
Download Udemy-The.Complete.Ruby.on.Rails.Developer.Course

Udemy The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course



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2025-02-20 01:52



/1. Introduction and Setup/

1. Introduction.mp4

33.4 MB

10. Preview of Finance Tracker App built in section 9, rapid prototyping.mp4

14.7 MB

11. Preview of Univ App using material design for front-end (Section 12).mp4

16.7 MB

12. Preview of Alpha Blog App built from section 4 through 7.mp4

14.5 MB

3. Let's code the quiz!.mp4

38.9 MB

4. Course Structure, Overview and best way to use the course.mp4

58.9 MB

5. Ruby on Rails Development Environment overview.mp4

9.3 MB

8. Preview SaaS - Project Management App built in section 11.mp4

24.2 MB

9. Preview of MessageMe chat application showcasing real-time Rails - Section 8.mp4

16.9 MB

/10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/

1. IMPORTANT Preview of material covered in this section.html

2.9 KB

10. Build Homepage.mp4

17.7 MB

11. Build Homepage - Text directions and code.html

4.2 KB

12. Stripe and Payment Introduction.mp4

34.9 MB

13. Stripe for Payment Introduction - Text directions, references and code.html

1.2 KB

14. Payment Model.mp4

20.0 MB

15. Payment Model - Text directions and code.html

1.2 KB

16. Update Form for Credit Card Payments.mp4

26.0 MB

17. Update Form for Credit Card Payments - Text directions and code.html

2.0 KB

18. Javascript Events.mp4

24.2 MB

19. Javascript Events - Text directions and code.html

3.1 KB

2. Start Photo App.mp4

24.7 MB

20. Extend Devise Registrations Controller.mp4

46.1 MB

21. Extend Devise Registrations Controller - Text directions, references and code.html

2.9 KB

22. Fix Conflict Bug.mp4

31.5 MB

23. Fix Conflict Bug - Text directions.html

0.3 KB

24. Image Upload.mp4

59.8 MB

25. Image Upload - Text directions and code.html

4.6 KB

26. Image Size Validations.mp4

42.3 MB

27. Image Size Validations - Text directions and code.html

3.2 KB

28. Image Upload in Production.mp4

38.1 MB

29. Image Upload in Production - Text directions and code.html

1.2 KB

3. Start Photo App - Text directions and code.html

1.6 KB

30. Complete Prod Image Upload.mp4

26.1 MB

31. Complete Prod Image Upload - Text directions and code.html

0.8 KB

4. Setup Authentication System.mp4

26.3 MB

5. Setup Authentication System - Text directions and code.html

2.1 KB

6. Sending Email in Production.mp4

30.2 MB

7. Sending Email in Production - Text directions and code.html

2.2 KB

8. Update Layout and Test Email in Production.mp4

27.5 MB

9. Update Layout and Test Production Email - Text directions and code.html

3.0 KB

/11. Software as a Service Project Management App/

1. Preview of the Saas - Project Management App.html

0.1 KB

10. Add Bootstrap for styling - Text directions and code.html

1.6 KB

11. Build Homepage and add styling.mp4

46.8 MB

12. Build Homepage and add styling - Text directions and code.html

6.8 KB

13. Add Plans for Tenants.mp4

61.5 MB

14. Add Plans for Tenants - Text directions and code.html

1.9 KB

15. Confirmations and Styling.mp4

89.0 MB

16. Confirmations and Styling - Text directions and code.html

4.1 KB

17. Invite new members.mp4

40.6 MB

18. Invite new members - Text directions and code.html

3.9 KB

19. Projects for Tenants.mp4

73.7 MB

2. Pre-requisites for this section - Important - Please Read!.html

1.9 KB

20. Projects for Tenants - Text directions and code.html

4.2 KB

21. Projects Controller.mp4

