
Download Udemy_iOS_FlappyBirdClone

Udemy iOS FlappyBirdClone




Total Size

8.1 GB

Total Files






88.2 MB

061-Space Cannon - Bug Fixes.mp4

56.0 MB

081-Challenge Multi Shot Power Up Solution Part 4.mp4

54.4 MB

221-Obstacle Challenge - Load Challenges in Obstacle Layer.mp4

52.0 MB

185-ObstacleLayer Pseudo Pooling Check and Review.mp4

50.4 MB

070-Space Cannon - Add Point Multiplier.mp4

49.9 MB

130-Add Sounds.mp4

48.5 MB

075-Space Cannon - Spawn Shield Power Ups.mp4

48.0 MB

052-Space Cannon - Adding Sounds.mp4

47.0 MB

189-Flap Challenge - Solution.mp4

44.9 MB

271-Add Engine Sound to Plane.mp4

44.6 MB

205-Add instance of BitmapFontLabel to display score.mp4

43.1 MB

073-Challenge Add Bomb Power Up Solution Part 2.mp4

42.8 MB

074-Space Cannon - Create Pool for Shield Nodes.mp4

42.5 MB

238-Add Text Labels to Menu.mp4

42.4 MB

079-Challenge Multi Shot Power Up Solution Part 2.mp4

41.8 MB

236-Add Display of Medal.mp4

41.6 MB

076-Space Cannon - Make Shield Power Ups Collectable.mp4

41.1 MB

045-Challenge Add Explosion on Bounce Solution.mp4

40.5 MB


40.4 MB

184-Add Obstacles To Game.mp4

40.4 MB

080-Challenge Multi Shot Power Up Solution Part 3.mp4

39.9 MB

247-Display Scores and Medal on Game Over Menu.mp4

38.8 MB

115-Load Next Level and Reset Ball.mp4

38.5 MB

212-Use Tileset Texture Provider to Randomize Mountain Textures.mp4

38.5 MB

038-Shot Limiting.mp4

38.4 MB

248-Use NSUserDefaults to Save Best Score.mp4

37.2 MB

237-Add Text Alignment to TPBitmapFontLabel.mp4

36.8 MB

222-Obstacle Challenge Bonus - Mixing up the Textures.mp4

36.3 MB

339-Add Different Modes to Main Menu.mp4

35.9 MB

226-Test Button and Fix Scaling Issue.mp4

35.9 MB

253-Add Tap Icons to Get Ready Screen.mp4

35.4 MB

254-Hide Get Ready Menu When Game Starts.mp4

35.3 MB

244-Setup Game State in the Game Scene.mp4

35.3 MB

041-Add Shields.mp4

35.2 MB

067-Review Action Speed and Particle Trail Effect.mp4

34.9 MB

043-Add Life Bar.mp4

34.9 MB

046-Game Over and New Game.mp4

34.9 MB

143-Challenge Animation Solution.mp4

34.8 MB

029-Adding Halos.mp4

34.7 MB

246-Start New Game On Button Press.mp4

34.6 MB

011-Space Cannon.mp4

34.3 MB

107-Create Class for Brick.mp4

34.3 MB

239-Add Game Over Text and Play Button to Menu.mp4

34.2 MB

034-Review Contact Delegate, Bit Masks.mp4

34.1 MB

235-Setup Title Nodes on Game Over Menu.mp4

34.1 MB

032-Collision BitMasks.mp4

34.1 MB

144-Create EngineRunning Property.mp4

34.0 MB

172-Reset game.mp4

33.9 MB

054-Space Cannon - Make Menu Functional.mp4

33.8 MB

191-Add collectables to obstacle layer.mp4

33.5 MB

267-Sound Manager For More Advanced Audio.mp4

33.4 MB

133-Spawn Extra Ball.mp4

33.4 MB

105-Add Bricks.mp4

33.3 MB

335-Save Selected Level to NSUserDefaults.mp4

33.1 MB

128-Make Menu Functional.mp4

33.1 MB

053-Space Cannon - Add Menu.mp4

33.0 MB

214-Review of Tileset System.mp4

32.8 MB

069-Space Cannon - Add Point Multiplier Halo.mp4

32.3 MB

092-Challenge Add Music On Off Button Solution Part 2.mp4

32.2 MB

026-Challenge Ball Challenge Solution Part 2.mp4

32.0 MB

270-Add Button Sound.mp4

31.8 MB

145-Review Animations.mp4

