
Download the-complete-react-native-and-redux-course

The complete react native and redux course




Total Size

3.6 GB

Total Files




/01 Dive Right In/

001 Introduction - Course Roadmap.mp4

5.1 MB

002 Roadmap to the First App.mp4

4.6 MB

003 Official Course Github Repo.html

0.5 KB

/02 Got OSX Go Here./

004 OSX Installation.mp4

25.5 MB

005 More on OSX Installation.mp4

20.4 MB

006 Running in the Simulator.mp4

23.5 MB

/03 Got Windows Go Here./

007 Windows Setup of React Native.mp4

26.1 MB

008 Android Studio and React Native CLI Installation.mp4

14.4 MB

009 Emulator Creation and System Variables.mp4

57.4 MB

/04 Optional ESLint Setup/

010 ESLint Setup and Overview.mp4

22.0 MB

011 ESLint Setup with Atom.mp4

15.5 MB

012 ESLint Setup with Sublime Text 3.mp4

21.8 MB

013 ESLint Setup with VSCode.mp4

8.5 MB

/05 Onwards/

014 Project Directory Walkthrough.mp4

12.4 MB

015 Getting Content on the Screen.mp4

10.3 MB

016 React vs React Native.mp4

7.4 MB

017 Creating a Component with JSX.mp4

15.2 MB

018 Registering a Component.mp4

9.2 MB

019 Destructuring Imports.mp4

13.0 MB

020 Application Outline.mp4

10.8 MB

021 The Header Component.mp4

19.9 MB

022 Consuming File Exports.mp4

17.1 MB

/06 Making Great Looking Apps/

023 Styling with React Native.mp4

11.5 MB

024 More on Styling Components.mp4

12.5 MB

025 Introduction to Flexbox.mp4

11.7 MB

026 Header Styling.mp4

11.5 MB

027 Making the Header Reusable.mp4

18.7 MB

/07 HTTP Requests with React Native/

028 Sourcing Album Data.mp4

12.1 MB

029 List Component Boilerplate.mp4

14.8 MB

030 Class Based Components.mp4

17.4 MB

031 Lifecycle Methods.mp4

17.5 MB

032 Network Requests.mp4

20.7 MB

033 Component Level State.mp4

21.7 MB

034 More on Component Level State.mp4

18.1 MB

035 Rendering a List of Components.mp4

15.2 MB

036 Displaying Individual Albums.mp4

24.7 MB

037 Fantastic Reusable Components - The Card.mp4

12.8 MB

038 Styling a Card.mp4

15.3 MB

039 Passing Components as Props.mp4

11.2 MB

040 Dividing Cards into Sections.mp4

22.3 MB

/08 Handling Component Layout/

041 Mastering Layout with Flexbox.mp4

11.3 MB

042 Positioning of Elements on Mobile.mp4

12.3 MB

043 More on Styling.mp4

23.6 MB

044 Images with React Native.mp4

43.6 MB

045 Displaying Album Artwork.mp4

59.9 MB

046 Making Content Scrollable.mp4

46.4 MB

047 Handling User Input with Buttons.mp4

46.1 MB

048 Styling of Buttons with UX Considerations.mp4

14.9 MB

049 Responding to User Input.mp4

20.4 MB

050 Linking Between Mobile Apps.mp4

46.3 MB

051 Setting Button Text by Props.mp4

11.3 MB

052 App Wrapup.mp4

15.6 MB

/09 Authentication with Firebase/

053 Auth App Introduction.mp4

10.3 MB

054 A Common Root Component.mp4

14.9 MB

055 Copying Reusable Components.mp4

28.8 MB

056 What is Firebase.mp4

13.2 MB

057 Firebase Client Setup.mp4

12.9 MB

058 Login Form Scaffolding.mp4

16.1 MB

059 Handling User Inputs.mp4

8.2 MB

060 More on Handling User Inputs.mp4

8.5 MB

061 How to Create Controlled Components.mp4

10.6 MB

062 Making Text Inputs From Scratch.mp4

10.6 MB

063 A Focus on Passing Props.mp4

13.1 MB

064 Making the Input Pretty.mp4

16.9 MB

065 Wrapping up Inputs.mp4

32.7 MB

066 Password Inputs.mp4

35.4 MB

/10 Processing Authentication Credentials/

067 Logging a User In.mp4

14.6 MB

068 Error Handling.mp4

21.2 MB

069 More on Authentication Flow.mp4

26.3 MB

070 Creating an Activity Spinner.mp4

12.3 MB

071 Conditional Rendering of JSX.mp4

47.7 MB

072 Clearing the Form Spinner.mp4

44.9 MB

073 Handling Authentication Events.mp4

30.5 MB

074 More on Conditional Rendering.mp4

45.8 MB

075 Logging a User Out and Wrapup.mp4

36.2 MB

/11 Digging Deeper with Redux/

076 App Mockup and Approach.mp4

8.6 MB

077 The Basics of Redux.mp4

19.0 MB

