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Political Theory


Political Theory


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/.../2. Tani and Sera/

1. Tani and Sera - False Nationalism False Internationalism.pdf

368.0 MB

/9. Psychology/

3. Deleuze and Guattari - Anti-Oedipus.pdf

2.0 MB

7. Harris - Pathology of Capitalism.pdf

112.5 KB

8. Psych Today - Poverty Shrinks Brain.pdf

585.9 KB

5. Lordon - Willing Slaves of Capital.pdf

962.7 KB

4. Lefebvre - Critique of Everyday Life.pdf

6.3 MB

9. Haushofer - Poverty Psychological.pdf

117.2 KB

6. Bewes - Anxiety of Late Capitalism.pdf

5.0 MB

1. SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon.pdf

381.2 KB

2. Debord - Society of the Spectacle.pdf

558.9 KB

/.../6. Maoist Communist Group/

1. MCG - Three Documents.pdf

9.7 MB

/.../1. Dialectical Materialism and Applications/1. Mao/

5. Mao - Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?.pdf

102.3 KB

3. Mao - On Contradiction.pdf

298.1 KB

2. Mao - On Practice.pdf

187.7 KB

1. Mao - Oppose Book Worship.pdf

139.9 KB

4. Mao - On The Correct Handling of Contradictions Among The People.pdf

278.5 KB

/.../1. Dialectical Materialism and Applications/5. Ileynkov/

1. Ilyenkov - Dialectics of the Ideal.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../2. Althusser and Balibar/

6. Balibar - Reading Capital III.pdf

614.5 KB

14. Balibar - On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.pdf

1.1 MB

1. Greene - Reading Althusser through Mao.pdf

674.1 KB

2. Althusser - On the Cultural Revolution.pdf

240.3 KB

5. Althusser - Reading Capital II.pdf

718.4 KB

13. Althusser - Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of Scientists.pdf

1.1 MB

10. Althusser - Essays in Self-Criticism.pdf

516.8 KB

8. Balibar - Self-Criticism.pdf

55.5 KB

11. Althusser - Essays in Self-Criticism II.pdf

556.7 KB

12. Althusser - Politics and History.pdf

744.0 KB

4. Althusser - Reading Capital.pdf

398.3 KB

3. Althusser - Lenin and Philosophy.pdf

814.5 KB

7. Althusser and Balibar - Reading Capital IV.pdf

250.6 KB

9. Althusser - For Marx.pdf

1.1 MB

/.../1. Dialectical Materialism and Applications/4. Badiou/

3. Badiou - It's Right to Rebel.pdf

224.6 KB

2. Badiou - Dialectics.pdf

2.4 MB

1. Badiou - Philosophy for Militants.pdf

418.3 KB

/.../1. Dialectical Materialism and Applications/3. Gramsci/

1. Gramsci - Prison Notebooks.pdf

9.3 MB

/3. Against Postmodernism/

1. APL - Against Postmodernism.pdf

175.1 KB

2. JMP - Bad Marxist Engagements with Post Theory.pdf

157.0 KB

3. JMP - More on Postmodernism.pdf

193.7 KB

4. JMP - Because and Despite of Identity Politics.pdf

168.7 KB

/2. Against Moralism/

8. MIM - Who Gave You The Right to Decide?.pdf

75.3 KB

1. MLK - But Communism is too extreme for me!.pdf

100.6 KB

5. APL - But My Feelings!.pdf

183.6 KB

2. APL - But Morality!.pdf

75.9 KB

6. APL - But Individualism!.pdf

255.5 KB

9. JMP - The More Banal Anti-Communist Cliches.pdf

212.4 KB

7. MIM - But Freedom!.pdf

92.1 KB

3. APL - But Totalitarianism!.pdf

225.3 KB

4. APL - But Human Nature!.pdf

290.7 KB

/.../3. Against Liberal Identity Politics/

1. JMP - 10 Theses on Identity Politics.pdf

396.0 KB

3. Reed - The Limits of Anti-Racism.pdf

206.9 KB

4. Reed - Marx Race and Neoliberalism.pdf

120.6 KB

2. Reed - From Jenner to Dolezal.pdf

266.0 KB

/6. Scientific Socialism/4. Against Pacifism/

2. APL - Violence is Never Justified!.pdf

862.7 KB

4. Churchill - Pacifism as Pathology.pdf

1.4 MB

3. JMP - Normative Pacifism and the Necessity of Violence.pdf

158.7 KB

1. MIM - Pacifism and Human Rights are Costly Illusions.pdf

63.4 KB

/.../9. Against Labor Aristocracy Chauvinism/

2. JMP - Dividing The Working Class?.pdf

173.0 KB

1. JMP - Trade Unionism.pdf

85.8 KB

3. Lenin - Imperialism and the Split in Socialism.pdf

203.2 KB

/.../2. Strategies by Modern Groups and Authors/

10. Engst - Working Class and their Party.pdf

498.6 KB

3. SACP - How to Master Secret Work.pdf

273.0 KB

4. PCR-RCP - PPW Universality.pdf

286.2 KB

