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Total BIOChemistry


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/Analytical & Instrumental/

Absorption of nitrous gases - Webb.pdf

1.2 MB

Analisis Instrumental 2001 - Rubinson & Rubinson.pdf

60.5 MB

Analysis and purification methods in combinatorial chemistry - Yan.pdf

6.3 MB

Analytical biochemistry 3ed 1998 - Holme & Peck.pdf

16.3 MB

Analytical chemistry 3ed 2001.pdf

40.4 MB

Bioanalytical chemistry - Mikkelsen & Corton.pdf

4.0 MB

Chemometric techniques for quantitative analysis 1998 - Kramer.pdf

2.5 MB

Chemometrics - Brereton.pdf

4.9 MB

Chromatography methods for environmental trace analysis 2003 - Dean.pdf

2.6 MB

Clarkes isolation and identification of drugs 2ed 1986.djvu

18.9 MB

Drug testing in hair chromatography - Kintz.pdf

18.2 MB

Encyclopedia of separation science.rar

121.0 MB

Encyclopedia of spectroscopy & spectrometry 2000 Vol 1-3.pdf

64.9 MB

Estadistica para quimica analitica 2ed - Miller & Miller.pdf

8.7 MB

Estadística y quimiometria para quimica analitica 4ed 2002 - Miller & Miller.pdf

12.5 MB

Femtosecond real-time spectroscopy of small molecules and clusters 1998 - Schreiber.djvu

3.7 MB

Fundamentals of analytical chemistry 8ed 2004 - Skoog, West, Holler & Crouch.djvu

32.8 MB

Fundamentos de quimica analitica 8ed 2005 - Skoog, West, Holler & Crouch.djvu

27.7 MB

Glow discharge plasmas in analytical spectroscopy 2003 - Marcus & Broekaert.pdf

4.1 MB

How to make and use a small chemistry laboratory - Yates.pdf

7.4 MB

Macro and semimicro qualitative inorganic analysis 5ed - Vogel.pdf

8.7 MB

Modern analytical chemistry - Harvey.pdf

10.7 MB

Modern derivatization methods for separation sciences 1999 - Toyo'oka.pdf

6.6 MB

Multidimensional chromatography - Mondello, Lewis & Bartle.pdf

4.9 MB

NMR Spectroscopy of Glycoconjugates 2003 - Jimenez-Barbero & Peters.rar

4.5 MB

Practical guide to chemometrics 2ed - Gemperline.pdf

17.7 MB

Principios de analisis instrumental 5ed - Skoog, Holler & Nieman - CD.rar

37.5 MB

Principios de analisis instrumental 5ed - Skoog, Holler & Nieman.pdf

106.5 MB

Principles and practice of analytical chemistry 5ed - Fifield.pdf

7.0 MB

Quantitative chemical analysis 5ed - Vogel.pdf

67.7 MB

Sample preparation techniques in analytical chemistry - Winefordner.pdf

4.5 MB

Some micro-chemical tests for alkaloids - Parker.pdf

2.1 MB

Tandem techniques 1997 - Scott.pdf

5.9 MB

The analysis of controlled substances - Cole.pdf

2.4 MB

Treatise on applied analytical chemistry - Vittorio.pdf

11.7 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Adsorption/

Adsorption analysis equilibria and kinetics 1998 - Do.djvu

7.8 MB

Adsorption and diffusion in zeolites - A computational study.pdf

1.1 MB

Adsorption by powders and porous solids 1999 - Rouquerol, Rouquerol & Sing.pdf

10.7 MB

Adsorption engineering 1989 - Suzuki.pdf

5.8 MB

Adsorption onto heterogeneous porous materials equilibria and kinetics.pdf

2.1 MB

Adsorption, surface area and porosity 2ed 1982 - Sing & Gregg.djvu

3.2 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Chromatography/

Analytical GC 2ed - Jennings, Mittlefehldt & Stremple.pdf

17.1 MB

Basic GC 1997 - McNair Miller.pdf

8.7 MB

Capillary GC in food control and research 1990 - Matissek & Wittkowski.pdf

11.5 MB

Chiral chromatography 1998 - Scott & Beesley.pdf

4.2 MB

Chiral pollutants - Distribution, toxicity and analysis by C and capillary electrophoresis - Imran.pdf

1.6 MB

Chiral separation tecniques 2ed - Subramanian.pdf

7.6 MB

Chromatographic - Analysis of environmental and food toxicants 1998 - Shibamoto.pdf

15.5 MB

Chromatographic detectors 1996 - Scott.pdf

8.1 MB

Chromatographic methods 5ed 1996 - Braithwaite & Smith.pdf

24.4 MB

Chromatography Handbook of HPLC - Katz, Eksteen, Schoenmakers & Miller.djvu

36.9 MB

Chromatography theory 2002 - Cazes & Scott.djvu

9.8 MB

Column handbook for size exclusion chromatography - Wu.djvu

5.4 MB

Data analysis and signal processing in chromatography 1998 - Felinger.djvu

4.4 MB

Encyclopedia of chromatography 2004 - Cazes.pdf

71.3 MB

Food analysis by HPLC 2ed - Nollet.pdf

61.2 MB

GC analytical chemistry by open learning 2ed 1995 - Fowlis.pdf

18.9 MB

GS and MS - A practical guide 1996 - Kitson, Larsen & McEwen.pdf

10.0 MB

Handbook of size exclusion chromatography 1995 - Wu.pdf

3.2 MB

High-Performance gradient elution 2007 - Synder & Dolan.pdf.pdf

15.9 MB

HPLC A practical user's guide 2ed 2007 - McMaster.pdf

3.0 MB

Illustrated pocket dictionary of chromatography 2004 - Sadek.pdf

9.9 MB

Introduction to modern LC 2ed 1973 - Snyder & Kirkland.pdf

6.3 MB

Large-scale adsorption and chromatography - Vol 1,2 - Wankat.rar

9.7 MB

LC column theory - Scott.djvu

1.6 MB

LC-MS Applications in drug development 2002 - Lee.pdf

2.2 MB

Modern advances in chromatography 2002 - Freitag.pdf

2.5 MB

Modern practice of gas chromatography 4ed 2004 - Grob & Barry.pdf

13.7 MB

On-line LC-NMR and related techniques 2002 - Klaus.pdf

4.1 MB

Practical HPLC method development 2ed - Snyder, Kirkland & Glajch.pdf

23.2 MB

Sample preparation in chromatography.pdf

33.9 MB

Static headspace-GC - Theory and Practice 1997 - Ettre & Kolb.pdf

12.8 MB

The HPLC solvent guide 2ed 2002 - Sadek.pdf

7.2 MB

TLC - Vol 1a - Jork, Funk, Fisher & Wimmer.pdf

17.3 MB

TLC - Vol 1b - Jork, Funk, Fisher & Wimmer.pdf

21.2 MB

Troubleshooting LC systems - A comprehensive approach to troubleshooting LC equipment and separations 1989 - Dolan & Snyder.pdf

22.0 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Crystallography/

Crystallization 4ed 2001 - Mullin.pdf

6.8 MB

Crystallization process systems 2002 - Jones.pdf

2.7 MB

Crystallography 1996 - Schwarzenbach.pdf

8.5 MB

/.../Crystallography picture books - Steffen Weber/

Crystal forms.pdf

2.0 MB

Crystal structures.pdf

2.9 MB


1.9 MB

Nanotubes and nanocones.pdf

2.8 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Distillation/

Fundamentals of multicomponent distillation - Holland.pdf

42.6 MB

Reactive distillation - Sundmacher.pdf

5.5 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Fluorescence/

Applied fluorescence in chemistry, biology and medicine 1999.djvu

7.3 MB

Molecular fluorescence - Principles and applications 2001 - Valeur.pdf

6.4 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/General/

Dean's analytical chemistry handbook 2ed - Patnaik.pdf

9.1 MB

Handbook of instrumental techniques for analytical chemistry - Settle.pdf

13.4 MB

Handbook of residue analytical methods for agrochemicals Vol 1,2 - Lee.pdf

10.4 MB

Valid analytical methods and procedures - Burgess.pdf

1.6 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Mass spectrometry/

Inorganic MS fundamentals and applications 2000 - Barshick, Duckworth & Smith.pdf

75.3 MB

LC-MS 3ed 2006 - Niessen.pdf

24.6 MB

LC-MS An introduction 2003 - Ardrey.pdf

2.3 MB

MS basics - Herbert.djvu

4.3 MB

MS basics - Herbert.pdf

34.6 MB

MS of inorganic, coordination and organometallic compounds 2005 - Henderson & McIndoe.pdf

3.9 MB

/Analytical & Instrumental/Spectroscopy/

An introduction to analytical atomic spectrometry 1998 - Ebdon, Evans, Fisher & Hill.pdf

2.5 MB

Analytical atomic spectroscopy with flames and plasmas 2002 - Broekaert.pdf

2.2 MB

Complete introduction to NMR 1998 - Macomber.pdf

9.0 MB

Femtosecond laser spectroscopy 2005 - Hannaford.pdf

13.2 MB

Handbook of IR spectroscopy of ultrathin films 2003 - Tolstoy, Chernyshova & Skryshevsky.pdf

7.9 MB

IR and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds 4ed - Nakamoto.pdf

70.0 MB

IR and Raman spectroscopy 2003 - Wartewig.pdf

9.8 MB

IR spectroscopy fundamentals and applications - Stuart.pdf

2.7 MB

Laser spectroscopy 3ed 2003 - Demtroeder.djvu

22.9 MB

Molecular spectroscopy 1975 - Levine.djvu

7.2 MB

NMR - From spectra to structures 2ed 2007 - Mitchell & Costisella.pdf

5.2 MB

NMR spectroscopy - Lambert & Mazzola.pdf

21.4 MB

On-line LC-NMR and related techniques - Albert.pdf

3.9 MB

Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy 2ed 1999 - Lakowicz.djvu

16.9 MB

Raman spectroscopy in chemical analysis 2000 - Winefordner.pdf

22.6 MB

Spectrometric identification of organic compounds 7ed 2005 - Silverstein, Webster & Kiemle.pdf

17.8 MB

Spectroscopic measurement 2002 - Linne.pdf

18.3 MB

Spectroscopy of pharmaceutical solids 2006 - Brittain.pdf

22.3 MB

Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals, and principles of spectroscopy - Clark.pdf

26.9 MB

Structure elucidation by NMR 3ed - Breitmaier.djvu

2.4 MB

Structure elucidation by NMR 3ed - Breitmaier.pdf

12.3 MB

Ultrafast IR and Raman spectroscopy 2001 - Fayer.pdf

14.7 MB

/.../Bioactive natural products/

A handbook of nature cure.pdf

1.3 MB

Aceites esenciales - Padrini & Lucheroni.pdf

13.4 MB

Alkaloids - Secrets of life 2007 - Aniszewski.pdf

7.3 MB

American medicinal leaves and herbs 1911 - Henkel.pdf

5.7 MB

Bioactive natural products - Detection, isolation & structural determination 2ed.pdf

16.8 MB

Biologically active natural products pharmaceuticals 1999 - Cutler & Cutler.pdf

4.2 MB

Caffeine - Spiller.pdf

4.2 MB

Caffeine and activation theory - Effects on health and behavior 2007 - Smith.pdf

5.1 MB

Coffee flavor chemistry - Flament.pdf

29.9 MB

Complete book of essential oils & aromatherapy - Worwood.pdf

19.4 MB

CRC Handbook of medicinal spices 2003 - Duke.pdf

4.5 MB

Desert plants and people 1966 - Hicks.pdf

1.4 MB

Enciclopedia de plantas medicinales - Fichas.pdf

1.4 MB

Encyclopedia of herbs and mind enhancing substances 2000 - Group.pdf

633.9 KB

Ethnopharmacology of medicinal plants 2006 - Wiart.pdf

4.9 MB

Handbook of herbs and spices 2001 - Vol 1 - Peter.pdf

2.5 MB

Handbook of herbs and spices 2001 - Vol 2 - Peter.pdf

2.9 MB

Handbook of medicinal herbs 2ed 2002 - Duke.pdf

8.1 MB

Herbal products - Toxicology and clinical pharmacology 2ed 2007 - Tracy & Kingston.pdf

2.1 MB

Herbs and natural supplements - Braun CD.pdf

8.8 MB

Kohler's Medizinal-Pflanzen draws.rar

32.2 MB

La vuelta a los vegetales - Burgstaller Chiriani.pdf

2.0 MB

Los remedios de la abuela - Pedrazzanil.pdf

504.3 KB

Medicinal chemistry of bioactive natural products 2006 - Liang & Fang.pdf

5.5 MB

Medicinal natural products 2e 2002 - Dewick.pdf

5.3 MB

Medicinal plants in folk tradition 2004 - Allen & Hatfield.pdf

24.8 MB

Medicinal plants of the bible 2007 - Duke.pdf

23.2 MB

Natural plant cures and secrets revealed - Skinner - pass plantcures1.pdf

4.0 MB

Natural products from plants 2ed 2006 - Cseke, Kirakosyan, Kaufman, Warber, Duke & Brielmann.pdf

20.5 MB

Natural products isolation 2ed - Sarker, Latif & Gray.pdf

7.9 MB

Pharmacodynamic basis of herbal medicine 2ed 2006 - Ebadi.pdf

18.7 MB

Plantas y flores medicinales - Poletti.pdf

22.4 MB

Powerful and unusual herbs from the Amazon and China.pdf

535.3 KB

Prescriber and clinical repertory of medicinal herbs 1938 - Harper-Shove.pdf

4.2 MB

The alkaloids chemistry and biology - Vol 3 Ch 22.pdf

3.6 MB

The alkaloids chemistry and biology - Vol 54.pdf

15.0 MB

The alkaloids chemistry and biology - Vol 55.pdf

13.4 MB

The alkaloids chemistry and biology - Vol 56 Ch 1-10.pdf

4.9 MB

The alkaloids chemistry and biology - Vol 63.pdf

13.8 MB

The complete book of herbal teas.pdf

1.8 MB

The constituents of medicinal plants - Pengelly.djvu

8.6 MB

The plant alkaloids - Henry.djvu

8.9 MB

The plant alkaloids 4ed 1949 - Henry.pdf

54.4 MB

WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - Vol 1.pdf

1.5 MB

WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - Vol 2.pdf

1.7 MB

WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - Vol 3.pdf

2.0 MB

/Biological & Industrial/Biochemistry & Biology/

Basic concepts in biochemistry 2ed - Gilbert.pdf

1.5 MB

Biochemistry - McKee & McKee.djvu

22.2 MB

Biochemistry - The chemical reactions of living cells 2ed Vol 1-2 - Metzler.pdf

62.9 MB

Biochemistry 2ed - Garrett & Grisham.pdf

37.3 MB

Biochemistry 3ed - Lippincott.djvu

12.0 MB

Biochemistry 3ed - Lippincott.pdf

133.9 MB

Biochemistry 3ed - Mathews.pdf

36.0 MB

Biochemistry 5ed - Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer.pdf

76.8 MB

Biochemistry of lipids, lipoproteins and membranes 4ed 2002 - Vance & Vance.pdf

71.6 MB

Biochemistry of signal transduction and regulation 3ed 2003 - Krauss.pdf

8.0 MB

Color atlas of biochemistry 2ed 2005 - Koolman & Roehm.pdf

15.7 MB

Dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology 2ed - Stenesh.pdf

48.4 MB

Fundamentals of medicinal chemistry - Thomas.pdf

4.0 MB

Harper's illustrated biochemistry 26ed - Murray.pdf

11.9 MB

Introduction to medicinal chemistry - How drugs acts and why - Gringauz.djvu

23.6 MB

Marks basic medical biochemistry 2ed - Smith, Marks & Lieberman.pdf

54.7 MB

Modern experimental biochemistry 3ed 2000 - Boyer.pdf

51.3 MB

Molecular biology of the cell - Alberts.pdf

48.1 MB

Peptides chemistry and biology 2002 - Sewald & Jakubke.pdf

7.8 MB

Principles of biochemistry 4ed - Lehninger.djvu

35.9 MB

Principles of biochemistry 4ed - Lehninger.pdf

37.4 MB

Thermodynamics of biochemical reactions 2003 - Alberty.pdf

20.1 MB

Vitamins - Berg.pdf

7.2 MB

/.../Encyclopedia of biological chemistry/

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_1.pdf

25.6 MB

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_2.pdf

21.7 MB

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_3.pdf

21.2 MB

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_4.pdf

11.5 MB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/

Analisis de los alimentos 3ed - Lees.pdf

17.9 MB

Bionanotechnology, lessons from nature - Goodsell.pdf

37.3 MB

Biotechnology for waste and wastewater treatment - Cheremisinoff.pdf

10.9 MB

Bioterrorism and food safety - Rasco & Bledsoe.pdf

28.7 MB

Chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices 2ed 2005 - Ashurst.pdf

21.4 MB

Chilled foods - A comprehensive guide 2ed 2000 - Stringer & Dennis - INCOMPLETE.pdf

1.3 MB

Codex Alimentarius Commission 17th Procedural Manual.pdf

974.9 KB

Current protocols in food analytical chemistry 2001 - Whitaker.pdf

18.1 MB

Environmental biotechnology - Evans & Furlong.pdf

3.5 MB

Flavonoids 2006 - Andersen & Markham.pdf

12.4 MB

Food additives 2ed.pdf

26.1 MB

Food and drug interaction - McCabe, Frankel & Wolfe.pdf

5.8 MB

Food chemistry 1997 - Fennema.pdf

49.7 MB

Fruit and vegetable biotechnology - Valpuesta.pdf

1.8 MB

Glycemic index.pdf

925.1 KB

Handbook of food toxicology 2002 - Dekker.rar

8.8 MB

International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values.pdf

503.6 KB

Introduction to food toxicology 1993 - Shibamoto & Bjeldanes.pdf

7.3 MB

Leaves from the tree of life - Heathman & Tillotson.pdf

1.1 MB

Modern food microbiology 6ed - Jay.pdf

44.4 MB

Nutritional biochemistry of the vitamins 2ed 2003 - Bender.pdf

6.7 MB

Physical chemistry of foods 2003 - Dekker.pdf

8.8 MB

Physical chemistry of foods 2003 - Dekker.rar

11.4 MB

Physics and chemistry basis of biotechnology - Vol 7 - Cuyper & Bulte.pdf

2.8 MB

Principles of food chemistry 3ed 1999 - deMan.pdf

19.6 MB

Tabla de composicion de los alimentos - Novartis.rar

36.2 MB

The science of flavonoids 2006 - Grotewold.pdf

4.2 MB

Toxicologia de alimentos 2000 - Vega & Florentino.pdf

1.2 MB

Understanding biotechnology - Borem, Santos & Bowen.chm

1.9 MB

Vegetarian nutrition 2001 - Sabate DoubleFaced.pdf

6.2 MB

Vegetarian nutrition 2001 - Sabate.pdf

11.6 MB

Vitamin analysis for the health and food sciences - Eitenmiller & Landen.pdf

5.7 MB

Vitamin E - Food chemistry, composition and analysis 2004 - Eitenmiller & Lee.pdf

8.9 MB

Vitamins - Their role in the human body 2004 - Ball.pdf

8.6 MB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Dairy products/

Applied dairy microbiology 2ed 2001 - Darth & Steele.pdf

7.4 MB

Cheese making - Made easy.pdf

3.1 MB

Dairy chemistry and biochemistry 1998 - Fox & McSweeney.pdf

16.4 MB

Dairy processing handbook - Bylund.pdf

44.8 MB

Functional dairy products 2003 - Mattila-Sandholm & Saarela.pdf

4.4 MB

Manufacturing yogurt and fermented milks 2006 - Chandan.pdf

5.6 MB

Yoghurt - Science and technology 2ed 1999 - Tamime & Robinson.pdf

4.8 MB

Yogurt forever - The yogurt encyclopaedia.pdf

260.8 KB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Fermentation/

Applications of biotechnology to traditional fermented foods 1992.pdf

1.7 MB

Beer - Homebrew favorites 1960 - Lutzen & Stevens.pdf

11.3 MB

Beer - Tap into the art and science of brewing 2ed - Bamforth.pdf

5.7 MB

Biotecnologia de la cerveza y de la malta - Hough.pdf

28.0 MB

Brew your own beer - 640 thirst quenching beer recipes.pdf

1.6 MB

Brewing - Science and practice 2004 - Briggs, Boulton, Brookes & Stevens.pdf

12.8 MB

Chemistry and technology of wines and liquors - Herstein.djvu

12.1 MB

Chemistry of sake brewing 1881 - Atkinson.pdf

1.1 MB

Como hacer cerveza - Palmer.rar

1.6 MB

El libro de la cerveza 1994 - Jackson INCOMPLETE.pdf

23.4 MB

Elaboracion casera de cerveza - Vogel.pdf

6.9 MB

Fabricacion de la cerveza - Bedel.djvu

16.2 MB

Fermentation and biochemical engineering handbook 2ed 1997 - Vogel & Todaro.pdf

36.0 MB

Fermentation and biochemical engineering handbook 2ed 1997 - Vogel & Todaro.rar

32.1 MB

Fermentation and food safety 2001 - Adams & Nout.pdf

19.2 MB

Fermentation technology, bioprocessing, scale-up and manifacturing - Chisti & Moo-Young.pdf

7.6 MB

First steps in winemaking 3ed - Berry + Homebrew in practive - Wakefiled.pdf

1.2 MB

Homebrewer recipe guide 1996 - Higgins, Kilgore & Kertlein.pdf

7.8 MB

Industrial fermentations - Allen.pdf

7.4 MB

Libro blanco de la cerveza 2001.pdf

406.5 KB

The beer flavour handbook 2.1.pdf

17.9 MB

The carbohydrates and alcohol - Rideal.pdf

3.9 MB

The chemistry of sake brewing - Atkinson.rar

215.0 KB

The compleat distiller 2001 - Nixon & McCaw.pdf

12.2 MB

The microbiology of anaerobic digesters 2003 - Gerardi.pdf

3.0 MB

Wine microbiology - Practical applications and procedures 2ed 2007 - Fugelsang & Edwards.pdf

3.8 MB

/.../Handbook of enology 2ed 2006/

Vol 1 The microbiology of wine and vinifications.pdf

4.6 MB

Vol 2 The chemistry of wine, stabilization and treatments.pdf

3.6 MB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Fermentation/Journals/

Anaerobic oxidation of methane 2002 Science.pdf

235.3 KB

Bioreactor designs for solid state fermentation.pdf

1.2 MB

Chemical engineering for quality brewing.pdf

361.8 KB

Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists.url

0.1 KB

Master Brewers Association of the Americas.url

0.1 KB

Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of nsource-sorted organic wastes _ effects of ammonia on glucose degradation and methane production.pdf

201.2 KB

Methane fermentation of woody biomass .pdf

664.3 KB

Molecular ecology of anaerobic granular sludge grown at different conditions.pdf

1.1 MB

Practical Markers of the Transition from Aerobic to Anaerobic Metabolism During Exercise.pdf

338.9 KB

The Institute of Brewing & Distilling.url

0.1 KB

/.../Rare fermentantion berverages/


13.2 KB


21.6 KB


19.3 KB

Las chichas en el chile precolombino.docx

95.7 KB

Las chichas en el chile precolombino.pdf

296.6 KB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Fermentation/Various/Beer/

Cerveza made in casa.doc

248.8 KB

Como hacer cerveza.doc

28.7 KB

Descripcion de los ingredientes.doc

29.2 KB

Elaboracion paso a paso.doc

32.3 KB

Estilos de cervezas.doc

26.1 KB

Historia de la cerveza.doc

31.2 KB

Introduccion a la cerveza.doc

29.7 KB


27.1 KB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Fermentation/Various/Licours/

Curso de licores artesanales.doc

30.2 KB


29.7 KB


20.5 KB

Los licores.doc

24.6 KB

Recetas I.doc

40.4 KB

Recetas II.doc

187.9 KB

Recetas III.doc

44.0 KB


46.6 KB

/Biological & Industrial/Bromatology/Journals/

A comparison of lymphocyte micronuclei and plasma micronutrients in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.pdf

5.2 MB

Analisis nutricional de la dieta vegetariana.doc

43.0 KB

Blindness in a Strict Vegan.rtf

4.5 KB

Blindness in a Vegan.rtf

5.9 KB

Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians.pdf

129.3 KB

Embarazo, lactancia y la edad infantil .pdf

85.1 KB

Food protein-induced gastrointestinal diseases.pdf

126.4 KB

Las proteinas y dieta vegetariana.pdf

352.3 KB

Modified food guide pyramid for lactovegetarians and vegans.pdf

165.5 KB

Nutritional Importance of Animal Source Foods.pdf

108.1 KB

Total Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Total Antioxidan Status in Vegetarians.pdf

205.0 KB

Vegetarian diets EN - ADA.pdf

176.3 KB

Vegetarian diets ES - ADA.pdf

264.0 KB

Vegetarian food guide.pdf

88.0 KB

What do vegetarians in the United States eat.pdf

152.1 KB

/.../Vitamins an minerals/

Adaptation of iron absorption in men consuming diets with high or low iron bioavailability.pdf

117.6 KB

Bioavailability of iron, zinc, and other trace minerals from vegetarian diets.pdf

151.8 KB

Effect of ascorbic acid intake on nonheme-iron absorption from a complete diet.pdf

111.3 KB

Factors affecting the concentrations of ferritin in serum in a healthy Australian population.pdf

1.3 MB

Marginal iron deficiency without anemia impairs aerobic adaptation among previously untrained women.pdf

182.8 KB

Nonheme-iron absorption, fecal ferritin excretion, and blood indexes of iron status in women consuming c.pdf

121.0 KB

Oral ferrous sulfate supplements increase the free radical–generating capacity of feces from healthy vol.pdf

86.7 KB

Prediction of dietary iron absorption an algorithm for calculating absorption and bioavailability of die.pdf

