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/9 - Communication Systems/

(The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) Lathi and Ding-Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009).pdf

456.2 MB

S. Haykin-Communication Systems [solutions manual] (2000).pdf

20.6 MB

John Proakis, Masoud Salehi-Digital Communications, 5th Edition-McGraw-Hill Science Engineering Math (2007).djvu

13.5 MB

Kostas Stamatiou Proakis Salehi-Digital Communications Fifth Edition - Instructor Solution Manual -McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2011).pdf

3.6 MB

Sklar B.-Solutions Manual - Digital Communications_ Fundamentals and Applications (2001).pdf

5.6 MB

Bernard Sklar-Digital Communications_ Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (2001).pdf

93.2 MB

Simon Haykin-Communication Systems-Wiley (2001).pdf

13.3 MB

/Computer Science/10 - Networks/

Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie-Computer Networks_ A Systems Approach, Fifth Edition -Elsevier (2011).pdf

30.3 MB

Dimitri Bertsekas, Robert Gallager-Instructor's Solutions Manual for Data Networks-Pearson (1993).pdf

10.0 MB

W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff-Unix Network Programming, Volume 1_ The Sockets Networking API-Addison-Wesley Professional (2003).pdf

17.2 MB

Radia Perlman-Interconnections_ Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols -Addison-Wesley Professional (1999).pdf

3.2 MB

Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Gallager-Data Networks (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (1992).pdf

34.4 MB

/.../26 - Software Engineering, Development, and Project Management/

Design Patterns_ Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994).epub

11.1 MB

Andrew Hunt, David Thomas-The Pragmatic Programmer_ From Journeyman to

2.5 MB

Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts-Refactoring_ Improving the Design of Existing Code-Addison-Wesley Professional (1999).pdf

2.4 MB

Michael Feathers-Working Effectively with Legacy Code-Prentice Hall (2004).epub

4.0 MB

Frederick P. Brooks-The Mythical Man-Month_ Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition-Addison-Wesley Professional (2008).djvu

6.1 MB

Steve McConnell-Code Complete_ A Practical Handbook of Software Construction-Microsoft Press (2004).pdf

10.2 MB

Robert C. Martin-Clean Code_ A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship-Prentice Hall (2008).pdf

3.1 MB

Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister-Peopleware_ Productive Projects and Teams-Addison-Wesley Professional (2013).pdf

4.3 MB

/Computer Science/4 - Operating Systems/

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne-Operating System Concepts-Wiley (2012).pdf

7.0 MB

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos-Modern Operating Systems-Pearson (2014).pdf

6.6 MB

/Computer Science/6 - Algorithms/

Robert Sedgewick-Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4_ Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching-Addison-Wesley Professional (1998).chm

6.1 MB

Jon Kleinberg, Éva Tardos-Algorithm Design-Addison-Wesley (2005).epub

4.0 MB

Robert Sedgewick and Philippe Flajolet-An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms-Addison-Wesley Professional (2013).pdf

7.0 MB

Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein-Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition (2009).pdf

5.6 MB

Dexter C. Kozen-The Design and Analysis of Algorithms-Springer (1992).djvu

2.3 MB

Robert Sedgewick-Algorithms in C++ Part 5_ Graph Algorithms. 3 ed.-Addison-Wesley Professional (2002).epub

11.4 MB

/.../31 - Interesting Books/

Brown, Steven T-Tokyo cyberpunk _ posthumanism in Japanese visual culture-Palgrave Macmillan (2010).pdf

4.6 MB

(Frontiers in Physics) Richard P. Feynman-Feynman lectures on computation-Addison-Wesley (1996).djvu

3.1 MB

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 114) Neal Koblitz (auth.)-A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography-Springer US (1987).djvu

3.6 MB

Raymond M. Smullyan-To mock a mockingbird and other logic puzzles_ Including an amazing adventure in combinatory logic-Knopf (1985).djvu

1.3 MB

Douglas Coupland-Microserfs .epub

747.8 KB

Nelsen R.-Proofs without words 2. More exercises in visual thinking-MAA (2000).djvu

4.7 MB

Brian W. Kernighan, P. J. Plauger-The elements of programming style-Computing Mcgraw-Hill (1978).djvu

1.2 MB

Daniel P. Friedman, Carl Eastlund-The Little Prover-MIT Press (2015).pdf

3.4 MB

The Unix Haters Handbook .pdf

3.6 MB

Peteris Krumins-Perl One-Liners_ 130 Programs That Get Things Done-No Starch Press (2013).epub

1.3 MB

L. Lovász-Combinatorial problems and exercises-North Holland (1993).djvu

4.0 MB

Daniel P. Friedman, William E. Byrd, Oleg Kiselyov-The Reasoned Schemer-MIT Press (2005).pdf

4.4 MB

Central-European Olympiad in Informatics 2004 - ta.pdf

498.4 KB

The Little Book of Semaphores.pdf

1.0 MB

Jon Louis Bentley-More Programming Pearls_ Confessions of a Coder (1988).pdf

11.3 MB

(Center for the Study of Language and Information - CSLI Lecture Notes 139) Donald E. Knuth-Selected Papers on Computer Languages-CSLI Publications (2002).djvu

5.2 MB

Scott Rosenberg-Dreaming in Code_ Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software-Crown (2007).epub

527.5 KB

(History of Computing) Nathan L. Ensmenger-The Computer Boys Take Over_ Computers, Programmers, and the Politics of Technical Expertise-The MIT Press (2010).epub

4.0 MB

Nelsen R.-Proofs without words 1. Exercises in visual thinking-MAA (1993).djvu

2.8 MB

Central-European Olympiad in Informatics 2002 - tasks and solutions.pdf

401.8 KB

Charles Petzold-Code_ The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software-Microsoft Press (2000).epub

6.2 MB

Steven Levy-Hackers_ Heroes of the Computer Revolution - 25th Anniversary Edition-O'Reilly Media (2010).epub

1.1 MB

Fred Vogelstein-Dogfight_ How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution-Sarah Crichton Books (2013).epub

3.3 MB

Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley-UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2010).djvu

9.8 MB

Tracy Kidder-The Soul of A New Machine-Back Bay Books (2000).epub

284.0 KB

Felleisen M., Friedman D.P.-The little MLer-MIT (1997).djvu

2.9 MB

/.../24 - OS Development/

Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati Ph.D.-Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition-O'Reilly Media (2005).epub

4.4 MB

Marshall Kirk McKusick, George V. Neville-Neil, Robert N.M. Watson-The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System-Addison-Wesley Professional (2014).pdf

25.5 MB

Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu-Windows Internals, Part 1_ Covering Windows Server® 2008 R2 and Windows 7-Microsoft Press (2012).epub

19.0 MB

Maurice J. Bach-The design of the UNIX operating system (1986).djvu

6.2 MB

Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu-Windows Internals, Part 2-Microsoft Press (2012).pdf

22.7 MB

John R. Levine-Linkers & Loaders-Morgan Kaufmann (1999).pdf

3.7 MB

Robert Love-Linux Kernel Development-Addison-Wesley Professional (2010).pdf

2.5 MB

Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman-Linux Device Drivers-O'Reilly Media (2005).epub

2.9 MB

/.../25 - Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis/

Eldad Eilam-Reversing_ secrets of reverse engineering-Wiley (2005).epub

9.1 MB

Bill Blunden-The Rootkit Arsenal_ Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System-Jones & Bartlett Learning (2012).pdf

111.3 MB

A Guide to Kernel Exploitation_ Attacking the Core-Syngress (2010).pdf

5.5 MB

Practical reverse engineering_ x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, reversing tools, and obfuscation-Wiley (2014).epub

3.3 MB

Chris Anley, John Heasman, Felix Lindner, Gerardo Richarte-The Shellcoder's Handbook_ Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes-Wiley (2007).pdf

9.2 MB

Michael Sikorski, Andrew Honig-Practical Malware Analysis_ The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software-No Starch Press (2012).epub

11.5 MB

/Computer Science/20 - Mathematics/

Cameron P.J.-Combinatorics_ Topics, Techniques, Algorithms-CUP (1995).djvu

5.7 MB

Sheldon M. Ross-Introduction to Probability Models, Ninth Edition-Academic Press (2006).pdf

4.0 MB

Larry Wasserman-All of Statistics - A Concise Course in Statistical Inference-Springer (2004).pdf

9.1 MB

Jack B. Kuipers-Quaternions and rotation sequences_ a primer with applications to orbits, aerospace, and virtual reality-Princeton University Press (1999).djvu

3.0 MB

(Prentice Hall Signal Processing Series) Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer-Discrete-Time Signal Processing-Prentice Hall (2010).pdf

11.2 MB

David A. Brannan, Matthew F. Esplen, Jeremy J. Gray-Geometry-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf

12.5 MB

Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick-Analytic Combinatorics-Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf

11.5 MB

John Harris, Jeffry L. Hirst, Michael Mossinghoff-Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)-Springer (2008).djvu

4.4 MB

Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid-Signals and Systems-Prentice Hall (1996).pdf

35.6 MB

Hardy G.H., Wright E.M.-An introduction to the theory of numbers- OUP (2008).djvu

8.9 MB

/.../2 - Learn your way around an Unix shell, Make, System Programming and C/

Johnson M. Hart-Windows System Programming-Addison-Wesley Professional (2010).pdf

10.9 MB

Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie-The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (1988).pdf

16.6 MB

W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago-Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment.pdf

20.6 MB

Jeffrey Richter and Christophe Nasarre-Windows via C_C++-Microsoft Press (2008).chm

3.4 MB

K. N. King-C Programming_ A Modern Approach-W. W. Norton & Company (2008).pdf

106.8 MB

/Computer Science/27 - Databases/

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke-Database Management Systems-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2003).pdf

69.9 MB

Gerhard Weikum, Gottfried Vossen-Transactional Information Systems_ Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) (2001).pdf

3.7 MB

Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter-Transaction Processing_ Concepts and Techniques (1992).djvu

12.1 MB

An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Edition, C J Date.pdf

57.3 MB

Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker-Readings in Database Systems, 4th Edition-The MIT Press (2005).pdf

42.2 MB

/.../29 - Game Development/2 - Graphics/

Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys-Physically Based Rendering, Second Edition_ From Theory To Implementation -Morgan Kaufmann (2010).pdf

126.1 MB

Eric Lengyel-Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition-Cengage (2011).pdf

8.8 MB

Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman-Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition-A K Peters_CRC Press (2008).djvu

9.4 MB

/.../29 - Game Development/4 - Artificial Ingelligence/

Rabin, Steven-Game AI Pro _ Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals-CRC Press (2013).pdf

5.9 MB

Ian Millington, John Funge-Artificial Intelligence for Games, Second Edition-Morgan Kaufmann (2009).pdf

4.5 MB

Steven Rabin-Game AI Pro 2_ Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals-A K Peters_CRC Press (2015).pdf

26.1 MB

/.../29 - Game Development/3 - Physics/

David H. Eberly-Game Physics, Second Edition-Morgan Kaufmann (2010).pdf

15.7 MB

Christer Ericson-Real-Time Collision Detection-Morgan Kaufmann (2005).pdf

3.1 MB

/.../1 - Overviews and Engines/

Steve Rabin-Introduction to Game Development, Second Edition-Cengage Learning (2009).pdf

9.3 MB

Jason Gregory-Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition-CRC Press (2014).pdf

68.2 MB

/.../12 - Information Theory and Coding Theory/

Abbas El Gamal, Young-Han Kim-Network Information Theory-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf

4.4 MB

Andrew J. Viterbi, Jim K. Omura-Principles of Digital Communication and Coding (2009).epub

47.0 MB

Robert G. Gallager-Information theory and reliable communication-Wiley (1968).djvu

6.2 MB

Khalid Sayood-Introduction to Data Compression, Fourth Edition-Morgan Kaufmann (2012).pdf

18.3 MB

Steven Roman-Coding and information theory- .djvu

6.8 MB

Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver-The Mathematical Theory of Communication-U. Illinois (1963).djvu

1.3 MB

Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas-Elements of Information Theory-Wiley-Interscience (2006).pdf

10.6 MB

Robert B. Ash-Information Theory-John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1965).pdf

10.3 MB

/.../11 - Computer Security and Cryptography/

Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman (auth.)-An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography-Springer-Verlag New York (2014).pdf

6.0 MB

Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell-Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition.pdf

7.9 MB

Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, Tadayoshi Kohno-Cryptography Engineering_ Design Principles and Practical Applications-Wiley (2010).djvu

5.4 MB

/.../23 - Type Theory and Programming Language Theory/

ohn C. Mitchell-Foundations for programming languages (1996).djvu

6.2 MB

Benjamin C. Pierce-Advanced topics in types and programming languages-MIT Press (2005).pdf

9.5 MB

Benjamin C. Pierce-Types and Programming Languages-MIT (2002).pdf

1.8 MB

Robert Harper-Practical Foundations for Programming Languages 1.19 -Robert Harper (2011).pdf

