
Download Udemy - Android Kotlin Development Masterclass using Android Oreo

Udemy Android Kotlin Development Masterclass using Android Oreo


Udemy - Android Kotlin Development Masterclass using Android Oreo


Total Size

5.0 GB

Total Files




/09. Flickr Browser App/

9. GetFlickJsonData class.mp4

65.1 MB

10. GetFlickrJsonData class continued.mp4

63.4 MB

20. RecyclerItemClickListener.mp4

54.4 MB

3. Json and Mini challenge.mp4

54.0 MB

23. Serializable.mp4

48.0 MB

2. Flick App and Feeds.mp4

46.8 MB

21. GestureDetector.mp4

45.8 MB

7. CallBacks.mp4

45.8 MB

17. Recyclerview Adapter.mp4

42.1 MB

22. Displaying the full photo.mp4

41.0 MB

4. Log Tag and Companion Objects.mp4

39.0 MB

26. Material Design.mp4

38.8 MB

6. Downloading the JSON.mp4

37.9 MB

18. onBindViewHolder and Picasso.mp4

37.9 MB

13. RecyclerView Layouts.mp4

37.5 MB

16. Nested Layouts.mp4

36.6 MB

11. Uri Builder.mp4

36.0 MB

38. SearchView.mp4

35.7 MB

30. Custom Style Sheets.mp4

35.2 MB

39. More on SearchView.mp4

34.7 MB

32. Other Material Design Changes.mp4

33.9 MB

31. Namespaces.mp4

32.9 MB

40. SearchView Events.mp4

29.4 MB

29. Style Sheets.mp4

29.3 MB

5. Download JSON - doInBackground.mp4

29.1 MB

41. SharedPreferences.mp4

28.7 MB

12. Flickr Browser User Inferface.mp4

28.1 MB

27. More on Material Design.mp4

26.8 MB

25. Parcelable.mp4

23.6 MB

42. Telling Fibs.mp4

23.4 MB

19. Associate Adapter to Recyclerview.mp4

22.8 MB

36. String Resources Placeholders.mp4

22.1 MB

15. Search and PhotoDetail Activities.mp4

21.5 MB

8. Project Diagram and Photo Class.mp4

21.2 MB

34. Differences in API Levels.mp4

19.8 MB

35. String Resources.mp4

18.0 MB

28. AppCompat - Backwards Compatibility.mp4

17.7 MB

24. Modify Photo Details Activity.mp4

17.3 MB

14. Finishing Browse Layout.mp4

15.2 MB

37. Adding the Search Feature.mp4

14.6 MB

33. Style Editor.mp4

13.6 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

7.5 MB

10.1 Flickr Browser App - GetFlickrJsonData class continued.html

0.2 KB

15.1 Flickr Browser App - Search and PhotoDetail Activities.html

0.2 KB

19.1 Flickr Browser App - Associate Adapter to Recyclerview.html

0.2 KB

4.1 Flickr Browser App - Log Tag and Companion Objects.html

0.2 KB

12.1 Flickr Browser App - Flickr Browser User Inferface.html

0.2 KB

36.1 Flickr Browser App - String Resources Placeholders.html

0.2 KB

24.1 Flickr Browser App - Modify Photo Details Activity.html

0.2 KB

32.2 Flickr Browser App - Other Material Design Changes.html

0.2 KB

18.2 Flickr Browser App - onBindViewHolder and Picasso.html

0.2 KB

5.1 Flickr Browser App - Download JSON - doInBackground.html

0.2 KB

20.3 RecyclerView.SimpleOnItemTouchListener.html

0.2 KB

22.1 Flickr Browser App - Displaying the full photo.html

0.2 KB

37.1 Flickr Browser App - Adding the Search Feature.html

0.2 KB

20.2 Flickr Browser App - RecyclerItemClickListener.html

0.2 KB

34.2 Flickr Browser App - Differences in API Levels.html

0.2 KB

14.1 Flickr Browser App - Finishing Browse Layout.html

0.2 KB

20.1 RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener.html

0.2 KB

17.1 Flickr Browser App - Recyclerview Adapter.html

0.2 KB

13.1 Flickr Browser App - RecyclerView Layouts.html

0.2 KB

6.1 Flickr Browser App - Downloading the JSON.html

0.2 KB

3.1 Feeds with tags Android,Oreo,SDK.html

0.2 KB

30.1 Flickr Browser App - Custom Style Sheets.html

0.2 KB

39.1 Flickr Browser App - More on SearchView.html

0.2 KB

41.1 Flickr Browser App - SharedPreferences.html

0.2 KB

40.1 Flickr Browser App - SearchView Events.html

