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Alekseev V. B. - Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions.pdf

7.8 MB

Ash R. - Abstract Algebra - The Basic Graduate Year.djvu

2.3 MB

Ash Robert B. - Algebra Abstract.pdf

2.4 MB

Baker-Fluckiger E., Lewis D., Raniki A. - Quadratic Forms and their Applications.pdf

2.9 MB

Barr M., Wells W. - Toposes, Triples and Theories.pdf

1.3 MB

Beachy John A. - Abstract Algebra - A Study Guide for Beginners.pdf

493.0 KB

Beecher - Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd ed.).pdf

23.5 MB

Bird J. - Basic Engineering Mathematics (4th ed., Newnes, 2005).pdf

5.7 MB

Bittinger Marvin L. - Algebra & Trigonometry Graphs & Models (3rd ed.).pdf

23.4 MB

Borel A. et. al. - Algebraic D-Modules.djvu

2.4 MB

Borel A., Mostow G. - Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups.pdf

28.8 MB

Borel A., Mostow G. - Symposium on Algebraic Groups - Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups.pdf

28.8 MB

Bratelli O. - Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol. 1 (2nd ed.).djv

4.8 MB

Bratelli O. - Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol. 2 (2nd ed.).djv

6.3 MB

Burris S., Sankappanavar H. P. - A Course In Universal Algebra.pdf

1.3 MB

Chevalley C. - The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras.djvu

2.9 MB

Coutinho S. - A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules.djvu

1.9 MB

Dales G., et al. - Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis (Cambridge, 2003).pdf

3.7 MB

Debnath L., Mikusinski P. - Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications (1990).djvu

9.5 MB

Diamond H., Pollard H. - The Theory Of Algebraic Numbers (2nd ed.).djvu

4.7 MB

Dym C. - Principles of Mathematical Modeling (2nd ed., AP, 2006).pdf

2.8 MB

Eisenbud D. - Commutative Algebra, with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry.djvu

7.6 MB

Ernest P. - The Philosophy of Mathematics Education (Falmer, 1991).pdf

6.4 MB

Fauser - Treatise on Quantum Clifford Algebras.pdf

1.0 MB

Franzen T. - Godel's Theorem - An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse (2005).pdf

13.1 MB

Friedman R. - Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles.djvu

3.0 MB

Galois Theory 2nd ed. - E. Artin.pdf

1.5 MB

Garret P. - Introduction to Abstract Algera.pdf

1.2 MB

Gelfand S., Manin Y. - Methods of Homological Algebra.djvu

3.5 MB

Gencay R., et. al. - An Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and Economics (AP, 2001).djvu

3.5 MB

Gilbert, Nicholson - Modern Algebra With Applications (2nd ed.).djvu

2.0 MB

Goldschmidt D. - Group Characters, Symmetric Functions and the Hecke Algebras.pdf

4.5 MB

Goodman F. - Abstract and Concrete (2.5 ed., 2006).pdf

7.1 MB

Gray R. M. - Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices.pdf

284.9 KB

Greub W. H. - Linear Algebra (3rd ed.).djvu

2.7 MB

Hardy G., Wright E. - Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (4th ed. 1968).pdf

10.4 MB

Hazewinkel M. - Handbook of Algebra Vol 1.djvu

12.5 MB

Hazewinkel M. - Handbook of Algebra Vol 2.djvu

10.9 MB

Higgins P. - Number Story - From Counting to Cryptography (Copernicus, 2008).pdf

1.6 MB

Hilger Adam - Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation (2nd ed.).pdf

1.6 MB

Hilton P., Stammbach U. - A Course in Homological Algebra.djvu

5.2 MB

Huettenmueller Rhonda - Algebra Demystified.pdf

1.7 MB

Invitation to Higher Local Feilds - I. Fesenko, M. Kurihara.pdf

1.8 MB

Jacobson N. - Structure and Representation of Jordan Algebras.pdf

41.3 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Bialgebraic Structures.pdf

1.5 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra Vol. 9.pdf

3.0 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Loops.pdf

553.6 KB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Near-Rings.pdf

1.2 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Rings.pdf

1.2 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Semirings, Semifields, Semi Vector Spaces.pdf

