
Download STS - Science & Technology Studies - PDF

STS Science Technology Studies PDF


STS - Science & Technology Studies - PDF


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982.1 MB

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APA Manual 6th Edition.pdf

9.8 MB


2.2 MB

Achterhuis- Introduction.pdf

5.3 MB

An Inventory of Models and Increased Policymaker Involvement.pdf

216.8 KB


904.1 KB

Animal_Disease and Human Trauma.pdf

2.0 MB

Beamtimes and Lifetimes.pdf

26.3 MB

Beck - Risk Society.pdf

40.7 MB

Biagioli - Galileo the Emblem Maker (Solange Martinez's conflicted copy 2012-11-02).pdf

7.8 MB

Bijker - Understanding Technological Culture through a Constructivist View.pdf

721.6 KB

Bijker - of bicycles bakelites and bulbs.pdf

5.4 MB


41.1 MB


117.3 KB


484.0 KB


244.6 KB


156.7 KB

Boykoff & Rajan.pdf

110.7 KB

Bruland - Industrial conflict as a source of technical innovation.pdf

336.1 KB

Bruno Latour Reassembling the social (2005).pdf

1.4 MB

Bruno Latour-Science in Action_ How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society -Harvard University Press (1988).pdf

915.8 KB

Bucchi - Science in Society.pdf

947.4 KB


91.7 KB

CODE_ Collaborative Ownership and the Digital Economy - Ghosh.pdf

2.4 MB


641.7 KB

Central Literature - Steven Epstein-Inclusion_ The Politics of Difference in Medical Research (2007).pdf

2.1 MB

Central Literature - Wiebe E. Bijker, Roland Bal, Ruud Hendriks-The Paradox of Scientific Authority (2009).pdf

882.6 KB

Chapter 5 - GDP.pdf

178.1 KB

Cimoli & Dosi - Technological Paradigms, Patterns of Learning and Development.pdf

2.0 MB

Collins&Pinch 1993 pp 1-3.pdf

239.1 KB

Cutcliffe- the turn to culture.pdf

3.7 MB

Dan Dennett - IntuitionPumps.pdf

2.8 MB

Daniel Lee Kleiman Science and Technology in Society From Biotechnology to the Internet Key Themes in Sociology 2005.pdf

580.0 KB

Daston - The History of Science as European Self-Portraiture.pdf

81.6 KB


19.9 MB

Delanghe - European Science and Technology Policy.pdf

45.2 MB

Delanghe et al - European Science and Technology Policy.pdf

45.2 MB

Designs on Nature_ Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States - Jasanoff, Sheila.pdf

2.8 MB

Dominique Vinck-The Sociology of Scientific Work_ The Fundamental Relationship Between Science and Society (PRIME Series on Research and Innovation Policy in Europe.pdf

2.6 MB

Douglas - Economic Performance Through Time.pdf

277.9 KB

Douglas - Institutions.pdf

418.0 KB

Drive_ The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - Pink, Daniel H_.pdf

1.4 MB

Du Gay - Making up managers.pdf

2.3 MB

Dyer - Creating and Managing a High Performance Knowledge Sharing - B.pdf

228.9 KB

Dyer - Creating and Managing a High Performance Knowledge Sharing.pdf

2.0 MB

E Tufte Cognitive Style of Powerpoint.pdf

726.1 KB


7.8 MB

Epstein - Inclusion - The Politics of Difference in Medical Research.pdf

2.1 MB


332.1 KB

Ethical Issues in Irregular Migration Research in Europe.pdf

98.2 KB


13.5 MB

Fagerberg - Schumpeter and the Revival of Evolutionary Economics.pdf

204.6 KB

Faulkner- the technology question in feminism.pdf

101.9 KB

Featherstone 2006 genealog of global.pdf

127.6 KB

Film Review - Monsanto.pdf

100.3 KB


612.5 KB

Friedman 2006 culture global.pdf

105.8 KB

Gieryn - Boundary Work.pdf

2.6 MB


1.7 MB

Haas - Introduction (1992).pdf

10.2 MB

Haas 1992.pdf

4.1 MB

Hagendijk & Irwin.pdf

235.0 KB

Haraway- situated knowledge.pdf

1.3 MB


12.2 MB

Harry Collins, Trevor Pinch-Dr. Golem_ How to Think about Medicine-University Of Chicago Press (2005).pdf

971.2 KB

Heilbroner 1.pdf

2.0 MB

Heilbroner 2.pdf

4.0 MB


1.4 MB

Henry Jenkins - Convergence Culture.pdf

18.0 MB

Hess - feminist and anti-racist STS.pdf

3.7 MB

Hess- S&T in a Multicultural world chapters 1 & 2 (TXT RECOGNITION DONE).pdf

604.2 KB

Hess- concepts from feminist and antiracist theory.pdf

2.3 MB


211.3 KB


1.5 MB


6.1 MB


86.6 KB

Jaeger SCOT_in_action.pdf

97.9 KB

Jasanoff & Martello.pdf

101.9 KB

Jasanoff - Earthly Politics - Local and Global in Environmental Governance.pdf

1.2 MB

Jasanoff Design on nature ch. 10 Civic Epistemology.pdf

133.5 KB

Jay Labinger, Harry Collins The One Culture.pdf

1.2 MB

Jensen & Zuiderent 2007.pdf

274.2 KB

Jerak-Zuiderent 2012 Certain uncertainties Modes of patient safety in healthcare.pdf

