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[] - Udemy - Backend web development with Django 2 - Build 8 projects

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/1. Getting the tools ready for Django 2/

4. Exercise files.html

0.1 KB

1. Tools that we need and introduction to course.vtt

7.4 KB

3. Understanding file structure.vtt

10.9 KB

2. Your first HelloWorld project in Django 2.vtt

11.1 KB

1. Tools that we need and introduction to course.mp4

12.4 MB

3. Understanding file structure.mp4

19.4 MB

2. Your first HelloWorld project in Django 2.mp4

32.8 MB

/10. Thanks and some words/

1. Thanks.html

0.1 KB


0.1 KB

/3. Project 2 - All about Templating/

4. Adding Contact Us page.vtt

6.0 KB

3. Adding an About Us page.vtt

6.6 KB

2. Rendering from a HTML page.vtt

10.7 KB

1. Project 2 and templating basics.vtt

13.2 KB

5. Extending pre built templates.vtt

16.4 KB

4. Adding Contact Us page.mp4

8.0 MB

3. Adding an About Us page.mp4

11.4 MB

2. Rendering from a HTML page.mp4

14.7 MB

1. Project 2 and templating basics.mp4

19.0 MB

5. Extending pre built templates.mp4

20.1 MB

/4. Project 3 - Interaction with Database/

3. Registering models to admin.vtt

6.5 KB

1. Setting up command project.vtt

8.7 KB

2. Creating our first model for sqlite3.vtt

12.6 KB

4. Create Read Update and Delete from Database.vtt

16.1 KB

3. Registering models to admin.mp4

11.6 MB

1. Setting up command project.mp4

13.4 MB

2. Creating our first model for sqlite3.mp4

18.9 MB

4. Create Read Update and Delete from Database.mp4

21.2 MB

/5. Project 4 - Blog with static pages and Unique URL/

1. Articles app creation.vtt

7.2 KB

3. Adding articles in database.vtt

9.2 KB

4. Configuring URLs.vtt

10.0 KB

6. Adding static files for CSS.vtt

11.1 KB

2. ForiegnKey and Many to one relation.vtt

11.3 KB

5. Setting up Home Page.vtt

12.0 KB

7. Unique URL for articles.vtt

13.3 KB

3. Adding articles in database.mp4

12.6 MB

1. Articles app creation.mp4

12.8 MB

5. Setting up Home Page.mp4

15.5 MB

6. Adding static files for CSS.mp4

15.6 MB

2. ForiegnKey and Many to one relation.mp4

16.8 MB

4. Configuring URLs.mp4

17.5 MB

7. Unique URL for articles.mp4

24.0 MB

/9. Project 8 - Login, Logout and SignUp/

2. Having a login view.vtt

7.4 KB

1. Setup URL for Login.vtt

10.7 KB

3. A working login and logout.vtt

11.4 KB

4. A complete signup App.vtt

16.6 KB

2. Having a login view.mp4

13.8 MB

3. A working login and logout.mp4

25.7 MB

4. A complete signup App.mp4

34.0 MB

1. Setup URL for Login.mp4

35.9 MB

/2. Project 1 - Getting the basics done/

1. Our very first Django App.vtt

7.5 KB

2. Configuring new App.vtt

15.6 KB

1. Our very first Django App.mp4

8.4 MB

2. Configuring new App.mp4

17.2 MB

/6. Project 5 - Handling forms and taking input from user/

5. Fetching data from database.vtt

9.3 KB

2. Preparing models and admin.vtt

11.9 KB

1. Handling user input via forms - setup.vtt

12.0 KB

3. Fixing views and other issues.vtt

12.1 KB

4. Making templates look great and static files.vtt

13.3 KB

6. Interaction with Django forms.vtt

14.2 KB

7. Taking input from user and storing it in database.vtt

15.9 KB

1. Handling user input via forms - setup.mp4

16.3 MB

2. Preparing models and admin.mp4

19.2 MB

5. Fetching data from database.mp4

19.9 MB

6. Interaction with Django forms.mp4

21.7 MB

3. Fixing views and other issues.mp4

21.7 MB

7. Taking input from user and storing it in database.mp4

30.5 MB

4. Making templates look great and static files.mp4

31.0 MB

/8. Project 7 - A TODO list with sqlite3/

3. setting up templates and static files.vtt

10.9 KB

2. Create models for database.vtt

11.3 KB

1. How we will take down this TODO project.vtt

12.6 KB

4. Adding a todo and decorator.vtt

15.5 KB

5. Finishing up TODO.vtt

21.9 KB

2. Create models for database.mp4

23.7 MB

1. How we will take down this TODO project.mp4

27.1 MB

4. Adding a todo and decorator.mp4

28.3 MB

3. setting up templates and static files.mp4

28.4 MB

5. Finishing up TODO.mp4

46.6 MB

/7. Project 6 - A CRUD blog from user input/

1. Jump start of CRUD Project.vtt

11.4 KB

4. Delete from database and reverse lazy URLs.vtt

12.9 KB

2. Reusing admin fields in web page.vtt

14.9 KB

3. Update from database.vtt

15.0 KB

1. Jump start of CRUD Project.mp4

23.4 MB

2. Reusing admin fields in web page.mp4

24.3 MB

4. Delete from database and reverse lazy URLs.mp4

26.4 MB

3. Update from database.mp4

27.7 MB


Total files 85

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