
Download Pluralsight - Kubernetes Administration - Learning Paths

Pluralsight Kubernetes Administration Learning Paths


Pluralsight - Kubernetes Administration - Learning Paths


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/01-Kubernetes Installation.. Fundamentals (Feb 2021)/

1.2 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

3.7 MB

/.../2. Exploring the Kubernetes Architecture/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

2.3 MB

02. What Is Kubernetes- .. Operating Principles.mp4

7.8 MB

03. Introducing the..- Objects and API Server.mp4

3.9 MB

04. Understanding API Objects - Pods.mp4

4.9 MB

05. Understanding API Objects - Controllers.mp4

5.2 MB

06. Understanding API Objects - Services.mp4

2.6 MB

07. Understanding API Objects - Storage.mp4

1.6 MB

08. Kubernetes Cluster..Overview and Control Plane.mp4

9.1 MB

09. Nodes.mp4

8.0 MB

10. Cluster Add-on Pods.mp4

1.7 MB

11. Pod Operations.mp4

4.8 MB

12. Service Operations.mp4

2.8 MB

13. Kubernetes Networking Fundamentals.mp4

5.4 MB

14. Module Summary and What's Next!.mp4

850.2 KB

/.../3. Installing and Configuring Kubernetes/

01. Module Overview.mp4

1.6 MB

02. Installation Considerations.mp4

6.5 MB

03. Installation Methods.mp4

1.6 MB

04. Installation Requirements.mp4

2.4 MB

05. Understanding Cluster Networking Ports.mp4

4.8 MB

06. Getting Kubernetes.mp4

1.4 MB

07. Building Your Own Cluster.mp4

3.0 MB

08. Installing Kubernetes on VMs.mp4

2.7 MB

09. Lab Environment Overview.mp4

5.9 MB

10. Demo- Installing and Configuring containerd.mp4

21.2 MB

11. Demo- Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Packages.mp4

24.1 MB

12. Bootstrapping a Cluster with kubeadm.mp4

6.2 MB

13. Understanding the Certificate Authority's Role in Your Cluster.mp4

3.2 MB

14. kubeadm Created kubeconfig Files and Static Pod Manifests.mp4

5.6 MB

15. Pod Networking Fundamentals.mp4

4.6 MB

16. Creating a Cluster Control Plane Node and Adding a Node.mp4

10.5 MB

17. Demo- Creating a Cluster Control Plane Node.mp4

50.2 MB

18. Demo- Adding a Node to Your Cluster.mp4

37.2 MB

19. Managed Cloud Deployment Scenarios- AKS, EKS, and GKE.mp4

2.4 MB

20. Demo- Creating..Azure Kubernetes Service.mp4

20.0 MB

21. Module Summary and What's Next!.mp4

666.7 KB

/.../4. Working with Your Kubernetes Cluster/

1. Module Overview.mp4

1.2 MB

2. Introducing and Using kubectl.mp4

9.5 MB

3. A Closer Look at kubectl.mp4

2.2 MB

4. Demo- Using kubectl-..bash Auto-Completion.mp4

60.5 MB

5. Application and Pod..Working with YAML Manifests.mp4

14.4 MB

6. Demo- Imperative..with Resources in Your Cluster.mp4

50.9 MB

7. Demo- Exposing and Accessing Services in Your Cluster.mp4

21.4 MB

8. Demo- Declarative Deployments..Existing Resources in Your Cluster.mp4

27.8 MB

9. Module Summary and Thank You!.mp4

1.2 MB

/02-Managing the..and Pods (May 2021)/

870.2 KB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

3.8 MB

/.../2. Using the Kubernetes API/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