727.1 KB

Keddes K., Czapor S., Labahn G. - Algorithms for Computer Algebra.djvu

4.9 MB

Klima R., Sigmon N., Stitzinger E. - Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE.pdf

1.6 MB

Kolman B., Beck R. - Elementary Linear Programming with Applications (Elsevier, 1995).pdf

16.8 MB

Kostrikin A. I., Shafarevich I. R. - Algebra I Basic Notions Of Algebra.pdf

14.2 MB

Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (9th ed.).djvu

22.9 MB

Lam T. - A First Course in Noncommutative Rings.djvu

5.4 MB

Levitz H., Levitz K. - Logic and Boolean Algebra.pdf

18.9 MB

MacDonald I., Atiyah M. - Introduction to Commutative Algebra.djvu

1.2 MB

Matsumura H. - Commutative Algebra (2nd ed., 1980).djvu

2.1 MB

Matsumura H. - Commutative Ring Theory.djvu

4.6 MB

Matthews K. R. - Elementary Linear Algebra.pdf

1.2 MB

Milne J. - Fileds and Galois Theory [jnl article].pdf

565.4 KB

Mishra B. - Algorithmic Algebra.djvu

4.1 MB

Put M. van der, Singer M. - Differential Galois Theory.pdf

2.7 MB

Quillen D. - Homotopical Algebra.djvu

1.4 MB

Ring of Quotients - Introduction to Methods of Ring Theory - Bo Stenstrom.djvu

3.0 MB

Robbiano, Kreuzer - Computational Commutative Algebra.pdf

1.6 MB

Rotman Joseph J. - Advanced Modern Algebra.pdf

5.9 MB

Schemes - D. Eisenbud, J. Harris.djvu

1.8 MB

Surowski D. - Workbook in Higher Algeba.pdf

827.4 KB

Tournier E. - Computer Algebra and Differential Equations.djvu

3.1 MB

Vasantha W. B. - Groupoids and Smarandache Groupoids.pdf

581.5 KB

Vermani L. - An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra.djvu

1.9 MB

Von Zur Gathen, Gerhard - Modern Computer Algebra.djvu

10.0 MB

Wedderburn - Lectures On Matrices.pdf

13.5 MB

Wedderburn J. H. M. - Lectures on Matricies.pdf

13.5 MB

Wesner - College Algebra and Trigonometry with Applications 2e HQ.pdf

192.2 MB

Wesner - Elementary Algebra with Applications 3e HQ.pdf

115.9 MB

Wesner - Intermediate Algebra with Applications 3e HQ.pdf

35.3 MB

Yaglom I., Zeldovich Y. - Higher Mathematics for Beginners (Mir, 1987).djvu

9.0 MB

Yap C. K. - Fundamental Problems in Algorithmic Algebra.pdf

5.4 MB


Akivis M., Goldberg V. - Differential Geometry of Varieties With Degenerate Gauss Maps (Springer, 2004).pdf

4.2 MB

Arabello E., Cornalba M., Griffiths P., Harris J. - Geometry of Algebraic Curves Vol. 1.djvu

5.0 MB

Artin E. - Geometric Algebra.djv

2.8 MB

Behnke, Bachmann - Fundamentals of Mathematics Vol. 2, Geometry.pdf

33.2 MB

Borovik A., Borovik A. - Mirrors and Reflections - The Geometry of Finite Reflection Groups.pdf

