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Loeb Classical Library


Loeb Classical Library (2)


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Callimachus, Lycophron, Aratus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

55.4 MB

Suetonius. The Lives of the Caesars II. Claudius. Nero. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men..pdf

51.2 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History III, Books 36-40 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

46.3 MB

Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman History, Volume II, Books 20-26 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

44.0 MB

Theophrastus II. Enquiry into Plants. Books 6-9. Treatise on Odours. Concerning Weather Signs (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

42.6 MB

Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman History, Volume III, Books 27-31. Excerpta Valesiana (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

40.6 MB

Procopius, I. History of the Wars. Books 1-2. (Persian War) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

39.5 MB

Josephus II. Jewish War Books I-III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

37.2 MB

Ausonius, I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

36.6 MB

Minor Latin Poets (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

36.1 MB

Plutarch, Lives Vol. 7. Demosthenes, Cicero, Alexander, Caesar (Loeb Classical Library, 1967).pdf

35.7 MB

Cicero XV. Orations. Philippics (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

35.4 MB

Nonnos, Dionysiaca I. Books 1-15 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

35.2 MB

John Damascene, Barlaam and Ioasaph (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

35.0 MB

Josephus III. Jewish War Books IV-VII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

34.4 MB

Lyra Graeca, III. Corinna, Bacchylides, Account of Greek Poetry (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

34.2 MB

Epictetus Discourses II. Books 3-4. The Encheiridion. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

33.1 MB

Polybius. The Histories, V Books 16-27 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

32.8 MB

Diogenes Laertius, II. Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

32.6 MB

Xenophon. Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apologia. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

32.6 MB

Plato. Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

32.5 MB

Josephus VII. Jewish Antiquities Books XII-XIV (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

32.4 MB

Cicero, Philippics (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

31.8 MB

Josephus V. Jewish Antiquities Books V-VIII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

31.4 MB

Hesiod; The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

30.6 MB

Plutarch 23. Moralia XII. On the Principle of Cold. Whether Fire or Water Is More Useful.On the Eating of Flesh (Loeb).pdf

30.5 MB

Lucan, The Civil War (Pharsalia) Books I-X (Loeb Clasiscal Library).pdf

30.1 MB

Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, I. Books.I-V (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

30.0 MB

Strabo I. Geography I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

30.0 MB

Bede. Ecclesiastical History, Books IV-V. Lives of the Abbots. Letter to Egbert. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

29.7 MB

St Augustine, Select Letters (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

28.9 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History IX, Books 71-80 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

28.7 MB

Herodotus I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

28.7 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

28.5 MB

Cesar. The Gallic War (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

28.0 MB

Appian. Roman History, I, Books 1-8 (Loeb Classical Library ).pdf

27.9 MB

Terence. II. Phormio. The Mother-in-Law. The Brothers (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

27.8 MB

Plutarch 14. Moralia III. Sayings of Spartans.Ancient Customs of the Spartans. Sayings of Spartan Women. Bravery of Women (Loeb).pdf

27.6 MB

Plutarch 15. Moralia IV. Roman Questions. Greek Questions. Greek and Roman Parallel Stories.On the Fortune or the Virtue of Alexander. (Loeb).pdf

27.4 MB

Aristotle. Posterior Analytics. Topica. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

27.3 MB

Manetho; Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

27.1 MB

Quintus-Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy (Loeb Classical Library, 1984).pdf

26.9 MB

Virgil, I. Eclogues. Georgics. Aeneid I-VI (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

26.7 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History V, Books 46-50 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

26.0 MB

Cicero, De Natura Deorum, Academica (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

25.9 MB

Josephus IV. Jewish Antiquities Books I-IV (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

25.7 MB

Arrian, II. Anabasis of Alexander Bks 5-7 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

25.5 MB

Lysias (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

25.3 MB

Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. Volume I, Books 14-19 (Loeb).pdf

25.1 MB

Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus (Loeb Clasical Library).pdf

25.1 MB

Aristotle, Parts of Animals. Movement of Animals. Progression of Animals (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

25.1 MB

Chariton. Callirhoe (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.9 MB

Arrian, I. Anabasis of Alexander (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.7 MB

Livy. History of Rome IV. Books 8-10 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.7 MB

Julian I. Orations 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.6 MB

Livy. History of Rome VIII. Books 28-30 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.5 MB

Remains of Old Latin II. Livius Andronicus. Naevius. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.2 MB

Statius. I. Silvae, Thebaid I-IV (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.2 MB

