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5.2 GB

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/.../Constitutional Law Disc 1/

01 Introduction.mp3

11.9 MB

02 I- Federal Judicial Authority, Organization of Federal Court System.mp3

26.5 MB

03 Federal Judical Review.mp3

4.0 MB

04 Adequate State Grounds.mp3

16.4 MB

05 Standing.mp3

37.6 MB

06 Ripeness.mp3

4.2 MB

07 Mootness.mp3

5.7 MB

08 Political Questions.mp3

14.5 MB

09 11th Amendment.mp3

12.7 MB

10 Abstention.mp3

12.0 MB

11 End of CD 1.mp3

351.1 KB

/.../Constitutional Law Disc 2/

01 II- Separation of Powers, Federal Legislative Power.mp3

11.8 MB

02 Commerce Power.mp3

13.1 MB

03 10th Amendment.mp3

9.4 MB

04 Taxing and Spending Power.mp3

7.4 MB

05 Delegating of Federal Legislative Power.mp3

5.5 MB

06 Federal Exective Power Domestic Policy.mp3

25.4 MB

07 Foreign Policy.mp3

11.3 MB

08 Interbranch Checks and Balances.mp3

5.4 MB

09 III- Federalism-Federal Government Limitation on State Authority.mp3

2.8 MB

10 Intergovernmental Immunities.mp3

24.7 MB

11 Dormant Commerce Clause.mp3

31.6 MB

12 State Taxation of Interstate Commerce.mp3

15.2 MB

13 Supremacy Clause.mp3

13.3 MB

14 end.mp3

340.6 KB

/.../Constitutional Law Disc 3/

01 Federalism (continued).mp3

13.6 MB

02 Protection of Individual Rights (State Action).mp3

27.1 MB

03 Bill of Rights.mp3

13.5 MB

04 Retroactive Legislation - Contracts Clause.mp3

10.0 MB

05 Ex Post Facto Law.mp3

3.0 MB

06 Bill of Attainder.mp3

3.3 MB

07 Due Process - Procedure Due Process.mp3

32.2 MB

08 Substantive Due Process- Fundamental Rights.mp3

4.4 MB

09 Right to Privacy.mp3

37.7 MB

10 Right to Travel.mp3

7.0 MB

11 Right to Vote.mp3

18.2 MB

12 end of cd.mp3

355.3 KB

/.../Constitutional Law Disc 4/

01 IV- Protection of Individual Rights (Continued) Equal Protection-Standards of Review.mp3

4.8 MB

02 Strict Scrutiny.mp3

6.9 MB

03 Middle-Tier.mp3

5.6 MB

04 Rational Basis test.mp3

2.7 MB

05 Equal Protection Approach-Review of Specific Classification.mp3

37.8 MB

06 First Amendment.mp3

2.1 MB

07 Freedom of Religion - Establishment Clause.mp3

25.5 MB

08 Free Exercise Clause.mp3

18.1 MB

09 1st Amendment Procedural Issues and Methodology.mp3

27.2 MB

10 Regulation of Speech Content - The Clear & Present Danger test.mp3

3.1 MB

11 Freedom of Association.mp3

15.3 MB

12 Defamation.mp3

7.7 MB

13 Freedom of the Press.mp3

25.6 MB

14 End.mp3

370.9 KB

/.../Constitutional Law Disc 5/

01 Regulation of Speech Content(Continued) Obscenity- Child Pornography.mp3

24.5 MB

02 Commercial Speech.mp3

13.2 MB

03 Fighting Words.mp3

4.7 MB

04 Symbolic Speech.mp3

5.1 MB

05 Time, Place, Manner Regulation.mp3

2.2 MB

06 Types of Public Forum.mp3

7.7 MB

07 Licensing Statutes.mp3

12.1 MB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 1/

01 Approach - 6 Basic Contracts Issues.mp3

50.6 MB

02 Offer and Acceptance.mp3

119.5 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 2/

01 offer and acceptance, con't.mp3

13.7 MB

02 Mistake and Ambiguity.mp3

58.4 MB

03 Parol Evidence Rule.mp3

25.6 MB

04 Consideration.mp3

77.2 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 3/

01 Consideration (continued).mp3

70.2 MB

02 Defenses to Formation.mp3

104.0 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 4/

01 Third Party Beneficiaries.mp3

86.1 MB

02 Assignment and Delegation.mp3

86.8 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 5/

01 Assignment and Delegation (Continued).mp3

99.0 MB

02 Conditions.mp3

70.0 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 6/

