
Download Test Driven Laravel

Test Driven Laravel


Test Driven Laravel


Total Size

8.5 GB

Total Files




/01 - Getting the Ball Rolling/

001 1.1 - What Do We Build First-.mp4

48.0 MB

002 1.2 - Sketching out Our First Test.mp4

43.5 MB

003 1.3 - Getting to Green.mp4

133.7 MB

004 1.4 - Unit Testing Presentation Logic.mp4

65.1 MB

005 1.5 - Refactoring for Speed.mp4

43.6 MB

006 1.6 - Hiding Unpublished Concerts.mp4

56.0 MB

007 1.7 - Testing Query Scopes.mp4

41.1 MB

008 1.8 - Factory States.mp4

26.8 MB

/02 - Purchasing Concert Tickets/

009 2.1 - Intro.mp4

6.6 MB

010 2.2 - Browser Testing vs Endpoint Testing.mp4

42.2 MB

011 2.3 - Outlining the First Purchasing Test.mp4

30.3 MB

012 2.4 - Faking the Payment Gateway.mp4

83.7 MB

013 2.5 - Adding Tickets to Orders.mp4

45.7 MB

014 2.6 - Encapsulating Relationship Logic in the Model.mp4

31.7 MB

015 2.7 - Getting Started with Validation Testing.mp4

56.4 MB

016 2.8 - Reducing Duplication with Custom Assertions.mp4

42.3 MB

017 2.9 - Handling Failed Charges.mp4

46.3 MB

018 2.10 - Preventing Ticket Sales to Unpublished Concerts.mp4

49.7 MB

/03 - Limiting Ticket Sales/

019 3.1 - Outlining the First Test Case.mp4

20.7 MB

020 3.2 - Adding Tickets to Concerts.mp4

52.7 MB

021 3.3 - Refusing Orders When There Are No More Tickets.mp4

56.7 MB

022 3.4 - Finishing the Feature Test.mp4

29.4 MB

023 3.5 - Cancelling Failed Orders.mp4

34.9 MB

024 3.6 - Refactoring and Redundant Test Coverage.mp4

40.9 MB

025 3.7 - Cleaning Up Our Tests.mp4

85.3 MB

/04 - Returning Order Details/

026 4.1 - Asserting Against JSON Responses.mp4

44.4 MB

027 4.2 - Returning Order Details.mp4

36.5 MB

028 4.3 - This Design Sucks.mp4

23.1 MB

/05 - A Surgical Refactoring/

029 5.1 - Persisting the Order Amount.mp4

29.4 MB

030 5.2 - Removing the Need to Cancel Orders.mp4

41.0 MB

031 5.3 - Preparing for Extraction.mp4

46.5 MB

032 5.4 - Extracting a Named Constructor.mp4

27.6 MB

033 5.5 - Precomputing the Order Amount.mp4

32.8 MB

034 5.6 - Uncovering a New Domain Object.mp4

30.0 MB

035 5.7 - You Might Not Need a Mocking Framework.mp4

21.6 MB

/06 - Off to the Races/

036 6.1 - Uh Oh, a Race Condition!.mp4

9.3 MB

037 6.2 - Requestception.mp4

24.2 MB

038 6.3 - Hooking into Charges.mp4

33.8 MB

039 6.4 - Uh Oh, a Segfault!.mp4

24.2 MB

040 6.5 - Replicating the Failure at the Unit Level.mp4

32.8 MB

041 6.6 - Reserving Individual Tickets.mp4

43.2 MB

042 6.7 - Reserved Means Reserved!.mp4

25.9 MB

043 6.8 - That Guy Stole My Tickets!.mp4

38.3 MB

/07 - Hunting for Stale Code/

044 7.1 - Cancelling Reservations.mp4

32.9 MB

045 7.2 - Refactoring Mocks to Spies.mp4

35.7 MB

046 7.3 - A Change in Behavior.mp4

31.8 MB

047 7.4 - Deleting Stale Tests.mp4

29.2 MB

/08 - Something Smells in Our Controller/

048 8.1 - Cleaning up a Loose Variable.mp4

38.9 MB

049 8.2 - Moving the Email to the Reservation.mp4

42.9 MB

050 8.3 - Refactoring -Long Parameter List- Using -Preserve Whole Object-.mp4

54.9 MB

051 8.4 - Green with Feature Envy.mp4

37.2 MB

052 8.5 - Avoiding Service Classes with Method Injection.mp4

49.0 MB

/09 - Testing-Driving the Real Stripe Adapter/

053 9.1 - Generating a Valid Payment Token.mp4

59.1 MB

054 9.2 - Retrieving the Last Charge.mp4

25.2 MB

055 9.3 - Making a Successful Charge.mp4

28.6 MB

056 9.4 - Dealing with Lingering State.mp4

84.3 MB