Nonnos, Dionysiaca II. Books 16-35 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.2 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History VI, Books 51-55 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.1 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History II, Books 12-35 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

24.0 MB

Julian III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.8 MB

Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, II Books.VI-VIII & Other Works (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.7 MB

Tacitus, Histories 4-5. Annals 1-3 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.6 MB

Strabo VIII. Geography, Book 17 & General Index (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.6 MB

Philo. Questions and Answers on Genesis (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.6 MB

Procopius, IV. History of the Wars. Books 6.16-7.35. (Gothic War) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.5 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History IV, Books 41-45 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.5 MB

Herodotus IV. Books 8-9 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.2 MB

Sillius Italicus II. Punica, II. Books 9-17 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.1 MB

Procopius, II. History of the Wars. Books 3-4. (Vandalic War) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

23.0 MB

Pliny. Natural History, II. Books 3-7 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.8 MB

Philostratus (Elder & Younger), Imagines. Callistratus, Descriptions (Loeb Classical library).pdf

22.8 MB

Aristotle. Categories. On Interpretation. Prior Analytics (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.7 MB

Nonnos, Dionysiaca III. Books 36-48 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.6 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History VIII, Books 61-70 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.4 MB

Plato II. The Republic, Books 6-10 (Loeb Classical Library No. 276).pdf

22.4 MB

Remains of Old Latin III. The Law of the Twelve Tables (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.3 MB

Josephus I. The Life. Against Apion (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.1 MB

The Correspondance of Marcus Cornelius Fronto, II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.1 MB

Greek Anthology I. Books I-VI (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.0 MB

Seneca, IV, Epistles 1-65 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

22.0 MB

Select Papyri, II. Public Documents (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.9 MB

Greek Mathematical Works. II. From Aristarchus to Pappus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.9 MB

Virgil, II. Aeneid VII-XII, The Minor Poems (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.8 MB

Livy. History of Rome VII. Books 26-27 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.8 MB

Hippocrates IV. Heracleitus, On The Universe (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.7 MB

Plotinus. Volume VI, Ennead VI.1-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.7 MB

Greek Mathematical Works. I. From Thales to Euclid (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.4 MB

The Odes of Pindar, Including the Principal Fragments (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.3 MB

Pliny. Natural History, IV. Books 12-16 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.3 MB

Ovid, Fasti (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.2 MB

Sidonius. Poems. Letters, Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.1 MB

Cicero. Letters to Atticus, I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

21.1 MB

Plutarch 11. Lives XI. Aratus. Artaxerxes. Galba. Otho. General Index (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.9 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History I, Fragments of Books 1-11 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.9 MB

Aristophanes, III. Lysistrata, Thesmophoriazusae, Ecclesiazusae, Pluts (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.9 MB

Greek Literary Papyri I. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.8 MB

Pliny. Natural History VII. Books 24-27. Index of Plants (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.7 MB

Theophrastus. Enquiry into plants, and minor works on odours and weather signs, Books 1-5 (Loeb, 1999).pdf

20.7 MB

Sillius Italicus I. Punica, I. Books 1-8 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.7 MB

Apuleius, Golden Ass (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.7 MB

Strabo V. Geography, Books 10-12 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.5 MB

Polybius. The Histories, VI Books 28-39 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.4 MB

Josephus VI. Jewish Antiquities Books IX-XI (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.1 MB

Cicero. Letters to Atticus, II, 90-165A (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

20.0 MB

Statius. II.Thebaid V-XII, Achilleid (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.9 MB

Ovid, Heroides. Amores (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.9 MB

Menander, The Principal Fragments (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.8 MB

Plato IX. Laws Books 7-12 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.8 MB

Lyra Graeca, I. Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.7 MB

Sophocles, II. Ajax, Electra, Trachiniae, Philoctetes (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.7 MB

Livy. History of Rome VI. Books 23-25 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.6 MB

Aristotle Politics (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.5 MB

Greek Anthology II. Books VII-VIII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.5 MB

Pliny. Natural History VI. Books 20-23 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.4 MB

Pliny. Natural History, III. Books 8-11 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.4 MB

Frontinus, Statagems, The Aqueducts of Rome (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.4 MB

Plutarch 9. Lives IX. Demetrius and Antony. Pyrrhus and Gaius Marius (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.4 MB

Xenophon. Anabasis Books IV - VII, Symposium and Apology (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.3 MB