1.7 MB

Winskel G. -The formal semantics of programming languages_ an introduction.djvu

2.7 MB

/.../2 - Computer Organization and Architecture/

Parallel Computer Organization and Design-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf

237.0 MB

John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson-Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition_ A Quantitative Approach.epub

12.0 MB

David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design_ The Hardware_Software Interface.pdf

35.6 MB

Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron-Computer Systems_ A Programmer's Perspective-Pearson (2015).pdf

37.7 MB

/.../3 - Computer Architecture and Digital Logic/1 - Digital Logic/

John F. Wakerly-Digital Design_ Principles and Practices-Prentice Hall (2005).pdf

325.4 MB

Charles H. Roth, Larry L. Kinney-Fundamentals of Logic Design-Cengage Learning (2013).pdf

25.7 MB

/.../7 - Various Programming Languages, Paradigms, and Compilers/

Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman-Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools-Pearson_Addison Wesley (2006).pdf

6.1 MB

Michael L. Scott-Programming Language Pragmatics-Morgan Kaufmann (2009).pdf

6.3 MB

Steven Muchnick-Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation-Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (1997).djvu

6.9 MB

Keith Cooper, Linda Torczon-Engineering a Compiler-Elsevier Science & Technology (2011).epub

12.9 MB

/.../32 - Must read/

Alan Cooper-Inmates Are Running the Asylum, The_ Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity-Sams, (2004).pdf

3.8 MB

Peter Seibel-Coders at Work_ Reflections on the Craft of Programming-Apress (2009).pdf

5.6 MB

Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts-Refactoring_ Improving the Design of Existing Code-Addison-Wesley Professional (1999).pdf

2.4 MB

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides-Design Patterns_ Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software -Addison-Wesley Professional (1994).pdf

19.2 MB

Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman-Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools-Pearson_Addison Wesley (2006).pdf

6.1 MB

Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein-Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition (2009).pdf

5.6 MB

Joshua Bloch-Effective Java-Prentice Hall PTR (2008).pdf

2.2 MB

Steve McConnell-Code Complete_ A Practical Handbook of Software Construction-Microsoft Press (2004).pdf

10.2 MB

Andrew Hunt, David Thomas-The Pragmatic Programmer_ From Journeyman to Master-addison-wesley (1999).pdf

2.4 MB

Robert C. Martin-Clean Code_ A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship-Prentice Hall (2008).pdf

3.1 MB

Michael Feathers-Working Effectively with Legacy Code-Prentice Hall (2004).epub

4.0 MB

Charles Petzold-Code_ The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software-Microsoft Press (2000).epub

6.2 MB

why the lucky stiff-Why's (poignant) Guide to Ruby.pdf

8.9 MB

(MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman-Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition-The MIT Press (1996).pdf

9.4 MB

Frederick P. Brooks-The Mythical Man-Month_ Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition)-Addison-Wesley Professional (1995).pdf

20.3 MB

Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, Thomas H. Coreman-Introduction to Algorithms_ Instructor’'s Manual (2005).pdf

1.7 MB

Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister-Peopleware_ Productive Projects and Teams-Addison-Wesley Professional (2013).pdf

4.3 MB

(Addison-Wesley Signature Series) Martin Fowler-Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture-Addison-Wesley Professional (2002).pdf

5.3 MB

Douglas R. Hofstadter-Gödel, Escher, Bach_ An Eternal Golden Braid (Twentieth-Anniversary Edition)-Basic Books (1999).pdf

32.8 MB

/.../16 - Discrete and Computational Geometry/

Prof. Dr. Mark de Berg, Dr. Otfried Cheong, Dr. Marc van Kreveld, Prof. Dr. Mark Overmars (auth.)-Computational Geometry_ Algorithms and Applications.pdf

3.8 MB

Satyan L. Devadoss, Joseph O'Rourke-Discrete and Computational Geometry-Princeton University Press (2011).pdf

8.2 MB

Jiří Matoušek (auth.), Jiří Matoušek (eds.)-Lectures on Discrete Geometry- .djvu

8.4 MB

/.../1 - Basic Programming & Data Structures/

(Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) Scott Meyers-Effective C++. 55 specific ways to improve your programs and designs-Addison-Wesley Professional (2005).djvu

2.7 MB

Nicolai M. Josuttis-The C++ Standard Library_ A Tutorial and Reference-Addison-Wesley (2012).pdf

14.5 MB

Scott Meyers-Effective Modern C++_ 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14-O'Reilly Media (2014).epub

19.1 MB

Adam Drozdek-Data Structures and Algorithms in C++-Cengage Learning (2012).pdf

22.4 MB

Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo-C++ Primer-Addison-Wesley Professional (2012).pdf

52.8 MB

Bjarne Stroustrup-The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition-Addison-Wesley Professional (2013).pdf

19.7 MB

(2nd Edition) Bjarne Stroustrup-Programming_ Principles and Practice Using C++-Addison-Wesley Professional (2014).epub

34.9 MB

/.../22 - Quantum Computing/

Phillip Kaye-An Introduction to Quantum Computing-Oxford University Press, USA (2007).pdf

17.7 MB

J. S. Bell_ Alain Aspect (intro.)-Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics (Collected Papers on Quantum Philosophy)-Cambridge University Press (2004).pdf

21.0 MB

Classical and quantum computation- (2002).djvu

3.3 MB

David Bohm-Quantum Theory-Dover Publications (1989).djvu

13.9 MB

Michael A Nielsen_ Isaac L Chuang-Quantum computation and quantum information-Cambridge University Press (2010).pdf

7.8 MB

Peres A.-Quantum theory, concepts and methods-Kluwer (2002).djvu

3.7 MB

Joachim Stolze, Dieter Suter-Quantum computing_ a short course from theory to experiment-Wiley-VCH (2004).djvu

2.6 MB

/.../17 - Advanced Algorithms and Mathematical Optimization/4 - Approximation Algorithms/

The design of approximation algorithms.pdf

2.4 MB

Approximation Algorithms.pdf

1.7 MB

/.../17 - Advanced Algorithms and Mathematical Optimization/5 - Randomized Algorithms/

Motwani R., Raghavan P.-Randomized algorithms-Cambridge University Press (1995).djvu

8.1 MB

/.../17 - Advanced Algorithms and Mathematical Optimization/3 - Convex Optimization/

Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry by Dattorro.pdf

28.7 MB

Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization Analysis, Algorithms, and Engineering Applications.pdf

5.4 MB

Convex Optimization.pdf

6.0 MB

R. Tyrrell Rockafellar-Convex analysis .djvu

3.9 MB

/.../2 - Combinatorial Optimization and Network Flows/

Network flows_ theory, algorithms, and applications.djvu

9.1 MB

Combinatorial Optimization.djvu

4.1 MB

Combinatorial Optimization_ Theory and Algorithms.pdf

5.4 MB

Alexander Schrijver-Combinatorial Optimization_ Polyhedra and Efficiency.pdf

9.7 MB

/.../1 - Linear Programming Optimization/

Dimitris Bertsimas, John N. Tsitsiklis, Dimitris Bertsimas, John Tsitsiklis-Introduction to Linear Optimization.pdf

16.9 MB

Alexander Schrijver-Theory of Linear and Integer Programming-Wiley (1998).djvu

23.8 MB

/.../30 - Miscellaneous References/

Jon Bentley-Programming Pearls-Addison-Wesley Professional (1999).djvu

2.1 MB

Henry S. Warren-Hacker's Delight-Addison-Wesley Professional (2012).epub

47.0 MB

Peter G. Neumann-Computer-Related Risks-Addison-Wesley Professional (1994).pdf

479.2 KB

Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman-Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs .pdf

2.6 MB

/.../18 - Numerical Analysis and Methods/

Richard L Burden_ J Douglas Faires-Numerical analysis-Brooks_Cole Cengage Learning (2011).pdf

15.2 MB

Lloyd N. Trefethen, David Bau III-Numerical Linear Algebra-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1997).djvu

4.0 MB

Richard Hamming-Numerical methods for scientists and engineers-Dover (1987).djvu

5.7 MB

John P. Boyd-Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods_ Second Revised Edition-Dover Publications (2001).pdf

3.6 MB

Roger A. Horn, Charles R. Johnson-Matrix Analysis-Cambridge University Press (2013).pdf

4.1 MB

Trefethen L.N.-Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (1996).pdf

4.0 MB

Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan-Matrix Computations.djvu

7.2 MB

/.../14 - Natural Language Processing/

Christopher D. Manning, Hinrich Schuetze-Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing-The MIT Press (1999).pdf

12.0 MB

Speech and Language Processing_ An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition .pdf

19.8 MB

/Computer Science/5 - Mathematics Primer/

Miklós Laczkovich-Conjecture and Proof-Mathematical Association of America (2001).djvu

2.4 MB

Kenneth Rosen-Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications-MGH (2012).pdf

10.1 MB

Douglas Smith_ Maurice Eggen_ Richard St Andre-A transition to advanced mathematics-Brooks_Cole (2011).pdf

5.4 MB

Daniel Solow-How to Read and Do Proofs_ An Introduction to Mathematical Thought Processes-Wiley (2013).pdf

4.7 MB

Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik-Concrete Mathematics_ A Foundation for Computer Science (2nd Edition)-Addison-Wesley Professional (1994).pdf

5.6 MB

Martin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler (auth.)-Proofs from THE BOOK-Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2010).pdf.part

7.6 MB

/Computer Science/5 - Mathematics Primer/Probability/

Sheldon Ross-A First Course in Probability, 8th Edition-Prentice Hall (2009).pdf

3.2 MB


3.1 MB

Richard W. Hamming-The Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers-Addison-Wesley (1991).djvu

2.7 MB

Jim Pitman-Probability-Springer-Verlag (1993).djvu

9.8 MB

/.../15 - Computer Graphics and Image Processing/

John F. Hughes, Andries van Dam, Morgan McGuire, David F. Sklar, James D. Foley, Steven K. Feiner, Kurt Akeley-Computer Graphics_ Principles and Practice.pdf

20.0 MB

Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods-Digital Image Processing-Pearson (2007).pdf

65.1 MB

Peter Shirley, Michael Ashikhmin, Steve Marschner-Fundamentals of Computer Graphics-A K Peters (2009).pdf

24.5 MB

/.../13 - AI, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision/

Christopher M. Bishop-Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf

8.5 MB

Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman-Multiple view geometry in computer vision-Cambridge University Press (2003).djvu

7.7 MB

Richard Szeliski-Computer Vision_ Algorithms and Applications-Springer (2011).pdf

37.1 MB

Linda G. Shapiro, George C. Stockman-Computer Vision-Prentice Hall (2001).pdf

20.5 MB

Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig-Artificial Intelligence_ A Modern Approach .pdf

15.6 MB

David J.С. МасКау-Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (2003).djvu

6.1 MB

/Computer Science/9 - Parallel Programming/

Benedict Gaster, Lee Howes, David R. Kaeli, Perhaad Mistry, Dana Schaa-Heterogeneous computing with OpenCL_ revised OpenCL 1.2 edition-Morgan Kaufmann (2012).pdf

14.7 MB

Aaftab Munshi, Benedict Gaster, Timothy Mattson, James Fung, Dan Ginsburg-OpenCL Programming Guide -Addison-Wesley Professional (2011).epub

13.2 MB

Ananth Grama-Introduction to Parallel Computing-Addison Wesley (2003).pdf

12.9 MB

Matthew Scarpino-OpenCL in Action_ How to Accelerate Graphics and Computations-Manning Publications (2011).pdf

17.7 MB

Peter Pacheco-An Introduction to Parallel Programming-Morgan Kaufmann (2011).pdf

3.8 MB

Anthony Williams-C++ Concurrency in Action_ Practical Multithreading-Manning Publications (2012).epub

6.9 MB

/.../8 - Automata, Computability Theory, and Complexity Theory/

Dexter C. Kozen-Theory of Computation-Springer (2006).pdf

3.7 MB

Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak-Computational complexity_ a modern approach-Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf

4.8 MB

Dexter C. Kozen-Automata and Computability-Springer (1997).djvu

2.4 MB

Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson-Computers and Intractability_ A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness .djvu

3.2 MB

Michael Sipser-Introduction to the Theory of Computation-Course Technology (2012).pdf

10.7 MB

/.../28 - Distributed Systems and Computing/

Tel G.-Introduction to Distributed Algorithms-Cambridge University Press (2000).pdf

7.2 MB

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen-Distributed Systems_ Principles and Paradigms (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (2006).pdf

10.0 MB

Hagit Attiya, Jennifer Welch-Distributed Computing_ Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics-Wiley-Interscience (2004).djvu