685.7 KB

Bryant R. L. - Introduction to Lie groups and Symplectic Geometry.pdf

1.3 MB

Bump D. - Algebraic Geometry (1).djvu

2.0 MB

Bump D. - Algebraic Geometry (2).djvu

4.1 MB

Calvet R. G. - Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra.pdf

4.2 MB

Chen - Computational Geometry Methods And Applications.pdf

1.2 MB

Cox D., Katz S. - Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry.djvu

7.1 MB

Coxeter - Introduction to Geometry (2nd ed.).djvu

4.0 MB

Coxeter H. S. M. - Non-Euclidean Geometry (6th ed.).djvu

2.7 MB

DeBerg - Computational Geometry Algorithms and Applications (2nd ed.).pdf

18.7 MB

Dolgachev - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry.pdf

1.2 MB

Doran C. - Geometric Algebra and its Application to Mathematical Physics.pdf

1.0 MB

Eisenbud D. - Commutative Algebra, With A View Toward Algebraic Geometry.djvu

7.6 MB

Eisenbud D., Harris. J. - The Geometry of Schemes.pdf

1.8 MB

Ewald G. - Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry.djvu

5.1 MB

Eyssette F., Galligo A. - Computational Algebraic Geometry.djvu

4.2 MB

Falconer - Fractal Geometry Mathematical Foundations & Applications.pdf

12.5 MB

Gardenfors - Conceptual Spaces The Geometry Of Thought.chm

766.0 KB

Guillemin, Sternberg - Geometry Asymptotics.pdf

31.5 MB

Harris J. - Algebraic Geometry A First Course.djvu

3.8 MB

Harris J., Morrison I. - Moduli of Curves.pdf

1.9 MB

Hartshorne R. - Algebraic Geometry.djvu

8.7 MB

Helgason S. - Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces (AP, 1978).djvu

7.5 MB

Hemmerling E. M. - Fundamentals of College Geometry (2nd ed.).pdf

15.9 MB

Jo'orourk - Computational Geometry in C.pdf

17.8 MB

Lapidus M., et al. - Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions (Springer, 2006).pdf

4.3 MB

Mine J. S. - Algebraic Geometry.pdf

1.3 MB

Miron, Hrimiuc, Shimara, Sabau - The Geometry of Hamilton and Lagrange Spaces.pdf

5.7 MB

Mumford D. - Abelian Varieties.djvu

2.6 MB

Plane Analytic Geometry With Differential Calculus - Maxime Bocher.pdf

14.2 MB

Positivity In Algebraic Geometry - R. Lazarsfeld.djvu

3.7 MB

Real Algebraic Geometry - J. Bochnak, M. Coste, M. Roy.djvu

6.0 MB

Ribet K. - Current Trends in Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry.pdf

21.3 MB

Rosen - Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry and its Applications.pdf

101.3 MB

Shafarevich I. R. - Algebraic geometry I-V.djvu

16.6 MB

Silva A. da, Weinstein A. - Geometric Models for Noncummutative Algebras.pdf

3.5 MB

Sphere Packings - C. Zong.djvu

2.5 MB

Thomas - Zeta Functions, Introduction to Algebraic Geometry.djvu

1.8 MB

Thurston - The Geometry & Topology of 3-Manifold.pdf

44.5 MB

Ueno K. - Algebraic Geometry I. From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes.djvu

1.4 MB

Ueno K. - An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (AMS, 1995).djvu

3.3 MB

Verlag - Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry (2nd ed.).pdf

4.6 MB

Vossler D. - Exploring Analytic Geometry with Mathematica.pdf

3.0 MB


Butler S. - Notes from Trigonometry.pdf

1.5 MB

Gibilisco S. - Trigonometry Demystified.pdf

4.5 MB

Palmer C., Leigh C. - Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.pdf

17.3 MB

Wesner - Trigonometry with Applications (3rd ed.) HQ.pdf

77.8 MB

/Algebra/Group Theory/

Artin E. - Galois Theory (2nd ed.).djvu

542.8 KB

Atiyah M., et al. - Representation Theory of Lie groups.djvu

2.4 MB

Bechtell H. - The Theory of Groups.djvu

6.4 MB

Borel A. - Linear Algebraic Groups.djvu

1.6 MB

Burnside W. - Theory Of Groups of Finite Order.djvu

4.5 MB

Cvitanovic P. - Group Theory (Lie's, Tracks and Exceptional Groups).djvu

1.8 MB

Cvitanovic P. - Group Theory Exceptional Lie Groups As Invariance Groups.pdf

1.8 MB

Dieck T. - Quantum Groups and Knot Algebra.pdf

1.2 MB

Dixon J. - Problems in Group Theory.djvu

8.3 MB

Firk Frank W. K. - Introduction To Groups, Invariants and Particles.pdf

376.8 KB

Fulton W., Harris J. - Representation Theory - A First Course.djvu

10.5 MB

Garrett P. - Buildings and Classical Groups.pdf

2.0 MB

Greenstein D., Lyons R., Solomon R. - The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups.djvu