6. PCR-RCP - Initial Political Work in Imperialist Countries .pdf

126.0 KB

11. MIM - One Party Rule.pdf

116.7 KB

5. PCR-RCP - PPW in Imperialist Countries.pdf

268.4 KB

1. Brown - The Proletariat is a Myth.pdf

88.8 KB

8. CPI (Maoist) - Urban Strategy.pdf

355.9 KB

2. Derbent - Military Policy.pdf

2.9 MB

9. NCP-LC - Towards a Maoist Party.pdf

182.6 KB

7. PCR-RCP - Boycott Elections.pdf

158.3 KB

/6. Scientific Socialism/1. Classic Texts/

8. Mao - On the Ten Major Relationships.pdf

216.6 KB

1. Lenin - What is to be Done?.pdf

447.5 KB

3. Luxemburg - Reform or Revolution.pdf

231.8 KB

4. Mao - On Protracted War.pdf

527.5 KB

9. Marighella - Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla.pdf

2.5 MB

5. Mao - On Guerilla Warfare.pdf

1.0 MB

7. Mao - On New Democracy.pdf

341.9 KB

2. Lenin - State and Revolution.pdf

1.2 MB

6. Mao - Problems of War and Strategy.pdf

209.8 KB

/.../7. Against Anarchist Ultra-Leftism/

1. Harvey - Listen Anarchist!.pdf

502.7 KB

/.../10. Against Tankyism and Anti-Tankyism/

1. JMP - Tankyism and Competing Imperialisms.pdf

300.3 KB

/.../6. Against Trotskyist Ultra-Leftism/

4. JMP - Trotskyist Academia.pdf

204.5 KB

2. JMP - MLM or Trotskyism II.pdf

144.3 KB

1. JMP - MLM or Trotskyism.pdf

246.2 KB

6. Mavrakis - On Trotskyism II.pdf

826.0 KB

5. Mavrakis - On Trotskyism.pdf

902.1 KB

3. JMP - Trotsky-Stalin Mimesis.pdf

231.8 KB

7. Mavrakis - On Trotskyism III.pdf

210.7 KB

/6. Scientific Socialism/5. Against Movementism/

2. Wroe and Hooker - What about Lifestyle Changes?.pdf

178.4 KB

3. JMP - Communist Necessity.pdf

171.8 KB

5. JMP - Against Ab-Movementism.pdf

279.0 KB

1. MIM - Why Join A Party?.pdf

108.4 KB

4. Snow - Against Charity.pdf

208.5 KB

/.../8. Against Ultra-Leftism in General/

2. JMP - Against Ultra-Leftist Armchair Critics.pdf

100.3 KB

3. JMP - Bureaucracy.pdf

155.2 KB

1. Lenin - Left-Wing Communism An Infantile Disorder.pdf

2.1 MB

/3. Reactionary States/3. Great Britain/

4. Waduge - Britain Colonial Atrocities.pdf

289.4 KB

1. Monbiot - Britain Denies Its Holocausts.pdf

72.6 KB

2. Zirin - Britain Pinochet.pdf

103.8 KB

3. Monbiot - Britain Kenya.pdf

50.1 KB

5. Polya - Churchill Crimes.pdf

295.2 KB

/3. Reactionary States/1. USA/4. US Repression/

4. Zeese and Flowers - Government Infiltration.pdf

59.4 KB

8. AFGJ - More on Political Prisoners in the USA.pdf

955.1 KB

7. Lendman - Secret Prisons.pdf

211.2 KB

10. MIM - US Prison Rate Compared.pdf

83.8 KB

1. Lendman - Political Prisoners in America.pdf

78.9 KB

9. BBC - US Prison Population Comparison.pdf

122.2 KB

11. MIM - More on US Prisons.pdf

124.7 KB

5. Churchill - FBI and Black Panthers.pdf

460.7 KB

6. Menn - USA-NSA.pdf

1.2 MB

3. Rashid - US Prisons.pdf

618.6 KB

2. McCauley - US Human Rights.pdf

270.1 KB

/3. Reactionary States/1. USA/3. US Manipulation/

6. Petras - CIA Funded the Anti-Communist False "Left" II.pdf

54.6 KB

5. Iber - CIA Funded The Anti-Communist False "Left".pdf

1.7 MB

3. Bernstein - Insider Look on CIA Disinfo.pdf

773.5 KB

2. Herman and Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent.pdf

4.1 MB

4. Fielding and Cobain - Social Media Disinfo.pdf

50.6 KB

7. Tang - CIA-NED-Hong Kong.pdf

106.7 KB

1. Chomsky - Necessary Illusions.pdf

2.7 MB

/3. Reactionary States/1. USA/1. US Democracy?/

1. Anon - Wealth and Power.pdf

134.5 KB

3. Parenti - Free Speech?.pdf

122.6 KB

2. Gilens and Page - Wealth and Power II.pdf

543.2 KB

/.../2. US Deaths from White Supremacist Patriarchal Capitalism/

1. EpiAnalysis.pdf

501.3 KB

2. Parenti - Hidden Holocaust USA.pdf

170.1 KB

/.../2. US Crimes in Specific Countries/

2. Capulong - Philippines.pdf

64.4 KB

1. Jamail - Iraq.pdf

357.6 KB

4. Gowans - Ethiopia.pdf

193.4 KB

6. Hines - Afghanistan.pdf

360.4 KB

5. Turse - Vietnam.pdf

1.5 MB

3. World Future Fund - Philippines II.pdf

239.0 KB

/.../1. General US Imperialism/

4. Gowans - Military Interventions.pdf

620.5 KB

1. Blum - Killing Hope.pdf

3.7 MB

5. Van Der Pijl - The Making of An Atlantic Ruling Class.pdf

14.1 MB

8. Grandin - Kissinger War Criminal.pdf