0.2 KB

35.1 Flickr Browser App - String Resources.html

0.2 KB

21.1 Flickr Browser App - GestureDetector.html

0.2 KB

21.2 GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener.html

0.2 KB

16.1 Flickr Browser App - Nested Layouts.html

0.2 KB

33.1 Flickr Browser App - Style Editor.html

0.2 KB

42.1 Flickr Browser App - Telling Fibs.html

0.2 KB

23.1 Flickr Browser App - Serializable.html

0.2 KB

11.1 Flickr Browser App - Uri Builder.html

0.2 KB

31.4 Flickr Browser App - Namespaces.html

0.2 KB

38.1 Flickr Browser App - SearchView.html

0.2 KB

25.3 Flickr Browser App - Parcelable.html

0.2 KB

7.1 Flickr Browser App - CallBacks.html

0.2 KB

3.2 Flickr Feeds tagmode any.html

0.2 KB

16.2 CardView.html

0.1 KB

20.4 GestureDetector.html

0.1 KB

31.2 colorPrimary.html

0.1 KB

31.3 Style Resource.html

0.1 KB

14.2 ImageView.html

0.1 KB

9.2 org.json.html

0.1 KB

34.1 ImageView.html

0.1 KB

1.1 Material Design.html

0.1 KB

20.5 Getting your clicks on RecyclerView.html

0.1 KB

23.2 Serializable Objects.html

0.1 KB

28.1 Support Library.html

0.1 KB

25.1 Kotlin Serialization.html

0.1 KB

31.1 Styles and Themes.html

0.1 KB

32.1 android_material_design_colours.xml.html

0.1 KB

2.3 photos_public.gne.html

0.1 KB

9.1 Photo Source URLs.html

0.1 KB

25.2 GitHub kotlinx.serialization.html

0.1 KB

3.3 Flickr Feeds.html

0.1 KB

2.2 Flickr Feeds.html

0.1 KB

13.2 Material Icons.html

0.1 KB

18.1 Picasso.html

0.1 KB

27.1 Material Palette.html

0.1 KB

26.1 Material Design.html

0.1 KB

2.1 Flickr Site.html

0.1 KB

/07. The Top 10 Downloader App/

6. Android Permissions.mp4

62.9 MB

5. Reading the Data.mp4

56.7 MB

13. Code Changes for Array Adapter.mp4

51.5 MB

22. Menu Groups - Code.mp4

51.1 MB

9. Parsing the Data.mp4

50.5 MB

23. Challenge Solution.mp4

49.5 MB

17. Improving the Adapter.mp4

44.9 MB

20. Adding A Menu - Code.mp4

44.2 MB

16. Custom Adapter Code.mp4

42.7 MB

7. Writing Idiomatic Kotlin.mp4

40.3 MB

18. ViewHolder Pattern.mp4

37.7 MB

10. Create Xml Parse Function.mp4

37.7 MB

11. Testing the App.mp4

35.2 MB

4. Download the RSS Feed.mp4

33.4 MB

12. ListView and ArrayAdapter.mp4

31.0 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

26.2 MB

15. Create Custom Adapter.mp4

25.8 MB

3. Logging and Logcat.mp4

23.5 MB

2. AsyncTask.mp4

23.3 MB

14. onDestroy and Asynctask.mp4

23.1 MB

19. Adding a Menu - Layout.mp4

22.5 MB

21. Menu Groups - Layout.mp4

20.5 MB

8. More Idiomatic Kotlin.mp4

18.2 MB

13.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Code Changes for Array Adapter.html

0.2 KB

10.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Create Xml Parse Function.html

0.2 KB

12.2 The Top 10 Downloader App - ListView and ArrayAdapter.html

0.2 KB

7.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Writing Idiomatic Kotlin.html

0.2 KB

14.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - onDestroy and Asynctask.html

0.2 KB

15.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Create Custom Adapter.html

0.2 KB

17.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Improving the Adapter.html

0.2 KB

4.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Download the RSS Feed.html

0.2 KB

8.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - More Idiomatic Kotlin.html

0.2 KB

16.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Custom Adapter Code.html

0.2 KB

6.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Android Permissions.html

0.2 KB

18.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - ViewHolder Pattern.html