650.3 KB

John Law After method - mess in social science research WORKING PDF.pdf

1.2 MB

Joy- why the future doesnt need us.pdf

18.9 MB

Koyre - Galileo and Plato.pdf

1.0 MB

Kurzer The Netherlands and EMU - Indiana University April 8.pdf

730.1 KB

Kurzweil- Promise and Peril.pdf

16.8 MB


204.9 KB

Latour and Woolgar - Laboratory Life 2nd ed.pdf

3.0 MB


1.1 MB

Lazonick - The self-acting mule and social relations.pdf

733.8 KB

Lindblom - The Science of Muddling Through.pdf

1.8 MB

Martyn Denscombe-The Good Research Guide_ for small-scale social research projects -Open University Press (2010).pdf

1.6 MB

Martyn Hammersley, Paul Atkinson-Ethnography_ Principles in Practice, 3rd edition (2007).pdf

1.4 MB

Mayntz & Hughes - The development of large technological systems.pdf

13.0 MB

Mayr - The science-technology relationship.pdf

359.4 KB


344.3 KB

Michael Hill The Public Policy Process 4th Edition 2005.pdf

4.7 MB

Miller - Hybrid Management.pdf

5.7 MB

Miller, C 2001 - Hybrid Management.pdf

2.4 MB

Module 5_Politics of Knowledge 201314(original).pdf

206.8 KB

Mokyr - The Lever of Riches.pdf

2.7 MB


9.5 MB


38.7 MB


5.1 MB


113.0 KB


3.4 MB

Nowotny - Re-Thinking Science_ Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty.pdf

1.9 MB


63.8 KB

OECD report_scientific_integrity.pdf

165.3 KB


1.4 MB

Oudshoorn- User-technology relationships.pdf

423.2 KB

Oudshoorn_Pinch_how users matter.pdf

1.5 MB

Oxford Handbook of Innovation.pdf

55.4 MB

Oxford Handbook of Public Policy.pdf

6.7 MB

Parto - Introduction.pdf

2.5 MB

Parto-Governance and Policy Analysis - January 31-2014.pdf

407.1 KB

Patrick Hopkins.pdf

390.3 KB


148.4 KB

Pickering, A. - The Mangle of Practice.pdf

3.7 MB

Powell - Interogranizational.pdf

3.7 MB

Public Understanding of Science-2000-Weingart-261-83.pdf

178.6 KB

Randall - The Philosophy of Luddism.pdf

407.6 KB

Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels-Selling Sickness (2005)-2.pdf

920.5 KB

Reich R_1988_Power of Ideas_intro_p10missing.pdf

8.1 MB

Richard Dyer.pdf

350.1 KB

Richard R. Nelson, Sidney G. Winter An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change Belknap Press 1985.pdf

30.8 MB

Rip and Kemp - technological change.pdf

459.2 KB


537.9 KB


7.7 MB

Russell - Approaches to the history of science ch3.pdf

5.2 MB

S. Jasanoff States of Knowledge The Co-Production of Science and the Social Order International Library of Sociology 2004.pdf

1.6 MB

STRAUSS & CORBIN Grounded theory methodology.pdf

442.0 KB

Sabatier - Intro.pdf

801.2 KB

Schwartz Cowan- How the refrigerator got its hum.pdf

6.5 MB

Seely Brown- a response to Bill Joy.pdf

4.1 MB

Shapin - The Scientific Revolution.pdf

21.0 MB


26.6 MB

Shaping Technology _ Building Society_ Studies in Sociotechnical Change (Inside Technology).pdf

5.8 MB


18.5 MB

Simon Bell, Stephen Morse-Sustainability Indicators_ Measuring the Immeasurable-Earthscan Publications Ltd. (2008).pdf

1.5 MB


1.5 MB


904.1 KB

Skills Training- Traweek- Beamtimes and lifetimes.pdf

8.3 MB

Smith & Marx - Does Technology Drive History.pdf

10.5 MB

Social Studies of Science-1986-Hughes-281-92.pdf

1.1 MB

Somsen - Selling Science.pdf

984.4 KB

Sorensen & Williams.pdf

5.1 MB


293.8 KB

Steven Epstein-Impure Science_ AIDS, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge (Medicine & Society) -University of California Press (1996).pdf

1.0 MB

The craft of research (3rd ed.).pdf

3.2 MB


4.5 MB


6.5 MB

Van Helden - Telescopes and Authority.pdf

3.9 MB

Verbeek Materializing morality.pdf

142.3 KB

Verbeek- Materializing morality.pdf

142.4 KB

Vollebroek - Sustainable development and the challenge of innovation.pdf

158.4 KB

Walker, Kogut & Shan - Social Capital Structural Holes and the Formaiton of an Industry - B.pdf

