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Learn Ethical Hacking Reverse Engineering


Learn Ethical Hacking & Reverse Engineering

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/.../35. Debugger Stepping Basics/

1. Debugger Stepping Basics.mp4

342.9 MB

1.1 Debugger-stepping-basics.txt

0.4 KB


0.1 KB

[TGx]Downloaded from .txt

0.6 KB

/1. [new] Introduction/

1. Introduction.mp4

42.1 MB

2. Registering for an account with

19.0 MB

3. How to use this Guide.mp4

43.6 MB

3.1 How to use this guide.rtf

1.5 KB

/.../2. [new] Intro Levels/

1. Intro 1 (Client code information leak).mp4

30.3 MB

2. [NEW] Intro 2 (HTML tag information leak).mp4

24.5 MB

3. Intro 3 (Javascript code information leak).mp4

94.1 MB

3.1 intro-3-updated.txt

0.3 KB

4. Intro 4 (Path traversal vulnerability).mp4

31.8 MB

5. Intro 5 (Javascript prompt() function information leak).mp4

14.4 MB

6. [NEW] Intro 6 (Client code modification vulnerability).mp4

32.2 MB

7. [NEW] Intro 7 (robots.txt data leak vulnerability).mp4

18.4 MB

7.1 intro-7-updated.txt

0.1 KB

8. Intro 8 (Path traversal vulnerability).mp4

69.3 MB

8.1 intro-8-updated.txt

0.2 KB

9. Intro 9 (Client code modification vulnerability).mp4

33.6 MB

10. Intro 10 (Javascript code exposure and decryption).mp4

28.6 MB

10.1 intro-10-updated.txt

0.0 KB

11. Intro 11 (File redirection vulnerability).mp4

21.5 MB

12. Intro 12 (MD5 decryption).mp4

11.4 MB

12.1 intro-12-new.txt

0.0 KB

/.../3. [new] 24-bit (File extension manipulation exploit)/

1. 24-bit (File extension manipulation exploit).mp4

15.7 MB

/.../4. [new] Word of PeacecraftRealistic (Dumpster diving for emails)/

1. World of PeacecraftRealistic (Dumpster diving for emails).mp4

24.9 MB

/.../5. [new] Secure Agent (Browser Spoofing)/

1. Secure Agent (Browser Spoofing).mp4

21.8 MB

/.../6. [new] Crypt1Crypt (Reverse encryption)/

1. Crypt1Crypt (Reverse encryption).mp4

14.3 MB

1.1 crypt1-crypt.txt

0.0 KB

/.../7. [new] Beach (Steganography analyis)/

1. Beach (Steganography analyis).mp4

31.4 MB

/.../8. [new] Squashed imageStego (Cracking steganography)/

1. Squashed imageStego (Cracking steganography).mp4

18.4 MB

/.../9. [new] HTTP MethodIntro (HTTP POST exploit & Bypass CSRF-token protection)/

1. HTTP MethodIntro (HTTP POST exploit & Bypassing CSRF-token protection).mp4

92.5 MB

1.1 post.txt

0.2 KB

/.../10. [new] Library GatewayRealistic (Javascript code exposure vulnerability)/

1. Library GatewayRealistic (Javascript code exposure vulnerability).mp4

26.5 MB

/.../11. [new] SidIntro (Cookie tampering to bypass login)/

1. SidIntro (Cookie tampering to bypass login).mp4

15.8 MB

/.../12. [new] Crypt2Crypt (Cracking Caeser Cipher encryption)/

1. Crypt2Crypt (Cracking Caeser Cipher encryption).mp4

17.6 MB

1.1 crypt2-crypt.txt

0.0 KB

/.../13. [new] Crypt3Crypt (Decoding Morse Code)/

1. [NEW] Crypt3Crypt (Decoding Morse Code).mp4

31.1 MB

/.../14. [new] SQLi1SQLi (Bypassing login page password using SQL Injection Attack)/