4.2 MB

Nancy A. Lynch-Distributed Algorithms(1996).pdf

40.9 MB

/.../19 - Computer Algebra Systems and Computer Arithmetic/

Mircea Vlăduţiu (auth.)-Computer Arithmetic_ Algorithms and Hardware Implementations (2012).djvu

2.5 MB

Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic.pdf

13.3 MB

Jean-Pierre Deschamps-Hardware Implementation of Finite-Field Arithmetic (2009).pdf

1.6 MB

Jean-Pierre Deschamps, Gery J.A. Bioul, Gustavo D. Sutter-Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits_ FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems-Wiley-Interscience (2006).pdf

8.1 MB

Richard Brent, Paul Zimmermann-Modern Computer Arithmetic-Cambridge University Press (2010).pdf

2.2 MB

von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J.-Modern computer algebra-Cambridge University Press (2013).djvu

10.3 MB

/.../21 - Combinatorial Game Theory/

Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Horton Conway, Richard K. Guy-Winning Ways for your mathematical plays. Volume 3-A.K. Peters (2003).djvu

3.1 MB

Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy-Winning Ways for your mathematical plays. Volume 1-A.K. Peters (2001).djvu

2.2 MB

Robert A. Hearn, Erik D. Demaine-Games, Puzzles, and Computation-A K Peters (2009).pdf

8.6 MB

Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Horton Conway, Richard K. Guy-Winning Ways for your mathematical plays. Volume 4-A.K. Peters (2003).djvu

1.8 MB

Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Horton Conway, Richard K. Guy-Winning Ways for your mathematical plays. Volume 2-A.K. Peters (2003).djvu

1.6 MB

József Beck-Combinatorial games _ tic-tac-toe theory- (2008).pdf

3.2 MB

Aaron N. Siegel-Combinatorial Game Theory- (2013).pdf

13.8 MB

John Horton Conway-On numbers and games- .djvu

2.2 MB

/Physics/6 - Quantum Mechanics/

R. Shankar-Principles of Quantum Mechanics -Plenum (1994).djvu

5.8 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/6 - Astrophysics/

Carroll B.W., Ostlie D.A.-An introduction to modern astrophysics (2007).djvu

28.3 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/4 - Nuclear Physics/

(Wiley International Editions) Kenneth S. Krane-Introductory nuclear physics-Wiley (1987).djvu

12.2 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/5 - Particle Physics/

David Jeffery Griffiths-Introduction to Elementary Particles, 2nd Edition-Wiley-VCH (2008).djvu

5.7 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/7 - Relativity/

Bernard Schutz-A First Course in General Relativity-Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf

7.4 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/3 - Atomic Physics/

Christopher J. Foot-Atomic physics-Oxford University Press (2005).pdf

11.1 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/1 - Optics/

Grant R. Fowles-Introduction to modern optics-Dover Publications (1989).djvu

9.0 MB

/Physics/7 - Special Topics/2 - Solid State/

Steven H. Simon-The Oxford Solid State Basics-Oxford University Press (2013).pdf

5.6 MB

(Solid State Physics) Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin-Solid state physics-Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1976).djvu

14.3 MB

J. M. Ziman-Principles of the Theory of Solids-Cambridge University Press (1979).djvu

14.6 MB

/Physics/8 - Exercises Books/

W. Gorzkowski-XX International Physics Olympiad_ Proceedings of the XX International Physics Olympiad, Warsaw, 16-24 July 1989 -World Scientific Pub Co Inc (1990).pdf

13.5 MB

B. S. Belikov-General methods for solving physics problems-Mir Publishers Moscow (1988).djvu

2.4 MB

B. P. Demidovich-Problems in mathematical analysis-MIR Publishers.djvu

14.3 MB

A.V. Bitsadze-Equations of Mathematical Physics-Mir Publishers (1980).pdf

9.0 MB

Lev Tarasov, Aldina Tarasova-Questions and problems in school physics-Mir Publishers, Moscow (1973).djvu

3.9 MB


8.4 MB

V. S. Wolkenstein-Problems in General Physics -Mir Publishers (1971).pdf

63.5 MB

Manilerd C. (ed.)-International physics olympiads_ Problems and solutions from 1967-1995-Rangsit University Press (1996).djvu

3.5 MB

D.O. Shklyarsky, N. N. Chentsov, I. M. Yaglom-Selected Problems and Theorems in Elementary Mathematics-Mir Publishers (1979).pdf

16.0 MB

(Course of Theoretical Physics) L D Landau, E.M. Lifshitz-Mechanics-Butterworth-Heinemann (1976).djvu

2.5 MB


16.9 MB


20.2 MB

AP Physics B-C 2008-2009.pdf

3.9 MB

B. Bukhovtsev, V. Krivchenkov, G. Myakishev, V. Shalnov-Problems in Elementary Physics -MIR Publishers Moscow (1971).djvu

5.7 MB

S. P. Myasnikov, T. N. Osanova-Selected Problems on Physics-Mir Publishers Moscow (1990).djvu

3.1 MB

Frederick J. Bueche, Eugene Hecht, Frederick Bueche-Schaum's Outline of College Physics-McGraw-Hill (1997).pdf

8.0 MB

A. I. Prilepko-Problem book in high school mathematics-Mir Publishers (1985).djvu

2.9 MB


25.0 MB

Syed A. Nasar-Schaum's Solved Problems Series_ 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits-McGraw Hill (1988).djvu

7.4 MB

V G Zubov_ V P Shalʹnov -Problems in Physics-Mir Publishers (1974).djvu

4.2 MB

Scroungehound-International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 1967-2010.pdf

45.6 MB

V. N. Lange-Physical problems for Robinsons-Mir Publishers (1976).pdf

6.5 MB

D. K. Faddeev, I. Sominsky-Problems in Higher Algebra -Mir Publishers (1972).pdf

3.5 MB


221.6 KB

WPhO (Singapore)-World Physics Olympiad (WPhO) - 2011.pdf

2.5 MB

18.1 MB

A. Kutepov, A. Rubanov-Problems in Geometry -Mir Publishers (1978).djvu

2.1 MB

(Little Mathematics Library) A.I. Fetisov-Proof in Geometry (Little Mathematics Library)-Mir Publishers (1978).djvu

1.6 MB

The Committee of Japan Physics Olympiad-Physics Olympiad - Basic To Advanced Exercises-World Scientific Publishing Company (2014).pdf

6.3 MB

(Little Mathematics Library) L. I. Golovina and I. M. Yaglom-Induction in Geometry (Little Mathematics Library)-Mir Publishers (1979).pdf

7.5 MB

/Physics/8 - Exercises Books/APPhysicsC/


22.5 KB


270.8 KB


418.0 KB


102.9 KB


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98.8 KB


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128.5 KB


107.5 KB


259.2 KB


528.3 KB


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96.3 KB


100.9 KB

/Physics/4 - Electrodynamics/

(4th Edition) David J. Griffiths-Introduction to Electrodynamics-Addison-Wesley (2012).djvu

12.9 MB

/Physics/1 - High School/

University Physics with Modern Physics 14ed [2015].pdf

59.5 MB

Kleppner D., Kolenkow R.-An Introduction to Mechanics-CUP (2013).pdf

4.7 MB

Purcell E.M., Morin D.J.-Electricity and Magnetism-Cambridge University Press (2013).pdf

14.4 MB

Howard Georgi-The physics of waves-Prentice Hall (1993).pdf

4.9 MB

Robert Martin Eisberg_ Robert Resnick-Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles [SOLUTIONS]-Wiley (1985).djvu

6.0 MB

Enrico Fermi-Thermodynamics -Dover Publications (1956).djvu

14.0 MB

/Physics/5 - Thermal Physics/

R. F. Knacke-Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Frederick Reif-MGraw-Hill (1965).pdf

27.1 MB

Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert-Thermal Physics (1980).djvu

5.9 MB

(McGraw-Hill Series in Fundamentals of Physics) Frederick Reif-Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics-MGH (1965).djvu

14.5 MB

/Physics/3 - Classical Mechanics/

John R. Taylor-Classical Mechanics-University Science Books (2005).djvu

15.1 MB

/Physics/2 - Supplement/

Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 1,2,3 - Feynman, Leighton and Sands.pdf

87.3 MB

/.../11 - Design of Experiments/

George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter-Statistics for Experimenters_ Design, Innovation, and Discovery, Second Edition (2005).pdf

31.4 MB

Douglas C. Montgomery-Design and Analysis of Experiments-Wiley (2012).pdf

4.0 MB

Wu C.F.J., Hamada M.S.-Experiments. Planning, analysis, and optimization-Wiley (2009).djvu

5.0 MB

/.../4 - Professionalism and Career Development/

Anthony Fasano-Engineer Your Own Success_ 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career-Wiley-IEEE Press (2015).pdf

1.8 MB

/Universal Material/10 - Statistics/

George Casella, Roger L. Berger-Statistical Inference -Duxbury Press (2001).pdf

25.1 MB

Dennis D. Wackerly, William Mendenhall, Richard L. Scheaffer-Mathematical statistics with applications -Thomson Brooks_Cole (2008).pdf

5.4 MB

Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish-Probability and Statistics (4th Edition) -Addison Wesley _ Pearson (2011).pdf

5.1 MB

/.../13 - Teaching and Lecturing/

Steven G. Krantz-How to Teach Mathematics-American Mathematical Society (1999).djvu

7.0 MB

Wankat, Phillip C._ Oreovicz, Frank S.-Teaching Engineering-Knovel (1993).pdf

1.7 MB

/Universal Material/6 - Legal Matters/

Robert D. Hunter-Contracts for Engineers_ Intellectual Property, Standards, and Ethics-CRC Press (2011).pdf

5.2 MB

Howard B. Rockman-Intellectual Property Law for Engineers and Scientists-Wiley-IEEE Press (2004).pdf

6.6 MB

/.../8 - Devices and Apparatuses/

John H. Moore, Christopher C. Davis, Michael A. Coplan, Sandra C. Greer-Building Scientific Apparatus Fourth Edition (2009).pdf

8.6 MB

Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill-The Art of Electronics-Cambridge University Press (2015).pdf

144.8 MB

Paul Scherz, Simon Monk-Practical Electronics for Inventors, Third Edition-McGraw-Hill_TAB Electronics (2013).epub

31.3 MB

I. R. Walker-Reliability in Scientific Research_ Improving the Dependability of Measurements, Calculations, Equipment, and Software-Cambridge University Press (2011).pdf

3.4 MB

/Universal Material/1 - Writing/

William K. Zinsser-On Writing Well, 25th Anniversary_ The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction (On Writing Well) (2001).pdf

4.9 MB

William Strunk, Elwyn Brooks White-The elements of style-Penguin Press (2005).pdf

13.0 MB

/.../Technical, Scientific, and Mathematical Writing/

Justin Zobel (auth.)-Writing for Computer Science-Springer-Verlag London (2014).pdf

5.5 MB

Steven G Krantz -A primer of mathematical writing.djvu

1.7 MB

Michael Alley (auth.)-The Craft of Scientific Writing-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).djvu

3.6 MB

Nicholas J. Higham-Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences.djvu

2.3 MB

Joshua Schimel-Writing Science_ How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded-Oxford University Press, USA (2011).pdf

3.8 MB

Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, Walter E. Oliu-The Handbook of Technical Writing-Bedford_St. Martin's (2015).pdf

45.6 MB

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition_ Chicago Style for Students and Researchers-Un.epub

1.7 MB

/.../12 - Academia and Graduate School/

Brian J Thomas-Tomorrow's Professor_ Preparing for Careers in Science and Engineering-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enginee (1996).djvu

3.5 MB

Krantz S.G.-The Survival of a Mathematician_ From Tenure to Emeritus (2007).pdf

1.4 MB

Peter J. Feibelman-A PhD Is Not Enough!_ A Guide to Survival in Science-Basic Books (2011).pdf

800.4 KB

Steven G. Krantz-A mathematician's survival guide_ graduate school and early career development-American Mathematical Society (2003).djvu

2.7 MB

/Universal Material/7 - Research/

William I.B. Beveridge-The Art of Scientific Investigation-W. W. Norton & Company (1957).pdf

12.5 MB

E. Bright Wilson Jr.-An Introduction to Scientific Research-Dover Publications (1991).epub

7.6 MB

Ranjit Kumar-Research Methodology_ A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners-SAGE Publications Ltd (2010).epub

3.6 MB

/Universal Material/2 - LaTeX/

Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Chris Rowley-The LaTeX companion-Addison-Wesley (2004).djvu

11.1 MB

Oetiker T., Partl H., Hyna I.-The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε (2003).pdf

2.3 MB

Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly-Guide to LaTeX (4th Edition)-Addison-Wesley Professional (2003).pdf

3.0 MB

Grätzer, George-More Math Into LaTeX-Springer (2016).pdf

9.3 MB

/Universal Material/3 - Presentations/

Matt Carter (Auth.)-Designing Science Presentations. A Visual Guide to Figures, Papers, Slides, Posters, and More-Academic Press (2013).pdf