82.8 KB

Vitamin A and b-Carotene Can Improve Nonheme Iron Absorption Rice, Wheat and Corn.pdf

336.1 KB

/.../Cosmetics and related/

Common fragance and flavor materials 4ed - Bauer, Garbe & Surburg.pdf

1.8 MB

Cosmetic and toiletry formulations 2ed - Vol 1 - Flick.pdf

17.9 MB

Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology - Vol 1-5 - Flickinger & Drew.pdf

32.3 MB

Fundamental processes of dye chemistry - Fierz-David & Balngey.pdf

7.6 MB

The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes - Vol 1 - Parry.djvu

7.8 MB

The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes - Vol 1 - Parry.pdf

34.9 MB

The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes - Vol 2 - Parry.djvu

4.1 MB

The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes - Vol 2 - Parry.pdf

21.8 MB

The handbook of soap manufacture 1908 - Simmons & Appleton.djvu

23.7 MB

/.../Cosmetics and related/Soap various/

Chart of saponification values and cold process recipe.docx

25.7 KB

Saponificacion de grasas - Escalante Salinas.pdf

118.0 KB

Soap making.url

0.1 KB

/.../The handbook of soap manufacture 1908 - Simmons & Appleton/

The handbook of soap manufacture 1908 - Simmons & Appleton html.rar

1.1 MB

The handbook of soap manufacture 1908 - Simmons & Appleton txt.rar

102.3 KB

The handbook of soap manufacture 1908 - Simmons & Appleton.docx

1.4 MB

/.../Drug desing and synthesis/

Appleton & Lange review of pharmacy 7ed 2004 - Hall & Reiss.pdf

18.7 MB

Drug abuse handbook 1997 - Karch.pdf

9.7 MB

Drug discovery Strategies and methods 2004 - Makriyannis & Biegel.pdf

4.8 MB

Drug targeting organ-specific strategies.pdf

3.6 MB

Excipient development for pharmaceutical biotechnology and drug delivery systems 2006 - Katdare & Chaubal.pdf

4.5 MB

Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulations.rar

9.3 MB

Industrial pharmaceutical biotechnology 2002 - Klefenz.pdf

2.0 MB

Natural products - Drug discovery and therapeutic medicine 2005 - Zhang & Demain.pdf

7.1 MB

Pharmaceutical manufacturing encyclopedia 2ed - Vol 1,2 - Sittig.pdf

24.4 MB

Pharmacokinetic and metabolism in drug design.pdf

2.1 MB

/.../Burgers medicinal chemistry and drug discovery 2003 - Burger/

Vol 1 - Drug discovery.pdf

54.5 MB

Vol 2 - Drug discovery and drug development.pdf

43.4 MB

Vol 3 - Cardiovascular agents and endocrines.pdf

33.2 MB

Vol 4 - Autocoids, diagnostics, and drugs from new biology.pdf

43.9 MB

Vol 5 - Chemotherapeutic agents.pdf

46.0 MB

Vol 6 - Nervous system agents.pdf

56.0 MB

/.../The organic chemistry of drug synthesis - Lednicer & Mitscher/

Vol 1 1977.pdf

4.0 MB

Vol 2 1980.pdf

3.9 MB

Vol 3 1984.pdf

2.3 MB

Vol 4 1990.pdf

2.2 MB

Vol 7 2008.pdf

2.8 MB


Analytical electrochemistry 2ed - Wang.pdf

4.9 MB

Digital simulation in electrochemistry 3ed 2005 - Britz.pdf

2.5 MB

Electrochemical activation of catalysis 2002 - Vayenas, Bebelis, Pliangos, Brosda & Tsiplakides.pdf

20.7 MB

Electrochemical methods 2ed 2001 - Bard & Faulkner.pdf

24.3 MB

Electrochemical reactions and mechanisms in organic chemistry 2000 - Grimshaw.pdf

19.6 MB

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DNA Viruses - Methods and Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 292] - P. Lieberman (Humana, 2005).pdf

10.0 MB

E. coli Gene Expression Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol.pdf

3.2 MB

Embryonic Stem Cells - Methods and Protocols - K. Turksen (e.pdf

6.6 MB

Embryonic Stem Cells [Methods in Enzymology No 418] - J. Abe.pdf

10.9 MB

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Biochemistry - 3rd Ed.pdf

14.0 MB

Encyclopedic Ref of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Med.pdf

49.1 MB

Enzyme Kinetics - A Modern Approach - A. Marangoni (Wiley, 2.pdf

2.5 MB

Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome - G. Omenn (Wiley, 2007).pdf

7.7 MB

Flavonoids - Andersen, Markham.pdf

12.4 MB

Flow Cytometry Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol .pdf

9.3 MB

Flow Cytometry-First Principles.pdf

4.6 MB

Gene Cloning and Manipulation (Cambridge, 2007).pdf

8.2 MB

Genomics and Proteomics-Functional and Computational Aspects.pdf

7.3 MB

giant molecules--intro to polymers of all kinds.pdf

2.9 MB


11.9 MB

Green Fluorescent Protein [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 183] - .pdf

4.4 MB

Grotewold - The Science of Flavonoids.pdf

4.2 MB

Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides - A. Kastin (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

31.0 MB

Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry - Robert K. Murray, Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell.pdf

11.9 MB

High Throughput Screening - Methods, Protocols [Methods In M.pdf

2.8 MB

High-Yield Cell and Molecular Biology - R. Dudek (1999) WW.djv

2.0 MB

HPLC of Peptides and Proteins [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 251.pdf

4.8 MB

Imaging of Nucleic Acids and Quantitation in Photonic Microscopy - X. Ronot, Y. Usson (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf

5.2 MB

Informatics in Proteomics - S. Srivastava (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

11.0 MB

Inhibitors of Protein Kinases and Protein Phosphatases - L. Pinna, P. Cohen (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

6.1 MB

Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences, 2nd Edition - Robert R. Crichton.pdf

8.1 MB

Introduction to Protein Architecture - A. Lesk (Oxford, 200.djvu

11.7 MB


1.3 MB

Ion Channels - Methods and Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 337] - J. Stockand, M. Shapiro (Humana.pdf

4.9 MB

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition - David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox.pdf

36.4 MB

Lipase and Phospholipase Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vo.pdf

24.1 MB

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews - Biochemstry 3rd ed - P. Ch.djv

17.1 MB

Making Sense of Data - A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data.pdf

5.3 MB

Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition - Colleen Smith.pdf

54.7 MB

Mass Spectometry of Proteins and Peptides [Methods In Molec .pdf

3.2 MB

Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applns 3rd ed - E. de Hoffmann, V. Stroobant (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

10.6 MB

Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis - J. Housby (Kluwer,2001) WW.pdf

7.4 MB

Membrane Protein Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 228] -.pdf

5.0 MB

Methods in Enzymology - DNA Microarrays [part B] - A. Kimmel.pdf

14.0 MB

Methods in Molecular Biology - Vol 1 - Proteins - J. Walker WW.pdf

18.4 MB

Microfluidic Techniques. Reviews and Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 321] - S. Minteer, ec. (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf

4.2 MB

MicroRNA Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 342] - S. Ying (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf

5.2 MB

Mitochondrial DNA - Methods and Protocols [Methods In Molec .pdf

5.0 MB

Mobile Genetic Elements [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 260] - W..pdf

3.9 MB

Modern Experimental Biochemistry 3d ed - Rodney F. Boyer.pdf

51.3 MB

Molecular Analysis Of Cancer [Methods In Molec Bio] - J. Bou.pdf

2.7 MB

Molecular Biology 2nd ed - R. Weaver (McGraw-Hill, 2002) WW.pdf

157.9 MB

Molecular Biology and Pathogenicity of Mycoplasmas - S. Razi.pdf

11.6 MB

Molecular Biology Of The Gene, Watson et al.djv

21.5 MB

Molecular Chaperones and Cell Signaling - B. Henderson, A. Pockley (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf

4.5 MB

Molecular Cloning 3rd ed. - 3 Volumes - J. Sambrook WW.pdf

124.6 MB

Molecular Diagnostics - G. Patrinos, W. Ansorge (Elsevier, 2005).pdf

19.3 MB

Molecular Embryology [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 97] - P. Sha.pdf

5.9 MB

Molecular Interaction Fields - G. Cruciani (Wiley, 2006).pdf

5.7 MB

Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids - N. Leontis, J. SantaL.djv

7.6 MB

mRNA Formation and Function - J. Richter (AP, 1997) WW.pdf

23.5 MB

Nuclear Import and Export in Plants and Animals - T. Tzfira,.pdf

4.4 MB

Nucleic Acids - Structures, Properties, Functions - V. Bloo.djv

10.8 MB

Oligonucleotide Synthesis - Methods and Applications [Methods in Molec Bio 288] - P. Herdewijn (H.pdf

10.9 MB

Oncogene Techniques [methods in engymology No. 254] - P. Vog.pdf

14.1 MB

PCR Cloning Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 192] - B. Chen, H. Janes (Humana, 2002) WW.pdf

3.3 MB

PCR Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 226] - J. Bartlett, D. Stirling (Humana) WW.pdf

15.1 MB


12.4 MB

Peptide Synthesis and Applications [Methods in Molec Bio 298] - J. Howl (Humana, 2005).pdf

7.4 MB

Peptidomics - Methods and Applications - M. Soloviev (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

7.2 MB

Phospholipid Signaling Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol .pdf

22.4 MB

Physics in Molecular Biology - K. Sneppen, G. Zocchi (Cambri.pdf

2.8 MB

Physics of Protein-DNA Interaction - R. Bruinsma (Springer, .pdf

11.6 MB

Plant Genomics and Proteomics - C. Cullis (Wiley, 2004).pdf

1.2 MB

Plant Proteomics - J. Samaj, J. Thelen (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

10.9 MB

Polysaccharides - Structural Diversity and Functional Versatility - S. Dumitriu (Marcel Dekker, 2005) WW.pdf

62.4 MB

Polysaccharides II - D. Klemm (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

7.5 MB

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory - M. Templeton (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

15.8 MB

Posttranslational Modifications Of Proteins [Methods In Mole.pdf

3.0 MB

Principles of Molecular Oncology - H. Bronchud, et al., (Hum.pdf

5.4 MB

Principles of Molecular Regulation - P. Conn, A. Means (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf

18.3 MB

Protein Arrays, Biochips, and Proteomics - J. Albala, I. Hum.pdf

5.0 MB

Protein Microarray Technology - D. Kambhampati (Wiley, 2004.djv

3.3 MB

Protein Protocols Handbook.pdf

7.1 MB

Protein Purification Protocols 2nd ed [Methods In Molec Bio,.pdf

3.8 MB

Protein Structure - a Practical Approach 2nd ed - T. Creigh.djv

4.4 MB

Protein Structure - Geometry, Topology and Structure - W. Ta.pdf

1.2 MB

Protein Structure Prediction - Methods and Protocols [Method.pdf

4.0 MB

Protein Structure, Stability and Folding [Methods In Molec .djv

1.8 MB

Protein Synthesis And Ribosome Structure - K. Nierhaus, D. Wilson (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

9.4 MB

Protein Targeting - Transport and Translocation - R. Dalbey, G. von Heijne (AP, 2002) WW.pdf

9.2 MB

Protein Targeting Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 88] - R. C.pdf

23.1 MB

Protein-Ligand Interactions - From Molecular Recognition to .pdf

3.5 MB

Protein-Lipid Interactions - C. Mateo, et al., (Springer, 20.pdf

4.7 MB

Protein-Solvent Interactions - R. Gregory (Marcel-Dekker, 19.pdf

48.8 MB

Proteoglycan Protocols [Methods in Molec io 171] - R. Iozzo .pdf

3.2 MB

Proteolytic Enzymes, Aspartic and Metallo Peptidases [Method.pdf

14.4 MB

Proteomics - T. Palzkill (Kluwer, 2002).pdf

1.4 MB

proteomics in practice.djv

3.6 MB

Recombinant Gene Expression [Methods in Molec Bio 267] 2nd ed - P. Balbas, A. Lorence (Humana, 20.pdf

9.3 MB

Recombinant Protein Protocols - Detection and Isolation [Met.pdf

30.0 MB

Redox Biochemistry - R. Bannerjee (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

16.7 MB

Redox Proteomics - From Protein Modifications to Cellular Dy.pdf

11.6 MB

Restriction Endonucleases - A. Pingoud (Springer, 2004) WW.pdf

13.8 MB

Rho GTPases [molecular biology] - M. Symons (Kluwer, 2003).pdf

4.2 MB

RNA Interference in Practice - U. Schepers (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

4.1 MB

RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part B] - S. Adhya (1.pdf

11.3 MB

RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part C] - S. Adhya, S.pdf

10.3 MB

RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part D] - S. Adhya, S.pdf

9.8 MB

RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 1] - S. Higgins, .pdf

29.8 MB

RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 2] - S. Higgins, .pdf

33.6 MB

RNA Sliencing - Methods and Protocols [methods in Molec bio 309] - G. Carmichael (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf

17.7 MB

RT-PCR Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 193] - J. OConne.pdf

4.6 MB

Separation Methods in Proteomics - G. Smejkal, A. Lazarev (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

12.6 MB

Signal Transduction - B. Gomperts, I. Kramer, P. Tatham (AP.djvu

10.1 MB

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 2.pdf

4.7 MB

Small Gtpases and Their Regulators [Part A] [Methods in Enzy.pdf

10.7 MB

Spectral Techniques in Proteomics - D. Sem (CRC, 2007).pdf

16.6 MB

Stereoselective Biocatalysis - R. Patel (Marcel Dekker, 2000) WW.pdf

140.7 MB

Sterile Filtration - M. Jornitz (Springer, 2006).pdf

2.8 MB

Structural Biology - Practical NMR Applications - Q. Teng (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

2.9 MB

structure and mechanism in protein science.djv

22.0 MB

Telomeres and Telomerase [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 191] - J.pdf

1.2 MB

The Interferons - Characterization and Application - A. Meager (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

6.5 MB

The Proteasome in Neurodegeneration - L. Stefanis, J. Keller (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

3.3 MB

The Protein Protocols Handbook 2nd ed. - J. Walker (ed.) (Hu.pdf

5.2 MB

Topics in Fluoresence Spectroscopy - Vol 7 [DNA Technology] .pdf

17.2 MB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB

Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry, Third Edition - Stanley E. Manahan.pdf

6.4 MB

Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes - M. Carey, S. Smale .pdf

8.3 MB

Transgenesis Techniques [Methods in Molec Bio Vol 18] - D. M.pdf

25.8 MB

Transport Equations In Biology - B. Perthame (Birkhauser, 20.pdf

2.3 MB

Viral Genome Packaging Machines - Genetics, Structure and Mechanism - C. Catalano (Kluwer, 2005) WW.pdf

11.3 MB

Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy - Methods and Protocols [Meth.pdf

9.2 MB

Zinc Finger Proteins - From Atomic Contact to Cellular Funct.pdf

11.6 MB

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Anatomia Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy Volume 3 2003 Thieme.pdf

20.6 MB

Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray.pdf

10.5 MB

Atlas Of Human Skeletal Anatomy - Juraj Artner.pdf

4.8 MB

Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy ,Volume I Locomotor System - Werner Platzer, Werner Kahle, M. Frotscher.djvu

9.0 MB

Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy, Volume 2 Internal Organs - Werner Platzer, Werner Kahle, M. Frotscher.djvu

8.0 MB

Color Atlas Of Cytology, Histology, And Microscopic Anatomy - Wolfgang Kuhnel.pdf

25.8 MB

Color Atlas of Physiology 5th Ed. - A. Despopoulos.pdf

31.6 MB

Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy - Berthold, M.D. Block.pdf

83.1 MB

Human Anatomy 6th ed - Kent Van De Graaff.pdf

110.7 MB

Human Physiology - The Mechanisms of Body Function 8th ed - Vander.pdf

17.0 MB

Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy Based on the International Nomenclature - Heinz Feneis, Wolfgang Dauber.pdf

12.0 MB

Pocket Atlas Of Radiographic Anatomy 2d ed - Torsten B. Moller, Emil Reif.pdf

58.7 MB

Review of Medical Physiology - 21 Edition - William F. Ganong.chm

24.0 MB

Schaum's Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology - Kent M. Van De Graaff, R. Ward Rhees.pdf

3.9 MB

Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology - Sylvia S. Mader.pdf

122.8 MB

/.../anatomy and Physiology/Neuroanatomy/

Atlas of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology - Frank H. Netter.pdf

13.4 MB

Color Atlas of Neuroscience Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology - Ben Greenstein, Adam Greenstein.pdf

50.5 MB

High-Yield Neuroanatomy - James D. Fix.pdf

28.9 MB

Neuroanatomy An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems - Duane E. Haines.pdf

5.6 MB

/Biology Complete/Anthropology/

A Handbook Of Economic Anthropology - James G. Carrier.pdf

2.6 MB

Biological Anthropology An Evolutionary Perspective - Barbara J King.pdf

6.9 MB

Genetic NatureCulture Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide - Alan Goodman.pdf

3.0 MB

/Biology Complete/Behavioral science/

International Encyclopedia Of The Social & Behavioral Sciences.pdf

190.8 MB

Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience - Jerry J. Buccafusco.pdf

6.8 MB

/Biology Complete/Biochemistry/

148-DNA-protein Interactions protocols.pdf

5.9 MB

176-Steroid Receptor Protocols.pdf

3.0 MB

228-Membrane Protein Protocols.pdf

4.3 MB

A Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data 2nd ed - S. Knudsen (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

9.3 MB

A Guide to Protein Isolation - C. Dennison (Kluwer, 2002).pdf

4.6 MB

Adhesion Molecules - Function and Inhibition - K. Ley (Birkhauser, 2007) WW.pdf

2.7 MB


20.3 MB

Amino Acid Analysis Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 159.pdf

1.7 MB

An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry - Jeremy J. Ramsden.pdf

7.0 MB

An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry.pdf

7.0 MB

Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data - M. Lee (Kluwer.pdf

16.5 MB

Analytical Biochemistry 3rd ed - David Holme, Hazel Peck.pdf

14.1 MB

Analytical Techniques in DNA Sequencing - B. Nunnally (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

4.7 MB

Animal Transgenesis and Cloning - L. Houdebine (Wiley, 2003).pdf

3.5 MB

Antibody Phage Display - Methods & Protocols [Methods In Mol.pdf

4.6 MB

Apoptosis [Methods in Enzymology Vol 322] - J. Reed WW.pdf

28.9 MB

Applying Genomic, Proteomic Microarray Tech in Drug Discover.pdf

6.5 MB

Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student Survival_Guide__2d_ed_-__Hiram_F._Gilbert.pdf

1.5 MB

Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student's Survival Guide 2d ed - Hiram F. Gilbert.pdf

6.6 MB

Biocatalysis - A. Bommanus, B. Riebel (Wiley, 2004).pdf

6.3 MB

Biochemistry - Chemical Reactions of Living Cells [Vol 1] 2n.pdf

29.1 MB

Biochemistry - Chemical Reactions of Living Cells [Vol 2] 2n.pdf

34.1 MB

Biochemistry - Stryer - 5th_Edition.pdf

29.7 MB

Biochemistry 2nd ed [Board Review Series] - D. Marks (1994).djvu

5.2 MB

Biochemistry 3 ed - Lippincott.djvu

12.0 MB

Biochemistry 4th ed. - Lehninger (2005).pdf

37.4 MB

Biochemistry 5th ed - J. Berg, et al., (Freeman, 2002).pdf

29.9 MB

Biochemistry 5th ed - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer.pdf

29.9 MB

biochemistry garrett.pdf

24.9 MB

Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes 4th ed - .pdf

66.9 MB

Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes, 4th edition - .E. Vance, J.E. Vance.pdf

71.6 MB

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation 3d ed - Gerhard Krauss.pdf

8.0 MB

Biochemistry The Chemical Reactions Of Living Cells 2d Ed Vols 1&2 - David E. Metzler.pdf

62.9 MB

Biochemistry The Molecular Basis of Life - Trudy McKee, James R McKee.djvu

22.2 MB

Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology GRE Practice Test (20.pdf

1.9 MB

Biochemistry, Theory and Problems of, Second Edition (McGraw Hill, 1998, Schaum's Outline Series).djvu

6.6 MB


4.5 MB

Biomaterials for Delivery, Targeting of Proteins and Nucleic.pdf

21.6 MB

Biomedical Application of Proteomics - J. Sanchez (2004).pdf

6.0 MB


1.4 MB

Calculating the secrets of life - mathematics in molecular b.djv

3.7 MB


137.5 MB

Cardiac Cell and Gene Transfer [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 21.pdf

1.8 MB

Cell Cycle Control. Mechanisms and Protocols [Methods In Mol.pdf

9.3 MB

Charge Transfer in DNA - from Mechanism to Application - H. Wagenknecht (Wiley, 2005).pdf

5.1 MB

Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Cross-Linking - S. Won.djvu

4.5 MB

Chest Radiology.pdf

1.9 MB

Chromatin Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 119] - P. Bec.pdf

3.4 MB

Color Atlas of Biochemistry 2005.pdf

15.7 MB

Color Atlas Of Biochemistry 2d ed - Jan Koolman, Klaus-Heinrich Rohm.pdf

15.7 MB

Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy 4th Ed. (Kuehnel, Thieme 2003).pdf

25.8 MB

Color Atlas of Immunology (Thieme 2003).pdf

33.3 MB

Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology (Kayser, Thieme 2005).pdf

32.9 MB

Color Atlas of Neurology.pdf

18.9 MB

Color Atlas of Neurosciences, Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Thieme 2000).pdf

58.0 MB

Color Atlas of Physiology 5th Ed. (A. Despopoulos et al, Thieme 2003).pdf

31.6 MB

Combinatorial Library [Methods In Molec Bio No. 201] - L. En.pdf

4.0 MB

Comprehensive Enzyme Kinetics - V. Leskovac (Kluwer, 2004) W.pdf

17.9 MB

Computational Approaches to Biochemical Reactivity - G. Nara.pdf

7.2 MB

Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics - O. Becker (2001).pdf

6.2 MB

Computational Methods for Protein Folding - R. Freisner ed. .pdf

7.2 MB

Computational Molecular Biology - Peter Clote (2000, Wiley).djvu

3.5 MB

Current Protocols in Molecular Biology [5000-pg ringbound] -.pdf

57.6 MB

Current Protocols In Protein Science [3 Vols] - J. Colgan, et al., (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

67.8 MB

Devel. Biol Protocols, Vol I [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 135].pdf

9.6 MB

Devel. Biol Protocols, Vol III [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 13.pdf

3.7 MB

Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2nd ed - J..pdf

48.4 MB

Directed Molecular Evolution of Proteins.pdf

6.8 MB

DNA Methylation Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 200] - .pdf

1.5 MB

DNA Topoisomerase Protocols (Vol 2) [Methods In Molec Bio, V.pdf

4.2 MB

DNA Viruses - Methods and Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 292] - P. Lieberman (Humana, 2005).pdf

10.0 MB

E. coli Gene Expression Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol.pdf

3.2 MB

Embryonic Stem Cells - Methods and Protocols - K. Turksen (e.pdf

6.6 MB

Embryonic Stem Cells [Methods in Enzymology No 418] - J. Abe.pdf

10.9 MB

Emergency Medicine.pdf

809.9 KB

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Biochemistry - 3rd Ed.pdf

14.0 MB

Encyclopedic Ref of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Med.pdf

49.1 MB

Enzyme Kinetics - A Modern Approach - A. Marangoni (Wiley, 2.pdf

2.5 MB

Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome - G. Omenn (Wiley, 2007).pdf

7.7 MB

Flavonoids - Andersen, Markham.pdf

12.4 MB

Flow Cytometry Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol .pdf

9.3 MB

Flow Cytometry-First Principles.pdf

4.6 MB

Gene Cloning and Manipulation (Cambridge, 2007).pdf

8.2 MB

Genomics and Proteomics-Functional and Computational Aspects.pdf

7.3 MB

giant molecules--intro to polymers of all kinds.pdf

2.9 MB


11.9 MB

Green Fluorescent Protein [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 183] - .pdf

4.4 MB

Grotewold - The Science of Flavonoids.pdf

4.2 MB

Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides - A. Kastin (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

31.0 MB

Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry - Robert K. Murray, Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell.pdf

11.9 MB

High Throughput Screening - Methods, Protocols [Methods In M.pdf

2.8 MB

High-Yield Cell and Molecular Biology - R. Dudek (1999) WW.djv

2.0 MB

HPLC of Peptides and Proteins [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 251.pdf

4.8 MB

Imaging of Nucleic Acids and Quantitation in Photonic Microscopy - X. Ronot, Y. Usson (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf

5.2 MB

Informatics in Proteomics - S. Srivastava (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

11.0 MB

Inhibitors of Protein Kinases and Protein Phosphatases - L. Pinna, P. Cohen (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

6.1 MB

Inorganic Biochemistry of Iron Metabolism From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences, 2nd Edition - Robert R. Crichton.pdf

8.1 MB

Introduction to Protein Architecture - A. Lesk (Oxford, 200.djvu

11.7 MB


1.3 MB

Ion Channels - Methods and Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 337] - J. Stockand, M. Shapiro (Humana.pdf

4.9 MB

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition - David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox.pdf

36.4 MB

Lipase and Phospholipase Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vo.pdf

24.1 MB

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews - Biochemstry 3rd ed - P. Ch.djv

17.1 MB

Making Sense of Data - A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data.pdf

5.3 MB

Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition - Colleen Smith.pdf

54.7 MB

Mass Spectometry of Proteins and Peptides [Methods In Molec .pdf

3.2 MB

Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applns 3rd ed - E. de Hoffmann, V. Stroobant (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

10.6 MB

Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis - J. Housby (Kluwer,2001) WW.pdf

7.4 MB


2.5 MB

Membrane Protein Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 228] -.pdf

5.0 MB

Methods in Enzymology - DNA Microarrays [part B] - A. Kimmel.pdf

14.0 MB

Methods in Molecular Biology - Vol 1 - Proteins - J. Walker WW.pdf

18.4 MB


2.9 MB

Microfluidic Techniques. Reviews and Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 321] - S. Minteer, ec. (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf

4.2 MB

MicroRNA Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 342] - S. Ying (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf

5.2 MB

Mitochondrial DNA - Methods and Protocols [Methods In Molec .pdf

5.0 MB

Mobile Genetic Elements [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 260] - W..pdf

3.9 MB

Modern Experimental Biochemistry 3d ed - Rodney F. Boyer.pdf

51.3 MB

Molecular Analysis Of Cancer [Methods In Molec Bio] - J. Bou.pdf

2.7 MB

Molecular Biology 2nd ed - R. Weaver (McGraw-Hill, 2002) WW.pdf

157.9 MB

Molecular Biology and Pathogenicity of Mycoplasmas - S. Razi.pdf

11.6 MB

Molecular Biology Of The Gene, Watson et al.djv

21.5 MB

Molecular Chaperones and Cell Signaling - B. Henderson, A. Pockley (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf

4.5 MB

Molecular Cloning 3rd ed. - 3 Volumes - J. Sambrook WW.pdf

124.6 MB

Molecular Diagnostics - G. Patrinos, W. Ansorge (Elsevier, 2005).pdf

19.3 MB

Molecular Embryology [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 97] - P. Sha.pdf

5.9 MB

Molecular Interaction Fields - G. Cruciani (Wiley, 2006).pdf

5.7 MB

Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids - N. Leontis, J. SantaL.djv

7.6 MB

mRNA Formation and Function - J. Richter (AP, 1997) WW.pdf

23.5 MB

Neurology 5th Ed 2004.pdf

1.4 MB


1.4 MB

Neuroscience .pdf

3.3 MB

Normal Findings in CT and MRI (Thieme 2000).pdf

31.9 MB

Nuclear Import and Export in Plants and Animals - T. Tzfira,.pdf

4.4 MB

Nucleic Acids - Structures, Properties, Functions - V. Bloo.djv

10.8 MB

Obstetrics and Gynecology.pdf

3.1 MB


2.0 MB

Oligonucleotide Synthesis - Methods and Applications [Methods in Molec Bio 288] - P. Herdewijn (H.pdf

10.9 MB

Oncogene Techniques [methods in engymology No. 254] - P. Vog.pdf

14.1 MB


5.9 MB


2.5 MB

PCR Cloning Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 192] - B. Chen, H. Janes (Humana, 2002) WW.pdf

3.3 MB

PCR Protocols 2nd ed. [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 226] - J. Bartlett, D. Stirling (Humana) WW.pdf

15.1 MB


2.0 MB


12.4 MB

Peptide Synthesis and Applications [Methods in Molec Bio 298] - J. Howl (Humana, 2005).pdf

7.4 MB

Peptidomics - Methods and Applications - M. Soloviev (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

7.2 MB


15.0 MB

Phospholipid Signaling Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol .pdf

22.4 MB

Physical Dignosis.pdf

1.1 MB

Physics in Molecular Biology - K. Sneppen, G. Zocchi (Cambri.pdf

2.8 MB

Physics of Protein-DNA Interaction - R. Bruinsma (Springer, .pdf

11.6 MB

Plant Genomics and Proteomics - C. Cullis (Wiley, 2004).pdf

1.2 MB

Plant Proteomics - J. Samaj, J. Thelen (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

10.9 MB

Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy.pdf

12.2 MB

Polysaccharides - Structural Diversity and Functional Versatility - S. Dumitriu (Marcel Dekker, 2005) WW.pdf

62.4 MB

Polysaccharides II - D. Klemm (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

7.5 MB

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory - M. Templeton (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

15.8 MB

Posttranslational Modifications Of Proteins [Methods In Mole.pdf

3.0 MB

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1.3 MB

Preventive Medicine.pdf

929.2 KB

Principles of Molecular Oncology - H. Bronchud, et al., (Hum.pdf

5.4 MB

Principles of Molecular Regulation - P. Conn, A. Means (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf

18.3 MB

Protein Arrays, Biochips, and Proteomics - J. Albala, I. Hum.pdf

5.0 MB

Protein Microarray Technology - D. Kambhampati (Wiley, 2004.djv

3.3 MB

Protein Protocols Handbook.pdf

7.1 MB

Protein Purification Protocols 2nd ed [Methods In Molec Bio,.pdf

3.8 MB

Protein Structure - a Practical Approach 2nd ed - T. Creigh.djv

4.4 MB

Protein Structure - Geometry, Topology and Structure - W. Ta.pdf

1.2 MB

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4.0 MB

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1.8 MB

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9.4 MB

Protein Targeting - Transport and Translocation - R. Dalbey, G. von Heijne (AP, 2002) WW.pdf

9.2 MB

Protein Targeting Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 88] - R. C.pdf

23.1 MB

Protein-Ligand Interactions - From Molecular Recognition to .pdf

3.5 MB

Protein-Lipid Interactions - C. Mateo, et al., (Springer, 20.pdf

4.7 MB

Protein-Solvent Interactions - R. Gregory (Marcel-Dekker, 19.pdf

48.8 MB

Proteoglycan Protocols [Methods in Molec io 171] - R. Iozzo .pdf

3.2 MB

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14.4 MB

Proteomics - T. Palzkill (Kluwer, 2002).pdf

1.4 MB

proteomics in practice.djv

3.6 MB


897.9 KB

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9.3 MB

Recombinant Protein Protocols - Detection and Isolation [Met.pdf

30.0 MB

Redox Biochemistry - R. Bannerjee (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

16.7 MB

Redox Proteomics - From Protein Modifications to Cellular Dy.pdf

11.6 MB

Restriction Endonucleases - A. Pingoud (Springer, 2004) WW.pdf

13.8 MB

Rho GTPases [molecular biology] - M. Symons (Kluwer, 2003).pdf

4.2 MB

RNA Interference in Practice - U. Schepers (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

4.1 MB

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11.3 MB

RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part C] - S. Adhya, S.pdf

10.3 MB

RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors [Part D] - S. Adhya, S.pdf

9.8 MB

RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 1] - S. Higgins, .pdf

29.8 MB

RNA Processing - A Practical Approach [Vol 2] - S. Higgins, .pdf

33.6 MB

RNA Sliencing - Methods and Protocols [methods in Molec bio 309] - G. Carmichael (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf

17.7 MB

RT-PCR Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 193] - J. OConne.pdf

4.6 MB

Separation Methods in Proteomics - G. Smejkal, A. Lazarev (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

12.6 MB

Signal Transduction - B. Gomperts, I. Kramer, P. Tatham (AP.djvu

10.1 MB

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 2.pdf

4.7 MB

Small Gtpases and Their Regulators [Part A] [Methods in Enzy.pdf

10.7 MB

Spectral Techniques in Proteomics - D. Sem (CRC, 2007).pdf

16.6 MB

Stereoselective Biocatalysis - R. Patel (Marcel Dekker, 2000) WW.pdf

140.7 MB

Sterile Filtration - M. Jornitz (Springer, 2006).pdf

2.8 MB

Structural Biology - Practical NMR Applications - Q. Teng (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

2.9 MB

structure and mechanism in protein science.djv

22.0 MB


1.5 MB

Telomeres and Telomerase [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 191] - J.pdf

1.2 MB

The Interferons - Characterization and Application - A. Meager (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

6.5 MB

The Proteasome in Neurodegeneration - L. Stefanis, J. Keller (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

3.3 MB

The Protein Protocols Handbook 2nd ed. - J. Walker (ed.) (Hu.pdf

5.2 MB

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17.2 MB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB

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6.4 MB

Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes - M. Carey, S. Smale .pdf

8.3 MB

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25.8 MB

Transport Equations In Biology - B. Perthame (Birkhauser, 20.pdf

2.3 MB

USMLE Road Map - Biochemistry.pdf

4.7 MB

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11.3 MB

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9.2 MB

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11.6 MB

/.../2000-Basic Concepts in Biochemistry - A Student's Survival Guide/

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90.2 KB


100.0 KB

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125.0 KB

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140.0 KB

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245.8 KB

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166.0 KB

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206.8 KB

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172.1 KB

Front Matter.pdf

91.9 KB


217.8 KB

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129.2 KB

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102.7 KB


88.3 KB

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240.0 KB

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251.6 KB

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97.8 KB

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96.7 KB

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185.6 KB

Protein Structure.pdf

238.4 KB

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104.7 KB

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96.3 KB

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177.6 KB

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194.6 KB

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124.0 KB

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201.8 KB

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119.2 KB

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6.5 MB

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4.2 MB


39.8 MB

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Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics Computational Molecular Biology - Isaac S. Kohane, Alvin Kho, Atul J. Butte.pdf

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192.0 KB


1.7 MB

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35.5 MB

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6.9 MB

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4.4 MB

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36.8 MB

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87.4 MB

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3.0 MB

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25.7 MB

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5.0 MB

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Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Genetics - William D. Stansfield.pdf

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411.4 MB

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Agutter - About Life, Concepts in Modern Biology.pdf

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Barnes - Herbal Medicines (Pharmaceutical Press, 2007).pdf

21.3 MB

Basics of Environmental Science 2nd ed - M. Allaby (Routledge, 2000) WW.PDF

14.4 MB

Begon - Ecology - From Individuals to Ecosystems 4e.pdf

16.4 MB

Belk,Borden - Biology - Science for Life.pdf

48.1 MB

Bell,Hemsley - Green Plants - Their Origin and Diversity 2e.pdf

15.1 MB

Bender's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology 8e (CRC, 2006).pdf

6.4 MB

Biology Demystified - D. Layman (McGraw-Hill, 2003) WW.pdf

8.2 MB

Biophysics - Vasantha Pattabhi, N. Gautham.pdf

16.3 MB

Biophysics 4th ed - R. Glaser (Springer, 2001) WW.pdf

17.8 MB

Biotechnology - Changing Life Through Science [3 Vols] - K. Lerner, B. Lerner (Thomson Gale, 2007_0.pdf

42.4 MB

Blake - Vitamins and Minerals Demystified [nutrition] (McGraw, 2008).pdf

8.9 MB

Blomberg - Physics of Life - Physicist's Road to Biology (Elsevier, 2007).pdf

5.2 MB

Bones and Muscles - An Illustrated Anatomy - V. Cantarella (1999) WW.pdf

9.9 MB

Brownson - Applied Epidemiology - Theory to Practice.pdf

25.0 MB

Brusca - Invertebrates 2e (Sinauer, 2003).djvu

45.1 MB

Caballero - Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition [4 Volume Set] 2e (Elsevier, 2005).pdf

23.9 MB

Cain - Discover Biology 2nd Ed.pdf

58.3 MB

Campbell - Biology 7e HQ [ocr,fixed,deskew,index] (Pearson, 2005).pdf

663.8 MB

Campbell - Biology 7e HQ.djvu

136.3 MB

Campbell,Reece - Biology 7th Ed.djvu

178.1 MB

Cancer Biology 4th ed - R. Ruddon (Oxford, 2007) WW.pdf

10.9 MB

Castro - Marine Biology 4e (McGraw, 2003).pdf

144.0 MB

Cecil - Textbook of Medicine.pdf

18.9 MB

Cela-Conde - Human Evolution - Trails from the Past.pdf

14.1 MB

Chandrasoma - Concise Pathology 3e.chm

54.2 MB

Charles Darwin and the Evolution Revolution - R. Stefoff (Oxford, 1996) WW.pdf

1.2 MB

Color Atlas of Physiology 5th Ed. - A. Despopoulos.pdf

31.6 MB

Comparative Primate Socioecology - P. Lee (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf

5.0 MB

Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology 3rd ed - E. Sober (MIT, 2006) WW.pdf

6.4 MB

Danforth - Obstetrics and Gynecology 9ed.pdf

9.2 MB

Darwin In The Genome - Molecular Strategies In Biological Evolution - L. Caporale (McGraw-Hill, 2_0.pdf

1.8 MB

Dekker Encyclopedia of Animal Science.pdf

76.4 MB

Dennett - Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Penguin, 1995).pdf

3.2 MB

Developmental Biology, 6th Ed, Gilbert.pdf

35.8 MB

DeVita - Cancer - Principles and Practice of Oncology 8e (Lippincott, 2008).chm

166.7 MB

Dixon - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals (Macmillan, 1988).pdf

40.1 MB

Dobretsov - Biosphere - Origin and Evolution.pdf

6.6 MB

Duke - Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 2e.pdf

8.1 MB

E.S.Grace - Biotechnology Unzipped - Promises And Realities.pdf

10.9 MB

Embryos, Genes and Birth Defects 2nd ed - P. Ferretti, et al., (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

8.1 MB

Enger-Ross - Concepts in Biology 10e HQ.pdf

101.6 MB

Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists - D. Vaccari, et al., (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

18.5 MB

Essential Cardiology - Principles and Practice 2nd ed - C. Rosendorff (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf

31.7 MB

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 5th ed - V. Scanlon, T. Sanders (FA Davis, 2007) WW.pdf

25.4 MB

Evolutionary Biology - From Concept to Application - P. Pontarotti (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf

3.6 MB

Evolutionary Catastrophes - The Science of Mass Extinction - V. Courtillot (Cambridge, 2003) WW.pdf

3.1 MB

Explaining Human Origins - Myth, Imagination, and Conjecture - W. Stoczkowski (Cambridge, 2002) WW.pdf

2.6 MB

Faller et al. - The Human Body.pdf

28.6 MB

Fastovsky - Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs 2e (Cambridge, 2005).djvu

16.0 MB

Fertility Demystified - S. Warhus (McGraw-Hill, 2007) WW.pdf

3.6 MB

Foundations of Systems Biology - Hiroaki Kitano.pdf

6.0 MB

Fox - Human Physiology 8th Ed.pdf

211.9 MB

Fundamentals of Anesthesia - C. Pinnock, T. Lin, T. Smith (GMM, 1999) WW.pdf

34.8 MB

Gabbard - Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy 1e.chm

4.9 MB

Gale - Encyclopedia of Psychology 2ed.pdf

10.9 MB

Genesis - The Evolution of Biology - J. Sapp (Oxford, 2003) WW.pdf

4.5 MB

Genetics - Principles and Analysis 4th ed - D. Hartl, E. Jones (1998) WW.djvu

31.5 MB

Genetics and Molecular Biology 2nd ed - R. Schleif (1993) WW.pdf

5.8 MB

Gillespie - Population Genetics - A Concise Guide.pdf

9.2 MB

Gillott - Entomology 3e (Springer, 2005).pdf

39.3 MB

Glantz - Primer of Biostatistics 5e (McGraw, 2002).chm

13.4 MB

Glencoe - Biology (McGraw, 2008).pdf

187.9 MB

Glencoe - Biology - Dynamics of Life (McGraw, 2004).pdf

150.9 MB

Glencoe - BSCS Biology - A Molecular Approach 9e (2006).pdf

53.6 MB

Glencoe - Life Science (McGraw, 2005).pdf

119.3 MB

Gregor Mendel And the Roots of Genetics - E. Edelson (Oxford, 1999) WW.pdf

8.7 MB

Gullan - The Insects - Outline of Entomology 3e (Blackwell, 2005).pdf

27.6 MB

Guyton,Hall - Textbook of Medical Physiology 11e (Elsevier, 2006).pdf

25.5 MB

Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants 2nd ed - L. Nelson, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

12.6 MB

Hansen - Netter's Atlas of Human Physiology (Saunders, 2002).pdf

24.2 MB

Hearing - Anatomy, Physiology and Disorders of the Auditory System 2nd ed - A. Moller (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

21.3 MB

Hickman - Animal Diversity 3e (McGraw, 2002).pdf

78.8 MB

Hoffman - Hematology - Basic Principles and Practice 3e.pdf

25.1 MB

How-To Hydroponics 3rd ed. - K. Roberto (2000) WW.pdf

5.5 MB

Human Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition) (Hardcover) - KnK.CHM

68.1 MB

Human Anatomy 6th ed - Kent Van De Graaff.pdf

110.7 MB

Human Blood Groups 2nd ed - G. Daniels (Blackwell, 2002) WW.pdf

8.1 MB

Human Evolution - A Very Short Introduction - B. Wood (Oxford, 2005) WW.pdf

1.2 MB

Human Evolution - An Illustrated Introduction, 5th Edition.pdf

10.9 MB

Human Growth and Development - N. Cameron (AP, 2002) WW.pdf

21.1 MB

In Darwin's Shadow - The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace - M. Shermer (Oxford, 2002) WW.pdf

5.6 MB

Information Theory and Evolution - J. Avery (World, 2003) WW.pdf

12.8 MB

Ingrouille - Plants Evolution and Diversity (Cambridge, 2006).pdf

35.9 MB

Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - T. Schowalter (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

16.9 MB

Integrated Principles of Zoology 11th ed - Hickman, Roberts, Larson.djvu

35.7 MB

Introducing Biological Rhythms - W. Kokkari, R. Sothern (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

19.3 MB

Introduction to Botany - James Schooley.pdf

100.6 MB

Jay - Modern Food Microbiology 6e.pdf

12.6 MB

Jervis - Insects as Natural Enemies - A Practical Perspective (Springer, 2005).pdf

18.1 MB

Johnson - Fluids and Electrolytes Demystified [medical] (McGraw, 2008).pdf

2.8 MB

Johnson - The Living World 3e [biology textbook] (McGraw, 2002).pdf

246.6 MB

Joint Structure And Function - A Comprehensive Analysis 4th ed - P. Levangie, C. Norkin (FA Davis_0.pdf

20.9 MB

Junqueira - Basic Histology - Text and Atlas 11e (McGraw, 2005).chm

80.5 MB

Kamienski - Pharmacology Demystified.pdf

5.2 MB

Kaplan, Sadock - Textbook of Psychiatry 7ed.pdf

39.0 MB

Kim - Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism (Cambridge, 2008).pdf

26.2 MB

Klug - Concepts of Genetics 8e [OCR] (Pearson, 2006).pdf

413.9 MB

Kolb - Introduction to Brain and Behavior 2e - TOC.txt

0.8 KB

Kolb - Introduction to Brain and Behavior 2e.pdf

67.8 MB

Kradin - Placebo Response and the Power of Unconscious Healing (Routledge, 2008).pdf

4.8 MB

Kronenberg - Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 11e.chm

102.1 MB

Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures 5th ed - C. Chernecky, B. Berger (Elsevier, 2008) WW.chm

9.1 MB

Latchman - Eukaryotic Transcription Factors (AP, 2008).pdf

15.6 MB

Lax - Toxin - The Cunning of Bacterial Poisons (Oxford, 2005).pdf

2.0 MB

Layman - Anatomy Demystified.pdf

11.8 MB

Layman - Physiology Demystified.pdf

12.5 MB

Le - Introductory Biostatistics (Wiley, 2003).pdf

2.4 MB

Lewis - Human Genetics - Concepts and Applications 5e (McGraw, 2003).pdf

89.5 MB

Lewis,Gaffin - Life 5e [intro biology txtbk].djvu

37.8 MB

Linzey - Vertebrate Biology.pdf

89.4 MB

Lippincott - Modern Pharmacology With Clinical Applications 6E.pdf

6.2 MB

Lissauer - Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 3e (2007).chm

113.1 MB

Macfarlane - Pathology Illustrated 5e.pdf

100.2 MB

Mader - Biology - Inquiry into Life 9e HQ.pdf

184.9 MB

Mader - Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology 5th Ed.pdf

122.8 MB

Making Sense of Sex - How Genes and Gender Influence our Relationships - D. Barash, J. Lipton (19_0.pdf

39.8 MB

Mathematical Models in Biology - An Intro - E. Allman, J. Rhodes (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf

3.8 MB

May,McLean - Theoretical Ecology - Principles and Applications 3e.pdf

6.5 MB

Mayhew - Discovering Evolutionary Ecology (Oxford, 2006).pdf

4.0 MB

McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Biology 11 v3.pdf

44.9 MB

McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Biology 12 v2.pdf

29.7 MB

Miller - The Mating Mind - How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature.pdf

2.2 MB

Modern Hematology - Biology and Clinical Management 2nd ed - R. Munker (Humana, 2007) WW.pdf

5.1 MB

Molecular Hematology 2nd ed - D. Provan, J. Gribben (Blackwell, 2005) WW.pdf

26.4 MB

Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine - Methods, Devices and Applns - T. Vo-Dinh (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

45.6 MB

Nicholl - Introduction to Genetic Engineering 3e (Cambridge, 2008).pdf

7.9 MB

Nutrition Almanac 5th ed - L. Dunne (McGraw-Hill, 2002) WW.pdf

3.2 MB

Nutrition For Dummies 4th Edition - Carol Ann Rinzler.pdf

5.4 MB

Onaivi - Biology of Marijuana.pdf

8.7 MB

Passarge - Color Atlas of Genetics 2e (Thieme, 2001).pdf

35.3 MB

Pharmaceutical Analysis - A Textbook for Pharm Students and Pharm Chemists - D. Watson (Churchill_0.pdf

18.3 MB

Physiology 3rd ed - L. Costanzo (Saunders, 2006) WW.chm

25.2 MB

Pierce - Genetics - A Conceptual Approach.pdf

17.6 MB

Piper - Extraordinary Animals - Encyclopedia of Curious Animals (Greenwood, 2007).pdf

5.3 MB

Pocock - Human Physiology - Basis of Medicine 3e (Oxford, 2006).chm

49.4 MB

Postlethwait,Hopson - Holt - Modern Biology.pdf

77.6 MB

Psychophysiology - Human Behavior and Physiological Response 4th ed - J. Andreassi (LEA, 2000) WW.djvu

13.5 MB

Purves - Life - The Science of Biology, Seventh Edition.pdf

43.4 MB

Rauchfuss - Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life (Springer, 2008).pdf

7.3 MB

Raven,Johnson - Biology, 6Ed (2002).pdf

56.7 MB

Redei - Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Informatics 3e (Springer, 2008).pdf

59.2 MB

Resh - Encyclopedia of Insects (AP, 2003).pdf

51.7 MB

Respiratory Physiology - The Essentials 7th ed - J. West (Lippincott, 2004) WW.pdf

33.5 MB

Rhoades,Tanner - Medical Physiology 2e (Lippincott, 2003).pdf

16.8 MB

Richard Dawkins - The Blind Watchmaker.pdf

8.1 MB

Ridley - The Red Queen - Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature (Perennial, 2003).pdf

2.1 MB

Robbins - Basic Pathology 8e.chm

239.0 MB

Robinson - Genetics for Dummies (Wiley, 2005).pdf

7.6 MB

Robinson - Urban Insects and Arachnids - Handbook of Urban Entomology (Cambridge, 2005).pdf

12.5 MB

Ross and Wilson - Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness 9th ed - A. Waugh, A. Grant (Elsev_0.pdf

80.3 MB

Saladin - Anatomy and Physiology_The Unity of Form and Function 3e.pdf

90.7 MB

Salkind - Encyclopedia of Human Development (Sage, 2006).pdf

8.8 MB

Schmidt - Encyclopedia of Pain (Springer, 2007).pdf

53.1 MB

Seeley - Anatomy and Physiology 6th Ed.pdf

442.7 MB

Smil - The Earth's Biosphere - Evolution, Dynamics and Change.djvu

5.7 MB

Smith - Clean - A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity.pdf

7.1 MB

Smith - Evolutionary Genetics 2e.pdf

22.8 MB

Sober - Evidence and Evolution - The Logic Behind the Science (Cambridge, 2008).pdf

2.7 MB

Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (1996).pdf

13.3 MB

Stem Cell Biology - Daniel R. Marshak.pdf

5.5 MB

Stem Cell Research - Medical Applications and Ethical Controversy - J. Panno (2005) WW.pdf

5.9 MB

Streips - Modern Microbial Genetics 2e.pdf

8.0 MB

Systems Biology - Properties of Reconstructed Networks - B. Palsson (Cambridge) WW.pdf

9.2 MB

Taylor - Extinctions in the History of Life (Cambridge, 2004).pdf

7.3 MB

The Basics of Biology - C. Stone (Greenwood, 2004) WW.pdf

24.1 MB

The Biological Roots of Human Nature - T. Goldsmith (Oxford, 1991) WW.pdf

9.0 MB

The Biology of the Eye - J. Fischbarg (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf

13.6 MB

The Human Genome - A User's Guide 2nd ed - J. Richards, R. Hawley (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf

10.8 MB

The Human Heart - A Basic Guide to Heart Disease 2nd ed - B. Phibbs (Lippincott, 2007) WW.chm

15.4 MB

The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey - Unearthing The Origins of Monkeys Apes and Humans - C. Beard (2004_0.pdf

4.4 MB

The Selfish Gene - R. Dawkins (1976) WW.pdf

729.4 KB

The Skeleton - E. Massaro, J. Rogers (Humana, 2004) WW.pdf

12.5 MB

Thomas - Parasitism and Ecosystems (Oxford, 2006).pdf

3.8 MB

Toezeren - Human Body Dynamics - Classical Mechanics and Human Movement (Springer, 2000).pdf

4.5 MB

Vander- Human Physiology - The Mechanisms of Body Function 8th Ed.pdf

17.0 MB

Vegetarian Nutrition - J. Sabate (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf

11.6 MB

Wallace - Public Health and Preventive Medicine 15e (McGraw, 2008).pdf

15.6 MB

Warrell - Oxford Textbook of Medicine 4th ed.pdf

60.5 MB

Weiss - Genetics and the Logic of Evolution.pdf

17.2 MB

Wharton - Life at the Limits - Organisms in Extreme Environments (Cambridge, 2002).pdf

2.4 MB

Wormser - AIDS and Other Manifestations of HIV Infection 4e (Elsevier, 2004).pdf

24.8 MB

Yudell - The Genomic Revolution - Unveiling the Unity of Life (JHP, 2002).pdf

14.7 MB

Zoology 5th ed - Miller , Harley.djvu

18.9 MB


Advanced Techniques in Biophysics - J. Arrondo, A. Alonso (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