01 Conditions (continued).mp3

65.6 MB

02 Excuse of Conditions.mp3

37.5 MB

03 Anticipatory Repudiation Voluntary Disablement.mp3

61.7 MB


0.3 KB

/Contracts/Contracts Disc 7/

01 Excuse of Conditions-Adequate Assurances of Performance.mp3

16.8 MB

02 Discharge of Duty-Impossibility-Frustration.mp3

18.2 MB

03 Remedies for Breach UCC.mp3

132.6 MB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Law Disc 1/

01 Classification of Crimes.mp3

48.1 MB

02 Elements of Crimes Defenses.mp3

27.3 MB

03 Insanity.mp3

23.6 MB

04 Intoxication.mp3

6.1 MB

05 Infancy.mp3

4.1 MB

06 Justification.mp3

17.7 MB

07 Necessity and Duress.mp3

10.2 MB

08 Entrapment.mp3

1.7 MB

09 Mistakes-Inchote Crimes.mp3

11.5 MB

10 Solicitation.mp3

8.0 MB

11 Attempt.mp3

7.8 MB

12 Outro.mp3

493.1 KB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Law Disc 2/

01 INCHOATE CRIMES - Attempt (continued).mp3

29.2 MB

02 Inchoate Crimes; Conspiracy.mp3

38.2 MB

03 PARTIES TO CRIMES - Principal in the First Degree, Principal in the Second Degree.mp3

9.1 MB

04 Parties To Crimes - Accomplices.mp3

8.5 MB

05 Partis To Crimes- Accessory Before the Fact, Accessory After the Fact.mp3

14.2 MB

06 Crimes Against the Person- Murder, Intent to Kill, Intent to Cause Serious Bodily Harm, Felony, Depr.mp3

34.5 MB

07 Voluntary Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter.mp3

14.4 MB

08 Crimes Against the Person - Battery.mp3

9.2 MB

09 Crimes Against the Person; Assault.mp3

5.4 MB

10 Crimes Against the Person - Mayhem, Kidnapping, Rape, Bigamy, Incest.mp3

7.5 MB

11 Outro.mp3

458.6 KB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Law Disc 3/

01 Larceny.mp3

39.3 MB

02 Robbery.mp3

14.5 MB

03 Embezzlement.mp3

6.0 MB

04 False Pretenses, Larceny by Trick.mp3

27.2 MB

05 Extortion.mp3

2.8 MB

06 Receiving of Stolen Property.mp3

20.6 MB

07 Burglary.mp3

22.8 MB

08 Arson.mp3

6.0 MB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Procedure Disc 1/

01 4th Amendment- Arrest.mp3

22.2 MB

02 Procedural Considerations and Substantive Considerations.mp3

42.6 MB

03 Reasonable Expectations of Privacy.mp3

42.2 MB

04 Warrant Requirements and Exceptions.mp3

49.5 MB

05 Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest.mp3

17.8 MB

06 End of Disc 1.mp3

452.4 KB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Procedure Disc 2/

01 Stop and Frisk.mp3

18.2 MB

02 Plain View.mp3

10.8 MB

03 Automobile Exception.mp3

20.8 MB

04 Consent.mp3

23.8 MB

05 Other Searches.mp3

14.1 MB

06 Voluntariness Approach.mp3

14.3 MB

07 Miranda Approach.mp3

57.6 MB

08 Right to Counsel Approach.mp3

15.9 MB

09 Track 9.mp3

417.9 KB


0.3 KB

/.../Criminal Procedure Disc 3/

01 Right to Counsel Approach (Cont'd).mp3

9.3 MB

02 Fruits fo the Poisonous Tree Doctrine.mp3

25.3 MB

03 Identification Procedures and Lineups.mp3

19.8 MB

04 Right to a Public Trial.mp3

11.3 MB

05 Right to a Speedy Trial.mp3

9.4 MB

06 Right to Counsel.mp3

14.7 MB

07 Right to Jury Trial.mp3

16.2 MB

08 Habeas Corpus.mp3

5.9 MB

09 Other Key Areas of Criminal Proceeding.mp3

9.6 MB

10 Double Jeopardy.mp3

40.6 MB


0.3 KB

/Evidence/Evidence Disc 1/

01 Introduction.mp3

12.7 MB

02 Article 1- General Provisions.mp3

26.6 MB

03 Article 2- Judicial Notice.mp3

32.0 MB

04 Article 3- Burdens-Presumptions.mp3

39.9 MB

05 Article 4- Relevancy.mp3

36.3 MB

06 Character Evidence.mp3

16.2 MB


0.3 KB

/Evidence/Evidence Disc 2/

01 Character Evidence.mp3

52.8 MB

02 Legal Relevancy.mp3

34.7 MB

03 Article 5- Privleged.mp3

82.8 MB