057 9.5 - Don't Mock What You Don't Own.mp4

54.3 MB

058 9.6 - Using Groups to Skip Integration Tests.mp4

13.0 MB

059 9.7 - Handling Invalid Payment Tokens.mp4

23.3 MB

060 9.8 - The Moment of Truth.mp4

25.7 MB

/10 - Keeping Things Synchronized with Contract Tests/

061 10.1 - When Interfaces Aren't Enough.mp4

26.9 MB

062 10.2 - Refactoring Towards Duplication.mp4

82.6 MB

063 10.3 - Capturing Charges with Callbacks.mp4

52.4 MB

064 10.4 - Making the Tests Identical.mp4

46.8 MB

065 10.5 - Extracting a Contract Test.mp4

51.7 MB

066 10.6 - Extracting the Failure Case.mp4

51.2 MB

/11 - Upgrading Our Suite to Laravel 5.4/

067 11.1 - Upgrading to Laravel 5.4.mp4

30.4 MB

068 11.2 - Removing the BrowserKit Dependency.mp4

78.3 MB

/12 - Viewing Order Confirmations/

069 12.1 - Sketching Out Order Confirmations.mp4

41.6 MB

070 12.2 - Driving out the Endpoint.mp4

33.6 MB

071 12.3 - Asserting Against View Data.mp4

33.4 MB

072 12.4 - Extracting a Finder Method.mp4

41.3 MB

073 12.5 - Making Static Data Real.mp4

70.6 MB

074 12.6 - Deciding What to Test in a View.mp4

37.2 MB

075 12.7 - Decoupling Data from Presentation.mp4

32.1 MB

/13 - Generating Confirmation Numbers/

076 13.1 - Fixing the Test Suite.mp4

50.6 MB

077 13.2 - Stubbing the Interface.mp4

44.4 MB

078 13.3 - Updating Our Unit Tests.mp4

34.6 MB

079 13.4 - Confirmation Number Characteristics.mp4

22.7 MB

080 13.5 - Testing the Confirmation Number Format.mp4

44.8 MB

081 13.6 - Ensuring Uniqueness.mp4

54.8 MB

082 13.7 - Refactoring to a Facade.mp4

37.9 MB

/14 - Storing the Last Four Card Digits/

083 14.1 - Promoting Charges to Objects.mp4

118.3 MB

084 14.2 - Leveraging Our Contract Tests.mp4

85.5 MB

085 14.3 - Storing Charge Details with Orders.mp4

57.0 MB

086 14.4 - Deleting More Stale Code.mp4

78.9 MB

/15 - Assigning Ticket Codes/

087 15.1 - Feature Test and JSON Updates.mp4

46.7 MB

088 15.2 - Claiming Tickets When Creating Orders.mp4

53.6 MB

089 15.3 - Assigning Codes When Claiming Tickets.mp4

63.7 MB

090 15.4 - The Birthday Problem.mp4

48.2 MB

091 15.5 - Integrating Hashids.mp4

69.8 MB

092 15.6 - Dealing with Out of Sync Mocks.mp4

26.2 MB

093 15.7 - Wiring It All Together.mp4

37.9 MB

094 15.8 - Ready to Demo.mp4

14.0 MB

/16 - Emailing Order Confirmations/

095 16.1 - Using a Fake to Intercept Mail.mp4

64.2 MB

096 16.2 - Testing Mailable Contents.mp4

57.7 MB

097 16.3 - Cleanup and Demo.mp4

16.7 MB

/17 - Logging in with Dusk/

098 17.1 - Testing the Login Endpoint.mp4

67.7 MB

099 17.2 - Should You TDD Simple Templates-.mp4

29.1 MB

100 17.3 - Namespacing Our Test Suite.mp4

45.4 MB

101 17.4 - Getting Started with Laravel Dusk.mp4

29.4 MB

102 17.5 - QA Testing the Login Flow.mp4

42.1 MB

/18 - Adding New Concerts/

103 18.1 - Preventing Guests from Adding Concerts.mp4

36.6 MB

104 18.2 - Adding a Valid Concert.mp4

120.9 MB

105 18.3 - Validation and Redirects.mp4

63.7 MB

106 18.4 - Converting Empty Strings to Null.mp4

37.4 MB

107 18.5 - Reducing Noise with Form Factories.mp4

71.1 MB

108 18.6 - Connecting Promoters and Concerts.mp4

52.6 MB

109 18.7 - Autopublishing New Concerts.mp4

37.8 MB

/19 - Listing a Promoter's Concerts/

110 19.1 - Asserting Against View Objects.mp4

80.0 MB

111 19.2 - Avoiding Sort-Sensitive Tests.mp4

34.4 MB

112 19.3 - Refactoring Assertions with Macros.mp4

81.5 MB

/20 - Updating Basic Concert Info/

