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Machine learning collection pdf



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(2015) Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics.pdf

15.0 MB

(Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series) Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville - Deep Learning-The MIT Press (2016).pdf

16.1 MB

(Studies in Computational Intelligence 800) Plamen P. Angelov, Xiaowei Gu - Empirical Approach to Machine Learning-Springer (2019).pdf

22.4 MB

(eBook - Engineering - Robotics - Artificial Intelligence) Machine Learning.pdf

9.7 MB

(ebook - PDF)[informatica][mineria de datos] Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 2nd Edition (Morgan Kaufmann, 2005).pdf

8.1 MB

(ebook) Machine Learning for Computer Vision by Roberto Cipolla, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella.pdf

14.0 MB

00 - Genetic algorithms and Machine Learning.pdf

231.9 KB

1430267674 Machine Learning Projects for.NET Developers (Apress, 2015) (nO !!).pdf

6.6 MB

2004 - Environmental Data Mining And Modeling Based On Machine Learning Algorithms And Geostatistics.pdf

474.6 KB

2007 - E. Marchiori et al (eds) - Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, (Springer).pdf

17.7 MB

2009 - Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Springer, LNCS).pdf

10.5 MB

2016-Introducing Data Science - Big Data, Machine Learning And More, Using Python Tools.pdf

15.4 MB

2016-Packt Python Machine Learning Blueprints.pdf

39.4 MB

2017 Thoughtful Machine Learning With Python (O'reilly).pdf

8.8 MB

2018-Packt Hands-on Machine Learning for Cyber Security Python Deep Learning Projects Early Access.pdf

8.1 MB

2018_Mastering TensorFlow 1.x_ Advanced machine learning and deep learning concepts using TensorFlow 1.x and Keras.pdf

15.4 MB

2020_Machine Learning with Spark and Python (2nd ed)(Michael Bowles)(Wiley).pdf

7.6 MB

3319325442 From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning. Scientific Data Analysis, Computational Intelligence (Springer, ISRL 109, 2016).pdf

37.3 MB


1.3 MB


1.2 MB

9780128009536.Elsevier Science.Quantum Machine Learning_ What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining.Peter Wittek.Aug, 2014.pdf

1.4 MB

A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines 1985-3542.pdf

1.9 MB

A Preliminary Performance Comparison of Five Machine Learning Algorithms for Practical IP Traffic Flow Classification.pdf

276.2 KB

A Statistical Machine Learning Perspective of Deep Learning (

22.6 MB

API design for machine learning software- experiences from the scikit-learn project.pdf

272.8 KB

APress - Predictive Analytics With Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, 2Ed.pdf

20.2 MB

Advanced Data Analytics Using Python_ With Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP Examples - Sayan Mukhopadhyay (Apress;2018;9781484234495;eng).pdf

2.3 MB

Advanced Machine Learning with Python - John Hearty (Packt Publishing;2016;9781784398637;eng)(1).pdf

2.2 MB

Advanced Machine Learning with Python - John Hearty (Packt Publishing;2016;9781784398637;eng).pdf

1.8 MB


3.0 MB

Advances in Financial Machine Learning.pdf

8.9 MB

Advances in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Astronomy, 2012.pdf

14.7 MB

Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing. Spring.pdf

10.1 MB

Alpaydin - Introduction To Machine Learning (Mit, 2004).pdf

37.8 MB

An Introduction To Machine Learning - Kubat (Springer;2015;9783319200095;Eng).pdf

2.5 MB

Analysis & Design Of Machine Learning Techniques-2014--Stalph - Evolutionary Solutions 4 Regression, Prediction-p162.pdf

2.9 MB

Applied Machine Learning - David Forsyth (Springer;2019;9783030181130;eng).pdf

17.4 MB

Applied Natural Language Processing With Python_ Implementing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing - Taweh Beysolow.pdf

2.3 MB

Applied Text Analysis With Python Enabling Language Aware Data Products With Machine Learning 2016.pdf

2.6 MB

Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing.pdf

9.7 MB

Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning, Neural And Statistical Classification.pdf

1.8 MB

Artificial Intelligence As A Control Problem - Machine Learning And Intelligent Control.pdf

54.8 KB

Artificial Intelligence_ With an Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd (CRC 2018).pdf

8.5 MB


14.1 MB

Bayesian Programming (Chapman & Hall Crc Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition).pdf