52.9 MB

22. Projects Controller - Text directions and code.html

2.0 KB

23. Add Datepicker.mp4

35.1 MB

24. Add Datepicker - Text directions and code.html

1.1 KB

25. Projects show and list.mp4

66.8 MB

26. Projects show and list - Text directions and code.html

3.0 KB

27. Create Artifacts.mp4

26.7 MB

28. Create Artifacts - Text directions and code.html

1.3 KB

29. Setting up AWS.mp4

44.1 MB

3. Start the new SaaS app.mp4

39.7 MB

30. Setting up AWS - Text directions.html

1.1 KB

31. Upload Artifacts.mp4

54.2 MB

32. Upload Artifacts - Text directions and code.html

5.6 KB

33. Complete Artifacts.mp4

47.2 MB

34. Complete Artifacts - Text directions and code.html

2.0 KB

35. Fix AWS issues and Preview App.mp4

29.1 MB

36. Fix AWS issues and Preview App - Text reference.html

0.3 KB

37. Setup Stripe for Payments.mp4

45.1 MB

38. Setup Stripe for Payments - Text directions and code.html

3.2 KB

39. Form for Credit Card Fields.mp4

22.4 MB

4. Start new SaaS app - Text directions and code.html

1.8 KB

40. Form for Credit Card Fields - Text directions and code.html

2.9 KB

41. Javascript details - Stripe and Payment Processing.mp4

54.8 MB

42. Javascript details - Stripe and Payment Processing - Text code.html

4.2 KB

43. Javascript continued.mp4

99.8 MB

44. Custom Registrations Controller.mp4

83.6 MB

45. Custom Registrations Controller - Text directions and code.html

5.1 KB

46. Edit Tenant Plans.mp4

70.1 MB

47. Edit Tenant Plans - Text directions and code.html

4.6 KB

48. Update Action.mp4

58.9 MB

49. Update Action - Text directions and code.html

2.3 KB

5. Setup email.mp4

38.2 MB

50. Add Admin User for Organizations.mp4

15.5 MB

51. Add Admin User for Organizations - Text directions and code.html

0.8 KB

52. Create Nav Partial.mp4

50.4 MB

53. Create Nav Partial - Text directions and code.html

4.2 KB

54. Users and Projects.mp4

243.6 MB

55. Users and Projects - Text directions and code.html

4.4 KB

56. Complete User - Project views.mp4

154.9 MB

57. Complete User - Project views - Text directions and code.html

3.4 KB

58. Bug Fixes, Preview and Deploy!.mp4

136.7 MB

59. Bug Fixes, Preview and Deploy - Text directions and code.html

1.6 KB

6. Setup email - Text directions and code.html

1.7 KB

7. Setup Milia and Devise.mp4

22.4 MB

8. IMPORTANT - don't skip! Setup Milia and Devise - Text directions and code.html

2.0 KB

9. Add Bootstrap for styling.mp4

43.3 MB

/12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/

1. Section intro - Use MaterializeCSS as front-end instead of bootstrap.mp4

16.7 MB

10. Create a sticky footer.mp4

73.2 MB

11. Add dropdown feature and hamburger menu.mp4

149.4 MB

12. Work on the content layout view - Courses.mp4

93.7 MB

13. CRUD from the back-end and courses resource.mp4

154.1 MB

14. Front-end display and validations.mp4

118.8 MB

15. Learn how to use partials.mp4

38.2 MB

16. Create students resource.mp4

84.5 MB

17. Create students resource - Text follow-up directions.html

0.7 KB

18. Students index.mp4

84.8 MB

19. Create a new student form.mp4

112.2 MB

2. Notes about this section (Important please read).html

2.4 KB

20. Create students and work with errors.mp4

78.0 MB

21. Add flash messages and errors.mp4

99.2 MB

22. Student show page.mp4

45.9 MB

23. Edit student functionality.mp4

106.1 MB

24. DRY your code - extract redundancies.mp4

144.1 MB

25. Add secure password.mp4

122.8 MB

26. Update forms to accept passwords and modify styling.mp4

99.5 MB