2.8 MB

Walker, Kogut & Shan - Social Capital Structural Holes and the Formaiton of an Industry.pdf

3.7 MB


7.6 MB

What are Universities For_ - Collini, Stefan.pdf

782.5 KB

Winner- technology today.pdf

7.7 MB

Wyatt 2008 - Technological determinism is dead- long live technological determinism.pdf

7.3 MB


3.1 MB

ahern & kovats.pdf

1.6 MB

anderson et al norms & scientists.pdf

142.0 KB

arnoldi intro.pdf

1.1 MB

ayoub et al - an approach to wicked problems in environmental policy making.pdf

572.9 KB

bardram & bossen 2005.pdf

464.3 KB

barrett - coda -creativity and improvisation in jazz and organizations - implications for organizational learning.pdf

93.0 KB

belkhodja et al - the extent and organizational determinants of research utlilization.pdf

174.9 KB

benford - an insiders critique of the social movement framing perspective.pdf

1.3 MB

bijker, 1995 BBB.pdf

1.9 MB

bingham & hinchliffe.pdf

6.8 MB

blair and boal - strategy formation processes in health care organizations - specific examiniations of context free strategy issues.pdf

2.6 MB

box 2001 to and fro.pdf

207.0 KB

bucchi handbook communic S&T.pdf

1.9 MB


231.1 KB

clancy - planning - what we can learn from complex systems science.pdf

2.1 MB

collier & lakoff.pdf

2.6 MB

collier 2006 assemblage .pdf

123.7 KB

collins - the third wave of sience studies - studies of expertise and experience.pdf

1.5 MB

collins 1985.pdf

1.2 MB

crossan- improvisation in action.pdf

39.5 KB

crozier and thoenig - the regulation of complex organized systems.pdf

3.1 MB

czarniawska - complex organizations still complex.pdf

194.8 KB

de Sousa Santos 2006 globalizations.pdf

131.9 KB

de Vries-what is political in sub-politics-how aristotle might help sts.pdf

311.1 KB

dixon and shofer - struggling to invent high reliability organizations.pdf

105.1 KB

dopson - a view from organization science.pdf

98.3 KB

dowie 1999 hrs.pdf

2.3 MB


11.5 MB

emily martin interview.pdf

4.2 MB

ess- S&T in a Multicultural world chapters 1 & 2.pdf

29.1 MB

felt et al - taking european knowledge society seriously.pdf

1.3 MB

foucault 1986 heterotopia.pdf

950.5 KB

from vision to action - framing the leitbild concept in the context of landscape planning.pdf

309.7 KB

fuglsang vision 2001.pdf

1.0 MB

gherardi - practice based theorizing.pdf

1.5 MB

gladwin et al - shifting paradigms for sustainable development - implications for management theory and research.pdf

614.0 KB

handmer & dovers 1.pdf

3.3 MB

handmer & dovers 2.pdf

409.3 KB

handmer chpt 9.pdf

517.4 KB

hapter 12 - Markets.pdf

175.8 KB

heath and luff - collaboration and control.pdf

2.0 MB

heathcott - modelling the urban future.pdf

155.9 KB

heathcott - the whole city is our laboratory.pdf

1.4 MB

heathcott and murphy - corrodors of flight, zones of renewal.pdf

801.8 KB

henwood et al 2008 hrs.pdf

195.2 KB

hilhorts intro.pdf

644.9 KB

hinshaw - anthropolgy, administration, and public policy.pdf

899.0 KB

how users matter.pdf

1.5 MB

hughes machines and medicine.pdf

1.7 MB

hughes_1987 - evolution of LTS.pdf

2.4 MB


924.8 KB

jaeger et al 2008 nanomed.pdf

443.9 KB

jaeger strength and weakn scot.pdf

187.1 KB

jasanoff 2002 Risk US-EU Sac.pdf

309.1 KB

jensen - sorting attachements - usefulness of sts in healthcare practice and policy.pdf

169.5 KB


342.8 KB

jette thesis oktober.pdf

11.6 MB

kitchener - mobilizing the logic of managerialism.pdf

3.7 MB


1.4 MB

latour - turning around politics - a note on gerard de vries paper.pdf

119.6 KB


447.2 KB

law - knowing as displacing.pdf

714.9 KB

lindblom - still muddling, not yet through.pdf

1.0 MB


678.3 KB

nanotechnology societal implications.pdf

3.0 MB

nowotny chp 16 rethinking science CROPPED.pdf

1.1 MB


984.1 KB

patnaik_republic of hunger.pdf

6.9 MB


4.9 MB

schmidt coordination mechanisms.pdf

3.3 MB

sismondo An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies copy.pdf

2.5 MB

star layers of silence.pdf

128.7 KB

the_golem Collins & Piinch.pdf

4.5 MB

the_golem Collins & Pinch.pdf

4.5 MB

tran & few.pdf

1.3 MB

van loon.pdf

1.6 MB

weisner & blaikie et al.pdf

2.1 MB


Total files 241

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