21.1 MB

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning - Barber, David.pdf

34.0 MB

Beginning Apache Spark 2 with Resilient Distributed Datasets, Spark SQL, Structured Streaming and Spark Machine Learning library.pdf

5.8 MB

Big Data, Data Mining & Machine Learning-2014--Dean--p281.pdf

2.8 MB

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning.pdf

3.9 MB

Bioinformatics The Machine Learning Approach, Second Edition - Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak.pdf

3.4 MB

Bioinformatics, The Machine Learning Approach - 2nd Edition.pdf

6.9 MB

Bishop - Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning - 2006.pdf

9.8 MB

Bishop - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Springer 2006.pdf

18.1 MB

Bishop. Pattern recognition and machine learning. Solution manual.pdf

860.1 KB

Boltzmann Machine Learning with Latent Maximum Entropy Principle.pdf

231.5 KB

Building Chatbots with Python_ Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning - Sumit Raj (Apress;2019;9781484240953;eng)(1).pdf

5.1 MB

Building Chatbots with Python_ Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning - Sumit Raj (Apress;2019;9781484240953;eng).pdf

5.4 MB

Building Intelligent Systems_ A Guide to Machine Learning Engineering - Geoff Hulten (Apress;2018;9781484234310;eng).pdf

3.6 MB

Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow - R. Bonnin (Packt, 2016)(367p).pdf

8.3 MB

Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow.pdf

13.9 MB

Building Machine Learning Systems With Python 2Ed 2015.pdf

6.8 MB

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python 2nd Ed-2015--Coelho-p326.pdf

6.9 MB

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, 2nd Edition.pdf

7.5 MB

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python.pdf

6.5 MB

Building Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models on Google Cloud Platform.pdf

32.9 MB

CRC Press - Applied Genetic Programming and Machine Learning - 1st ed. (August 26, 2009).pdf

11.5 MB

CRC Press Computational Trust Models And Machine Learning 2015.pdf

2.3 MB

3.3 MB

Charu C. Aggarwal-Machine Learning for Text-Springer (2018).pdf

6.4 MB

Christopher M Bishop Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning.pdf

8.3 MB

Clojure for Data Science_ Statistics, big data, and machine learning for Clojure programmers.pdf

10.7 MB

Cup - Mathematics For Machine Learning - 2019(1).pdf

17.1 MB

Cup - Mathematics For Machine Learning - 2019.pdf

17.1 MB

Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning 2017 1c (Lecture Notes In Computer Science, LNCS, 10332) (Springer, 2017).pdf

16.4 MB

Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning 2018 2c LNCS 10879 springer.pdf

16.3 MB


1.4 MB

Data Mining - Machine Learning, Statistics and Databases (article) [1999].pdf

345.5 KB

Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 3ed_Ian H.Witten(2011 665s).pdf

7.2 MB

Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 3rd Edition.pdf

7.3 MB

Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools And Techniques.pdf

17.5 MB

Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R.pdf

1.9 MB

Data Science, Fondamentaux et études de cas, Machine learning avec Python et R (2015) - [Eyrolles] - Éric Biernat, Michel Lutz.pdf

10.1 MB

David Julian - Designing Machine Learning Systems With Python, 2016 Packt.pdf

2.2 MB

Dean, Jared - Big data, data mining and machine learning; value creation for business leaders and practitioners(2014).pdf

3.6 MB

Deep Learning By Example_ A hands-on guide to implementing advanced machine learning algorithms and neural network.pdf

9.2 MB

Deep Learning Practical Neural Networks With Java Build And Run Intelligent Applications By Leveraging Key Java Machine Learning Libraries.pdf

11.7 MB

Deep Learning using Linear Support Vector Machines - 1306.0239.pdf

674.0 KB

421.5 KB

Designing Machine Learning Systems With Python - JULIAN,David (Packt Publishing, 2016, 9781785882951, Eng).pdf

2.2 MB

Designing Machine Learning Systems With Python - JULIAN,David.pdf

9.6 MB

Designing Machine Learning Systems With Python 2016_v2.pdf

2.4 MB

Engineering - Learning With Kernels - Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization, And Beyond.pdf

37.4 MB

Environmental data mining and modelling based on machine learning algorithms and geostatistics.pdf

371.5 KB

Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning And Data Mining In Bioinformatics, Lncs 6623, Springer, 2011.pdf