175.7 KB

7. Churchill - Some People Push Back.pdf

251.0 KB

6. Panitch - The Politcal Economy of American Empire.pdf

2.3 MB

9. Gowans - A Failed System.pdf

262.5 KB

2. Blum - Rogue State.pdf

857.9 KB

3. Gowans - Promoting Plutocracy.pdf

1.1 MB

/.../4. International Recognition of American Imperialism/

1. Gallup - US Biggest Threat to World Peace.pdf

453.9 KB

/3. Reactionary States/1. USA/5. US Imperialism/3. Hypocrisy/

1. PressTV - West's Human Rights Hypocrisy.pdf

120.2 KB

2. Bhatt - Human Rights Watch Hypocrisy.pdf

184.6 KB

4. Roberts - Washington's Hypocrisies.pdf

72.6 KB

7. Seguin - Human Rights Discourse.pdf

718.6 KB

3. Fernandez - Human Rights Watch's Revolving Door.pdf

160.3 KB

6. Roberts - Obama Hypocrite.pdf

117.5 KB

5. Rodvik - Hypocrisy and War Crimes.pdf

304.1 KB

/3. Reactionary States/2. Israel/

1. Gowans - Intro to Israel.pdf

185.6 KB

6. Gowans - Colonial War II.pdf

184.0 KB

2. Unedo - Israel Nation of Born Prison Guards.pdf

855.1 KB

4. Gowans - Self-Defense?.pdf

132.1 KB

5. Gowans - Colonial War.pdf

131.1 KB

3. Gowans - Palestinians.pdf

299.9 KB

7. Gowans - The West and Israel.pdf

134.3 KB

/.../4. Taiwan and South Korea/

1. MIM - Taiwan and South Korea.pdf

69.2 KB

/.../7. World Poverty Statistics/

1. Shah - Poverty Stats.pdf

410.4 KB

3. Hickel - Capitalism Has Not Reduced Poverty.pdf

107.9 KB

4. Gimenez - Capitalism and Unnecessary Starvation.pdf

166.7 KB

2. Woodward - Capitalism Can't Solve Poverty.pdf

825.3 KB

/.../1. General Eastern Bloc [Revisionist]/

1. Murphy - Triumph of Evil.pdf

10.1 MB

2. Parenti - Blackshirts and Reds.pdf

2.7 MB

5. But Everyone Hated Socialism!.pdf

214.9 KB

3. Petras - The Great Debate Revisited.pdf

76.4 KB

4. Gowans - Restoration of Capitalism.pdf

221.3 KB

/.../7. Khmer Rouge [Revisionist]/

2. MIM - Maoism and Khmer Rouge Myths.pdf

79.6 KB

1. Colhoun - American Support.pdf

623.5 KB

3. RIM - Atrocities and Why Khmer Rouge Wasn't Marxist.pdf

454.7 KB

/.../3. North Korea [Revisionist]/

4. Song - Defector Testimonies.pdf

59.2 KB

1. Gowans - Understanding North Korea.pdf

185.2 KB

2. Return2Source -Understanding North Korea II.pdf

395.3 KB

5. PCR-RCP - North Korea Revisionist.pdf

215.7 KB

3. Mayer - Western Propaganda about DPRK.pdf

2.8 MB

/.../5. East Germany [Revisionist]/

1. Gowans - East Germany.pdf

491.5 KB

/.../2. Non-Socialist States/2. Cuba [Revisionist]/

5. Levins - Understanding Cuba.pdf

131.5 KB

3. Gowans - Cuba Anti-Imperialism.pdf

168.0 KB

7. Anderson - Cuba Human Rights.pdf

771.2 KB

2. August - Cuban Democracy.pdf

419.0 KB

1. Martinez - Why Support Cuba.pdf

162.5 KB

6. Alkalimat - Cuba Anti-Racism.pdf

1.3 MB

8. RCP - Cuba Revisionist.pdf

3.5 MB

4. Fuller - Cuba Worker Democracy.pdf

14.3 MB

/.../2. Non-Socialist States/4. Venezuela [Revisionist]/

6. teleSUR - Venezuela Assembly Shifts Right.pdf

2.9 MB

1. big_al11 - Venezuela Myths.pdf

571.0 KB

4. Emersberger - Venezuela and the Media.pdf

284.2 KB

5. Parenti - Good Things Happening in Venezuela.pdf

124.2 KB

3. Malleson - Venezuela Coops.pdf

209.7 KB

2. Pearson - Venezuela Human Rights.pdf

120.2 KB

/.../2. Non-Socialist States/6. Vietnam [Revisionist]/

1. Return2Source - Vietnam.pdf

602.6 KB

2. RCP - Miscarriage of the Vietnamese Revolution.pdf

604.3 KB

/.../3. Albania [Socialist 1944-1976]/

2. APL - Insights from Pickaxe and Rifle.pdf

282.1 KB

3. MIM - Albania.pdf

94.0 KB

1. Ash - Pickaxe and Rifle.pdf

8.0 MB

/1. Socialist States/4. Historical Epistemology/

2. RCP - What's Wrong with History by Memoir?.pdf

214.5 KB

1. Lotta - How Do We Know Who's Telling the Truth about Communism?.pdf

299.0 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/3. Evaluating Stalin/

3. Mao - Critique of Soviet Economics.pdf

9.3 MB

1. CCP - On the Question of Stalin.pdf

237.1 KB

6. JMP - On Stalinism III.pdf

330.4 KB

4. JMP - On Stalinism.pdf

170.2 KB

5. JMP - On Stalinism II.pdf

95.2 KB

2. CCP - Historical Experience of the DOTP.pdf

240.1 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/2. Historical Narratives/