0.2 KB

3.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Logging and Logcat.html

0.2 KB

5.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Reading the Data.html

0.2 KB

9.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Parsing the Data.html

0.2 KB

11.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Testing the App.html

0.2 KB

1.1 The Top 10 Downloader App - Introduction.html

0.2 KB

2.2 The Top 10 Downloader App - AsyncTask.html

0.2 KB

18.2 Hold View Objects in a View Holder.html

0.2 KB

22.1 Redundant Downloads are Redundant.html

0.1 KB

9.3 XmlPullParser.html

0.1 KB

16.2 LayoutInflater.html

0.1 KB

16.4 ArrayAdapter.html

0.1 KB

12.3 ArrayAdapter.html

0.1 KB

16.3 Context.html

0.1 KB

5.2 BufferedReader.html

0.1 KB

2.1 AsyncTask.html

0.1 KB

12.1 View.html

0.1 KB

6.2 Working with System Permissions.html

0.1 KB

22.2 Menus.html

0.1 KB

18.3 Google IO 2010 - The world of ListView.html

0.1 KB

9.2 XML Pull Parsing.html

0.1 KB

/01. Introduction and Course Information/

3. Introduction to Android.mp4

56.6 MB

2. The Udemy Interface.mp4

13.9 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

4.4 MB

3.1 Open Handset Alliance.html

0.1 KB

/06. Calculator App/

6. Comparing FIles with Diff.mp4

50.5 MB

8. Coding the Calculator.mp4

41.0 MB

12. Bug Fix Challlenge and Save State.mp4

36.6 MB

18. Add Neg Button to Portrait.mp4

34.0 MB

10. Write Perform Operation Function.mp4

31.4 MB

11. Bug Fix and Code Improvements.mp4

30.1 MB

3. Continue with Interface.mp4

30.0 MB

4. Fine Tuning the Layout.mp4

27.7 MB

2. Calculator Interface Setup.mp4

27.4 MB

14. Guidelines.mp4

23.6 MB

15. Fixing Landscape Layout.mp4

21.6 MB

5. Create Landscape Layout.mp4

19.8 MB

17. Code Changes for Neg Button.mp4

18.4 MB

7. Comparing Directories.mp4

18.1 MB

13. Widget References in Kotlin.mp4

15.6 MB

9. Add onClickListeners.mp4

14.9 MB

16. Add Neg Button to Layout.mp4

14.0 MB

1. Demo Calculator App.mp4

12.8 MB

12.1 Calculator App - Bug Fix Challlenge and Save State.html

0.2 KB

10.1 Calculator App - Write Perform Operation Function.html

0.2 KB

11.1 Calculator App - Bug Fix and Code Improvements.html

0.2 KB

17.1 Calculator App - Code Changes for Neg Button.html

0.2 KB

13.1 Calculator App - Widget References in Kotlin.html

0.2 KB

18.1 Calculator App - Add Neg Button to Portrait.html

0.2 KB

2.1 Calculator App - Calculator Interface Setup.html

0.2 KB

16.1 Calculator App - Add Neg Button to Layout.html

0.2 KB

3.1 Calculator App - Continue with Interface.html

0.2 KB

5.1 Calculator App - Create Landscape Layout.html

0.2 KB

15.1 Calculator App - Fixing Landscape Layout.html

0.2 KB

4.1 Calculator App - Fine Tuning the Layout.html

0.2 KB

8.1 Calculator App - Coding the Calculator.html

0.2 KB

9.1 Calculator App - Add onClickListeners.html

0.2 KB

1.1 Calculator App - Demo Calculator App.html

0.2 KB

14.2 Calculator App - Guidelines.html

0.1 KB

14.1 Guideline.html

0.1 KB

8.2 GitHub Google StyleGuide.html

0.1 KB

/02. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/

5. Linux - Install Android Studio.mp4

47.8 MB

7. Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms.mp4

35.2 MB

9. Enable VT-X in BIOS.mp4

32.4 MB

1. Windows - Install Android Studio.mp4

31.7 MB

4. Mac - Install Android Studio.mp4

28.6 MB

8. SDK Configuration Continued.mp4

22.8 MB

6. Java Development Kit for Linux (32Bit Users Only!).mp4

15.0 MB

3. Java Development Kit for Windows (32Bit Users Only!).mp4