3.0 MB

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics.pdf

25.0 MB

Financial Forecasting Using Neural Network or Machine Learning Techniques.pdf

704.5 KB

Financial Signal Processing and Machine Learning. Akansu A. Kulkari S.pdf

4.4 MB

For Dummies - Machine Learning for Dummies -Wiley2016.pdf

5.8 MB

From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning - An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence_Achim Zielesny(Springer 2011 482s).pdf

12.7 MB

Fundamentals Of Deep Learning-2017--Buduma - Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms-p298.pdf

15.9 MB

Fundamentals of Deep Learning- Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms - Buduma (O'Reilly Media;2017;9781491925614;eng).pdf

15.9 MB

Fundamentals of Deep Learning_ Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms.pdf

15.9 MB


15.0 MB

GPGPU AMD Performance and Power Estimation Using Machine Learning.pdf

3.6 MB

Generative Deep Learning_ Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play - David Foster (O'Reilly Media;2019;9781492041948;eng).pdf

30.6 MB

Gpu Parallel Computing For Machine Learning In Python How To Build A Parallel Computer 2017.pdf

721.4 KB

Graphical Models For Machine Learning And Digital Communication.pdf

4.0 MB

Handbook Of Natural Language Processing, Second Edition Chapman & Hall Crc Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition 2010.pdf

8.7 MB

Handbook Of Research On Machine Learning Applications And Trends Algorithms, Methods And Techniques (2 Volumes).pdf

12.6 MB

Hands-On Data Science and Python Machine Learning - Frank Kane (Packt Publishing;2017;9781787280748;eng).pdf

16.0 MB

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow - Aur_lien G_ron, (O'Reilly, 2017).pdf

7.6 MB

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow EARLY RELEASE - Aurélien Géron (2019) O'Reilly.pdf

33.1 MB

Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js - Kai Sasaki (Packt;2019;9781838821739;eng).pdf

27.0 MB

Hands-On Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning Applications_ Data Science Fundamentals with Python - David Paper (Apress;2019;9781484253724;eng).pdf

3.3 MB

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python - How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions from Unlabeled Data, O'Reilly (2019).pdf

5.9 MB

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python - How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions from Unlabeled Data, O'Reilly (March 18, 2019).pdf

5.9 MB

Hands-on Machine Learning for Cyber Security Python Deep Learning Projects (EARLY ACCESS) (CONV) - Soma Halder (Packt Publishing;2018;eng).pdf

8.1 MB

Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook_ Explore intuitive data analysis techniques and powerful machine learning methods using over 130 practical recipes.pdf

2.8 MB

Hybrid Control Of Load Simulator For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based On Wavelet Networks - Machine Learning And Cybernetics, 2003 International Conference On.pdf

290.8 KB

Intro 2 Statistical Machine Learning-2016--Sugiyama-p524.pdf

16.1 MB

Introducing Data Science - Big Data, Machine Learning and more, using Python tools (2016).pdf

15.4 MB

Introducing Data Science - Big Data, Machine Learning and more, using Python tools (2017).pdf

5.3 MB

Introducing Data Science - Big Data, Machine Learning and more, using Python tools (2019).pdf

4.1 MB

Introducing Data Science - Big Data, Machine Learning and more, using Python tools (2020).pdf

4.1 MB

Introducing Data Science- Big Data, Machine Learning, and More, Using Python Tools - Cielen, Meysman, Ali (Manning Publications, 2016, 9781633430037, eng).pdf

15.3 MB

Introducing Data Science_ Big data, machine learning, and more, using Python tools.pdf

15.3 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning (2016) MIT Press.pdf

45.0 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - 2017.pdf

33.2 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Early Release - Guido,Müller (O'Reilly Media;2016;9781491917213;eng).pdf

25.6 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python- A Guide for Data Scientists - Guido,Müller (O'Reilly Media;2016;9781449369415;eng).pdf

33.2 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd edition (MIT Press, 2010, 026201243X).pdf

3.9 MB


5.6 MB

Jansen - Hands-on machine learning for algorithmic trading; investment strategies based on smart algorithms that learn from data using python(201).pdf

26.1 MB

Jupyter for Data Science_ Exploratory analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, and data visualization with Jupyter.pdf

6.9 MB


17.7 MB

Large Scale Machine Learning With Python - Massaron, Boschetti (Packt Publishing, 2016, 9781785887215, Eng).pdf

4.6 MB

Learn PySpark_ Build Python-Based Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models - Pramod Singh (Apress;2019;9781484249604;eng).pdf

