
Download Python Fundamentals A Practical Introduction for Beginners

Python Fundamentals Practical Introduction for Beginners


Python Fundamentals A Practical Introduction for Beginners


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2024-09-06 23:48



/.../11. Project Rock, Paper, Scissors Game/

2. Practical Session Coding the Project.mp4

68.1 MB

1. Welcome to this Project Goals and Result.mp4

3.2 MB

1. Welcome to this Project Goals and

0.9 KB

2. Practical Session Coding the

15.2 KB

3. Submit your Project.html

0.2 KB

4. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

4.1 Project Badge.png

56.9 KB


0.1 KB

[TGx]Downloaded from .txt

0.6 KB

/.../1. Welcome to the Course Overview and Key Information/

1. Course Overview.mp4

17.5 MB

1. Course

4.0 KB

2. Welcome Introduce Yourself and Set Your Goals.html

0.4 KB

3. Important Course Information and Resources.html

4.9 KB

3.1 Course Wallpaper.png

101.7 KB

4. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

4.1 Course Intro Badge.png

57.7 KB

/.../2. Install Python and Write Your First Program/

1. How to Download and Install Python.mp4

19.9 MB

1. How to Download and Install

3.7 KB

2. How to Run IDLE.html

2.3 KB

3. Introduction to IDLE and the Python Shell.mp4

32.6 MB

3. Introduction to IDLE and the Python

6.4 KB

4. Write and Run Your First Python Program Hello, World!.mp4

13.2 MB

4. Write and Run Your First Python Program Hello, World!.srt

4.2 KB

5. IDLE Basics.html

0.2 KB

6. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

6.1 First Steps Badge.png

51.1 KB

/.../3. Variables and Basic Data Types (Integer, Float, Boolean, String)/

1. Introduction to Variables.mp4

9.0 MB

1. Introduction to

2.7 KB

2. Define a Variable.html

0.2 KB

3. Expression vs. Statement.html

0.9 KB

4. Variable Naming Rules and Guidelines.html

1.3 KB

5. Numeric Data Types Integer and Float.mp4

18.6 MB

5. Numeric Data Types Integer and

4.4 KB

6. Floating-Point Arithmetic and Errors.html

1.0 KB

7. Boolean Values.mp4

12.8 MB

7. Boolean

3.3 KB

8. Keywords in Python.html

2.1 KB

9. Strings Basics.mp4

14.8 MB

9. Strings

4.5 KB

10. Syntax vs. Semantics.html

1.1 KB

11. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

12. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

12.1 Variables and Data Types Badge.png

55.0 KB

/.../4. Introduction to Python Operators/

1. What is an Operator Operator vs. Operand.html

0.7 KB

2. Arithmetic Operators in Python.mp4

33.8 MB

2. Arithmetic Operators in

9.0 KB

3. Arithmetic Operators.html

0.2 KB

4. Practice Arithmetic Operators.html

0.2 KB

5. Comparison Operators in Python.mp4

31.3 MB

5. Comparison Operators in

8.4 KB

6. Comparison Operators.html

0.2 KB

7. Practice Comparison Operators.html

0.2 KB

8. Logical Operators and Truth Tables.mp4

29.4 MB

8. Logical Operators and Truth

7.1 KB

9. Logical Operators and Truth Tables.html

0.2 KB

10. Practice Logical Operators.html

0.2 KB

11. Assignment Operators in Python.mp4

36.3 MB

11. Assignment Operators in

8.9 KB

12. Assignment Operators.html

0.2 KB

13. Practice Assignment Operators.html

0.2 KB

14. Rules of Precedence of Operators.html

2.7 KB

15. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

15.1 Python Operators Badge.png

53.9 KB

/.../5. Advanced String Concepts/

1. How to get the Length of a String.mp4

3.6 MB

1. How to get the Length of a

1.1 KB

2. How to Compare Strings.mp4

27.6 MB

2. How to Compare

6.7 KB

3. String Indexing How to Access Individual Characters.mp4

26.3 MB

4. Practice String Indexing.html

0.2 KB

5. Strings Length, Comparison, and Indexing.html

0.2 KB

6. Substring (Concept).html

0.4 KB

7. String Slicing with Two Parameters.mp4

22.5 MB

7. String Slicing with Two

5.6 KB

8. String Slicing Default Values.html

3.7 KB

9. Practice String Slicing with Two Parameters.html

0.2 KB

10. String Slicing with Three Parameters.mp4

18.1 MB

10. String Slicing with Three

5.2 KB

11. String Slicing with Three Parameters Default Values.html

2.9 KB

12. Practice String Slicing with Three Parameters.html

0.2 KB

13. String Slicing.html

0.2 KB

14. Summary of String Slicing.html