3. Franklin - The Essential Stalin.pdf

288.7 KB

9. Webb - Soviet Communism A New Civilization.pdf

12.3 MB

10. Tottle - Fraud Famine and Fascism.pdf

17.8 MB

7. Strong - The Stalin Era.pdf

4.3 MB

6. Furr - Khrushchev Lied.pdf

17.2 MB

5. Martens - Another View on Stalin.pdf

1.3 MB

8. Sloan - Soviet Democracy.pdf

16.1 MB

1. Ball - The Need for Planning.pdf

720.3 KB

4. Science Class and Politics - On Stalin.pdf

1.4 MB

2. brown-eggs - Intro to Thinking about Stalin Era.pdf

697.4 KB

/.../1. Bettelheim - Class Struggles in the USSR Second Period (1923-1930)/

8. Vol VIII.pdf

285.2 KB

1. Vol I.pdf

450.9 KB

7. Vol VII.pdf

603.5 KB

6. Vol VI.pdf

672.4 KB

3. Vol III.pdf

535.9 KB

4. Vol IV.pdf

541.1 KB

5. Vol V.pdf

349.0 KB

2. Vol II.pdf

654.7 KB

/.../1. Bourgeois Historian Compilation/

8. Fitzpatrick - The Question of Social Support for Collectivization.pdf

896.6 KB

16. Ilic - Women in the Stalin Era.pdf

1.0 MB

6. Thurston - Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia.pdf

17.8 MB

1. Allen - Farm to Factory.pdf

14.6 MB

9. Fitzpatrick - Everyday Stalinism.pdf

1.9 MB

2. Getty - Elections in the 1930s.pdf

1.2 MB

14. Tauger - Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Famine.pdf

4.7 MB

15. Goldman - Women at the Gates.pdf

5.3 MB

13. Tauger - The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933.pdf

2.5 MB

4. Getty and Manning - Stalinist Terror New Perspectives.pdf

8.2 MB

11. Kotkin - Magnetic Mountain Stalinism as Civilization.pdf

9.2 MB

5. Thurston - Worker Democracy.pdf

303.7 KB

12. Davies - Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia.pdf

9.5 MB

7. Fitzpatrick - Education and Social Mobility.pdf

7.1 MB

10. Fitzpatrick - Stalinism New Directions.pdf

2.1 MB

3. Getty - Road to Terror.pdf

17.4 MB

/.../2. Other Marxist:Fellow Traveler Authors/

1. Reed - Ten Days That Shook The World.pdf

1.2 MB

3. Kramer - Kronstadt.pdf

112.2 KB

2. Kramer - Kronstadt and Makhno.pdf

114.6 KB

5. Yanowitz - Makhno II.pdf

569.8 KB

4. Morozov - Makhno.pdf

176.6 KB

/.../1. Bettelheim - Class Struggles in the USSR First Period (1917-1923)/

1. Vol I.pdf

649.7 KB

6. Vol VI.pdf

202.6 KB

3. Vol III.pdf

545.2 KB

4. Vol IV.pdf

532.0 KB

5. Vol V.pdf

525.7 KB

2. Vol II.pdf

660.0 KB

/.../4. Post-Soviet Era (1991-present) [Free Market Capitalist]/

3. New Internationalist - Transition to Capitalism II.pdf

606.8 KB

1. MIM - Soviet Prisons.pdf

98.3 KB

2. Ciment - Transition to Capitalism.pdf

117.8 KB

/.../3. Post-Stalin Era (1953-1991) [Revisionist]/2. Revisionist Opinions/

6. Allen - The Politics of Anti-Sovietism.pdf

10.7 MB

3. Gowans - Myths about USSR.pdf

141.0 KB

1. Gowans - Social Democracy vs. USSR.pdf

174.0 KB

4. Szymanski - USSR Political Economy.pdf

4.7 MB

5. Szymanski - USSR Human Rights.pdf

11.5 MB

7. Keeran and Kenny - Socialism Betrayed.pdf

1.7 MB

2. Gowans - Planned Economy.pdf

674.7 KB

/.../1. Anti-Revisionist Opinions/

3. Revolutionary Union - Restoration of Capitalism.pdf

30.1 MB

2. Nicolaus - Restoration of Capitalism.pdf

665.1 KB

1. Bland - Restoration of Capitalism.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../3. Post-Stalin Era (1953-1991) [Revisionist]/3. Debate/