9.8 MB

Learn TensorFlow 2.0_ Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models with Python - Manure,Singh (Apress;2020;9781484255575;eng).pdf

6.5 MB

Learning scikit-learn- Machine Learning in Python - Garreta,Moncecchi (Packt Publishing;2013;9781783281930;eng).pdf

1.4 MB


66.3 KB

MATLAB Deep Learning- With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence - Kim (Apress;2017;9781484228449;eng).pdf

3.6 MB

MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes, 2nd Edition.pdf

14.6 MB

MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes_ A Problem-Solution Approach, 2nd ed. - Paluszek,Thomas (Apress;2018;9781484239155;eng).pdf

14.6 MB


28.9 MB

MLC++ - a Machine Learning Library in C++.pdf

164.2 KB

Machine Learning & Data Mining in Pattern Recognition-2016--Perner-p819.pdf

44.6 MB

Machine Learning (Mc-Graw Hill - Tom Mitchell, 1997).pdf

18.4 MB

Machine Learning - The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data By Peter Flach.2012.pdf

9.9 MB

Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P Murphy, Mit Press, 2012.pdf

27.0 MB

Machine Learning Algorithms in Java (WEKA).pdf

416.9 KB

Machine Learning And The Philosophy Of Science.pdf

105.5 KB

Machine Learning Applications Using Python_ Cases Studies From Healthcare, Retail, and Finance - Puneet Mathur (Apress;2019;9781484237861;eng).pdf

7.3 MB

Machine Learning Collection PDF.jpeg

121.8 KB

Machine Learning Collection PDF.jpg

272.3 KB

Machine Learning Collection PDF.png

7.6 KB

Machine Learning Con Python, Costruire Algoritmi Per Generare Conoscenza-Sebastian Raschka-2017.pdf

14.4 MB

Machine Learning From Theory to Applications.pdf

15.7 MB

Machine Learning In Python-2015--Bowles - Essential Techniques 4 Predictive Analysis--p355P.pdf

10.1 MB

Machine Learning Mastery with Python_ Understand Your Data, Create Accurate Models and WOrk Projects End-to-End.pdf

2.0 MB

Machine Learning Methods for Financial Forecasting.pdf

2.1 MB

Machine Learning Paradigms - Theory and Application - Aboul Ella Hassanien (2019) Springer International Publishing.pdf

21.9 MB

Machine Learning Refined; Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications, B01L27MRMI, 2016, by Jeremy Watt ,Reza Borhani, Aggelos Katsaggelos.pdf

32.4 MB

Machine Learning With R Cookbook - Packt - 2015.pdf

12.1 MB

Machine Learning With Spark (Packt Publishing, Packtpub, Pp, 2015).pdf

5.3 MB

Machine Learning With Spark (Packt, 2015).pdf

4.8 MB

Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition.pdf

26.7 MB

Machine Learning and Security_ Protecting Systems with Data and Algorithms - Chio,Freeman (O'Reilly Media;2018;9781491979907;eng).pdf

6.7 MB

Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis.Theory and Applications [Advanced Information & Knowledge Processing] - Francesco Camastra, Alessandro.pdf

5.7 MB

Machine Learning for Designers - Hebron (O'Reilly Media;Free Design Ebooks;2016;9781491956205;eng).pdf

17.9 MB

Machine Learning for Evolution Strategies - Oliver Kramer (Springer;Studies in Big Data #20;2016;9783319333816;eng).pdf

5.8 MB

Machine Learning for Financial Market prediction.pdf

4.1 MB

Machine Learning for OpenCV_ A practical introduction to the world of machine learning and image processing using OpenCV and Python.pdf

29.1 MB

Machine Learning for Opencv - Michael Beyeler (Packt Publishing;2017;9781783980284;eng).pdf

12.8 MB

Machine Learning in Cyber Trust. Security, Privacy, and Reliability (Springer 2009)(1).pdf

10.0 MB

Machine Learning in Cyber Trust. Security, Privacy, and Reliability (Springer 2009).pdf

10.0 MB

Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing.pdf

9.6 MB

Machine Learning with PySpark_ With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems - Pramod Singh (Apress;2019;9781484241301;eng).pdf

7.4 MB

Machine Learning with Python Cookbook_ Practical Solutions from Preprocessing to Deep Learning - Chris Albon (O'Reilly Media;2018;9781491989333;eng).pdf