32.8 MB

Michael Alley (auth.)-The Craft of Scientific Presentations_ Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf

5.2 MB

Asher, Joey [Asher, Joey]-Even a Geek Can Speak_ Low-Tech Presentation Skills for High-Tech People-Persuasive Speaker Press (2006).mobi

1.6 MB

/Universal Material/9 - Error Analysis/

Ifan Hughes, Thomas Hase-Measurements and their Uncertainties_ A practical guide to modern error analysis-Oxford University Press, USA (2010).pdf

3.0 MB

Bevington P., Robinson D.K.-Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences (2003).djvu

2.2 MB

John R. Taylor-An Introduction to Error Analysis_ The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements-University Science Books (1997).djvu

4.7 MB

/Universal Material/5 - Ethics/1 - Engineering Ethics/

Humphreys-What Every Engineer Should Know about Ethics-CRC Press (1999).epub

1.1 MB

P. Aarne Vesilind, Alastair S. Gunn-Hold Paramount_ The Engineer's Responsibility to Society, 2nd Edition-Cengage Learning (2010).pdf

1.5 MB

(Esource) Charles B. Fleddermann-Engineering Ethics-Prentice Hall (2011).pdf

1.5 MB

Michael Davis-Thinking Like an Engineer_ Studies in the Ethics of a Profession (Practical and Professional Ethics Series)-Oxford University Press, USA (1998).epub

546.1 KB

/Universal Material/5 - Ethics/

Clive Staples Lewis-The abolition of man, or, Reflections on education with special reference to the teaching of English in the upper forms of schools-Harper San Francisco (2001).epub

203.6 KB

(Oxford World's Classics) Aristotle, & Lesley Brown-The Nicomachean Ethics-Oxford University Press (2004).pdf

1.5 MB


2.7 MB

/.../2 - Scientific Integrity and Ethics/

(Macmillan Science) Eugenie Samuel Reich-Plastic Fantastic_ How the Biggest Fraud in Physics Shook the Scientific World-Palgrave Macmillan (2009).pdf

3.2 MB

Francis L. Macrina-Scientific integrity _ text and cases in responsible conduct of research-ASM Press (2014).pdf

5.9 MB

Broad W., Wade N.-Betrayers of the truth-Simon and Schuster (1983).djvu

2.0 MB

-On Being a Scientist_ A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Resear.pdf

443.9 KB

David Goodstein-On Fact and Fraud_ Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science (2010).pdf

2.0 MB

/.../3 - Problem Solving and Heuristics/

Lawrence Weinstein, John A. Adam-Guesstimation_ Solving the World's Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin-Princeton University Press (2008).djvu

2.8 MB

(Princeton Science Library) G. Polya-How to Solve It. A New Aspect of Mathematical Method Princeton-Princeton University Press (2004).pdf

6.8 MB

Problem-Solving Through Problems.pdf

4.9 MB

The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering.pdf

8.3 MB

Dr. Zbigniew Michalewicz, Dr. David B. Fogel (auth.)-How to Solve It_ Modern Heuristics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2004).pdf

15.4 MB

Putnam & Beyond, Andreescu.pdf

3.6 MB

(Problem Books in Mathematics) Loren C. Larson-Problem Solving Through Problems (Problem Books in Mathematics)-Springer (1983)(1).pdf

4.9 MB

(Problem Books in Mathematics) Loren C. Larson-Problem Solving Through Problems (Problem Books in Mathematics)-Springer (1983).pdf

1.2 MB

Lawrence Weinstein, Patricia Edwards-Guesstimation 2.0_ Solving Today's Problems on the Back of a Napkin-Princeton University Press (2012).pdf

4.1 MB

Sanjoy Mahajan, Carver A. Mead-Street-Fighting Mathematics_ The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving-The MIT Press (2010).pdf

1.6 MB

Problem Solving Through Problems.djv

2.5 MB

/.../4 - Graduate Set Theory/

Thomas Jech (auth.)-Set Theory.pdf

12.5 MB

/.../1 - Introductory Set Theory/

Herbert B. Enderton-Elements of set theory-Academic Press (1977).djvu

2.1 MB

(Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) Keith Devlin-The joy of sets_ Fundamentals of contemporary set theory-Springer (1993).djvu

981.1 KB

Karel Hrbacek, Thomas Jech-Introduction to Set Theory,.djvu

3.8 MB

/.../9 - Set Theory, Mathematical Logic, and MetaMathematics/2 - Introductory Logic/

Alfred Tarski-Introduction to Logic_ and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences-Dover Publications (1995).epub

4.1 MB

Herbert B. Enderton-A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, Second Edition-Academic Press (2001).djvu

7.1 MB

(Bibliotheca Mathematica) S.C. Kleene-Introduction to Metamathematics-North Holland (1980).pdf

64.9 MB

/.../3 - Intermediate Set Theory and Logic/

Chang C.C., Keisler H.J., Troelstra A.S.-Model Theory (1990).djvu

5.5 MB

(Studies in Logic_ Mathematical Logic and Foundations 34) Kenneth Kunen-Set Theory-College Publications (2013).djvu

14.3 MB

Kenneth Kunen-The Foundations of Mathematics.djvu

14.4 MB

/.../8 - Proofs and Mathematical Reasoning/

Douglas Smith_ Maurice Eggen_ Richard St Andre-A transition to advanced mathematics-Brooks_Cole (2011).pdf

5.4 MB

Miklós Laczkovich-Conjecture and Proof-Mathematical Association of America (2001).djvu

2.4 MB

/.../7 - Partial Differential Equations/

Stanley J. Farlow-Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers -Courier Dover Publications (1993).djvu

6.1 MB

Walter A Strauss-Partial differential equations _ an introduction-Wiley (2009).pdf

2.9 MB

(Applied Mathematical Sciences 1) Fritz John (auth.)-Partial Differential Equations-Springer US (1978).pdf

7.8 MB

Richard Haberman-Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems-Pearson (2012).pdf

14.4 MB

/.../Graduate Partial Differential Equations/

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics) Jürgen Jost-Partial Differential Equations-Springer (2013).pdf

4.3 MB

Michael E. Taylor (auth.)-Partial Differential Equations I_ Basic Theory. Part 1-.djvu

6.0 MB

Michael E. Taylor (auth.)-Partial Differential Equations II_ Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations. Part 2.djvu

5.9 MB

(Graduate Studies in Mathematics) Lawrence C. Evans-Partial Differential Equations_ Second Edition -AMS (2010).djvu

5.0 MB

Michael E. Taylor (auth.)-Partial Differential Equations III_ Nonlinear Equations. Part 3-.djvu

6.2 MB

Gerald B. Folland-Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. Second Edition-Princeton University Press (1995).djvu

3.7 MB

/Mathematics/1 - Precalculus/

Stewart, James_ Redlin, Lothar_ Watson, Saleem-PRECALCULUS Mathematics for Calculus-Brooks_Cole (2013).pdf

45.8 MB

George Finlay Simmons-Precalculus mathematics in a nutshell_ Geometry, algebra, trigonometry-Barnes & Noble Books (1997).pdf

10.4 MB


15.6 MB

/.../1 - Group Theory Teaser/

(Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) M. A. Armstrong-Groups and symmetry-Springer (1988).djvu

1.3 MB

(New Mathematical Library 14) Israel Grossman, Wilhelm Magnus-Groups and Their Graphs-Mathematical Assn of Amer (1975).djvu

14.8 MB

Carter N.C. -Visual group theory-MAA (2009).pdf

4.0 MB

/.../2 - First Year Algebra/

David S. Dummit, Richard M. Foote-Abstract algebra-Wiley (2004).djvu

8.8 MB

Herstein I.N.-Topics in algebra-Wiley (1975).djvu

4.2 MB

Michael Artin -Algebra-Pearson (2010).djvu

9.2 MB

/.../3 - Second Year Algebra/

(Graduate texts in mathematics 073) Thomas W Hungerford -Algebra-[New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (2003).djvu

5.8 MB

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 211) Serge Lang (auth.)-Algebra-Springer-Verlag New York (2002).djvu

7.7 MB

Nathan Jacobson-Basic Algebra I. Bk. 1-W H Freeman & Co (Sd) (1985).djvu

5.6 MB

Nathan Jacobson-Basic Algebra II_ Second Edition-Dover Publications (2009).djvu

4.5 MB

/Mathematics/0 - High School/

A. P. Kiselev, Alexander Givental-Kiselev's Geometry _ Book I. Planimetry-Sumizdat (2006).pdf

6.9 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) I. M. Gelfand, E. G. Glagoleva, E. E. Shnol-Functions and Graphs-Dover Publications (2002).epub

7.5 MB

I.M. Gelfand, Mark Saul-Trigonometry-Birkhäuser Boston (2001).pdf

5.3 MB

(Addison-Wesley series in introductory mathematics) Serge Lang-Basic mathematics-Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub. Co (1971).djvu

3.9 MB

Algebra, Gelfand & Alexander Shen.pdf

32.4 MB

A. P. Kiselev, Adapted from Russian by Alexander Givental-Kiselev's Geometry _ Book II. Stereometry-Sumizdat (2008).djvu

6.4 MB

Serge Lang-Basic Mathematics-Addison-Wesley (1971).pdf

7.1 MB

Gelfand I.M., Glagoleva E.G., Kirilov A.A.-The method of coordinates-Birkhauser (1990).djvu

483.4 KB

Geometry Revisited.djvu

1.6 MB

/Mathematics/11 - Analysis/5 - Complex Analysis/

Lars Ahlfors-Complex analysis-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (1979).djvu

5.8 MB

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics - Vol 11) John B Conway-Functions of one complex variable-Springer (1978).djvu

2.4 MB

(Princeton Lectures in Analysis 2) Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi-Complex Analysis-Princeton University Press (2003).djvu

3.8 MB

/Mathematics/11 - Analysis/1 - Inequalities/

J. Michael Steele-The Cauchy-Schwarz Master Class_ An Introduction to the Art of Mathematical Inequalities-.pdf

3.4 MB

(Cambridge Mathematical Library) Hardy G.H., Littlewood J.E., Polya G.-Inequalities-Cambridge University Press (1952).djvu

9.0 MB

/.../2 - Real Analysis (Metric Space based)/

(UT) Zorich V.A.-Mathematical Analysis II-Springer (2004).djvu

6.2 MB

(International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Rudin W.-Principles of mathematical analysis-McGraw Hill (1976).djvu

2.8 MB

(Universitext) Vladimir A. Zorich-Mathematical Analysis I-Springer (2016).pdf

5.3 MB

Tom M. Apostol-Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition-Addison Wesley (1974).djvu

8.7 MB

/.../6 - Graduate Real Analysis/

(Princeton Lectures in Analysis Bk. 3) Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi-Real analysis _ measure theory, integration and Hilbert spaces-Princeton univ press (2005).pdf

2.4 MB

Rudin W.-Real and complex analysis-MGH (1986).djvu

6.1 MB

Royden H.L., Fitzpatrick P.-Real analysis-PH, CMP (2010).djvu

4.7 MB

Gerald B. Folland-Real Analysis_ Modern Techniques and Their Applications.djvu

5.0 MB

/Mathematics/11 - Analysis/0 - Reference/

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Gelbaum B., Olmsted J.-Counterexamples in analysis-Dover (2003).djvu

5.8 MB

/Mathematics/11 - Analysis/4 - Fourier Analysis/

(Wadsworth & Brooks_Cole Mathematics Series) Gerald B. Folland-Fourier Analysis and Its Applications -Brooks_Cole (1992).djvu

8.4 MB

Stein-Fourier Analysis. An Introduction-Princeton (2003).djvu

2.9 MB

Dym H., McKean H.P.-Fourier Series and Integrals (1972).djvu

3.9 MB

Tolstov G.P.-Fourier series-Dover (1976).djvu

3.6 MB

T. W. Körner-Fourier Analysis-Cambridge University Press (1988).djvu

4.1 MB

/.../3 - Analysis on Manifolds/

Michael Spivak-Calculus on manifolds-Westview Press (1995).djvu

1.7 MB

(Universitext) Manfredo P. Do Carmo-Differential Forms and Applications-Springer (1994).djvu

1.0 MB

Munkres J.R.-Analysis on manifolds-AW (1991).djvu

2.3 MB

/.../3 - Curves and Surfaces in ℝ2 and ℝ3/

(Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) Andrew Pressley (auth.)-Elementary differential geometry-Springer-Verlag London (2010).djvu

4.2 MB

Manfredo Do Carmo Differential geometry of curves and surfaces.pdf

17.3 MB

/.../4 - Ordinary Differential Equations/

George Finlay Simmons-Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes (2nd Edition)-McGraw-Hill (1991).djvu

