
Download OR86





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5.0 GB

Total Files





001 - Introduction.mp4

10.4 MB

002 - Why Is Kubernetes So Hot Right Now.mp4

21.6 MB

003 - Containers vs. Virtual Machines.mp4

57.6 MB

004 - What Is Docker.mp4

18.4 MB

005 - What Is Kubernetes.mp4

29.7 MB

006 - Setting up A GCP Account.mp4

80.6 MB

007 - Using the Cloud Shell.mp4

70.6 MB

008 - An end-to-end example - Kubernetes on the GKE.mp4

70.3 MB

009 - How Kubernetes Works.mp4

47.9 MB

010 - The Role of the Master Node.mp4

65.7 MB

011 - Nodes, Kube-proxy, Kubelet.mp4

55.0 MB

012 - What Is A Pod.mp4

55.1 MB

013 - Lab - Creating pods imperatively.mp4

68.5 MB

014 - Where Do Pods Run.mp4

27.0 MB

015 - Can Pods Have Multiple Containers.mp4

35.1 MB

016 - Lab - Multi-container Pods.mp4

60.9 MB

017 - How Do Master Nodes Communicate.mp4

30.6 MB

018 - Where Can We Run Kubernetes.mp4

17.3 MB

019 - Kubernetes for a Hybrid Multi-cloud World.mp4

39.3 MB

020 - Cloud Controllers.mp4

23.8 MB

021 - Interacting with Kubernetes.mp4

65.9 MB

022 - Lab - Creating pods declaratively.mp4

51.5 MB

023 - Imperative or Declarative.mp4

69.3 MB

024 - How Declarative Files are applied.mp4

41.1 MB

025 - The Pros and Cons of Declarative and Imperative Object Management.mp4

18.0 MB

026 - Names and UIDs.mp4

17.0 MB

027 - Namespaces.mp4

22.7 MB

028 - Labels.mp4

7.9 MB

029 - Label Selectors Loose Coupling.mp4

33.3 MB

030 - Annotations.mp4

8.2 MB

031 - Lab - Deletion of pods.mp4

31.8 MB

032 - Lab - Editing the configuration information of the deployment.mp4

35.3 MB

033 - Lab - Scaling the Number of Pods using Deployments.mp4

15.2 MB

034 - Volumes.mp4

32.5 MB

035 - Lab - Volumes and the emptydir volume.mp4

46.7 MB

036 - Types of Volumes.mp4

10.3 MB

037 - Persistent_Volumes.mp4

25.8 MB

038 - Cloud Specific Persistent Volumes.mp4

30.5 MB

039 - Lab - Persistent Volumes.mp4

26.2 MB

040 - Secrets, ConfigMaps and Other Volume Types.mp4

50.8 MB

041 - Lab - Use of secrets pass information to pods.mp4

46.0 MB

042 - Lab - Create secrets directly from files.mp4

21.7 MB

043 - Lab - ConfigMaps.mp4

50.9 MB

044 - Containers in a Pod.mp4

40.4 MB

045 - Lab - kubectl apply.mp4

108.0 MB

046 - What Environment Do Containers See.mp4

35.8 MB

047 - Lab - Setting Environment Variables in Containers.mp4

26.0 MB

048 - Lab - Downward API Passing information from pod to container.mp4

72.0 MB

049 - How Can Containers React To Lifecycle Events.mp4

14.3 MB

050 - Lab - Handling Container Lifecycle Events.mp4

24.3 MB

051 - Pod Node Matching.mp4

51.9 MB

052 - Lab - Associating Pods with Nodes using nodeSelector.mp4

47.7 MB

053 - Taints.mp4

36.9 MB

054 - Lab - kubectl_taint.mp4

32.0 MB

055 - Lab - Tolerations.mp4

33.4 MB

056 - Init Containers.mp4

38.8 MB

057 - Lab - Init containers setting up the state of the pods.mp4

59.2 MB

058 - Pod Lifecycle.mp4

29.9 MB

059 - Container Probes.mp4

54.0 MB

060 - Lab - Use of Liveness and Readiness Probes.mp4

47.0 MB

061 - Lab - Liveness probes Using HTTP and TCP.mp4

89.0 MB

062 - Pod Presets.mp4

8.1 MB

063 - Pod Priorities.mp4

38.0 MB

064 - Introducing Controllers.mp4

83.6 MB

065 - What Are ReplicaSets.mp4

50.4 MB