1.2 MB

Gruenberg K. - Cohomological Topics in Group Theory.djvu

2.1 MB

Hall B. - An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations.pdf

1.0 MB

Kandasamy W. - Groupoids. and Smarandache Groupoids.pdf

586.6 KB

Kandasamy W. - Smarandache Semigroups.pdf

517.3 KB

Kurosh A. - The Theory of Groups (2nd ed.) Vol. 1.djvu

12.9 MB

Michor P. - Isometric Actions of Lie Groups and Invariants [jnl article].pdf

827.3 KB

Milicic D. - Lectures on Lie Groups.pdf

1.1 MB

Milne J. - Group Theory [jnl article].pdf

515.8 KB

Polites G. - Introduction to the Theory of Groups.djvu

4.1 MB

Schmidt O. - Abstract Theory of Groups.djvu

7.5 MB

Sternberg S. - Lie Algebras.pdf

859.2 KB

/Algebra/Linear Algebra/

Axler S. - Linear Algebra Done Right (2nd ed.).pdf

1.2 MB

Banks T. - Matrix Theory [jnl article].pdf

592.4 KB

Beezer Robert A. - A First Course In Linear Algebra.pdf

5.1 MB

Borel A. - Linear Algebraic Groups (2nd ed.).djvu

5.9 MB

Connell E. H. - Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra.pdf

657.1 KB

Dale P., Vein R. - Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics.pdf

1.7 MB

Demmel James W. - Applied Numerical Linear Algebra.djvu

2.8 MB

Hefferson Jim - Linear Algebra.pdf

3.2 MB

Hoffman Kenneth, Kunze Ray - Linear algebra (2ed, PH, 1971)(T)(415s).djvu

4.3 MB

Hoffman Kenneth, Kunze Ray - Linear Algebra (Prentice-Hall, Edition 2, 1971).pdf

21.0 MB

Hueper - Calculus Approach To Matrix Eigenvalue Algorithms.pdf

368.7 KB

Iohvidov I. - Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices and Forms.djvu

2.7 MB

Kandasamy Vasantha W. B. - Linear Algebra and Smarandache Linear Algebra.pdf

1.2 MB

Kandasamy W. B. V. - Linear Algebra and Smarandache Linear Algebra.pdf

1.2 MB

Kuttler Kenneth - An Introduction To Linear Algebra.djvu

1.7 MB

Lay D. C. - Linear Algebra And Its Applications.pdf

16.9 MB

Lipschutz S. - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra (2nd ed.).djvu

5.2 MB

Mathews K. R. - Elementary Linear Algebra.pdf

1.3 MB

Matrices Over Commutative Rings - W. Brown.djvu

2.7 MB

Messer R. - Linear Algebra Gateway to Mathematics.djvu

21.9 MB

Meyer C. D. - Matrix Analysis & Applied Linear Algebra.pdf

7.2 MB

Nicholson, Keith W. - Linear Algebra with Applications (3rd ed.).pdf

70.9 MB

Serre D. - Matrices Theory and Applications.pdf

1.2 MB

Sharipov R. - Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry.pdf

918.2 KB

Shores T. S. - Applied Linear Algebra And Matrix Analysis.pdf

1.7 MB

Strang G. - Linear Algebra and Its Applications (3rd ed.).pdf

87.8 MB


Adler M. - An Introduction to Complex Analysis for Engineers.pdf

971.3 KB

Ahlfors - Complex Analysis.pdf

16.0 MB

Alhford L. - Complex Analysis (2nd ed.).djvu

5.4 MB

Apostol T. M. - Mathematical Analysis.djvu

10.5 MB

Arnold Douglas - Functional Analysis.pdf

309.4 KB

Axler, Gehring, Ribet - Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis.pdf