Pliny, Letters I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.2 MB

Plato I. The Republic, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.2 MB

Livy. History of Rome XIII. Books 43-45 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.1 MB

Pliny, Natural History, V. Books 17-19 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.1 MB

Euripides III. Bacchanals, Madness of Hercules, Children of Hercules, Phoenician Maidens, Suppliants (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

19.0 MB

Livy. History of Rome II. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.9 MB

Columella, I. On Agriculture, I. Books 1-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.8 MB

The Greek Bucolic Poets (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.8 MB

Livy. History of Rome XI. Books 38-39 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.8 MB

Diodorus Siculus. Library of History, II. Books 2.35-4.58 (Loeb Classical Library ).pdf

18.8 MB

Diodorus Vol. II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.8 MB


18.6 MB

Plutarch 5. Lives V. Agesilaus and Pompey. Pelopidas and Marcellus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.6 MB

Euripides IV. Ion, Hippolytus, Medea, Alcestis (The Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.4 MB

Marcus Aurelius (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.4 MB

Appian. Roman History, IV, Books 3.27-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.4 MB

Seneca, II. Ad Lucilium, Epistulae Morals (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.4 MB

Demosthenes. Orations 27-40. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.3 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, II. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.2 MB

Homer, I. The Iliad (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.2 MB

Pliny. Natural History IX. Books 33-35. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.1 MB

Martial. Epigrams, Volume II. Books 6-10 (Loeb Classical Library, 1993).pdf

18.1 MB

Plutarch 17. Moralia VI. Can Virtue Be Taught. On Moral Virtue. On Brotherly Love. On Affection for Offspring. (Loeb).pdf

18.1 MB

Columella, I. On Agriculture, II. Books 5-9 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.1 MB

Quintillian. Institutio Oratoria III Books VII-IX (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.1 MB

Theophrastus, The Characters; Herodes, Cercidas, Greek Choliambic Poets (Loeb).pdf

18.1 MB

Dio Chrysostom, V. Discourses 61-80. Fragments. Letters (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.0 MB

The Apostolic Fathers, II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.0 MB

Aeschines, Speeches (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.0 MB

Cicero. On Ends (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

18.0 MB

Martial. Epigrams, Volume I. Spectacles, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library, 1993).pdf

17.9 MB

Dio Cassius. Roman History VII, Books 56-60 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.9 MB

Hippocrates III. On Wounds in the Head (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.9 MB

Isocrates, II. On the Peace. Areopagiticus. Against the Sophists. Antidosis. Panathenaicus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.8 MB

Plutarch 13. Moralia II. How to Profit by One's Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice.The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. (Loeb).pdf

17.7 MB

Xenophon. Hellenica, Books I - V (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.7 MB

Strabo VII. Geography, Books 15-16 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.6 MB

Minor Attic Orators, I. Antiphon, Andocides (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.6 MB

Apollodorus, I. The Library (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.6 MB

Remains of Old Latin I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.5 MB

Plutarch 4. Lives IV. Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Lysander and Sulla (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.5 MB

Plato IX. Laws Books 1-6 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.5 MB

Plutarch 6. Lives VI. Dion and Brutus. Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.5 MB

Select Letters of St Jerome (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.4 MB

Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.4 MB

Aristophanes, I. Acharnians, Knights, Clouds, Wasps (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.3 MB

Strabo VI. Geography, Books 13-14 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.2 MB

Seneca IX. Tragedies II. Agamemnon. Thyestes. Hercules Oetaeus. Phoenissae. Octavia (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.1 MB

Julian II. Orations 6-8. Letters to Themistius. To The Senate and People of Athens. To a Priest. The Caesars. Misopogon (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.0 MB

Dio Chrysostom, IV. Discourses 37-60 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.0 MB

Lyra Graeca, II. Stesichorus, Ibycus, Anacreon and Simonides (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.0 MB

Martial. Epigrams, Volume III, Books 11-14. (Loeb Classical Library, 1993).pdf

17.0 MB

Xenophon. Scripta Minora (The Loeb Classical Library).pdf

17.0 MB

Plutarch 21. Moralia X. To an Uneducated Ruler. Whether an Old Man Should Engage in Public Affairs. On Monarchy, Democracy, and Oligarchy. (Loeb).pdf

16.8 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, VII. Book 11, Fragments of Books 12-20 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.8 MB

Tertullian. Apology. De Spectaculis; Minucius Felix (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.7 MB

Minor Attic Orators, II. Lycurgus, Dinarchus, Demades, Hyperides (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.7 MB

