
Download Teachings and Mediations - Going Beyond Suffering Into Peace

Teachings and Mediations Going Beyond Suffering Into Peace


Teachings and Mediations - Going Beyond Suffering Into Peace

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/Part 2/

18 - MEDITATION - Loving-kindness lotus Visualisation.mp3

49.0 MB

15 - MEDITATION - Breath meditation primer.mp3

48.2 MB

17 - MEDITATION - Loving-kindness Heart Focused.mp3

42.8 MB

6 - MEDITATION - Acknowledging suffering deeply, responding with true kindness.mp3

41.4 MB

19 - MEDITATION - Loving Kindness visualisation - meeting the Buddha.mp3

36.7 MB

9 - MEDITATION - Forgiveness practice for oneself and others. (50 min).mp3

35.9 MB

7 - MEDITATION - Loving-Kindness reflection and meditation.mp3

35.7 MB

10 - MEDITATION - Letting go of aversion to self and others through Wisdom and Compassion. (48 mi.mp3

34.7 MB

2 - MEDITATION - Gently pulling back from thoughts, feelings and emotions - placing awareness on .mp3

33.3 MB

11 - MEDITATION - Contemplation of 'Not-Self' (46 min).mp3

33.2 MB

3 - MEDITATION - Bathing the mind with clear awareness, bathing the mind with kindness - at the e.mp3

33.2 MB

21 - MEDITATION - Death of friends, loved ones and teachers (meditation).mp3

33.1 MB

4 - MEDITATION - Breath and' Bud-Dho', with detailed instructions and reflections (45min).mp3

32.7 MB

1 - MEDITATION - Establishing clear awareness, body sweeping and breath awareness. (45 min).mp3

32.1 MB

20 - MEDITATION - Loving-kindness visualisation - meeting Mahapajapati Bhikkhuni.mp3

30.3 MB

8 - MEDITATION - Cool Loving-Acceptance, Warm Loving-Kindness.mp3

29.8 MB

12 - MEDITATION - Accepting death, Forgiveness in the face of death. (GENTLE) (35 min).mp3

24.8 MB

16 - MEDITATION - Breath meditation Bud-Dho.mp3

24.0 MB

22 - MEDITATION - Uncertainty of the time of death for oneself (meditation).mp3

23.8 MB

14 - MEDITATION - Mindful of Death and Impermanence (35 min).mp3

21.9 MB

13 - MEDITATION - Imagining meeting Lord Buddha and receiving his metta (24 min).mp3

17.9 MB

5 - MEDITATION - Simple Breath meditation with wise reflections to assist with staying in the mom.mp3

14.4 MB

/Part 1/

15 - Kamma within samsara, kamma leading beyond samsara, Melbourne June 2011.mp3

46.8 MB

7 - Ghosts, Devas,Merit, Rebirth etc, metaphor, metaphysics or matter of fact, Melbourne June 201.mp3

46.2 MB

5 - Buddhist Training Enabling Inner Confidence & Self-Esteem, Malaysia 2012.mp3

42.7 MB

14 - The Three Jewels of Refuge, the most valuable treasures, Malaysia June 2012.mp3

40.0 MB

10 - Loving Kindness meditation reduces suffering, increases peace, and supports us along the Pat.mp3

38.2 MB

3 - A Complete Training in Mindfulness with Refuge, Sila and the Four Brahma Viharas as supports,.mp3

37.5 MB

1 - Putting faith in the right place and walking the talk, you can do it!.mp3

29.6 MB

19 - Practical pointers regarding meditation and training body, speech and mind,Melbourne July 20.mp3

29.4 MB

9 - Knowing Dukkha and Letting Go of it's cause, Commentary on the Buddha's first teaching, Malay.mp3

27.1 MB

8 - Impermanence, Unsatisfactoriness, Not Self and EMPTINESS, Melbourne June 2011.mp3

26.4 MB

11 - Meditation upon Death and impermanence revealing the inner Himalayan sky, Melbourne june 201.mp3

25.4 MB

23 - Q & A Is meditation necessary... Why are Thai's so sensual, Malaysia June 2012.mp3

24.9 MB

6 - Weariness leading to Great Bliss, Commentary 'Sutta on Not-Self', Malaysia June 2011.mp3

20.9 MB

20 - Q & A If there is No Self, what is it that gets reborn and enlightened.mp3

20.1 MB

17 - Mindful of death, appreciating life, dying with confidence, Melbourne July 2011.mp3

18.1 MB

22 - Q & A Time for Forgiveness, time for wisdom, time for equanimity.mp3

17.1 MB

18 - Five reflections, helping us to focus and roll with the punches of life.mp3

16.9 MB

16 - The training in offering forgiveness and determining to be less reactive, Melbourne June 201.mp3

15.5 MB

4 - Contemplating the Buddha's Path, giving rise to awe and gratitude and energising 'Bud-Dho'.mp3

15.3 MB

2 - Going Beyond Suffering into Peace , Malaysia june 2012.mp3

14.3 MB

12 - Truly Powerful spiritual practice, Malaysia June 2012.MP3

12.4 MB

13 - Understanding the process of weakening and uprooting attachment, Melbourne June 2011.mp3

11.3 MB

21 - Q & A Deepening Samadhi.mp3

10.2 MB


Total files 45

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