113 20.1 - Viewing the Update Form.mp4

35.2 MB

114 20.2 - The First Update Test.mp4

67.3 MB

115 20.3 - Driving Out Basic Concert Updates.mp4

80.7 MB

116 20.4 - Restricting Updates to Unpublished Concerts.mp4

114.4 MB

/21 - Postponing Ticket Creation/

117 21.1 - Storing the Intended Ticket Quantity.mp4

48.0 MB

118 21.2 - Updating the Other Tests.mp4

44.3 MB

119 21.3 - Refactoring Away Some Test Duplication.mp4

67.6 MB

120 21.4 - Creating Tickets at Time of Publish.mp4

64.9 MB

121 21.5 - Custom Factory Classes.mp4

46.8 MB

/22 - Publishing Concert Drafts/

122 22.1 - Discovering a New Resource.mp4

36.2 MB

123 22.2 - Creating Published Concerts.mp4

69.8 MB

124 22.3 - Adding Concerts without Publishing.mp4

30.4 MB

125 22.4 - Pushing Logic Out of the View.mp4

72.0 MB

126 22.5 - More Custom Assertion Fun.mp4

50.5 MB

/23 - Building the Sales Dashboard/

127 23.1 - Calculating Tickets Sold.mp4

55.3 MB

128 23.2 - Making the Progress Bar Work.mp4

54.8 MB

129 23.3 - Total Revenue and a Relationship Bug.mp4

62.2 MB

/24 - Listing Recent Orders/

130 24.1 - Creating a Custom OrderFactory.mp4

76.2 MB

131 24.2 - Asserting Against Sort Order.mp4

96.3 MB

132 24.3 - Splitting Large Tests.mp4

51.4 MB

/25 - Queuing Mass Attendee Emails/

133 25.1 - Storing Messages for Attendees.mp4

91.5 MB

134 25.2 - Confirming That a Job Was Dispatched.mp4

66.3 MB

135 25.3 - Unit Testing the Job.mp4

128.9 MB

136 25.4 - Refactoring for Robustness.mp4

64.7 MB

137 25.5 - Mailable Testing Refresher and Demo.mp4

22.7 MB

/26 - Upgrading to Laravel 5.5/

138 26.1 - Upgrading to Laravel 5.5.mp4

54.7 MB

/27 - Uploading Concert Posters/

139 27.1 - Faking Uploads and File Systems.mp4

54.7 MB

140 27.2 - Storing Files and Comparing Content.mp4

54.8 MB

141 27.3 - Validating Poster Images.mp4

53.4 MB

142 27.4 - Optional Files and the Null Object Pattern.mp4

42.6 MB

/28 - Optimizing Poster Images/

143 28.1 - Testing Events.mp4

65.3 MB

144 28.2 - Testing the Event Listener.mp4

66.6 MB

145 28.3 - Resizing the Posted Image.mp4

82.7 MB

146 28.4 - Optimizing the Image Size.mp4

75.6 MB

/29 - Inviting Promoters and Accepting Invitations/

147 29.1 - Upgrading Laravel and Deleting Some Code.mp4

22.9 MB

148 29.2 - Viewing an Unused Invitation.mp4

67.1 MB

149 29.3 - Viewing Used or Invalid Invitations.mp4

48.6 MB

150 29.4 - Registering with a Valid Invitation.mp4

82.3 MB

151 29.5 - Registering with an Invalid Invitation.mp4

31.5 MB

152 29.6 - Validating Promoter Registration.mp4

43.8 MB

153 29.7 - Testing a Console Command.mp4

110.8 MB

154 29.8 - Sending Promoters an Invitation Email.mp4

37.2 MB

155 29.9 - Test-Driving the Email Contents.mp4

40.6 MB

/30 - Automating Payouts with Stripe Connect/

156 30.1 - Getting Cozy with Stripe Connect.mp4

59.2 MB

157 30.2 - Authorizing with Stripe.mp4

78.5 MB

158 30.3 - Exchanging Tokens.mp4

129.0 MB

159 30.4 - Unit Testing Middleware.mp4

88.0 MB

160 30.5 - Testing Callbacks with Invokables.mp4

55.4 MB

161 30.6 - Testing That Middleware Is Applied.mp4

67.2 MB

162 30.7 - Updating Factories and a Speed Trick.mp4

21.7 MB

163 30.8 - Total Charges for a Specific Account.mp4

76.9 MB

164 30.9 - Paying Promoters Directly.mp4

66.0 MB

165 30.10 - Splitting Payments with Stripe.mp4

107.6 MB

166 30.11 - It's Alive.mp4

21.8 MB


Total files 166

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