4.8 MB

Machine Learning with Python-Scikit-Learn.pdf

4.2 MB

Machine Learning with R Cookbook_ Analyze data and build predictive models 2nd Edition.pdf

12.3 MB

Machine Learning with R, Second Edition.pdf

12.0 MB

Machine Learning with TensorFlow 1.x - Ahmed,Azeem,Hua (Packt Publishing;2017;9781786462961;eng).pdf

15.1 MB

Machine Learning with the Raspberry Pi_ Computer Vision Experiments and Projects - Donald J. Norris (Apress;Technology in Action;2020;9781484251737;eng).pdf

14.1 MB

Machine Learning, Probability and Graphical Models_02.pdf

220.6 KB

15.7 MB


3.1 MB

Master Machine Learning Algorithms - Jason brownlee (2016).pdf

1.1 MB

Mastering Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn - Gavin HACKELING.pdf

3.8 MB

Mastering Machine Learning with R_ Advanced prediction, algorithms, and learning methods with R 3.x 2nd Edition.pdf

7.0 MB

Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn.pdf

4.0 MB


9.2 MB

Mathematics For Machine Learning - Deisenroth,Faisal,Ong (Cambridge University Press;2020;9781108455145;Eng)(1).pdf

17.3 MB

Mathematics for Machine Learning - Deisenroth,Faisal,Ong (Cambridge University Press;2020;9781108455145;eng).pdf

17.1 MB

Matlab Machine Learning - Paluszek,Thomas (Apress;2017;9781484222492;Eng).pdf

10.4 MB

Mit Press - Ethem Alpaydin - Introduction To Machine Learning (2016).pdf

7.8 MB

Mit Press - Ethem Alpaydin - Introduction To Machine Learning (2018).pdf

7.6 MB

Mit Press - Ethem Alpaydin - Introduction To Machine Learning (2019).pdf

7.8 MB

Mitchell Tom M., Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997.pdf

36.5 MB

Monetizing Machine Learning_ Quickly Turn Python ML Ideas Into Web Applications on the Serverless Cloud - Amunategui,Roopaei (Apress;2018;9781484238721;eng).pdf

23.4 MB

Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization For Machine Learning And Pattern Recognition.pdf

15.3 MB

Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning_OReilly_2013.pdf

13.5 MB

Natural Lanugage Processing with TensorFlow_ Teach language to machines using Python's deep learning library.pdf

8.3 MB

Neural Networks and Deep Learning_ Deep Learning explning Neural Network (Machine Learning) - Pat Nakamoto.pdf

1.5 MB

O'Reilly - Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure.Machine.Learning.and.R - Elston 2015 - 978-1-491-91959-0.pdf

1.8 MB

O'Reilly - Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & TensorFlow (2016).pdf

32.4 MB

O'reilly - Hands-On Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn & Tensorflow (2017) (First Release).pdf

41.7 MB

O'reilly - Machine Learning for Hackers (2013).pdf

24.2 MB

OReilly Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning (2013).pdf

8.0 MB


10.8 MB

Packt Publishing - Machine Learning with Spark, 2015.pdf

5.6 MB


6.5 MB


9.9 MB

Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning (Solution Manual) - Bishop.pdf

888.3 KB

Pedro Domingos - The Master Algorithm How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World.pdf

14.8 MB

Practical Artificial Intelligence_ Machine Learning, Bots, and Agent Solutions Using C#.pdf

10.7 MB

Practical Machine Learning - Gollapudi (Packt Publishing, 2016, 9781784399689, eng).pdf

17.1 MB

Practical Machine Learning Cookbook_ Resolving and offering solutions to your machine learning problems with R.pdf

17.1 MB

Practical Machine Learning with H2O_ Powerful, Scalable Techniques for Deep Learning and AI - Darren Cook (O'Reilly Media;2016;9781491964606;eng).pdf

8.9 MB

Pro Machine Learning Algorithms_ A Hands-On Approach to Implementing Algorithms in Python and R - V Kishore Ayyadevara (Apress;2018;9781484235638;eng)(1).pdf

23.3 MB

Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning - Fundamentals and Advanced Topics_Anirban DasGupta(Springer 2011 803s).pdf

5.4 MB

Python Deeper Insights Into Machine Learning.pdf

17.9 MB

Python Machine Learning - Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2nd-Mirjalili and Raschka.pdf