4.7 MB

Shepley L. Ross-Differential equations-Wiley (1984).djvu

5.5 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Morris Tenenbaum, Harry Pollard-Ordinary Differential Equations-Dover Publications (1985).djvu

6.6 MB

/.../2 - Multivariable and Vector Calculus/

Lynn H. Loomis, Shlomo Sternberg-Advanced Calculus, Revised Edition-Jones and Bartlett Publishers (1990).djvu

8.4 MB

John H. Hubbard-Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Forms_ A Unified Approach-Prentice Hall (1998).djvu

16.5 MB

Tom M. Apostol Calculus, Vol. 2 Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications 1969.pdf

13.5 MB

C.H. Edwards-Advanced Calculus of Several Variables-Academic Press (1973).djvu

2.4 MB

Richard Courant, Fritz John (auth.)-Introduction to Calculus and Analysis_ Volume II-Springer New York (1989).pdf

20.7 MB

Harold M. Edwards-Advanced calculus - a differential forms approach-Birkhäuser Boston (1994).djvu

5.2 MB

(Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) Serge Lang (auth.)-Calculus of Several Variables-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf

40.4 MB

/.../1 - Single Variable Calculus/

(Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) Serge Lang-A first course in calculus, Fifth Edition-Springer (1986).djvu

9.2 MB

Simmons G.F.-Calculus with analytic geometry-MGH (1996).djvu

20.2 MB

Richard Courant, Fritz John (auth.)-Introduction to Calculus and Analysis_ Volume I-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf

22.0 MB

Michael Spivak-Calculus-Publish or Perish (1994).pdf

50.7 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) James M. Henle, Eugene M. Kleinberg-Infinitesimal Calculus-Dover Publications (2003).epub

9.8 MB

(3rd Edition) Michael Spivak-Answer Book for Calculus-Publish Or Perish (1996).pdf

19.2 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) H. Jerome Keisler-Elementary Calculus_ An Infinitesimal Approach-Dover Publications (2012).epub

67.1 MB

18.024-Tom M. Apostol Calculus, Vol. 1 One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra Second Edition Volume 1 1967.pdf

16.6 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Morris Kline-Calculus_ An Intuitive and Physical Approach-Dover Publications (1998).epub

40.5 MB

/Mathematics/2 - Problem books/

Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions II.pdf

6.6 MB

Challenging Problems in Geometry.pdf

6.7 MB

Challenging Problems in Algebra.pdf

8.8 MB

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Problems & Solutions, 1965-1984.djvu

3.7 MB

Ji-Xiu Chen, Jiang Guo-Ying, Pan Yang-Lian, Qin Tie-Hu, Tong Yu-Sun, Wu Quan-Shui, Xu Shen-Zhi, Ta-Chien Li-Problems and solutions in mathematics (PhD qualifying questions)-WS (1999).djvu

4.9 MB

The William Lowell Putnam mathematical competition_ Problems and solutions 1965-1984.djvu

1.9 MB

Hungarian Problem Book I.djvu

1.4 MB

(Student Mathematical Library, V. 4) W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak-Problems in mathematical analysis 1. Real numbers, sequences, series-American Mathematical Society (2000).djvu

7.3 MB

The Green Book of Mathematical Problems - Kenneth Hardy & Kenneth S Williams.pdf

5.6 MB

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Problems & Solutions, 1938-1964.djvu

8.4 MB

(Problem books in mathematics) Paulo Ney de Souza, Jorge-Nuno Silva, Paulo Ney de Souza-Berkeley Problems in Mathematics-Springer (2004).djvu

11.0 MB

18.725-David Mumford, E. Arbarello The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes 1358 1999.pdf

14.3 MB

L. I. Volkovyskii, G. L. Lunts, I. G. Aramanovich, J. Berry-A collection of problems on complex analysis-Dover Publications (1991).djvu

6.2 MB

The USSR Olympiad Problem Book.pdf

4.3 MB

(Student Mathematical Library, V. 4) W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak, American Mathematical Society-Problems in Mathematical Analysis III_ Integration-American Mathematical Society (2003).djvu

13.4 MB

Problems from the BOOK (Draft Version), Titu Andreescu.pdf

1.0 MB

Hungarian Problem Book III.djvu

862.0 KB

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Problems & Solutions, 1985-2000.pdf

2.2 MB

103 Trigonometry Problems.pdf

1.4 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Alfred S. Posamentier, Charles T. Salkind-Challenging Problems in Algebra-Dover Publications (1996).pdf

8.1 MB

Hungarian Problem Book II.djvu

1.2 MB

(A Blaisdell Book in Pure and Applied Mathematics) John D. Dixon-Problems in Group Theory-Blaisdell Publishing Company (1967).djvu

8.4 MB

Alfred S. Posamentier, Charles T. Salkind-Challenging Problems in Geometry-Dover Publications (1996).pdf

7.4 MB

(Problem Books in Mathematics) Gabor J. Szekely-Contests in Higher Mathematics_ Miklós Schweitzer Competitions, 1962-1991 (Problem Books in Mathematics)-Springer (1995).djvu

9.2 MB

104 Number Theory Problems.pdf

1.1 MB

(Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 12) W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak-Problems in mathematical analysis 2. Continuity and differentiation-American Mathematical Society (2001).djvu

5.8 MB

Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions I.pdf

8.5 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) G. Polya, J. Kilpatrick-The Stanford Mathematics Problem Book_ With Hints and Solutions-Dover Publications (2009).epub

3.5 MB

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Problems & Solutions, 2001-2008.pdf

994.0 KB

Shklarsky D. O., Yaglom I. M.-The USSR Olympiad Problem Book_ Selected Problems and Theorems of Elementary Mathematics (1993).pdf

4.3 MB

/Mathematics/5 - Advanced Calculus/1 - Complex Variables/

Edward B. Saff, Arthur David Snider-Fundamentals of complex analysis with applications to engineering and science-Prentice Hall (2003).djvu

5.9 MB

Dennis G. Zill and Patrick D. Shanahan-A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications-Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. (2003).pdf

14.6 MB

Tristan Needham-Visual Complex Analysis-OUP (1997).djvu

10.2 MB

Ablowitz M. J., Fokas A. S.-Complex Variables_ Introduction and Applications (2003).djvu

3.2 MB

/Mathematics/5 - Advanced Calculus/2 - Special Functions/

(Dover Books on Physics) Harry Hochstadt-The Functions of Mathematical Physics-Dover Publications (2012).epub

28.1 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) N. N. Lebedev, Mathematics, Richard R. Silverman-Special Functions & Their Applications-Dover Publications (1972).epub

20.2 MB

(Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) George E. Andrews, Richard Askey, Ranjan Roy-Special Functions -Cambridge University Press (1999).djvu

4.3 MB

Z. X. Wang, D. R. Guo, X. J. Xia-Special Functions-World Scientific (1989).djvu

16.5 MB

(Cambridge Mathematical Library) E. T. Whittaker, G. N. Watson-A course of modern analysis-Cambridge University Press (1927).djvu

10.0 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) WILLIAM WALLACE BELL-Special functions for scientists and engineers-VAN NOSTRAND (1968).djvu

2.2 MB

/Mathematics/5 - Advanced Calculus/3 - Fourier Transforms/

-Fourier Transforms_ An Introduction for Engineers-Springer US (1995).pdf

11.5 MB

Ronald N. Bracewell-The Fourier Transform and Its Applications-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (1999).djvu

18.7 MB

Albert Boggess_ Francis J Narcowich-A first course in wavelets with Fourier analysis-John Wiley & Sons (2009).djvu

2.9 MB

Jack D. Gaskill-Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics (1978).djvu

5.9 MB

/.../4 - Calculus of Variations/

Robert Weinstock-Calculus of Variations with Applications to Physics & Engineering-Dover Publications (1974).djvu

3.9 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) I. M. Gelfand, S. V. Fomin-Calculus of Variations -Dover (2000).djvu

2.0 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Lev D. Elsgolc-Calculus of Variations-Dover Publications (2007).djvu

2.9 MB

/Mathematics/12 - Topology/0 - Supplement/

Lynn Arthur Steen, J. Arthur Seebach Jr.-Counterexamples in Topology, Second Edition -Dover Publications (1995).djvu

3.4 MB

/Mathematics/12 - Topology/2 - Algebraic Topology/

(Chicago lectures in mathematics) J. P. May-A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology-University of Chicago Press (1999).pdf

1.7 MB

Hatcher, Allen-Algebraic Topology-CUP .djvu

4.4 MB

(Graduate texts in mathematics 082) Bott R., Tu L.W.-Differential forms in algebraic topology-Springer (1982).djvu

3.3 MB

/Mathematics/12 - Topology/3 - Differential Topology/

(Graduate texts in mathematics 33) Morris W. Hirsch-Differential topology-Springer (1976).djvu

7.9 MB

Victor Guillemin, Alan Pollack-Differential Topology (1974).djvu

3.8 MB

John Willard Milnor-Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint-University of Virginia Press (1988).pdf

1.7 MB

/.../1 - Point-set Topology/

Stephen Willard-General Topology-Addison-Wesley (1970).djvu

12.7 MB

James Munkres-Topology-Pearson Education Limited (2014).pdf

5.7 MB

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 202) John M. Lee (auth.)-Introduction to Topological Manifolds-Springer-Verlag New York (2011).djvu

3.1 MB

/.../2 - Applied Linear Algebra/

C.Meyer-Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra (2000).djvu

22.2 MB

Gilbert Strang-Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Fourth Edition (2005).djvu

11.1 MB

/.../3 - Finite Vector Spaces/

Georgi E. Shilov-Linear Algebra-Dover Publications (1977).djvu

14.8 MB

Kenneth M Hoffman, Ray Kunze-Linear Algebra-Pearson (1971).djvu

9.2 MB

(Undergraduate texts in mathematics) P.R. Halmos-Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces-Springer-Verlag (1974).djvu

3.6 MB

Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence-Linear Algebra, 4th Edition-Prentice Hall (2003).djvu

10.8 MB

/.../4 - Refreshers and Advanced Books/

(Graduate Texts in Mathematics) Steven Roman-Advanced Linear Algebra-Springer (2007).djvu

3.3 MB

Peter D. Lax-Linear Algebra and Its Applications-Wiley-Interscience (2007).epub

5.6 MB

/Mathematics/6 - Linear Algebra/1 - Matrix Algebra/

Sergei Treil-Linear Algebra Done Wrong (2004).pdf

1.2 MB

(Dover Books on Mathematics) Charles G. Cullen-Matrices and Linear Transformations_ Second Edition-Dover Publications (1990).epub

18.0 MB

Barker, George Phillip_ Schneider, Hans-Matrices and linear algebra-Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1968).djvu

14.3 MB

/.../8 - Solid State Chemistry/

Lesley E. Smart, Elaine A. Moore-Solid State Chemistry_ An Introduction, Third Edition-CRC Press (2005).pdf

6.6 MB

Solid State Chemistry and its Applications - West, Anthony R.pdf

19.5 MB

/Chemistry/5 - Physical Chemistry/1 - Thermal Physics/

Daniel V. Schroeder-An introduction to thermal physics-Addison Wesley (1999).djvu

5.8 MB

Daniel Schroeder-Instructor's Solutions Manual for Introduction to Thermal Physics.pdf

5.7 MB

(McGraw-Hill Series in Fundamentals of Physics) Frederick Reif-Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics-MGH (1965).djvu

14.5 MB

/Chemistry/5 - Physical Chemistry/

Ira Levine-Physical Chemistry-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2008).pdf

13.0 MB

Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon-Physical Chemistry_ A Molecular Approach-University Science Books (1997).pdf

19.0 MB

/Chemistry/5 - Physical Chemistry/2 - Quantum Theory/

Griffiths D.J.-Introduction to quantum mechanics 2nd ed. - Solutions-Pearson (2005).pdf

2.9 MB

Robert Martin Eisberg_ Robert Resnick-Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles [SOLUTIONS]-Wiley (1985).djvu

6.0 MB

Eisberg R., Resnick R.-Quantum physics_ Of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles-Wiley (1985).djvu

10.9 MB

/Chemistry/4 - Biochemistry/

Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer-Biochemistry (Seventh Edition) -W. H. Freeman (2010).pdf

211.0 MB


142.7 MB

David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox-Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry-W. H. Freeman (2008).pdf

150.2 MB


126.2 MB

/Chemistry/9 - Computational Chemistry/

(Computational science (San Diego, Calif.)) Daan Frenkel_ Berend Smit-Understanding molecular simulation _ from algorithms to applications-Academic Press (2002).pdf

33.9 MB

Christopher J. Cramer-Essentials of Computational Chemistry_ Theories and Models-Wiley (2004).pdf

7.3 MB

Andrew R Leach -Molecular modelling _ principles and applications-Prentice Hall (2001).djvu

