
Download Reginald A. Ray - Your Breathing Body

Reginald Ray Your Breathing Body


Reginald A. Ray - Your Breathing Body


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2024-09-20 01:57




20-06 Session Twenty_ Introduction To The Eight Gates To Emptiness.m4a

6.5 MB

20-07 Session Twenty_ Guided Practice_ The Eight Gates To Emptiness.m4a

25.6 MB

3-01 Session Three_ Introduction.m4a

695.3 KB

20-05 Session Twenty_ Trust In Your Unfolding Process.m4a

5.1 MB

20-04 Session Twenty_ Spiritual Shopping.m4a

11.9 MB

20-02 Session Twenty_ Deepening Your Practice.m4a

6.9 MB

20-03 Session Twenty_ Do You Need A Teacher And A Spiritual Community To Go Further_.m4a

5.5 MB

3-02 Session Three_ What Changes Us Is Experience.m4a

4.1 MB

3-03 Session Three_ Bringing The Openness And Relaxation Of The Lying Down Posture To The Sitting Up Posture.m4a

4.0 MB

3-08 Session Three_ Guided Practice_ The Posture Of Meditation And The Ten Points Practice (Sitting Up).m4a

11.8 MB

4-01 Session Four_ Introduction.m4a

622.2 KB

4-02 Session Four_ The Purpose Of Meditation.m4a

10.1 MB

3-07 Session Three_ Introduction To Posture As A Practice.m4a

1.3 MB

3-06 Session Three_ Exploring Relaxation, Alignment, And Resilience.m4a

5.1 MB

3-04 Session Three_ Introduction To The Sitting Posture Of Meditation.m4a

3.2 MB

3-05 Session Three_ The Seven Points Of Posture.m4a

15.8 MB

20-01 Session Twenty_ Introduction.m4a

620.9 KB

2-07 Session Two_ Guided Practice_ The Ten Points (Lying Down).m4a

22.2 MB

19-02 Session Nineteen_ Emptiness And What Is Born From Emptiness.m4a

8.0 MB

19-03 Session Nineteen_ The Three Bodies Of The Buddha_ The Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, And Nirmanakaya.m4a

3.4 MB

19-04 Session Nineteen_ The Journey Of Emptiness Through The Chakras.m4a

10.5 MB

19-01 Session Nineteen_ Introduction.m4a

675.5 KB

18-07 Session Eighteen_ Guided Practice_ Skull Breathing.m4a

22.8 MB

18-05 Session Eighteen_ The Spiritual Opportunity That Exists When You Don't Have Much To Lose.m4a

9.0 MB

18-06 Session Eighteen_ Introduction To Skull Breathing.m4a

8.6 MB

19-05 Session Nineteen_ Introduction To Exploring The Chakras In The Central Channel.m4a

3.9 MB

19-06 Session Nineteen_ Guided Practice_ Exploring The Chakras In The Central Channel.m4a

20.6 MB

2-05 Session Two_ The Role Of Lying Down In Somatic Meditation.m4a

4.0 MB

2-06 Session Two_ What Does The Ten Points Practice Accomplish_.m4a

7.6 MB

2-04 Session Two_ Introduction To The Ten Points Practice.m4a

4.6 MB

2-03 Session Two_ How To Listen To And Work With These Teaching Sessions.m4a

4.6 MB

2-01 Session Two_ Introduction.m4a

616.6 KB

2-02 Session Two_ The Importance Of Reorienting Our Conceptual View.m4a

4.8 MB

4-03 Session Four_ Our True Self Is The Buddha Nature.m4a

12.0 MB

4-04 Session Four_ Introduction To The Practice Earth Breathing (Also Known As Earth Descent).m4a

14.7 MB

8-02 Session Eight_ Chaos Is Good News.m4a

9.9 MB

8-03 Session Eight_ The Vast Complexity Of The Human Experience.m4a

9.8 MB

8-04 Session Eight_ Working With Our Chaos.m4a

10.4 MB

8-01 Session Eight_ Introduction.m4a

615.5 KB

7-07 Session Seven_ Guided Practice_ Breathing Into The Perineum.m4a

24.2 MB

7-05 Session Seven_ The Body As A Microcosm Of The Universe.m4a

5.3 MB

7-06 Session Seven_ Introduction To Breathing Into The Perineum.m4a

7.2 MB

8-05 Session Eight_ Introduction To Three-Fold Breathing.m4a

6.0 MB

8-06 Session Eight_ Guided Practice_ Three-Fold Breathing.m4a

33.7 MB

9-05 Session Nine_ Introduction To Three-Fold Breathing, Phase Two.m4a

3.7 MB

9-06 Session Nine_ Guided Practice_ Three-Fold Breathing, Phase Two - Expanding The Breath In Six Directions And Working With Multiple Inhales.m4a