078 More on Redux.mp4

17.3 MB

079 Redux is Hard.mp4

30.9 MB

080 Application Boilerplate.mp4

21.0 MB

081 More on Redux Boilerplate.mp4

18.9 MB

/12 Back to React/

082 Rendering the Header.mp4

22.7 MB

083 Reducer and State Design.mp4

14.9 MB

084 Library List of Data.mp4

19.4 MB

086 The Connect Function.mp4

23.3 MB

087 MapStateToProps with Connect.mp4

20.4 MB

088 A Quick Review and Breather.mp4

12.6 MB

/13 Rendering Lists the Right Way/

089 The Theory of ListView.mp4

16.3 MB

090 ListView in Practice.mp4

15.9 MB

091 Rendering a Single Row.mp4

13.9 MB

092 Styling the List.mp4

27.2 MB

093 Creating the Selection Reducer.mp4

11.5 MB

094 Introducing Action Creators.mp4

13.1 MB

095 Calling Action Creators.mp4

24.2 MB

096 Adding a Touchable.mp4

35.1 MB

097 Rules of Reducers.mp4

11.9 MB

098 Expanding a Row.mp4

37.7 MB

099 Moving Logic Out of Components.mp4

46.8 MB

100 Animations.mp4

35.5 MB

101 Wrapup.mp4

24.8 MB

/14 Not Done Yet.../

102 Overview of Our Next App.mp4

9.9 MB

103 App Challenges.mp4

17.6 MB

104 Just a Touch More Setup.mp4

15.8 MB

105 More on Boilerplate Setup.mp4

18.4 MB

/15 Handling Data in React vs Redux/

106 Login Form in a Redux World.mp4

15.6 MB

107 Rebuilding the Login Form.mp4

17.1 MB

108 Handling Form Updates with Action Creators.mp4

20.4 MB

109 Wiring up Action Creators.mp4

18.9 MB

110 Typed Actions.mp4

20.2 MB

/16 Dont Mutate that State/

111 Immutable State.mp4

21.3 MB

112 Creating Immutable State.mp4

18.5 MB

113 More on Creating Immutable State.mp4

44.9 MB

114 Synchronous vs Asynchronous Action Creators.mp4

18.7 MB

115 Introduction to Redux Thunk.mp4

16.3 MB

116 Redux Thunk in Practice.mp4

14.9 MB

117 Redux Thunk in Practice Continued.mp4

22.0 MB

118 Making LoginUser More Robust.mp4

10.3 MB

119 Creating User Accounts.mp4

22.0 MB

120 Showing Error Messages.mp4

19.2 MB

121 A Firebase Gotcha.mp4

19.5 MB

122 Showing a Spinner on Loading.mp4

38.2 MB

/17 Navigating Users Around/

123 Dealing with Navigation.mp4

19.8 MB

124 Navigation in the Router.mp4

10.7 MB

125 Addressing Styling Issues.mp4

11.8 MB

126 Displaying Multiple Scenes.mp4

23.7 MB

127 Navigating Between Routes.mp4

12.8 MB

128 Grouping Scenes with Buckets.mp4

20.9 MB

129 Navigation Bar Buttons.mp4

52.6 MB

130 Navigating to the Employee Creation Form.mp4

31.3 MB

131 Building the Employee Creation Form.mp4

13.2 MB

132 Employee Form Actions.mp4

18.4 MB

133 Handling Form Updates at the Reducer Level.mp4

16.2 MB

134 Dynamic Property Updates.mp4

24.4 MB

135 The Picker Component.mp4

44.1 MB

136 Pickers and Style Overrides.mp4

40.7 MB

/18 Firebase as a Data Store/

137 Firebase JSON Schema.mp4

15.6 MB

138 Data Security in Firebase.mp4

13.6 MB

139 Creating Records with Firebase.mp4

38.9 MB

140 Default Form Values.mp4

23.1 MB

141 Successful Data Save to Firebase.mp4

19.6 MB

142 Resetting Form Properties.mp4

25.5 MB

143 Fetching Data from Firebase.mp4

23.8 MB

144 Storing Data by ID.mp4

24.9 MB

145 Dynamic DataSource Building.mp4

44.0 MB

146 Transforming Objects to Arrays.mp4

45.5 MB

147 List Building in Employee List.mp4

18.1 MB

/19 Code Reuse - Edit vs Create/

148 Reusing the Employee Form.mp4

29.4 MB

149 Create vs Edit Forms.mp4

23.9 MB

150 Reusable Forms.mp4

92.2 MB

151 A Standalone Employee Edit Form.mp4

9.5 MB

152 Initializing Forms from State.mp4

53.2 MB

153 Updating Firebase Records.mp4

22.5 MB

154 Clearing Form Attributes.mp4

54.3 MB

155 Texting Employees.mp4

44.7 MB

156 Modals as a Reusable Component.mp4

45.8 MB

157 The Modal Component Continued.mp4

36.6 MB

158 Styling the Modal.mp4

61.5 MB

159 Employee Delete Action Creator.mp4

52.7 MB

160 Wiring up Employee Delete.mp4

13.6 MB


Total files 159

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