8.5 MB

An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry - Jeremy J. Ramsden.pdf

7.0 MB

Analytical Biochemistry 3rd ed - David Holme, Hazel Peck.pdf

14.1 MB

Bannerjee - Redox Biochemistry (Wiley, 2007).pdf

16.7 MB

Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student's Survival Guide 2d ed - Hiram F. Gilbert.pdf

6.6 MB

Becker - Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics.pdf

5.6 MB

Biochemistry 3 ed - Lippincott.djvu

12.0 MB

Biochemistry 5th ed - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer.pdf

29.9 MB

Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes 4th ed - D. Vance, J. Vance (Elsevier, 2002) WW.pdf

66.9 MB

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation 3d ed - Gerhard Krauss.pdf

8.0 MB

Biochemistry The Molecular Basis of Life - Trudy McKee, James R McKee.djvu

22.2 MB

Biomacromolecules - Intro to Structure, Function and Informatics - C. Tsai (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

21.6 MB

Bioorganic Chemistry of Biological Signal Transduction - H. Waldmann (Springer, 2000) WW.pdf

2.8 MB

Bioreaction Engineering Principles 2nd ed - J. Nielsen, et al., (Kluwer, 2003) WW.pdf

20.5 MB

Biosynthesis - Aromatic Polyketides, Isoprenoids, Alkaloids - F. Leeper, J. Vederas (Springer, 20_0.pdf

3.5 MB

Bisswanger - Enzyme Kinetics - Principles and Methods 2e (Wiley, 2008).pdf

3.0 MB

Boyer - Modern Experimental Biochemistry 3e.pdf

51.3 MB

Calcium - A Matter of Life or Death - J. Krebs, M. Michalak (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

34.8 MB

Carbohydrates - The Sweet Molecules of Life - R. Stick WW.pdf

7.8 MB

Champe - Lippincott Illustrated Reviews - Biochemstry 3e (2005).djvu

17.1 MB

Chemical Biophysics - Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Systems - D. Beard, H. Qian (Cambridge, 2_0.pdf

4.6 MB

Crichton - Biological Inorganic Chemistry - An Introduction (Elsevier, 2008).pdf

17.7 MB

Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Substances 4th ed. - Kleemann and Engels (2000) WW.pdf

62.9 MB

Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function - E. Buxbaum (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

18.8 MB

Garrett and Grisham - Biochemistry 2ed.pdf

33.3 MB

Hamill - Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 3e (Lippincott, 2008).chm

36.9 MB

Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis - L. Ohannesian, A. Streeter (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf

6.7 MB

Heldt - Plant Biochemistry 3e.pdf

5.5 MB

Hodgson - A Textbook of Modern Toxicology 3e.pdf

6.6 MB

Human Growth Hormone - Research and Clinical Practice - R. Smith, M. Thorner (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf

7.4 MB

Introduction to Biophotonics - P. Prasad (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

8.5 MB

Introduction To Enzyme And Coenzyme Chemistry 2nd ed - T. Bugg (Blackwell, 2004) WW.pdf

8.2 MB

Katzung - Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 9e.pdf

11.5 MB

Koolman, Roehm - Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed.pdf

15.7 MB

Krauss - Biochemistry Of Signal Transduction And Regulation, 2d Edition.pdf

8.4 MB

Lehninger - Biochemistry 4ed 2004.pdf

44.9 MB

Lipid Biochemistry - An Introduction 5th ed - M. Gurr, J. Harwood, K. Frayn (Blackwell, 2002) WW.pdf

13.0 MB

Marr - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites (AP, 1995).pdf

30.3 MB

Methods in Modern Biophysics 2nd ed - B. Nolting (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

7.5 MB

Metzler - Biochemistry The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells 2e Vols 1-2.pdf

62.9 MB

Mikkelsen - Bioanalytical Chemistry.pdf

4.0 MB

Molecular Basis of Human Nutrition - T. Sanders, P. Emery (2003) WW.pdf

2.4 MB

Moore - Biochemistry for Dummies (Wiley, 2008).pdf

11.4 MB

Murray - Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 26th Ed.pdf

11.9 MB

Nicholls - Bioenergetics 3e (Elsevier, 2002).pdf

25.9 MB

Pharmacology 6th ed - Katzung, Trevor WW.djvu

11.9 MB

Plant Proteomics - J. Samaj, J. Thelen (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

10.9 MB

Protein Synthesis And Ribosome Structure - Translating the Genome - K. Nierhaus, D. Wilson (Wiley_0.pdf

9.4 MB

Proteome Research - Concepts, Tech and Appln 2nd ed - M. Wilkins, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

13.1 MB

Przedborski - Neuroimmune Pharmacology (Springer, 2008).pdf

22.3 MB

Textbook of Receptor Pharmacology 2nd ed - J. Foreman, T. Johansen (CRC, 2003) WW.pdf

7.5 MB

The Biochemistry of Cell Signalling - E. Helmreich (Oxford, 2001) WW.djvu

5.5 MB

Tsai - An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry.pdf

9.1 MB

Vitamins - Their Role in the Human Body - G. Ball (Blackwell, 2004) WW.pdf

8.6 MB

Walker - Biochemistry Demystified (Wiley, 2008).pdf

3.3 MB


Holmes - Sexually Transmitted Diseases 4e (McGraw, 2008).chm

164.3 MB

Lerner - Infectious Diseases in Context [volumes 1,2] (Thomson, 2008).pdf

40.7 MB

Rothman - Modern Epidemiology 3e (Lippincott, 2008).chm

7.2 MB

Tropical Infectious Diseases 2nd ed - R. Guerrant, et al., (2005) WW.pdf

77.3 MB

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Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Vol. 1. 2nd ed.pdf

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Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Vol. 5. 2nd ed.pdf

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Vol 01 - Lower Metazoans and Lesser Deuterostomes.djvu

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Vol 02 - Protostomes.djvu

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Vol 03 - Insects.djvu

12.4 MB

Vol 04 - Fishes 1.djvu

15.5 MB

Vol 05 - Fishes 2.djvu

20.0 MB

Vol 06 - Amphibians.djvu

16.3 MB

Vol 07 - Reptiles.djvu

15.6 MB

Vol 08 - Birds 1.djvu

15.4 MB

Vol 09 - Birds 2.djvu

15.5 MB

Vol 10 - Birds 3.djvu

16.0 MB

Vol 11 - Birds 4.djvu

16.0 MB

Vol 12 - Mammals 1.djvu

12.4 MB

Vol 13 - Mammals 2.djvu

17.2 MB

Vol 14 - Mammals 3.djvu

15.2 MB

Vol 15 - Mammals 4.djvu

14.5 MB

Vol 16 - Mammals 5.djvu

18.6 MB

Vol 17 - Cumulative Index.pdf

4.1 MB

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Grzimek's SALR - Amphibians.pdf

27.4 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Birds.pdf

100.9 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Corals, Jellyfishes, Sponges, and Other Simple Animals.pdf

32.6 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Crustaceans, Mollusks, and Segmented Worms.pdf

30.6 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Fishes.pdf

33.5 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Insects and Spiders.pdf

43.5 MB

Grzimek's SALR - Mammals.pdf

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Grzimek's SALR - Reptiles.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Biodiversity - Vol. 5.pdf

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Macmillan Science Library - Animal Sciences Vol. 1(242s).pdf

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Macmillan Science Library - Animal Sciences Vol. 2(237s).pdf

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Macmillan Science Library Biology Vol 3.pdf

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Macmillan Science Library Biology Vol 4.pdf

10.2 MB

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Macmillan Science Library - Plant Sciences Vol. 1(204s).pdf

13.5 MB

Macmillan Science Library - Plant Sciences Vol. 2(243s).pdf

16.9 MB

Macmillan Science Library - Plant Sciences Vol. 3(237s).pdf

13.4 MB

Macmillan Science Library - Plant Sciences Vol. 4(270s).pdf

17.6 MB


A History of Medicine 2nd ed - L. Magner (Taylor and Francis, 2005) WW.pdf

9.9 MB

ABC of Dermatology 5th ed. - P. Buxton (BMJ, 2003) WW.pdf

2.7 MB

Acne and Its Therapy - G. Webster, A. Rawlings (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf

6.1 MB

Alberts - Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf

3.4 MB

An Introduction to Orthodontics - L. Mitchell, D. Orth, M. Orth (Oxford, 2001) WW.chm

40.9 MB

Analgesia - C. Stein (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

3.9 MB

Antiviral Agents, Vaccines and Immunotherapies - S. Tyring (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

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Bad Medicine - Doctors Doing Harm since Hippocrates - D. Wootton (Oxford, 2006) WW.pdf

6.6 MB

Chronic Pain (Pain Management Series) - G. Jay (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf

4.3 MB

Clinical Dermatology 3rd ed. - J. Hunter, J. Savin, M. Dahl (Blackwell, 2002) WW.pdf

33.4 MB

Clinical Endodontics - A Textbook 2nd ed - L. Tronstad (Thieme, 2003) WW.pdf

29.5 MB

Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 4th ed - J. Lindhe (Blackwell, 2003) WW.pdf

62.9 MB

Complete Guide to Men's Health - A. Perry (AMA, Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

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Constipation - Etiology, Evaluation and Mgmt 2nd ed - S. Wexner, G. Duthie (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

12.4 MB

Cosmetic Dermatology - C. Burgess (ed.) (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

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Dermatology - An Illus. Colour Text 3rd ed. - D. Gawkrodger (Elsevier, 2003 WW_muya.pdf

36.8 MB

Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth - M. Teaford, et al., (Cambridge, 2000) WW.pdf

8.1 MB

Digestive Wellness 3rd ed - E. Lipski (McGraw-Hill, 2005) WW.pdf

3.6 MB

Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics 12th ed - P. Turnpenny, S. Ellard (Elsevier, 2007) WW.chm

27.7 MB

Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases - M. Khan (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf

9.7 MB

Endodontics 5th ed - J. Ingle (2002) WW.pdf

60.6 MB

Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics 5th ed - R. Kane, et al., (McGraw-Hill, 2004) WW.chm

6.0 MB

Fundamentals of Oncology 4th ed - H. Pitot (Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf

14.8 MB

Gene Therapy - Treating Disease by Repairing Genes - J. Panno (2005) WW.pdf

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Gene Therapy Technologies, Applications and Regulations - A. Meager (ed.) (Wiley, 1999) WW.pdf

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Glaucoma - Science and Practice - J. Morrison, I. Pollack (Thieme, 2003) WW.pdf

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Handbook of Sexual Dysfunction - R. Balon, R. Segraves (Taylor and Francis, 2005) WW.pdf

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Hart - Gynaecology Illustrated (Harcourt, 2000).pdf

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Integrated Medical Sciences - The Essentials - S. Perera, et al., (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

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Introducing Dental Implants - J. Hobkirk, et al., (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf

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Langman's Medical Embryology 9th ed - T. Sadler (2003) WW.pdf

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Male Reproductive Dysfunction - Pathophysiology and Treatment - F. Kandeel (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf

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Manual of Clinical Oncology 5th ed - D. Casciato (Lippincott, 2004) WW.chm

3.1 MB

Master Dentistry - Vol 1 - P. Coulthard, et al., (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf

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Master Dentistry - Vol 2 - P. Heasman (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf

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Molecular Embryology [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 97] - P. Sharpe, I. Mason (Humana, 1999) WW.pdf

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Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies 5th ed - S. Gabbe, et al., (Mosby Elsevier, 2007) WW.chm

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Obstetrics Illustrated 6th ed. - K. Hanretty (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf

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Ophthalmology - A Short Textbook - G. Lang (Thieme, 2000) WW.pdf

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Pasqualini - Breast Cancer - Prognosis, Treatment and Prevention 2e (Informa, 2008).pdf

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Principles and Practice 4th ed [2 vols] - J. Delisa, et al_0.chm

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Reese and Betts' A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases 5th ed - R. Betts, et al., (Lippinco_0.chm

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Sedation and Analgesia for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures - S. Malviya, et al., (Humana, 2_0.pdf

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Strabismus - Fundamentals of Clinical Opthalmology - F. Billson (BMJ, 2003) WW.pdf

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Stuart - Organ Transplantation 2e (Landes, 2003).pdf

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The Human Side of Medicine - L. Savett (Auburn, 2002) WW.pdf

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The Pregnancy Book - U.K. DOH (2005) WW.pdf

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The Vein Book - J. Bergan (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

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Vaccines - From Concept To Clinic - L. Paoletti, P. McInnes (CRC, 1999) WW.pdf

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Vaughan and Asbury's General Ophthalmology 17th ed - P. Riordan-Eva, J. Whitcher (McGraw-Hill LAN_0.chm

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William's Obstetrics 22nd ed - F. Cunningham, et al., (McGraw-Hill) WW.chm

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Women's Health 5th ed - D. Waller, A. mcPherson (Oxford, 2003) WW.chm

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A Pharmacology Primer - Theory, Applications, and Methods 2nd ed - T. Kenakin (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

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Advanced Molecular Biology - A Concise Reference (Twyman, 1999).pdf

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Alberts - Molecular Biology Of The Cell 4th Ed.pdf

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An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy - T. Kresina (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

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Analytical Molecular Biology - T. Wu (Kluwer, 2001) WW.pdf

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Apoptosis - A Practical Approach - G. Studzinski (Oxford, 1999) WW.pdf

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Apoptosis and Its Relevance to Autoimmunity - K. Elkon (Karger, 2006) WW.pdf

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Apoptosis Techniques and Protocols 2nd ed - A. Le Blanc (Humana, 2002) WW.pdf

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Apoptosis, Senescence and Cancer 2nd ed - D. Gewirtz, et al., (Humana, 2007) WW.pdf

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Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers - G. Waite, L. Waite (McGraw-Hill, 2007) WW.pdf

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Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials 2nd ed - R. Wax, et al., (CRC, 2008) WW.pdf

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Bacteriophages - Biology and Applns - E. Kutter, A. Sulakvelidze (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

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Bain - A Beginner's Guide to Blood Cells 2e (Blackwell, 2004).pdf

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Baldi - Bioinformatics - The Machine Learning Approach 2e.pdf

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Basic Lab Procedures in Clinical Bacteriology 2nd ed (WHO, 2003) WW.pdf

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Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles - C. Mullins (Kluwer, 2005) WW.pdf

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Bioinformatics - From Genomes to Drugs - Thomas Langauer.pdf

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Bioinformatics Computing - Bryan Bergeron.pdf

5.3 MB

Biopharmaceuticals - Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2nd ed - G. Walsh (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

6.7 MB

Biophysical Aspects of Transmembrane Signaling - S. Damjanovich (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

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Burmester - Color Atlas of Immunology (Thieme, 2003).pdf

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Calladine - Understanding DNA-The Molecule and How It Works 3rd ed.pdf

7.1 MB

Cell Biology A Short Course 2d ed - Stephen R. Bolsover, Jeremy S. Hyams.pdf

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Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune System - E. Gundelfinger, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

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Cell Death - The Role of PARP - C. Szabo (CRC, 2000) WW.pdf

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Cell Mechanics [Methods in Cell Biology vol.83] - Y. Wang, D. Discher (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

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Cell Membrane - the Red Blood Cell as a Model - Y. Yawata (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

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Cell Separation - Fundamentals, Analytical and Preparative Methods - A. Kumar, et al., (Springer,_0.pdf

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Cell-Cell Channels - F. Baluska, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

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Cellular and Molecular Methods in Neuroscience Research - A. Merighi, G. Carmignoto (Springer, 20_0.pdf

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Cellular Biology, A Short Course 2Ed - Stephen R. Bolsover.djvu

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Cellulose - Molecular and Cellular Biology - R. Brown, I. Saxena (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

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Cohen - A Computer Scientist's Guide to Cell Biology.pdf

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Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy 4th ed - W. Kuehnel (Thieme, 2003) WW.pdf

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Computational Cell Biology - Christopher Fall, Eric Marland, John Wagner, John Tyson.pdf

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Cytoskeletal Mechanics - Models and Measurements - M. Mofrad, R. Kamm (Cambridge, 2006) WW.pdf

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Domingo - Origin and Evolution of Viruses (AP, 1999).pdf

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Drug Transporters - Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition - G. You, M. Morris (_0.pdf

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Drugs of Abuse - Body Fluid Testing - R. Wong, H. Tse (Humana, 2005) WW.pdf

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Eales - Immunology For Life Scientists 2e.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Hormones [3 vols] - H. Henry, et al., (2003) WW.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology, Vols.1-4 - Creighton - Wiley 1999.pdf

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Endocrinology and Metabolism 4th ed - P. Felig, L. Frohman (McGraw-Hill, 2001) WW.chm

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Essentials of Apoptosis - A Guide for Basic and Clinical Research - X. Yin, Z. Dong (Humana, 2003_0.pdf

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Field's Virology [2 Vols] 5th ed - D. Knipe, et al., (Lippincott, 2007) WW.chm

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Food and Nutritional Toxicology - S. Omaye (CRC, 2004) WW.pdf

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Freshwater Microbiology - Biodiversity and Dynamic Interactions in the Aquatic Env. - D. Sigee (_0.pdf

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Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology 3rd ed - B. Leonard (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

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Fungi - Experimental Methods in Biology - R. Maheshwari (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

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Gene Mapping, Discovery, And Expression [Methods in Molec Bio 338] - M. Bina (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf

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Genes and Common Diseases - Genetics in Modern Medicine - A. Wright, N. Hastie (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf

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Genomics - The Science and Tech Behind the Human Genome Project - C. Cantor, C. Smith (Wiley, 199_0.pdf

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Gillespie - Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology 2e.pdf

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Glial Neurobiology - A Textbook - A. Verkhratsky, A. Butt (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

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Gubitz - Chiral Separations - Methods and Protocols.pdf

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Helgason - Basic Cell Culture Protocols 3e.pdf

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Howe - Gene Cloning and Manipulation 2e (Cambridge, 2007).pdf

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Humphey - Cell Cycle Control Mechanisms and Protocols.pdf

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Hunter - Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology.pdf

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Introduction to Bioinformatics - Arthur M. Lesk.pdf

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Introduction to Protein Architecture - A. Lesk (Oxford, 2001) WW.djvu

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Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes 2nd ed - B. Hille (Sinauer, 1992) WW.pdf

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Janicak - Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy 3e.pdf

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Jawetz - Medical Microbiology 24e (McGraw, 2007).chm

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Kayser - Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology (Thieme, 2005).pdf

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Keyser - Medical Microbiology (2005).pdf

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Klaassen - Casarett and Doull's Toxicology - Basic Science of Poisons 6e (McGraw, 2001).pdf

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Kuehnel - Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy 4e (Thieme, 2003).pdf

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Lab Manual and Workbook in Microbiology 7th ed - J. Morello, et al., (2003) WW.pdf

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Leuba - Biology at the Single-Molecule Level (Pergamon, 2001).pdf

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Lodish - Molecular Cell Biology 5th Edition.pdf

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Lullmann et al. - Color atlas of pharmacology, 2nd Ed.pdf

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McEvoy - Molecular Basis of Medical Cell Biology (Lange, 1998).djvu

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Microbial Forensics - R. Breeze, B. Budowle, S. Schutzer (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf

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Microbiology - A Human Perspective 4th ed - E. Nester, et al., (McGraw-Hill, 2004) WW.pdf

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Microbiology Demystified - Tom Betsy, James Keogh.pdf

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Misener - Bioinformatics - Methods and Protocols in Molecular Biology.djvu

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Mitochondria 2nd ed [Methods in Cell Biology Vol 80] - L. Pon, E. Schon (AP, 2007) WW.pdf

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Molecular and Cellular Signaling - M. beckerman (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

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Molecular Biology 2nd ed - R. Weaver (McGraw-Hill, 2002) WW.pdf

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Molecular Gastronomy - Exploring the Science of Flavor - H. This (CUP, 2006) WW.pdf

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Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer - G. Weber (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

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Molecular Medical Parasitology - J. Marr, et al., (AP, 2003) WW.pdf

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Molecular Methods for Virus Detection - D. Wiedbrauk, D. Farkas (AP, 1995) WW.pdf

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Molecular Nutrition and Genomics - Nutrition and the Ascent of Humankind - M. Lucock (Wiley, 2007_0.pdf

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Pevzner - Computational Molecular Biology - An Algorithmic Approach.pdf

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Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Concepts and Applications - G. Walsh (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

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Pharmaceutical Enzymes - A. lauwers, S. Scharpe (Marcel Dekker, 1997) WW.djvu

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Pharmaceutical Microbiology 6th ed - W. Hugo, A. Russell (Blackwell, 1998) WW.pdf

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Physics in Molecular Biology - K. Sneppen, G. Zocchi (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf

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Pollard - Cell Biology 2e (Saunders, 2007).chm

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Postmortem Toxicology of Abused Drugs - S. Karch (CRC, 2008) WW.pdf

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Principles and Practice of Clinical Parasitology - S. Gillespie, R. Pearson (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

16.4 MB

Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology 5th ed - A. Zuckerman, et al., (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

24.0 MB

Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilization 4th ed - A. Fraise, et al_0.pdf

61.7 MB

Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine 2nd ed - L. Edwards, et al., (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

7.8 MB

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 2nd ed - A. Atinson, et al., (AP, 2007) WW.pdf

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Principles of Molecular Medicine - J. Jameson (Humana, 1998) WW.pdf

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Principles of Molecular Pathology - A. Killeen (Humana, 2004) WW.pdf

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Principles of Molecular Regulation - P. Conn, A. Means (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf

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Principles of Tissue Engineering 3rd ed - R. Lanza, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

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Principles of Toxicology Testing - F. Barile (CRC, 2008) WW.pdf

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Rand and Dale's Pharmacology 6th ed - H. Rang, et al., (Churchill, 2007) WW.chm

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Rapaka - Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism and Pharmaceutics of Drugs of Abuse (NIH, 1997).pdf

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Schulz - Molecular Biology of Human Cancers.pdf

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Selinsky - Membrane Protein Protocols.pdf

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Setubal - Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology.pdf

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Signal Transduction - B. Gomperts, I. Kramer, P. Tatham (AP, 2002) WW.djv

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Talaro - Foundations in Microbiology 4e.pdf

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Textbook of Receptor Pharmacology 2nd ed - J. Foreman, T. Johansen (CRC, 2003) WW.pdf

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The Art of Genes - How Organisms Make Themselves - E. Coen (Oxford, 2000) WW.pdf

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The Bacteria - Their Origin, Structure, Function and Antibiosis - A. Koch (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

2.1 MB

The Biochemistry of Cell Signalling - E. Helmreich (Oxford, 2001) WW.djvu

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The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology - M. Schaechter (Elsevier, 2004) WW.pdf

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The Language Of Life - How Cells Communicate In Health & Disease - D. Niehoff (2005) WW.pdf

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The Sperm Cell - Production, Maturation, Fertilization, Regeneration - C. DeJonge, C. Barratt (Ca_0.pdf

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Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry, Third Edition - Stanley E. Manahan.pdf

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Transmembrane Transporters - M. Quick (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf

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Turksen - Embryonic Stem Cells - Methods And Protocols.pdf

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Visions of The Future - Chemistry and Life Science - J. Thompson (Cambridge, 2001) WW.pdf

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W. H. Freeman - Molecular Cell Biology - 5th Eition.pdf

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Walsh - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Concepts and Applications (Wiley, 2007).pdf

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Watson - Molecular Biology of the Gene 5e.pdf

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Webster - Protein Structure Prediction.pdf

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World of Microbiology and Immunology Vol 1 (A-L) - K. Lee Lerner.pdf

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World of Microbiology and Immunology Vol 2 (M-Z) - K. Lee Lerner.pdf

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Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence 3rd ed - A. Kaufman, E. Lichtenberger (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

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Attention Deficit Disorder - T. Brown (Yale, 2005) WW.pdf

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Blackwell - Essential Neurology 4th Ed.pdf

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Bontempi - Memories - Molecules and Circuits (Springer, 2007).pdf

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Brain Imaging in Substance Abuse - Research, Clinical and Forensic Applns - M. Kaufman (Humana, 2_0.pdf

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Braun - Buzz - The Science and Lore of Alcohol and Caffeine (Oxford, 1996).pdf

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Byrne - From Molecules to Networks - Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Elsevie_0.pdf

42.8 MB

Cerebral Signal Transduction - From First to Fourth Messengers - M. Reith (Humana, 2000) WW.pdf

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Chalupa - The Visual Neurosciences - Volumes 1,2 (MIT, 2004).pdf

51.3 MB

Chomsky - Syntactic Structures 2e HQ (Mouton, 2002).djvu

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Clinical Neuropathology - Text and Color Atlas - C. Haberland (Demos, 2007) WW.pdf

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Clinical Pharmacology of Sleep - S. Pandi-Perumal, J. Monti (Birkhauser, 2006) WW.pdf

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Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders 3rd ed - R. Frances, S. Miller, A. Mack (Guilford, 2005)_0.pdf

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Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism - I. Kecskes, L. Albertazzi (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

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Cognitive Science - B. Bly, D. Rumelhart (AP, 1999) WW.pdf

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Cognitive Systems - Information Processing Meets Brain Science - R. Morris, et al., (Elsevier, 20_0.pdf

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Computational Neuroanatomy - Principles and Methods - G. Ascoli (Humana, 2002) WW.pdf

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Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion - J. Sawyer, J. Simpson (Pergamon, 2001) WW.djvu

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Craighead - Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science 3e (Wiley, 2004).pdf

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Craver - Explaining the Brain - Mechanisms and the Mosaic Unity of Neuroscience (Oxford, 2007).pdf

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Dayan - Theoretical Neuroscience Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems.pdf

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Dennett - Consciousness Explained (Back Bay, 1991).pdf

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Developmental Neurobiology 4th ed - M. Rao, M. Jacobson (Kluwer, 2005) WW.pdf

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DiPiro - Pharmacotherapy - A Pathophysiologic Approach 6e (McGraw, 2005).pdf

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Dopamine [Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy - Vol 21] - S. Dunnett, et al., (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf

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Dowling - The Great Brain Debate - Nature or Nurture (JHP, 2004).pdf

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Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders - M. Maj, et al., (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

2.2 MB

Electroencephalography 5th ed - E. Niedermeyer, F. da Silva (Lippincott, 2005) WW.chm

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Elements of Molecular Neurobiology 3d ed - C. U. M. Smith.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd ed [14 vols] - K. Brown (Elsevier, 2002) WW.pdf

221.2 MB

Epilepsy - A Comprehensive Textbook [3 vols] (Lippincott, 2006) WW.pdf

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Essential Neuroscience - A. Siegel, H. Sapru (Lippincott, 2006) WW 2005.chm

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Essentials of Psychiatry - J. Kay, A. Tasman (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

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Evans,Green - Cognitive Linguistics - An Introduction (Edinburgh, 2006).pdf

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Feelings - The Perception of Self - J. Laird (Oxford, 2007) WW.pdf

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From Computer to Brain - Foundations of Computational Neuroscience - W. Lytton (Springer, 2002) WW.pdf

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From Conditioning to Concious Recollection - Memory Systems of the Brain - H. Eichenbaum, N. Cohe_0.chm

21.1 MB

Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applns - D. Haines, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW.chm

80.0 MB

Gazzaniga - The New Cognitive Neurosciences 2e (MIT, 2000).pdf

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Gillian Einstein - Sex and the Brain (MIT, 2007).pdf

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Greenberg - Clinical Neurology 5th ed.pdf

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Greenstein - Color Atlas of Neurosciences, Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Thieme, 2000).pdf

58.0 MB

Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs - J. Lieberman, A. Tasman (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

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Hanna - Word and World - Practice and the Foundations of Language (Cambridge, 2004).pdf

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Hardwired Behavior - What Neuroscience Reveals About Morality - L. Tancredi (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf

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Hobson - The Dream Drugstore - Chemically Altered States of Consciousness (MIT, 2002).pdf

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How the Body Shapes the Way We Think - R. Pfeifer, J. Bongard (MIT, 2007) WW.pdf

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Hughes' Outline of Modern Psychiatry 5th ed - D. Gill (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

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Hypnotherapeutic Techniques 2nd ed - A. Barabasz, J. Watkins (Brunner-Routledge, 2005) WW.pdf

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Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - A. Lemma (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

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Jacobson - Neuroanatomy for the Neuroscientist (Springer, 2008).pdf

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Kandel - Principles of Neural Science 4e.pdf

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Kent - MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders (MIT, 2004).pdf

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Kranzler - Clinical Manual of Addiction Psychopharmacology (APP, 2005).pdf

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Lajtha - Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology (Springer, 2007).pdf

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Levitin - This is Your Brain on Music - Science of a Human Obsession (Dutton, 2006).pdf

1.6 MB

Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 4th ed - A. Martin, F. Volkmar (Lippincott, 2007) WW.chm

16.0 MB

Linguistics - An Intro To Language And Communication 5th ed - A. Akmajian (MIT,2001) WW.djvu

4.4 MB

Lowinson - Substance Abuse - A Comprehensivew Textbook 4e [drugs] (Lippincott, 2005).chm

10.0 MB

Lynch - Big Brain - Origins and Future of Human Intelligence (Palgrave, 2008).pdf

3.2 MB

Manual of Psychiatric Theraputics 3rd ed - R. Shader (Lippincott, 2003) WW.chm

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Merritt - Neurology 10th Ed.pdf

12.5 MB

Microcircuits - The Interface Betwen Neurons and Global Brain Function - S. Grillner, A. Graybiel_0.pdf

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Migrane - Manifestations, Pathogenesis and Management 2nd ed - R. Davidoff (Oxford, 2002) WW.chm

6.6 MB

Mildner - Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Communication (Taylor, 2008).pdf

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Miller - Philosophy of Language 2e (Routledge, 2007).pdf

1.7 MB

Molecular Biology of the Neuron 2nd ed - R. Davies, B. Morris (Oxford, 2004) WW.pdf

4.8 MB

Molecular Neuroscience - P. Revest, A. Longstaff (Bios, 1998) WW.djvu

2.3 MB

Monti - Neurochemistry of Sleep and Wakefulness (Cambridge, 2008).pdf

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Mumenthaler - Neurology 4e rev (Thieme, 2004).pdf

105.0 MB

Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia - C. Bassetti, et al., (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf

11.7 MB

Navigating the Adult Spine - Bridging Clinical Practice and Neuroradiology - A. Fast, D. Goldsher_0.pdf

7.5 MB

Neuro-Signals - Invertebrate Neural Networks - Y. Wong, J. Wong (Karger, 2004) WW.pdf

2.1 MB

Neuroanatomy An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems - Duane E. Haines.pdf

5.6 MB

Neuroengineering - D. Dilorenzo, J. Bronzino (CRC, 2008) WW.pdf

16.0 MB

Neuroimmunology of Sleep - S. Pandi-Perumal, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

4.5 MB

Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience - Mark D'Esposito.pdf

4.2 MB

Neuroscience for Neurologists - P. Chinnery (ICP, 2006) WW.pdf

31.6 MB

Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence (WHO, 2004) WW.pdf

1.9 MB

Neuroscience PreTest 6th ed - A. Siegel (McGraw-Hill, 2007) WW.pdf

3.6 MB

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators - Hbk of Receptors and Biological Effects 2nd ed - O. von B_0.pdf

10.1 MB

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Diagnosis and Treatment - C. Kushida (Informa, 2007) WW.pdf

6.3 MB

Pecher - Grounding Cognition - Role of Perception and Action in Memory, Language etc (Cambridge, _0.pdf

5.8 MB

Pharmacology of Neurotransmitter Release - T. Sudhof, K. Starke (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf

5.3 MB

Pharmacotherapy Handbook 6th ed - B. Wells, et al., (McGraw-Hill, 2006) WW.chm

10.6 MB

Pinker - How the Mind Works (Penguin, 1998).pdf

5.2 MB

Pinker - The Blank Slate - Modern Denial of Human Nature [html,ugly] (Penguin, 2002).pdf

4.6 MB

Platek - Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience (MIT, 2007).pdf

2.2 MB

Principles of Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals - J. Kelsey (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

3.6 MB

Psychiatry as a Neuroscience - J. Lopez-Ibor, et al., (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf

6.9 MB

Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience - M. Mancia (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

4.0 MB

Psychologists and Their Theories (for Students) [Vol 1 and 2] - K. Krapp (Gale, 2005) WW.pdf

5.3 MB

Psychophysiology - Human Behavior and Physiological Response 4th ed - J. Andreassi (LEA, 2000) WW.djvu

13.5 MB

Purves - Neuroscience 3e.pdf

34.8 MB

Ramachandran - Encyclopedia of the Human Brain (Academic, 2002).pdf

88.1 MB

Rao - Developmental Neurobiology 4e (Kluwer, 2005).pdf

14.7 MB

Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols 2nd ed [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 259] - G. Willars, R. Ch_0.pdf

4.1 MB

Riedel,Platt - From Messengers to Molecules - Memories Are Made of These [neurotransmitters,neuro_0.pdf

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Rohkamm - Color Atlas of Neurology (Thieme, 2004).pdf

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Seckel - Incredible Visual Illusions (Arcturus, 2006).pdf

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Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - Past, Present and Future - S. Stanford [SSRIs] (Landes,_0.pdf

1.6 MB

Siegel - Basic Neurochemistry - Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects 7e (Academic, 2006).pdf

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Signal Processing for Neuroscientists - W. van Drongelen (AP, 2006) WW.pdf

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Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation - H. Colten, B. Altevogt (NAP, 2006) WW.pdf

2.4 MB

Temperament - A Psychological Perspective - J. Strelu (Kluwer, 2002) WW.pdf

4.6 MB

Textbook of Biological Psychiatry - J. Panksepp (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

5.3 MB

The Art and Science of Psychotherapy - S. Hoffmann, J. Weinberger (Routledge, 2007) WW.pdf

6.7 MB

The Brain - A Very Short Introduction - M. O'Shea (Oxford, 2005) WW.pdf

1.6 MB

The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain - A. Zani, A. Proverbio (AP, 2002) WW.pdf

23.1 MB

The Emerging Physics of Consciousness - J. Tuszynski (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

7.8 MB

The GABA Receptors 3rd ed - S. Enna, H. Mohler (Humana, 2007) WW.pdf

4.2 MB

The Human Hippocampus 3rd ed - H. Duvernoy (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

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The Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry - E. Higgins, M. George (Lippincott, 2007) WW.CHM

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The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need 5th ed - M. Thaler (Lippincott, 2007) WW.chm

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The Parallel Brain - Cognitive Neuroscience of the Corpus Callosum - E. Zaidel, M. Iacoboni (MIT,_0.pdf

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The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders - L. Weyandt (LEA, 2006) WW.pdf

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The Senses - Comprehensive Reference [neuroscience, 6 volumes] (AP, 2007).pdf

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Theories of Personality 6th ed - J. Feist, G. Feist (McGraw-Hill, 2006) WW.pdf

87.4 MB

Tinnitus - Pathophysiology and Treatment [Progress in Brain Research vol 166] - B. Langguth, et a_0.pdf

11.7 MB

Understanding Marijuana - A New Look at the Scientific Evidence - M. Earleywine (Oxford, 2002) WW.chm

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Understanding Sleep and Dreaming - W. Moorcroft (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

17.9 MB

Visual Development 2nd ed - N. Daw (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

5.8 MB

Waxman - Molecular Neurology (Elsevier, 2007).pdf

16.7 MB

Webster - Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function.pdf

8.1 MB

Wilson - MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences.pdf

12.1 MB

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Biologically Active Natural Products - Pharmaceuticals - S. Cutler, H. Cutler (CRC, 2000) WW.pdf

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Cacti - Biology and Uses (UC Press, 2003).pdf

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Cannabis - The Genus Cannabis - D. Brown (Harwood, 1998) WW.pdf

2.8 MB

Carlile - The Fungi 2e (AP, 2001).pdf

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Cseke - Natural Products from Plants 2e (CRC, 2006).pdf

20.5 MB

Cultural History of Plants - G. Prance, M. Nesbitt (Routledge, 2005) WW.pdf

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Functional Plant Ecology 2nd ed - F. Pugnaire, F. Vallardes (CRC, 2007) WW.pdf

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Henry - Plant Diversity and Evolution (CABI, 2004).pdf

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Kren - Ergot - The Genus Claviceps [ergotamine, LSD] (Harwood, 1999).djvu

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McPartland - Hemp Diseases, Pests Management and Biological Control (CABI, 2000).pdf

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Nicholas - Psilocybin Mushroom Handbook - Easy Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation (QT, 2006).pdf

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Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine 2nd ed - M. Ebadi (CRC, 2007) WW.pdf

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Pietropaolo - Carnivorous Plants of the World [bw, poor scan] (Timber, 1986).pdf

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Plant Roots - Their Growth, Activity and Interaction With Soils - P. Gregory (Blackwell, 2006) WW.pdf

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Plant Systems Biology - S. Baginsky, A. Fernie (Birkhauser, 2007) WW.pdf

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Sage - The Genus Salvia - S. Kintzios (Harwood, 2000) WW.pdf

4.2 MB

Schroth - Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility - Concepts and Research Methods (CABI, 2003).pdf

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Schulze,Beck - Plant Ecology (Springer, 2002).pdf

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Stamets - Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms (1993).pdf

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Stern - Introductory Plant Biology 9e (McGraw, 2003).djvu

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March's Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure 5th Edition - Michael B. Smith.djvu

18.1 MB

Mechanism And Theory In Organic Chemistry - Ihomas H. Lowry.pdf

39.1 MB

Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry, 2d Ed - Arvi Rauk.pdf

7.6 MB

Organic Chemistry - J Clayden.pdf

32.5 MB

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4th ed - Francis A. Carey.pdf

26.1 MB

Organic Chemistry 4th ed - Paula Bruice.pdf

26.9 MB

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4th ed Solution Manual - Francis A. Carey.pdf

8.9 MB

Organic Chemistry 5Th Ed - John Mcmurry.pdf

235.6 MB

Organic Chemistry 5th edition - Carey.djvu

21.4 MB

Organic Synthesis - The Disconnection Approach.pdf

37.8 MB

Organic Synthesis Workbook II - C. Bittner.pdf

7.5 MB


9.7 MB

Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry - Stephen Hanessian.pdf

24.7 MB

Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis 3rd Ed - Peter G. M. Wuts.djvu

6.7 MB

Reductions in Organic Chemistry - Hudlicky M..djvu

3.1 MB

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Organic Chemistry 3rd ed - HOWARD NECHAMKIN.pdf

9.6 MB


4.1 MB

Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis - Kevin Burgess.pdf

27.7 MB

Solvents and Solvent E¤ects in Organic Chemistry 3rd ed - Christian Reichardt.pdf

5.8 MB

Some Aspects Of The Chemistry And Toxic Action Of Organic Compounds Containing Phosphorous And Fluorine - BERNARD CHARLES SAUNDERS.pdf

3.7 MB

The Art Of Problem Solving In organic Chemistry - Miguel E. Alonso.pdf

29.3 MB

The Chemistry of Organic Derivatives of Gold and Silver - Saul Patai.pdf

7.3 MB

The logic of chemical synthesis - Elias James Corey.pdf

6.2 MB

The Molecular Modeling Workbook for ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Warren J. Hehre.djvu

5.3 MB

The Nitro Group in Organic Synthesis - Noboru Ono.pdf

4.7 MB

The Organic Chemistry Laboratory Survival Manual 2d Ed - James Zubrick.pdf

4.1 MB

The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 1 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf

4.0 MB

The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 2 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf

3.9 MB

The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 3 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf

2.3 MB

The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 4 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf

2.2 MB

The Practical Methods Of Organic Chemistry - LUDWIG GATTERMANN.pdf

4.3 MB

Titanium And Zirconium In Organic Chemistry - Ilan Marek.pdf

5.7 MB

Vogel's TEXTBOOK OF PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5th ED Revised - Brian S. Furniss.pdf

15.0 MB

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Synthesis of Organometallic Compounds - Sanshiro Komiya.pdf

19.3 MB

The Organometallic Chemistry Of The Transition Metals 4th ed - Robert Crabtree.pdf

138.2 MB

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Chemistry Demystified - Linda D. Williams.pdf

66.0 MB

College Chemistry - Jerome L. Rosenberg.pdf

2.1 MB

Lectures Notes For Chemical Students Embracing Mineral And Organic Chemistry - Frankland Edward.PDF

11.1 MB

Periodic Table of the Elements.pdf

595.9 KB


22.9 MB


15.0 MB

Solving General Chemistry Problems 5th ED - R. Nelson Smith.pdf

16.3 MB

Stimulating Concepts in Chemistry - J. Fraser Stoddart.pdf

16.4 MB

The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments -Robert Brent.pdf

29.3 MB

Theory and Problems of BEGINNING CHEMISTRY 3rd Ed - David E. Goldberg.pdf

4.9 MB

Visions of the Future Chemistry and Life Science - J. M. T. Thompson.pdf

2.0 MB

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Advances in Photochemistry, Volume 27 - Douglas C. Neckers.pdf

2.3 MB

Elements Of Organic PhotoChemistry - Dwaine O.Cowan.pdf

19.4 MB

Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic Molecules - Martin Klessinger.pdf

28.5 MB

Fundamentals Of PhotoChemistry - Rohatgi Mukherjee.pdf

23.7 MB

Introduction To Organic Photochemistry - John Coyle.pdf

25.9 MB

Multimetallic and Macromolecular Inorganic Photochemistry -V. Ramamurthy.djvu

3.3 MB

Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry - V. Ramamurthy.djvu

3.9 MB

Organic Molecular Photochemistry -V. Ramamurthy.djvu

3.1 MB

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9.7 MB

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22.9 KB

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Crystal DesignStructure and Function Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry Volume 7 - GAUTAM R. DESIRAJU.pdf

7.5 MB


7.8 MB

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11.9 MB

Supramolecular Chemistry – Fundamentals and Applications Advanced Textbook - Katsuhiko Ariga.pdf

6.6 MB

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An Introduction To Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design - Charles G Hill, Jr.pdf

14.3 MB

Chemical Kinetics of Solids - H. Schmalzried.pdf

20.4 MB

Chemical Kinetics The Study Of Reaction Rates In Solution - Kenneth Connors.djv

5.5 MB


18.0 MB

Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design - A. Kayode Coker.pdf

16.2 MB

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21.6 MB

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Computational Chemistry A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real-World Problems - David C. Young.pdf

4.1 MB

COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics - Errol Lewars.djvu

6.0 MB

Computational Chemistry Using the PC 3rd Ed - Donald W. Rogers.pdf

4.9 MB


10.0 MB

Computational Organometallic Chemistry - Thomas R. Cundari.pdf

4.8 MB

Essentials Of Computational Chemistry Theories And Models -Christopher Cramer.pdf

15.3 MB

Essentials of Computational Chemistry Theories and Models 2d Ed - Christopher J. Cramer.pdf

7.3 MB

HyperChem Computational Chemistry.djvu

2.3 MB

Introduction to Computational Chemistry - Frank Jensen.djvu

5.2 MB

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 17 - Kenny B. Lipkowitz.pdf

3.1 MB

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 18 - Kenny B. Lipkowitz.pdf

1.7 MB

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 19 - Kenny B. Lipkowitz.pdf

3.2 MB

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 20 - Kenny B. Lipkowitz.pdf

4.3 MB

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 22 - Donald Boyd.pdf

6.8 MB

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A Comprehensive Treatise On Inorganic And Theoretical Chemistry Vol 2 - Mellor.djvu

17.3 MB

A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry vol8 - Mellor.djvu

25.5 MB

Molecular Gas Dynamics And The DIrect Simulation Of Gas Flows - G.A. Bird.djvu

4.5 MB

Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry - Kenneth J. Klabunde.pdf

7.0 MB

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Algebraic Combinatorics In Mathematical Chemistry Methods And Algoritms - Mikhail Klin.pdf

1.0 MB

Applied Mathematics For Physical Chemistry - James Barrante.pdf

10.6 MB

Combinatorial Enumeration of Groups, Graphs, and Chemical Compounds - R.c. Read.djvu

1.3 MB

Statistical Methods In Analytical Chemistry 2d ed - Peter C. Meier.pdf

25.4 MB

Stochastic Processes In Physics, Chemistry And Biology - Jane A freund.pdf

26.7 MB


9.5 MB

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Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4th Ed - P. W. Atkins.djvu

15.6 MB

Valence Bond Methods. Theory and Applications - G A Gallup.pdf

2.2 MB

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20.8 MB

Molecular modelling Principles and applications, 2e - A R Leach.djvu

10.1 MB

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Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry - Barrante.pdf

10.5 MB

Computational Methods for Protein Folding Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 120 - Richard A. Friesner.pdf

7.2 MB

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 85th ed - David R. Lide.pdf

50.3 MB

Dynamics A Set of Notes on Theoretical Physical Chemistry - Jaclyn Steen.pdf

777.9 KB

Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry - Moore, J.H.chm

40.2 MB

Lectures on theorerical and physical chemistry part 1, Chemical dynamics - Van't Hoff.djvu

9.3 MB

Modern Nonlinear Optics Part I - Advances In Chem Physics 2d ed - Evans.pdf

8.7 MB

Modern Nonlinear Optics Part II - Advances In Chem Physics 2d ed - Evans.pdf

28.4 MB

Modern Nonlinear Optics Part III - Advances In Chem Physics 2d ed - Evans.pdf

5.8 MB

Molecular Driving Forces; Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology - Dill K.djvu

16.0 MB

Physical Chemistry For Physicians And Biologists - Ernst Cohen.djvu

13.7 MB

Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences - Peter Atkins.pdf

3.2 MB

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MACROMOLECULES Basic Principles and Issues 2d Ed - S. F. SUN.pdf

5.3 MB

Physical Chemistry of Polyelectrolytes - Tsetska Radeva.pdf

6.7 MB

Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 6th Ed - ARTHUR W. ADAMSON.djvu

9.9 MB

Polymer Solutions An Introduction to Physical Properties - Iwao Teraoka.pdf

3.3 MB

Quantum dynamics in low-temperature chemistry - Benderskii, Goldanskii, Makarov.djvu

1.3 MB

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A Chemist’s Guide to Density Functional Theory 2nd Ed - Wolfram Koch.pdf

4.4 MB

density functional theory - John P. Perdew.pdf

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Density Functional Theory An Approach to the Quantum Many-Body Problem - R. M. Dreizler.djvu

3.0 MB

Density functional theory of atoms and molecules - W. Yang.djvu

10.0 MB

The Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory - Von Prof.djvu

2.4 MB

/Chemistry Complete/Theoretical chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Quantum chemistry/

Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations - Michael Mueller.pdf

6.3 MB

Introduction to Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure - P. A. Cox.pdf

2.9 MB

Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory Part 1 - Trygve Helgaker.djvu

6.3 MB

Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory Part 2 - Trygve Helgaker.djvu

4.4 MB

New trends in quantum systems in chemistry and physics. Vol.2 - Maruani J..pdf

10.1 MB

PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS as Applied to Chemistry and Chemical Physics - DONALD D. FITTS.pdf

1.6 MB

Propagators in Quantum Chemistry 2nd Ed - Jan Linderberg.pdf

8.2 MB

Quantum Mechanics In chemistry - Jack Simons.pdf

2.6 MB

Quantum Medicinal Chemistry - Paolo Carloni.pdf

2.9 MB

Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics Volume 1 Basic Problems and Model Systems - Alfonso Hernández-Laguna.pdf

3.1 MB

Strategies and Applications in Quantum Chemistry From Molecular Astrophysics to Molecular Engineering - Y. ELLINGER.pdf

6.4 MB


1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products - G. Lewis (1999) WW.pdf

2.2 MB

A Chemists Guide to Density Functional Theory 2nd ed - W. Ko.pdf

3.1 MB

A Practical Handbook of Preparative HPLC - D. Wellings (Else.pdf

1.3 MB

Acid-Base Indicators - I. Kolthoff, C. Rosenblum (MacMillan,.pdf

21.6 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reaction Mechanisms - R. Bruckner.pdf

6.6 MB

An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics - M. Wright (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

2.5 MB

Analysis and Purification Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry.pdf

6.3 MB

Andrew Weil - From Chocolate to Morphine - Mind-Altering Drugs HQ (1993).djvu

22.0 MB

Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 2nd ed - J. Barrante (1998) WW.pdf

10.5 MB

Applied TLC - Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes 2nd ed - E. Hahn-Deinstrop (Wiley, 2007).pdf

10.0 MB

Armarego - Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 5e.pdf

51.1 MB

Art of Soap-Making - A. Watt (1946).pdf

10.7 MB

Atkins - Physical Chemistry 8e - Student Solutions Manual.pdf

125.8 MB

Atkins - Physical Chemistry 8e HQ.djvu

31.7 MB

Atkins - Physical Chemistry 8e HQ.pdf

649.2 MB

Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection 3rd ed - J. Turner (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf

5.9 MB

Bagotsky - Fundamentals of Electrochemistry 2e.pdf

6.1 MB

Barrett - Amino Acids and Peptides (Cambridge, 2004).pdf

3.8 MB

Basic Training in Chemistry - S. Hoenig (2002) WW.pdf

9.4 MB

Bettelheim - Laboratory Experiments For General , Organic and Biochemistry 4e.pdf

2.5 MB

Boeyens - Chemistry from First Principles (Springer, 2008).pdf

3.0 MB

Bonding and Structure of Molecules and Solids - D. Pettifor (Oxford, 1995) WW.pdf

10.8 MB

Bonding and Structures of Molecules and Solids - D. Pettifor.pdf

10.8 MB

Branan - Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers 3e (Gulf, 2002).pdf

21.3 MB

Brent - The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments.pdf

29.3 MB

Brown - Chemistry - The Central Science 11e (Pearson, 2008).pdf

604.3 MB

Brydson - Plastics Materials 7e (Butterworth, 1999).pdf

50.3 MB

Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis [Vol 1] - S. Roberts, G. Poignant (eds) (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf

1.8 MB

Catalytic Kinetics - D. Murzin, T. Salmi (Elsevier, 2005).pdf

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Chambers - Modern Inorganic Chemistry.pdf

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Chemcal Properties of Material Surfaces - M. Kosmulski (Marcel Dekker, 2001) WW.pdf

29.8 MB

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - R. Gillespie, P. Popelier (Oxford, 2001) WW.pdf

9.9 MB

Chemical Calculations At a Glance - P. Yates (Blackwell, 2005) WW.pdf

3.2 MB

Chemical Composition of Everyday Products - J. Toedt, et al., (Greenwood, 2005) WW.pdf

2.1 MB

Chemical Engineering - Modelling, Simulation and Similitude - T. Dobre, J. Marcano (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

6.5 MB

Chemical Kinetics - From Molecular Structure to Chemical Rea.pdf

6.7 MB

Chemical Principles - The Quest for Insight - P. Atkins, L. Jones (Freeman, 1999) WW.djvu

22.1 MB

Chemical Principles 5th ed - S. Zumdahl (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) WW.pdf

20.2 MB

Chemical Thermodynamics - Basic Concepts and Methods 7th ed - I. Klotz, R. Rosenberg (Wiley, 2008_0.pdf

3.3 MB

Chemistry - Foundations and Applications - J. Lagowski (Thomson Gale, 2004) WW.pdf

63.7 MB

Chemistry - Olmsted & Williams [4e].pdf

43.1 MB

Chemistry 4th ed - J. Olmsted, G. Williams (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

43.1 MB

Chemistry Demystified - L. Williams (2003) WW.pdf

66.0 MB

Chemistry of Pyrotechnics - Basic Principles and Theory - J. Conkling (Marcel Dekker, 1985) WW.pdf