Homer.The Odyssey Books 1-12 (The Loeb Classical Library, No 104).pdf

16.7 MB

Bede, Ecclesiastical History, Books I-III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.7 MB

Herodotus III. Books 5-7 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.7 MB

Tacitus, Histories 1-3 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.6 MB

Plato X. Laws Books 7-12 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.6 MB

The Apostolic Fathers. I. I Clement. II Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.5 MB

Achilles Tatius. The Adventures of Leucippe and Clitophon (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.5 MB

Tacitus, Annals 13-16 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.5 MB

Plato IV. Laches. Protagoras. Meno. Euthydemus. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.5 MB

Cicero. Letters to Atticus, III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.4 MB

Demosthenes. Against Meidias. Against Androtion. Against Aristocrates. Against Timocrates. Against Aristogeiton 1-2 (21-26) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.4 MB

Xenophon. Anabasis Books I-VII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.3 MB

Pausanias. Description of Greece II. Books 3-5 (Laconia, Messenia, Elis 1) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.3 MB

Lucian III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.2 MB

Basil. The Letters, I. Letters 1-58 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.2 MB

Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria IV Books X-XII (Loeb Classical Library)..pdf

16.2 MB

Lucian VI. How to Write History. The Dipsads. Saturnalia. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.1 MB

Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War IV. Books 7 and 8 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.0 MB

Plutarch 7. Lives VII. Demosthenes and Cicero. Alexander and Caesar (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.0 MB

Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.0 MB

Ovid, Tristia, Ex Ponto (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

16.0 MB

Aeschylus, II. Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments Loeb Classical Library.pdf

15.9 MB

Velleius Paterculus; Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.9 MB

Xenophon Hellenica Books Vl & Vll. Anabasis Books l-lll (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.8 MB

Demosthenes. Funeral Speech (60). Erotic Essay (61). Exordia. Letters (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.8 MB

Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History I, Books I-V (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.8 MB

Greek Anthology III. Book IX (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.7 MB

Caesar. Alexandrian War. African War. Spanish War (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.7 MB

Plutarch 2. Lives. II. Themistocles and Camillus. Aristides and Cato Major. Cimon and Lucullus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.7 MB

Longus, Daphnis & Chloe; Partheinus, Love Romances (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.7 MB

Hippocrates I. Ancient Medicine (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.6 MB

Hippocrates I. Ancient Medicine, Airs, Waters, Places, Epidemics, Oath (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.6 MB

Euripides II. Electra, Orestes, Iphigeneia in Taurica, Andromache, Cyclops (Loeb).pdf

15.6 MB

Procopius, V. History of the Wars. Books 7.36-8. (Gothic War) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.6 MB

Pliny, Letters II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.5 MB

Horace. Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.5 MB

Augustine. Confessions II. Books 9-13 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.4 MB

Augustine. Confessions I. Books 1-8 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.3 MB

Aristophanes, II. Peace. Birds. Frogs (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.2 MB

Plato VIII. Charmides, Alcibiades 1 & 2, Hipparchus, The Lovers, Theages, Minos, Epinomis. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.1 MB

Dio Chrysostom, III. Discourses 31-36 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.1 MB

Seneca VIII. Tragedies I. Hercules Furens. Troades. Medea. Hippolytus or Phaedra. Oedipus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.1 MB

Vitruvius, I. On Architecture (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.0 MB

Plautus IV. The Little Carthaginian, Pseudolus, The Rope (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

15.0 MB

Theophrastus I. Enquiry into Plants. Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.9 MB

Aelian. On Animals, I, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.8 MB

Ovid IV. Metamorphoses, Books IX-XV (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.8 MB

Hippocrates II. Prognostic (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.8 MB

Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria I Books I-III (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.7 MB

Plutarch 10. Lives X. Agis and Cleomenes. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Philopoemen and Flamininus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.7 MB

Seneca. Moral Essays I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.6 MB

Varro. On the Latin Language, Vols. I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.6 MB

Pausanias. Description of Greece I. Books 1-2 (Attica and Corinth) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.6 MB

Petronius; Seneca, Apocolocyntosis (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.5 MB

Lucian V. The Passing of Peregrinus. The Runaways. Toxaris or Friendship. The Dance. Lexiphanes. The Eunuch. Astrology (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.5 MB

Historia Augusta, Volume I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.4 MB

Apollodorus, II. The Library (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.3 MB

Aristotle. Athenian Constitution. Eudemian Ethics. Virtues and Vices. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.3 MB