1.0 KB

15. What is a Method.html

0.7 KB

16. Important String Methods.mp4

57.9 MB

16. Important String

14.0 KB

17. Practice String Methods.html

0.2 KB

18. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

19. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

19.1 Advanced String Concepts Badge.png

51.9 KB

/6. Lists/

1. Introduction to Lists.mp4

8.2 MB

1. Introduction to

2.4 KB

2. How to get the Length of a List.html

0.9 KB

3. Lists Basics.html

0.2 KB

4. How to Access the Elements of a List.mp4

9.2 MB

4. How to Access the Elements of a

2.2 KB

5. Practice Access an Element of a List.html

0.2 KB

6. How to Add an Element to a List.mp4

16.9 MB

6. How to Add an Element to a

4.3 KB

7. Practice Add an Element to a List.html

0.2 KB

8. How to Remove an Element from a List.mp4

13.5 MB

8. How to Remove an Element from a

3.4 KB

9. Practice Remove an Element from a List.html

0.2 KB

10. How to Check if an Element is in a List and Find it.mp4

26.6 MB

10. How to Check if an Element is in a List and Find

7.0 KB

11. Practice Check and Find an Element.html

0.2 KB

12. How to Update a Value at a Given Index.mp4

11.1 MB

12. How to Update a Value at a Given

2.6 KB

13. Practice Update the Values of a List.html

0.2 KB

14. List Slicing.html

2.6 KB

15. Practice List Slicing.html

0.2 KB

16. Important List Methods.mp4

40.8 MB

16. Important List

9.9 KB

17. Practice List Methods.html

0.2 KB

18. Nested Lists.html

1.2 KB

19. Lists in Python.html

0.2 KB

20. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

20.1 Lists Badge.png

48.3 KB

/7. Tuples/

1. Quick Tip How to Leave or Update Your Review.html

1.4 KB

2. Introduction to Tuples.mp4

16.3 MB

3. Tuples Basics.html

0.2 KB

4. Tuples vs. Lists.html

0.7 KB

5. How to Find an Element in a Tuple and Count Occurrences.mp4

21.0 MB

5. How to Find an Element in a Tuple and Count

4.9 KB

6. Practice Find and Count.html

0.2 KB

7. How to get the Length of a Tuple.html

1.0 KB

8. Practice Length of a Tuple.html

0.2 KB

9. Tuple Concatenation.html

1.4 KB

10. Practice Tuple Concatenation.html

0.2 KB

11. Tuple Indexing.mp4

7.6 MB

11. Tuple

1.8 KB

12. Practice Tuple Indexing.html

0.2 KB

13. Tuple Slicing.html

1.8 KB

14. Nested Tuples.html

1.2 KB

15. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

16. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

16.1 Tuples Badge.png

48.9 KB

/8. Dictionaries/

1. Introduction to Dictionaries.mp4

8.6 MB

1. Introduction to

2.5 KB

2. Dictionaries Basics.html

0.2 KB

3. How to get a Value Associated with a Key.mp4

17.9 MB

3. How to get a Value Associated with a

4.8 KB

4. Practice Get a Value.html

0.2 KB

5. How to Add and Update a Key-Value Pair.mp4

11.4 MB

6. Practice Add and Update a Key-Value Pair.html

0.2 KB

7. How to Delete a Key-Value Pair from a Dictionary.mp4

7.8 MB

7. How to Delete a Key-Value Pair from a

2.0 KB

8. Practice Delete a Key-Value Pair.html

0.2 KB

9. How to get the Length of a Dictionary.html

0.5 KB

10. How to Check if a Key Exists in a Dictionary.mp4

4.3 MB

10. How to Check if a Key Exists in a

1.1 KB

11. Practice Check if a Key Exists in a Dictionary.html

0.2 KB

12. How to get all the Keys, Values, and Key-Value Pairs.mp4

15.7 MB

12. How to get all the Keys, Values, and Key-Value

3.9 KB

13. Nested Dictionaries.html

3.6 KB

14. Dictionaries.html

0.2 KB

15. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

15.1 Dictionaries Badge.png

51.4 KB

/9. Sets/

1. Introduction to Sets.mp4

9.4 MB

1. Introduction to

3.1 KB

2. Sets Use Cases.html

0.6 KB

3. Sets Basics.html

0.2 KB

4. How to Add an Element to a Set.mp4

10.0 MB

4. How to Add an Element to a

2.9 KB

5. How to get the Length of a Set.html

0.8 KB

6. Practice Add a Value to a Set.html

0.2 KB

7. How to Remove an Element from a Set.mp4

13.6 MB

7. How to Remove an Element from a

3.5 KB

8. Practice Remove a Value from a Set.html

0.2 KB

9. How to Check if a Value is in a Set.mp4

9.7 MB

9. How to Check if a Value is in a

2.7 KB

10. Practice Check if a Value is in a Set.html

0.2 KB

11. Set vs. Frozenset.html

2.1 KB

