
Download Udemy - Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)

Udemy Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO projects


Udemy - Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)


Total Size

5.6 GB

Total Files




/1. Object Oriented Programming/

1. Introduction to OOP.mp4

9.5 MB

10. Autoloading.mp4

11.3 MB

11. Inheritance (extends, parent).mp4

29.7 MB

12. Overriding methods.mp4

12.2 MB

13. Abstract classes (part one).mp4

36.3 MB

14. Abstract classes (part two).mp4

26.2 MB

15. Interface (part one).mp4

19.1 MB

16. Interface (part two).mp4

28.2 MB

17. Polymorphism.mp4

29.0 MB

18. Traits (part one).mp4

37.1 MB

19. Traits (part two).mp4

24.2 MB

2. Classes and properties.mp4

12.8 MB

20. Exception (try, catch, finally).mp4

15.3 MB

3. Classes and methods.mp4

15.0 MB

4. Magic methods (construct).mp4

16.1 MB

5. Magic methods (toString, default arguments, typehinting).mp4

22.5 MB

6. Public and private visibility.mp4

27.9 MB

7. Encapsulation (accessors, mutators).mp4

25.3 MB

8. Static properties and methods.mp4

25.9 MB

9. Namespace (use, as keywords).mp4

18.1 MB

/10. Implement User Roles Feature for Administrator and Subscribers/

1. User roles migration.mp4

5.3 MB

2. User roles database seeder.mp4

6.2 MB

3. Register users with default role of subscribers.mp4

6.1 MB

4. Create admin dashboard.mp4

7.9 MB

5. Prettify home page.mp4

9.4 MB

/11. Middleware - Secure your Laravel Application/

1. Middleware.mp4

16.6 MB

2. Protect pages with middleware.mp4

9.7 MB

/12. Category Migration and Laravel Eloquent Relationships/

1. Categories model migration and relationships.mp4

5.5 MB

10. Category pluck sync detach.mp4

7.9 MB

11. Using partials.mp4

6.3 MB

2. Pivot (lookup) table for category and blog.mp4

4.6 MB

3. Category controller and route resource.mp4

10.7 MB

4. Create category.mp4

11.1 MB

5. Category slug display blog.mp4

11.3 MB

6. Category edit.mp4

7.8 MB

7. Category update and delete.mp4

8.0 MB

8. Select category array using jquery select_2.mp4

12.4 MB

9. Select category while creating blog.mp4

6.9 MB

/13. Photo Upload Update Delete and Database Seeder/

1. Photo model and migration.mp4

5.0 MB

2. Creating blog seeder.mp4

9.4 MB

3. Database seeder for categories and users.mp4

10.6 MB

4. Featured image fields and relationships.mp4

6.2 MB

5. Upload featured image.mp4

11.9 MB

6. Display featured image.mp4

20.8 MB

7. Update featured image.mp4

8.6 MB

8. Delete image while deleting blog from bin.mp4

6.6 MB

/14. SEO Functions For Creating Blogs/

1. Blog meta title and description migration.mp4

11.6 MB

2. Save meta content of blog such as slug, meta title.mp4

7.2 MB

3. Generate dynamic and static meta content.mp4

10.8 MB

4. Dynamic meta content for blogs.mp4

17.0 MB

/15. Implement WYSIWYG Text Editor and Image Browser/

1. WYSIWYG text editor tinymce.mp4

14.1 MB

2. Require file manager and image intervention.mp4

13.9 MB

3. Configure tinymce with file manager.mp4

11.8 MB

4. Browse image with file manager.mp4

10.3 MB

5. Manage featured image.mp4

16.1 MB

/16. Blog Control Admin Dashboard Author Role and Users/

1. Update navigation and admin dashboard.mp4

10.5 MB

2. Save blogs as draft by default.mp4

10.4 MB

3. Recent blog status.mp4

18.5 MB

4. Update blog as draft or publish from admin dashboard.mp4

21.8 MB

5. Create users controller.mp4

10.5 MB

6. Display users list.mp4

8.0 MB

7. User role update.mp4

12.0 MB

8. Add author role.mp4

8.4 MB

9. Tidy admin navigation and categories.mp4

12.9 MB

/17. Error Message and Validation/

1. Error message and validation part 1.mp4

18.0 MB

2. Error message and validation part 2.mp4

16.5 MB

3. Blog edit validation.mp4

15.9 MB

/18. Flash Messages/

1. Flash message using session.mp4

7.8 MB

2. Custom flash messages.mp4

22.5 MB

/19. Blogs and Users/

1. Redirect users after login register away from home page.mp4

13.2 MB

10. Fix trying to get property of non-object error.mp4

7.5 MB

11. Fix dynamic dropdown menu - trying to get property of non object.mp4

15.8 MB

12. Display only excerpt of blog in the home page.mp4

15.4 MB

13. Edit or delete blog button on admin panel.mp4

6.3 MB

2. Fixed blog draft publish error after adding the validation.mp4

20.1 MB

3. Assign each blog to a user.mp4

12.0 MB

4. Create a blog by a new user.mp4

8.9 MB

5. Pretty url slug for blog posts.mp4

5.7 MB

6. Blog meta created time and category.mp4

11.3 MB

7. Font awesome icons on blog meta.mp4

