
Download /Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767) [Germany]/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/01 - Overture.mp3

Telemann Georg Philipp 1681 1767 Germany

TWV 21 Operas deest Germanicus 1704 Christine Dorothea Lachs 01 Overture mp3


Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767) [Germany]

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/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/01 - Overture.mp3

6.8 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/02 - Act I Entree.mp3

3.5 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/34 - Act I Bouree.mp3

5.0 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/20 - Act I Passepied.mp3

3.7 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/94 - Act III Menuett.mp3

5.0 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/52 - Act II 'Szenenwechsel'.mp3

2.2 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/56 - Act II 'Nicht Weit Entfernt'.mp3

645.4 KB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/07 - Act I 'Ach Grausamer' (Lucius).mp3

525.9 KB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/13 - Act I 'Aber Wen Sieht Arminius'.mp3

2.7 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/48 - Act II 'Jetzt Erscheint Lesbus'.mp3

1.1 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/58 - Act II 'Doch Welch Ein Gluck'.mp3

1.1 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/63 - Act II Aria 'Furien!' (Arminius).mp3

3.4 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/03 - Act I 'Wir Schreiben Das Jahr 16'.mp3

1.3 MB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/54 - Act II 'Ach Grausame' (Arminius).mp3

473.3 KB

/TWV 21 Operas/deest Germanicus (1704) [Christine Dorothea Lachs]/05 - Act I 'Germanicus Ergreift Das Wort'.mp3

2.1 MB


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