
Download Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking


Stephen Hawking


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Хокинг С. - Мир в ореховой скорлупке. - СПб. Амфора, 2007, 218 стр..djvu

99.7 MB

Хокинг С, Хокинг Л. - Джордж и тайны вселенной. - М. Розовый жираф, 2008, 360 стр..pdf

66.6 MB

Хокинг С., Млодинов Л. - Высший замысел. - СПб. Амфора, 2013, 208 стр..pdf

49.2 MB

Хокинг С., Эллис Дж. - Крупномасштабная структура пространства-времени. - М. Мир, 1977, 432 стр..pdf

12.1 MB

Хокинг С., Пенроуз Р., Шимони А., Картрайт Н. - Большое, малое и человеческий разум. - СПб. Амфора, 2008, 191 стр..pdf

9.9 MB

Хокинг С. - Краткая история времени. От большого взрыва до черных дыр. - СПб. Амфора, 2008, 232 стр..pdf

6.5 MB

Хокинг С., Израэль В. (Ред.) - Общая теория относительности. - М. Мир, 1983, 455 стр..djvu

5.6 MB

Хокинг С., Млодинов Л. - Высший замысел. -, 2012, 208 стр..pdf

5.0 MB

Хокинг С, Млодинов Л. - Кратчайшая история времени. - СПб. Амфора, 2011, 180 стр..pdf

4.5 MB

Хокинг С., де Витт Б.С., Шъяма Д.В., и др. - Черные дыры. Новости фундаментальной физики. - М. Мир, 1978, 324 стр..djvu

4.1 MB

Хокинг С. - Теория всего. происхождение и судьба Вселенной. - СПб. Амфора, 2009, 148 стр..pdf

3.0 MB

Хокинг С., Прасад М., Гиббонс Г. и др. - Геометрические идеи в физике. Сб.статей. - М. Мир, 1983, 240 стр..djvu

2.8 MB

Хокинг С. - Черные дыры и молодые Вселенные. - СПб. Амфора, 2009, 166 стр..pdf

2.8 MB

Хокинг С., Пенроуз Р. - Природа пространства и времени. - Ижевск. НИЦ ''Регулярная и хаотическая динамика'', 2000, 160 стр..djvu

947.5 KB


Hawking S.W. The Universe in a Nutshell.pdf

27.8 MB

Hawking S.W., Israel W. General Relativity. An Einstein Centenary Survey.djvu

9.3 MB

Hawking S.W., Israel W. Three Hundred Years of Gravitation.djvu

5.7 MB

Hawking S.W. Hawking On The Big Bang And Black Holes.djvu

4.9 MB

Hawking S.W., Ellis G.F.R. The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time.djvu

3.8 MB

Hawking S.W. A Brief History of Time.djvu

1.5 MB

Hawking S.W. The Theory of Everything.pdf

1.3 MB

Hawking S.W. Black Holes and Baby Universes.djvu

1.2 MB


Stephen Hawking Riddles of Time & Space.pdf

15.8 MB

A Briefer History of Time Pictures.pdf

3.0 MB


The Classical Universes of the No-Boundary Quantum State..pdf

4.6 MB

Particle creation by black holes.pdf

4.2 MB

The Unpredictability of Quantum Gravity.pdf

4.2 MB

Interacting quantum fields around a black hole.pdf

4.2 MB

Wave Function of the Universe.pdf

3.3 MB

The Singularities of gravitational collapse and cosmology.pdf

2.7 MB

Selection rules for topology change.pdf

2.1 MB

Why is the Universe isotropic.pdf

2.1 MB

Positive Mass Theorems For Black Holes.pdf

2.1 MB

Classification of gravitational instanton symmetries.pdf

2.1 MB

Zeta function regularization of path integrals in curved spacetime.pdf

2.1 MB

Thermodynamics of black holes in anti-de Sitter space.pdf

2.1 MB

Black holes in general relativity.pdf

2.1 MB

Solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with many black holes.pdf

