
Download Leftism





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2024-06-30 23:29




American Socialist Triptych_ The Literary-Political Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Upton Sinclair, and W. E. B. Du Bois - Mark Van Wienen.epub

787.1 KB

Antifa_ The Antifascist Handbook - Mark Bray.epub

980.9 KB

Drift_ The Unmooring of American Military Power - Rachel Maddow.epub

2.7 MB

Fascism Today_ What It Is and How to End It - Shane Burley.epub

1.5 MB

Karl Marx - Delphi Collected Works of Karl Marx.epub

6.1 MB

Mao Tse-tung - Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (Little Red Book).epub

157.4 KB

Red Emma Speaks_ An Emma Goldman Reader - Alix Kates Shulman.epub

601.5 KB

Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky.epub

1.9 MB

Steal This Book - Abbie Hoffman.epub

164.0 KB

The Age of Consent - George Monbiot.epub

247.1 KB

Vladimir Lenin - Essential Works of Lenin.epub

2.1 MB

/Che Guevara/

Che Guevara Reader - Ernesto Che Guevara.epub

1.4 MB

Guerilla Warfare - Ernesto Che Guevara.epub

187.9 KB

The Motorcycle Diaries_ Notes on a Latin American Journey - Ernesto Che Guevara.epub

1.3 MB

/David Horowitz/

The Black Book of the American Left - David Horowitz.epub

467.7 KB

The Black Book of the American Left Vol 2 Progressives - David Horowitz.epub

1.1 MB

The Black Book of the American Left Vol 3 The Great Betrayal - David Horowitz.epub

528.0 KB

The Black Book of the American Left Vol 4 Islamo-Fascism and the War Against the Jews - David Horowitz.epub

455.0 KB

The Shadow Party_ How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party - David Horowitz and Richard Poe.epub

263.7 KB

/George Soros/

Open Society_ Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered - George Soros.pdf

57.6 MB

Soros on Soros_ Staying Ahead of the Curve - George Soros.epub

3.7 MB

The New Paradigm for Financial Markets The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means - George Soros.epub

1.0 MB

The Soros Lectures At the Central European University - George Soros.epub

149.0 KB

/Howard Zinn/

A people's history of the United States_ 1 - Howard

1.1 MB

The Zinn Reader - Howard

1.4 MB

/Leon Trotsky/

1905 - Leon Trotsky.epub

1.2 MB

History of the Russian Revolution - Leon Trotsky.epub

1.3 MB

Stalin_ An Appraisal of the Man - Leon Trotsky.epub

778.6 KB

/Matt Taibbi/

Griftopia_ Bubble Machines Vampire Squids and the Long Con That Is Breaking America - Matt Taibbi.epub

2.0 MB

I Can't Breathe - Matt Taibbi.epub

926.1 KB

Insane Clown President - Matt Taibbi.epub

10.7 MB

The Divide_ American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap - Matt Taibbi.epub

5.7 MB

The Great Derangement - Matt Taibbi.epub

300.1 KB

/Naomi Klein/

Fences and Windows_ Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate - Naomi Klein.epub

2.0 MB

No Logo (10th Anniversary Edition) - Naomi Klein.epub

8.6 MB

The Shock Doctrine_ The Rise of Disaster - Naomi

2.4 MB

/Qaddafi's Green Book/

The Green Book Vol. 1 The Solution to the Problem of Democracy - Muammar Al Qaddafi.epub

37.7 KB

The Green Book Vol. 2 The Solution to the Economic Problem - Muammar Al Qaddafi.epub

22.1 KB

The Green Book Vol. 3 The Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory - Muammar Al Qaddafi.epub

29.7 KB

/Slavoj Zizek/

Absolute Recoil_ Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism - Slavoj Zizek.epub

1.1 MB

Antigone - Slavoj Zizek.epub

318.5 KB

Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism_ The Essential Zizek - Slavoj Zizek.epub

2.1 MB

Disparities - Slavoj Zizek.epub

522.1 KB

Event_ A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept - Slavoj Zizek.epub

2.1 MB

In Defense of Lost Causes - Slavoj Zizek.epub

773.9 KB

The Courage of Hopelessness - Slavoj Zizek.epub

578.1 KB

Trouble in Paradise_ From the End of History to the End of Capitalism- Slavoj Zizek.epub

333.6 KB

Zizek's Jokes - Slavoj Zizek.epub

221.8 KB

/Thomas Frank/

Commodify Your Dissent - Thomas Frank.epub

824.7 KB

Listen, Liberal - Thomas

1.1 MB

Pity the Billionaire_ The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right - Thomas

675.6 KB

What's the Matter with Kansas - Thomas Frank.epub

430.3 KB


Total files 52

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