27. Authentication system - build routes and form.mp4

109.4 MB

28. Create and destroy sessions - add auth methods.mp4

162.1 MB

29. Restrict actions, views and clean up layout.mp4

135.8 MB

3. Start new rails app, run server - both local and cloud-IDE example.mp4

61.3 MB

30. Introduction to many to many associations.mp4

51.7 MB

31. Create association from rails console.mp4

89.8 MB

32. Add associations from front-end.mp4

174.6 MB

4. App structure, MVC and root route.mp4

73.0 MB

5. Naming conventions - Convention over configuration.html

4.0 KB

6. Add routes.mp4

28.8 MB

7. Explore the layout file and erb.mp4

60.0 MB

8. Start styling the app.mp4

52.9 MB

9. Add front-end framework and navigation.mp4

100.1 MB

/13. Rails installation and usage Mac/

1. Terminal basics in MacOS.mp4

74.1 MB

10. Install and use Ruby on Rails 5.mp4

43.0 MB

2. Command Line Tools.mp4

34.9 MB

3. Text editor.mp4

91.4 MB

4. Install (or check installation of) NodeJS.mp4

19.1 MB

5. Install Yarn (JavaScript package manager).mp4

16.3 MB

6. Install RVM (Ruby version manager).mp4

30.4 MB

7. Install Ruby.mp4

56.7 MB

8. Install and setup Git for version control.mp4

38.4 MB

9. Install and use Ruby on Rails 6.mp4

54.7 MB

/14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/

1. Amazon Web Services Cloud9 setup.mp4

36.5 MB

2. Terminal basics in AWS Cloud9.mp4

79.2 MB

3. Install (or check installation of) Rails dependencies in IDE.mp4

39.6 MB

4. Install and use Rails 6 on AWS Cloud9.mp4

54.8 MB

5. Install and use Rails 5 on AWS Cloud9.mp4

28.2 MB

/15. Rails Installation and usage Windows/

1. Command LinePowershell basics.html

6.4 KB

2. Text editor.html

2.0 KB

3. Install Ruby.html

3.9 KB

4. Install (or check installation of) NodeJS and Yarn.html

3.2 KB

5. Install and setup Git for version control.html

4.2 KB

6. Install Ruby on Rails 6 and create new Rails application.html

6.5 KB

7. Install Ruby on Rails 5 and create new Rails 5 applications.html

1.3 KB

/16. Thank you and next steps/

1. Final Student Project.mp4

8.9 MB

2. Thank you.mp4

13.3 MB

/2. The Ruby Programming Language/

1. How to get Free Live Help!.mp4

27.3 MB

10. Homework Solution Working with numbers - Analyzer.html

0.7 KB

11. Brief look at comparison operators.mp4

20.5 MB

12. Methods.mp4

49.4 MB

13. Branching ifelsifelseend.mp4

92.8 MB

14. Methods and Branching - Text with directions, references and code.html

1.6 KB

15. Arrays and Iterators.mp4

155.2 MB

16. Arrays and Iterators - Text with directions, references and code.html

2.3 KB

17. Hashes.mp4

81.2 MB

18. Hashes - Text with directions, references and code.html

1.6 KB

19. Homework Project Authenticator.mp4

24.7 MB

2. Introduction to Section 2 and Ruby.mp4

90.8 MB

20. Authenticator project implementation.mp4

171.5 MB

21. Text lecture Authenticator project code.html

1.4 KB

22. Ruby Style Guide.mp4

39.4 MB

23. Ruby Style Guide - Text with directions and references.html

0.6 KB

24. Homework Assignment Area code dictionary.mp4

42.7 MB

25. Homework Assignment Area code dictionary - Text directions.html

1.3 KB

26. Solution Area code dictionary.mp4

62.5 MB

27. Solution Area code dictionary.html

0.9 KB

28. Practice what you have learnt.mp4

10.8 MB

29. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming.mp4

62.7 MB

3. Introduction to Ruby - Text with directions, references and code.html

2.0 KB

30. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Text directions, refs and code.html