1. RCP - Socialist or Social Imperialist?.pdf

13.4 MB

2. RCP - Socialist or Social Imperialist? II.pdf

5.3 MB

/.../1. Chinese Political Economy/

2. Hart-Landsberg - Realities of China Today.pdf

186.6 KB

6. Amin - Contemporary China.pdf

108.6 KB

4. Park - Deng Reforms.pdf

5.6 MB

3. Xu - Political Economy of Decollectivization.pdf

183.4 KB

1. Hinton - The Great Reversal.pdf

717.1 KB

5. Turner - Is China Imperialist?.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/2. Tibet/

2. Ely - Life under the Dalai Lama in Exile.pdf

89.5 KB

1. Ely - Oppression Returns to Tibet after the Coup in China.pdf

109.3 KB

3. Ely - The Earthly Dreams of the Dalai Lama.pdf

121.8 KB

/.../1. Bourgeois Historian Compilation/

1. Bramall - Sources of Chinese Economic Growth 1978-1996.pdf

32.9 MB

2. Bramall - Industrialization of Rural China.pdf

19.5 MB

/.../1. Pre-1949 Era/

3. Snow - Red Star over China.pdf

4.8 MB

2. Strong - Tomorrow's China.pdf

11.1 MB

4. Clegg - New China New World.pdf

5.1 MB

5. Astafyev - From Semi-Colony to People's Democracy.pdf

5.1 MB

1. Onesto - New Narrative.pdf

542.2 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/1. General/

2. Gao - Mao and The Cultural Revolution.pdf

1.3 MB

1. Han - Wind in the Tower.pdf

31.6 MB

3. Hinton - Through a Glass Darkly.pdf

70.6 MB

4. China Reconstructs - Basic Facts About China.pdf

13.2 MB

5. Foreign Language Press - New China's First Quarter Century.pdf

6.8 MB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/7. Cultural Revolution/

3. Bettelheim - Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China.pdf

445.4 KB

2. Han - The Unknown Cultural Revolution.pdf

8.1 MB

4. Jiang - Shanghai Commune.pdf

1.9 MB

1. MLMRSG - Cultural Revolution.pdf

868.0 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/8. Tibet/

1. Parenti - Tibet.pdf

279.7 KB

4. Ely - Red Guards and People's Communes.pdf

117.2 KB

3. Ely - Storming Heaven.pdf

100.4 KB

2. Ely - When the Dalai Lama Ruled Hell on Earth.pdf

116.2 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/2. Initial Changes/

1. Burchette - China's Feet Unbound.pdf

33.5 MB

/.../6. Great Leap Forward/

3. Patnaik - Measuring Famine Deaths.pdf

93.7 KB

2. Han - Great Leap Forward to Present.pdf

105.0 KB

1. Ball - Great Leap Forward.pdf

157.0 KB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/5. Industrial China/

1. Andors - China's Industrial Revolution.pdf

20.0 MB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/9. Proletarian Internationalism/

1. MLMRSG - Mao Foreign Policy.pdf

1.2 MB

2. Kelley and Esch - American Black Maoists.pdf

3.2 MB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/3. Chinese Economy/

1. Wheelwright and McFarlane - The Chinese Road to Socialism.pdf

11.0 MB

2. Gurley - China's Economy and the Maoist Strategy.pdf

15.3 MB

/.../2. Marxist:Fellow Traveler Compilation/4. Rural China/

3. Hinton - Shenfan The Continuing Revolution.pdf

2.5 MB

2. Hinton - Fanshen.pdf

3.2 MB

1. Gao - Rural Life in Modern China Gao Village.pdf

26.6 MB

4. Strong - Chinese Communes.pdf

20.5 MB

/.../1. Bourgeois Historian Compilation/

6. Benton and Chun - Was Mao Really A Monster?.pdf

10.2 MB

2. Bramall - In Praise of Maoist Economic Planning.pdf

13.7 MB

3. Meisner - Mao's China and After.pdf

74.7 MB

1. Bramall - Chinese Economic Development.pdf

10.0 MB

5. Meisner - Marxism Maoism and Utopianism.pdf

14.5 MB

4. Meisner - Mao Zedong.pdf

75.1 MB

/.../2. Communist Party of the Philippines [Existing]/