2.4 MB

02. The Kubernetes API and API Server.mp4

2.8 MB

03. The Control Plane and API Objects.mp4

6.8 MB

04. Defining a Basic Pod Manifest.mp4

2.2 MB

05. Using kubectl dry-run.mp4

5.7 MB

06. Using with kubectl diff.mp4

2.2 MB

07. Lab Environment Overview.mp4

2.6 MB

08. Demo- API Server Discovery, Listing Resources, Using kubectl explain, and Creating Objects.mp4

23.8 MB

09. Demo- Working with kubectl dry-run.mp4

23.5 MB

10. Demo- Working with kubectl diff.mp4

7.4 MB

11. API Groups and API Versioning.mp4

9.1 MB

12. Demo- API Object Discovery - API Groups and Versions.mp4

16.0 MB

13. Anatomy of an API Request- API Verbs and Special API Requests.mp4

7.5 MB

14. API Resource Location (API Paths) and API Response Codes.mp4

7.5 MB

15. Anatomy of an API Request - A Closer Look.mp4

5.0 MB

16. Demo- Anatomy of an API Request.mp4

24.9 MB

17. Demo- Special API Requests - Watch, Exec, and Log.mp4

28.2 MB

18. Demo- Authentication Failures and Missing Resources.mp4

25.8 MB

19. Module Summary and What's Next.mp4

786.5 KB

/.../3. Managing Objects with Labels, Annotations, and Namespaces/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

1.6 MB

02. Organizing Objects in Kubernetes.mp4

1.1 MB

03. Introducing and Working with Namespaces.mp4

8.6 MB

04. Creating Namespaces and Creating Objects in Namespaces.mp4

1.8 MB

05. Demo- Working with Namespaces and Objects in Namespaces.mp4

27.5 MB

06. Demo- Performing Operations on Objects in Namespaces.mp4

8.7 MB

07. Introducing and Working with Labels and How Kubernetes Uses Labels.mp4

11.5 MB

08. Using Labels for Services, Deployments, and Scheduling.mp4

8.3 MB

09. Demo- Working with Labels - Creating, Querying, and Editing.mp4

35.1 MB

10. Demo- Deployments, ReplicaSets, Labels, and Selectors.mp4

26.3 MB

11. Demo- Services, Labels, Selectors, and Scheduling Pods to Nodes.mp4

37.2 MB

12. Introducing and Working with Annotations.mp4

6.5 MB

13. Module Summary and What's Next.mp4

554.9 KB

/.../4. Running and Managing Pods/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

1.8 MB

02. Understanding Pods.mp4

2.5 MB

03. How Pods Manage Containers.mp4

1.3 MB

04. Introducing and Working with Single Container Pods and Controllers.mp4

3.6 MB

05. Introducing and Working Static Pods.mp4

3.9 MB

06. Working with Pods - kubectl exec, logs, and port-forward.mp4

4.6 MB

07. Demo- Running Bare Pods and Pods in Controllers.mp4

22.8 MB

08. Demo- Running Pods and Using kubectl port-forward to access a Pod's Application.mp4

13.4 MB

09. Demo- Working with Static Pods.mp4

12.8 MB

10. Introducing and Working with Multi-container Pods.mp4

8.0 MB

11. Demo- Running Multi-container Pods and Sharing Data Between Containers in a Pod.mp4

15.8 MB

12. Introducing and Working with Init Containers.mp4

5.7 MB

13. Demo- Working with Init Containers.mp4

12.7 MB

14. Pod Lifecycle, Stopping-Terminating Pods, and Persistency of Pods.mp4

12.4 MB

15. Introducing and Working with Container Restart Policy.mp4

4.6 MB

16. Demo- Pod Lifecycle and Container Restart Policy.mp4

31.4 MB

17. Defining Pod Health- livenessProbes, readinessProbes and startupProbes.mp4

11.1 MB

18. Configuring and Defining Container Probes.mp4

5.7 MB

19. Demo- Implementing Container Probes - livenessProbes and readinessProbes.mp4

24.2 MB

20. Demo- Implementing Container Probes - startupProbes.mp4

13.2 MB

21. Module Summary and Thank You.mp4

1.3 MB

/03-Managing Kubernetes..Deployments (Sep 2021)/

1.4 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

3.6 MB

/.../2. Using Controllers to Deploy Applications and Deployment Basics/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

2.9 MB

02. Kubernetes Principals, the Controller Manager, and Introduction to Controllers.mp4

8.4 MB

03. Lab Environment Review.mp4

2.8 MB

04. Demo- Examining System Pods and Their Controllers.mp4

8.5 MB

05. Introducing the Deployment Controller and Deployment Basics.mp4

8.5 MB

06. Demo- Creating a Basic Deployment Imperatively and Declaratively.mp4

22.3 MB

07. Understanding ReplicaSet Controller Operations.mp4

13.4 MB

08. Demo- Creating a Deployment and ReplicaSet Controller Operations.mp4

18.3 MB

09. Demo- ReplicaSet Controller Operations - Working with Labels and Selectors.mp4

15.0 MB

10. Demo- ReplicaSet Controller Operations - Node Failures.mp4

20.9 MB

11. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

1.3 MB

/.../3. Maintaining Applications with Deployments/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.9 MB