1.7 KB

31. Attributes, getters and setters.mp4

99.3 MB

32. Attributes, getters, setters - Text directions, references and code.html

0.8 KB

33. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 1 - bcrypt.mp4

65.4 MB

34. Final Ruby project 1 - Text follow-up.html

0.8 KB

35. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 2 - methods.mp4

133.6 MB

36. Final Ruby project 2 - Text follow-up.html

0.8 KB

37. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 3 - modules.mp4

147.3 MB

38. Final Ruby project 3 - Text follow-up.html

1.9 KB

39. 'self' notation for method names.mp4

24.0 MB

4. Working with Strings part 1.mp4

118.0 MB

40. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 4 - include.mp4

88.1 MB

41. Final Ruby project 4 - Text follow-up.html

2.1 KB

42. Ruby Quiz.html

0.2 KB

5. Working with Strings part 2 Getting input from user.mp4

31.5 MB

6. Working with Strings - Text with directions, references and code.html

1.0 KB

7. Homework Solution Analyzer program code.html

0.3 KB

8. Working with numbers.mp4

83.2 MB

9. Working with numbers - Text with directions, references and code.html

0.8 KB

/3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/

1. Introduction to Section 3 and Ruby on Rails kickoff.mp4

69.1 MB

10. Version control with Git.mp4

106.8 MB

11. Version control with Git - text references.html

2.1 KB

12. Setup online code repository with GitHub.mp4

92.4 MB

13. Setup online code repo with Github - Text directions and references.html

1.2 KB

14. Front-end Learn and practice HTML and CSS.mp4

48.3 MB

15. Learn and practice HTML and CSS references.html

1.1 KB

16. Create an HTML paragraph element.html

0.2 KB

17. Create an unordered list.html

0.2 KB

18. Add About page and homework assignment.mp4

60.8 MB

19. Add About page and homework assignment - Text reference and code.html

1.2 KB

2. Ruby on Rails kickoff - Text directions and references.html

1.3 KB

20. Production Deploy!.mp4

120.8 MB

21. Production Deploy - Text directions, references and code.html

2.1 KB

22. The back-end Database and tables in Rails.mp4

35.8 MB

23. The back-end CRUD, scaffold and wrap-up section 3.mp4

123.1 MB

24. CRUD and scaffold generators - Text directions, references and code.html

1.6 KB

25. Rails basics.html

0.2 KB

3. Model, View, Controller and Rails App Structure.mp4

29.0 MB

4. Required Ruby on Rails installation (local or cloud-IDE).html

0.9 KB

5. Model, View, Controller and Rails App Structure - Text references.html

0.5 KB

6. Root route, controller, more MVC and say 'Hello World!'.mp4

81.4 MB

7. Root route, controller and more MVC - Text directions and references.html

2.2 KB

8. Structure of a Rails application.mp4

88.5 MB

9. Structure of a Rails application - Text references.html

0.4 KB

/4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/

1. Preview of Alpha Blog App and Information.html

0.4 KB

10. Show articles (route, action and view).mp4

106.2 MB

11. Show articles feature - text references and code.html

1.1 KB

12. Articles index.mp4

64.5 MB

13. Articles index - text references and code.html

1.0 KB

14. Forms - build a new article creation form.mp4

75.6 MB

15. Forms - new article form text reference.html

1.5 KB

16. Create action - save newly created articles.mp4

68.1 MB

17. Create action - text references.html

0.7 KB

18. Messaging - validation and flash messages.mp4

69.4 MB

19. Messaging - validation and flash messages - text references.html

2.5 KB

2. Introduction to Section 4 Tables, migrations and naming conventions.mp4

107.9 MB

20. Edit and update update existing articles.mp4

92.4 MB

21. Edit and update - text references and code.html

1.0 KB

22. Delete delete articles.mp4

77.3 MB

23. Delete articles - text references.html

0.8 KB

24. User Interface - add layout links.mp4

78.7 MB

25. Layout links text references.html

0.6 KB

26. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code - refactoring and partials.mp4