31.3 MB


167.1 KB

9-04 Session Nine_ Working With Our Karma.m4a

12.0 MB

9-03 Session Nine_ The Body Wants To Offer Its Knowledge To Us.m4a

11.0 MB

9-01 Session Nine_ Introduction.m4a

609.7 KB

9-02 Session Nine_ Living In A Disembodied State_ The Ego Igloo.m4a

9.2 MB

7-04 Session Seven_ The Price Of The Practice.m4a

5.0 MB

7-03 Session Seven_ The Seven Stages Of Working With These Somatic Practices.m4a

19.1 MB

5-04 Session Five_ Fear Is The Breeze Of The Future Blowing On Us.m4a

7.6 MB

5-05 Session Five_ Introduction To Earth Breathing (Sitting Up).m4a

8.4 MB

5-06 Session Five_ Guided Practice_ Earth Breathing (Sitting Up).m4a

23.7 MB

5-03 Session Five_ We Are Fundamentally Untamed And Wild.m4a

4.5 MB

5-02 Session Five_ The Edge Of Fear.m4a

6.8 MB

4-05 Session Four_ Guided Practice_ Earth Breathing (Lying Down).m4a

18.1 MB

5-01 Session Five_ Introduction.m4a

608.9 KB

6-01 Session Six_ Introduction.m4a

613.2 KB

6-02 Session Six_ Our Soul Is Our Unprecedented Individuality.m4a

12.1 MB

7-01 Session Seven_ Introduction.m4a

612.7 KB

7-02 Session Seven_ Spirituality Is A Journey Of Discovery, Maturation, And Unfolding.m4a

7.9 MB

6-06 Session Six_ Guided Practice_ The Five Levels Of The Breath.m4a

30.1 MB

6-05 Session Six_ Exploring The Five Levels Of The Breath.m4a

9.5 MB

6-03 Session Six_ How Does The Soul Evolve_.m4a

7.4 MB

6-04 Session Six_ Respecting Who We Are And The Life We Have Been Given.m4a

5.9 MB

18-04 Session Eighteen_ Stories From The Lives Of Some Of The Great Siddhas.m4a

15.8 MB

18-03 Session Eighteen_ The Tradition Of The Siddhas.m4a

9.7 MB

12-02 Session Twelve_ The Four Noble Truths.m4a

9.1 MB

12-03 Session Twelve_ The First Noble Truth_ The Truth Of Suffering.m4a

13.2 MB

12-04 Session Twelve_ The Second Noble Truth_ The Cause Of Suffering.m4a

1.1 MB

12-01 Session Twelve_ Introduction.m4a

642.8 KB

11-07 Session Eleven_ Guided Practice_ Earth Breathing, Level Two.m4a

26.6 MB

11-05 Session Eleven_ The Third Phase Of Human Spirituality_ Recovering Our Original Human Nature.m4a

5.9 MB

11-06 Session Eleven_ Introduction To Earth Breathing, Level Two.m4a

6.6 MB

12-05 Session Twelve_ The Third Noble Truth_ The Cessation Of Suffering.m4a

5.7 MB

12-06 Session Twelve_ The Fourth Noble Truth_ The Path To Fulfillment.m4a

7.1 MB

13-03 Session Thirteen_ Abiding With Our Emotions.m4a

12.3 MB

13-04 Session Thirteen_ The Magic Of Fully Experiencing Our Emotions.m4a

6.9 MB

13-05 Session Thirteen_ Introduction To Cellular Breathing.m4a

5.6 MB

13-02 Session Thirteen_ The Intelligence Of The Heart.m4a

5.5 MB

13-01 Session Thirteen_ Introduction.m4a

698.6 KB

12-07 Session Twelve_ Untangling The Nadis (Pathways Of Experience) Through 12-Fold Belly Breathing.m4a

9.3 MB

12-08 Session Twelve_ Guided Practice_ 12-Fold Belly Breathing.m4a

19.6 MB

11-04 Session Eleven_ The Second Phase Of Human Spirituality_ Agriculture And The Great Religions.m4a

5.4 MB

11-03 Session Eleven_ The First Phase Of Human Spirituality_ The Hunter_Gatherer.m4a

13.3 MB

1-06 Session One_ Personal, Interpersonal And Cosmic Dimensions.m4a

10.9 MB

1-07 Session One_ The Origins Of These Practices.m4a

13.4 MB

1-08 Session One_ About The Somatic Protocols.m4a

13.0 MB

1-05 Session One_ Physical, Psychological, And Spiritual Aspects Of This Work.m4a