15.0 MB

2. Do you need to download the Java development Kit.html

0.6 KB

9.2 BIOS 2.html

0.1 KB

9.1 BIOS 1.html

0.1 KB

9.5 BIOS 4.html

0.1 KB

5.1 Install Android Studio page.html

0.1 KB

9.4 If VT-x virtualization technology is locked or disabled on your Mac.html

0.1 KB

1.1 site.html

0.1 KB

9.3 BIOS 3.html

0.1 KB

4.1 site.html

0.1 KB

3.1 Oracle Site.html

0.1 KB

/08. The YouTube app/

12. Implementing Intents and Challenge.mp4

47.4 MB

14. More Error Handling.mp4

43.6 MB

1. Setup.mp4

40.2 MB

7. onInitializationSuccess Method.mp4

37.9 MB

6. The YouTube Player.mp4

35.6 MB

11. Extending Youtube App Code.mp4

31.3 MB

8. Adding Listeners.mp4

30.3 MB

2. YouTube Activity.mp4

30.2 MB

3. Adding Widgets Dynamically.mp4

26.5 MB

4. Google API Key.mp4

24.3 MB

9. Improving the Player.mp4

20.6 MB

5. Add Key to Code.mp4

18.9 MB

13. Challenge Solution.mp4

14.3 MB

10. Extending App Layouts.mp4

13.6 MB

6.2 YouTubeInitializationResult.html

0.2 KB

12.2 YouTubeStandalonePlayer.html

0.2 KB

12.4 The YouTube app - Implementing Intents and Challenge.html

0.2 KB

7.1 The YouTube app - onInitializationSuccess Method.html

0.2 KB

11.1 The YouTube app - Extending Youtube App Code.html

0.2 KB

3.1 The YouTube app - Adding Widgets Dynamically.html

0.2 KB

10.1 The YouTube app - Extending App Layouts.html

0.2 KB

9.1 The YouTube app - Improving the Player.html

0.2 KB

14.1 The YouTube app - More Error Handling.html

0.2 KB

13.1 The YouTube app - Challenge Solution.html

0.2 KB

6.1 The YouTube app - The YouTube Player.html

0.2 KB

8.1 The YouTube app - Adding Listeners.html

0.2 KB

2.1 The YouTube app - YouTube Activity.html

0.2 KB

5.1 The YouTube app - Add Key to Code.html

0.2 KB

12.1 Intent.html

0.1 KB

12.3 Intents and Intent Filters.html

0.1 KB

1.1 YouTube Android Player API.html

0.1 KB

5.2 The Complete Java Developer Course.html

0.1 KB

4.1 Google APIs.html

0.1 KB

/04. Kotlin Tutorials/

8. Classes.mp4

39.6 MB

7. Conditions.mp4

37.5 MB

21. while Loops.mp4

32.8 MB

14. for Loops.mp4

32.6 MB

15. for Encapsulation and Private Properties.mp4

32.1 MB

9. Objects and Instances.mp4

31.8 MB

24. Loop Challenge.mp4

30.6 MB

17. Inheritance.mp4

29.4 MB

1. Kotlin Tutorial Setup.mp4

28.0 MB

12. More on Lists.mp4

27.6 MB

5. String Concatenation and Interpolation.mp4

27.4 MB

4. More on Variables and Types.mp4

25.3 MB

22. for Loop Revisited.mp4

25.3 MB

3. Variables and Types.mp4

24.7 MB

6. val and var and more on Declarations.mp4

24.6 MB

11. Lists.mp4

23.9 MB

18. More on Inheritance.mp4

22.8 MB

20. Further Inheritance.mp4

22.2 MB

19. Inheritance Continued.mp4

20.5 MB

2. Kotlin Tutorial 1.mp4

19.0 MB

16. Overloading Functions.mp4

18.3 MB

10. Challenge.mp4

16.7 MB

23. do while Loop.mp4

13.6 MB

13. toString Challenge.mp4

10.9 MB

15.2 Kotlin Tutorials - for Encapsulation and Private Properties.html

0.2 KB

5.1 Kotlin Tutorials - String Concatenation and Interpolation.html

0.2 KB

6.1 Kotlin Tutorials - val and var and more on Declarations.html

0.2 KB

4.1 Kotlin Tutorials - More on Variables and Types.html

0.2 KB

16.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Overloading Functions.html

0.2 KB

19.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Inheritance Continued.html

0.2 KB

1.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Kotlin Tutorial Setup.html

0.2 KB

9.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Objects and Instances.html