31.4 MB

298-Calculate Intersection Between Player And Tile.mp4

31.3 MB

278-Complete Level Using Tiled.mp4

31.3 MB

120-Lose Lives and Reset Game.mp4

31.3 MB

220-Obstacle Challenge - Using An Image Editor To Design Challenges.mp4

31.2 MB

302-Collide Method Review Part 1.mp4

31.1 MB

175-Photoshop Tips Vectors, Smart Object, Export Layers To Files.mp4

31.1 MB

020-Review of Physics Body Basics.mp4

31.0 MB


31.0 MB

245-Trigger Game Over State.mp4

30.8 MB

166-SKPhysics Body Path Generator.mp4

30.7 MB

072-Challenge Add Bomb Power Up Solution Part 1.mp4

30.6 MB

347- Challenge Player Movement - Hook Up Touch Events.mp4

30.6 MB

083-Space Cannon - Animate the Menu's Title.mp4

30.5 MB

157-Create Background Layer.mp4

30.2 MB

147-Add Puff Trail To Plane.mp4

30.1 MB

263-Tint Plane Red When it Crashes.mp4

30.1 MB

241-Animate Menu Panel.mp4

30.1 MB

027-Challenge Ball Challenge Solution Part 3.mp4

29.9 MB

023-Adding Edges to the scene.mp4

29.8 MB

182-Recycle Mountain Nodes.mp4

29.8 MB

057-Space Cannon - Add Scores to Menu.mp4

29.6 MB

033-Contact Test BitMask.mp4

29.5 MB

042-Review - Add Shields.mp4

29.4 MB

078-Challenge Multi Shot Power Up Solution Part 1.mp4

29.3 MB

190-Create Collectable Star Object.mp4

29.3 MB

047-Review Game Reset Functionality.mp4

29.3 MB

272-Add Rain Sound.mp4

29.3 MB

086-Space Cannon - Add Pause and Resume Buttons.mp4

29.2 MB

165-Add Foreground layer.mp4

29.0 MB

341-Fix Graphical Glitches Between Tiles.mp4

28.9 MB

262-Weather Challenge - Complete Weather Challenge.mp4

28.9 MB

094-Complete Space Cannon.mp4

28.8 MB

122-Setup Property For Current Level Number.mp4

28.7 MB

066-Adjust Ball Trails With New Ball Class.mp4

28.7 MB

342-Add Parallax Scrolling Effect.mp4

28.5 MB

243-Complete Show Animation For Game Over Menu.mp4

28.2 MB

065-Space Cannon - Adjust Ball Trails With New Ball Class.mp4

28.2 MB

317-Add State And Change Texture For Player.mp4

27.9 MB

249-Add Fade To Black Transition Between Games.mp4

27.7 MB

321-Make Player Bounce Of Screen When Hitting Spikes.mp4

27.6 MB

087-Space Cannon - Hook Up Pause Functionality.mp4

27.6 MB

030-Review - Random in Range and Spawn Halo Action.mp4

27.4 MB

093-App Icon Template.mp4

27.3 MB

149-Add basic physics.mp4

27.3 MB

310-Apply Changes to Gravity.mp4

27.2 MB

319-Update Collide Method.mp4

27.1 MB

123-Create Particle File.mp4

27.1 MB

219-Obstacle Challenge - Start Implementing Challenges.mp4

27.0 MB

141-Get Plane Animating.mp4

26.9 MB

103-Complete Contact between Ball and Paddle.mp4

26.9 MB

202-Complete letter layout.mp4

26.9 MB

340-Add Extra Levels.mp4

26.9 MB

300-Complete Collision With World.mp4

26.8 MB

012-Review Space Cannon Setup.mp4

26.7 MB

007-A Closer Look at Anchor Points.mp4

26.7 MB

017-Shoot Method Review.mp4

26.7 MB

089-Space Cannon - Add Music.mp4

26.5 MB

230-Review of Button Class.mp4

26.4 MB

100-Add Ball.mp4

26.4 MB

037-Creating SKEmitterNodes Manually.mp4

26.3 MB

275-Resizing Tiles.mp4

26.2 MB

268-Add Crunch Sound on Plane Crash.mp4

26.1 MB

186-Source Tree Commits. Context, Discard and Stage by Hunk or Line, Amend Commit.mp4