7.7 MB

1-04 Session One_ Discovering Your Uniqueness.m4a

4.2 MB

1-02 Session One_ Opening A Door To Your Breathing Body.m4a

5.6 MB

1-03 Session One_ The Breath As A Pathway.m4a

2.7 MB

1-09 Session One_ The Body Is The Gateway To The Fulfillment We Seek.m4a

3.1 MB

10-01 Session Ten_ Introduction.m4a

614.6 KB

11-01 Session Eleven_ Introduction.m4a

932.0 KB

11-02 Session Eleven_ Program Overview.m4a

3.1 MB

10-05 Session Ten_ Guided Practice_ Three-Fold Breathing, Phase Three - Exploring The Portals.m4a

34.3 MB

10-04 Session Ten_ Introduction To Three-Fold Breathing, Phase Three.m4a

5.0 MB

10-02 Session Ten_ The Lion's Roar_ Every Mind State Is Workable.m4a

11.7 MB

10-03 Session Ten_ We Are Nomads.m4a

6.3 MB

13-06 Session Thirteen_ Guided Practice_ Cellular Breathing.m4a

27.3 MB

14-01 Session Fourteen_ Introduction.m4a

628.9 KB

16-07 Session Sixteen_ Guided Practice_ Exploring Four Qualities Of Attention In The Practice Of Shamatha.m4a

17.8 MB

17-01 Session Seventeen_ Introduction.m4a

663.3 KB

17-02 Session Seventeen_ What Is The Relationship Between These Teachings And Tibetan Buddhism_.m4a

2.9 MB

16-06 Session Sixteen_ Exploring Four Qualities Of Attention In The Practice Of Shamatha.m4a

4.3 MB

16-05 Session Sixteen_ The Practice Of Shamatha-Vipassana.m4a

6.4 MB

16-03 Session Sixteen_ Stepping Into The Unknown, Beyond Expectations.m4a

8.0 MB

16-04 Session Sixteen_ How Do I Know If I Am Progressing On The Path Of Meditation_.m4a

14.2 MB

17-03 Session Seventeen_ Untangling The Cultural Forms Of Tibetan Society From The Essence Of Dharma.m4a

9.5 MB

17-04 Session Seventeen_ Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's Journey From Tibet To The Modern World.m4a

12.3 MB

18-01 Session Eighteen_ Introduction.m4a

662.6 KB

18-02 Session Eighteen_ What Might Embodied Spiritual Life Look Like_.m4a

4.0 MB

17-08 Session Seventeen_ Guided Practice_ Dissolving With The Outbreath.m4a

12.0 MB

17-07 Session Seventeen_ Introduction To Dissolving With The Outbreath.m4a

8.0 MB

17-05 Session Seventeen_ The Three Major Stages Of Spiritual Development As Taught By Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.m4a

5.9 MB

17-06 Session Seventeen_ Universal Spirituality And The Shambhala Teachings.m4a

10.4 MB

16-02 Session Sixteen_ We Are Leaving Behind The Ego's Need To Be In Control.m4a

9.7 MB

16-01 Session Sixteen_ Introduction.m4a

657.7 KB

14-06 Session Fourteen_ Karma - The Teaching About Cause And Effect.m4a

8.3 MB

14-07 Session Fourteen_ Depression As A Pathway.m4a

5.6 MB

14-08 Session Fourteen_ Introduction To The Inner Posture.m4a

6.4 MB

14-05 Session Fourteen_ The Reality Of Suffering In Life.m4a

5.8 MB

14-04 Session Fourteen_ Dead Is Real.m4a

9.9 MB

14-02 Session Fourteen_ The Four Reminders And The Question Of Motivation.m4a

2.8 MB

14-03 Session Fourteen_ Precious Human Birth.m4a

6.5 MB

14-09 Session Fourteen_ Guided Practice_ The Inner Posture.m4a

25.4 MB

15-01 Session Fifteen_ Introduction.m4a

663.0 KB

15-06 Session Fifteen_ Our Concept Of Our Body Versus The Body We Discover In Meditation.m4a

3.1 MB

15-07 Session Fifteen_ Guided Practice_ Expanding The Central Channel.m4a

20.2 MB

15-05 Session Fifteen_ Stripping Away The Overlay Of Expectations To Reveal The Sacred World.m4a

6.7 MB

15-04 Session Fifteen_ The Tantric Consort Relationship.m4a

15.5 MB

15-02 Session Fifteen_ The Root Of This Somatic Lineage.m4a

9.0 MB

15-03 Session Fifteen_ Redeeming The Ordinary.m4a

4.0 MB

1-01 Session One_ Introduction.m4a

924.7 KB


Total files 138

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