0.2 KB

3.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Variables and Types.html

0.2 KB

20.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Further Inheritance.html

0.2 KB

18.1 Kotlin Tutorials - More on Inheritance.html

0.2 KB

13.1 Kotlin Tutorials - toString Challenge.html

0.2 KB

22.1 Kotlin Tutorials - for Loop Revisited.html

0.2 KB

2.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Kotlin Tutorial 1.html

0.2 KB

24.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Loop Challenge.html

0.2 KB

12.1 Kotlin Tutorials - More on Lists.html

0.2 KB

23.1 Kotlin Tutorials - do while Loop.html

0.2 KB

21.1 Kotlin Tutorials - while Loops.html

0.2 KB

17.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Inheritance.html

0.2 KB

7.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Conditions.html

0.2 KB

14.1 Kotlin Tutorials - for Loops.html

0.2 KB

8.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Classes.html

0.1 KB

11.1 Kotlin Tutorials - Lists.html

0.1 KB

11.2 Class ArrayListE.html

0.1 KB

15.1 Visibility Modifiers.html

0.1 KB

/03. Hello World Android App/

5. Tour of Android Studio.mp4

36.6 MB

6. Setting Up a Virtual Device.mp4

33.0 MB

4. Hello World.mp4

32.9 MB

8. Running on a physical Android device.mp4

29.1 MB

7. Running on an emulator.mp4

22.8 MB

2. Android Studio Templates.mp4

20.5 MB

3. More on Android Templates.mp4

20.1 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

3.2 MB

3.1 Hello World Android App - More on Android Templates.html

0.2 KB

5.1 Hello World Android App - Tour of Android Studio.html

0.2 KB

6.1 Genymotion Site.html

0.1 KB

/10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/

12. Wild Cards and Views.mp4

34.8 MB

9. Sqlite Querying Data.mp4

33.0 MB

10. Order By and Joins.mp4

32.5 MB

11. More Complex Joins.mp4

30.8 MB

13. Housekeeping and Challenge.mp4

26.4 MB

7. Introduction to Sqlite.mp4

22.6 MB

5. Command Line and Path Setup for Mac.mp4

18.8 MB

8. More SQL with Sqlite.mp4

18.3 MB

4. Command Line and Path Setup for Windows.mp4

17.5 MB

3. Database Terminology.mp4

17.1 MB

6. Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux.mp4

12.9 MB

2. Introduction to Databases.mp4

9.8 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

3.2 MB


0.1 KB

9.2 Autoincrement In SQLite.html

0.1 KB

/05. The Button Counter App/

17. Testing and Challenge Time.mp4

34.8 MB

24. Activity Lifecycle in Action.mp4

33.9 MB

21. The Activity Lifecycle.mp4

32.9 MB

25. Saving and Restoring Instance State.mp4

30.5 MB

11. Add Scrolling Capabilities.mp4

26.6 MB

15. findViewById and r Class.mp4

25.6 MB

3. The Constraint Layout.mp4

25.0 MB

4. Constraints and Resizing.mp4

24.5 MB

12. The Button Counter App.mp4

24.3 MB

14. Coding Button Counter App.mp4

24.1 MB

13. Finish Layout.mp4

23.2 MB

23. Logging the Activity Lifecycle.mp4

22.8 MB

18. Extending the Button App.mp4

21.6 MB

2. Setup Play Project.mp4

21.4 MB

22. The Logcat Pane.mp4

20.0 MB

8. More on the Constraints.mp4

20.0 MB

9. Baseline Constraints.mp4

19.9 MB

7. Layouts on Different Devices.mp4

18.0 MB

6. Inner Lines within a Widget.mp4

15.5 MB

19. Testing and Challenge.mp4

14.6 MB

16. Events and setonclicklistener.mp4

14.3 MB

5. Positioning Widgets.mp4

12.9 MB

20. Fixing Kotlin Gradle Issues.mp4

10.9 MB

10. Constraining Widgets.mp4

9.9 MB

1. Introduction.mp4

6.7 MB

7.2 The Button Counter App - Layouts on Different Devices.html

0.2 KB

6.1 The Button Counter App - Inner Lines within a Widget.html

0.2 KB

11.1 The Button Counter App - Add Scrolling Capabilities.html

0.2 KB

4.1 The Button Counter App - Constraints and Resizing.html

0.2 KB

8.1 The Button Counter App - More on the Constraints.html

0.2 KB

12.1 The Button Counter App - The Button Counter App.html

0.2 KB

3.1 The Button Counter App - The Constraint Layout.html

0.2 KB

10.1 The Button Counter App - Constraining Widgets.html

0.2 KB

9.1 The Button Counter App - Baseline Constraints.html

0.2 KB

5.2 The Button Counter App - Positioning Widgets.html

0.2 KB

13.1 The Button Counter App - Finish Layout.html

0.2 KB

25.1 The Activity Lifecycle.html

0.1 KB

5.1 ImageView.ScaleType.html

0.1 KB

7.1 Supporting Different Densities.html

0.1 KB

25.3 Activities.html

0.1 KB

25.2 Activity.html

0.1 KB

2.1 ball_640x480.jpg.html

0.1 KB

2.2 ball_100x100.jpg.html

0.1 KB

9.2 text.txt.html

0.1 KB

14.1 Developer Android Studio Guide.html

0.1 KB

/11. Bonus Material/

1. Bonus - Please Watch!.mp4

7.2 MB

3. Source Code.html

24.6 KB

2. All Courses.html

4.0 KB


Total files 373

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