112.6 MB

27. DRY code - text references.html

0.7 KB

28. Production deploy and wrap up section 4.mp4

84.0 MB

29. Production deploy - text follow-up.html

1.5 KB

3. Intro to tables, migrations, rails conventions - text references.html

2.6 KB

30. Rails UI.html

0.2 KB

31. Define a style to set the font color.html

0.2 KB

32. Define a style to remove underlines from all hyperlinks.html

0.2 KB

4. Models and rails console.mp4

72.2 MB

5. Models and rails console - text references.html

1.5 KB

6. CRUD operations from rails console.mp4

73.7 MB

7. CRUD ops from rails console - text directions and code.html

1.2 KB

8. Validations.mp4

58.1 MB

9. Validations - text references.html

0.5 KB

/5. Styling for your Rails Application/

1. Introduction to Section 5 and styling.mp4

39.5 MB

10. Layout links - text follow-up.html

0.3 KB

11. Style articles index page.mp4

142.6 MB

12. Style index view - text references.html

0.3 KB

13. Style form partial.mp4

121.8 MB

14. Style form - text references and code.html

0.3 KB

15. Style validation and flash messages.mp4

83.6 MB

16. Style messages - text references.html

0.6 KB

17. Style show view.mp4

57.3 MB

18. Style show view - text references.html

0.3 KB

19. Cleanup layout, production deploy and wrap up section 5.mp4

102.5 MB

2. Learn to use Bootstrap.mp4

65.7 MB

20. Cleanup layout - text references.html

1.0 KB

21. Rails front-end styling.html

0.2 KB

3. Install Bootstrap, asset pipeline, JavaScript, webpack - Rails 6 vs 5.mp4

102.7 MB

4. Install Bootstrap, asset pipeline - text directions, references and code.html

1.2 KB

5. Install Bootstrap in Rails 5 (or earlier versions).mp4

41.7 MB

6. Install Bootstrap in Rails 5 - text references.html

3.3 KB

7. Build homepage.mp4

189.3 MB

8. Build homepage - text follow-up.html

0.5 KB

9. Layout links using Bootstrap classes.mp4

55.6 MB

/6. Associations and Authentication Systems/

1. Introduction to section 6 users, associations, ERD and more.mp4

22.9 MB

10. Show user info in articles - text directions and code.html

0.7 KB

11. Alter object state before_save.mp4

27.1 MB

12. Alter object state before_save - text directions.html

0.6 KB

13. Add secure password.mp4

99.4 MB

14. Add secure password - text directions and code.html

2.0 KB

15. New user signup form.mp4

104.2 MB

16. New User Signup - text directions and code.html

1.2 KB

17. Create new users (back-end).mp4

81.4 MB

18. Create new users - text directions and references.html

0.9 KB

19. Edit users.mp4

67.1 MB

2. One-to-many associations demo with the rails console.mp4

116.8 MB

20. Edit users - text directions and code.html

1.1 KB

21. Show user and profile image.mp4

125.2 MB

22. Show user and profile image - text directions and code.html

1.2 KB

23. Add users index.mp4

85.5 MB

24. Add users index - text directions.html

0.7 KB

25. Cleanup layout.mp4

48.4 MB

26. Cleanup layout - text reference.html

0.8 KB

27. Add pagination to views.mp4

112.4 MB

28. Add pagination to views - text references.html

1.1 KB

29. Add login form.mp4

59.0 MB

3. Create users.mp4

64.3 MB

30. Add login form - text references.html

0.7 KB

31. Create and destroy user sessions.mp4

107.4 MB

32. Create and destroy sessions for users - text directions and code.html

0.8 KB

33. Authentication helper methods.mp4

93.3 MB

34. Authentication helper methods - text reference and code.html

0.7 KB

35. Controller methods as helper methods.mp4

46.8 MB

36. Controller methods as helper methods - text references.html

0.8 KB

37. Restrict actions from UI.mp4

68.8 MB

38. Restrict actions from UI - text references.html

0.5 KB

39. Modify navigation based on helpers.mp4

59.2 MB

4. Create users - text directions and code.html

2.9 KB

40. Modify navigation - text references.html

0.5 KB