02. Updating a Deployment and Checking Deployment Rollout Status.mp4

16.4 MB

03. Demo- Updating a Deployment and Checking Deployment Rollout Status.mp4

31.3 MB

04. Demo- Updating a Deployment and Checking Deployment Rollout Status (cont.).mp4

9.9 MB

05. Using Deployments to Change State and Controlling Updates with UpdateStrategy.mp4

7.2 MB

06. Successfully Controlling Deployment Rollouts and Defining an UpdateStrategy.mp4

5.4 MB

07. Pausing and Rolling Back Deployments.mp4

9.3 MB

08. Demo- Rolling Back a Deployment and Controlling the Rate of a Rollout with UpdateStrategy.mp4

0.0 KB

09. Demo- Using UpdateStrategy and Readiness Probes to Control a Rollout.mp4

53.9 MB

10. Demo- Restarting a Deployment.mp4

8.7 MB

11. Scaling Deployments.mp4

1.9 MB

12. Demo- Scaling a Deployment.mp4

15.8 MB

13. Successful Deployment Tips, Module Review, and What's Next!.mp4

3.0 MB

/.../4. Deploying and Maintaining Applications with DaemonSets and Jobs/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.6 MB

02. Controllers in Kubernetes and Understanding DaemonSets.mp4

11.0 MB

03. Updating DaemonSets.mp4

2.5 MB

04. Demo- Creating and DaemonSets Controller Operations.mp4

23.1 MB

05. Demo- Creating DaemonSets with NodeSelectors and Updating DaemonSets.mp4

22.1 MB

06. Introducing and Working with Jobs.mp4

11.0 MB

07. Introducing and Working with CronJobs.mp4

6.0 MB

08. Demo- Executing Tasks with Jobs.mp4

12.8 MB

09. Demo- Dealing with Job Failures and restartPolicy.mp4

11.2 MB

10. Demo- Working with Parallel Jobs and Scheduling Tasks with CronJobs.mp4

19.8 MB

11. Introducing StatefulSets.mp4

3.0 MB

12. Module Review and Thank You!.mp4

1.3 MB

/04-Configuring..and Scheduling (Jan 2022)/

1.4 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

4.2 MB

/.../2. Configuring and Managing Storage in Kubernetes/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

3.1 MB

02. Persistent Storage in Containers and Kubernetes.mp4

5.0 MB

03. Volumes, Persistent Volumes, and Persistent Volume Claims.mp4

8.6 MB

04. Controlling Persistent Volume Access with Access Modes.mp4

2.1 MB

05. Static Provisioning and Storage Lifecycle.mp4

5.9 MB

06. Defining a Persistent Volume.mp4

2.6 MB

07. Defining a Persistent Volume Claim.mp4

5.9 MB

08. Lab Environment Overview.mp4

2.8 MB

09. Demo- Storage Server Overview.mp4

10.9 MB

10. Demo- Static Provisioning Persistent Volumes.mp4

14.1 MB

11. Demo- Using a Persistent Volume in a Pod.mp4

26.5 MB

12. Demo- Controlling Persistent Volume Access with Access Modes and Reclaim Policy.mp4

19.7 MB

13. Storage Classes and Dynamic Provisioning Workflow.mp4

5.1 MB

14. Demo- Dynamic Provisioning Volumes.mp4

18.5 MB

15. Demo- Defining a Custom StorageClass.mp4

15.5 MB

16. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

926.0 KB

/.../3. Configuration as Data - Environment Variables, Secrets, and ConfigMaps/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