8.4 MB

M. P. Allen, D. J. Tildesley-Computer simulation of liquids-Oxford University Press, USA (1989).djvu

4.2 MB

/Chemistry/3 - Organic Chemistry/

David R. Klein-Organic Chemistry As a Second Language_ Second Semester Topics-Wiley (2011).pdf

7.1 MB

David R. Klein-Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition-Wiley (2013).pdf

148.9 MB

David R. Klein-Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry-Wiley (2014).pdf

50.0 MB

Jonathan Clayden_ Nick Greeves_ Stuart G Warren-Organic chemistry-Oxford University Press (2012).pdf

12.9 MB

David Klein-Organic Chemistry As a Second Language, 3e_ First Semester Topics-John Wiley & Sons (2011).pdf

4.9 MB

James W. Zubrick-The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual_ A Student's Guide to Techniques-Wiley (2012).pdf

5.6 MB

/.../Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual ta Organic Chemistry, 2E- Klein [PDF] [StormRG]/


130.6 KB


1.3 KB

Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual ta Organic Chemistry., 2E- Klein.pdf

50.0 MB

/Chemistry/6 - Inorganic Chemistry/

J. D. Lee-Concise Inorganic Chemistry (1991).pdf

8.3 MB

(4th Edition) James E. Huheey, Ellen A. Keiter, Richard L. Keiter-Inorganic Chemistry_ Principles of Structure and Reactivity-Prentice Hall (1997).djvu

21.0 MB

Catherine Housecroft, Alan G. Sharpe-Inorganic Chemistry (3rd Edition) -Prentice Hall (2007).pdf

92.1 MB

/Chemistry/7 - Group Theory/

Kettle S.-Symmetry and structure_ Readable group theory for chemists-Wiley (2007).pdf

2.3 MB

David M. Bishop-Group Theory and Chemistry-Dover Publications (1993).djvu

2.3 MB

Michael Tinkham-Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics-Dover Publications (2003).pdf

40.2 MB

/Chemistry/2 - Analytical Chemistry/

Scoog D.A., Holler F.J., Crouch S.R.-Principles of Instrumental Analysis-BrooksCole (2007).djvu

20.4 MB

David Harvey-Modern Analytical Chemistry (2nd edition - 2009).djvu

13.7 MB

Daniel C. Harris-Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th Edition -W. H. Freeman (2010).pdf

28.9 MB

Daniel C. Harris-Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Solutions Manual -W.H. Freeman & Company (2010).pdf

46.8 MB

/.../10 - Exercises Books/


14.2 MB

Neil D. Jespersen-BARRON'S AP Chemistry-Barron's Educational Series (2014).epub

0.2 KB

5 Steps to a 5 500 AP Chemistry Questions to Know by Test Day - 1st Edition (2011).epub

4.2 MB

AP Chemistry For Dummies - P. Mikulecky, et al., (Wiley, 2009) WW.pdf

8.2 MB

Anton Sirota-International Chemistry Olympiad Past Competition Tasks Compilation Vol 2.pdf

7.8 MB

Steven Hoenig-Basic training in chemistry-Springer (2001).pdf

9.4 MB

John Kenkel-Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises-CRC Press (2011).pdf

7.3 MB

John R. Dean, Alan M. Jones, David Holmes, Rob Reed, Jonathan Weyers, Allan Jones-Practical Skills in Chemistry -Prentice Hall (2001).pdf

66.1 MB

Anton Sirota-International Chemistry Olympiad Past Competition Tasks Compilation Vol 1.pdf

3.1 MB

5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry .pdf

2.3 MB

ACS GenChem StudyGuide.pdf

1.1 MB

/.../Examkrackers MCAT Oragnic,InOrganic Chemistry,General Chemistry Review - Jonathan Orsay,Ajikumar Aryangat - Mantesh/

Kaplan MCAT Organic Chemistry Review.epub

4.2 MB

Kaplan MCAT General Chemistry Review.epub

2.5 MB

MCAT Organic Chemistry - ExamKrackers - Jonathan Orsay.pdf

14.9 MB

Read me First.txt

0.3 KB

The MCAT Chemistry Book - Ajikumar Aryangat.pdf

6.3 MB

MCAT InOrganic Chemistry - ExamKrackers - Jonathan Orsay.pdf

9.9 MB

Torrent downloaded from

0.1 KB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB

/.../1 - High School - General Chemistry/


227.4 MB

Chemistry_ The Central Science-Prentice Hall (2014).pdf

89.7 MB

Catherine E. Housecroft_ Edwin C. Constable-Chemistry, 4th Edition -Pearson Academic (2009).pdf

105.2 MB

David W. Oxtoby, H.P. Gillis, Alan Campion-Principles of Modern Chemistry-Cengage Learning (2012).pdf

79.0 MB

/4 - Fluid Mechanics/

Yunus Cengel, John Cimbala-Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2013).pdf

25.2 MB

Pijush K. Kundu, Ira M. Cohen, David R Dowling-Fluid Mechanics Fifth Edition -Academic Press (2011).pdf

26.6 MB

/9 - Special Topics/5 - Flight Mechanics/

Airplane Stability and Control.pdf

6.2 MB

/9 - Special Topics/4 - Propulsion/

George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz-Rocket Propulsion Elements-Wiley (2010).pdf

29.9 MB

Huzel, Dieter K._ Huang, David H.-Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines.pdf

14.9 MB

Hill Peterson-Mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion (1992).pdf

34.8 MB

/.../7 - Compressible Fluid Mechanics/

-Elements of Gasdynamics.pdf

16.5 MB

John D. Anderson-Modern compressible flow_ with historical perspective.djvu

7.2 MB

(Heat Transfer) Carscallen, William E._ Oosthuizen, Patrick H-Introduction to Compressible Fluid Flow, Second Edition-CRC Press (2013).pdf

51.2 MB

/9 - Special Topics/9 - Combustion Theory/

Irvin Glassman, Richard A. Yetter, Nick G. Glumac-Combustion, Fifth Edition-Academic Press (2014).pdf

17.3 MB

Stephen R. Turns-An Introduction to Combustion_ Concepts and Applications-McGraw-Hill (2000).pdf

26.0 MB

Forman A. Williams-Combustion Theory-Westview Press (1994).pdf

10.2 MB

Kenneth Kuan-yun Kuo-Principles of Combustion-Wiley-Interscience (2005).pdf

24.3 MB

/.../3 - Space System Design/

Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, John Stark-Spacecraft Systems Engineering (Aerospace Series) -Wiley (2011).pdf

79.3 MB

(AIAA education series) Michael D. Griffin, James R. French-Space vehicle design-American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc (2004).pdf

28.7 MB

/.../10 - Control System Engineering/

Multivariable Feedback Control - Analysis and Design.pdf

4.1 MB

Dullerud G.E., Paganini F.-A Course in Robust Control Theory - A Convex Approach-Springer (2005).pdf

2.1 MB

William L. Brogan-Modern Control Theory (3rd Edition) -Prentice Hall (1990).pdf

55.4 MB

Donald E. Kirk-Optimal control theory_ An introduction-Dover Publications (2004).djvu

3.1 MB

Katsuhiko Ogata-Modern Control Engineering-Prentice Hall (2010).pdf

6.2 MB

Norman S. Nise-Control Systems Engineering-Wiley (2015).pdf

39.8 MB

/9 - Special Topics/6 - Aircraft Design/

(Aiaa Education Series) Daniel P. Raymer-Aircraft Design_ A Conceptual Approach-AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Ast (1999).djvu

7.8 MB

Elmer Franklin Bruhn-Analysis and design of flight vehicle structures-Tri-State Offset Co (1973).pdf

79.7 MB

T.H.G. Megson (Auth.)-Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students-Butterworth-Heinemann (2012).pdf

17.2 MB

D. Raymer-Aircraft Design. A Conceptual Approach (1992).pdf

30.7 MB

Niu, Michael Chun-Yung-Airframe Structural Design - Practical Design Information and Data on Aircraft Structures.pdf

28.4 MB

(Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering) David J. Peery-Aircraft Structures-Dover Publications (2011).pdf

25.8 MB

/.../8 - Internal Combustion Engine/

John Heywood-Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (1988).pdf

44.4 MB

Willard W. Pulkrabek-Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine-Prentice Hall, Inc. (1997).pdf

7.0 MB

/9 - Special Topics/2 - Orbital Mechanics/

An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodynamics.djvu

8.7 MB

Howard Curtis (Auth.)-Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students-Butterworth-Heinemann (2014).pdf

15.4 MB

(Space technology series) David A Vallado-Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications-McGraw-Hill (1997).djvu

12.3 MB

Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. White-Fundamentals of Astrodynamics-Dover (1971).djvu

8.2 MB

/9 - Special Topics/1 - Aerodynamics/

John D. Anderson Jr-Fundamentals of Aerodynamics-McGraw-Hill Education (2011).pdf

8.8 MB

Arnold M. Kuethe, Chuen-Yen Chow-Foundations of Aerodynamics_ Bases of Aerodynamic Design (5th Ed.) -John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1998).djvu

16.3 MB

/1 - Engineering Mechanics/1 - Statics/

J. P. Den Hartog, Physics-Mechanics (Dover Books on Physics) -Dover Publications (1961).djvu

10.3 MB

Russell C. Hibbeler-Engineering Mechanics_ Statics-Pearson (2015).pdf

54.9 MB

J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige-Engineering Mechanics_ Statics. 1-Wiley (2012).pdf

31.8 MB

/1 - Engineering Mechanics/2 - Dynamics/

Russell C. Hibbeler-Engineering Mechanics_ Dynamics (14th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2015).pdf

41.6 MB

Russell C. Hibbeler-Engineering Mechanics_ Dynamics (14th Edition) Instructor's Solutions Manual-Prentice Hall (2015).pdf

56.6 MB

/7 - Heat Transfer/

Yunus Cengel, Afshin Ghajar-Heat and Mass Transfer_ Fundamentals and Applications-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2014).pdf

26.7 MB

Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt-Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer -Wiley (2011).pdf

29.0 MB

John H. Lienhard IV, John H. Lienhard, V-A Heat Transfer Textbook_ Fourth Edition-Dover Publications (2011).pdf

18.0 MB

/3 - Material Science/

William D. Callister, Jr., William D. Callister-Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering_ An Interactive e . Text,-Wiley (2000).pdf

11.6 MB

(Penguin Science) J. E. Gordon-The New Science of Strong Materials_ Or Why You Don't Fall Through the Floor-Penguin UK (1999).mobi

2.3 MB

Norman E. Dowling-Mechanical Behavior of Materials (4th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2012).pdf

12.6 MB

/8 - Vibrations/

Benaroya, Haym_ Nagurka, Mark L-Mechanical Vibration _ Analysis, Uncertainties, and Control, Third Edition.pdf

104.5 MB

Singiresu S Rao-Mechanical vibrations-Prentice Hall (2010).djvu

10.8 MB

Leonard Meirovitch-Fundamentals of Vibrations-McGraw-Hill Companies (2001).djvu

31.7 MB

Daniel J. Inman-Engineering Vibration-Prentice Hall (2013).pdf

47.3 MB

/6 - Mechanical Design/

Robert L. Norton-Machine Design_ An Integrated Approach (-Prentice Hall (2005).djvu

36.0 MB

Ashby, Michael F.-Materials Selection in Mechanical Design-Elsevier (2011).pdf

24.8 MB

Robert C. Juvinall, Kurt M. Marshek-Fundamentals of Machine Component Design-Wiley (2011).pdf

30.0 MB

(McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering) Richard Budynas, Keith Nisbett-Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2014).pdf

25.0 MB

/.../2 - Mechanics of Materials/

Stephen P. Timoshenko-History of Strength of Materials-Dover Publications (1983).pdf

73.0 MB

James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno-Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition-CL Engineering (2012).pdf

41.6 MB

Russell C. Hibbeler-Mechanics of Materials-Pearson Education (Prentice Hall) (c2014).pdf

37.5 MB

Russell Charles Hibbeler-Mechanics of Materials - Instructor Solutions Manual-Pearson (Prentice Hall) (2013).pdf

92.1 MB

/5 - Thermodynamics/

Çengel, Yunus A._ Boles, Michael A-Thermodynamics _ an engineering approach-McGraw-Hill Education (2015).pdf

87.1 MB

Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Daisie D. Boettner, Margaret B. Bailey-Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics-Wiley (2014).pdf

28.5 MB

Claus Borgnakke, Richard E. Sonntag-Fundamentals of Thermodynamics-Wiley (2012).pdf

26.5 MB

/3 - Electronics/

(The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) Adel S. Sedra_ Kenneth C. Smith-Microelectronic Circuits-Oxford University Press (2014).pdf

72.4 MB

Behzad Razavi-Fundamentals of Microelectronics-Wiley (2013).pdf

6.9 MB

Richard Jaeger, Travis Blalock-Microelectronic Circuit Design-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2015).pdf