0.3 KB

/Evidence/Evidence Disc 3/

01 Article 6- Witness Competency.mp3

18.4 MB

02 Impeachment.mp3

66.6 MB

03 Presentation of Evidence.mp3

21.9 MB

04 Article 7- Opinion.mp3

34.8 MB

05 Article 8- Introduction to Hearsay-Non-hearsay.mp3

29.3 MB


0.3 KB

/Evidence/Evidence Disc 4/

01 Non-Hearsay.mp3

80.4 MB

02 Hearsay Exceptions.mp3

90.3 MB


0.3 KB

/Evidence/Evidence Disc 5/

01 Hearsay Exceptions (con't).mp3

47.9 MB

02 Article 9- Authentication.mp3

42.4 MB

03 Article 10- Best Evidence Rule.mp3

40.1 MB


0.3 KB

/Property/Property Disc 1/

01 Introduction.mp3

22.1 MB

02 Freehold Estates.mp3

58.2 MB

03 Future Interests.mp3

92.4 MB


0.3 KB

/Property/Property Disc 2/

01 Future Interests (cont'd).mp3

29.1 MB

02 Rule Against Perpetuities.mp3

50.9 MB

03 Concurrent Estates.mp3

47.0 MB

04 Landlord Tenant Non Freehold Estates.mp3

46.8 MB


0.3 KB

/Property/Property Disc 3/

01 Landlord-Tenant (continued).mp3

55.3 MB

02 Fixtures.mp3

11.7 MB

03 10 Non-possessorty Interests - Introduction.mp3

7.7 MB

04 11 Types of Non-Possessory Interests.mp3

15.7 MB

05 Easements.mp3

81.1 MB


0.3 KB

/Property/Property Disc 4/

01 Non-Possessorty Interests (cont.).mp3

54.9 MB

02 Rights Incident to Possession-Adverse Possession.mp3

34.7 MB

03 Subjacent-Lateral Support.mp3

12.6 MB

04 Water Rights.mp3

28.6 MB


0.3 KB

/Property/Property Disc 5/

01 Conveyancing.mp3

16.8 MB

02 Deeds.mp3

19.4 MB

03 Equitable Conversion.mp3

16.7 MB

04 Marketable Title.mp3

35.2 MB

05 Estoppel by Deed, Recording Statutes.mp3

20.6 MB

06 Mortgages.mp3

27.6 MB


0.3 KB

/Torts/Torts Disc 1/

01 Torts Introduction.mp3

12.0 MB

02 Intentional Torts Intro.mp3

9.5 MB

03 Battery.mp3

14.1 MB

04 Assault.mp3

8.5 MB

05 False Imprisonment.mp3

18.4 MB

06 Infliction of Mental Distress.mp3

38.7 MB

07 Trespass to Land.mp3

15.2 MB

08 Trespass to Chattels-Conversion.mp3

13.0 MB

09 Privilege-Mistake.mp3

7.6 MB

10 Consent.mp3

9.4 MB

11 Self-Defense.mp3

13.0 MB

12 Defense of Others.mp3

4.8 MB

13 Defense of Property.mp3

2.1 MB

14 Junk.mp3

534.8 KB


0.3 KB

/Torts/Torts Disc 2/

01 Recapture of Chattels.mp3

7.8 MB

02 Forcible Entry on Land.mp3

2.4 MB

03 Necessity.mp3

8.5 MB

04 Legal Process.mp3

4.8 MB

05 Arrest without a Warrant.mp3

10.7 MB

06 Discipline.mp3

9.3 MB

07 Negligence-Elements.mp3

11.1 MB

08 Neg-Duty of Care.mp3

7.1 MB

09 Neg-Applicable Standard of Care.mp3

36.1 MB

10 Neg-Standard of Care Owed by Owners or Occupiers of Land.mp3

14.0 MB

11 Neg-Dut of Care owed by Occupiers and Owners of Land.mp3

25.9 MB

12 Neg-Liability of Lessor.mp3

8.3 MB

13 Neg-Breach of Duty.mp3

28.8 MB

14 end.mp3

417.9 KB


0.3 KB

/Torts/Torts Disc 3/

01 Negligence-Causation.mp3

54.1 MB

02 Damages.mp3

10.4 MB

03 Defenses.mp3

30.3 MB

04 Miscellaneous Considerations in Negligence Vicarious Liability- Wrongful Death.mp3

31.3 MB

05 Strict Liability-Ultrahazardous Activities.mp3

9.6 MB

06 Wild Animals.mp3

12.5 MB

07 Products Liability.mp3

24.0 MB

08 End.mp3

467.0 KB


0.3 KB

/Torts/Torts Disc 4/

01 Nuisance - Public.mp3

22.0 MB

02 Nuisance - Private.mp3

18.2 MB

03 Nuisance-Remedies.mp3

7.6 MB

04 Misrepresentation Defamation.mp3

17.7 MB

05 Elements of Defamation.mp3

16.4 MB

06 Liable Slander.mp3

15.1 MB

07 Defenses.mp3

6.5 MB

08 Invasion of Right to Privacy.mp3

28.4 MB

09 Misuse of Legal Procedure.mp3

12.6 MB

10 Economic Relations.mp3

18.0 MB


0.3 KB



41.2 KB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB


Total files 248

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