21.0 MB

Python Machine Learning - Raschka (Packt Publishing, 2015, 9781783555130).pdf

10.2 MB

Python Machine Learning - Wei-Meng Lee (Wiley;2019;9781119545637;eng).pdf

9.2 MB

Python Machine Learning By Example - Liu (Packt Publishing;2017;9781783553112;Eng).pdf

5.1 MB

Python Machine Learning Case Studies_ Five Case Studies for the Data Scientist - Danish Haroon (Apress;2017;9781484228227;eng).pdf

8.3 MB

Python Machine Learning Case Studies_ Five Case Studies for the Data Scientist.pdf

8.3 MB

Python Machine Learning Cookbook 2016.pdf

34.3 MB

Python Machine Learning by Sebastian Raschka 1783555130.pdf

12.3 MB

Python Machine Learning_ Unlock deeper insights into machine learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics.pdf

10.2 MB

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning - Unpingco (Springer, 2016, 9783319307152, eng).pdf

7.5 MB

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning, 2nd ed. - José Unpingco (Springer;2018;9783030185442;eng).pdf

11.7 MB

Python-Deeper Insights into Machine Learning - S. Raschka, D. Julian, J. Hearty.pdf

14.5 MB


23.5 MB


5.0 MB

Scala for Machine Learning.pdf

5.6 MB

Scala_ Applied Machine Learning.pdf

16.0 MB

Schlkopf, Alexander-Learning with Kernels Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization, and Beyond (MIT Press).pdf

37.4 MB

Springer - Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining, 2nd Edition - 148997685X - 2017.pdf

32.3 MB

Springer - Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning And Data Mining In Bioinformatics 8Th European Conference.pdf

4.1 MB

Springer-Verlag - Rule Based Systems For Big Data A Machine Learning Approach - Liu 2016 - 978-3-319-23695-7.pdf

2.5 MB

Springer.Machine Learning and Data Mining for Computer Security- Methods and Applications (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing).pdf

3.0 MB

Statistical & Machine-Learning DM 2nd Ed-2012--Ratner - Techniques 4 Better Predictive Modeling-p521.pdf

3.4 MB

Statistical Reinforcement Learning Modern Machine Learning Approaches 2015.pdf

8.2 MB

Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Network Analysis.pdf

6.8 MB

Statistics and Machine Learning in Python.pdf

6.2 MB

Statistics for Machine Learning_ Build supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning models using both Python and R.pdf

17.3 MB

Stephen Marsland - Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective 2nd (Python and NumPy), 2014.pdf

7.0 MB

TensorFlow Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.pdf

885.0 KB

TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook 2017.pdf

4.2 MB

TensorFlow- A system for large-scale machine learning.pdf

2.2 MB

The Computational Complexity Of Machine Learning_MIT_1990.pdf

755.2 KB

The MIT Press.Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning).pdf

32.1 MB

TinyML_ Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers - Situnayake,Warden (O'Reilly Media;2020;9781492052043;eng).pdf

24.6 MB

Understanding Machine Learning - From Theory to Algorithms by Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David.2014.pdf

3.0 MB

Wei-Meng Lee - Python Machine Learning-Wiley (2019).pdf

6.3 MB

Wei-Meng Lee - Python Machine Learning-Wiley (2020).pdf

6.3 MB

Weka - Machine Learning.pdf

663.2 KB

Wiley - Machine Learning in Python, 2015, 361pp.pdf

14.0 MB

Wiley - Machine Learning with Spark and Python - Essential Techniques for Predictive Analytic(2019).pdf

10.4 MB

Wiley - Machine Learning, Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals, 2015, 407pp.pdf

7.7 MB

Wilmott P. Machine Learning. An Applied Mathematics Introduction 2019.pdf

17.5 MB

Witten - Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning 3Rd - Elsevier 2011.pdf

6.2 MB

Witten, Frank, Hall - Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools And Techniques, 3Ed (Morgan Kaufmann, 2011).pdf

7.3 MB

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu - Python Machine Learning by Example-Packt Publishing (2017).pdf

6.8 MB


24.2 MB

[Springer,2005] Machine Learning and Robot Perception (Studies in Computational Intelligence).pdf

27.0 MB


6.3 KB


557.0 KB


568.3 KB


0.9 KB

rieman geometry statistical machine learning.pdf

3.3 MB

scikit-learn Cookbook_ Over 80 recipes for machine learning in Python with scikit-learn 2nd Edition.pdf

7.5 MB


Showing first 273 files of 546 total files

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