter.pdf

187.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Globalization or world society.pdf

179.0 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Altera pars.pdf

176.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Por qué AGIL.pdf

164.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - In the blind spot; the hybridization of contracting.pdf

162.1 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Rights of non-humans.pdf

161.7 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - A terceira questão.pdf

155.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - La teoría moderna del sistema como forma de análisis social compejo.pdf

153.4 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - A manera de prefacio para la edición en inglés; acerca de los conceptos de sujeto y acción.pdf

149.7 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Sociedade globalizada, justiça fragmentada (Tradução).pdf

149.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - The horizontal effect of fundamental rights on 'private parties' within autonomous internet law.pdf

147.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - System as difference.pdf

139.9 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - En el ocaso de la sociología crítica.pdf

125.0 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Are there still indispensable norms in our society.pdf

124.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Globalized society, fragmented justice.pdf

123.6 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Idiosyncratic production regimes.pdf

123.3 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther; GRABER, Christoph Beat - Art and money.pdf

120.1 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Breaking frames; economic globalization and the emergence of lex mercatoria.pdf

115.2 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Self-subversive justice; contingency or transcendence formula of law.pdf

110.0 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Contracting worlds; the many autonomies of private law.pdf

103.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Le droit comme système social.pdf

99.3 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Interview in 13.12.90 in Bielefeld.pdf

85.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Global private regimes.pdf

78.7 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - The autopoiesis of social systems (2).pdf

67.4 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - The private-public dichotomy After the critique.pdf

64.1 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Entrevista concedida a Rainer Erd e Andrea Maihofer.pdf

62.0 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - Corporate codes.pdf

60.2 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Notes on the project 'poetry and social theory'.pdf

54.5 KB

TEUBNER, Gunther - State policies in private law; comment on Hanoch Dagan.pdf

51.7 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Introduction to social systems.pdf

48.3 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - O enfoque sociológico da teoria e prática do direito.pdf

42.2 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Familiarity, Confidence, Trust Problems and Alternatives.pdf

34.6 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - O paradoxo dos direitos humanos e três formas de seu desdobramento.pdf

32.0 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Entrevista realizada no dia 7.12.1993, em Recife, PE.pdf

20.2 KB

LUHMANN, Niklas - Entrevista realizada no dia 5.9.94 em Foz do Iguaçu, PR.pdf

16.2 KB


Total files 101

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