26.1 MB

004-A Closer Look At Nodes Part 2.mp4

26.0 MB

276-Create Tileset Image to Use With Tiled.mp4

25.8 MB

261-Weather Challenge - Display Weather Layer.mp4

25.7 MB

062-Space Cannon - Increase Halo Spawn Speed.mp4

25.6 MB

060-Space Cannon - Save Scores Using NSUserDefaults.mp4

25.6 MB

137-Planes Atlas File.mp4

25.5 MB

003-A Closer Look At Nodes Part 1.mp4

25.5 MB

204-Review of Bitmap Font Class.mp4

25.5 MB

240-Animate Game Over Text.mp4

25.3 MB

274-Making Levels with Tiled.mp4

25.3 MB

101-Setup Category Bit Mask.mp4

25.2 MB

337-Unlock New Levels at Game Over.mp4

25.2 MB

295-Declare Method for World Collision.mp4

25.2 MB

209-Complete Loading of Property List.mp4

25.1 MB

102-Setup Contact between Ball and Paddle.mp4

25.1 MB

173-Tweaks on game reset.mp4

25.1 MB

318-Reset Game When Falling Too Far.mp4

24.7 MB

040-Challenge Alternate Shot Limiting Solution.mp4

24.7 MB

306-Accelerate Player to the Right.mp4

24.6 MB

019-Using Breakpoints.mp4

24.2 MB

348-Challenge Player Movement - Set Sprite Direction and Animation.mp4

24.1 MB

314-Fix Collision Rectangle Dimensions.mp4

24.1 MB

082-Space Cannon - Add Show and Hide Methods to Menu Class.mp4

24.0 MB

346-Challenge Player Movement - Left and Right Movement.mp4

23.9 MB

215-Update Background Image to Fill To Bottom.mp4

23.9 MB

194-Create class for collectables.mp4

23.8 MB

258-Weather Challenge - Create Weather Layer Class.mp4

23.8 MB

171-Implement Collide Method and Get Plane to Crash.mp4

23.7 MB

197-Review of Collectable Setup.mp4

23.6 MB

193-Get plane to remove the stars it touches.mp4

23.5 MB

289-Add Velocity to Player and Apply Gravity.mp4

23.3 MB

290-Discussion on Using Time Delta for Updates.mp4

23.2 MB

048-Add Scoring.mp4

23.2 MB

312-Tweak Map and Player Movement.mp4

23.2 MB

320-Collide Player With Spikes.mp4

23.0 MB

117-Add a Hud Bar.mp4

22.8 MB

187-Set Maximum Altitude for Plane.mp4

22.8 MB

297-Get GID for Tile.mp4

22.6 MB

005-Adding Images to Projects.mp4

22.6 MB

125-Create Menu Class.mp4

22.5 MB

252-Add Get Ready Text.mp4

22.5 MB

250-Add Bump Effect On Plane Crash.mp4

22.5 MB

180-Create Obstacle Set.mp4

22.2 MB

307-Give Player Jump Ability.mp4

22.1 MB

016-Add physics body.mp4

22.1 MB

134-Setup Project.mp4

22.1 MB

343-Sound Discussion.mp4

22.0 MB

108-Setup Blue Brick Behaviour.mp4

22.0 MB

315-Flip Alien Image When Gravity Flipped.mp4

21.9 MB

088-Space Cannon - Pause When Quitting Or When A Notification Is Received.mp4

21.7 MB

169-Setup Category Bit Masks.mp4

21.7 MB

168-Create path based physics body for plane.mp4

21.5 MB

308-Get Player Jumping.mp4

21.4 MB

206-Create Plist For Tileset Graphics.mp4