5.7 MB

Baker A. - Introduction To p-adic Numbers and p-adic Analysis.pdf

347.6 KB

Bartle R. - The Elements of Real Analysis.djvu

4.5 MB

Borel A., Casselman W. - Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 1.pdf

26.5 MB

Borel A., Casselman W. - Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 2.pdf

33.4 MB

Borisenko A., Tarapov I. - Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications.djv

1.9 MB

Borwein, Lewis - Convex Analysis and Non Linear Optimization Theory and Examples.pdf

1.3 MB

Bulirsch R., Stoer J. - Introduction to Numerical Analysis (2nd ed.).pdf

31.1 MB

Cain - Complex Analysis.pdf

1.5 MB

Carslaw H. S. - Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals (2nd ed.).djvu

8.4 MB

Chen W. - Introduction to Complex Analysis Lecture Notes.pdf

2.9 MB

Cinlar E., Vanderbei R. - Mathematical Methods of Engineering Analysis.pdf

494.7 KB

Clarke B. - Fourier Theory.pdf

406.2 KB

Collins G. W. - Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis.pdf

5.0 MB

Conway J. - Functions of One Complex Variable (2nd ed.).djvu

3.0 MB

Dahlberg B., Kenig C. - Harmonic Analysis And Partial Differential Equations.pdf

1.2 MB

de Boor - Elementary Numerical Analysis An Algorithmic Approach (3rd ed.).pdf

5.6 MB

Dodge C. - Foundations of Algebra and Analysis.djvu

2.5 MB

Flaherty Joseph E. - Finite Element Analysis (Lecture Notes, Spring 2000, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute).pdf

4.0 MB

Fomin S., Kolmogorov A. - Introductory Real Analysis.pdf

28.9 MB

Friedman - Foundations of Modern Analysis.djvu

2.7 MB

Goffman C., Nishiura T., Waterman D. - Homeomorphisms in Analysis.djv

2.2 MB

Goursat E., Hedrick E. R. - A Course In Mathematical Analysis Vol. 1 (Ginn and Company).pdf

44.3 MB

Goursat Edouard, Hedrick Earle Raymond - A Course in Mathematical Analysis - Vol. I.pdf

44.3 MB

Hardy - A course of Pure Mathematics.djvu

15.5 MB

Harmonic Analysis, Real Variable Methods Orthogonality & Oscillatory Integrals - Stein.pdf

19.1 MB

Henrici P. - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 1.djvu

4.9 MB

Henrici P. - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 2.djvu

4.6 MB

Hiai F., Kosaki H. - Means of Hilbert Space Operators.pdf

2.8 MB

Hille E., Phillips R. - Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups.pdf

78.4 MB

Hochstadt H. - Integral Equations.djv

1.9 MB

Hoermander L. - Notions of Convexity.djvu

5.9 MB

Hoppensteadt F. - Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems (2nd ed.).pdf

3.8 MB

Houston K. - Complex Analysis.pdf

396.9 KB

Hyland - Analysis.pdf

341.5 KB

Ibstedt H. - Computer Analysis of Number Sequences.pdf

2.3 MB

Jacquet H., Langlands R. - Automorphic Forms on GL(2).pdf

1.7 MB

Jolley L. B. W. - Summation of Series (2nd rev. ed.).pdf

6.1 MB

Koblitz N. - p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions (2nd ed.).djvu

3.9 MB

Kolmogorov A., Fomin S. - Introductory Real Analysis.pdf

28.9 MB

Kuczma M. - Functional Equations in a Single Variable.djv

3.3 MB

Kuttler K. - Basic Analysis.pdf

2.2 MB

Marsden, Ratiu, Abraham - Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications (3rd ed.).pdf

9.0 MB

Measure And Integral an introduction to Real analysis - Wheeden and Zygmund,.djvu

7.3 MB

Mixed Motives - M. Levine.pdf

4.1 MB

Moaveni S. - Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS.djvu

8.6 MB

Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear partial differential equation - P. Showalter.pdf