1.7 MB


80.7 MB

Chemoinformatics - Gasteiger J., Engel T. (eds.) - (Wiley, 2003) WW.djvu

10.4 MB

Chromatographic Methods 5th ed - A. Braithwaite, F. Smith (K.pdf

48.4 MB

Clinical Chemistry - A Laboratory Perspective - W. Arneson, J. Brickell (F.A. Davis, 2007) WW.pdf

18.0 MB

Cohesion and Structure of Surfaces - K. Binder, et al., (Elsevier, 1995) WW.pdf

14.6 MB

College Chemistry, Ninth Edition (McGraw Hill, 2000 Schaum's Outline Series).chm

1.1 MB

Combustion and Incineration Processes 3rd ed - W. Niessen (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf

6.2 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 2 - J. McCleve.pdf

16.4 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 3 - J. McCleve.pdf

25.6 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 4 - J. McCleve.pdf

14.8 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 5 - J. McCleve.pdf

11.0 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 6 - J. McCleve.pdf

21.9 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 7 - J. McCleve.pdf

22.9 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 8 - J. McCleve.pdf

22.8 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II - Vol 9 - J. McCleve.pdf

13.9 MB

Computational Chemistry - D. Young (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

4.1 MB

Computational Chemistry - D. Young (Wiley, 2001).pdf

4.1 MB

Computational chemistry using the PC - D. Rodgers (3ed. Wiley, 2003) WW.djvu

2.2 MB

Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions in Enzymes and Solu.djvu

5.6 MB

Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics - I. Chorkendorff,.pdf

14.5 MB

Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry - J. Steed, et al., (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

11.8 MB

Cramer - Essentials of Computational Chemistry - Theories and Models 2e (Wiley, 2004).pdf

7.3 MB

Crawford - Plastics Engineering 3e (Butterworth, 1998).pdf

23.0 MB

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics - 87th ed [2006-2007] .pdf

81.2 MB

Crystal Design - Structure and Function [Vol 7] - G. Desiraju (ed) (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

7.5 MB

Crystals and Crystal Structures - R. Tilley (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

6.8 MB

Crystals, Defects and Microstructures - Modeling Across Scales - R. Phillips (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf

22.8 MB

Data Analysis for Chemistry - D. Hibbert, J. Gooding (Oxford.pdf

2.8 MB

Dean - Practical Skills in Chemistry.djvu

12.8 MB

Dekker,Atwood - Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry (2 volumes).pdf

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Denniston - Chemistry - General, Organic and Biochemistry 4e HQ [ch12 fixed] (McGraw, 2003).pdf

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Diazo Chemistry I - Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds -.djvu

5.2 MB

Dodziuk - Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry.djvu

7.8 MB

Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces - P. Duxbury, T. Pence (Kluwer, 2002) WW.pdf

9.6 MB

Earnshaw - Chemistry of the Elements 2e.djvu

22.4 MB

Electrochemical Methods - Fundamentals and Applns 2nd ed - .pdf

24.3 MB

Electrochemical Methods - Fundamentals and Applns 2nd ed - A. Bard, L. Faulkner (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

24.3 MB

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd ed - R. Felder, R. Rousseau (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

72.9 MB

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd ed - R. Felder, R. Rousseau [SOLUTIONS MANUAL - m_0.pdf

3.6 MB

Elements and their Compounds in the Environment 2nd ed - E. Merian, et al., (Wiley VCH, 2004) WW.pdf

31.3 MB

Emulsion Science - Basic Principles 2nd ed - F. Leal-Calderon, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

5.7 MB

Encyclopedia of Chemical Compounds [3 volumes] (Gale, 2006).pdf

38.1 MB

Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry 2e [10 volumes] (Wiley, 2005).pdf

116.8 MB

Enghag - Encyclopedia of the Elements [chem] (Wiley, 2004).pdf

11.8 MB

Essential NMR for Scientists and Engineers - B. Blumich (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

7.9 MB

Explosives 6th ed. - R. Meyer, J. Koeler, A. Homburg (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf

2.2 MB

Flavoprotein Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 131] - S. .pdf

1.2 MB

Flavourings - Production, Composition, Applications, Regulations 2nd ed - H. Ziegler (Wiley, 2007_0.pdf

40.7 MB

Food Chemistry 3rd ed - O. Fennema 9ed) (Marcel Dekker, 1996) WW.pdf

49.7 MB

Food Chemistry 3rd ed - O. Fennema 9ed) (Marcel Dekker, 1996.pdf

49.7 MB

Food Science and Food Biotechnology - G. Gutierrez-Lopez, et al., (CRC, 2003) WW.pdf

7.4 MB

Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy - J. Kauppinen, J. Partan.pdf

4.7 MB

Frenkel - Understanding Molecular Dimulation (AP, 2002) WW.djvu

5.3 MB

From Alchemy to Chemistry in Picture and Story - A. Greenberg (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

51.9 MB

Fundamental Physical Constants (1998).pdf

120.4 KB

Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion - F. el-Mahallawy, S. Habik (Elsevier, 2002) WW.pdf

23.2 MB

Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry - S. Manahan (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf

5.0 MB

Fundamentals of Photochemistry - Rohatgi Mukherjee.pdf

23.7 MB

Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry - Molecular Spectroscopy -.pdf

6.2 MB

Fundamentals of Radiation Chemistry - A. Mozumder (AP, 1999) WW.djvu

3.0 MB

Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology - W. Umrath (1998) WW.pdf

3.9 MB


3.4 MB

Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry - A Practical Guide.pdf

10.0 MB


10.4 MB

Gerloch - Transition Metal Chemistry (VCH, 1994).pdf

14.8 MB

Gillespie - Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - From Lewis to Electron Densities (Oxford, 2_0.pdf

14.6 MB

Glassman - Combustion 4e (Elsevier, 2008).pdf

4.7 MB

Glencoe - Chemistry - Concepts and Applications (McGraw, 2002).pdf

204.6 MB

Glencoe - Chemistry - Matter and Change (McGraw, 2008).pdf

173.2 MB

Goldberg - Schaum's Outline of Beginning Chemistry 3e (McGraw, 2005).pdf

4.5 MB

Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments - R. Brent.pdf

29.3 MB

Good Lab Practice 2nd ed - J. Seiler (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

2.7 MB

Green Chemistry and Engineering - M. Doble, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

17.3 MB

Greenberg - Art in Chemistry, Chemistry in Art 2e [colors] (IIP, 2008).pdf

7.2 MB

Greenwood - Chemistry of the Elements 2e HQ.pdf

160.6 MB

Greiner-Neise-Stocker - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mech.djv

4.8 MB

Handbook of Derivatives for Chromatography - K. Blau, J. Hal.pdf

21.7 MB

Handbook of Organic Solvent Properites -- Smallwood.pdf

8.1 MB

Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry - G. Brauer.pdf

19.5 MB

Handbook of Solvents -- Wypych.pdf

18.7 MB

High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs (1978) [poor OCR].djvu

27.7 MB

HPLC Methods recently approved Pharmaceuticals.pdf

3.8 MB

HPLC of Biological Macromolecules 2nd ed - K. Gooding, F. R.djv

8.9 MB


3.8 MB

Hydrogen Bonding - New Insights - S. Grabowski (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

19.4 MB

Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures - G. Jeffrey, W. Saenger (Springer, 1991) WW.djv

8.0 MB

Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers - R. Archer (Wiley, 20.pdf

3.1 MB

Inorganic Chemistry 3rd ed - Gary L. Miessler.djvu

13.4 MB

Inorganic Electrochemistry - Theory, Practice and Application - P. Zanello (RSC, 2003) WW.pdf

10.3 MB

Interfacial Nanochemistry - H. Watari, et al., (Kluwer, 2005) WW.pdf

19.1 MB

Introduction To Organic Photochemistry - John Coyle.pdf

25.9 MB

Introductory Raman Spectroscopy 2nd ed - J. Ferraro, et al.,.pdf

8.6 MB

Ion Mobility Spectrometry 2nd ed - G. Eiceman, Z. Karpas (CR.pdf

7.3 MB

Isotope Effects in Chemistry and Biology - A. Kohen, H. Limbach (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

31.4 MB


5.2 MB

K. Saxon - Fireworks & Explosives like Granddad used to make.pdf

4.7 MB

Koryta - Principles of Electrochemistry 2e.pdf

9.9 MB

Kubota - Propellants and Explosives - Thermochemical Aspects of Combustion 2e (Wiley, 2007).pdf

4.2 MB

Laboratory Exercises in Inorganic Chemistry - J. Norris, K. .pdf

21.8 MB

Laboratory Exercises in Inorganic Chemistry - J. Norris, K. Mark (McGraw-Hill, 1922) WW.pdf

21.8 MB

Lange's Handbook of Chemistry 16th ed - G. Speight (McGraw-H.pdf

36.7 MB

Lanthanides - Chemistry and use in Organic Synthesis Vol 2 -.pdf

6.6 MB

Large-Scale Adsorption and Chromatography [Vols 1 and 2] - P.pdf

10.7 MB

Lipid Chromatographic Analysis - T. Shibamoto (Marcel Dekker.pdf

4.0 MB

Liquid Detergents 2nd ed - K. Lai (Taylor and Francis, 2006) WW.pdf

8.7 MB

Loompanics - The Construction And Operation Of Clandestine Drug Laboratories.pdf

7.3 MB

Loveland - Modern Nuclear Chemistry.pdf

17.1 MB

Lowe - Quantum Chemistry 3e.pdf

10.2 MB

Lubrication Fundamentals 2nd ed - D. Pirro, A. Wessol (Marcel Dekker, 2001) WW.pdf

17.8 MB

Luntz - Whiskey and Spirits for Dummies (Wiley, 2008).pdf

5.9 MB

Macrocyclic Chemistry - Current Trends and Future Perspectiv.pdf

12.2 MB

Making Crystals by Design - Methods, Techniques and Applns. - D. Braga, F. Greponi (Wiley-VCH, 20_0.pdf

16.5 MB

Markvart - Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics - Funds. and Apps. (Elsevier, 2003).pdf

26.3 MB

Mass Spectrometry of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds -- Tools, Tips, Techniques.pdf

4.0 MB

Masterton - Chemistry - Principles and Reactions 6e [p34 missing] (Cengage, 2004).djvu

16.3 MB

Materials Chemistry - M. Fahlman (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

12.7 MB

Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 3rd ed - R. Mortimer (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf

3.4 MB


3.4 MB

McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Chemistry 11 v3.pdf

11.1 MB

McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Chemistry 12 v2.pdf

14.7 MB

McMurry,Fay - Chemistry 4e HQ.pdf

80.7 MB

Measurement and Detection of Radiation 2nd ed - N. Tsoulfanidis (Taylor and Francis, 1995) WW.pdf

40.4 MB

Medicinal Natural Products - A Biosynthetic Approach 2nd ed .pdf

4.6 MB

Methods and Reagents for Green Chemistry - P. Tundo (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

9.7 MB

Mezey - Shape In Chemistry - Intro to Molecular Shape and Topology (VCH, 1993).pdf

9.9 MB

Missen - Introduction To Chemical Reaction Engineering And Kinetics.pdf

17.9 MB

Mod Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chem - Molecular Dynam.pdf

1.5 MB

Models, Mysteries and Magic of Molecules - J. Boeyens, J. Oglivie (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf

17.9 MB

Modern Analytic Chemistry (D. Harvey, McGraw-Hill, 2000).pdf

11.5 MB

Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry [Vol 16] - J. Bockris, et.pdf

8.4 MB

Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry - P. Kirsch (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

3.0 MB

Modern Inorganic Chemistry - An Intermediate Text (C. Chambe.pdf

19.7 MB

Molecular Electronic Structure Theory Part 1 - Helgaker, Jo.djv

6.3 MB

Molecular Electronic Structure Theory Part 2 - Helgaker, Jo.djv

4.4 MB

Molecular Fluorescence - Principles and Applications - B. Valeur (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf

4.7 MB

Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds 2nd ed. - P. Comba, T. Hambley (Wiley VCH, 2001) WW.pdf

17.6 MB

Molecular Modeling Workbook For Organic Chemistry - Hehre, .djv

5.3 MB

Molecular Modelling - Principles and applications 2e - A R Leach.djvu

10.1 MB

Molecular Modelling - Principles and Applications, 2e - A R Leach (2001) WW.djvu

10.1 MB

Molecular Modelling - Principles and Applications, 2e - A R.djv

10.1 MB

Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4e - P Atkins, R Friedman (200.djv

15.6 MB

Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4e - P Atkins, R Friedman (2005) WW.djvu

15.6 MB

Mortimer - Physical Chemistry 3e (Elsevier, 2008).pdf

10.8 MB

Multidimensional Chromatography - L. Mondello, A. Lewis, K. .pdf

4.7 MB

Myers - Holt - Chemistry.pdf

34.1 MB

Myers - The 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds - A Reference Guide (Greenwood, 2007).pdf

5.8 MB

Myers - The Basics of Chemistry (Greenwood, 1951).pdf

5.7 MB

Nanochemistry - G. Sergeev (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf

15.2 MB

Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry - C. Brechignac, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

20.7 MB

Nathan - Chemistry - Cliffs Quick Review (Hungry Minds, 2001).pdf

908.0 KB

NMR Spectroscopy - J. lambert, E. Mazzola.pdf

18.8 MB

Notes on Molecular Orbital Calculations - J. Roberts (Benjam.pdf

9.2 MB

Perfumery - Principles ansd Practice - R. Calkin, J. Jellinek (Wiley, 1994) WW.pdf

2.2 MB

Physical Chemistry 2nd ed - R. Berry, S. Rice, J. Ross (Oxford, 2000) WW.djvu

52.1 MB

Physical Chemistry 8th ed - P. Atkins, J. de Paula (Oxford, 2006) WW.djv

31.7 MB

Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences - P. Atkins, J. de .pdf

2.9 MB

Physical Properties of Crystals - An Introduction - S. Haussuhl (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

3.7 MB

Pohanish - Wiley Guide to Chemical Incompatabilities 2e (Wiley, 2003).pdf

88.7 MB

Principles of Chemical Kinetics 2nd ed - J. House (AP, 2007) WW.pdf

1.6 MB

Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2nd ed - J. Lakowicz (Kluwer, 1999).pdf

48.0 MB

Principles of Food Chemistry 3rd ed - J. de Man (Aspen, 1999) WW.pdf

19.6 MB

Principles of Polymerization - G. Odian (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

11.2 MB

Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 4th ed - W. Armarego, D. Perrin (B-H, 2000) WW.pdf

12.3 MB

Quantum Chemistry - H. Eyring, J. Walter, G. Kimball (Wiley, 1944).pdf

6.9 MB

Quantum Chemistry 5th ed - I. levine (PTC, 2000) WW.djvu

13.0 MB

Quantum Chemistry 5th ed - I. levine (PTC, 2000).djv

13.0 MB

Quantum Mechanics - K. Hecht (Springer, 2000).djv

12.7 MB

Quintiere - Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena (Wiley, 2006).pdf

4.5 MB

Reductions by the Alumino- and Borohydrides in Organic Synth.pdf

2.6 MB

Rogers - Computational Chemistry Using the PC 3e.pdf

4.9 MB

Romano - Chemical Warfare Agents 2e (CRC, 2008).pdf

13.4 MB

Roy - Chemical Processes in Propulsion (Elsevier, 2006).pdf

27.8 MB

Sanderson - Macromolecular Crystallography.pdf

6.7 MB

Saxon - Construction and Use of a Small Chemistry Lab.pdf

7.4 MB

Saxon - Granddad's Wonderful Book Of Chemistry.pdf

102.3 MB

Schmidt - Engineering Of Chemical Reactions.pdf

17.7 MB

Seeger - World of the Elements - Elements of the World [chemistry] (Wiley, 2007).pdf

15.9 MB

Silberberg - Chemistry - Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 4e.djvu

47.9 MB

Silberberg - Chemistry - Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 4e.pdf

874.4 MB

Smith - Psychedelic Chemistry 2e HTML.rar

117.2 KB

Solidification and Crystallization - D. Herlach (Wiley-VCH, 2004) WW.pdf

13.4 MB

Solvent Effects and Chemical Reactivity - O. Tapia, J. Bertran (Kluwer, 2000) WW.pdf

3.5 MB

Solving General Chemistry Problems 5th ED - R. Nelson Smith.pdf

16.3 MB

Spectrophotometric Identification of Organic Compaunds 6th .djvu

4.5 MB

Stafford - Psychedelics Encyclopedia 3e HQ v2.djvu

15.8 MB

Stafford - Psychedelics Encyclopedia 3e HQ.pdf

213.3 MB

Stoddart - Stimulating Concepts in Chemistry.pdf

16.4 MB

Stoessel - Thermal Safety of Chemical Processes (Wiley, 2008).pdf

2.8 MB

Structure and Chemistry of Crystalline Solids - B. Douglas, S. Ho (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf

14.3 MB

Stumm,Morgan - Aquatic Chemistry 3e (Wiley, 1996).djvu

28.6 MB

Suchocki - Conceptual Chemistry 3e.djvu

30.7 MB

Suchocki - Conceptual Chemistry 3e.pdf

542.4 MB

Supramolecular Chemistry - Funds and Applns - Adv Textbook - K. Ariga, T. Kunitake (Springer, 200_0.pdf

6.6 MB

Supramolecular Chemistry - J. Lehn (VCH, 1995) WW.djvu

1.9 MB

The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry - The Bond Valence Model - I. Brown (Oxford, 2002) WW.pdf

13.1 MB

The Chemistry of Heterocycles 2nd ed - T. Eicher, S. Hauptma.pdf

38.1 MB

The Chemistry of Phenols - Z. Rappoport (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf

26.1 MB

The Chemistry of Space - D. Newton (Facts on File, 2007) WW.pdf

2.5 MB

The Hydrogen Bond and the Water Molecule - Y. Marechal (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

7.7 MB

The Properties of Solvents [Solution Chemistry Vol 4] - Y. Marcus (Wiley, 1998) WW.pdf

3.2 MB

The Quantum in Chemistry - An Experimentalist's View - R. Grinter (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf

4.6 MB

The Vocabulary and Concepts of Organic Chemistry 2nd ed - M..pdf

6.5 MB

Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry - the Fir.pdf

18.5 MB

Thermochemical Processes - Principles and Models - C. Alcock (2000) WW.pdf

2.0 MB

Thermodynamics and Introductory Statistical Mechanics - B. L.pdf

860.7 KB

Thin-Layer Chrmatography - Reagents, Detection Methods [Vol.djvu

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Topics in Fluoresence Spectroscopy - Vol 1 [techniques] - J..pdf

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Topics in Organometallic Chem [Vol 12] - Theorectical Aspect.pdf

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Topics in Organometallic Chem [Vol 13] - Metal Carbenes in O.pdf

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Torrent downloaded from

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Trace Elements in Soils and Plants 3rd ed - A. Kabata-Pendias, et al., (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf

11.8 MB

Understanding molecular simulation - Frenkel and Smit (AP, 2002) WW.djvu

5.3 MB

Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 5th ed - .pdf

6.9 MB

Weinberg - Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 3e.pdf

993.5 KB

Wells - Structural Inorganic Chemistry 4e (Clarendon, 1975).pdf

22.1 MB

Whitten - General Chemistry.pdf

125.8 MB

/.../Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)/

A negative caesium-sputtering ion source for AMS investigations.htm

17.6 KB

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS).htm

5.6 KB

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.htm

32.0 KB

Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy.htm

27.5 KB

AMS Principles of Operation.htm

7.4 KB


13.6 KB


245.2 KB


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Compact Radiocarbon AMS Systems.htm

4.3 KB


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2.6 KB


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Groups-Cheatham's Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Page.htm

61.3 KB


186.8 KB

How does the radiocarbon dating method work.htm

12.4 KB


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Ion Beam Physics - Radionuclides.htm

4.1 KB


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Mass Spectrometry and Biotechnology Resource.htm

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Mass Spectroscopy Tutorial.htm

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Mass Spectroscopy Tutorial3.htm

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Mass Spectroscopy Tutorial4.htm

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Negative Ion Beam Sources for Pelletron« electrostatic accelerators.htm

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New AMS Developments.htm

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/Chemistry/Analytic Chemistry/

Chromatographic Methods 5th ed - A. Braithwaite, F. Smith (Kluwer, 1996) WW.pdf

48.4 MB

Distillation Operation - H. Kister (McGraw-Hill) WW.pdf

32.8 MB

Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry - A Practical Guide - F. Kitson, et al., (AP, 1996) WW.pdf

10.0 MB

Rouessac - Chemical Analysis - Modern Instrum. Methods and Techniques.djvu

5.7 MB

Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 5th ed - G. Jeffery, et al (1989) WW.pdf

6.9 MB

/Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/

A Complete Introduction To NMR Spectroscopy - R. Macomber (Wiley, 1998) WW.pdf

9.0 MB

A Practical Handbook of Preparative HPLC - D. Wellings (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf

1.3 MB

Analytical Electrochemistry 2d Ed - Jospeh Wang.pdf

4.8 MB

Analytical Instrumentation - A Guide to Lab, Portable and Miniaturized Instrumentation - G. McMah_0.pdf

46.7 MB

Analytical Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry - C. Schalley (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

16.4 MB

Applied Thin-Layer Chromatography - Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes 2nd ed - E. Hahn-Dein_0.pdf

23.6 MB

Chemical Analysis - Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques 2nd ed - F. Rouessac, A. Rouess_0.pdf

20.8 MB

Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals 2nd ed - J. Adamovics (Marcel Dekker, 1997) WW.pdf

19.1 MB

Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment 3rd ed - L. Nollet (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf

33.7 MB

Chromatography Theory - J. Cazes, R. Scott (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.djvu

9.8 MB

Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 3e (Pharma, 2007).chm

40.0 MB

Clarke's Isolation and Identification of Drugs 2nd ed - A. Moffat, et al., (Pharma Press, 1986) WW.djvu

18.9 MB

Crystallization 4th Ed - J. W. Mullin.pdf

6.8 MB

Crystallography Made Crystal Clear - A Guide for Users of Macromolecular Models 2nd ed - G. Rhode_0.pdf

6.2 MB

D. Harvey - Modern Analytical Chemistry.pdf

10.7 MB

Dean's Analytical Chemistry Handbook 2d ed - Pradyot Patnaik.pdf

9.1 MB

Drug Stereochemistry - Analytical Methods and Pharmacology 2nd ed - I. Wainer (Marcel Dekker, 199_0.pdf

71.1 MB

Encyclopedia of Chromatography - J. Cazes (ed) (Marcel Dekker, 2004) WW.pdf

115.3 MB

Encyclopedia of Separation Science - Michael Cooke.pdf

91.1 MB

Handbook of Forensic Drug Analysis - F. Smith, J. Siegel (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf

5.9 MB

High Performance Liquid Chromatography - W. Lough, I. Wainer (Blackie) WW.djvu

2.5 MB

HPLC - A Practical Guide - T. Hanai (RSC, 1999) WW.pdf

9.2 MB

HPLC and CE - Principles and Practice - A. Weston, P. Brown (AP, 1997) WW.pdf

15.3 MB

Ion Chromatography 3rd ed - J. Fritz, T. Gjerde (Wiley-VCH, 2000) WW.pdf

14.4 MB

Kenkel - Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 3e (CRC, 2003).pdf

14.4 MB

Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applns 3rd ed - E. de Hoffmann, V. Stroobant (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

10.7 MB

Mass Spectrometry Basics - C. Herbert, R. Johnstone (CRC, 2003) WW.djvu

4.3 MB

Meloan - Chemical Separations - Principles, Techniques and Experiments HQ (Wiley, 1999).djvu

26.6 MB

Meloan - Chemical Separations - Principles, Techniques and Experiments HQ (Wiley, 1999).pdf

399.9 MB

Mitra - Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry.pdf

4.5 MB

Modern HPLC for Practicing Scientists - M. Dong (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf

6.0 MB

Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography - R. Grob, E. Barry (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

8.6 MB

Multidimensional Chromatography - L. Mondello, A. Lewis, K. Bartle (Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf

4.7 MB

Niessen - Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry 3e [LCMS] (CRC, 2006).pdf

24.6 MB

Pollard - Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology (Cambridge, 2007).pdf

6.5 MB

Practical Problem Solving in HPLC - S. Kromidas (Wiley, 2000) WW.pdf

6.9 MB

Preparative Chromatography - of Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Agents - H. Schmidt-Traub (Wile_0.pdf

8.9 MB

Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry 5th ed - F.W. Fifield.pdf

7.0 MB

Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2nd ed - J. Lakowicz (Kluwer, 1999) WW.djvu

16.3 MB

Skoog - Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 8e HQ (Thomson, 2004).djvu

32.8 MB

Skoog - Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 8e HQ (Thomson, 2004).pdf

653.7 MB

Solid-Liquid Separation 4th ed - L. Svarovsky (B-H, 2000) WW.pdf

4.0 MB

The Essence of Chromatography - C. Poole (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf

41.3 MB

Worsfold - Encyclopedia of Analytical Science 2e [10 volumes, analytical chemistry] (AP, 2004).pdf

121.3 MB

/.../Chemistry of the Elements 2e - N. N. Greenwood/


1.5 MB


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496.6 KB


910.1 KB

Chemistry of the Elements 2nd Ed.pdf.lnk

0.9 KB


Cheremisinoff - Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties (2000).pdf

36.3 MB

Crystallization Technology Handbook 2nd ed - A. Mersmann (Marcel Dekker, 2001) WW.pdf