41. Restrict actions at controller level - articles.mp4

42.4 MB

42. Restrict actions for articles controller - text references.html

0.6 KB

43. Restrict actions in controller level - users.mp4

23.9 MB

44. Restrict actions for users controller - text references.html

0.5 KB

45. Delete user.mp4

59.6 MB

46. Delete user - text references.html

0.7 KB

47. Add admin user functionality - intro.mp4

41.4 MB

48. Admin user intro - text references.html

1.0 KB

49. Add admin user access through views and controllers.mp4

103.7 MB

5. Add user validations.mp4

117.4 MB

50. Add admin user access - text references.html

0.7 KB

51. Assignment - alert message color based on type.mp4

23.7 MB

52. Assignment solution - text references.html

0.6 KB

53. Production deploy and wrap up section 6.mp4

46.3 MB

54. Rails actions, authentication and associations.html

0.2 KB

6. Add user validations - text directions and code.html

0.7 KB

7. One to many association.mp4

86.5 MB

8. One to many association - text directions and code.html

1.5 KB

9. Show user info in articles.mp4

25.6 MB

/7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/

1. Introduction to Section 7.mp4

22.3 MB

10. Integration test Create category business process.mp4

59.5 MB

11. Integration test Create category - text references.html

0.6 KB

12. Integration test for invalid category.mp4

39.9 MB

13. Integration test for invalid category - text references.html

0.5 KB

14. Integration test and feature listing categories.mp4

74.2 MB

15. Integration test and feature listing categories - text directions and code.html

0.5 KB

16. Admin user requirement and test.mp4

97.9 MB

17. Admin user requirement and test - text references.html

0.9 KB

18. Update navigation.mp4

34.4 MB

19. Update navigation - text references.html

0.4 KB

2. Category model and testing.mp4

62.0 MB

20. Many-to-many association - introduction.mp4

18.0 MB

21. Many-to-many association - back-end implementation.mp4

60.0 MB

22. Many-to-many association - implementation - text references.html

0.7 KB

23. Add association from UI.mp4

145.4 MB

24. Add association from UI - text references.html

1.2 KB

25. Update article views to display categories.mp4

85.2 MB

26. Update article views - text references.html

0.5 KB

27. Complete category index and show views.mp4

75.1 MB

28. Complete category index and show - text references.html

0.7 KB

29. Edit categories.mp4

50.0 MB

3. Category model and testing - text references and code.html

0.7 KB

30. Edit categories - text references.html

0.7 KB

31. Deploy to production, homework, wrap up section 7.mp4

29.6 MB

32. Deploy to production, homework and wrap section 7 - text.html

0.8 KB

4. Validations using unit tests.mp4

66.4 MB

5. Validations using unit tests - text references.html

0.5 KB

6. Categories controller and tests.mp4

80.9 MB

7. Categories controller and tests - text references and code.html

0.7 KB

8. Create category and test.mp4

81.8 MB

9. Create category - text references and code.html

0.6 KB

/8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/

1. Preview of the app built in this section.mp4

16.9 MB

10. Build Chatroom Homepage.mp4

101.0 MB

11. Complete Chatroom.mp4

62.9 MB

12. Task 3 Build login page.mp4

11.2 MB

13. Explore the back-end design.mp4

19.7 MB

14. Task 4 Build User resource.mp4

48.6 MB

15. Task 5 Build Message resource.mp4

16.9 MB

16. Task 6 Add actual messages from table.mp4

9.8 MB

17. Add message partial and refactor some code.mp4

26.8 MB

18. Task 7 Start authentication system.mp4

22.5 MB

19. Add authentication system - create and destroy sessions.mp4

90.9 MB

2. (IMPORTANT) Notes about this section.html

3.2 KB

20. Enable flash messages display.mp4

40.5 MB

21. Restrict views at controller layer.mp4

27.4 MB

22. Add messages from UI.mp4