2.1 MB

Causally continuous spacetimes.pdf

1.0 MB

Energy and angular momentum flow into a black hole.pdf

1.0 MB

The four laws of black hole mechanics.pdf

1.0 MB

A variational principle for black holes.pdf

1.0 MB

The conservation of matter in general relativity..pdf

696.4 KB

Black holes.pdf

573.2 KB

The Quantum Mechanics of Black Holes.pdf

571.9 KB

Do Wormholes Fix The Constants Of Nature.pdf

558.2 KB

Black holes in the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation.pdf

524.3 KB

The rotation and distortion of the Universe.pdf

524.3 KB

Black holes in the early Universe.pdf

524.3 KB

Trace anomaly driven inflation..pdf

429.5 KB

Nature of space and time..pdf

413.9 KB

The No-Boundary Measure in the Regime of Eternal Inflation..pdf

405.6 KB

Accelerated Expansion from Negative.pdf

367.4 KB

The Cosmic black body radiation and the existence of singularities in our universe..pdf

330.6 KB

Brane new world..pdf

322.1 KB

Vector Fields in Holographic Cosmology.pdf

320.3 KB

Fluctuations In The Inflationary Universe.pdf

317.0 KB

Pair creation of black holes during inflation..pdf

301.1 KB

Inflation with Negative Lambda - James B. Hartle, S. W. Hawking, Thomas Hertog (last revised 2 Oct 2012 (this version, v2)).pdf

296.9 KB

Bulk charges in eleven-dimensions..pdf

263.6 KB

Gamma rays from primordial black holes.pdf

262.1 KB

Perturbations of an expanding universe.pdf

262.1 KB

Particle creation by black holes (Erratum-ibid).pdf

262.1 KB

Why does inflation start at the top of the hill.pdf

261.3 KB

Loss of quantum coherence through scattering off virtual black holes..pdf

257.9 KB

On the Rotation of the universe..pdf

256.3 KB

Evolution of near extremal black holes..pdf

253.3 KB

Duality between electric and magnetic black holes..pdf

248.0 KB

Entropy, Area, and black hole pairs..pdf

242.4 KB

Rotation and the AdS CFT correspondence..pdf

232.8 KB

The Future of Quantum Cosmology.pdf

231.5 KB

The Origin of time asymmetry.pdf

230.9 KB

Populating the landscape A Top down approach..pdf

228.7 KB

Gravitational waves in open de Sitter space..pdf

223.9 KB

Inflation, singular instantons and eleven-dimensional cosmology..pdf

216.4 KB

Charged and rotating AdS black holes and their CFT duals..pdf

208.6 KB

Gravitational entropy and global structure..pdf

199.3 KB

The Gravitational Hamiltonian in the Presence of Non-Orthogonal Boundaries.pdf

194.3 KB

Virtual black holes..pdf

184.4 KB

(Anti)evaporation of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes..pdf

182.4 KB

Models for chronology selection..pdf

178.2 KB

Primordial Black Holes Tunnelling vs. No Boundary Proposal.pdf

166.6 KB

Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation..pdf

166.2 KB

The Gravitational Hamiltonian, action, entropy and surface terms..pdf

165.9 KB

Lorentzian condition in quantum gravity..pdf

158.9 KB

de Sitter entropy, quantum entanglement and AdS CFT..pdf

158.2 KB

Open inflation, the four form and the cosmological constant..pdf

155.7 KB

Living with ghosts..pdf

153.8 KB

Nut charge, anti-de Sitter space and entropy..pdf

152.9 KB

The Probability for primordial black holes..pdf

145.9 KB

Trace anomaly of dilaton coupled scalars in two-dimensions..pdf

144.1 KB

Open inflation without false vacua..pdf

143.7 KB

Brane world black holes..pdf

132.3 KB

The anisotropy of the Universe at large times.pdf

131.1 KB

Gravitationally collapsed objects of very low mass.pdf

131.1 KB

No-Boundary Measure of the Universe..pdf

130.1 KB

The Superscattering matrix for two-dimensional black holes..pdf

115.7 KB

Local Observation in Eternal inflation..pdf

112.3 KB

Information loss in black holes..pdf

110.4 KB

Volume Weighting in the No Boundary Proposal..pdf

106.9 KB

Evaporation of two-dimensional black holes..pdf

104.0 KB

Quantum coherence in two-dimensions..pdf

103.1 KB

Pair production of black holes on cosmic strings..pdf

101.0 KB

Pair creation and evolution of black holes in inflation..pdf

99.8 KB

Quantum Coherence and Closed Timelike Curves.pdf

94.7 KB

A non singular universe..pdf

65.5 KB

Comment on 'quantum creation of an open universe', by Andrei Linde..pdf

58.5 KB

Cosmology from the Top Down.pdf

40.3 KB

/.../No-Boundary Measure of the Universe/


130.1 KB


128.0 KB


127.9 KB


126.9 KB


Total files 112

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