12. Set Operations Union, Intersection, and Difference.mp4

31.4 MB

12. Set Operations Union, Intersection, and

7.1 KB

13. Important Concepts Subset and Superset.html

1.2 KB

14. Practice Set Operations, Subset, and Superset.html

0.2 KB

15. Sets - Recommended Readings.html

1.1 KB

16. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

17. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

17.1 Sets Badge.png

47.7 KB

/.../10. Conditionals and Branching in Python (ifelifelse)/

1. Introduction to Conditionals and the 'if' Statement.mp4

29.9 MB

1. Introduction to Conditionals and the 'if'

8.4 KB

2. The if Statement.html

0.2 KB

3. Practice The if Statement.html

0.2 KB

4. The 'else' Clause.mp4

18.1 MB

4. The 'else'

4.2 KB

5. Practice Add an else Clause.html

0.2 KB

6. The 'elif' Clause.mp4

31.0 MB

6. The 'elif'

6.7 KB

7. Adding Multiple 'elif' Clauses.html

2.8 KB

8. Practice Conditionals.html

0.2 KB

9. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

10. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

10.1 Conditionals Badge.png

51.4 KB

/.../12. For Loops and While Loops/

1. Introduction to Loops and Iteration.html

1.8 KB

2. Introduction to For Loops and range().mp4

38.9 MB

2. Introduction to For Loops and range().srt

10.9 KB

3. range() with Two and Three Parameters.html

5.0 KB

4. Advantages and Use Cases of range().html

4.1 KB

5. Practice For Loops and range().html

0.2 KB

6. What is an Iterable.html

2.2 KB

7. For Loops to Iterate over Iterables.mp4

42.4 MB

7. For Loops to Iterate over

12.5 KB

8. Practice For Loops over Iterables.html

0.2 KB

9. For Loops.html

0.2 KB

10. Introduction to While Loops.mp4

12.2 MB

10. Introduction to While

3.3 KB

11. While Loops Example.html

2.2 KB

12. Practice While Loops - Odd Numbers in Descending Order.html

0.2 KB

13. Practice Rock, Paper, Scissors with a While Loop.html

0.2 KB

14. Infinite Loops.html

2.4 KB

15. While Loops.html

0.2 KB

16. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

16.1 Loops Badge.png

48.9 KB

/13. Functions/

1. Introduction to Functions in Python.mp4

37.8 MB

1. Introduction to Functions in

9.0 KB

2. Function Naming Rules.html

1.2 KB

3. Parameters vs. Arguments.mp4

33.1 MB

3. Parameters vs.

8.2 KB

4. Functions Basics.html

0.2 KB

5. Practice Write a Function.html

0.2 KB

6. Global Scope vs. Local Scope.mp4

24.5 MB

6. Global Scope vs. Local

4.8 KB

7. How to Return a Value from a Function.mp4

33.9 MB

7. How to Return a Value from a

7.5 KB

8. Practice Return a Value.html

0.2 KB

9. How to Return Multiple Values from a Function.mp4

21.5 MB

9. How to Return Multiple Values from a

5.0 KB

10. Practice Return Multiple Values.html

0.2 KB

11. Docstrings Documenting your Function.html

4.2 KB

12. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

13. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

13.1 Functions Badge.png

51.6 KB

/.../14. File Handling in Python Read, Open, Write, and Append/

1. Working with Files.html

0.4 KB

2. Open and Read a File Using a Context Manager.mp4

18.0 MB

2. Open and Read a File Using a Context

5.1 KB

2.1 quotes.txt

0.7 KB

3. Open Modes.html

1.7 KB

4. Practice Read a File.html

0.2 KB

5. Write to a File.mp4

14.7 MB

5. Write to a

4.2 KB

6. Practice Write to a File.html

0.2 KB

7. Append to a File.mp4

9.1 MB

7. Append to a

2.1 KB

8. Practice Append to a File.html

0.2 KB

9. Relative vs. Absolute Paths.html

1.5 KB

10. Miscellaneous File Operations.html

2.3 KB

11. Files in Python Recommended Reading.html

1.1 KB

12. Section Quiz.html

0.2 KB

13. Collect and Share Your Badge.html

0.4 KB

13.1 Files Badge.png

48.4 KB

/.../15. Course Wrap-Up Study Guide and Course Exam/

1. (PDF Resource) Study Guide for the Course Exam.html

0.2 KB

1.1 Study Guide.pdf

91.4 KB

2. Instructions for the Course Exam.html

0.9 KB

3. Course Exam.html

0.2 KB

4. Congratulations! Download Your Certificate of Completion and Badge.html

1.2 KB

4.1 Course Completed Badge.png

55.6 KB

5. Where to go From Here.html

1.0 KB

6. Bonus Lecture.html

8.8 KB


Total files 258

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