2. Santos - Evolution of Conflict.pdf

135.0 KB

3. Marasigan - Philippines Today.pdf

2.2 MB

1. Domingo - Explaining CPP.pdf

245.9 KB

4. Beersum - Capitulation No Substitute for National Liberation.pdf

1.1 MB

/.../1. Communist Party of India (Maoist) [Existing]/

2. Socialism and Democracy - Maoist Revolution in India.pdf

585.1 KB

1. Roy - Walking with the Comrades.pdf

14.2 MB

/.../5. Socialist Armed Forces/5. Other/

4. Levy - France 1968 and Mao.pdf

300.7 KB

1. Flood - Rojava [Existing].pdf

389.3 KB

2. Stanchev - Rojava and Zapatistas [Existing].pdf

746.2 KB

3. Hilliard - Black Panthers.pdf

7.7 MB

/.../4. Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [Demobilized]/

4. MLMRSG - Which Way Forward?.pdf

613.4 KB

3. MLMRSG - Revolution and State Power in Nepal.pdf

281.3 KB

1. Onesto - Dispatches from the People's War in Nepal.pdf

2.7 MB

5. CPI (Maoist) - On Recent Developments in Nepal.pdf

551.2 KB

2. Yami - People's War and Women's Liberation in Nepal.pdf

141.7 MB

6. TKL-ML - Nepalese Revolution Reformist and Revisionist.pdf

408.8 KB

/.../3. Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso) [Existing]/

2. MIM - Sendero Luminoso.pdf

231.9 KB

3. MIM - Concrete Arugment over Violence in Peru.pdf

83.2 KB

1. Switzer - Sendero Luminoso.pdf

496.2 KB

/.../4. Reactionary Global Institutions/

14. McGoey - Philanthropy Hustle.pdf

127.5 KB

11. McMillan and Kelley - NGOs.pdf

240.7 KB

12. Petras - NGOs in Latin America and Imperialism.pdf

76.8 KB

1. Sparke - Global Finance.pdf

4.3 MB

13. Bateman - Microfinance.pdf

160.3 KB

8. Alexandrov - Ethics of the World Bank.pdf

72.3 KB

6. Hart - Developments after the Meltdown.pdf

273.8 KB

10. Shah - Foreign Aid II.pdf

49.1 KB

3. Shah - Debt Crisis.pdf

727.6 KB

7. Davis - IMF and Slums.pdf

100.6 KB

9. Shah - Foreign Aid.pdf

2.0 MB

2. Global Exchange - IMF Imperialism.pdf

4.1 MB

5. Shah - Structural Adjustment - Major Cause of Poverty.pdf

2.9 MB

4. Shah - Debt Crisis II.pdf

127.2 KB

/.../6. General History of Class Society/4. Other/

10. Vitchek - Europe Atrocities.pdf

171.8 KB

5. Roediger - Wages of Whiteness.pdf

10.1 MB

6. Smith - Globalization - A Systematic Marxian Account.pdf

3.2 MB

12. MIM - Successful Capitalist Development?.pdf

60.3 KB

7. Wood - Empire of Capital.pdf

3.7 MB

4. Davis - Planet of Slums.pdf

4.5 MB

9. Harvey - Brief History of Neoliberalism.pdf

3.4 MB

2. Bello - Food Wars.pdf

502.4 KB

3. Davis - Creating of the Third World.pdf

58.9 MB

8. Losurdo - A Counterhistory of Liberalism.pdf

1.3 MB

1. Zoomers - Global Land Grab.pdf

209.3 KB

11. Zizek - Immigrants to Europe.pdf

100.0 KB

/.../6. General History of Class Society/2. Amin/

8. Amin - Maldevelopment Anatomy of a Global Failure.pdf

2.7 MB

12. Amin - US Imperialism and the Middle East.pdf

145.7 KB

6. Amin - Class and Nation Historically and in the Current Crisis.pdf

6.7 MB

3. Amin - Neoliberal Imperialism and American Ideology.pdf

4.6 MB

7. Amin - Empire of Chaos.pdf

2.5 MB

5. Amin - Eurocentrism.pdf

12.1 MB

2. Amin - Global History from the South.pdf

6.3 MB

14. Amin - World Poverty.pdf

118.8 KB

9. Amin Arrighi Frank and Wallerstein - Transforming the Revolution.pdf

3.7 MB

11. Amin - Geopolitics of Contemporary Imperialism.pdf

171.6 KB

13. Amin - The Return of Fascism in Contemporary Capitalism.pdf

82.5 KB

10. Amin - The Implosion of Global Capitalism.pdf

203.4 KB

1. Amin - Contemporary Imperialism.pdf

100.0 KB

4. Amin - Imperialism and Unequal Development.pdf

15.5 MB