1. SQLi1SQLi (Bypassing login page password using SQL Injection Attack).mp4

48.8 MB

1.1 sql-injection-attack.txt

0.2 KB

/.../15. [new] Recon (Information gathering skills, including B6-Key)/

1. Recon (Information gathering skills, including B6-Keys).mp4

45.3 MB

1.1 recon-including-b6-key.txt

0.2 KB

/.../16. [new] Crypt4Crypt (Decrypting ciphertext using online decryptors)/

1. Crypt4Crypt (Decrypting ciphertext using online decryptors).mp4

23.1 MB

1.1 crypt4-crypt.txt

0.0 KB

/.../17. [new] Map It (Portscanning and gaining remote access)/

1. Map It (Portscanning and gaining remote access).mp4

48.3 MB

1.1 mapit.txt

0.1 KB

/.../18. [new] Crypt5Crypt (Reverse & Decrypt ciphertext using online decryptor)/

1. Crypt5Crypt (Reversing & Decrypting ciphertext using online decryptors).mp4

30.0 MB

1.1 crypt5-crypt.txt

0.1 KB

/.../19. [new] SQLi (Hacking admin username & password using SQL Injection Attack)/

1. [NEW] SQLi2SQLi (Hacking admin username & password using SQL Injection Attack).mp4

90.2 MB

1.1 sqli2-sqli.txt

0.6 KB

/.../20. [new] Princess SlagRealistic (Directory traversal & null byte attacks)/

1. [NEW] Princess SlagRealistic (Directory traversal attack & null byte attacks).mp4

87.3 MB

/.../21. [new] Xmas '08Realistic (Website defacement attacks)/

1. Xmas '08Realistic (Website defacement attacks).mp4

82.0 MB

1.1 xmas08-realistic.txt

0.1 KB

/.../22. [new] Planet BidRealistic (Password reminder exploits)/

1. Planet BidRealistic (Password reminder exploits).mp4

146.9 MB

1.1 planetbid-realistic.txt

0.0 KB

/.../23. [new] Access Logs (Log Injection Attack)/

1. Access Logs (Log Injection Attack).mp4

31.9 MB

/.../24. [new] Sandra Murphy (XML Injection Attack)/

1. Sandra Murphy (XML Injection Attack).mp4

37.3 MB

1.1 sandra-murply.txt

0.2 KB

/.../25. [new] AlphabetizeCoding (Using Javascript to defeat countdown timer)/

1. AlphabetizeCoding (Using Javascript coding to defeat countdown timer).mp4

121.7 MB

1.1 alphabetize-coding.txt

0.3 KB

/.../26. [new] AliensStego (Decoding wav files to extract passwords)/

1. AliensStego (Decoding wav files to extract passwords).mp4

88.1 MB

1.1 aliens-stego.txt

0.1 KB

/.../27. [new] Custom EncodingCoding (Decryption & hacking website countdown timer)/

1. Custom EncodingCoding (Decryption & hacking website countdown timer).mp4

140.1 MB

1.1 custom-encoding-coding.txt

1.2 KB

/.../28. [new] Missile codesForensics (Analyze & extract data from disk images)/

1. Missile codesForensics (Analyzing and extracting data from disk images).mp4

202.6 MB

1.1 missile-codes-forensics.txt

0.3 KB


0.2 KB

/.../29. [new] Captcha1CAPTCHA (Hacking Captcha using OCR and AutoIt)/

1. Introduction to Captcha1 challenge.mp4

19.2 MB

2. Downloading and Installing an OCR software.mp4

20.4 MB

2.1 captcha1-captcha-installing-abby.txt

0.1 KB

3. Using Abby (OCR tool) to convert image to text.mp4

24.9 MB

4. Download and install AutoIt (Automation tool).mp4

27.2 MB

4.1 captcha1-captcha-installing-autoit.txt

0.1 KB

5. Using AutoIt.mp4

197.7 MB


0.4 KB

/.../30. [new] Captcha2CAPTCHA (Hack Captcha with node.js, imagemagick & AutoIt )/

