
Download [] Oracle Performance Tuning for Developers

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[] Oracle Performance Tuning for Developers


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919.8 MB

Total Files




/01. Why Performance Tuning Matters/


5.5 MB

01_02-Performance Tuning is Not Magic.mp4

11.7 MB

01_03-Performance Tuning Approach.mp4

6.3 MB

01_04-Performance Tuning Principles.mp4

7.6 MB

01_05-Sample Database.mp4

15.9 MB

/02. Oracle Architecture and Performance Basics/


2.4 MB

02_02-System Scalability.mp4

6.8 MB

02_03-Oracle Architecture Overview.mp4

11.1 MB

02_04-Buffer Cache.mp4

5.2 MB

02_05-Shared Pool.mp4

3.6 MB

02_06-Program Global Area.mp4

3.9 MB

02_07-Oracle Architecture Wrap Up.mp4

2.9 MB

02_08-Performance Metrics.mp4

16.5 MB

02_09-Performance Tuning and Database Size.mp4

9.9 MB

02_10-Building Effective Performance Test Databases.mp4

6.1 MB

02_11-Performance Tuning Database use Scenarios.mp4

18.6 MB

/03. Connections and Connection Pools/


9.1 MB

03_02-Demo - Connecting With and Without Connection Pools.mp4

7.1 MB

03_03-Using a Connection Pool in .NET.mp4

7.1 MB

03_04-Using a Connection Pool in Java.mp4

7.9 MB

03_05-Connection Pool Best Practices.mp4

12.2 MB

03_06-Demo - Blocking Connections.mp4

15.7 MB


4.5 MB

/04. Bind Variables/


3.7 MB

04_02-The Shared SQL Area.mp4

15.5 MB

04_03-Contention and Latch Waits.mp4

19.7 MB

04_04-Matching SQL Statements.mp4

37.4 MB

04_05-Using Bind Variables in Applications.mp4

24.9 MB

04_06-Sample Application to Compare Approaches.mp4

25.2 MB

04_07-Evaluation of Impacts of Bind Variables.mp4

8.9 MB

/05. Statement Level Performance Tuning/

05_01-What is an Execution Plan.mp4

9.9 MB

05_02-Getting an Execution Plan.mp4

8.5 MB

05_03-What Does an Execution Plan Contain.mp4

15.3 MB

05_04-Reading an Execution Plan.mp4

14.1 MB

05_05-Analyzing an Execution Plan.mp4

8.3 MB

05_06-Autotrace Introduction.mp4

6.5 MB

05_07-Autotrace Example in SQL Developer.mp4

13.9 MB

05_08-Autotrace Example in SQL Plus.mp4

16.2 MB

05_09-Data Size and Execution Plans.mp4

9.7 MB


1.5 MB

/06. Execution Plans in Depth/


2.6 MB

06_02-Table Access Operations.mp4

14.3 MB

06_03-Demo - Table Access Operations.mp4

14.0 MB

06_04-Index Lookup Operations.mp4

16.4 MB

06_05-Demo - Index Lookup Operations.mp4

11.8 MB

06_06-Index Full Scan Operations.mp4

5.2 MB

06_07-Join Operations.mp4

15.5 MB

06_08-Tuning SQL Statements.mp4

15.2 MB

/07. Indexing Essentials/

07_01-Why Indexing Matters.mp4

10.0 MB

07_02-B-Tree Indexes.mp4

9.7 MB

07_03-Bitmap Indexes.mp4

11.5 MB

07_04-Index Column Order Matters.mp4

8.5 MB

07_05-Demo - Index Column Order.mp4

10.6 MB

07_06-Index Skip Scan Operations.mp4

5.2 MB

07_07-Index Selectivity.mp4

14.9 MB

07_08-Selectivity for Composite Indexes.mp4

5.0 MB

07_09-Demo - Index Selectivity.mp4

11.0 MB

07_10-Determining Index Column Order.mp4

4.4 MB

/08. Advanced Indexing Techniques/

08_01-Module Outline.mp4

2.3 MB

08_02-Covering Indexes.mp4

17.6 MB

08_03-Function Based Indexes Introduction.mp4

13.1 MB

08_04-Demo - Function Based Indexes. Case Insensitive Search.mp4

10.9 MB

08_05-Selective Row Indexing With Function Based Indexes.mp4

11.0 MB

08_06-Demo - Function Based Indexes. Selective Indexing.mp4

7.9 MB

08_07-Index Compression.mp4

11.4 MB

08_08-Invisible Indexes.mp4

5.3 MB

08_09-Demo - Invisible Indexes.mp4

10.2 MB


2.6 MB

/09. Application Indexing Practices/


1.9 MB

09_02-What Should I Index.mp4

10.7 MB

09_03-Indexing Costs and Overhead.mp4

7.6 MB

09_04-Demo - Indexing Overhead.mp4

12.0 MB

09_05-Similar Indexes.mp4

3.2 MB

09_06-Monitoring Index Usage.mp4

8.9 MB

09_07-Why isnt Oracle Using My Index.mp4

1.9 MB

09_08-Missing Leading Edge of Index.mp4

2.9 MB

09_09-Index not Selective Enough.mp4

2.7 MB

09_10-Using a Like Clause and a Leading Wildcard.mp4

4.4 MB

09_11-Like Clauses and Index Selectivity.mp4

5.5 MB

09_12-Function in the Where Clause.mp4

4.9 MB

09_13-Data Type Conversion in the Where Clause.mp4

4.7 MB

09_14-Outdated Database Statistics.mp4

5.2 MB


2.0 MB

/10. Monitoring Oracle Applications/

10_01-Motivation for Performance Monitoring.mp4

11.1 MB

10_02-Required Permissions.mp4

10.2 MB

10_03-Introduction to Queries.mp4

1.1 MB

10_04-Session Information.mp4

3.8 MB

10_05-Session Resource Usage.mp4

2.7 MB

10_06-What Statements are Running Right Now.mp4

3.1 MB

10_07-Finding the Worst Performing Statements.mp4

9.8 MB

10_08-Statements Conducting Full Scan Operations.mp4

3.6 MB

10_09-Retrieving Execution Plans.mp4

1.3 MB

10_10-Monitoring Index Usage.mp4

4.6 MB

10_11-Monitoring Hard Parsing and SQL Using Literal Values.mp4

5.9 MB

10_12-Table Information.mp4

5.3 MB

10_13-Index Information.mp4

1.8 MB


2.2 MB

/11. Pitfalls and Practices/

11_01-Module Introduction.mp4

5.4 MB

11_02-Separating Transactional and Reporting Databases.mp4

14.8 MB

11_03-Loading too Much Data.mp4

8.0 MB

11_04-Committing Data too Frequently.mp4

17.0 MB

11_05-ORMs and Abstraction From the Database.mp4

5.0 MB

11_06-ORMs and the n+1 Selects Issue.mp4

2.2 MB


7.3 MB


Total files 104

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