6.5 MB

8. Dynamic dropdown menu for categories.mp4

9.5 MB

9. Error blogs index - trying to get a property of a non object.mp4

9.4 MB

/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/

1. About course update.html

2.7 KB

10. Using different database table for Models.mp4

22.4 MB

11. Route parameters, showing full blog.mp4

30.6 MB

12. App name, redirect after login and register and navigation.mp4

25.6 MB

13. Blog update using patch method.mp4

52.2 MB

14. Blog delete using delete method.mp4

24.6 MB

15. Laravel Mix to compile multiple css files.mp4

38.6 MB

16. Send blogs to trash and retrieve using SoftDeletes trait.mp4

52.7 MB

17. Restore blogs from trash.mp4

19.2 MB

18. Permanently delete blog from trash.mp4

17.6 MB

19. Creating database seeder for user roles.mp4

25.6 MB

2. Installation, Routes and Views.mp4

30.6 MB

20. Adding role_id field to the existing users table.mp4

38.6 MB

21. User Role relationship using eloquent relationship.mp4

14.5 MB

22. Creating admin page.mp4

35.9 MB

23. Creating middleware for admin.mp4

42.3 MB

24. Controller level middleware.mp4

10.6 MB

25. Faker and factory to create fake data.mp4

33.1 MB

26. Categories model and migration.mp4

10.1 MB

27. Categories seeder.mp4

18.2 MB

28. Pivot table for blogs and categories.mp4

6.6 MB

29. BelongsToMany relationship between blogs and categories.mp4

8.0 MB

3. Generating and understanding authentication.mp4

43.0 MB

30. Using resource to create controller and route.mp4

13.6 MB

31. Display categories.mp4

10.2 MB

32. Creating categories.mp4

34.9 MB

33. Categories edit and show page.mp4

36.4 MB

34. Categories update and delete.mp4

17.3 MB

35. Choose categories while creating blog.mp4

22.4 MB

36. Sync categories with blog.mp4

28.2 MB

37. Display blog categories.mp4

27.6 MB

38. Sync categories during blog update.mp4

13.0 MB

39. Show current categories as checked.mp4

9.0 MB

4. Creaing a model and migration.mp4

11.7 MB

40. Show unused categories unchecked.mp4

107.0 MB

41. Adding featured image to blogs table.mp4

16.5 MB

42. Upload featured Image while creating blog.mp4

33.0 MB

43. Display uploaded image.mp4

18.7 MB

44. How and why work on SEO.mp4

20.1 MB

45. Modify blog migration for SEO meta content.mp4

18.3 MB

46. Create slug, meta title and description.mp4

18.5 MB

47. Showing meta title and meta description.mp4

23.7 MB

48. Showing dynamic meta title and description.mp4

74.8 MB

49. View composers to share data to multiple views.mp4

16.5 MB

5. Seeding database using php artisan tinker.mp4

8.1 MB

50. View composer - show blog count in the nav bar.mp4

42.1 MB

51. TinyMCE rich text editor for creating blogs.mp4

24.5 MB

52. Implement file manager.mp4

41.2 MB

53. Blogs draft or published status.mp4

27.8 MB

54. Meta dynamic issue from partials.mp4

18.7 MB

55. Show published and draft blogs.mp4

20.2 MB

56. Toggle the blog status to publish and draft.mp4

33.8 MB

57. Let logged in user create blog.mp4

135.6 MB

58. Conditionally show admin author and subscriber link.mp4

96.5 MB

59. Author middleware.mp4

135.3 MB

6. Creating route, controller and passing variables to the view.mp4

28.2 MB

60. Single dashboard for Admin Author and Subscriber.mp4

152.9 MB

61. Show all users.mp4

68.5 MB

62. User role update and delete.mp4

156.2 MB

63. User profile show user blogs.mp4

133.7 MB

64. Replace URL id's with Slug.mp4

87.1 MB

65. Validation and error messaging.mp4

106.5 MB

66. Flash messages using session.mp4

80.6 MB

67. App Improvements - style and forms.mp4

110.7 MB

68. Featured Image update.mp4

160.1 MB

69. Blog image and excerpt.mp4

107.8 MB

7. Extending blade template.mp4

18.3 MB

70. Only admin and author can edit delete blog.mp4

75.9 MB

71. Disqus commenting system.mp4

71.6 MB

72. Signup with Mailtrap.mp4

101.7 MB

73. Mass email on new blog post.mp4

189.9 MB

74. Contact form.mp4

182.1 MB

8. Submitting Form Data, Request Class, Type Hinting, Named Routes & CSRF.mp4

31.1 MB

9. Saving a blog to database.mp4

19.6 MB

/20. Authority and Restrictions Using Middleware/

1. Author middleware.mp4

5.2 MB

2. Create middleware that allows both admin and author.mp4

10.9 MB

3. Restrict access to route levels using middleware - create and edit but.mp4

22.8 MB

/21. Users Profile Create Update URL Photo Options and Relationships/

1. Get user blogs on their profile page.mp4

9.3 MB

2. Display the logged in users recent blogs.mp4

14.2 MB