14.1 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/6 - Radar Engineering/

Van Trees, Harry L.-Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory - Part l - Detection, Estimation, and Linear Modulation Theory-John Wiley & Sons (2001).pdf

14.4 MB

Merrill Skolnik-Radar handbook-McGraw-Hill (2008).pdf

16.3 MB

Harry L. Van Trees, Kristine L. Bell, Zhi Tian-Detection Estimation and Modulation Theory, Detection, Estimation, and Filtering Theory-Wiley (2013).pdf

9.3 MB

Mark A. Richards-Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing -McGraw-Hill (2005).pdf

13.8 MB

Merrill Ivan Skolnik-Introduction to Radar Systems-Mcgraw-Hill College (1980).pdf

50.0 MB

Van Trees, Harry L.-Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory - Part lll - Radar-Sonar Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise-John Wiley & Sons (2001).pdf

19.2 MB

Harry L. Van Trees-Optimum Array Processing (Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part IV) -Wiley-Interscience (2002).djvu

30.1 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/5 - Antennas/

Constantine A. Balanis-Antenna Theory_ Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition-Wiley-Interscience (2005).pdf

22.0 MB

John. D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka-Antennas-for-All-Applications.pdf

18.5 MB

Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele-Antenna Theory and Design-Wiley (2012).pdf

11.7 MB

/.../12 - Wireless Communications/

Theodore S. Rappaport-Wireless Communications_ Principles and Practice (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (2002).pdf

12.0 MB

Andreas F. Molisch-Wireless Communications (Wiley - IEEE)-Wiley (2011).pdf

12.6 MB

David Tse, Pramod Viswanath-Fundamentals of Wireless Communication-Cambridge University Press (2005).pdf

5.0 MB

/.../11 - Photonics and Optics/

Joseph W. Goodman-Introduction to Fourier optics-Roberts and Co. (2005).djvu

31.0 MB

(Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics) Joseph W. Goodman-Statistical Optics-Wiley (2015).pdf

4.0 MB

Joseph W. Goodman-Introduction To Fourier Optics, Third Edition, Problem Solutions (1996).pdf

619.7 KB

Warren Smith-Modern optical engineering_ the design of optical systems-McGraw Hill (2008).pdf

15.3 MB

Max Born, Emil Wolf-Principles of optics_ electromagnetic theory of propagation, interference and diffraction of light-Cambridge University Press (2005).djvu

23.2 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/1 - Analog Electronics/

R. Jacob Baker -CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd Edition -Wiley-IEEE Press (2010).pdf

18.2 MB

Tony Chan Carusone_ David Johns_ Kenneth W Martin-Analog integrated circuit design-Wiley (2011).pdf

19.2 MB

Behzad Razavi-Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits-McGraw-Hill Education (2016).pdf

9.5 MB

Paul R. Gray-Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 5th edition-John Wiley & Sons Inc (2009).pdf

58.4 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/7 - Power Systems/

J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas Overbye-Power System Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition -Cengage Learning (2011).pdf

23.4 MB

John Grainger, Jr.,William Stevenson-Power System Analysis (1994).pdf

39.7 MB

Hadi Saadat-Power Systems Analysis - 2nd Edition (2002).pdf

910.9 KB

John Grainger (Author), Jr., William Stevenson (Author)-Power System Analysis solution manual.pdf

10.3 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/8 - Electric Machinery/

(McGraw-Hill series in electrical engineering. Power and energy) A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., Stephen Umans-Electric machinery-McGraw-Hill (2003).pdf

16.9 MB

Stephen Chapman-Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edition (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)-McGraw-Hill (2003).pdf

42.5 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/15 - Mathematics/

Erwin Kreyszig, In collaboration with Herbert Kreyszig and Edward J. Norminton-Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition -Wiley (2011).pdf

22.5 MB

Michael Greenberg-Advanced engineering mathematics-Prentice Hall (1998).djvu

18.4 MB

Erwin Kreyszig-Introductory functional analysis with applications-Wiley (1978).pdf

10.9 MB

Michael D. Greenberg-Solutions Manual for Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd Edition.pdf

33.5 MB

Edward B. Saff, Arthur David Snider-Fundamentals of complex analysis with applications to engineering and science-Prentice Hall (2003).djvu

5.9 MB

Philippe Dennery, Andre Krzywicki-Mathematics for Physicists (Dover Books on Mathematics)-Dover Publications (1996).pdf

20.0 MB

Tristan Needham-Visual Complex Analysis-OUP (1997).djvu

10.2 MB

/.../14 - Control Theory/

Dullerud G.E., Paganini F.-A Course in Robust Control Theory - A Convex Approach-Springer (2005).pdf

2.1 MB

Multivariable Feedback Control - Analysis and Design.pdf

4.1 MB

Katsuhiko Ogata-Modern Control Engineering-Prentice Hall (2010).pdf

6.2 MB

Donald E. Kirk-Optimal control theory_ An introduction-Dover Publications (2004).djvu

3.1 MB

Norman S. Nise-Control Systems Engineering-Wiley (2015).pdf

39.8 MB

William L. Brogan-Modern Control Theory (3rd Edition) -Prentice Hall (1990).pdf

55.4 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/2 - Power Electronics/

Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins-Power Electronics_ Converters, Applications, and Design -Wiley (2002).pdf

43.6 MB

Robert W. Erickson Dragan Maksimovic-Fundamentals of Power Electronics (Second Edition) (2001).pdf

56.9 MB

/.../4 - RF and Microwave Engineering/

Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko-RF Circuit Design_ Theory and Applications -Prentice Hall (2000).pdf

18.7 MB

Bowick, Christopher_ Blyler, John_ Ajluni, Cheryl-RF Circuit Design-Elsevier (2008).pdf

9.3 MB

Pozar David M.-Microwave Engineering-John Wiley & Sons, Inc (2012).pdf

15.9 MB

/.../9 - Semiconductor Device Physics/

Donald A. Neamen-Semiconductor Physics And Devices_ Basic Principles-McGraw-Hill (2011).pdf

14.0 MB

Robert F. Pierret-Semiconductor Device Fundamentals-Addison Wesley (1996).pdf

19.9 MB

Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins-Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 3rd edition Solutions Manual.pdf

4.4 MB

Simon M. Sze, Kwok K. Ng-Physics of Semiconductor Devices -Wiley-Interscience (2006).pdf

38.4 MB

Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins, Mansun Chan-Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 3rd Ed. (2003).pdf

24.3 MB

(Modular Series on Solid State Devices vol. 6) Pierret R.F.-Advanced semiconductor fundamentals-Pearson (2002).djvu

2.0 MB

/.../13 - Information and Coding Theory/

Robert G. Gallager-Information theory and reliable communication-Wiley (1968).djvu

6.2 MB

Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver-The Mathematical Theory of Communication-U. Illinois (1963).djvu

1.3 MB

Steven Roman-Coding and information theory- .djvu

6.8 MB

Andrew J. Viterbi, Jim K. Omura-Principles of Digital Communication and Coding (2009).epub

47.0 MB

Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas-Elements of Information Theory-Wiley-Interscience (2006).pdf

10.6 MB

Khalid Sayood-Introduction to Data Compression, Fourth Edition-Morgan Kaufmann (2012).pdf

18.3 MB

Abbas El Gamal, Young-Han Kim-Network Information Theory-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf

4.4 MB

Robert B. Ash-Information Theory-John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1965).pdf

10.3 MB

/.../3 - Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines/

(Addison-Wesley series in electrical engineering) David K. Cheng-Field and Wave Electromagnetics-Addison Wesley (1983).pdf

33.0 MB

William Hayt, John Buck-Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Edition -McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2011).pdf

12.7 MB

(4th Edition) David J. Griffiths-Introduction to Electrodynamics-Addison-Wesley (2012).djvu

12.9 MB

Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Umberto Ravaioli-Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics-Prentice Hall (2014).pdf

12.3 MB

C A Balanis-Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics (Second Edition)-John Wiley and Sons (2012).pdf

7.3 MB

Kong J.A.-Electromagnetic Wave Theory-Wiley (1990).djvu

4.0 MB

/.../10 - Special Topics/10 - VLSI/

Jan M Rabaey_ Anantha P Chandrakasan_ Borivoje Nikolić, Assistant Professor-Digital integrated circuits _ a design perspective.pdf

11.3 MB

Yuan Taur, Tak H. Ning-Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices-Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf

33.6 MB

Neil H. E. Weste, David Money Harris-CMOS VLSI Design_ A Circuits and Systems Perspective (4th Edition) -Addison Wesley (2010).pdf

14.5 MB

/.../Lisp - Scheme - Racket/

Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen-The Seasoned Schemer -MIT Press (1996).pdf

11.9 MB

Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen, Duane Bibby, Gerald J. Sussman-The Little Schemer-The MIT Press (1995).djvu

2.1 MB

How to design programs _ an introduction to programming and computing.djvu

5.3 MB

R. Kent Dybvig-The Scheme Programming Language-The MIT Press (2009).epub

1.6 MB

The Racket Guide.pdf

983.2 KB

/4 - Programming/Functional Languages/Standard ML/

John H. Reppy-Concurrent Programming in ML-Cambridge University Press (1999).pdf

912.4 KB

Harper R.-Programming in standard ML (2005).pdf

903.3 KB

Paulson L.C.-ML for the working programmer-CUP (1996).djvu

8.5 MB

/4 - Programming/Functional Languages/Haskell/

Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, Don Stewart-Real World Haskell (2008).epub

2.4 MB

Marlow S.-Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell_ Techniques for Multicore and Multithreaded Programming-O'Reilly (2013).djvu

3.9 MB

Thompson S.-Haskell_ The craft of functional programming-AW (2011).djvu

7.0 MB

Graham Hutton-Programming in Haskell (2007).pdf

915.2 KB

/4 - Programming/Functional Languages/OCaml/

Yaron Minsky, Anil Madhavapeddy, Jason Hickey-Real World OCaml_ Functional programming for the masses-O'Reilly Media (2013).epub

3.2 MB

John Whitington-OCaml from the Very Beginning-Coherent Press (2013).epub

2.9 MB

Remy D.-Using,understanding,and unraveling the OCaml language (2001).pdf

1.1 MB

Emmanuel Chailloux, Pascal Manoury, Bruno Pagano-Developing Applications With Objective Caml-O'Reilly (2000).djvu

4.8 MB

/4 - Programming/Logic Languages/Prolog/

Sterling L.S., Shapiro E.-The Art of Prolog_ Advanced Programming Techniques (1994).pdf

23.3 MB

(Logic Programming) Richard O'Keefe-The Craft of Prolog-The MIT Press (1990).djvu

2.1 MB

(Logic Programming) Leon Sterling-The Practice of Prolog-The MIT Press (1990).pdf

17.5 MB

(International Computer Science Series) Ivan Bratko-Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence-Pearson Education Canada (2011).djvu

9.6 MB

C.S. Mellish, W.F. Clocksin-Programming in Prolog_ Using the ISO Standard -Springer (2003).djvu

5.4 MB

/4 - Programming/Scripting Languages/Lua/

Roberto Ierusalimschy-Programming in Lua, Third (2013).epub

377.6 KB

/4 - Programming/Scripting Languages/Python/

Cyrille Rossant-IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook-Packt Publishing (2014).pdf

9.3 MB

Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing-Packt Publishing (2015).pdf

3.9 MB

David M. Beazley-Python Essential Reference (4th Edition) (2009).pdf

4.5 MB


1.2 MB


834.7 KB

/.../General Purpose Languages/C/

P. J. Plauger-The standard C library-Prentice Hall (1992).djvu

5.8 MB

Peter van der Linden-Expert C Programming_ Deep C Secrets-Prentice Hall (1994).pdf

32.7 MB

Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie-The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)-Prentice Hall (1988).pdf

16.6 MB

K. N. King-C Programming_ A Modern Approach-W. W. Norton & Company (2008).pdf

106.8 MB

/.../General Purpose Languages/C++/

Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo-C++ Primer-Addison-Wesley Professional (2012).pdf

52.8 MB

(2nd Edition) Bjarne Stroustrup-Programming_ Principles and Practice Using C++-Addison-Wesley Professional (2014).epub

34.9 MB

Nicolai M. Josuttis-The C++ Standard Library_ A Tutorial and Reference-Addison-Wesley (2012).pdf

14.5 MB

Bjarne Stroustrup-The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition-Addison-Wesley Professional (2013).pdf

19.7 MB

/.../Stack-Oriented Languages/Forth/

Edward K. Conklin, Elizabeth D. Rather-Forth programmer's handbook-FORTH, Inc. (1998).pdf