21.4 MB

327-Create Level Selection Scene.mp4

21.4 MB

330-Add Level Selection Buttons.mp4

21.4 MB

009-Overview of Actions.mp4

21.3 MB

148-Configure Gravity.mp4

21.3 MB

110-Load Level.mp4

21.2 MB

095-Introduction to Brick Breaker Assignment.mp4

21.2 MB

111-Setup Ball Release Functionality.mp4

21.1 MB

174-Add Rotation Effect.mp4

21.1 MB

091-Challenge Add Music On Off Button Solution Part 1.mp4

20.8 MB

233-Center Rect Property.mp4

20.8 MB

161-Challenge Left & Right Scrolling Solution Part 2.mp4

20.8 MB

106-Remove Bricks When Hit by a Ball.mp4

20.8 MB

234-Test Menu Panel Display.mp4

20.8 MB

085-Space Cannon - Complete Menu Animations.mp4

20.8 MB

285-Setup Class for Player.mp4

20.5 MB

325-Add Play And Level Buttons.mp4

20.3 MB

084-Space Cannon - Animate Score Board.mp4

20.3 MB

316-Add Animation to Player.mp4

20.3 MB

269-Add Star Collection Sound.mp4

20.3 MB

332-Respond to Level Selection Buttons.mp4

20.2 MB

164-Set Background Colour.mp4

20.2 MB

192-Review of positioning collectables.mp4

20.2 MB

288-Make Camera Follow Player.mp4

20.2 MB

299-Work Out Which Way To Move the Player.mp4

20.1 MB

217-Obstacle Challenge - Setup ChallengeProvider Class.mp4

20.0 MB

138-Add Plane Class.mp4

20.0 MB

119-Display Lives.mp4

19.9 MB

266-Refresh on Using afconvert to Prepare Audio.mp4

19.9 MB

227-Target Action Pattern.mp4

19.9 MB

056-Space Cannon - Fix Delay.mp4

19.9 MB

196-Hook up scene as collectable delegate.mp4

19.8 MB

203-Center Align Text.mp4

19.7 MB

284-Add Clamping to Camera.mp4

19.7 MB

181-Randomize Mountain Obstacle Heights.mp4

19.5 MB

064-Space Cannon - Add Trail Emitter Node To Balls.mp4

19.5 MB

287-Position Player With Marker From Map Object Layer.mp4

19.5 MB

313-Frame Size With Atlas Sprites.mp4

19.5 MB

063-Space Cannon - Create Particle File for Trail Effect.mp4

19.3 MB

294-Discussion of Algorithm for World Collision.mp4

19.3 MB

281-Load Tile Map.mp4

19.2 MB

013-Add shoot method.mp4

19.1 MB

218-Obstacle Challenge - Start Implementing Challenge Provider.mp4

19.0 MB

257-Weather Challenge - Create Rain Effect.mp4

19.0 MB

338-Add Ability To Complete Level.mp4

18.9 MB

036-Add Explosion Effect.mp4

18.8 MB

228-Test Button Press Event.mp4

18.7 MB

273-We've Completed Tappy Plane.mp4

18.7 MB

304-Test Left and Right Movement.mp4

18.7 MB

296-Loop Through Coordinates for Tiles to Examine.mp4

18.6 MB

213-Update Ground Nodes to Use Tileset Texture.mp4

18.5 MB

179-Add Physics Bodies To Mountains.mp4

18.5 MB

303-Collide Method Review Part 2.mp4

18.3 MB

324-Add Label For Level and Import Button Class.mp4

18.3 MB

163-Challenge Left & Right Scrolling Solution Part 4.mp4

18.1 MB