20.0 MB

Neumann J. von - Functional Operators, Vol. 1 - Measures and Integrals.djvu

8.5 MB

Nevanlinna R., Paatero V. - Introduction to Complex Analysis.djvu

2.8 MB

Partial Differantial Equations and Fourier Analysis an Introduction - K. Tung.djvu

784.7 KB

Porter D., Stirling D. - Integral Equations - A Practical Treatment.djv

2.3 MB

Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3ed - Rudin W.djvu

2.7 MB

Protter M. - Basic Elements of Real Analysis (1998).pdf

1.3 MB

Protter M. - Basic Elements of Real Analysis.pdf

1.3 MB

Real And Complex Analysis International Student edn - W. Rudin.pdf

14.5 MB

Real and complex analysis third edition - Rudin.djvu

18.7 MB

Real Mathematical Analysis- Charles Chapman.pdf

6.5 MB

Rudin W. - Fourier Analysis on Groups.pdf

10.2 MB

Rudin W. - Functional Analysis.djvu

7.1 MB

Rugh W. J. - Nonlinear System Theory.pdf

2.0 MB

Salem - Algebraic Numbers and Fourier Analysis.pdf

2.3 MB

Sequeira A., H. da Vega, Videman J. - Applied Nonlinear Analysis.djv

5.3 MB

Sharipov R. - A Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis.pdf

461.3 KB

Smirnov V. - A Course of Higher Mathematics Vol. 1.djv

5.0 MB

Smirnov V. - A Course of Higher Mathematics Vol. 2.djv

5.7 MB

Smith (III) J. O. - Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform.pdf

1.5 MB

Smith M. - Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis.pdf

6.3 MB

Spiegel - Theory and Problems Of Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems.pdf

8.5 MB

Szarski J. - Differential Inequalities.djv

3.7 MB

Theory of Functions of a Real Variable - S. Sternberg.pdf

1.5 MB

Titshmarch - The Theory Of The Riemann Zeta-Function.djvu

3.5 MB

Varadarajan V. - Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups.djv

6.7 MB

Vitali Milman - An Introduction To Functional Analysis.pdf

721.3 KB

Watson G., Whittaker E. - A Course of Modern Analysis (4th ed.).djv

10.0 MB

Wiley - An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers.pdf

8.6 MB

Yeh J. - Real Analysis, Theory of Measure and Integration (2nd ed.).pdf

30.1 MB

Yoshida K. - Functional Analysis.pdf

31.3 MB

Zakon E. - Basic Math Conecpts.pdf

1.4 MB

Zakon E. - Mathematical Analysis.pdf

2.2 MB

/Analysis/Complex analysis/

Alder M. D. - An Introduction to Complex Analysis for Engineers.pdf

823.6 KB

Arnold D. N. - Complex Analysis.pdf

302.9 KB

Cain G. - Complex Analysis.pdf

869.4 KB

Deitmar A. - Complex Analysis.pdf

201.0 KB

Houston K. - Complex Analysis (2003).pdf

402.1 KB

Jacobowitz H. - Real Hypersurfaces and Complex Analysis.pdf

197.1 KB

/Applied mathematics/

Anderson M. - The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings.pdf

2.4 MB

Ash R. - Information Theory.pdf

11.9 MB

Benfatto G., Gallavotti G. - Renormalization Groups.djvu

729.4 KB

Bierens H. - Introduction to the Math. and Stat. Foundations of Econometrics.pdf

2.1 MB

Brylinski, Chen - Mathematics of Quantum Computation.djvu

2.2 MB

Chan A., Goswami J. - Fundamentals of Wavelets - Theory, Algorithms, and Applications.djvu

4.7 MB

Hernandez E., Weiss G. - A First Course On Wavelets.djvu

2.3 MB

Kemeny J. G., Snell J. L., Thompson G. L. - Introduction To Finite Mathematics (3rd ed.).pdf

21.3 MB

Lipschutz S. - Theory and Problems of Finite Mathematics (Schaums Outlines).pdf

23.2 MB

Neal R. - Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods.pdf

1.0 MB

Oliver P., Shakiban C. - Applied Mathematics.djvu

8.1 MB

Rordam M., Stormer E. - Classification of Nuclear C-algebras - Entropy in Operator Algebras.djvu