7.3 MB

Flick - Industrial Solvents Handbook 5e.pdf

45.5 MB

Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10e.pdf

4.4 MB

Lange's Handbook of Chemistry 16e FULL - G. Speight (McGraw-Hill, 2005) WW.pdf

42.3 MB

Merck Index 13 CD [Win App].zip

544.6 MB

Patnaik - Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals (2003).pdf

4.7 MB

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook 7e.pdf

40.6 MB

Smallwood - Handbook of Organic Solvent Properties (1996).pdf

8.1 MB

Wypych - Handbook of Solvents (2001).pdf

20.3 MB

/.../Hornback - Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed/

Chapter 01 0001-0029 Simple Model for Chemical Bonds.pdf

30.9 MB

Chapter 02 0030-0060 Organic Compounds, A First Look.pdf

34.1 MB

Chapter 03 0061-0102 Orbitals and Bonding.pdf

44.8 MB

Chapter 04 0103-0141 Acid-Base Reactions.pdf

40.1 MB

Chapter 05 0142-0177 Functional Groups and Nomenclature I.pdf

37.1 MB

Chapter 06 0178-0218 Stereochemistry I.pdf

46.8 MB

Chapter 07 0219-0256 Stereochemistry II.pdf

36.5 MB

Chapter 08 0257-0312 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions.pdf

60.7 MB

Chapter 09 0313-0347 Elimination Reactions.pdf

36.1 MB

Chapter 10 0348-0403 Synthetic Uses of Substitution and Elimination Reactions.pdf

54.9 MB

Chapter 11 0404-0465 Addition of Hydrogen Halides.pdf

66.4 MB

Chapter 12 0466-0499 Functional Groups and Nomenclature II.pdf

32.1 MB

Chapter 13 00466-0542 Infrared Spectroscopy.pdf

56.8 MB

Chapter 14 0543-0608 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.pdf

85.7 MB

Chapter 15 0609-0641 UV Spectrosocopy and Mass Spectrometry.pdf

39.1 MB

Chapter 16 0642-0670 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds.pdf

29.8 MB

Chapter 17 0671-0738 Aromatic Substitution Reactions.pdf

60.3 MB

Chapter 18 0739-0802 Additions to the Carbonyl Group.pdf

61.7 MB

Chapter 19 0803-0856 Subsitutions at the Carbonyl Group.pdf

56.9 MB

Chapter 20 0857-0917 Enolate and Other Carbon Nucleophiles.pdf

57.4 MB

Chapter 21 0918-0955 Chemistry of Radicals.pdf

39.4 MB

Chapter 22 0956-1010 Pericyclic Reactions.pdf

59.3 MB

Chapter 23 1011-1052 Synthesis of Organic Compounds.pdf

36.3 MB

Chapter 24 1053-1084 Synthetic Polymers.pdf

36.9 MB

Chapter 25 1085-1122 Carbohydrates.pdf

38.0 MB

Chapter 26 1123-1161 Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins.pdf

51.0 MB

Chapter 27 1162-1183 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.pdf

25.7 MB

Chapter 28 1184-1219 Other Natural Products.pdf

39.8 MB

Chapter A i-vi Media Integration Guide.pdf

10.7 MB

Chapter B vii-x Copyright Info.pdf

2.8 MB

Chapter C xi-xxii Contents.pdf

11.0 MB

Chapter D xxiii-xxxii List of Mechanisms and Preface.pdf

13.1 MB

Chapter E Appendix.pdf

39.5 MB

Chapter F Glossary.pdf

52.2 MB

Extras Approximate Chemical Shifts (Back Flap).pdf

171.4 KB

Extras Common Functional Groups.pdf

176.1 KB

Extras Periodic Table (Front Flap).pdf

289.5 KB

Organic Chemistry 2nd Edition by Hornback Solutions Guide.pdf

24.1 MB

/.../Lennarz - Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (Academic, 2004)/

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_1.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_2.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_3.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol_4.pdf

9.9 MB

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Advanced Organic Chem 4e, Part A Structure And Mechanisms - .djv

12.8 MB

Advanced Organic Chem 4e, Part B Reactions And Synthesis - S.djv

11.3 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry - Warren.pdf

92.5 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A - Structure and Mechanisms, 5th ed (2007) - Carey & Sundberg.pdf

57.3 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A 4th ed - Francis A.Carey.djvu

12.8 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B - Reactions and Synthesis, 5th ed (2007) - Carey & Sundberg.pdf

76.6 MB

Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B 4th ed - Francis A.Carey.djvu

8.8 MB

Advanced Organic Reactions Compilation.pdf

1.3 MB

Advanced Organic Synthesis, Methods and Techniques - R. Mons.pdf

9.5 MB

Advanced Organic Synthesis, Methods and Techniques - R. Monson (1974) WW.pdf

9.5 MB

Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry Vol 83 -- Four Chapters.pdf

11.6 MB

Alonso - The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry.pdf

29.3 MB

Aromatic Chemistry - J. Hepworth, D. Waring, M. Waring (RSC, 2002) WW.pdf

30.3 MB

Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry - M. Alonso (198.pdf

29.2 MB

Asymmetric Synthesis with Chemical and Biological Methods, 1st ed (2007) - Enders & Jaeger (Eds).pdf

13.7 MB

Brabec - Organic Photovoltaics - Concepts and Realization (Springer, 2003).djvu

5.7 MB

Bruckner - Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reaction Mechanisms.pdf

6.5 MB


21.4 MB

Catalysis of Organic Reactions - J. Sowa (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf

9.5 MB

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds [Vol 61] - Quinoxalines,.pdf

2.7 MB

Clayden,Greeves - Organic Chemistry.pdf

35.7 MB

Cneronis - Semimicro and Macro Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual.pdf

4.1 MB

Dean's Handbook of Organic Chemistry 2nd ed - G. Gokel (McGraw-Hill, 2004) WW.pdf

7.7 MB

Fattorusso - Modern Alkaloids - Structure, Isolation, Synthesis and Biology (Wiley, 2008).pdf

8.0 MB

Fieser - Organic Experiments 7e [chemistry] (Heath, 1992).pdf

12.4 MB

Gattermann - Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry.pdf

4.8 MB

Heidelberger - An Advanced Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry.djvu

1.2 MB

Logic of Chemical Syntheses by E. J. Corey 1989).pdf

50.7 MB

Mannhold - Molecular Drug Properties - Measurement and Prediction (Wiley, 2007).pdf

4.4 MB

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry 5th ed. - Smith M.B., Ma.djvu

13.6 MB

Maskill - Investigation of Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms (Blackwell, 2006).pdf

2.5 MB

McMurry - Organic Chemistry 5e.djvu

14.2 MB

McMurry - Organic Chemistry 7e (Thomson, 2008).djvu

48.0 MB

McMurry - Organic Chemistry 7e (Thomson, 2008).pdf

334.5 MB

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Dehaene & Nacchache - Towards a cognitive neuroscience of consciousness.pdf

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Fulford - Mental Illness and the Mind-Body Problem.pdf

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Gilbert Ryle - The Concept of Mind.pdf

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Horgan, From Cognitive Science to folk psychology Computation, Representation and Belief.pdf

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J. Levine - Purple Haze The Puzzle of Consciousness.pdf

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J. Searle - Is the Brain's Mind a Computer Program (Scientific American 1990).pdf

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J.Mishlove - The Roots of Consciousness.pdf

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John C Lilly - The Center of the Cyclone.pdf

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John C Lilly - The Deep Self.pdf

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John C Lilly - The Quiet Center.pdf

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John C Lilly - The Scientist - A Metaphysical Autobiography.pdf

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John C Lilly and E J Gold - Tanks For The Memories - Floatation Tank Talks.pdf

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John G. Taylor - The Race for Consciousness.pdf

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John Perry - Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness-notes.pdf

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John R. Searle - The Critique of Cognitive Reason.pdf

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John Searle - The rediscovery of the mind.pdf

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José Bermúdez - The Paradox of Self-Consciousness.pdf

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JSTOR Burge - Philosophy of Language and Mind 1950-1990.pdf

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JSTOR James, William - Does Consciousness Exist.pdf

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JSTOR Rapaport - Syntactic Semantics and Computational Cognition.pdf

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Kasabov - Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering.pdf

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Keeley - Neuroethology & the Philosophy of Cognitive Science.pdf

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Ken Wilber - An Integral Theory of Consciousness.pdf

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Kirk - Zombies and Consciousness.pdf

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Kitcher - Kant on Self-Consciousness.pdf

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Lyvers, Michael - Neurochemistry of Psychedelic Experiences.pdf

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Mark D'Esposito - Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience.pdf

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Maslin, K.T. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.pdf

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McGinn - The character of Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind 2ed (1996).pdf

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Melanie Mitchell - An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.pdf

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Merritt - Neurology 10th Ed.pdf

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Michael S. Gazzaniga - Perspectives in Memory Research.pdf

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Michael Tye - Consciousness, Color, and Content.pdf

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Miller, F. - Aristotle's philosophy of soul.pdf

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MIT Press - Knowledge and Mind - A Philosophical Introduction.chm

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MIT Press - Mind Design II (1997).pdf

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MIT Press - The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks - 2nd Edition (2003).pdf

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Modularity In Knowledge Representation And Natural-Language Understanding.pdf

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O'Connor - Causality, Mind and Free Will.pdf

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Owen J. Flanagan - Consciousness Reconsidered.pdf

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Patricia Churchland - Neurophilosophy.pdf

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Paul Churchland - Engine of Reason - Seat of Soul.pdf

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Paul Thagard (ed) - Mind Readings ch. 1 What Is an Explanation of Behavior.pdf

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PEAR - Consciousness and Anomalous Physical Phenomena.pdf

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PEAR - On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness.pdf

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Penrose - Shadows Of Mind (response to criticisms).doc

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Penrose, Roger - Shadows of the Mind (excerpts).pdf

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Penrose, Roger - The Emperor's New Mind.pdf

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Perry, John - Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness.pdf

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Peter Dayan, L. F. Abbott - Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems.pdf

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Peterson, Robert - Out of Body Experiences.pdf

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Pico - Consciousness In Four Dimensions.pdf

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Putnam - Mind, language and reality.pdf

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Putnam - What Is Innate and Why Comments on the Debate.pdf

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R. Kingstone - Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition.pdf

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R. Pepperell - The Posthuman Condition, Consciousness Beyond the Brain.pdf

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R.Forman - What does mysticism have to teach us about consciousness.pdf

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R.Pearson - Key to Consciousness. Quantum Gravitation.pdf

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Randall O'Reilly Munakata - Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience.PDF

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Creative Science & Research - Air Engine (2003).pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Burn Out Fluorescent Light Bulbs (2003).pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Construction Of Small Wind Mills.pdf

1.5 MB

Creative Science & Research - Free Electricity From The Phone Company (2004).pdf

1.1 MB

Creative Science & Research - Free Energy from The Earth (, 2004).pdf

2.0 MB

Creative Science & Research - Free Energy From The Earth (Fuellesspower, 2004).rar

1.0 MB

Creative Science & Research - Free Energy From The Sky (12p, maybe interesting).pdf

1.4 MB

Creative Science & Research - Fuel From Water (part 1).pdf

1.5 MB

Creative Science & Research - Fuelless Engine Plans.pdf

2.9 MB

Creative Science & Research - Fuelless Heater (2005).pdf

2.4 MB

Creative Science & Research - Fuelless Heater.pdf

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Creative Science & Research - High Efficiency Generator.pdf

504.7 KB

Creative Science & Research - Homemade Batteries.pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Homemade Solar Cells.pdf

2.0 MB

Creative Science & Research - Make High Voltage Diodes.pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Permanent Magnet Motor.pdf

1.2 MB

Creative Science & Research - Reuse Old Flourescent Bulbs.pdf

532.2 KB

Creative Science & Research - Roof Cleaner (2003).pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Screen Printing (2003).pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Screen Printing Press (2004).pdf

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Creative Science & Research - Tesla Turbine (2003).pdf

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Free Energy - How To Construct A Working 250 Kv Tesla Coil.pdf

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How to Convert Water into

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Patent For Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell (Free Energy).pdf

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The Encyclopedia Of Free Energy Vol 3.pdf

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Bearden - Tech papers - EM Energy from the Vacuum - Ten Questions with Extended answers (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Engines and Templates - Correcting Effects Confused as Causes (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Extending The Porthole Concept and the Waddington Valley Cell Lineage Concept (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Extracting and Using Electromagnetic Energy from the Active vacuum (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Fogal Transistor Notes and Reference (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Importance of Leyton's Hierarchies of Symmetry (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Master Principle of EM Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Mechanisms for Deep Penetration of Environmental Dense Weak EM Noise Interference Into the Body (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Novel Principles In The Rife Microscope Updated 10-12-03 (

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Bearden - Tech papers - On the Principles of Permissible Overunity EM Power Systems (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Self-Powering Heat Amplifier as the Mechanism for the Final Catastrophic Destruction of the Shuttle Columbia (

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Bearden - Tech papers - Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics To Tap Vacuum Energy (

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A Solar Ammonia Absorption Icemaker.pdf

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Aether, Electromagnetism and Free Energy.pdf

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Anti-Gravity Aircraft.pdf

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BTC3 250 KV Tesla Coil.pdf

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Build a Solar Hydrogen Fuel Cell System.pdf

3.8 MB

Build Your Own Wind Turbine.pdf

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Burnt Out Fluorescent Light Bulbs - Re-Use Them!!!.pdf

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Capacitors That Recharge Themselves!.pdf

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Electricity From The Wind.pdf

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Electromagnetics Explained.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Free Energy Volume 3.pdf

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Free Electricity From The Phone Company.pdf

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Free Electricity From The Sky 1.pdf

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Free Energy From The Earth.pdf

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Free Energy From The Sky.pdf

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Free Energy Projects 1.pdf

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Free Energy Projects 2.pdf

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Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity.pdf

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Fuel From Water Part 1.pdf

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Fuelless Gravity Engine.pdf

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Germano-Tesla Files.pdf

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Handmade Hydro Homestead.pdf

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High Voltage Diodes.pdf

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Homemade Batteries.pdf

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Homemade Solar Cells.pdf

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How to Build Solid-State Electrical Over-Unity Devices.pdf

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Hydrogen Gas Injector System For Internal Combustion Engine.pdf

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Magnet Motor Assembly Instructions.pdf

1.3 MB

Magnetic Energy.pdf

10.0 MB

Make your Own High Voltage Electromagnets.pdf

547.1 KB

Make Your Own Light Bulbs.pdf

344.8 KB

Making Electricity with Hydrogen.pdf

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Methods For Controlling The Path Of Magnetic Flux From A Permanent Magnet and Devices Incorporati.pdf

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Passive Cooling Part II - Applied Construction.pdf

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Permanent Magnet Machine.pdf

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Permanent Magnet Motors.pdf

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Tesla's Fuelless Generator.pdf

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The Air Engine.pdf

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The Complete Book of Underground Houses.pdf

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The Final Secret of Free Energy.pdf

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The Free Energy Circuit.pdf

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The Fuelless Engine Plans #362-RC.pdf

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The Fuelless Engine Plans #362.pdf

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The High Efficiency Generator.pdf

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The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems Volume II.pdf

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The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Extracting Energy.pdf

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The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator.pdf

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The New Tesla Electromagnetics.pdf

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The Next Step In Energy Production, Engines and Lighting.pdf

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Free Energy - Wind Turbine Construction Manual.pdf

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Homemade Windmill.flv

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Hydroelectric Generator - From Faucet.flv

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Earth’s Secret Corridor.Gregory Strausbaugh.2007.144p.pdf

385.5 KB

Fossilized Customs the pagan origins of popular customs 5th Edition.Lew White.189p.pdf

7.7 MB

From Atlantis to the Sphinx.pdf

24.5 MB

From Extrsolar Planets to Cosmology.J bergen.2000.577p.pdf

38.3 MB

Genesis In Space And Time.Francis A.Schaeffer.1960.69p.pdf

508.2 KB

Genesis Revisited.ZECHARIA SITCHIN.1973.310p.pdf

2.6 MB

Handbook of the history of Religons.MORRIS JASTROW, JR., PH.D.1902.536p.pdf

36.1 MB

HOMO SAPIENS HALF APE HALF E.T.Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.2003.docx

52.6 KB

Invisable Eagle.Alan Baker.2006.227p.pdf

3.8 MB

ITMM.ISSUE I.Meet PLANET 'X' (NIBURU).Flyer Fly in the Dark.2009.67p.pdf

2.5 MB

Mysteries of the Inner Earth.David Pratt.2001.260p.pdf

1.8 MB


154.8 KB

Planet X Nibiru Projected Orbital Return 2012 AD.docx

85.6 KB

Secret Societies & Subversive Movements.Nesta H.Webster.1887.282p.pdf

1.0 MB

The 12th Planet.ZECHARIA SITCHIN.1960.282p.pdf

6.4 MB


593.3 KB

The Babylonian Legends Of Creation.Fight Between Bel & the dragon.+ pictures.1921.36p.pdf

2.1 MB

The Book of Earths.Edna Kenton.1928.186p.pdf

5.1 MB


1.1 MB

THE BOOK OF JASHER.English.385p.docx

679.6 KB

The Book of Jubilees.R.H. Charles.1913.104p.docx

169.8 KB

THE BOOK OF THE DEAD The Papyrus of Ani.E. A. WALLIS BUDGE.1895.243p.pdf

1.2 MB

The Books of Adam and Eve.Dr. S. C. Malan and.1800.108p.pdf

381.5 KB


17.1 MB

The Complete Uncut Book of Shadows.2840p.pdf

7.1 MB


26.6 KB

The End of Days.pdf

13.5 MB

THE HOLLOW EARTH.The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd.Dr. Raymond Bernard.1964.127p.pdf

379.8 KB


7.2 MB

The Norse Pharaohs.Astronomical Decipherments re Tanum Hierakonpolis Nazca Sahara Near East DOCAndis Kaulins.160p.pdf

2.1 MB

The Secret Doctrine.THE SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE,RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY.H.P.Blavatsky.1888.1477p.pdf

6.9 MB

THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES.Manly P. Hall.1928.633p.pdf

3.5 MB

THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE.The Group.Edited Branton.2001.336p.pdf

1.3 MB

/Nikola Tesla/

(ebook - eng) - Electronics - Solid State Tesla Coil - How-to.pdf

848.3 KB

(ebook science - pdf) Nikola Tesla Electric Car Part-1.pdf

226.4 KB

(ebook) - Free energy - Homemade Solar Cells - Screen Printing.pdf

2.0 MB

(eBook) - The New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy, T. E. Bearden.pdf

2.2 MB

(ebook) Free Energy Secrets with Tesla patents.pdf

8.9 MB

Biography of Nikola Tesla WW.pdf

646.8 KB

Ebook - Free Energy - Complete US Patents of Nikola Tesla - Electricity Alternative2.pdf

42.2 MB

Free Energy - Wind Turbine Construction Manual.pdf

930.1 KB

Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (Tesla free energy manual book guide how to).pdf

6.7 MB


0.6 KB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB

/Nuclear Energy Books/

1903 - Henri Becquerel - On Radioactivity, a New Property of Matter.pdf

295.0 KB

1948 - Patrick M.S. Blackett - Cloud Chamber Researches in Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Radiation.pdf

704.7 KB

1952 - E. M. Purcell - Research in Nuclear Magnetism.pdf

116.0 KB

1952 - Felix Bloch - The Principle of Nuclear Induction.pdf

199.9 KB

1961 - Rudolf Mössbauer - Recoilless Nuclear Resonance Absorption of Gamma Radiation.pdf

267.4 KB

1963 - J. Hans D. Jensen - Glimpses at the History of the Nuclear Structure Theory.pdf

119.6 KB


6.3 MB

A Brief Course in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking I .pdf

434.9 KB

A Brief Course in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking II.pdf

441.5 KB

Advances in Nuclear Physics v. 23 - Negele J.W., Vogt E..pdf

4.8 MB

An Introduction to nuclear physics - Greenwood, Cottingham.pdf

23.8 MB

An Introduction to the Interacting Boson Model of the Atomic Nucleus.pdf

1.1 MB

Atomic Bomb - An Introduction to Nuclear Physics.pdf

3.6 MB

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics [en_US].pdf

2.8 MB


619.1 KB

B.Martin - Nuclear and Particle Physics - An Introduction.pdf

20.6 MB

Blast synopsis.pdf

114.6 KB

Cirincione - Bomb Scare ~ The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons.pdf

1.5 MB

Columbia University Press - Destroying the Village -Eisenhower and Thermonuclear War.pdf

937.3 KB

Das - Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 2e (WSP, 2003).pdf

18.9 MB

Elementary Particle Chart.pdf

2.1 MB

Elementary Particle Physics Today.doc

51.7 KB

Emergency generator startup study of a hydro turbine unit for a nuclear generation facility.pdf

1.1 MB


21.2 MB


3.0 MB

Fundamentals Handbook - Nuclear Physics.pdf

3.5 MB

Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics - From Nuclear Structure to Cosmology - Basdevant, Rich, Spiro.pdf

4.8 MB

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering - J. Shultis, R. Faw (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf

27.2 MB

Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier - Prod. by Nuclear Power (IAEA TECDOC-1085) (1999) WW.pdf

26.3 MB

Institute of Physics - Jones T. Splitting the second - the s.djv

1.7 MB


631.3 KB

Introductory Nuclear Physics 2nd ed - S. Wong (Wiley-VCH, 1999) WW.pdf

25.9 MB


495.8 KB

Loveland - Modern Nuclear Chemistry.pdf

17.1 MB

Marcel Dekker - Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering.pdf

25.0 MB


6.2 MB

Mizuno - Nuclear Transmutation - The Reality of Cold Fusion (introduction).pdf

98.8 KB

Neutrino Physics (by Akhmedov).pdf

952.9 KB

Neutrino Physics (by Peccei).pdf

503.5 KB

Neutrino Physics - K. Zuber (Taylor and Francis, 2004) WW.pdf

8.2 MB

Neutrino Universe.ppt

3.9 MB

Nuclear Energy - An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, etc. 5th ed. - R. Murray (2000) WW.pdf

9.0 MB

Nuclear explosions China.pdf

43.2 KB

Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity An Energy-Density Functional Approach - M. A. Hooshyar.pdf

2.9 MB

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.pdf

957.9 KB

Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Volume 1.pdf

3.5 MB

Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Volume 2.pdf

2.0 MB

Nuclear Physics of Stars - C. Iliadis (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

67.4 MB

Nuclear Reactor Physics~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf

21.8 MB

Nuclear Weapons - A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.5 MB

Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Handbook.pdf

3.8 MB

Nuclear_Energy 2000.pdf

9.1 MB

NuclearDecept_ChapterSample-NWO 5.pdf

422.0 KB

Parsons, Terence - Nuclear and Extranuclear Properties, Meinong, and Leibniz.pdf

1.4 MB

Particle And Nuclear Physics - Niels Walet.pdf

2.9 MB

Place - Electronuclear Ion Fusion In An Ion Cyclotron Resonance Reactor (patent info).pdf

1.6 MB

Problems And Solutions On Atomic, Nuclear, And Particle Phys.pdf

3.2 MB

Problems And Solutions On Atomic, Nuclear, And Particle Physics - Kuo Lim.pdf

3.2 MB

Radioactive Scales.pdf

216.0 KB

Radiochemistry - Radiation Safety Handbook.pdf

246.5 KB

Schwartz, William & Derber, Charles - The Nuclear Seduction.pdf

684.6 KB

Stacey - Nuclear Reactor Physics (Wiley, 2001).pdf

37.8 MB


161.8 KB

Study Materials for MIT Course [22.101] - Applied Nuclear Physics.pdf

15.2 MB


195.6 KB

The Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Handbook.pdf

3.4 MB

The Physics of Negative Mas.pdf

116.8 KB

0.0 KB

Toxic Effects of Radiation and Radioactive Materials.pdf

1.7 MB

US ARMY 6 Nuclear Weapons Effects .pdf

260.7 KB

US ARMY 6 Nuclear Weapons Effects Technology.pdf

257.0 KB

waste management and disposal 2006.pdf

929.8 KB

White - Observer Physics Simplifies Nuclear and Particle Physics (2003).pdf

226.5 KB


7.8 MB

/.../A Teachers guide to Nuclear phisics/


79.2 KB


18.4 KB


185.6 KB


147.9 KB


62.4 KB


32.2 KB


57.4 KB


15.4 KB


78.3 KB


120.1 KB


48.6 KB


62.7 KB


18.2 KB


93.3 KB


46.8 KB


39.3 KB

/Atom Programs/COMPTON/


53.3 KB


3.9 KB


0.1 KB

/Atom Programs/DAV_GER/


0.0 KB


52.2 KB


5.6 KB


5.1 KB

/Atom Programs/EF_FOTO/


71.6 KB


0.6 KB

/Atom Programs/FRANCK_H/


45.8 KB

/Atom Programs/MILLIKAN/


50.7 KB


2.2 KB

/Atom Programs/


39.9 KB


327.8 KB


421.4 KB


45.6 KB

/Atom Programs/RUTHER/


51.8 KB

/.../Experimental Methods And Colliders/

Accelerator Physics Of Colliders.pdf

114.4 KB

Commonly Used Radioactive Source.pdf

46.3 KB

High Energy Colliders Parametres.pdf

76.1 KB

Particle Detectors.pdf

500.5 KB

Passage Of Particles Through Matter.pdf

393.7 KB


164.9 KB


Advances in Treatment of Wastes from-Bernard.pdf

557.0 KB

Development of Advanced Reprocessing Technologies purex1.pdf

436.4 KB

Development of Knowledge Portals for Nuclear Power Plants.pdf

3.6 MB

Fundamental Safety Principles iaea2006.pdf

275.3 KB

Future of nuclear power mit.pdf

30.5 MB

Geological disposal of radioactive waste Technological implications for retrievability.pdf

1.9 MB

Illicit Nuclear Trafficking.pdf

15.2 MB

Irradiation to Ensure the Safety and Quality of Prepared Meals.pdf

3.2 MB

N U C L E A R technology rewiew 2008.pdf

1.5 MB

Nuclear Technology Review 2008.pdf

6.8 MB


85.5 KB

Plutonium Uranium Extraction (PUREX) Process Waste Stabilization.pdf

60.5 KB

Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management in the Design and Operation ofResearch Reactorsfor.pdf