2.0 MB

Leo Brodie-Starting Forth-Spectral Assoc (1984).chm

2.2 MB

Leo Brodie-Thinking Forth-Punchy Publishing (2004).pdf

4.5 MB

/.../Scientific and Array Based Languages/J/

Henry Rich-J for C programmers-Henry Rich (2009).pdf

1.8 MB

/.../Scientific and Array Based Languages/Fortran/

Modern Fortran Explained.pdf

3.9 MB

Stephen Chapman-Fortran 95_2003 for Scientists & Engineers-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2007).djvu

8.4 MB

Fortran 95 2003 explained.djvu

4.5 MB

/.../Scientific and Array Based Languages/Matlab/

Desmond J. Higham, Nicholas J. Higham-MATLAB guide-SIAM_ Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2005).djvu

3.2 MB

Cleve B. Moler-Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Revised Reprint-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2008).pdf

4.9 MB

Matlab, Second Edition_ A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving).pdf

9.9 MB

/.../6 - Probability and Stochastic Processes/

Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis-Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition -Athena Scientific (2008).djvu

10.3 MB

Richard W. Hamming-The Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers-Addison-Wesley (1991).djvu

2.7 MB

Athanasios Papoulis, S. Unnikrishna Pillai-Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes-McGraw-Hill Europe (2002).pdf

26.8 MB

/.../5 - Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture/1 - Digital Logic/

John F. Wakerly-Digital Design_ Principles and Practices-Prentice Hall (2005).pdf

325.4 MB

Charles H. Roth, Larry L. Kinney-Fundamentals of Logic Design-Cengage Learning (2013).pdf

25.7 MB

/.../2 - Computer Organization and Architecture/

John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson-Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition_ A Quantitative Approach.epub

12.0 MB

Parallel Computer Organization and Design-Cambridge University Press (2012).pdf

237.0 MB

David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design_ The Hardware_Software Interface.pdf

35.6 MB

Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron-Computer Systems_ A Programmer's Perspective-Pearson (2015).pdf

37.7 MB

/1 - Bible/

Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill-The Art of Electronics-Cambridge University Press (2015).pdf

144.8 MB

/.../0 - Introductory Reading and References/

Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky-Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (11th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2012).pdf

27.2 MB

Paul Scherz, Simon Monk-Practical Electronics for Inventors, Third Edition-McGraw-Hill_TAB Electronics (2013).epub

31.3 MB

C. Vincent, Bruno Scrosati-Modern Batteries_ An Introduction to Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Edition-Butterworth-Heinemann (1997).djvu

3.0 MB

Edward Hughes-Hughes electrical and electronic technology [electronic resource]-Pearson Education (2012).pdf

13.1 MB

Edward Hughes-Hughes electrical and electronic technology.pdf

13.1 MB

Donald Fink, H. Beaty-Standard Handbook For Electrical Engineers-McGraw-Hill Professional (2006).pdf

46.1 MB

/7 - Signals & Systems/

B. P. Lathi-Signal Processing and Linear Systems (2000).djvu

8.7 MB

B.P. Lathi-Signal Processing and Linear Systems - Solutions Manual-Berkeley-Cambridge Press,US (1998).pdf

11.4 MB

Ronald L. Allen, Duncan Mills-Signal Analysis_ Time, Frequency, Scale, and Structure-Wiley-IEEE Press (2004).pdf

18.2 MB

Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid-Signals and Systems-Prentice Hall (1996).pdf

35.6 MB

/.../8 - Digital Signal Processing/

(Prentice Hall international editions) J G Proakis_ D G Manolakis-Digital signal processing _ principles, algorithms, and applications [SOLUTIONS]-Prentice-Hall (2007).pdf

3.7 MB

Richard G. Lyons-Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3rd Edition -Pearson Education Canada (2010).epub

48.0 MB

(Prentice Hall international editions) J G Proakis_ D G Manolakis-Digital signal processing _ principles, algorithms, and applications-Prentice-Hall (2006).djvu

12.7 MB

(Prentice Hall Signal Processing Series) Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer-Discrete-Time Signal Processing-Prentice Hall (2010).pdf

11.2 MB

/2 - Circuit Analysis/

Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey Lang-Foundations of analog and digital electronic circuits_ solutions to exercises and problems-Morgan Kaufmann (2005).pdf

2.8 MB

Charles K.Alexander,Matthew N. O.Sadiku-Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Instructor Solutions Manual-McGraw Hill (2013).pdf

11.0 MB

James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel-Electric Circuits-Prentice Hall (2014).pdf

6.6 MB

(The Morgan Kaufmann series in computer architecture and design) Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey Lang-Foundations of analog and digital electronic circuits-Elsevier _ Morgan Kaufmann (2005).pdf

8.5 MB

Charles Alexander, Matthew Sadiku-Fundamentals of Electric Circuits-McGraw-Hill Education (2012).pdf

18.2 MB

/Biology/1 - General Biology/

(10th Edition) Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson-Campbell Biology-Benjamin Cummings (2013).pdf

295.2 MB

Life, The Science of Biology (9th Ed.).pdf

149.1 MB

/.../11 - Special Topics/2 - Cancer Biology/

Robert A. Weinberg-The Biology of Cancer-Garland Science (2013).pdf

105.6 MB

/.../1 - Advanced Cell and Developmental Biology/

Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition - Alberts - NEW!!.pdf

80.2 MB

Gerald Karp-Cell and Molecular Biology. Concepts and Experiments-John Wiley &amp_ Sons ( 2013).pdf

177.7 MB

/.../1 - Basic Introductory Anatomy and Physiology/

Color atlas of biochemistry (Koolman J., Roehm K.H. - 2005 - 2nd ed. - Thieme).pdf

15.7 MB

Moore - Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Ed [tahir99] VRG.pdf

165.1 MB


91.8 MB

Frederic H. Martini, Michael J. Timmons, Robert B. Tallitsch-Human Anatomy-Pearson Education ( 2014).pdf

243.3 MB

Atlas of Human Anatomy.pdf

419.2 MB

/.../Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy, 6E [PDF] [StormRG]/


210.8 KB


1.5 KB

/Biology/2 - Physiology/3 - Medical Physiology/

Boron and Boulpaep Medical Physiology 2e Update.pdf

59.3 MB

Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 13th Ed [2015].pdf

48.1 MB

/.../2 - General Animal Physiology/

Animal Physiology - From Genes to Organisms - 2nd Edition (2013).pdf

99.3 MB

Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse, Margaret Anderson-Animal Physiology, 3rd Ed-Sinauer Associates, Inc. (2012).pdf

56.0 MB

/.../13 - Exercises Books/

CliffsAP Biology 3rd.pdf

5.8 MB

(5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series) Mark Anestis, Kellie Cox-5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition-McGraw-Hill (2013).epub

7.7 MB

Sharon Wynne-MTTC Biology 17 Teacher Certification Test Prep Study Guide (XAM MTTC) (2007).pdf

3.3 MB

(Cliffs AP) Phillip E. Pack Ph.D.-CliffsAP 5 Biology Practice Exams-Cliffs Notes (2006).pdf

3.2 MB

Princeton Review Biology 2010.pdf

35.6 MB

AP Biology for DUMmIES.pdf

2.8 MB

Rob Reed, David Holmes, Jonathan Weyers, Allan Jones-Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences-Benjamin Cummings (2013).pdf

11.8 MB

(College Test Preparation) Princeton Review-550 AP Biology Practice Questions-Random House_Random House Children's Books_Princeton Review (2014).epub

12.9 MB

/.../Cracking the SAT Biology EM Subject Test, 2013-2014 Edition (The Princeton Review) Retail epub [Itzy]/


199.3 KB

Cracking the Sat Biology E_M Su - The Princeton Review.epub

11.2 MB


3.2 KB

/Biology/3 - Biochemistry/


126.2 MB

David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox-Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry-W. H. Freeman (2008).pdf

150.2 MB

Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer-Biochemistry (Seventh Edition) -W. H. Freeman (2010).pdf

211.0 MB


142.7 MB

/Biology/7 - Pathology/

Raphael Rubin MD, David Strayer, Emanuel Rubin-Rubin's Pathology_ Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine, 6th Edition-Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2011).pdf

191.7 MB

(Robbins Pathology) Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster-Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease-Saunders (2015).pdf

171.9 MB

/Biology/4 - Genetics/

Genetics Analysis and Principles, 4 edition[MyebookShelf].pdf

105.3 MB

Benjamin Lewin-Genes IX-Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2007).pdf

125.4 MB

Benjamin A Pierce-Genetics _ a conceptual approach-W.H. Freeman (2012).pdf

23.9 MB

/.../6 - Microbiology, Immunology,and Virology/3 - Virology/

Leonard Norkin-Virology_ Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis-ASM Press (2009).pdf

23.6 MB

J Flint, V Racaniello, G Rall, A M Skalka-Principles of Virology. 1 - 2-ASM Press (2015).pdf

107.1 MB

N H Acheson-Fundamentals of molecular virology-John Wiley & Sons (2011).pdf

89.9 MB

Carter, John & Saunders, Venetia [Carter, John]-Virology_ Principles and Applications-Wiley (2013).epub

8.1 MB

/.../6 - Microbiology, Immunology,and Virology/2 - Immunology/

(The How it Works Series) Lauren M. Sompayrac-How the Immune System Works-Wiley-Blackwell (2015).pdf

4.9 MB

Kenneth P Murphy_ Charles A Janeway_ Paul Travers_ Mark Walport_ Allan Mowat_ All authors-Janeway's Immunobiology-Garland Science (2012).pdf

99.7 MB

Cellular and Molecular Immunology - Abbas, Abul, K. [SRG].pdf

290.0 MB

Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Andrew H. H. Lichtman MD PhD, Shiv Pillai MBBS PhD-Basic Immunology_ Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 4e-Saunders (2012).pdf

51.8 MB

/.../6 - Microbiology, Immunology,and Virology/1 - Microbiology/

Medical Microbiology, Seventh Edition- Murray, Rosenthal, Pfaller.pdf

97.3 MB

Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley, David A. Stahl-Brock Biology of Microorganisms-Benjamin Cummings (2014).pdf

121.5 MB

Mark Gladwin Bill Trattler-Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple, Edition 3 (2004).pdf

13.7 MB

/Biology/8 - Neuroscience/

Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A. Siegelbaum, A. J. Hudspeth-Principles of Neural Science-McGraw-Hill Professional (2012).epub

116.3 MB

Peter Dayan, L. F. Abbott-Theoretical Neuroscience_ Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems-The MIT Press (2005).pdf

5.4 MB

Neil R. Carlson-Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience-Pearson Education Limited (2013).pdf

110.3 MB

Dale Purves-Neuroscience, Fourth Edition-Sinauer Associates, Inc. (2008).djvu

60.7 MB

(8th Edition) John P.J. Pinel-Biopsychology-Pearson (2010).pdf

74.7 MB

/.../9 - Biostatistics and Probability/

Robert R. Sokal, F. James Rohlf-Biometry_ The Principles and Practices of Statistics in Biological Research-W. H. Freeman (1995).djvu

27.2 MB

(Gordis, Epidemiology) Leon Gordis MD MPH DrPH-Epidemiology_ with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 5e-Saunders (2013).pdf

32.7 MB

Timothy C. Urdan-Statistics in Plain English, Third Edition-Routledge (2010).mobi

1.5 MB

Jerrold H. Zar-Biostatistical Analysis (5th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2010).pdf

153.4 MB

Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis-Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition -Athena Scientific (2008).djvu

10.3 MB

/Biology/5 - Molecular Biology/

Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition - Alberts - NEW!!.pdf

80.2 MB

Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E. Hausman-The Cell_ A Molecular Approach-Sinauer Associates, Inc. (2006).djvu

37.8 MB

Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter-Essential Cell Biology, 4th Edition-Garland Science (2013).pdf

50.1 MB

/.../10 - Plant Biology/

Ray F. Evert, Susan E. Eichhorn-Raven Biology of Plants-W. H. Freeman (2012).pdf.part

55.5 MB

Brian Capon-Botany for Gardeners_ Third Edition-Timber Press (2010).epub

13.8 MB

James E. Bidlack, Shelley Jansky, Kingsley Rowland Stern-Stern's Introductory Plant Biology, 12th Edition -McGraw-Hill (2011).pdf

104.8 MB

Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger-Plant Physiology-Sinauer Associates (2002).pdf

18.7 MB

/.../12 - Required Reading/

James D. Watson -The Double Helix_ A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA-Touchstone (2001).pdf

1.2 MB

Charles Darwin, Julian Huxley-The Origin Of Species_ 150th Anniversary Edition-Signet Classic (2009).epub

641.6 KB

Rebecca Skloot-The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks-Broadway Books (2011).epub

4.6 MB

Siddhartha Mukherjee-The Emperor of All Maladies_ A Biography of Cancer-Simon and Schuster (2010).mobi

3.3 MB

Barbara Oakley-A Mind For Numbers_ How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra)-Tarcher (2014).epub

9.3 MB

Richard Hammack-Book of Proof-Richard Hammack (2013).pdf

1.4 MB


Total files 902

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