2.2 MB

02. Why Do We Need Configuration as Data-.mp4

1.9 MB

03. Configuring Applications in Pods and Environment Variables.mp4

5.5 MB

04. Demo- Passing Configuration into Containers with Environment Variables.mp4

20.9 MB

05. Creating and Using Secrets.mp4

12.3 MB

06. Demo- Creating and Using Secrets.mp4

10.1 MB

07. Demo- Accessing Secrets in Pods.mp4

21.4 MB

08. Accessing a Private Container Registry.mp4

1.6 MB

09. Demo- Pulling a Container Image Using a Secret.mp4

27.2 MB

10. Creating and Using ConfigMaps.mp4

10.1 MB

11. Demo- Creating and Using ConfigMaps.mp4

24.9 MB

12. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

715.5 KB

/.../4. Managing and Controlling the Kubernetes Scheduler/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.8 MB

02. Understanding Scheduling in Kubernetes.mp4

10.1 MB

03. Demo- Scheduling in Action and Scheduling Pods with Requests.mp4

28.1 MB

04. Controlling Scheduling with Node Selectors.mp4

6.2 MB

05. Controlling Scheduling with Affinity.mp4

12.6 MB

06. Controlling Scheduling with Taints and Tolerations.mp4

6.7 MB

07. Demo- Controlling Pod Placement with Affinity.mp4

35.9 MB

08. Demo- Controlling Pod Placement with Taints and Tolerations.mp4

12.8 MB

09. Node Cordoning, Manual Scheduling, and Configuring Multiple Schedulers.mp4

5.5 MB

10. Demo- Node Cordoning and Manually Scheduling a Pod.mp4

26.0 MB

11. Module Review and Thank You!.mp4

1.7 MB

/05-Configuring and Managing..s and Ingress (Oct 2021)/

1.9 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

4.2 MB

/.../2. Kubernetes Networking Fundamentals/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

2.8 MB

02. Introducing the Kubernetes Network Model and Cluster Network Topology.mp4

5.7 MB

03. Pod Networking Communication Patterns and Internals.mp4

4.7 MB

04. Container Network Interface - CNI.mp4

3.5 MB

05. Lab Environment Review.mp4

2.8 MB

06. Demo- Investigating Kubernetes Networking - CNI Network Overview.mp4

20.8 MB

07. Demo- Investigating Kubernetes Networking - CNI Overlay Network Routing.mp4

14.5 MB

08. Demo- Investigating Kubernetes Networking - Kubenet Network Overview.mp4

15.7 MB

09. Demo- Investigating Kubernetes Networking - Accessing an AKS Node with SSH.mp4

5.2 MB

10. Demo- Investigating Kubernetes Networking - Kubenet Network Routing and Bridging.mp4

21.7 MB

11. Cluster DNS and Custom DNS Server and DNS Client Configurations.mp4

6.7 MB

12. Demo- Investigating Cluster DNS.mp4

9.9 MB

13. Demo- Configuring CoreDNS to Use Custom Forwarders and Custom Pod DNS Configuration.mp4

20.9 MB

14. Demo- Examining Cluster DNS Records for Pods and Services.mp4

17.0 MB

15. Demo- Additional Cluster DNS Demos.mp4

3.5 MB

16. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

835.6 KB

/.../3. Configuring and Managing Application Access with Services/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.8 MB

02. Understanding Services in Kubernetes.mp4

6.4 MB

03. Introducing Service Types and Understanding ClusterIP Internals.mp4

4.8 MB

04. Understanding NodePort Internals.mp4

3.1 MB

05. Understanding LoadBalancer Internals.mp4

2.3 MB

06. Defining Deployments and Services.mp4

2.7 MB

07. Demo- Exposing and Accessing applications with Services - ClusterIP.mp4

19.4 MB

08. Demo- Exposing and Accessing applications with Services - NodePort.mp4

14.1 MB

09. Demo- Exposing and Accessing applications with Services - LoadBalancer.mp4

14.0 MB

10. Service Discovery with DNS and Environment Variables and Other Types of Services.mp4

7.4 MB

11. Demo- Service Discovery with DNS.mp4

13.0 MB

12. Demo- Service Discovery - Environment Variables.mp4

12.6 MB

13. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

692.0 KB

/.../4. Configuring and Managing Application Access with Ingress/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.9 MB