178-Add createObjectForKey Method.mp4

18.1 MB

282-Setup Camera Node.mp4

17.9 MB

259-Weather Challenge - Setup Weather Conditions Property.mp4

17.9 MB

260-Weather Challenge - Setup Constants For Tileset Name.mp4

17.9 MB

301-Test Collide Method.mp4

17.8 MB

177-Implement Update Method.mp4

17.7 MB

277-Creating a Tiled Map.mp4

17.7 MB

256-Weather Challenge - Create Snow Effect.mp4

17.5 MB

015-Data Types.mp4

17.4 MB

146-Create Particle file.mp4

17.4 MB

022-Review of Game Loop.mp4

17.4 MB

326-Switch Between Scenes.mp4

17.3 MB

162-Challenge Left & Right Scrolling Solution Part 3.mp4

17.2 MB

140-Method to Create Animation Action From Array.mp4

17.2 MB

334-Setup Defaults plist for NSUserDefaults.mp4

17.1 MB

210-Randomize Tileset.mp4

17.0 MB

098-Add Paddle and Getting it Moving.mp4

16.7 MB

121-Add Level Display Label.mp4

16.7 MB

345-Challenge Player Movement - Double Jump.mp4

16.6 MB

136-Batch File Rename.mp4

16.5 MB

014-Working With Angles.mp4

16.4 MB

124-Add Particle Effect When Bricks Are Removed.mp4

16.3 MB

127-Implement Hide and Show Methods on Menu.mp4

16.2 MB

068-Space Cannon - Set Bounce Limit.mp4

16.2 MB

323-Add Title And Alien to Menu.mp4

16.2 MB

199-Create Class for Bitmap Font.mp4

16.1 MB

154-Implement Tile Scrolling.mp4

16.0 MB

15.9 MB

059-A Look at NSUserDefaults.mp4

15.9 MB

195-Setup creation of collectables to use new class.mp4

15.7 MB

305-Fix Bug in Collision Algorithm.mp4

15.6 MB

167-Visualising path based physics bodies.mp4

15.5 MB

279-Setup Alien Runner Project.mp4

15.5 MB

208-Start Loading Tileset Plist File.mp4

15.4 MB

201-Start Layout of Bitmap Font Letters.mp4

15.3 MB

183-Add reset Method.mp4

15.3 MB

018-Clean up.mp4

15.2 MB

118-Add a Lives Property.mp4

15.2 MB

292-Define Collision Rectangle for Player.mp4

15.1 MB for Great Sound Assets.mp4

15.1 MB


14.8 MB

255-Weather Challenge Intro - Weather Effects in Tappy Plane.mp4

14.8 MB

225-Set Button Scale Based on Touch Events.mp4

14.7 MB

293-Show Collision Rectangle Visually.mp4

14.7 MB

129-Update Colors.mp4

14.6 MB

058-Review Adding Scores to Menus.mp4

14.2 MB

322-Setup Scene Class for Main Menu.mp4

14.2 MB

265-Creating Looping Sounds with Audacity.mp4

14.1 MB

158-Getting the time elapsed between frames.mp4

14.1 MB

112-Add Grey Brick Type.mp4

14.1 MB

109-Create Load Level Method And Array For Level.mp4

13.9 MB

333-Create Constants File.mp4

13.7 MB

025-Challenge Ball Challenge Solution Part 1.mp4

13.7 MB

328-Add Disabled Property to Button.mp4

13.7 MB

336-Add Constant for Highest Level.mp4

13.6 MB

309-Setup Properties For Flipping Gravity.mp4

13.6 MB

251-Setup TPGetReadyMenu Class.mp4

