
Download UDEMY Tutorials - Next Level Web Development Top Tools the Pros Use

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Name UDEMY Tutorials - Next Level Web Development Top Tools the Pros Use


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/Section 1 What tools do the pros use/

001 How can you use this course most effectively.mp4

37.1 MB

002 Front End vs Back End.mp4

15.7 MB

003 Expand this Course.mp4

12.6 MB

/Section 2 Learning From Others/

002 StackOverflow already has the answers to all your problems.mp4

49.6 MB

004 IRC is oldskool but gives you personal access to devs.mp4

27.1 MB

001 Why Google is a pro developers best friend.mp4

23.6 MB

003 CSS Tricks is a treasure trove of good style ideas.mp4

18.7 MB

/Section 3 Communication/

006 LinkedIn is useful for getting a better job and networking with groups..mp4

71.6 MB

003 Facebook groups are awesome for learning and networking..mp4

64.4 MB

001 Why is communication so important for learning and growth.mp4

59.2 MB

005 Twitter is very helpful to find people talking about what you need to hear..mp4

51.2 MB

002 Your Facebook profile is your most powerful tool for building relationships..mp4

51.1 MB

007 Meetups help with learning and networking in your neighborhood..mp4

51.0 MB

008 Skitch annotate screenshots, never be misunderstood.mp4

38.6 MB

004 A Facebook page is great for social proof and making sales..mp4

36.1 MB

009 Chat save tons of time not doing email all day.mp4

28.3 MB

/Section 4 Javascript Tools/

001 jQuery is used in 66 of all websites.mp4

34.8 MB

002 Underscores premade javascript makes life better.mp4

26.9 MB

003 Lodash is Underscores faster cooler little brother.mp4

10.3 MB

/Section 5 Chrome Tools/

003 Chrome Tab Title Tweaker helps you find tabs fast.mp4

20.2 MB

005 Chrome Selector Gadget reveals elements and xpath.mp4

15.4 MB

002 Chrome Great Suspender makes tabs faster.mp4

14.7 MB

004 Chrome Colorzilla shows you the hex value of any color.mp4

9.5 MB

006 Chrome Web Developer Extension is essential.mp4

9.3 MB

001 Chrome simplifies development tasks.mp4

8.2 MB

001 Chrome Tools Quiz Quiz.html

8.7 KB

/Section 6 Front End & Design/

001 Bootstrap - Part 1 A deeper look at front end structure.mp4

58.0 MB

003 FontAwesome give you fast loading awesome icons in a font.mp4

56.4 MB

002 Bootstrap - Part 2 More about twitters front end framework.mp4

32.4 MB

001 Front End Quiz Quiz.html

8.0 KB

/Section 7 Testing & Monitoring/

004 YSlow Yahoos fantastic page speed optimizer.mp4

43.2 MB

001 Developer Tools What even are you.mp4

33.4 MB

003 New Relic great server app monitoring tool.mp4

19.8 MB

002 Firebug browser tools add-on for even old and busted browsers.mp4

19.4 MB

005 VMs When you must IE, you must test natively.mp4

16.4 MB

001 Testing Quiz Quiz.html

7.5 KB

/Section 8 Workflow Tips/

002 Text Expansion The fastest typing is no typing.mp4

42.8 MB

001 Icon Toolbar Hack Quick access to daily shortcuts.mp4

17.9 MB

003 Markdown Github Flavored Markdown.mp4

15.7 MB

004 Simplenote keep your thoughts synced and organized.mp4

5.8 MB

001 Workflow Quiz Quiz.html

9.0 KB

/Section 9 Conclusion/

001 Important Links Everything weve talked about here.html

6.8 KB

002 Choose our next adventure Its all about you.html

1.9 KB


8.5 KB

Downloaded from

2.6 KB


Total files 45

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