
Download neural_nets_larochelle

Neural nets larochelle




Total Size

6.6 GB

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Last Seen

2024-07-22 23:48




Neural networks [1.1] - Feedforward neural network - artificial neuron-SGZ6BttHMPw.mp4

58.9 MB

Neural networks [1.2] - Feedforward neural network - activation function-tCHIkgWZLOQ.mp4

43.9 MB

Neural networks [1.3] - Feedforward neural network - capacity of single neuron-iT5P4z6Fzj8.mp4

23.7 MB

Neural networks [1.4] - Feedforward neural network - multilayer neural network-apPiZd-qnZ8.mp4

48.1 MB

Neural networks [1.5] - Feedforward neural network - capacity of neural network-O4I7dQC4VtU.mp4

28.2 MB

Neural networks [1.6] - Feedforward neural network - biological inspiration-cuJ4IC5_pGs.mp4

116.1 MB

Neural networks [10.10] - Natural language processing - multitask learning-ciNBQupWsAc.mp4

136.0 MB

Neural networks [10.11] - Natural language processing - recursive network-AqEF2HIMjYA.mp4

49.9 MB

Neural networks [10.12] - Natural language processing - merging representations-gPNPINa7PaM.mp4

31.3 MB

Neural networks [10.13] - Natural language processing - tree inference-NJozqoejJnA.mp4

100.6 MB

Neural networks [10.14] - Natural language processing - recursive network training-oRxgRHJztPI.mp4

87.3 MB

Neural networks [10.1] - Natural language processing - motivation-OzZIOiMVUyM.mp4

19.7 MB

Neural networks [10.2] - Natural language processing - preprocessing-jcrhYEYwO9k.mp4

60.5 MB

Neural networks [10.3] - Natural language processing - one-hot encoding-iZ3e_cifP7Y.mp4

51.9 MB

Neural networks [10.4] - Natural language processing - word representations-PKszi8iogak.mp4

71.5 MB

Neural networks [10.5] - Natural language processing - language modeling-iGmHnICXDss.mp4

57.5 MB

Neural networks [10.6] - Natural language processing - neural network language model-FoDz01QNSiY.mp4

109.6 MB

Neural networks [10.7] - Natural language processing - hierarchical output layer-B95LTf2rVWM.mp4

117.5 MB

Neural networks [10.8] - Natural language processing - word tagging-pCLIo4Z-PsM.mp4

92.5 MB

Neural networks [10.9] - Natural language processing - convolutional network-6jCDUQ-e-fY.mp4

108.9 MB

Neural networks [2.10] - Training neural networks - model selection-Fs-raHUnF2M.mp4

69.1 MB

Neural networks [2.11] - Training neural networks - optimization-Bver7Ttgb9M.mp4

125.7 MB

Neural networks [2.1] - Training neural networks - empirical risk minimization-5adNQvSlF50.mp4

68.8 MB

Neural networks [2.2] - Training neural networks - loss function-PpFTODTztsU.mp4

29.9 MB

Neural networks [2.3] - Training neural networks - output layer gradient-1N837i4s1T8.mp4

46.5 MB

Neural networks [2.4] - Training neural networks - hidden layer gradient-xFhM_Kwqw48.mp4

104.2 MB

Neural networks [2.5] - Training neural networks - activation function derivative-tf9p1xQbWNM.mp4

24.5 MB

Neural networks [2.6] - Training neural networks - parameter gradient-p5tL2JqCRDo.mp4

32.7 MB

Neural networks [2.7] - Training neural networks - backpropagation-_KoWTD8T45Q.mp4

96.4 MB

Neural networks [2.8] - Training neural networks - regularization-JfkbyODyujw.mp4

82.2 MB

Neural networks [2.9] - Training neural networks - parameter initialization-sLfogkzFNfc.mp4

51.0 MB

Neural networks [3.10] - Conditional random fields - belief propagation--z5lKPHcumo.mp4

209.4 MB

Neural networks [3.1] - Conditional random fields - motivation-GF3iSJkgPbA.mp4

28.4 MB

Neural networks [3.2] - Conditional random fields - linear chain CRF-PGBlyKtfB74.mp4

62.2 MB

Neural networks [3.3] - Conditional random fields - context window-G4lnHc2M1CA.mp4

77.4 MB

Neural networks [3.4] - Conditional random fields - computing the partition function-fGdXkVv1qNQ.mp4

143.0 MB

Neural networks [3.5] - Conditional random fields - computing marginals-hjkwp-eDwt8.mp4

58.0 MB

Neural networks [3.6] - Conditional random fields - performing classification-pQJvX9U-MyE.mp4

102.8 MB

Neural networks [3.7] - Conditional random fields - factors, sufficient statistics and linear CRF-uXV2an9TdJY.mp4

73.3 MB

Neural networks [3.8] - Conditional random fields - Markov network-ZYUnyyVgtyA.mp4

71.7 MB

Neural networks [3.9] - Conditional random fields - factor graph-Q5GTCHVsHXY.mp4

42.9 MB

Neural networks [4.1] - Training CRFs - loss function-6dpGB60Q1Ts.mp4

35.5 MB

Neural networks [4.2] - Training CRFs - unary log-factor gradient-fU2W7KRoS2U.mp4

75.0 MB

Neural networks [4.3] - Training CRFs - pairwise log-factor gradient-1W2lkcGV2Zo.mp4

49.6 MB

Neural networks [4.4] - Training CRFs - discriminative vs. generative learning-MD4mY3Zj5E4.mp4