02. Ingress Architecture and Overview.mp4

4.9 MB

03. Understanding the Ingress Controller and Why Use Ingress Rather Than Load Balancers.mp4

3.6 MB

04. Exposing a Single Service with Ingress.mp4

3.5 MB

05. Exposing a Multiple Services with Ingress Using Path Based Routing.mp4

6.5 MB

06. Using Name Based Virtual Hosts with Ingress.mp4

3.9 MB

07. Using TLS Certificates with Ingress.mp4

2.0 MB

08. Demo- Deploying the NGINX Ingress Controller.mp4

16.1 MB

09. Demo- Exposing a Single Service with Ingress.mp4

21.6 MB

10. Demo- Exposing a Multiple Services with Ingress Using Path Based Routing.mp4

33.5 MB

11. Demo- Using Name Based Virtual Hosts with Ingress.mp4

8.0 MB

12. Demo- Using TLS Certificates with Ingress.mp4

23.4 MB

13. Module Review and Thank You!.mp4

1.1 MB

/06-Maintaining, Monitoring..Kubernetes (Jun 2020)/

2.5 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

3.5 MB

/.../2. Maintaining Kubernetes Clusters/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

2.8 MB

02. Introducing etcd and etcd Backup Concepts.mp4

6.1 MB

03. Getting etcdctl and Backing up etcd with etcdctl.mp4

4.7 MB

04. Restoring etcd with etcdctl.mp4

5.8 MB

05. Demo- Investigating etcd Configuration.mp4

24.5 MB

06. Demo- Backing up etcd with etcdctl.mp4

11.9 MB

07. Demo- Restoring etcd to the Same Data Directory.mp4

16.4 MB

08. Demo- Restoring etcd to a New Data Directory.mp4

17.1 MB

09. Cluster Upgrade Process - Overview.mp4

2.8 MB

10. Cluster Upgrade Process - Control Plane.mp4

4.7 MB

11. Cluster Upgrade Process - Worker Nodes.mp4

3.0 MB

12. Demo- Upgrading a Control Plane Node.mp4

20.2 MB

13. Demo- Upgrading a Worker Node.mp4

8.3 MB

14. Worker Node Maintenance.mp4

5.3 MB

15. High Availability Cluster Overview and High Availability Cluster Topology - Stacked etcd.mp4

8.6 MB

16. High Availability Cluster Topology - External etcd.mp4

3.5 MB

17. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

599.1 KB

/.../3. Logging and Monitoring in Kubernetes Clusters/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.7 MB

02. Kubernetes Logging Architecture and Logging in Pods and Containers.mp4

6.8 MB

03. Logging Architecture - Nodes.mp4

2.1 MB

04. Logging Architecture - Control Plane.mp4

1.7 MB

05. Understanding and Accessing Cluster Events.mp4

3.0 MB

06. Demo- Kubernetes Logging Architecture - Pods.mp4

30.1 MB

07. Demo- Kubernetes Logging Architecture - Nodes.mp4

23.3 MB

08. Demo- Kubernetes Logging Architecture - Control Plane Pods.mp4

18.7 MB

09. Demo- Working with Kubernetes Events.mp4

26.1 MB

10. Accessing Object Data with JSONPath.mp4

7.4 MB

11. Filtering Objects with JSONPath.mp4

2.2 MB

12. Demo- Accessing Object Data with JSONPath.mp4

21.1 MB

13. Demo- Filtering and Sorting Object Data with JSONPath.mp4

17.7 MB

14. Monitoring in Kubernetes and the Kubernetes Metrics Server.mp4

3.5 MB

15. Demo- Deploying the Kubernetes Metrics Server.mp4

9.0 MB

16. Demo- Using kubectl top to Analyze Resource Consumption on Pods and Nodes.mp4

18.0 MB

17. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

784.2 KB

/.../4. Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters/

01. Introduction, Course and Module Overview.mp4

1.4 MB

02. Troubleshooting Tools and Troubleshooting Nodes.mp4

4.2 MB

03. Managing the kubelet with systemd.mp4

2.7 MB

04. Demo- Troubleshooting Nodes - Stopped kubelet.mp4

13.4 MB

05. Demo- Troubleshooting Nodes - Inaccessible kubelet config.yaml.mp4

11.6 MB

06. Demo- Troubleshooting Nodes - Misconfigured systemd Unit File.mp4

15.3 MB

07. Troubleshooting - Control Plane.mp4

4.4 MB

08. Demo- Troubleshooting Control Plane - Inaccessible Static Pod Manifests.mp4

16.3 MB

09. Demo- Troubleshooting Control Plane - Misconfigured Static Pod Manifests.mp4

18.6 MB

10. Troubleshooting Workloads.mp4

830.0 KB

11. Module Review and Thank You!.mp4

896.6 KB

/07-Configuring..Kubernetes Security (Aug 2020)/

2.1 MB

/1. Course Overview/

1. Course Overview.mp4

3.5 MB

/.../2. Kubernetes Security Fundamentals/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