066 - Lab - ReplicaSet object.mp4

40.5 MB

067 - Working with ReplicaSets.mp4

57.0 MB

068 - Lab - Deleting a ReplicaSet and its associated pods.mp4

26.3 MB

069 - Lab - Deleting a ReplicaSet but not the associated pods.mp4

28.3 MB

070 - ReplicaSets and Loose Coupling.mp4

60.6 MB

071 - Horizontal Pod Autoscalers.mp4

37.1 MB

072 - Lab - Loose coupling between ReplicaSet object and the pods.mp4

56.0 MB

073 - Lab - Scaling a ReplicaSet object.mp4

23.3 MB

074 - Replication Controllers.mp4

22.7 MB

075 - Lab - Replication controller.mp4

22.6 MB

076 - Lab - Deleting a replication controller and the associated pods.mp4

21.1 MB

077 - Lab - Deleting a replication controller but not its pods.mp4

17.2 MB

078 - Lab - Loose coupling between replication controller and its pods.mp4

48.9 MB

079 - Deployments.mp4

41.3 MB

080 - When Use Deployments.mp4

25.2 MB

081 - Creating a Deployment.mp4

56.6 MB

082 - Lab - kubectl run Create deployments imperatively.mp4

65.3 MB

083 - Lab - YAML files for Deployment objects.mp4

49.1 MB

084 - Rolling Back Deployment.mp4

32.0 MB

085 - Pausing_Resuming Deployment.mp4

8.5 MB

086 - Clean-up Policy.mp4

18.5 MB

087 - Scaling Deployments.mp4

20.3 MB

088 - Lab - Scaling deployments by editing the YAML config.mp4

32.9 MB

089 - Lab - Changing the image version associated with a deployment.mp4

43.7 MB

090 - Lab - Rolling back a deployment.mp4

11.0 MB

091 - Lab - kubectl scale Scaling deployments imperatively.mp4

11.7 MB

092 - Lab - Rolling Deployments.mp4

52.5 MB

093 - StatefulSets.mp4

36.1 MB

094 - Lab - Statefulsets.mp4

22.1 MB

095 - DaemonSets.mp4

20.4 MB

096 - Run To Completion Jobs.mp4

30.5 MB

097 - Cron Jobs.mp4

8.7 MB

098 - Lab - Batch Processing Job Objects.mp4

48.7 MB

099 - Services.mp4

58.6 MB

100 - Types of Services.mp4.mp4

53.1 MB

101 - Service Pod Endpoint.mp4

59.0 MB

102 - Services without Selectors.mp4

26.6 MB

103 - Virtual IPs Service Proxies.mp4

37.4 MB

104 - Multi-Port Services.mp4

5.3 MB

105 - Service Discovery.mp4

37.7 MB

106 - Headless Services.mp4

21.7 MB

107 - NodePort Services.mp4

30.9 MB

108 - LoadBalancer Services.mp4

39.9 MB

109 - External IPs.mp4

5.7 MB

110 - DNS for Services.mp4

26.6 MB

111 - DNS for Pods.mp4

31.0 MB

112 - Securing Services.mp4

12.4 MB

113 - Federated Services.mp4

13.0 MB

114 - Ingress Objects.mp4

19.9 MB

115 - Lab - kubectl expose Service objects.mp4

24.1 MB

116 - Kubernetes on the cloud.mp4

17.5 MB

117 - Lab - AKS - the Azure Kubernetes Service.mp4

46.1 MB

118 - Lab - Jumping through hoops - kops and AWS.mp4

45.5 MB

119 - Lab - Play With Kubernetes (PWK).mp4

24.5 MB

120 - RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).mp4

38.6 MB

121 - Roles and ClusterRoles.mp4

21.0 MB

122 - RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings.mp4

38.6 MB

123 - Pod Networks and Flannel.mp4

68.3 MB

124 - Instantiating Ubuntu VMs.mp4

83.5 MB

125 - Bootstrapping the Master Node.mp4

99.4 MB

126 - Configuring the Worker Nodes.mp4

36.4 MB

127 - The CKA Test.mp4

53.4 MB

128 - Test Day Mechanics.mp4

98.0 MB

129 - Curriculum and Preparation Tips.mp4

60.4 MB


Total files 129

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