56.7 MB

Neural networks [4.5] - Training CRFs - maximum-entropy Markov model-aMi2xnYEwbc.mp4

74.5 MB

Neural networks [4.6] - Training CRFs - hidden Markov model-jdlJfM707MM.mp4

36.5 MB

Neural networks [4.7] - Training CRFs - general conditional random field-QY9k7tJistU.mp4

55.0 MB

Neural networks [4.8] - Training CRFs - pseudolikelihood-ltRT1m7vaBU.mp4

43.7 MB

Neural networks [5.1] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - definition-p4Vh_zMw-HQ.mp4

101.7 MB

Neural networks [5.2] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - inference-lekCh_i32iE.mp4

76.8 MB

Neural networks [5.3] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - free energy-e0Ts_7Y6hZU.mp4

64.9 MB

Neural networks [5.4] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - contrastive divergence-MD8qXWucJBY.mp4

82.9 MB

Neural networks [5.5] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - contrastive divergence (parameter update)-wMb7cads0go.mp4

65.2 MB

Neural networks [5.6] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - persistent CD-S0kFFiHzR8M.mp4

44.5 MB

Neural networks [5.7] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - example-n26NdEtma8U.mp4

53.5 MB

Neural networks [5.8] - Restricted Boltzmann machine - extensions-iPuqoQih9xk.mp4

55.8 MB

Neural networks [6.1] - Autoencoder - definition-FzS3tMl4Nsc.mp4

39.2 MB

Neural networks [6.2] - Autoencoder - loss function-xTU79Zs4XKY.mp4

73.1 MB

Neural networks [6.3] - Autoencoder - example-6DO_jVbDP3I.mp4

18.8 MB

Neural networks [6.4] - Autoencoder - linear autoencoder-xq-I0Rl8mt0.mp4

166.5 MB

Neural networks [6.5] - Autoencoder - undercomplete vs. overcomplete hidden layer-5rLgoM2Pkso.mp4

48.6 MB

Neural networks [6.6] - Autoencoder - denoising autoencoder-t2NQ_c5BFOc.mp4

124.2 MB

Neural networks [6.7] - Autoencoder - contractive autoencoder-79sYlJ8Cvlc.mp4

73.9 MB

Neural networks [7.1] - Deep learning - motivation-vXMpKYRhpmI.mp4

100.5 MB

Neural networks [7.2] - Deep learning - difficulty of training-YoiUlN_77LU.mp4

72.4 MB

Neural networks [7.3] - Deep learning - unsupervised pre-training-Oq38pINmddk.mp4

86.5 MB

Neural networks [7.4] - Deep learning - example-SXnG-lQ7RJo.mp4

85.7 MB

Neural networks [7.5] - Deep learning - dropout-UcKPdAM8cnI.mp4

58.8 MB

Neural networks [7.6] - Deep learning - deep autoencoder-z5ZYm_wJ37c.mp4

65.9 MB

Neural networks [7.7] - Deep learning - deep belief network-vkb6AWYXZ5I.mp4

99.1 MB

Neural networks [7.8] - Deep learning - variational bound-pStDscJh2Wo.mp4

89.0 MB

Neural networks [7.9] - Deep learning - DBN pre-training-35MUlYCColk.mp4

140.3 MB

Neural networks [8.1] - Sparse coding - definition-7a0_iEruGoM.mp4

68.8 MB

Neural networks [8.2] - Sparse coding - inference (ISTA algorithm)-L6qhzWWtqQs.mp4

73.0 MB

Neural networks [8.3] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with projected gradient descent-bhqNSjJ_A20.mp4

22.6 MB

Neural networks [8.4] - Sparse coding - dictionary update with block-coordinate descent-UMdNfhgPKTc.mp4

82.4 MB

Neural networks [8.5] - Sparse coding - dictionary learning algorithm-PzNMff7cYjM.mp4

47.5 MB

Neural networks [8.6] - Sparse coding - online dictionary learning algorithm-IePxTepLvQc.mp4

77.4 MB

Neural networks [8.7] - Sparse coding - ZCA preprocessing-eUiwhV1QcQ4.mp4

50.6 MB

Neural networks [8.8] - Sparse coding - feature extraction-FL81zSjAEEg.mp4

68.9 MB

Neural networks [8.9] - relationship with V1-MdomgSiL86Q.mp4

49.7 MB

Neural networks [9.10] - Computer vision - convolutional RBM-y0SISi_T6s8.mp4

71.5 MB

Neural networks [9.1] - Computer vision - motivation-rxKrCa4bg1I.mp4

46.8 MB

Neural networks [9.2] - Computer vision - local connectivity-vLf3KVe2Z1k.mp4

30.8 MB

Neural networks [9.3] - Computer vision - parameter sharing-aAT1t9p7ShM.mp4

82.8 MB

Neural networks [9.4] - Computer vision - discrete convolution-Y7TMwqAWEdo.mp4

86.4 MB

Neural networks [9.5] - Computer vision - pooling and subsampling-I-JKxcpbRT4.mp4

52.4 MB

Neural networks [9.6] - Computer vision - convolutional network-cDdpwAIsuD8.mp4

116.8 MB

Neural networks [9.7] - Computer vision - object recognition-eU83LSM3xnk.mp4

69.3 MB

Neural networks [9.8] - Computer vision - example-Gk8VvSL3IMk.mp4

124.2 MB

Neural networks [9.9] - Computer vision - data set expansion-Km1Q5VcSKAg.mp4

51.3 MB


Total files 92

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