2.9 MB

02. Securing the API Server and Authentication Plugins.mp4

9.9 MB

03. Users in Kubernetes.mp4

4.8 MB

04. Service Accounts and Service Account Credentials.mp4

7.0 MB

05. Creating a Service Account and Defining a ServiceAccount in a Pod Spec.mp4

2.6 MB

06. Demo- Investigating Certificate Based Authentication.mp4

17.2 MB

07. Demo- Working with Service Accounts.mp4

15.6 MB

08. Demo- Accessing the API Server Inside a Pod.mp4

22.4 MB

09. Demo- Testing API Access with kubectl can-i with Impersonation.mp4

6.7 MB

10. Authorization Plugins.mp4

2.0 MB

11. Demo- Managing Authorization for Service Accounts.mp4

14.3 MB

12. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

839.9 KB

/.../3. Managing Certificates and kubeconfig Files/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

1.6 MB

02. Certificates and PKI in Kubernetes.mp4

8.0 MB

03. kubeconfig Files and Certificate-based Authentication.mp4

2.6 MB

04. How Certificates Are Used in Kubernetes Clusters.mp4

4.0 MB

05. Demo- Investigating PKI Setup on a Control Plane Node.mp4

8.0 MB

06. Demo- Investigating a Control Plane Pod kubeconfig Configuration.mp4

26.2 MB

07. Creating Certificates with the Certificate API.mp4

4.7 MB

08. Creating a Certificate Signing Request in openssl.mp4

4.1 MB

09. Creating a CertificateSigningRequest Object.mp4

3.4 MB

10. Approving a CertificateSigningRequest and Retrieving a Certificate.mp4

1.9 MB

11. Demo- Creating a Certificate Signing Request for a New User in openssl.mp4

6.6 MB

12. Demo- Creating a CertificateSigningRequest Object, Approving a CertificateSigningRequest and Retrieving a Certificate.mp4

15.9 MB

13. kubeconfig File Overview and Components.mp4

4.3 MB

14. kubeconfig File - admin.conf.mp4

3.8 MB

15. Creating a kubeconfig File Manually.mp4

5.6 MB

16. Demo- Working with kubeconfig Files and Contexts.mp4

23.3 MB

17. Demo- Creating a kubeconfig File for a New User.mp4

16.4 MB

18. Demo- Using a new kubeconfig File with a New User.mp4

15.5 MB

19. Demo- Creating a new Linux User and Configuring Cluster Access.mp4

7.6 MB

20. Module Review and What's Next!.mp4

924.4 KB

/.../4. Managing Role Based Access Controls/

01. Introduction, Course, and Module Overview.mp4

1.8 MB

02. Role Based Access Controls and API Objects for RBAC.mp4

3.0 MB

03. Introducing Roles and ClusterRoles.mp4

4.5 MB

04. Introducing RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding.mp4

3.5 MB

05. What to Use When-.mp4

1.5 MB

06. Using RBAC in Your Cluster.mp4

4.0 MB

07. Default ClusterRoles.mp4

3.4 MB

08. Defining Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, and ClusterRoleBinding.mp4

5.5 MB

09. Creating a Role and a RoleBinding.mp4

7.3 MB

10. Demo- Creating a Role and RoleBinding.mp4

14.1 MB

11. Demo- Testing API Access with kubectl can-i and Impersonation.mp4

14.6 MB

12. Demo- Creating a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.mp4

10.5 MB

13. Demo- Creating a ClusterRole and RoleBinding.mp4

19.6 MB

14. Demo- Giving a User Full Access to Deployments.mp4

16.9 MB

15. Module Review and Thank You!.mp4

1.4 MB


Total files 320

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