/.../6. General History of Class Society/1. Classic Texts/

1. Engels - Origins of Family, Private Property, and the State.pdf

740.9 KB

5. Rodney - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.pdf

1.1 MB

2. Lenin - Imperialism.pdf

1.6 MB

3. Nkrumah - Necolonialism.pdf

14.1 MB

4. Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth.pdf

13.2 MB

/.../6. General History of Class Society/3. JMP/

3. JMP - Two Tendencies of Imperialism.pdf

116.2 KB

1. JMP - Sublimated Colonialism.pdf

204.0 KB

2. JMP - Deterritorialization and Imperialism.pdf

196.2 KB

/1. Introduction/

3. Parenti - Profit Pathology and Disposable Planet.pdf

137.0 KB

1. Preliminary.pdf

101.1 KB

6. RIM - Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!.pdf

131.0 KB

4. Marx and Engels - Private Science of Intellectuals.pdf

30.2 KB

5. McMillan - Capitalism Must Die!.pdf

15.1 MB

2. Parenti - Imperialism 101.pdf

166.0 KB

/7. Feminism/

2. Mies - Patriarchy and Accumulation on a Global Scale.pdf

10.0 MB

3. Lee - Military Strategy of Women and Children.pdf

48.0 MB

5. Ghandy - Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement.pdf

1.4 MB

4. Bromma - Working Class Women and Globalization.pdf

185.9 KB

1. Federici - Caliban and the Witch.pdf

26.3 MB

/.../3. Against Bourgeois Economics/

1. AFAQ - Critique of Bourgeois Economics.pdf

452.9 KB

3. Argall - Critique of Libertarianism.pdf

971.8 KB

2. Henry - The Illusion of the Epoch.pdf

190.3 KB

/5. Political Economy/1. Capital Series/

4. Harvey - Companion to Capital.pdf

3.5 MB

1. Marx - Capital.pdf

3.5 MB

2. Marx - Capital II.pdf

2.4 MB

3. Marx - Capital III.pdf

3.5 MB

/5. Political Economy/2. Further Developments/

3. Brink - Global Political Economy and the Modern State System.pdf

1.3 MB

2. Amin - Law of Value.pdf

10.6 MB

5. Smith - GDP Illusion.pdf

137.4 KB

1. Wang - Fundamentals of Political Economy.pdf

39.9 MB

4. Biel - Entropy of Capitalism.pdf

146.8 MB

/1. Sakai/

4. Sakai - When Race Burns Class.pdf

200.6 KB

3. JMP - Labor Aristocracy Exists.pdf

88.2 KB

2. JMP - Settlers Review.pdf

91.1 KB

1. Sakai - Mythology of the White Proletariat.pdf

8.2 MB

5. JMP - Class Essentialism.pdf

142.4 KB

6. Sakai - Fascism and Antifascism.pdf

377.8 KB

/.../3. Lee and Rover/

1. Lee and Rover - Night Vision.pdf

52.2 MB

2. JMP - Night Vision Review.pdf

98.9 KB

/4. Cope/

2. Cope - 2nd Edition Introduction.pdf

25.7 MB

1. Cope - Divided World Divided Class.pdf

8.6 MB

3. JMP - Divided World Divided Class Review.pdf

202.7 KB

4. JMP - Divided World Divided Class Review II.pdf

147.0 KB

/7. Emmanuel/

1. Emmanuel - Socialist Project in a Disintegrated Capitalist World.pdf

184.7 KB

/6. Biel/

2. JMP - Eurocentrism Review.pdf

158.0 KB

1. Biel - Eurocentrism.pdf

13.8 MB

/5. Bromma/

3. Bromma - Some Preliminary Thoughts About Modern Class Structure.pdf

132.1 KB

2. JMP - Worker Elite Review.pdf

369.6 KB

1. Bromma - Worker Elite.pdf

845.2 KB

/9. Revolutionary Initiative/

1. RI-IR - Where the Proletari-At?.pdf

7.3 MB

/8. RAIM/

1. RAIM - The Weapon of Theory.pdf

1.0 MB

/.../2. More Essential Marxist Theory/

3. JMP - Onwards Maoist Century!.pdf

157.1 KB

2. JMP - Marxism Beyond Marx, Leninism Beyond Lenin, Maoism Beyond Mao.pdf

166.2 KB

6. Prakash - Why Maoism.pdf

1.3 MB

5. Mao - Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung.pdf

1.2 MB

1. JMP - What is a Theoretical Terrain.pdf

82.4 KB

8. Amin - What Maoism Has Contributed.pdf

48.4 KB

7. Scott - Why MLM is a Science.pdf