931.0 KB

Security in the Transport of Radioactive Material 2008.pdf

546.8 KB

Separation of palladium from high level liquid waste of PUREX.pdf

209.4 KB


217.9 KB

/.../Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook/


1.6 MB


1.2 MB


1.2 MB


1.1 MB


1.6 MB


1.1 MB


1.3 MB


747.8 KB


1.8 MB


563.2 KB


2.0 MB


1.7 MB


1.1 MB


1.9 MB


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1.9 MB


1.8 MB


1.6 MB


2.2 MB


2.1 MB


1.8 MB


193.3 KB


199.1 KB


1.0 MB


684.5 KB

/.../Nuclear Blasts Pictures/

Able (1kt,NTS,27.Jan.1951 or 1.Apr.1952).jpg

31.2 KB

Annie 1 (16kts, NTS, 17.Mar.1953).jpg

31.9 KB

Annie 2 (16kt, NTS, 17.Mar.1953).jpg

21.4 KB

Apache (1.9Mt, Eniwetok, 8.Jul.1956).jpg

38.3 KB

Apple (14kt, NTS, 29.Mar.1955).jpg

32.5 KB

Apple II (29kt, NTS, 5.May.1955).jpg

27.7 KB

Arkansas (Low 1Mt, Christmas Is., 2.May.1962).jpg

37.4 KB

Aztec (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 27.Apr.1962).jpg

29.2 KB

Baker (21kt, Bikini, 24.Jul.1946).jpg

85.7 KB

Baker (21kt, Bikini, 25.Jul.1946).jpg

68.4 KB

Bee (8kt, NTS, 22.Mar.1955).jpg

25.9 KB

Bighorn (+1Mt, Christmas Is., 27.Jun.1962).jpg

27.6 KB

Blackfoot (8.5kt, Eniwetok, 11.Jun.1956).jpg

17.0 KB

Bluegill (-1Mt, Johnston Is., 26.Oct.1962).jpg

21.3 KB

Bluestone 1 (+1Mt, Christmas Is., 30.Jun.1962).jpg

22.4 KB

Bluestone 2 (+1Mt, Christmas Is., 30.Jun.1962).jpg

21.1 KB

Boltzmann (12kt, NTS, 28.May.1957).jpg

23.8 KB

Bravo 1 (15Mt, Bikini, 28.Feb.1954).jpg

18.3 KB

Bravo 2 (15Mt, Bikini, 1.Mar.1954).jpg

32.7 KB

C ('Buster Charlie', 14kt, NTS, 30.Oct.1951).jpg

95.8 KB

Cactus (18kt, Eniwetok, 5.May.1958).jpg

22.8 KB

Chama (+1Mt, Johnston Is., 18.Oct.1962).jpg

26.6 KB

Charlie 1 (14kt, NTS, 30.Oct.1951).jpg

25.2 KB

Charlie 2 (31kt, NTS, 22.Apr.1952).jpg

12.9 KB

Chetko (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 19.May.1962).jpg

11.7 KB

Climax (61kt, NTS, 4.Jun.1953).jpg

32.4 KB

D ('Buster Dog', 21kt, NTS, 1.Nov.1951).jpg

62.0 KB

Dakota (1Mt, Bíkini, 25.Jun.1956).jpg

35.2 KB

Dog 1 (21kt, NTS, 1.Nov.1951).jpg

31.8 KB

Dog 2 (19kt, NTS, 1.May.1951).jpg

50.7 KB

Dog 3 (19kt, NTS, 1.May.1951).jpg

29.9 KB

E ('Buster Easy', 31kt, NTS, 5.Nov.1951).jpg

43.2 KB

Ess (1kt, NTS, 23.Mar.1955).jpg

61.6 KB

Fizeau 1 (11kt, NTS, 14.Sep.1957).jpg

62.3 KB

Fizeau 2 (11kt, NTS, 14.Sep.1957).jpg

45.7 KB

Fox (11kt, NTS, 25.May.1952).jpg

35.7 KB

Franklin (4.7kt, NTS, 30.Aug.1957).jpg

14.4 KB

Galileo (11kt, NTS, 2.Sep.1957).jpg

24.8 KB

George 1 (225kt, NTS, 8.May.1951).jpg

41.3 KB

Geroge 2 (15kt, NTS, 1.Jun.1952).jpg

45.9 KB

Grable (15kt, NTS, 25.May.1953).jpg

65.3 KB

Grable (15kt, NTS, 25.May.1953.jpg

61.8 KB

Greenhouse (xx, Eniwetok, 1951).jpg

9.6 KB

Harry (32kt, NTS, 19.May.1953).jpg

14.3 KB

Hornet (4kt, NTS, 12.Mar.1955).jpg

43.0 KB

How (14kt, NTS, 5.Jun.1952).jpg

24.1 KB

Kepler (10kt, NTS, 24.Jul.1957).jpg

13.3 KB

King (500kt, Eniwetok, 15.Nov.1952).jpg

32.5 KB

Kingfish (-1Mt, Johnston Is., 1.Nov.1962).jpg

26.1 KB

Met (22kt, NTS, 15.Apr.1955).jpg

36.9 KB

Mike (10.4Mt, Enewetak, 16.Nov.1952).jpg

71.0 KB

Mike 1 (10.4Mt, Eniwetok, 31.Oct.1952).jpg

37.9 KB

Mike 2 (10.4Mt, Eniwetok, 31.Oct.1952).jpg

42.0 KB

Mohawk (350kt, Eniwetok, 2.Jul.1956).jpg

37.6 KB

Moth (2kt, NTS, 22.Feb.1955).jpg

24.8 KB

Nambe (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 27.May.1962).jpg

19.0 KB

Newton (12kt, NTS, 16.Sep.1957).jpg

12.1 KB

Oak (8.9Mt, Eniwetok, 28.Jun.1958).jpg

66.6 KB

Santa Fe (1.3kt, NTS, 30.Oct.1958).jpg

9.3 KB

Seminole (13.7kt, Eniwetok, 6.Jun.1956).jpg

72.6 KB

Shasta (17kt, NTS, 18.Aug.1957).jpg

14.8 KB

Simon (43kt, NTS, 25.Apr.1953).jpg

28.2 KB

Smokey (44kt, NTS, 31.Aug.1957).jpg

41.8 KB

Socorro (6kt, NTS, 22.Oct.1958).jpg

16.1 KB

Starfish 1 (1.4Mt, Johnston Is., 9.Jul.1962).jpg

22.4 KB

Starfish 2 (1.4Mt, Johnston Is., 9.Jul.1962).jpg

17.4 KB

Stokes (19kt, NTS, 7.Aug.1957).jpg

15.7 KB

Sunset (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 10.Jul.1962).jpg

19.5 KB

Swanee (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 14.May.1962).jpg

17.1 KB

Swordfish (-20kt, 400 m.west.SanDiego, 11.May.1962).jpg

67.0 KB

Tesla (7k, NTS, 1.Mar.1955).jpg

18.8 KB

Trinity 1 (21kt, NM, 16.Jul.1945).jpg

21.4 KB

Trinity 2 (21kt, NM, 16.Jul.1945).jpg

33.3 KB

Truckee (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 9.Jun.1962).jpg

15.6 KB

Umbrella (9kt, Eniwetok, 8.Jun.1958).jpg

33.5 KB

Union (6.9Mt, Bikini, 25.Apr.1954).jpg

26.2 KB

Yeso 1 (+1Mt, Christmas Is., 10.Jun.1962).jpg

29.1 KB

Yeso 2 (+1Mt, Christmas Is., 10.Jun.1962).jpg

22.2 KB

Yukon (20kt-1Mt, Christmas Is., 8.May.1962).jpg

45.9 KB

/.../Atomic bomb testing - CROSSROADS/

Shot ABLE-1.jpg

19.8 KB

Shot ABLE-2.jpg

23.1 KB

Shot ABLE-3.jpg

58.2 KB

Shot ABLE-4.jpg

37.6 KB

Shot BAKER-1.jpg

36.4 KB

Shot BAKER-2.jpg

54.7 KB

Shot BAKER-3.jpg

50.7 KB

Shot BAKER-4.jpg

39.5 KB

Shot BAKER-7.jpg

35.6 KB

/.../Atomic bomb testing - GREENHOUSE/


39.3 KB


49.4 KB


40.8 KB


62.9 KB


38.7 KB


41.5 KB


34.6 KB


17.8 KB


24.9 KB


38.2 KB


33.6 KB


7.5 KB

Test George.jpg

45.4 KB

/.../Atomic bomb testing - TEAPOT/

blast dates.txt

0.9 KB

Test Apple.jpg

37.6 KB

Test Bee.jpg

28.0 KB

Test Ess.jpg

42.3 KB

Test HA (High Altitude).jpg

20.5 KB

Test Hornet.jpg

47.4 KB

Test MET (Material Effects) 1.jpg

24.6 KB

Test MET (Material Effects) 2.jpg

36.4 KB

Test Moth.jpg

29.3 KB

Test Tesla.jpg

20.9 KB

/.../Nuclear Blasts Pictures/Unknown & Unsorted/


20.4 KB


118.7 KB


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15.9 KB


408.2 KB


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180.4 KB


11.2 KB

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Kiwi TNT.jpg

85.2 KB


761.7 KB


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17.1 KB

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629.7 KB


11.0 KB


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143.8 KB


127.4 KB

/.../Nuclear Contamination Avoidance/


13.6 KB


22.3 KB


20.7 KB


19.2 KB


18.4 KB


11.8 KB

/Nuclear Medicine/

Blackwel Science - Handbook Of Mri Technique - MRI NMR spectroscopy proton nuclear magnetic reson.pdf

20.8 MB

Capillary Electrophoresis-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.pdf

279.3 KB

Chapter 14 0543-0608 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.pdf

85.7 MB

DRUGS AND METABOLITES - Liquid Chromatography-Nuclear Magnet.pdf

180.1 KB


32.7 MB

Interpreting Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.pdf

30.2 MB

NATURAL PRODUCTS - Liquid Chromatography-Nuclear Magnetic Res.pdf

325.6 KB

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detectors.pdf

430.3 KB

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy An introduction To Principles Applications and experimental Methods - Joseph B. Lambert.pdf

18.9 MB

Nuclear Medicine - Technology Procedures and Quick Reference (Lippincott, 2008).chm

9.6 MB

/.../Interpreting Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra/


33.3 KB

Introduction for Volume I.pdf

40.1 KB

Introduction for Volume II.pdf

32.4 KB

Nyquist's Biography.pdf

34.5 KB


36.5 KB


41.3 KB

/.../Interpreting Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra/vol. II/

Chapter 1 - Epoxides and Ethers.pdf

3.2 MB

Chapter 10 - The Nyquist Vibrational Group Frequency Rule.pdf

133.4 KB

Chapter 11 - Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.pdf

2.2 MB

Chapter 2 - Nitriles, Isonitriles, and Dialkyl Cyanamides.pdf

238.6 KB

Chapter 3 - Azines, Isocyanates, Isothiocyanates, and Carbodiimides.pdf

343.7 KB

Chapter 4 - Thiols, Sulfides and Disulfides, Alkanethiols, and Alkanedithiols.pdf

1.2 MB

Chapter 5 - Sulfoxides, Sulfones, Sulfates, Monothiosulfates, Sulfonyl Halides.pdf

355.6 KB

Chapter 6 - Halogenated Hydrocarbons.pdf

23.5 MB

Chapter 7 - Nitroalkanes, Nitrobenzenes, Alkyl Nitrates, Alkyl Nitrites.pdf

3.2 MB

Chapter 8 - Phosphorus Compounds.pdf

20.3 MB

Chapter 9 - Benzene and Its Derivatives.pdf

11.0 MB

List of Figures for Volume I,.pdf

440.2 KB

List of Figures for Volume II.pdf

145.8 KB

List of Tables for Volume I.pdf

407.8 KB

List of Tables for Volume II.pdf

79.2 KB

Name index for Volume I.pdf

105.6 KB

Name index for Volume II.pdf

42.8 KB

Subject index for Volume I.pdf

309.6 KB

Subject index for Volume II.pdf

809.5 KB

/.../Nuclear Test Videos/

Atomic Bomb Tests (1946).avi

23.1 MB

Nuclear Test Videos - 003.mpg

9.8 MB


6.4 MB


4.4 MB


6.1 MB


1.8 MB

Thermonuclear Test.mpeg

12.8 MB

/.../Nuclear War Survival/

(eBook) - Nuclear Biological & Chemical Warfare Survival.pdf

39.5 KB

CBR - Nuclear War Survival Guide British Government.pdf

878.9 KB

Clayton - Life after Doomsday - A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and other Major Disasters (198.pdf

7.5 MB

nuclear power plants.pdf

37.3 KB

Nuclear War Survival Skills [updated, expanded edn] - C. Kearny (1987) WW.pdf

41.6 MB


6.9 MB


190.6 KB



142.5 KB


68.1 KB


77.5 KB


66.1 KB


117.3 KB


333.4 KB


1.3 MB


135.0 KB


119.1 KB


175.4 KB


2.9 MB


appendix_a Glossary.pdf

56.1 KB

appendix_b Symbols and Units.pdf

44.6 KB

chapter_10 Environmental pollution.pdf

348.9 KB

chapter_11 Nuclear power.pdf

148.1 KB

chapter_12 Waste management.pdf

188.2 KB

chapter_13 Emergencies.pdf

324.1 KB

chapter_14 Risks from radiation sources.pdf

67.3 KB

chapter_15 Transport of radioactive materials.pdf

103.6 KB

chapter_2 Atoms and radiation.pdf

234.3 KB

chapter_3 Radiation and matter.pdf

134.8 KB

chapter_4 Sources of ionizing radiation.pdf

76.7 KB

chapter_5 Radiation effects.pdf

130.5 KB

chapter_6 System of radiological protection.pdf

92.9 KB

chapter_7 Natural radiation.pdf

156.6 KB

chapter_8 Medical uses of radiation.pdf

102.2 KB

chapter_9 Occupational exposure to radiation.pdf

119.5 KB


52.3 KB


148.1 KB

/.../radioactive waste disposal & treatment management/

Basic_Hazardous_Waste_Management__Third_Edition 2001.pdf

11.2 MB


3.8 MB


2.2 MB


10.3 MB

Identification of Radioactive Sources and Devices 2007.pdf

4.8 MB


41.8 MB

Radioactive waste management-turning options into solutions-2000.pdf

2.1 MB

Radioactive_Waste_Disposal_at_SeA 2001.pdF

1.1 MB

Radioactive_Waste_Management 2004.pdf

2.5 MB

Security of radioactive sources 2003.pdf

4.9 MB


333.8 KB


1.2 MB


10.4 MB


14.9 MB

/.../Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Treatment Technologies Handbook/

Ch 1.pdf

183.4 KB

Ch 10.pdf

320.5 KB

Ch 2.pdf

767.4 KB

Ch 3.pdf

1.1 MB

Ch 4.pdf

5.0 MB

Ch 5.pdf

2.8 MB

Ch 6.pdf

3.8 MB

Ch 7.pdf

3.9 MB

Ch 8.pdf

298.5 KB

Ch 9.pdf

1.7 MB


188.9 KB


D 3987 _ 85 R04 ;RDM5ODC_.pdf

61.7 KB

D 4447 _ 84 R03 ;RDQ0NDC_.pdf

47.4 KB

D 4448 _ 01 ;RDQ0NDG_.pdf

223.4 KB

D 4503 _ 86 R03 ;RDQ1MDM_.pdf

36.7 KB

D 4547 _ 03 ;RDQ1NDC_.pdf

192.4 KB

D 4646 _ 03 ;RDQ2NDY_.pdf

54.5 KB

D 4687 _ 95 R01 ;RDQ2ODC_.pdf

105.0 KB

D 4793 _ 93 R04 ;RDQ3OTM_.pdf

126.6 KB

D 4842 _ 90 R01 ;RDQ4NDI_.pdf

56.2 KB

D 4843 _ 88 R04 ;RDQ4NDM_.pdf

62.7 KB

D 4844 _ 03 ;RDQ4NDQ_.pdf

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A Guide to MM i QM.pdf

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A.Herman - EHT.pdf

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density functional theory - John P. Perdew.pdf

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Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations - Michael Mueller.pdf

6.3 MB

Guide to MM and QM.pdf

14.1 MB

Ideas of Quantum Chemistry - L. Piela (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf

22.8 MB

New trends in quantum systems in chemistry and physics. Vol.2 - Maruani J..pdf

10.1 MB

PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS as Applied to Chemistry and Chemical Physics - DONALD D. FITTS.pdf

1.6 MB

Propagators in Quantum Chemistry 2nd Ed - Jan Linderberg.pdf

8.2 MB

Quantum Chemistry~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf

10.2 MB

Quantum Mechanics In chemistry - Jack Simons.pdf

2.6 MB

Quantum Medicinal Chemistry - Paolo Carloni.pdf

2.9 MB

Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics Volume 1 Basic Problems and Model Systems - Alfonso Hern¡ndez-Laguna.pdf

3.1 MB

Strategies and Applications in Quantum Chemistry From Molecular Astrophysics to Molecular Engineering - Y. ELLINGER.pdf

6.4 MB

Valence Bond Methods. Theory and Applications - G A Gallup.pdf

2.2 MB


Ab Initio Methods for Electron Correlation in.pdf

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ab initio methods.pdf

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Ab initio molecular dynamics Theory and.pdf

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High-level Ab Initio Studies of Hydrogen Abstraction.pdf

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Introduction to Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics.pdf

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Introduction to quantum mechanics.pdf

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Molecular Simulation II.pdf

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monte carlo algorithm.pdf

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Quantum Gaussian Noise.pdf

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Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness.pdf

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Appendix A - Mathematics Rev.pdf

147.9 KB

Appendix B - Hydrogenic Orbs.pdf

11.8 KB

Appendix C - QM Operators.pdf

43.1 KB

Appendix D - Time Indep PT.pdf

24.4 KB

Appendix E - Symmetry.pdf

84.5 KB

Appendix F - Qualitative Orbs.pdf

45.7 KB

Appendix G - Angular Mom .pdf

80.1 KB


Ch 1 doc.pdf

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Ch 10 doc.pdf

97.6 KB

Ch 11 doc.pdf

38.5 KB

Ch 12 doc.pdf

95.1 KB

Ch 13 doc.pdf

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Ch 14 doc.pdf

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Ch 15 doc.pdf

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Ch 16 doc.pdf

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Ch 17 doc.pdf

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Ch 18 doc.pdf

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Ch 19 doc.pdf

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Ch 2 doc.pdf

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Ch 20 doc.pdf

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Ch 3 doc.pdf

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Ch 4&5 doc.pdf

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Ch 6 doc.pdf

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Ch 7 doc.pdf

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Ch 8 doc.pdf

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Ch 9 doc.pdf

19.7 KB



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Applied Bayesian Modelling - P. Congdon (2003) WW.pdf

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Applied Statistics & Probability for Engineers 3rd ed. - D. Montgomery, G. Runger (2003) WW.pdf

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Basic Stochastic Processes - A Course Through Exercises - Z. Brzezniak, T. Zastawniak (Springer, _0.pdf

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Dealing with Uncertainties- A Guide to Error Analysis - M. Drosg (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

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Foundations of Modern Probability - Olav Kallenberg.pdf

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Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers - T.T. Soong (2004) WW.pdf

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Fundamentals of Risk Analysis and Risk Management - V. Molak (ed) (CRC, 1997) WW.pdf

9.9 MB

Introduction to Probability Models 6th ed. - S. Ross (1997) WW.djvu

2.8 MB

Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications - G. Schay (Birkhauser, 2007).pdf

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Lange - Applied Probability.pdf

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Mathematical Statistics - Exercises and Solutions - J. Shao (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf

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Modern Engineering Statistics - T. Ryan (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf

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Principles and Applications of Asymmetric Synthesis - G. Lin, Y. Li, A. Chan (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf

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Probability Demystified - Bluman.pdf

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Schaum's Easy Outline of Probability and Statistics.pdf

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Statistics for Dummies - D. Rumsey.chm

3.6 MB

Statistics With Confidence 2nd ed - D. Altman, et al., (BMJ, 2005) WW.pdf

36.2 MB

The Basic Practice of Statistics 3rd ed. - D. S. Moore.pdf

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The Bayesian Choice 2nd ed - C. Robert (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf

6.6 MB

Theory and Problems of Statistics 3rd ed. (Schaums Outline) - M. Spiegel, L. Stephens (1998) WW.djv

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Uncertainty and Ground Conditions - A Risk Management Approach - M. van Staveren (B-H, 2006) WW.pdf

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A Primer of Multivariate Statistics.pdf

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A Tutorial on Bayesian Estimation and Tracking Applicable to Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Processes.pdf

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Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics.djvu

3.5 MB

An Introduction to Continuity, Extrema, and Related Topics for General Gaussian Processes.djvu

999.1 KB

An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics.pdf

470.9 KB

An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes.pdf

2.4 MB

Analysis of Messy Data - Volume III - Analysis of Covariance.pdf

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Applied Bayesian Modelling.pdf

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Applied Linear Regression.pdf

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Applied Optimal Designs.pdf

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Applied Optimal Estimation.djvu

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Applied Probability.pdf

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Applying Generalized Linear Models.pdf

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Bayesian Spectrum Analysis and Parameter Estimation.pdf

1.4 MB

Common Errors in Statistics (& How to Avoid Them).pdf

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Detection Theory - A Users Guide.djvu

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Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory I.pdf

60.0 MB

Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory III - Radar and Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise.pdf

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Entropy and Information Theory.pdf

1.3 MB

Essence Of Multivariate Thinking - Basic Themes And Methods.pdf

12.8 MB

Estimation with Applications to Tracking & Navigation.pdf

34.2 MB

Exploratory Factor Analysis.pdf

1.8 MB

Fitting Statistical Distributions - The Generalized Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrap Methods.djvu

3.4 MB

Foundations of Modern Probability.pdf

2.8 MB

Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers.pdf

5.5 MB

Generalized Least Squares.pdf

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Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures.djvu

9.5 MB

Independent Component Analysis.pdf

10.5 MB

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics.pdf

3.8 MB

Introduction to Probability - Solutions Manual.pdf

630.2 KB

Introduction to Probability.pdf

2.2 MB

Introduction to Statistical Inference and Data Analysis.pdf

943.5 KB

Learning Kernel Classifiers - Theory and Algorithms.pdf

2.8 MB

Lecture Notes on Probability Theory and Random Processes.pdf

1.8 MB

Linear Models - Least Squares and Alternatives.pdf

1.8 MB

Local Regression and Likelihood.pdf

1.4 MB

Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability.pdf

2.8 MB

Markov Decision Processes.djvu

1.4 MB

Mathematical Analysis for Modeling.djvu

4.5 MB

Mathematical Statistics.pdf

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Measuring Risk in Complex Stochastic Systems.pdf

6.2 MB

Methods of Multivariate Analysis.pdf

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Multiresolution Methods in Scattered Data Modelling.djvu

3.8 MB

Multivariate Bayesian Statistics.djvu

1.6 MB

Noncommutative Statioary Processes.pdf

1.3 MB

Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications.djvu

3.5 MB


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Orthogonal Arrays - Theory and Applications.djvu

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Partially Linear Models.pdf

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Pattern Classification.pdf

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Pattern Recognition - Concepts, Methods And Applications.pdf

23.5 MB

Pattern Recognition.pdf

18.5 MB

Principles of Mathematical Analysis.djvu

2.7 MB

Probability for Statisticians.pdf

3.2 MB

Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties.pdf

1.0 MB

Probability, Random Variables And Random Processes - Mcgraw Hill.pdf

4.6 MB

Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles.djvu

5.9 MB

Quasi-Likelihood and its Application - A General Approach to Optimal Parameter Estimation.pdf

1.2 MB

Queueing Networks & Markov Chains.pdf

54.3 MB

Research Design and Statistical Analysis.pdf

40.5 MB

Simulation Modeling Handbook.pdf

13.2 MB

Standard Probability and Statistic Tables and Formulae.pdf

9.6 MB

Statistical Mathematics.djvu

5.5 MB

Statistical Pattern Recognition.pdf

3.1 MB

Stochastic Integration with Jumps.pdf

3.3 MB

Stochastic Processes - Estimation, Optimization and Analysis.djvu

3.1 MB

Supervised and Unsupervised Pattern Recognition.pdf

17.3 MB

The Elements of Statistical Learning.djvu

4.0 MB

The Probabilistic Method.pdf

1.4 MB

Theory of Multivariate Statistics.pdf

1.7 MB

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Uncertainty and Information - Foundations of Generalized Information Theory.pdf

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Wavelets, Approximation and Statistical Applications.pdf

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Well-Posed Linear Systems.pdf

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Autonomous Mobile Robots.pdf

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Designing Autonomous Mobile Robots - Inside The Mind Of An Intelligent Machine.pdf

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Fundamentals Of Robotics.pdf

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Introduction To Robotics, Mechanics And Control, 2Nd Ed - John J Craig, Addison Wesley.pdf

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Introduction To Robotics.pdf

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Prentice Hall - Introductory Robotics - 1992.pdf

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Robotica - Sensor Based Navigation Of A Mobile Robot In An Indoor Environment.pdf

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Robotics - Sensors and Methods for Autonomous Mobile Robot Positioning.pdf

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Robotics and Automation Handbook-2005.pdf

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Sensor Based Intelligent Robots.pdf

5.6 MB

Where are all the mobile robots.pdf

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/Science of Everyday Things/

Science of Everyday Things Vol. 1 - Chemistry.pdf

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Science of Everyday Things Vol. 3 - Biology.pdf

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Science of Everyday Things Vol. 4 - Earth Science.pdf

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/Systems Biology/

Foundations of Systems Biology - Hiroaki Kitano.pdf

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System Modeling in Cell Biology From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts - Zoltan Szallasi, Jörg Stelling, Vipul Periwa.pdf

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Systems biology - dynamic pathway modeling - Olaf Waulkenhour.pdf

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Systems Biology Properties of Reconstructed Networks - Bernhard o. Palsson.pdf

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The Bible The Quran and Science.pdf

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/zia abbas atlantis/


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