13.5 MB

126-Add Text to Menu.mp4

13.3 MB

176-Create TPObstacleLayer Class.mp4

13.3 MB

242-Space Cannon - Crash on Quit Bug Fix.mp4

13.3 MB

286-Add Object Layer to Tiled Level.mp4

13.1 MB

170-Setup didBeginContact method.mp4

13.0 MB

207-Setup Singleton.mp4

13.0 MB

050-Editing Sounds with Audacity.mp4

13.0 MB

099-Limit Paddle Movement.mp4

12.5 MB

155-Review Scrolling.mp4

12.5 MB

071-Challenge Add Bomb Power Up.mp4

12.5 MB

135-Source Control With SourceTree.mp4

12.5 MB

224-Set Initial Properties on Button.mp4

12.4 MB


12.4 MB

116-Requred Touch Began Event to Release Ball.mp4

12.3 MB

291-Setup Target Position on Player.mp4

12.0 MB

114-Add Method to Check if Level Is Complete.mp4

11.8 MB

151-Create Scrolling Node Class.mp4

11.7 MB

160-Challenge Left & Right Scrolling Solution Part 1.mp4

11.7 MB

229-Source Tree - Discard Changes to TPGameScene.mp4

11.6 MB

132-Create Yellow Brick Type.mp4

11.5 MB

231-Import Graphics For Game Over Menu.mp4

11.5 MB

283-Scroll Map As Camera Moves.mp4

11.4 MB

077-Challenge Multi Shot Power Up.mp4

11.3 MB

152-Create TPScrollingLayer.mp4

11.3 MB


11.0 MB

153-TPScrollingLayer - Implement layoutTiles method.mp4

10.9 MB

331-Position Level Selection Buttons.mp4

10.8 MB

311-Test Flipping of Gravity.mp4

10.5 MB

150-Set Target Node For Puff Trail.mp4

10.2 MB

028-Adding randomness.mp4

9.9 MB

280-Import JSTileMap.mp4

9.7 MB

211-Return Texture for Key from Current Tileset.mp4

9.5 MB

200-Implement Bitmap Font Properties.mp4

9.5 MB

329-Complete Setup of Disabled Property on Button.mp4

9.5 MB

131-Restrict Paddle Movement When Positioning Ball.mp4

9.4 MB

198-Fix Warnings.mp4

9.4 MB

223-Create Button Class.mp4

9.3 MB

232-Setup Properties on Game Over Menu.mp4

8.9 MB

113-Add Extra Levels.mp4

8.9 MB

049-Free art resources

8.1 MB

055-Review locationInNode.mp4

7.7 MB


7.6 MB

139-Add PlanesAnimation plist file.mp4

7.4 MB

216-Obstacle Challenge - Intro.mp4

7.4 MB

051-Converting Sounds to CAF Format.mp4

7.2 MB

039-Challenge Alternate Shot Limiting.mp4

7.1 MB

104-Fix Anti Gravity Ball.mp4

7.1 MB


7.1 MB

188-Flap Challenge - Intro.mp4

5.9 MB

349-Course Complete.mp4

5.4 MB

344-Challenge Player Movement - Intro.mp4

5.4 MB

156-Scrolling In Both Directions.mp4

4.5 MB

008-Game Loops.mp4

4.5 MB

090-Challenge Add Music On Off Button.mp4

4.1 MB

024-Challenge Ball Challenge.mp4

4.1 MB

159-Challenge Left & Right Scrolling.mp4

4.0 MB

044-Challenge Add Explosion on Bounce.mp4

3.4 MB

142-Challenge Animation.mp4

598.0 KB

096-Brick Breaker Assignment Requirements.rtf

13.6 KB


0.1 KB


Total files 351

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