
Download Richard Dawkins- Audio & Illustrated pdf files - The Ancestor's Tale

Richard Dawkins Audio Illustrated pdf files The Ancestor Tale


Richard Dawkins- Audio & Illustrated pdf files - The Ancestor's Tale

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01 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Conceit of Hindsight.mp3

6.7 MB

01 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Conceit of Hindsight.pdf

755.7 KB

02 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The General Prologue.mp3

6.5 MB

02 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The General Prologue.pdf

1.1 MB

03 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 0 - All Humankind.mp3

2.3 MB

03 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 0 - All Humankind.pdf

382.7 KB

04 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 1 Chimpanzees.mp3

3.0 MB

04 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 1 Chimpanzees.pdf

997.1 KB

05 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 10 - Rodents and Rabbitkind.mp3

3.6 MB

05 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 10 - Rodents and Rabbitkind.pdf

895.6 KB

06 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 11 - Laurasiatheres.mp3

4.4 MB

06 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 11 - Laurasiatheres.pdf

612.3 KB

07 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 12 - Xenarthrans.mp3

1.1 MB

07 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 12 - Xenarthrans.pdf

377.8 KB

08 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 15 - Monotremes.mp3

4.4 MB

08 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 15 - Monotremes.pdf

768.4 KB

09 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 16 - Sauropsids.mp3

11.2 MB

09 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 16 - Sauropsids.pdf

2.1 MB

10 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 17 - Amphibians.mp3

7.5 MB

10 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 17 - Amphibians.pdf

1.3 MB

11 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 18 - Lungfish.mp3

1.2 MB

11 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 18 - Lungfish.pdf

267.7 KB

12 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 20 - Ray-Finned Fish.mp3

5.2 MB

12 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 20 - Ray-Finned Fish.pdf

1.6 MB

13 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 26 - Protostomes.mp3

24.9 MB

13 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 26 - Protostomes.pdf

1.5 MB

14 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 27 to 33.mp3

5.0 MB

14 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 27 to 33.pdf

732.8 KB

15 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Great Historic Rendezvous.mp3

2.4 MB

15 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Great Historic Rendezvous.pdf

246.8 KB

16 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 38 and 39.mp3

6.0 MB

16 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Rendezvous 38 and 39.pdf

424.3 KB

17 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Canterbury.mp3

13.5 MB

17 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - Canterbury.pdf

660.8 KB

18 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Host's Return.mp3

20.0 MB

18 - Richard Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale - The Host's Return.pdf

1.1 MB


Total files 36

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