1. Intro to Captcha2 challenge.mp4

56.1 MB

2. Collecting key images.mp4

131.1 MB


0.6 KB

3. Splitting the captcha image into 15 sample files.mp4

29.8 MB


0.3 KB

4. Installing node.js.mp4

28.5 MB

4.1 captcha2-installing-nodejs.txt

0.1 KB

5. Intro to Node.js.mp4

36.0 MB

6. Using node.js to decode captcha image.mp4

91.4 MB


0.6 KB

7. Using AutoIt to defeat countdown timer.mp4

114.8 MB


1.2 KB

/.../31. [new] Captcha3CAPTCHA (Using Python to hack Captcha )/

1. Introduction to the Captcha3 challenge.mp4

23.8 MB

1.1 captcha3-what-is-needed.txt

0.3 KB

2. Installing and Using Python.mp4

90.6 MB

3. Installing Pillow library for Python Image Manipulation.mp4

57.6 MB

3.1 captcha3-install-pillow-library.txt

0.1 KB


0.3 KB

4. Collecting key images.mp4

135.7 MB


1.5 KB

5. Splitting the captcha3 sample using python.mp4

21.1 MB


1.5 KB

6. Creating nodejs script to decode captcha sample images.mp4

43.6 MB


0.6 KB

7. Using AutoIt to automate tasks and defeat timer limitation.mp4

40.2 MB


2.2 KB

/.../32. Introduction to Software Cracking with crackme's/

1. Introduction to crackme's.mp4

21.0 MB

1.1 intro-to-crackmes-v3.txt

0.1 KB

/.../33. Introduction to x64dbg and Detect it Easy (DIE)/

1. Downloading and installing x64dbg and Detect It Easy (DIE).mp4

63.6 MB

1.1 installing-x64dbg-and-detect-it-easy.txt

0.1 KB

/.../34. Setting up your cracking workspace and workflow/

1. Setting up your cracking workspace and workflow.mp4

122.6 MB

1.1 download-link-for-mexican-crackme.txt

0.1 KB

/.../36. Stepping Into Calls/

1. Stepping Into Calls.mp4

249.1 MB

1.1 Stepping-into-calls.txt

0.2 KB

/37. Breakpoints/

1. Breakpoints.mp4

90.1 MB

1.1 BreakPoints.txt

0.3 KB

2. Setting Breakpoints on Strings.mp4

122.1 MB

2.1 BreakPoints-on-strings.txt

0.3 KB

/.../38. Reversing Jumps/

1. Reversing Jumps.mp4

110.1 MB

1.1 Reversing-jumps.txt

0.4 KB

/.../39. How to patch a program/

1. How to patch a program.mp4

158.8 MB

1.1 Patching.txt

0.3 KB

2. Patching with Jumps.mp4

95.8 MB

2.1 Patching-with-jumps.txt

0.3 KB

/.../40. Summary of Cracking Software Workflow/

1. The 5 steps of cracking software.mp4

42.0 MB

1.1 Summary-of-cracking-workflow.txt

0.7 KB

/.../41. Introduction to cracking gui-based programs/

1. Introduction to cracking gui-based programs.mp4

30.5 MB

1.1 intro-cracking-gui-based-progs.txt

0.1 KB

/.../42. Analyzing the PE for a gui-based program/

1. Analyzing the PE for a gui-based program.mp4

42.1 MB

/.../43. Crack the Serial Key using BP on strings/

1. Setting up x64dbg.mp4

11.3 MB

1.1 setting-up-x64dbg.txt

0.1 KB

2. Crack the Serial Key using BP on strings.mp4

121.4 MB

2.1 crack-serial-key-using-bp-on-strings.txt

0.3 KB

/.../44. Windows api functions & the stack/

1. Window api functions.mp4

81.1 MB

2. Pushing parameters to the stack.mp4

95.1 MB

2.1 pushing-parameters-to-the-stack.txt

0.5 KB

/.../45. Patching to bypass wrong serial key message/

1. Patching to bypass wrong serial key message.mp4

160.5 MB

1.1 bypassing-wrong-serial-key-message.txt

0.6 KB

1.2 eax-ax-al-differences.png

66.9 KB

2. Bypassing using xor assembly.mp4

147.8 MB

2.1 bypassing-using-xor-assembly.txt

0.7 KB

/.../46. Bonus Lecture/

1. Bonus Lecture.mp4

11.1 MB

1.1 useful-resources-for-further-study.pdf

638.4 KB


Total files 139

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