105.6 MB

23. Introduction to WebSocket protocol.mp4

15.8 MB

24. Implementing real-time with ActionCable overview.mp4

48.2 MB

24.1 Chat_app_AC_setup.pdf

44.0 KB

25. Generate a Chatroom channel.mp4

36.5 MB

26. Modify and broadcast messages.mp4

58.2 MB

27. Display messages using partial.mp4

91.1 MB

28. Add auto-scrolling to chat window.mp4

84.7 MB

29. Beautify input box, functionality and create custom scope.mp4

110.6 MB

3. Start new rails app (local, cloud9, AWS cloud9 all 3 for demo).mp4

77.0 MB

30. Section Project.mp4

16.4 MB

31. Section conclusion notes.html

0.8 KB

4. Task 1 Version control.mp4

14.1 MB

5. Task 2 Root and Login routes.mp4

17.0 MB

6. Install Semantic-UI for front-end.mp4

44.6 MB

7. Add navigation menu.mp4

64.5 MB

8. Enable dropdown functionality and create nav partial.mp4

41.5 MB

9. Add favicon.mp4

32.0 MB

/9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/

1. Preview and Details of Stock Tracker Social Media App.html

1.4 KB

10. Assignment Add Bootstrap to the application.mp4

22.6 MB

11. Implementation Add Bootstrap 4 step by step.mp4

60.0 MB

12. Update views.mp4

39.6 MB

13. Update layout containers for styling.mp4

44.2 MB

14. Layout Assignment Add messages and nav partial.mp4

31.7 MB

15. Setup and use API key to get stock data.mp4

34.6 MB

16. Create Stock model with attributes.mp4

37.4 MB

17. Stock lookup build class method to lookup stock info.mp4

36.4 MB

18. Secure credentials in Rails 6.mp4

43.3 MB

19. Store secure API key.mp4

25.2 MB

2. Finance Tracker Requirements.mp4

21.1 MB

20. Setup front-end structure for stock lookup.mp4

30.4 MB

21. Build Stock Lookup Form.mp4

68.3 MB

22. Display stock price in browser.mp4

43.0 MB

23. Create and display stock objects in browser.mp4

57.6 MB

24. Dealing with invalid search results.mp4

39.1 MB

25. Use Ajax for form submission.mp4

34.1 MB

26. Setup JavaScript response.mp4

45.8 MB

27. Declare a variable and assign it a string value in JavaScript.html

0.2 KB

28. Create a simple function in JavaScript which accepts one parameter and returns a computed value.html

0.2 KB

29. Invoke a function.html

0.2 KB

3. Finance Tracker Assignment 1 - Text.html

1.7 KB

30. Sort the characters of a string in alphabetical order.html

0.2 KB

31. JavaScript responses to invalid search results.mp4

47.7 MB

32. Users and stocks many-to-many association.mp4

21.4 MB

33. Setup UserStock resource.mp4

100.0 MB

34. Stocks listing view.mp4

79.2 MB

35. Cleanup application layout.mp4

90.8 MB

36. Track stocks from front-end browser.mp4

103.7 MB

37. Implement stock tracking restrictions.mp4

114.5 MB

38. Add functionality to remove tracking.mp4

75.8 MB

39. Modify user model.mp4

65.9 MB

4. Assignment 1 completion.mp4

12.2 MB

40. Accept additional fields in app - edit action.mp4

113.8 MB

41. Complete signup assignment.mp4

14.1 MB

42. Self referential association - users and friends.mp4

71.3 MB

43. Assignment completion walkthrough friends list.mp4

33.3 MB

44. Assignment Create search friends form.mp4

15.7 MB

45. Add JavaScript response to form submission.mp4

25.0 MB

46. Search usersfriends implement search method.mp4

129.1 MB

47. Display search results in the browser.mp4

75.5 MB

48. Implement remove tracking functionality.mp4

86.0 MB

49. Implement add friend functionality.mp4

36.0 MB

5. Finance Tracker Assignment 2 - Text.html

1.1 KB

50. Display userfriend profile and tracking options.mp4

148.1 MB

51. Finance Tracker Assignment and section wrap up.html

1.5 KB

6. Assignment 2 completion.mp4

42.2 MB

7. Add devise gem for authentication.mp4

50.8 MB

8. Create users using devise.mp4

54.5 MB

9. Test authentication system, login, logout.mp4

27.8 MB


Total files 444

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