/22. Blog Features Application Overview and Necessary Corrections/

1. Secure admin link in navigation bar.mp4

7.2 MB

2. Update admin users link and apply redirect back.mp4

5.9 MB

/23. Profile Page for Users/

1. Display users profile page.mp4

11.6 MB

10. User update with profile image.mp4

14.6 MB

11. Display profile image.mp4

15.1 MB

12. User profile picture validation.mp4

11.4 MB

13. User image update remove using unlink.mp4

7.8 MB

14. Delete a user from admin dashboard.mp4

12.2 MB

15. Profile link and category create.mp4

9.3 MB

16. Create and delete categories.mp4

5.8 MB

17. Display user image or default image and role in their admin dashboard.mp4

7.0 MB

18. Restrict dashboard access to author and subscriber.mp4

10.7 MB

19. Display user about info in the sidebar.mp4

14.9 MB

2. Pretty url for the user profile.mp4

14.0 MB

20. Display users blog in their profile page.mp4

10.4 MB

21. Users blog title link, excerpt and the number of blogs display.mp4

10.7 MB

22. Users blog meta and blog reverse order for latest blogs.mp4

16.8 MB

23. Only admin or the author of the blog can edit blog.mp4

9.7 MB

24. Review middleware on all the controllers.mp4

7.5 MB

25. Fix categories dynamic dropdown list navigation.mp4

9.8 MB

3. Username validation and domain slash username.mp4

8.1 MB

4. Display user blogs to the public.mp4

15.5 MB

5. User profile edit.mp4

12.2 MB

6. Users profile migration.mp4

13.9 MB

7. Creating user profile page.mp4

7.2 MB

8. User profile page display links and about.mp4

18.7 MB

9. User profile create update success.mp4

9.2 MB

/24. Mail Feature Using Mailgun with Mass Email Alert and Control Options/

1. Setup mailgun.mp4

12.2 MB

2. Testing mailgun.mp4

14.9 MB

3. Send emails using sandbox and also the actual domain.mp4

21.1 MB

4. Customized HTML email alert on new blog post.mp4

11.0 MB

5. Add user option for auto email alert on new blog post.mp4

10.2 MB

/25. Disqus Commenting System/

1. Implement disqus commenting system.mp4

11.8 MB

/26. Contact Form Create Implement and Validation/

1. Create contact form.mp4

14.4 MB

2. Validate and send contact form with added style.mp4

18.0 MB

/27. Login with Facebook Feature/

1. Login with facebook using socialite.mp4

20.3 MB

2. Create a user using the info retrieved from facebook.mp4

27.6 MB

/28. Pagination and Search Feature/

1. Pagination.mp4

8.1 MB

2. Search form on the blogs index.mp4

12.2 MB

3. Implement search function for blogs.mp4

14.2 MB

4. Display blog image in index page.mp4

15.3 MB

/29. Push Your Application to the Live Server - Shared Hosting/

1. Push laravel application from local computer to shared hosting.mp4

43.4 MB

/3. Push and pull Laravel projects from local computer, Github and vice versa/

1. Source code for Updated course content.html

1.0 KB

2. Learn to push your laravel project to Github.mp4

26.8 MB

3. Learn to download and run other laravel projects from Github to your computer.mp4

39.1 MB

/4. Setting up Local Development Enviroment/

1. Note for Windows Users.html

0.8 KB

2. Note for mac users.html

0.4 KB

3. Setting up laravel homestead with virtualbox and vagrant.mp4

16.2 MB

4. Fresh install of laravel in homesteadvagrant environment.mp4

7.0 MB

/5. Database Connection and Authentication System in Laravel/

1. Database connection and authentication system in laravel.mp4

7.7 MB

2. Creating blog database migration.mp4

5.7 MB

/6. Routes and Controllers in Laravel/

1. Php artisan tinker.mp4

6.7 MB

2. Controller views and routes.mp4

7.2 MB

3. Fetch data from database.mp4

6.9 MB

/7. Blade Tempting System and Bootstrap/

1. Blade templeting system.mp4

5.9 MB

2. Html layout and bootstrap styling.mp4

5.2 MB

/8. Building Forms/

1. Installing laravel collective form package.mp4

10.1 MB

2. Creating a form.mp4

7.6 MB

3. Applying custom css styling with live css editor.mp4

4.9 MB

/9. Build a Blog with Create Read Update Draft and Delete Functions/

1. How to fix publish draft issue.html

0.8 KB

10. Permanently delete blog.mp4

12.6 MB

2. Store blog in database.mp4

12.0 MB

3. Show full blog using clickable blog title.mp4

12.9 MB

4. Modify navigation and git commit.mp4

7.8 MB

5. Update blog.mp4

12.2 MB

6. Update using route model binding.mp4

10.9 MB

7. Delete blog.mp4

8.0 MB

8. Softdelete - only trash the blog with deleted at field.mp4

12.3 MB

9. Restore blog from trash.mp4

9.2 MB


Total files 230

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