144.5 KB

4. JMP - Misconceptions About Maoism.pdf

219.2 KB

/.../1. Three Introductions to MLM Theory [Read All]/2. RCP Intro/

1. Lotta - The Real History of Communist Revolution.pdf

833.4 KB

2. Wolff - Science of Revolution.pdf

17.3 MB

/.../1. Indian Revolutionary Intro/

2. People's March - MLM Basic Course.pdf

704.0 KB

1. New Vista Publications - MLM Study Notes.pdf

705.3 KB

/.../1. Three Introductions to MLM Theory [Read All]/3. Thomson Intro/

3. Thomson - The Human Essence.pdf

8.9 MB

2. Thomson - Capitalism and After.pdf

11.3 MB

1. Thomson - Revolutionary Dialectics.pdf

10.0 MB

/.../3. MIM Thought Compliation/2. MIM Theory/

6. MIM - Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Nationalism.pdf

16.7 MB

10. MIM - Environment Society Revolution.pdf

14.5 MB

12. MIM - United Front.pdf

1.3 MB

9. MIM - Labor Aristocracy.pdf

84.3 MB

4. MIM - Political Strategy.pdf

98.4 MB

3. MIM - A Spiral Trajectory.pdf

95.3 MB

11. MIM - Culture in Revolution.pdf

75.8 MB

2. MIM - Gender and Revolutionary Feminism.pdf

30.3 MB

8. MIM - Psychology and Imperialism.pdf

42.3 MB

1. MIM - A White Proletariat?.pdf

582.4 KB

5. MIM - Stalin Issue.pdf

94.2 MB

7. MIM - Anarchism vs. Revolution.pdf

16.0 MB

/.../3. MIM Thought Compliation/4. Mao Supplement/

6. MIM - CIA funded anti-Mao scholarship.pdf

101.9 KB

4. MIM - More Maoist Statistics.pdf

86.5 KB

5. MIM - World Bank on Maoism.pdf

68.0 KB

2. MIM - Maoism Compared.pdf

86.1 KB

1. MIM - Myths about Maoism.pdf

143.8 KB

3. MIM - Maoism Compared II.pdf

92.7 KB

/.../3. MIM Thought Compliation/3. Stalin Supplement/

3. MIM - Stalin Death Rate.pdf

89.5 KB

1. MIM - USSR Progress on Mortality.pdf

89.4 KB

4. MIM - Why Defend Stalin Today.pdf

124.7 KB

2. MIM - USSR Life Expectancy.pdf

77.5 KB

/.../3. MIM Thought Compliation/1. MIM Philosophy/

6. MIM - Curing Idealism.pdf

34.5 KB

11. MIM - Pragmatism III.pdf

98.7 KB

7. MIM - Curing Idealism II.pdf

34.7 KB

4. MIM - Materialist Method IV.pdf

32.6 KB

8. MIM - Curing Idealism III.pdf

98.7 KB

10. MIM - Pragmatism II.pdf

61.8 KB

2. MIM - Materialist Method II.pdf

194.4 KB

9. MIM - Pragmatism.pdf

62.6 KB

3. MIM - Materialist Method III.pdf

82.3 KB

1. MIM - Materialist Method.pdf

80.4 KB

5. MIM - Materialist Method V.pdf

155.9 KB

/.../4. Socialism and Fascism Definitions/

1. Scott - MLM Conception of Socialism.pdf

165.1 KB

3. Scott - MLM Conception of Fascism.pdf

342.8 KB

2. Tjen Folket - What is Socialism?.pdf

192.7 KB

/12. Critiques of Maoism/

2. Sheehan - A New History of Chinese Workers.pdf

1.1 MB

1. Chino - Critique of Maoism.pdf

2.6 MB

/8. Environment/

8. Jamail - Climate Change Tipping Points Extinction.pdf

228.8 KB

9. Whitty - Animal Extinction.pdf

53.8 KB

6. Smith - Capitalism Can't Fix The Environment III.pdf

628.4 KB

2. Angus - The Spectre of 21st Century Barbarism.pdf

59.8 KB

4. Motesharrei - Capitalism Can't Fix The Environment.pdf

911.2 KB

7. Howard - Climate Change Food Chain.pdf

45.4 KB

1. Klein and McMillan - Capitalism and Climate Change.pdf

7.0 MB

5. Smith - Capitalism Can't Fix The Environment II.pdf

312.1 KB

3. Olsson - Livelihoods and Poverty from Environmental Crisis.pdf

2.4 MB

/10. National Liberation in North America/

1. Allen - The Black National Question.pdf

3.9 MB

4. Fletcher - National Question in the USA.pdf

192.6 KB

3. IPLP - Draft Political Program.pdf

1.3 MB

2. NAIPE - Black National Liberation.pdf

1.3 MB


Total files 484

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