Propertius (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.2 MB

Juvenal and Persius (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.2 MB

Plato II. Theaetetus. Sophist (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.2 MB

Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War II. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.1 MB

Seneca, VI, Epistles 93-124 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.0 MB

Ausonius, II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

14.0 MB

Tacitus, Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on Oratory (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.9 MB

Appian. Roman History, III, Books 1-3.26 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.8 MB

Plutarch 1. Lives. I. Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and Publicola (Loeb Classical Library®).pdf

13.7 MB

Epictetus Discourses I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.7 MB

Demosthenes. Orations (41-49). Private Cases. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.7 MB

Lucian I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.5 MB

Greek Anthology IV. Books X-XII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.4 MB

Prudentius I. Preface. Daily Round. Divinity of Christ. Origin of Sin. Fight for Mansoul. Against Symmachus 1 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.4 MB

Xenophon. Cyropaedia, Volume 2 (Loeb).pdf

13.4 MB

Lucian II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.4 MB

Greek Anthology V. Books XIII-XVI (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.4 MB

Aristotle. On Sophistical Refutations. On Coming-to-be and Passing Away. On the Cosmos. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.2 MB

Historia Augusta, Volume II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.2 MB

Aristotle, Minor Works. On Colours. On Things Heard. Physiognomics. On Plants. On Marvellous Things Heard. Mechanical Problems.(Loeb).pdf

13.1 MB

Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War III. Books 5-6 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.1 MB

Philo. Questions and Answers on Exodus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.1 MB

Plutarch 3. Lives III. Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Nicias and Crassus (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

13.0 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, V. Books VIII-IX.24 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.9 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, III. Books V-VI.48 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.8 MB

Galen, On the Natural Faculties (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.8 MB

The Correspondance of Marcus Cornelius Fronto, I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.8 MB

Cicero. On the Orator, Books I-II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.7 MB

Isocrates, I. To Demonicus. To Nicocles. Nicocles or the Cyprians. Panegyricus. To Philip. Archidamus. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.7 MB

Pliny. Natural History, I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.7 MB

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, IV. Books VI.49-VII (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.6 MB

Aristotle, Problems Books 32-38. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

12.6 MB

Prudentius II. Against Symmachus 2. Crowns of Martyrdom. Scenes From History. Epilogue (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Martial, Epigrams II. Books 8-14 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Roman Antiquities, VI. Books IX.25-71-X (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Livy. History of Rome I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History II, Books 6-10 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Appian. Roman History, II, Books 8.2-12 (Loeb Classical Library ).pdf

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Plautus V. Stichus, Three Bob Day, Truculentus, Fragments (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Demosthenes. Orations (50-58). Private Cases In Neaeram (59) (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Herodotus II. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Polybius. The Histories, III. Books 5-8 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Sophocles, I. Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colunus, Antigone (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Lucian IV (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Xenophon. Cyropaedia, Volume 1 (Loeb).pdf

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Varro. On the Latin Language, Vols. II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Plutarch 8. Lives VIII. Sertorius and Eumenes. Phocion and Cato the Younger (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Polybius. The Histories, II. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Clement of Alexandria. The Exhortation to the Greeks. The Rich Mans Salvation. To the Newly Baptized (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Lucian VII. Dialogues of the Dead. Dialogues of the Sea-Gods. Dialogues of the Gods. Dialogues of the Courtesans. (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Martial, Epigrams I. Book 1-7 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Boethius.Theological Tractates. The Consolation of Philosophy (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Celsus, On Medicine, III. Books 7-8 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Claudian. Volume II (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Celsus On Medicine, II. Books 5-6 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Polybius. The Histories, I. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Claudian. Volume I (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

8.7 MB

Greek Lyric I - Sappho and Alcaeus (Loeb Classical Library, 1990).pdf

8.1 MB

Cicero XXI. On Duties (De Officiis) (Loeb Classical Library No. 30).pdf

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Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Greek Epic Fragments. From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC (Loeb Classical Library, 2003).pdf

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Greek Epic Fragments. From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC (Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Aeschylus, I. Suppliant, Persians, Prometheus, Seven Against Thebes ( Loeb Classical Library).pdf

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Eusebius. Life of Constantine. Introduction, translation and commentary.pdf

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Olympian Odes. Pythian Odes (Loeb Classical Library) (v. 1).pdf

2.6 MB

Pindar. Olympian Odes. Pythian Odes (Loeb Classical Library, 1997).pdf

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