1.9 MB

Smith P. - Explaining Chaos.djvu

1.7 MB

Tarantola A. - Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation.pdf

21.1 MB

Vanderbei R. - Linear Programming - Foundation and Extensions (2nd ed.).djvu

2.3 MB

Williams G. - Chaos Theory Tamed.pdf

5.0 MB

/Artificial Intelligence/Bayesian networks/

Murphy K. P., Dynamic Bayesian Networks Representation, Inference And Learning.pdf

1.8 MB

Neapolitan R. E., Learning Bayesian Networks.pdf

4.8 MB

/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Vision/

Ballard D., Computer Vision (2nd ed.).pdf

110.2 MB

Bigun J., Vision with Direction A Systematic Introduction to Image Processing and Computer Vision.pdf

7.3 MB

Frosyth, Ponce, Computer Vision A Modern Approach.pdf

52.7 MB

Hartley R., Zisserman A., Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (2nd ed.).pdf

104.0 MB

Jahne B., Computer Vision and Applications A Guide for Students and Practitioners.pdf

23.8 MB

Jahne B., Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications Vol. 1 Sensors and Imaging.pdf

15.7 MB

Jahne B., Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications Vol. 2 Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition.pdf

19.6 MB

Jahne B., Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications Vol. 3 Systems and Applications.pdf

31.2 MB

Lu M., Computer Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Computer Vision Problems.pdf

6.4 MB

Nixon M. S., Feature Extraction in Computer Vision and Image Processing.pdf

4.0 MB

Paragios N., Handbook Of Mathematical Models In Computer Vision.pdf

101.8 MB

Ritter G. X., Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra (2nd Ed.).pdf

10.8 MB

Shah M., Fundamentals of Computer Vision.pdf

2.3 MB

Shapiro L., Computer Vision.pdf

20.5 MB

/Artificial Intelligence/Evolutionary Computation/

Ashlock D., Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization.pdf

8.7 MB

Baeck T., Fogel D. B., Michalewicz Z., Evolutionary computation, vol. 1 basic algorithms and operators.djvu

4.4 MB

Baeck T., Fogel D. B., Michalewicz Z., Evolutionary computation, vol. 2 advanced algorithms and operators.djvu

3.4 MB

Cheung, Wong, Data Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications.pdf

2.0 MB

DeJong K., The Handbook of Evolutionary Computation.pdf

11.1 MB

Kaufmann M., Genetic Programming, An Intro On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and Apps.pdf

7.6 MB

Koza J. R., Genetic programming Complex adaptive systems.pdf

5.6 MB

Koza J. R., Genetic Programming Theory and Practice II.pdf

13.1 MB

Menon A., Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation.pdf

5.8 MB

/Artificial Intelligence/Fuzzy Systems/

Banks W., Fuzzy Logic in Embedded Microcomputers and Control Systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Buckley J. J., Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems.pdf

5.1 MB

Dubois D., Prade H., Fuzzy Sets And Systems Theory And Applications.pdf

10.0 MB

Jain L. C., Martin N. M., Fusion Of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems And Genetic Algorithms.pdf

6.9 MB

Jyh-Shing, Jang R., Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence.djvu

7.3 MB

Klir G. J., Yuan B., Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications.pdf

125.2 MB

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994.1 KB

Schick - Operator Algebras and Topology.pdf

643.6 KB

Seebach, Steen - Counterexamples In Topology.pdf

8.4 MB

Simmons G. - Intorduction to Topology and Modern Analysis.djvu

8.4 MB

Singer, Thorpe - Lecture Notes On Elementary Topology And Geometry.pdf

8.9 MB

Thomas, Ward - Topology Lecture Notes.pdf

630.1 KB

Venkatamarana T. - Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups, L-Functions and Automorphic.pdf

10.3 MB

Warner - Topics In Topology And Homotopy Theory.pdf

5.9 MB

Yan - Topology.pdf

1.2 MB

Zomorodian - Topology for Computing.pdf

6.7 MB


Total files 642

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